• Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.
  • Observation: Screen zum Spiel Observation.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.05.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 30.10.23

Über das Spiel

Der Sci-Fi-Thriller Observation deckt aus dem Blickwinkel der Stations-KI S.A.M. auf, was mit Dr. Emma Fisher und ihrem Missions-Team passiert ist.

In der Rolle von S.A.M. übernehmen die Spieler die Kontrolle über die Steuerungs- und Überwachungssysteme der Station und unterstützen Emma dabei herauszufinden, was mit der Station, ihrer Crew und auch S.A.M selbst geschehen ist.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3240 (2 * 3400) oder gleichwertig | AMD FX-4300 (4 * 3800) oder gleichwertig
  • GFX: GeForce GT 640 (2048 MB) | Radeon HD 7750 (1024 MB)
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64
  • HD: 12 GB
  • LANG: English
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K (4 * 3500) oder gleichwertig | AMD Ryzen 3 2200G (4 * 3500) oder gleichwertig
  • GFX: GeForce GT 960 (4096 MB) | Radeon HD 570 (8192 MB)
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64
  • HD: 12 GB
  • LANG: English

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.23 19:19
Anfangs tolle Atmosphäre, aber diese nutzt sich schnell ab, aufgrund der sterilen, unrealistischen Grafik. Die Bedienung des Spiels ist kompliziert und störrisch. Ich wusste zwar oft was zu tun war, aber WIE - das musste ich durch herumprobieren selbst herausfinden. Man bedient Kameras, scannt und stellt Datenverbindungen her, öffnet Luken. Ich fühlte mich dabei wie ein IT-Typ oder Hacker.

Vor allem folgende Punkte störten mich besonders:

- alles ist langsam und zäh, und ist eher langweilige, nervige Arbeit statt interessantes Spiel

- auch die Schrift zu ist klein und schlecht zu lesen und vor allem die Bildstörungen gingen mir voll auf die Nerven!

- der Hauptcharakter ist eine Frau (die Tochter von Sam Fisher ;) ), ich hätte lieber mit einem männlichen Astronauten das Spiel verbracht. Ein weiblicher Hauptcharakter fühlt sich in der heutigen Zeit zu politisch motiviert an

- nach dem halbstündigen Anfangslevel kommt ein Intro mit Credits, welches man nicht überspringen kann und zudem ultra laut und pathetisch ist, was gar nicht zum ruhigen, zähen Spiel passt!

Aufgrund des zähen Kaugummis hatte ich keine Motivation mehr, weiterzuspielen. Schade, es hätte so schön werden können, tolles Spielprinzip, aber aufgrund der nervigen, undurchdachten Details und der dünnen Geschichte voll verpatzt. Es dauert einfach viel zu lange, bis die Geschichte an Fahrt aufnimmt. Die ersten Dreiviertel des Spiels ist praktisch ohne Story! Auf Youtube habe ich gesehen, dass die Story sehr dünn ist und absichtlich nur andeutend rübergebracht wird, um den Spieler hinzuhalten. Dass ist ein schlechtes Drehbuchelement. Außerdem ist das Ende offen, sehr hanebüchen, unsinnig, dümmlich und faktisch einfach falsch, nee mehrfach falsch. Und eben offen, nichts wird geklärt. Sehr enttäuschend.
0 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.23 12:08
Der Titel Observation erinnert mich, an einem abgefahrenen Spiel was ich im Jahr ca. 2017/2018 gespielt habe. Observer, was ziemlich abgefahren und das verrückteste Spiel was ich bis dato gespielt habe. Aber hier geht es nicht um Observer, sondern um ein „Weltraumsimulator“ (Spielt eine Software, befehle ausführt) mit einem Rätsel was geschehen ist und einer Prise Horror und Spannung. Ohne mich zu Informieren und es schnell gekauft im Sale, musste ich ein „gutes Spiel“ mit etwas Frust durchspielen.

+ Setting. Gameplay wirkt sehr authentisch
+ Protagonist handelt/verhaltet sich authentisch wie ein echter Mensch
+ Kommunikation mit Protagonistin sehr realistisch und lebensnahe
+ Plot Twist zum Ende des Spiels
+ Erzählerisch sehr gelungen, ähnelt sehr wie Filmen
+ Durchgehende Spannung

-Grafik merkwürdig
- Kein Totourial, man muss sich selbst zurechtfinden
- Aufgaben/Rätsel, ohne Anweisung zu lösen, frustriert einen
- Orientieren im All oder allgemein, man verirrt sich schnell
- Ende mehr Fragen offen, offenes Ende (Cliffhanger)
- Autosave sehr schlecht, keine wirkliche Möglichkeit Spiel selbst zu speichern
- Recht kurze Spielzeit

Vorschläge für den zweiten Teil:
• Weniger auf Mystische Elemente setzen
• Bessere Grafik
• Totourial, Möglichkeit selbst zu wissen, wie man vorgeht
• Offene Enden (Falls keine Fortsetzung) meiden
• Versuchen gesamte Story zu erzählen
• Minispiele eher meiden

Trotz des eigenen Stiles, was ich bis jetzt nicht erlebt habe als Software im Spiel zu spielen und der sehr lebensnahen Progatonisten die das gesamte Spiel mit dem Setting zusätzlich sehr realistischer macht. Ist es insgesamt schlecht in der Verwirklichung gelungen und das vor allem wegen der Frustration nicht zu wissen, wie man weiter vorgeht.

Für 24,50 Euro ist es meiner Meinung nach zu überteuert.
Ich bewerte es als eher schlechtes Spiel, empfehle es aber ausdrücklich jeden Indie-Fan wegen der einzigartigen Art und Weise, es mal zu spielen.
949 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 14:01
Wow was für ein Spiel. Man spielt zwar nur die KI auf der Weltraumstation, aber das senkt den Spielspass wirklich nicht. Ich dachte am Anfang das Spiel ist nichts, aber es ist wirklich gut. Vor allem ist es sehr nah an der Wirklichkeit des Spieles. Wer Weltraumspass möchte, muss dieses Game haben in seiner Bibliothek. Die vielen Rätsel machen Spass finde ich. Im ganzen ist es ein sehr gelungendes Game. Kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
281 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 16:12
Cooles Erlebnis.
836 Produkte im Account
513 Reviews
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 09:42
Ein Spiel auf den Spuren von 2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum? Ich war sehr gespannt, was da mir geboten wird.

Houston wir haben ein Problem - Geschichte

Die Geschichte lehnt sich unübersehbar an dem berühmten SciFi an, ist aber nicht identisch, so dass man auch als Kenner des Films gespannt sein darf. Eine internationale Raumstation, wohl ein Nachfolger der ISS, wird durch ein mysteriöses Ereignis aus dem Erdorbit geschleudert und stark beschädigt.

Wir spielen SAM, die künstliche Intelligenz der Raumstation, die natürlich an HAL 9000 erinnert. Auch sie wurde beschädigt, so dass sie nur eingeschränkt funktionsfähig ist. Von der Besatzung sehen wir zunächst nur Dr. Emma Fisher, die sich Admin-Rechte über uns verschafft und uns einspannt, um die Lage unter Kontrolle zu bekommen.

Doch sind wir nur ein braver Computer? Was hat uns eigentlich in die Nähe des Saturn gebracht? Gibt es geheime Aufträge? Wem können wir trauen? Als Kenner der Filme wie Alien und 2001 kann man sich einiges ausmalen.

Das Gefühl des surrealen, das durch außerordentlich seltsame Ereignisse ausgelöst wird, ist sehr schön und spannungsfördernd. Am Ende blieben aber einige Fragen offen. So erging es mir ehrlich gesagt auch bei der Space Odyssee. Nicht alles aufzuklären kann Teil der Kunst sein oder unbefriedigend. Und bei diesem Spiel schwanke ich zwischen beiden Gefühlen.

SAM hat ein Problem - Gameplay

Rückblickend betrachtet ist das Gameplay relativ schlicht. Wir erhalten Aufträge, zunächst von Emma. Statt einfach elektronische Impulse an die Endgeräte zu schicken (wäre ein komisches Gameplay), müssen wir die entsprechende Kamera finden, das Zielobjekt erspähen und dann die Aufgabe dort erledigen.

Später werden wir auch auf eine Kugel übertragen und können uns in der Raumstation frei bewegen. Eine Art Labyrinth bleibt die Raumstation aber immer.

Aber die Aufträge sind fast immer so was von unklar formuliert, jedenfalls für uns Spieler, die wir nicht wirklich die KI der Raumstation sind. Die manchmal etwas hilfreichen mündlichen Erläuterungen (auf Englisch, verzerrt, mit deutschen Untertiteln; man kann ja einen Screenshot machen :)) kann man nicht mehr abrufen, wenn man ratlos ist, sondern nur eine verkürzte Version des Auftrages. Mit Glück weiß man, in welchem Modul man suchen muss. Die Kameras bewegen sich eher langsam und das Absuchen des sichtbaren Bereiches kann etwas dauern.

Es kann auch durchaus passieren, dass man letztlich dem Auftraggeber mitteilen muss, dass man von ihm Hilfe braucht. Auf so was muss man auch erst mal kommen.

Manche Aufgaben vor Ort waren einfach und repetitiv (bspw. das Verbinden mit einem Gerät), andere waren auch erstaunlich unklar bzw. schwierig (je nach Betrachtungsweise), aber schwer im eigentlich Sinne nicht.

Mehrfach stand ich da und hatte keine Ahnung, was ich tun soll. Ich habe einige Male das Spiel am letzten Checkpoint neu begonnen, um die Aufgabenstellung noch mal korrekter mitzubekommen.

Der Spielverlauf ist durchgehend linear. Selbst wenn man eine Aufgabe vermasselt passiert nichts schlimmes.

Bei der Beurteilung des Gameplay kommt so ziemlich alles zwischen mühsam und frustrierend über einfach und repetitiv bis anspruchsvoll und toll vor. Und alle haben ihre Berechtigung. Ich war schon oft ziemlich frustriert (was muss ich wo tun?) und dann fand ich es doch ziemlich einfach.

Hat ein Pr0bI3m - Technik

Die Grafik. OMG. Ja, die Raumstation hatte einen Unfall und ja, es trägt zur Atmosphäre des Spieles bei, wenn die Kamera nur ein grieseliges, unscharfes, von Rauschen und Störungen verzerrtes Bild liefert, aber es macht mir auf Dauer keinen Spaß, auf miserable Bilder zu schauen und es macht eigentlich wenig Sinn.

Die Bilder der ISS von heute sind von besserer Qualität und selbst vom Mars kriegen wir schönere Bilder. Wir spielen hier irgendwann in der Zukunft. Warum zum Henker sollten die nicht bessere Bilder hinbekommen, zumal sie ja nicht irgendwohin versendet werden?

Es wirkt wie die Bilder einer 30 Jahre alten VHS-Kassette, die schon 100 Mal angeschaut und überschrieben wurde.

Die Grafik war bei mir am Anfang auch nicht auf einer geeigneten Auflösung eingestellt. Sonst schaue ich dort immer nach, habe es aber diesmal vergessen und da die Bildqualität eh' schon schlecht ist, fiel es mir nicht auf.

Die Bilder im Shop sehen jedenfalls deutlich hübscher aus, als ich es im Gameplay erlebt habe.

Der Sound ist ähnlich. Unheimlich atmosphärisch, Sound wie Sprache, aber ich verstand das Englisch (als Nicht-Muttersprachler) nicht so rasch und gut, wie es eigentlich sinnvoll wäre und dann war das Gesagte eben schon wieder weg, so dass viele Informationen bei mir nicht angekommen sind. Das machte das Gameplay schwerer als es bräuchte.

Die Steuerung mit Controller war gut. Nur das mit LT erreichbare Overlay, um zu Antworten, war etwas seltsam, weil man so die Szenen oft zweimal anschauen musste, mit und ohne Overlay.

Nicht problemlos - Sonstiges

Ich habe für ein Durchspielen geschlagene 10h gebraucht. Normal wären wahrscheinlich 6h.

Einige Errungenschaften erfordern doch etwas Arbeit.

Code In Zahlen für mich persönlich ein Unterhaltungswert von 6/10.

Das Spiel tritt in die Fußstapfen großer SciFis. Ob die Schuhgröße wirklich passt, ist Geschmackssache. Ich empfand es als ähnlich mühsam zu spielen wie 2001 - A Space Odyssee anstrengend anzuschauen.

Dies ist mein subjektiver Spieleindruck. Für meine Wertung zählt, wie gut es mich unterhalten hat. Entsprechend der Daumen nach oben oder unten, abhängig davon, ob ich es einem ähnlich gesinnten Spieler weiterempfehle. Der Spieleindruck eines anderen Spielers kann aber durchaus stark davon abweichen.
215 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 15:06

Auf der anderen Seite


In diesem mysteriösen Science-Fiction-Thriller wird der Spielspaß innovativ umgedreht. Du übernimmst nicht wie gewöhnlich bei ähnlichen Spielen die Kontrolle über ein Besatzungsmitglied sondern die von S.A.M. (Station’s artificial intelligence), der künstlichen Intelligenz der Raumstation Observation. Die Station treibt nach einem seltsamen Zwischenfall durchs Weltall und es ist nicht so wirklich klar, was eigentlich passiert ist. Wo ist die Crew? Was war eigentlich die Mission? Genau da steigst du ein...



Stell dir eine große Raumstation vor. In jedem der Abschnitte gibt es Kameras und diverse elektronische Einrichtungen, die alle in irgendeiner Form miteinander verbunden sind. Da du die künstliche Intelligenz des Schiffes bist, hast du auch Zugriff auf all diese Systeme. Du siehst auch wie es um den Zustand der Besatzung und der Station steht, kannst Daten analysieren und diverse Kommunikationsformen steuern. Das funktioniert spielerisch zum Beispiel so, dass du dich grundsätzlich zu jeder Zeit über die Kameras mit fast jedem externen Gerät verbinden kannst, welches du durch die Kamera auch sehen kannst, sofern es eine intakte Stromzufuhr aufweist und nicht beschädigt wurde. Um mit diesem Konzept sowie der am Anfang etwas gewöhnungsbedürftigen Steuerung warm zu werden und herauszufinden was vorgefallen ist, erforscht du erst einmal alle möglichen Räume. Du durchstöberst Laptops nach hilfreichen Kommunikationen, liest herumliegende Dokumente und scannst so Raum für Raum um eventuell einen Hinweis darauf zu bekommen, was vorgefallen ist.

Du bist nicht allein

Wie du recht schnell feststellen wirst, bist du nicht alleine auf dieser Raumstation. Dr. Emma Fisher von der Crew der Observation ist wohlauf und du hilfst ihr ein paar Reparaturen vorzunehmen. Du bekommst auch recht schnell Zugang zu einer Wartungsdrohne, mit der durch dann unabhängig von den Kameras durch die Station bewegen kannst. Diese ist ein sehr hilfreicher Begleiter, da du als K.I über die Kameras nicht auf alle Systeme zugreifen kannst und so auch in Räume vordringen kannst, in denen die Überwachung ausgefallen ist.


Ein mit Rätseln bepflasterter, gruseliger Erkundungstrip

Im Kern handelt es sich bei Obervation um ein Erkundungsspiel im Weltraum inkl. etlicher „Minigames“ in Form von Gedächtnis- Logik- & Reaktionsrätseln. Mit der Zeit nimmt die Mystery-Komponente immer stärker zu und gegen Ende kommt auch noch ein Touch Horror dazu. Die meisten Rätsel konnte ich nach ein wenig Experimentieren gut alleine lösen. Ganz wenige haben mich kurzzeitig etwas in die Verzweiflung getrieben, weil einen das Spiel an manchen Stellen recht hilflos mit irgendeiner oberflächlichen Information zurücklässt. Vor allem nach längeren Spielpausen hat es gefühlt ewig gebraucht, bis ich wieder wusste, worum es eigentlich gerade geht. Ich mag es grundsätzlich, wenn ein Spiel mich nicht permanent an die Hand nimmt aber wenn es komplett in Frust ausartet weil du die komplette Raumstation absuchen musst und gar nicht so genau weißt wonach du suchen sollst, ist das nach einer Weile dezent frustrierend. Ein weiterer „Horror“ sind die automatischen Speicherpunkte, die nicht besonders userfreundlich gesetzt wurden. Oftmals habe ich aufgrund einer mangelnden Lösung abgebrochen, musste aber dann beim nächsten Spielstart feststellen, dass einiges von meinem Fortschritt nicht gespeichert wurde. Manuelles Speichern? Fehlanzeige. Das frustet schon deswegen, weil du oftmals langwierige Wege zurücklegen musst und die Rätsel sich mit der Zeit zum Teil wiederholen. Das löst jetzt auch nicht die pure Euphorie aus, wenn du diese immer wieder machen musst. Die Sprachausgabe ist übrigens nur in Englisch vorhanden, es gibt aber zuschaltbare deutsche Untertitel.


Hauptspiel: 6-10h
Alle Achievements: 10-15h
Kein wirklicher Wiederspielwert
Die Spielzeit kann sich von Spieler zu Spieler hier durchaus stark unterscheiden, je nachdem wie lange man durch die Gänge irrt, weil man nicht so wirklich weiß wo es weiter geht :D



+ Sehr innovatives Konzept
+ Es macht Spaß als K.I zu spielen
+ Sehr gute englische Sprecher
+ Starke, beklemmende Atmosphäre
+ Teilweise sehr gute Rätseleinlagen
+ Mysteriöser Erkundungstrip
+ Gute Grafik, vor allem in den Zwischensequenzen
+ Optionale Wegpunkte setzen
+ Mindfuck Ende


- Manchmal ist extrem unklar, was genau zu tun ist
- Autosave Speicherpunkte sind ein Graus
- Sehr gewöhnungsbedürftige Steuerung
- Schwer zugänglich für Anfänger
- Einige Rätsel nutzen sich sehr schnell ab
- Kurze Spielzeit


Ein atmosphärischer, beklemmender Erkundungsausflug ins Weltall aus der etwas anderen Perspektive. Schlechte Speicherpunkte, Ratlosigkeit und Orientierungsprobleme können das Spielvergnügen etwas trüben.


Gespielt wurde in einer Auflösung von 3840x2160 (DSR) auf folgendem System:

OS Win 10 Pro Build 20H2
SSD Samsung 860 PRO
CPU Intel Core i7 7700K
Driver ForceWare 461.40
RAM 32GB-DDR4 3000 MHz

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Kuratorengruppe auf deutsch/englisch ????
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160 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 16:26
Die Idee hinter diesem Spiel gefällt mir. Die Graphik ist ok bis gut. Die Story SiFi mäßig zumindest ok. Dennoch werde ich dieses Spiel wahrscheinlich nicht zu Ende spielen. Warum? Die Steuerung ist nervig, insbesondere mit der Sonde. Die Rätsel sind anfangs interessant, dann aber zunehmend langwierig. Kurzum, ich habe nach knapp 7 Stunden die Lust verloren. Soll nicht heißen dass es allen so gehen muss. Insgesamt sicherlich kein schlechtes Spiel. Wer gerne Rätsel löst und dies in einem SiFi Szenar erleben will, ist hier dennoch richtig. Viel Spaß!
219 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 10:43
Tolle Atmosphäre. Das Spiel fesselt so stark, dass ich es direkt in einem Rutsch durchspielen musste.
0 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.23 14:46
each time i try to write a review for this I end up spoiling something.
its a puzzle game in space, you are the station AI.
its so good, I booted it up, and played for 6 hours straight till the end.

here are my only issues with it:
- I was so immersed in the story I lost track of time. switching through the monitors looking for data that would help the crew. by the time the credits finished I was 15 minutes late to my shift.
- it's ONLY 5-6 hours long. (without a walk through* I did get stuck on some puzzles or lost in the station a few times but I'm an idiot)
I want more ='(
686 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.23 16:32
I am too dumb to be able to finish Observation. I don't mostly understand what the game wants me to do (hints are not clear enough, way too abstract). Searching for items (documents, schematics, notes, etc) and solving puzzles is really boring, while the game has such uncomfortable, awkward controls. The levels are quite small, since they are placed on a confined orbital station, but controls make it almost impossible to enjoy exploring.

The sci-fi plot is intriguing; main character, Emma Fisher, despite lack of rich facial animations, is quite charismatic; the atmosphere of a loneliness, an extending catastrophe and an escalating despair in the deep space is tense... But the game design, unfortunately, ruins it all.

The game also, for whatever reason, from time to time was changing a resolution from Full HD to lower ones, which was quite annoying, but not as much as the gameplay.
0 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 14:00
Elden Ring was difficult but in a fun way. Observation's difficulty begins with the unintuitive controls and poor communication. The last straw was losing a huge chunk of progress after resetting the game when controls became partially unresponsive.

Potentially interesting story marred by shit software. Don't buy even when on discount.
0 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.23 10:27
Overall it is a great game in terms of the story line and the visuals. The puzzles (the main point of the game) are not properly designed. Half of them do not make sense at all and you will be forced to look answers online. The puzzles that require memory, eye-hand coordination, etc. make sense, but any puzzle that requires to explore the station are extremely hard since the visuals aspects of a space game like this are unnecessarily hard. For example, the fact that the lighting overall is limited (it being a space station in distress) makes the exploration puzzles hard enough. Combine that with the difficulties of physical orientation, and its too frustrating and gets in the way of fun. Pick one of the two. Either improve the lighting conditions or make orientation easier. Overall, I found it more frustrating than fun, but if it wasn't for that, this game would be awesome.
0 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.23 03:10
Question of immersion, basically. If you can get past the occasional things that pull you out, like characters in supposedly dire situations sitting around on their asses while you slowly pan cameras around and try to remember sequence puzzles, and really get into it, you can get sucked right in.
0 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.23 19:12
Boring cinematic gameplay with terrible controls even with a pad. Often gets bogged down for too long looking for anything to push the plot forward. The game has no respect for the player's time.
I sincerely do not recommend this overpriced game and a much better idea is to watch the gameplay on YT because you'll get a better experience because then you don't have to agonize with this crap.
488 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.23 18:46
I'm split on Observation. On one hand, the story, visuals, and sound design are all excellent, as expected from the developers of Stories Untold. The gameplay is a nice mixture of Lone Echo and Event[0] with the story of 2001: A Space Odyssey. The minimal handholding adds a lot to the story and really makes you feel like an AI who has lost their memory as they are frantically scanning everything to take on as much of the information that it lost as it can. However at several points throughout the game this lack of handholding becomes really frustrating particularly when games like this use environmental cues such as shining a light on a piece of paper you need to read, or at a door you need to go through to help you understand what you need to do next without explicitly telling you I find that it just becomes annoying and ruins the pace of the story.

Nonetheless the story has excellent buildup through the first half / maybe three quarters of the game however the ending does leave a sense of unfulfilled potential, opting to leave several of the questions unanswered, which for some of the questions is for interpretation I think for others it is a little annoying. Overall I enjoyed the game however I'd recommend picking it up on sale if you can, as on sale I could totally see someone enjoying their purchase very much!
1288 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.23 01:26
I realized I've had this game for quite some time in my library. but I've never finished it on steam. Thing is I had played the cracked version (sorry) way before I even had a capable PC so it was a glitchy mess that I had to watch on YT anyways. Bought it because its what I do, I collect games. And it really, really sucks that very few people have played this game, like on YT hardly anyone has and I enjoy watching people react to that stuff.

Every game, after I finish it, I'll go on YT right after to watch someone else play it and watch their reaction, this one sadly only has a select few and most I've already watched.

There are so many games, I'd like to write reviews for, but its not as simple. And it sucks because this game deserved a lot more exposure than it got. And for some games I don't bother with the scoreboard, if its good, I'll just say it. Its good, play it. The intro of the game makes it seem like a netflix show. And I really love astronomy, I've even done some astrophotography in my spare time. And then there's that one chilling scene in the intro with the coordinates, was when I fell in love with the game.

IRL I just used my red scope to find stuff even bought a motor so my telescope could account for the rotation of the Earth and I wouldn't have to tweak it every now and then, but never got around to use it, I was 14 or so back then haha. Had a bunch of oculars, 10+ filters and even a solar filter, but sold it all for very, very cheap, because I didn't have room to put it anywhere. If I ever get a great job, I swear I'll buy a good solar telescope and just watch the Sun, the cheapest one starts at 1k haha.
43 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 16:37
Amazing game. Enjoyed every moment playing it except the few times the key inputs won't respond and I have to restart a lot of progress because I can't seem to save manually and the game autosaves at the start and end of every chapter. (Cutscenes unskippable too) but besides that amazing game, 10/10
180 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 20:08
I'm leaving a positive review, but the game suffers from poor direction in lots of cases that made certain sections a chore to slog through. Overall, the story was a great experience and had a decent ending that left just enough open to interpretation, but explained enough that most things made sense.
519 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 19:48
This was quite an impressive game to play. I was really amazed by the realism put into the game to represent life in space.
This is not something I have ever seen presented with such RL accuracy in a video game before. Kudo to the devs for achieving this!

You play as SAM, the spacestation AI. You have no body. Just imagine yourself playing as HAL from 2001. You are the spacestation eyes and brain, the station watcher and crew assistant. You are able to observe anywhere from any of the numerous cameras on the station, and gain access to/interact with any computers and systems on the station. Creepy much? Of course not, because you have to follow the 3 laws. Hum, do you?

You will be able to possess a mobile sphere bot at different points later on in the game, but most of the gameplay consists of exploring the station by switching between cameras, and assist Emma, a station astronaut, helping her figure out what happend to the rest of the station crew.

I would qualify Observation to be an sci-fi adventure puzzle game with a very strong emphasis on exploration.
You have to like snooping to enjoy this game. Take your time to understand and figure things out. Try things, look everywhere, connect to anything, scan any documents, listen to any recordings...
The more data you collect, the more info you will uncover about the story.

Puzzles and QTE
There was one pretty hard QTE at the beginning of the game that took me at least 10 tries before I got it right. And one puzzle I didnt understand that I just solved using trial and error. But other than those, puzzles and QTE are relatively easy, as long as you pay attention.

There is only one autosave, and the game automatically saves after some important event or after finding a document. You will see a round icon appear at the top right of the screen while the game saves. Pay attention to it if you want to quit the game. Otherwise you might have to replay some part of the game next time you load.

I was absolutely delighted with this game and finished it in 2 days. I loved spending my time looking at every details in any corners of the station but I dont think this is a game that would appeal to everyone.
If you are looking for a fast game with clear objectives on what to do, do not play this. This is a slow game that requires patience and time to discover what it is all about.
72 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 20:59
Amazing interesting story and gameplay.
223 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 18:48
I was looking forward to playing this for the atmosphere and the theme but i could not feel anything other than annoyance at how bad the controls are and frustration for not knowing what to do and where to go. This will sadly be the first game i refund on Steam.
59 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 18:57
Good story, yet slightly confusing. Awesome graphics, feels like a puzzle game
176 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 19:18
I absolutely love this game!
It's a tension building and atmospheric horror that has a great story.
Not to mention the amazing soundtrack.
The only thing I could complain a bit is in the execution of some scenes and game performance but that can be easily forgiven because of all the attention to detail.
I'd wish No Code would make a third game because the current two are both amazing.
500 Produkte im Account
231 Reviews
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 03:12
This is an interesting game with a really intriguing concept behind it. The unique perspective alone makes it worth playing. That said, here are a few nitpicks:

- Why is the font so small in puzzles where you’re doing the SAM interface puzzle? I had to put my face two inches from my monitor. There’s 80s post-retro futurism design and then there’s being obtuse on purpose.

- Why are there timed puzzles? The timer doesn’t add anything.

- There’s a puzzle at the beginning where you have to input a numerical code. But you don’t press 1 for 1 etc. on your keyboard. You press different buttons that correspond to the numbers, for no reason. Because of this and other reasons, play with a controller. This game is basically unplayable on keyboard.

- The pace at the beginning is pretty slow.

Nitpicks aside, it’s a good game. Just be aware of some of this nonsense.
159 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 22:47
+ Atmospheric
+ Pretty fun variety puzzle/ not too hard or too easy
+ Graphic is great
+ Creepy in abstract sci-fi way (?)

- Bug at some points
- I felt dizzy when in sphere mode, ofc ! motionsickness
- It would be better if there more alternate endings

Price is reasonable for me or anyone who love mystery sci-fi genre !
161 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
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900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 22:44
“Something is wrong, very wrong. Houston? Houston, do your copy? The station is spinning…I can’t tell if we are falling towards Earth or not…I can’t get a visual. Where is everybody? Anybody? SAM? SAM, please respond.”

Observation is an adventure-puzzle game in which you play as SAM, the titular space station’s AI. After a catastrophic systems failure, you are tasked to reestablish communication with mission control, repair the damage, and find your crew with the help of Dr. Emma Fisher. Combing through the various modules of the station, either through closed circuit cameras or through mobile spheres, you complete multiple tasks as you work on not only fixing the station systems but slowly learning about what happened to the Observation as well.

The story of Observation is a wonderful experience that tells an interesting story steeped in both science fiction and horror. The music is profoundly haunting and beautiful at the same time adding a certain depth to the story of the game. The cut scenes are spectacularly done, albeit a bit extended, but are a nice experience that adds tension and storytelling to Observation.

However, the game is severely marred by the difficulty “curve” as well as the game’s UI. The whole experience of navigation is turned into a giant puzzle with no helpful hints besides the ability to ask Dr. Fisher what her last command was. The UI turns the actions you need to perform from simple and mundane to esoteric and difficult. The spacewalks were especially unfun with no markers to look for while trying to complete certain tasks outside of the station. Add in several puzzles that you have no clue what to do with no hints and you got a very frustrating game.

As a note: you can use your keyboard or a controller for this game. While I found that the keyboard worked well for me, there were some puzzles in which the controller worked far better. I recommend testing out both methods in the beginning to see what works best for you.

There are two types of achievements in Observation; achievements attained from the story and achievements from collectibles. Some of the collectibles are very hard to find and is a bit of a chore to get all the achievements in this game…but that is what makes Observation a great game for achievement hunters who like a bit of challenge.

I find it difficult to recommend Observation and once again find myself asking Steam for a “meh” rating. On one hand I thoroughly enjoyed not only the story but the concept of the game as well but was severely put off by the gameplay itself. I do not recommend Observation for the casual player, but overall, if you are interested in playing as an Artificial Intelligence in a space station AND the game is on sale, then go ahead and give Observation a try.
285 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 23:22
I was really excited to try this game but it was just disappointing. The sound and visuals were amazing, but that was about it. Half the time you are not playing and just watching a video of what is going on, and the other half of the time you are using the depressingly bad controls to navigate dark corridors. I usually like when games don't hold your hand through things, but there needs to be some of that for puzzle games. I had to practically follow a guide frame by frame to figure out the second half of the game. And not just through the puzzles, there is almost no instruction on where to go, and the map is a series of rooms connected by lines, it doesn't give you orientation or directions to move to another room. The amount of time the game took away all control and made you watch a video made me wish they had just made a subpar sci-fi movie. The story too was nothing special. There were a few decent twists, but most of it was ambiguity for ambiguity's sake, not because it added anything to the story. When the credits finally rolled I realized I had not once had fun or enjoyed the experience at all.

Soundtrack was awesome tho, wish I had bought that instead
75 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 04:57
Very pretty, some pretty obtuse controls at time. Who thought wasd for entering numbers instead of actually using the numbers was a good idea.
151 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 01:13
Observation is a very interesting game and after finishing it, I want more. Overall, the story is fantastic and the environment is amazing.
Unfortunately, the game is very disorientating when it comes to moving around as SAM and can definitely cause motion sickness to occur. However, the way I solved that was by just moving around slower and try not to be chaotic when moving about. I personally didn't encounter any bugs (some ppl in the comments mention them).
Another thing to look out for during this game is that this game does not hold your hand and there will be times were you are absolutely confused on what you should be doing and how you complete the objective. I personally didn't mind that as I like it when sci-fi games don't hold my hand and I have to figure things out by myself.

Overall, Story is great, music is great, environment is great. The game is just a little rough around the edges and has some jank to it. I personally wouldn't mind paying full price for this game but knowing that most ppl would find the things I mentioned above not worthy at full price, just get the game during a sale.
376 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 23:26
Only non-VR game to make me physically ill. Heavy, near-constant camera distortion, static, flickering and jitter makes my eyes and stomach hurt. Really sucks... the first half hour is awesome but I can't do any more.
211 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 03:29
This game had a great story line & interesting puzzles. I was literally enthralled the whole time & thought I had really found one of my favorite games. But then I get to the final puzzle and my keyboard/mouse set up will not enable me to press the correct key/click sequence within the time frame necessary to advance & get to the ending.

I've spent 15hrs playing this game & now I can't even play out the ending myself. If I want to know what happens, I have to go watch someone else do it on YouTube. I don't have a cheap keyboard or mouse, either. I have a mechanical keyboard & a gaming mouse that are a few years old but kept in rather good condition. And I've had literally 0 other problems in the 30+ games I've completed *solely* on computer in 2021. Also - there have been comments made in Steam threads about older people having less dexterity & being unable to do this particular type of puzzle. I'm in my 30s with no known dexterity issues at all. I suspect that the older folx who stated it was dexterity based are actually blameless - I think it's really the game functionality for this puzzle.

The issue, if you want to keep reading:
From the research I've done (without having too many spoilers here), you have to press WASD keys in a certain sequence & then click the mouse in order to confirm your keyed in selection. I had to do research in the first place because I was not able to use the controls as instructed (it literally tells you use WASD to move the cursor & then click your mouse to select) and I thought I was going crazy.

My research confirmed the controls, and I even found a literal image diagram of what keys to press to get the puzzle to advance. When I tried the verified diagram, my white/red box 'cursor' wouldn't even move to select the correct 'puzzle piece.' So I'd time out of that piece & fail the puzzle. I tried countless times to no avail. I read that when using a game controller or playing this game on a console, this issue simply does not exist with this puzzle.

I loved the game but am just really sad that I personally don't get to experience the end after FIFTEEN HOURS of play time. :( :( :( If the functionality of that final puzzle was different, my rating would be positive. That really is such a big flaw in my mind that I can't recommend this game.
806 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 01:47
TL;DR: Recommended as a decent addition to the criminally underrepresented space horror genre, but beware the numerous technical issues and bugs listed below that greatly hinder enjoyment. Non-QWERTY users may need to switch layouts because keybinding options are incomplete and somewhat ignored.

????Space horror / thriller theme
????HAL simulator: control the cameras and systems of a space station!
????Zero-G environment and maneuvering.
????Unfolding mystery cryptically revealed in plain sight.
????B̢͖̠̮̜R̖͚̜͓͖I̮̯Ņ̗̦̩̭G ̩͈̖̹̠H̛̗̜͕̦̟̜E͎͇̭̠̖͝R̫̀

❌Nauseating Sphere controls with intended input lag.
❌Can't ascend/descend while moving.
❌The means to achieve some objectives can be very unclear.

❌Changing graphics options can toggle inaccessible 60 fps cap.
❌Disallowed from changing important keybinds.
❌Move keybinds can be changed, but WASD are still used in actions.
❌Numpad doesn't work for inputting numbers.
❌Constantly hits my firewall presumably trying to send analytics.

????Occasional infinite loading screen on startup; have to Alt+F4.
????Occasional crash on startup.
????Cursor breaks when scrolling in options menu.
????Laptop connection sound plays infinitely after quickly disconnecting.
????Culling bug: missing hatch with invisible wall appears open to space.
264 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 06:45
This game makes me feel like a dumb AI XD

134 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
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25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 07:05
Unplayable on my system. I mean, literally unplayable, I've watched a playthrough video and the prompt needed to play the game doesn't come up when I start the game.
64 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 22:35
Great story. Full of lots of small simple but annoying mini games that try your patience. if you don't mind that then the story is captivating although not that satisfying
713 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 06:57
Good story and atmosphere but an absolute chore to play.
1264 Produkte im Account
196 Reviews
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 13:52
Observation is a atmospheric supernatural first person space thriller that’s part gravity, part Cloverfield, and part 2001: A Space Odyssey. While it plays like an adventure game where you have to scan every surface for objects you can manipulate (this isn’t a shooter or action game) the game itself can be rushed if you don’t search for audio logs and secret items, but doing so limits the amount of back story you know and leaves the goals and motivations of the crew unexplained. If you are looking for something to play for a few hours then I highly recommend picking this up, especially if you can find it on sale or discount.

You play as SAM, the on-board AI on the multinational space station Observation. You are restored to power after a catastrophic failure that has left the station badly damaged, your systems and memory banks offline, and the remaining crew scattered and unaccounted for. Emma, the astronaut who restores your minimum core functions has you help her restore remaining systems, as both of you work together to figure out what has happened, and what needs to be done to survive. The game story has plenty of twists and turns and I thought was really well constructed, and as some things are revealed it becomes apparent the mission wasn’t as benign as first assumed.

Being the on-board computer, you are limited to controlling the cameras and zooming in on objects and reconnecting them to your systems, where they can then be accessed. Each camera has a limited field of view, and some puzzles need you to switch between multiple cameras to find the required ship systems to connect to. Parts of the game have you piloting a sphere with remote functionality, which allows you greater freedoms to explore. The puzzles and mini games aren’t too difficult, though the game doesn’t remember answers for you, some codes and coordinates need to be written down which was slightly frustrating (you’re a computer that can’t remember basic information). If you don’t like jump scares there’s a few points where something might surprise you, but they are mild compared to other games and it’s never out the blue (the game is good at building up the tension to those points). Some of the games helpful hints aren’t advised (like how to add a way-point), which would have saved considerable time in trying to get to where I wanted, without having to load the map screen all the time to try and traverse the station. The game does lock you out of areas as you progress past certain parts, so it’s quite easy to miss the few collectables and other objects you can collect. There’s no new game+ mode, so if you are aiming for some achievements it means another play through.

The games UI is designed quite well, lots of the systems you have to interact with are in a off-screen menu which slowly expands (like a computer menu). This reduces a lot of the onscreen clutter, it also fits right in with the player being a computer. Some of the screens hold information that starts making a lot more sense as the game progresses.

Visually the game look pretty good, the space stations interior is consistent, though it does change as the game progresses. I thought the puzzles/mini games were well designed and aren’t too abstract, and I liked the illusion of choice that you sometimes get. For some reason the game kept shunting the graphics setting back from 4K to 1080p every time I loaded it, but other than that I didn’t run into any graphical issues.

The music is quite ominous, and the lack of dramatic music in large parts of the game really sets you on edge when it starts playing. I found the voice acting to be really well done (especially for SAM and Emma), though the rest of the crew is only voiced via the scattered audio logs and damaged memory banks you find.

If you are chasing 100% achievements then you want to play with a guide as there are missable audio logs and objects to find that require an additional playthrough, but other than that it’s fairly easy to do

For more reviews please visit https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31327216/
113 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 23:49
I liked this game - was up til 2 am, two nights in a row because I wanted to keep playing... That's a good sign!

BUT I actually tried to get it refunded after the first time I played. I had immense difficulty with the controls (Kb/Mouse) and nothing worked properly. Steam wouldn't refund even though I had only 25 minutes playing time... but past the 14 days..

Anyway, I thought I'd try it again and am glad I did. I was able to sort out the keyboard/mouse issues and play through the game. Very much enjoyed it. Good story, good voice acting, not a difficult game (except for a few sequences that keyboard and mouse are horrible).

What ever I paid for it, was well worth it :)
204 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 15:34
A thought-provoking and tightly-made puzzle game, where the main challenge is working out how to solve the simple puzzles the game gives you. You are the AI helping pilot a space station, and what starts as simply opening doors and flipping switches in response to an emergency becomes a rather baffling journey into weirdness. If you get frustrated with narratives that don't explain everything, this game might annoy you, since it doesn't tie up all the loose ends and leaves a lot of what's going on to conjecture. It's always interesting and well-made and the characters come through well. My playthrough lasted about 5 hours and I found it an interesting narrative and atmospheric experience well worth a look.
560 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 07:04
A great psychological horror game, A must play for puzzle and sci-fy fans
178 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 12:02
Some Interstellar-type crazy.
742 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 20:34
Very confusing game. I really love the story and atmosphere of it but there is no clear objective in many parts of the game. I wish some things were more obvious to make it enjoyable to play.

Probably worth buying at discount or bundled.
207 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 05:04
Story has potential, but lots of it is wasted and has huge logic holes. Graphics are ok, but much worse than the screenshots suggest. Character animation in particular is awful. Controls are probably great for a game pad, but calling mouse and keyboard input an afterthought would be generous. Either way, camera movement is designed to stretch the game. Puzzles are pointless, very easy and just tedious clickwork. Total playtime is five hours and replay value is zero, keep that in mind when looking at the price.
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 21:40
It's a story-rich game with very good mechanics. I absolutely loved the mystery elements in the game which makes the game very interesting. I sometimes had problem finding my way but that's probably because of my own stupidity. Also the ending is just a little bit undersatisfied and a little too mysterious but still would recommend.
1468 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 19:39
I really wanted to like this. It has actually a very good start for the story, and the graphics can look very impressive. But then the really bad controls and annoying gameplay trying to pad gametime gets in the way.

To be fair, if the story connects with you then will probably enjoy this short game (5 to 6 hours). But for me the last act felt abrupt and it didn’t “stick to the landing”, so there wasn’t a lot left to really like.

Also, I highly recommend to use a gamepad. And I did encounter several animation and clipping bugs.

This one didn’t work for me. It’s one of those games that you actually want to like or recommend, but when you put it all down “on paper” (that’s an old person term) there are just way too many bad things vs a few good ones.

You play as an AI of a space station where as usual mysterious things are happening and everyone except one of the crew has disappeared. You view (or “observe” :P) things through the cameras. There’s usually 2 or 3 in each room, where you pan and scan for things to interact. In other segments you will be on a floating orb where you have normal first person controls.

The story is not very original but starts out nicely enough. Good VA, setting an interesting premise and actually making you look forward to what’s next.

Visually the game looks great, but with a lot of post-processing filters. It’s set in the near future but has a tech retro feel. The interfaces you see are old school, including sometimes distortions to seem “curved” like CRTs. Laptops/displays on the station are flat, but a mixture of Windows 95 or older styles of interface. And of course, nothing says “you are seeing things through a camera lens and the tech is kind of retro” like Chromatic Aberration. Lots and lots of Chromatic Aberration. And that’s with it turned it off in the options. Also, I understand facial animation is expensive/hard and really appreciate this game didn’t take the cheap approach of everyone keeping their helmets on, but maybe don’t keep so many long zooms in the faces.

And then we get to the gameplay part. First of all, use a controller. Keyboard and mouse are bad here. The cameras you will be controlling for most of the game? Have to use WASD to move them. First-person segments works better, but with lag in the movements. So even if you are tempted because there is a lot of “cursor” control…. don’t . Because then you enter the rest of the gameplay.

It’s Simon says, QTEs, or a few variations of the game telling you to “do this” so it can move along with the story. Basically you move around to try to find some clues and/or objects to interact (and sometimes that involves the equivalent of “pixel hunting” in 3D) and then do these mini-games which again are designed for controllers.

I have absolutely no problem with games that have minimalist gameplay elements to try to create an experience (“Walking Simulators” being one category) but everything here just gets in your way in a clear attempt to pad the length of the game and that includes slow camera movements. The only difficult part is sometimes trying to find what you have to interact or exactly what sequence you have to do. It’s just annoying.

Still, I was playing hoping the story would be strong enough to compensate for this. And for the first two thirds it is. But then it takes a jump in the final act where it feels like there’s something missing. Since the game also likes to keep some things vague and open to interpretation, I didn’t know if it was intentional or a really screwed up pacing (budget reasons?)

Finally, bugs. I encountered several. Animation (which were usually nice) not connecting properly, clipping and models zipping around trying to be in the “correct” position. It was only gamestopping once where the character model wasn’t where it was supposed to be. Reloading from the previous checkpoint usually resolves this, so it probably won’t happen to everyone. But for me, even the final sequence had clipping issues on the camera. I also had an issue where when changing some options, like disabling v-sync, capped the game at 60fps. Only returning to the presets fixed it.
842 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 08:04
I really enjoyed this game. I played through 3 times to get all the achievements.
241 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 22:25
Short game in space but the mystery hooked me throughout. Plus I am a sucker for these kinds of premise aka stuck in space and crew gone missing. My one pet peeve is that sometimes driving Sam's sphere in the space station is frustrating and dizzying. A single bump could get you spinning out of control. I got lost many times and space walk is even worse. Reminds me of [spoiler] 2001 Space Odyssey and Cloverfield Paradox (as in astronauts suddenly finds them away from earth and encountering their alternate dimension counterparts), though the alien black goo/tentacle reminds me of the movie Life [/spoiler]
1255 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 06:36
Maybe sci-fi horror games aren't my genre, but that doesn't seem like an explanation for the awful controls, the uninteresting puzzles and the nonsense story. I'm not sure what the game was trying to do, but whatever it was, it seems to have failed at it.
161 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 20:00
I'd rather watch a film.
213 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 15:44
Observation is a good, space horror tension puzzle game where you get to play the AI. Also no jump scares, which is nice for timid fellows like myself.

It's rather good, apart from the occasional, utterly bullshit puzzle. Sometimes it can get a bit stroby in places, so it's probably not a good idea if you any photosensitive conditions.

But otherwise it is a banger of a game. I feel like I enjoyed a long but immersive space horror film, and it made a nice palette cleanse after having finished a big open world game recently.
702 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 01:55
Please give me more
536 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 00:29
Great story, compelling characters and delicious setting. However paper thin game-play that mostly boils down to a pixel hunt makes me feel this would have worked better as a movie.

For the best way to enjoy, I recommend a jumbo box of popcorn, hunting down a play-through with your favourite streamer and settling in for an afternoon of viewing.
130 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 13:37
This game has pros and cons, although I'd still recommend it because I personally like the story.

• Decent graphics.
• Atmospheric.
• Nice story.

• The game doesn't give the player much hints. Such as for interactive objects, controls, paths, etc.
• The puzzles are meh. Not hard, not easy. Just meh. Some are very repetitive and collecting the collectibles is frustrating because the game doesn't tell you much about them and will left you confused for minutes or even hours.

Overall, I would personally give 7/10.
543 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 17:20
A really cool take on cosmic horror with some heavy Space Odyssey vibes, definitely stands out in story telling and unique gameplay, the game is just fun to figure out on the journey to the end. In this regard, if you are into cinematic/movie horrors, this fits the bill.
462 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 16:38
It's good. Play it.
2276 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 12:44
Brilliant game that's absolutely worth playing -- but holy smokes does it come with some warnings on some of the poor design choices that mar an otherwise jaw-dropping experience.

If you enjoyed the heck out of Stories Untold like I did, just drop whatever you're doing and pick this up. It's in the same club: An interactive movie more than anything, with a lot of unique gameplay pulling you into the narrative without really being too game-y. Your tasks aboard the space station almost feel like real tasks at times, just slowly checking in on systems and doing repetitive repairs. The game's story unfolds whether you're actively participating or not.

The writing is mostly brilliant, and I had a hard time pulling myself away from it. I mean -- imagine being on board a faithful (feeling, because I have no idea irl) space station that suddenly 'moves' from Earth to Saturn with no warning or explanation. & then another space station just like yours is there alongside you.

It dips a bit towards fantasy in the end, and borrows heavy moments from a slew of other big-concept sci-fi movies and books of the last decade plus (Interstellar (*gag*), Cixin Liu, Villeneuve/Chiang). I felt the execution was a big weak, throwing the themes against the wall without really tying it together by the denouement. The best parts of the writing are the characters -- all the small moments in the dialogue and environmental storytelling.

So, my major issues that drove me nuts playing this game....

a) I had a hell of a time just getting the game to open, and it would randomly refuse at moments, or would crash at the menu (spoiler: run it in Windows 8 compatibility mode); and

b) Christ, it was hard to know what to do. The film grain effect and the resolution of the game, particularly the UI, murdered my eyes. I could not read half the menus no matter what resolution I set it to. I ended up casting the game to my TV and still could not read the menus. I like the idea behind the obscure game design, where the developers just give you the tools and you naturally figure out how to proceed based on brief dialogue or the physical objects/menus in front of you, but there are moments where the natural unfolding here just breaks -- largely it's thanks to my inability to read the menus without dying, but sometimes there was just *not* enough direction on how you could interact with things in the environment. I'd spend so much time just slowly scrolling through cameras and going room to room not knowing what the hell they wanted me to do, or knowing I was in the right room but nothing seemed to do anything.

I think the worst was the first time I needed to go about doing standard repairs and every task just started with 'alert the crew.' I made my eyes bleed making sure I was in the right room, interacting with everything over and over and over and over until I realized it wanted me to interact with literal menu text that instructed me to alert the crew -- which is weird because they already taught you to talk to the crew about the environment by interacting through the environment, not the menu.

I get how hard it is to toe that line though.
143 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 03:44
The game should have focused on the great story and visuals instead of forcing in painfully terrible puzzles, bad controls, and a nauseating wobbly camera.
501 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 15:30
I love the concept of this game - what would it be like to play from Mother´s or HAL´s perspective? Playing as the station´s computer, Sam, you slowly regain access to the rest of the station´s systems while helping seemingly the only inhabitant, Emma. Something has gone wrong somewhere and you need to find out what it was to help Emma survive. It definitely needs some time getting used to be controlling only the cameras and floating camera spheres. The movement feels a bit clunky (played on keyboard) but it kinda fits the setting. It gave me Alien: Isolation vibes or even some passage felt horror like. The mystery leaves you with plenty of questions and barely any answers, at first. There are hints here and there and plenty of logs to find and read but you can get locked out of some if you progress with the story too fast. What I found annoying is that the important documents blended in too well with the environments and it was hard to find things. The game can be completed under 10h and I felt it could have been longer and have more freedom while playing. Many events are rather linear and you are limited in what you can do in certain sections unless certain conditions are met. This was a slight disappointment that the exploration is much more on rails than it appears at first glance.

For this type of game, it is the best to not know much about it prior playing so I will keep this brief. The notion of a rogue AI is intriguing and I hope it gets revisited. It is done well here, even with the limits of the control scheme and linear progression. 7,5/10
1248 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 14:43
It's a very neat concept for a game, yet it's flaws are too many to really recommend it.
The atmosphere is creepy, yes. The visuals are fine, and the details of the station feel quite lifelike.

Yet the controls are kinda wonky, the puzzles lack any kind of challenge and even calling them that is kinda generous, them being quite literally just button-presses or at best little simon-says - games with at most 4 commands to memorize.
The story is far too vague for my taste - but this comes down to taste, I must say.

But having collected nearly everything in the game, and being given extra time exactly for that purpose right at the end, just to find out that some items you are now BLOCKED from collecting - that's a gaming sin.
Don't do that. If you have to stretch out your game by having a collect-a-thon involved, then make sure the player is ABLE to collect all the collectables.
462 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 10:00
Loved it. Good scifi.
536 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 06:21
I'll be the first person to say I don't enjoy games with any kind of horror. but the pretense and gameplay of this game is decidedly worth your time if you're looking for more of a brain-tickler or a story-telling game. Although if you're someone who jumps whenever you see your own shadow (like myself) then I wish you good luck on playing this game without taking atleast a couple breaks from the atmosphere.

Is good game. just very very scary for little ol' me.
176 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 11:31
Absolutely brilliant. Just like a good book that you can't put down, this game is hard to stop playing and go to bed/work etc.

Apart from being COMPLETELY BUG FREE, this game is both intrigues and thrilling. The puzzles are challenging without being stupidly hard nor hold your hand through easy either... and the tension is ramped up at the right times to keep you on the edge of your seat nearly the entire way. Music and sounds are used to awesome atmospheric effect. Systems are very clever; not sure on the realism level but it was extremely believable. I think playing this on a VR setup would just add to the dimension of this, but it certainly isn't necessary to enjoy it....Just play it in a darkened room on a big screen and with surround sound and you'll get all the atmosphere you need!

Can't wait to see if they do a sequel!
157 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 09:55
It's 2001: A Space Odyssey and you play as HAL.
362 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 02:26
It says I've played 12 hours only because i left it on pause while i did other things, the game is much shorter than that. Can't tell you how long, but, it could have been 12 hours if I didn't cheat when i got stuck with a puzzle. The story is so thrilling. If you like hardcore sci-fi novels and 2001 space odyssey then you'll really like this. It's very different - that's for sure. You play the AI, SAM. Def a good game.
1286 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 23:43
To be honest, at the beginning I was rather unimpressed and annoyed I picked this up but boy the turntables... So, having completed the game I'd say the first ~30 minutes to an hour could be a drag if this kind of game is not really your cup of tea but as you begin to get deeper into the story and stuff begins to unravel it gets pretty good. All in all, beautiful design, great story, great soundtrack. Definitely worth the time.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 21:38
Awesome game with a great story and mediocre movement. If you're into cosmic horror and or sci fi, this is for you.
64 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 19:44
A very cool premise that lets itself down the further you get into the experience. Felt like a walking simulator after a while, driving this awful drone through the station and giving up on that cool camera perspective. Major FOV and nausea problems from the drone sections. Others have more thorough explanations. I liked the story at the start but it just got tedious for me towards the end. Not the worst experience in the world, but it was a letdown for me.
625 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 02:48
This game has a great plot and terrific visuals that are brought down by poor navigation controls and repetitive environmental interactions.
The Good:
> Great visuals, voice acting, and a terrific sci-fi plot.
> The antagonist (of sorts) is enigmatic but develops really well if you pay close attention to your interactions with it
> Really good puzzles and interactive 'systems interfaces' that are immersive and interesting to use.

The Bad:
> When you are moving around the station, you have a very narrow FOV and the rooms are very small which makes it easy to get motion-sick and very difficult to find doors and objects.
> For much of the game, the map is 'unavailable', even though the protagonist canonically knows the exact layout of their surroundings.
> Interacting with ANY object in the game for the first time requires you to perform a trivially-easy Simon Says task that adds nothing to the game other than padding out the playtime.
> The game emphasizes 'collecting' laptop entries and documents, but also hides them and leans into the clunkiness of the navigation system to make them difficult to find.
4867 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 03:40
Arthur C Clarke's Space Odyssey novels retold in more believable nearer-future setting. Like No Code's previous game, Stories Retold, game uses an episodic format to progress the story, though in this time there's no clear distinction like title card and theme song making the boundaries between episodes a little more blurry. Solid, entertaining story with few plot twists, overall atmosphere and worldbuilding is also exceptional.
Would like a sequel/DLC with Mae, just like how 3001: The Final Odyssey featured Poole as new protagonist.
498 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 23:50
This is a phenomenal game! Highly RECOMMEND! If you liked the movies Gravity and Arrival. this is for you.
30 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 14:30
I love space games. I can't say that enough. This game, if it can be called that, is a wonderful experience. Great story, great visuals, interesting mechanics - it isn't forgettable. This game was challenging for me, more so than others in this genre that I've played. In fact, I had to take a break from it because I was frustrated. This was just my own issue as I found the controls quite difficult at time (and while I'm being yelled at!) but at the same time, this added to the tension.

Would I play this again? No, it was exhausting. But would I recommend this? Yes, heck yes. Memorable.
386 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 05:40
Its a short but enjoyable sci-fi experience. The gameplay is a lot of wandering, reading, and puzzles. I don't want to say too much about the plot, but if you like the psychological sci-fi movies, you'll probably have a good time.
46 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 13:51
The puzzles in this game are different rather satisfying upon completion. 8.5/10.
86 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 01:49
On a serious sale I would definitely recommend this, but under any other logic just skip this one. Their previous game, Stories Untold, is a great example of a studio making the best of what they have, and this one is no exception to that. The reason I don't recommend is that the game is frustrating as hell. Online, the game claims to take 6-7 hours to beat, but i beat it in 5ish, and I feel i could beat it in 2 if the game didn't leave me struggling to find what I'm supposed to do so often. The game mostly sticks you in a navigation sphere or observation cameras with an fps that looks like 50, there is tons of visual noise to add immersion at the cost of visibility, and the map is a migraine to navigate. When given a task you're often left wondering what it is you're actually supposed to be doing. For example, you may get asked to do something such as turning power back on for the space station, but they will neglect to tell you how, where, or what you're supposed to do in order to achieve that goal. The answer could be on a small post-it note hidden on the station or laying within an unpowered laptop you have to happen upon. To make this worse, the game always gives you the option to have the characters repeat their orders for you so you never forget your mission, yet having them repeat the order never provides any additional help. You can ask for repetition 10 times and they will never change their phrasing or give any hints to make locating the task easier.
I could get over the lack of guidance the game provides if the story remained as interesting as the introduction. The game really starts firing on all cylinders, but progressively seems to add more confusing sifi surealism instead of continuing off of a great opening twist. The game ends up making sense, but not in a way that really makes you care... Surely not worth the headache of getting through the game. I would blame myself for having trouble with this one, but various people i've personally talked to as well as reading more comments surrounding the game seem to agree with me. It's a really cool concept and definitely has some good moments in it, but the overall lack of clarity and shallow gameplay really bogs down the game as a hole. For the sake of the visuals, the studio, and a story that could have been much better, I'd say wait for a sale and play Stories Untold first.

Great intro and story hook
Amazing concept
Very pretty
Great sound design

You will not care about a single character
If there was ever a game that needed a waypoint marker it's this one
Overly confusing map
Horrible visibility (granted you can remove some of the camera aesthetic gimmicks in the settings)
Story gets worse the more you play
All gameplay is akin to Among Us tasks
131 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 17:53
Well, I loved this game. The presentations, the visuals, the dialogue delivery, the exploration. Everything is amazing, but…

I found the puzzles to be just an annoyance and waste of time. Really, there were moments in which I was so involved with the story and the exploration just to be distracted from those things because I got very frustrated with an annoying puzzle had no contribution to the narrative at all. Fortunately, the puzzles are only a small part of the game. This is hardly a problem exclusive to this game, but nonetheless, this is the caveat.

Nonetheless (again), I still highly recommend this one if you are into narrative-driven games and also if you like space stuff.
223 Produkte im Account
284 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 23:47
First of all, this game is mostly an interactive movie. There isn’t much to do as gamewise, mostly you wonder around and do some tasks but these tasks are pretty simple tasks. Only difficult thing with these tasks/puzzles is the lack of instruction (same with objective marker). So, you need to listen carefully and focus while playing to not get lost (one of the first tasks don’t even say which key you should press). Bright side of the lack of instructions is the realism. Since this game feels like a movie, they avoided weird adventure like puzzles to be persistent with the realism aspect. As you can understand, strongest aspect of Observation is its cinematography. Graphics, point of view, stage-setting and scenery, sound and voice acting are pretty good. However, that’s all; it is a bit long for a movie unfortunately and because of that mystery starts to fade in a couple hours, then story feels like a mediocre one. Sadly, game’s slow tempo with stretched play-time and bland writing make it only a decent game.
145 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 22:29
Nothing innovative gameplaywise, but the atmosphere is a solid 10/10, the story is interesting and keeps your attention, the puzzles are well thought and the characters feel like actual people, not just videogame characters.
2040 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 20:37
Short and sweet.
Tells a good story.
Something very different from the normals.
2502 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 19:28
The game left me with mixed feelings.

I liked:
- game setting
- most of puzzles (except first open space part and last puzzle with clamp detachment)
- overall idea of gameplay (it's spaceship UI simulator actually, very simplistic of course, but anyway)
- how the plot develops (while it has many cliches from movies, it's still intriguing)

I didn't liked:
- sometimes game could be a bit bored
- ending (This is my biggest issue, I didn't felt in the end that all my efforts were worth something)

Overall, it's a Yes, but close to the neutral. Game definitely find it's audience, but not big. Check the gameplay before buying, it's not for everyone.
64 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 06:02
Recommended for those with a kink for being disoriented in space
8510 Produkte im Account
183 Reviews
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 17:59


A tense, eerie and claustrophobic space adventure which can be slow at times but your patience is rewarded with an interesting story.

Observation is incredibly atmospheric. It genuinely gave me the willies with its claustrophobic feel and eerie story line. The mechanics of playing the on-board computer was original and effective. Tasks felt like they would be carried out by an astronaut and merged in to the story convincingly.

Observation is set upon an international space station where a disaster causes damage to the station and for Dr Emma Fisher to lose contact with the crew. Managing to bring online the Systems Administration and Maintenance computer (S.A.M) she uses it to aid her in discovering the crew and what happened. You play the role of S.A.M accessing cameras around the station and becoming Dr Fisher’s eyes and ears. Later, you will connect to a sphere which can move around the station assisting Emma in running the station and bringing it back to life.


Overall Impressions????

I really enjoyed Observation. It is successful in creating an eerie, desperate, claustrophobic and mysterious atmosphere from beginning to end.

There are some quiet periods where you have to navigate around the tight corridors and solve some puzzles but it all felt necessary and part of the plan. It is quite easy to get lost in the maze of corridors, especially as the orb can rotate, causing disorientation. There is a map to help you in most circumstances which is vital in gaining your bearings. You will be checking it a lot. I did spend a great deal of time flying around trying to locate the issues reported. Part of the puzzle is finding alternative routes which can be difficult, and due to the station looking so similar you can easily retrace your steps without realizing. It all adds to the confinement and confusion you feel whilst carrying out your tasks. Whilst fixing some of the issues I felt like an astronaut. The puzzles are cleverly designed to fit in with the story and involve schematics, powering on devices and general tasks that felt like you were performing an astronaut’s duties.

There is quite a lot of lore introduced to you by exploring the station and finding personal items, documents and hacking laptops. The more you find, the more complete the story feels. A lot of it is trivial but it fills in gaps and reveals the feelings the crew were experiencing at the time.

Being the on-board computer felt original and there was a good rapport between S.A.M and Dr Fisher. The computer took on an almost human personality and you felt there was an emotional connection between the two characters, even though one was not alive.

The sound and graphics are superb in places with excellent voice acting, even from S.A.M. Although brief, I loved the scenes outside the space station and it was a harsh contrast from the tight corridors and segmented sections to the vast and endless space outside.

The story was intriguing and was paced brilliantly up to the exciting ending. I would say I did have a few questions at the end but then again sci-fi does tend to throw up a lot of doubts.


Observation is a superior science fiction adventure in terms of atmosphere, intrigue and storytelling. It felt uncomfortable playing it at times due to the cramped environments and fearful outlook.

The game does not have much action and it is more of a slow, methodical game, fixing problems with the space station in a slow-moving orb. The tension is always kept high though, and there are moments where excitement is injected into the proceedings. Carrying out duties feels compelling rather than boring as completing the tasks serves to move the story on and unravel the mystery.

If you don’t mind a gradual and systematic approach to science fiction games and favour atmosphere over action then Observation ticks all the right boxes.


You are S.A.M (Systems Administration and Maintenance computer), brought back online to aid Dr Emma Fisher in recovering the broken systems on the space station.

Initially, you are able to access cameras in the station and inform Dr Fisher of any faults and to carry out diagnostics on her behalf. There are a number of cameras in each section located in different parts of the area. Switching between these cameras will reveal fresh outlooks and reveal problems some cameras cannot see. Moving the camera around you can highlight these issues and report them to Emma.

Sometimes, reporting the issue is not enough and you will need to fix them. There are a variety of different things to fix from opening doors that are locked to powering on systems and dealing with station alerts. I could describe the fixing process as brief mini games. Some are quick time events or similar, but the majority will need documentation found around the station to complete. Dealing with doors requires schematics which are usually pinned to the walls nearby. You have to draw the shape required to unlock, open, close or lock the door causing the obstruction. It isn’t very difficult.

Later, you will be able to take control of a sphere and physically fly through the space station between the four segments. The sphere can move in any direction and does feel quite disorientating as you fly past things which are upside down or tilted. The sphere can fly through vents to access areas otherwise obstructed.

There is a bit of exploration to enjoy with numerous pieces of documentation, personal items and objects to examine and read. Dotted throughout the station are laptops which can be accessed and their contents inspected. Laptops usually hide voice messages from one crew member to another or detail concerns over procedures and events which happened. Some of these laptops require passwords which you need to find.

Items collected all get stored in SAM’s communication core where they can be reviewed and consulted. Certain documents and voice messages can be combined to reveal new clues and revelations.

Apart from successfully navigating the station, which can be troublesome, the puzzles are generally manageable without too much effort. There is one puzzle however, that is almost impossible without a walk-through so you may find yourself stuck when trying to find the array co-ordinates. The answer is readily available online however.

The game took me around eleven hours to complete.


Graphics ????

Graphics are beautiful with realistic gravity free animations on characters, and a nice HUD for SAM which flickers when you hit objects. The feeling of weightlessness is evident and impressively showcased.

The outside space sequences are stunning also. The station feels tight and restricted and appears realistic. The chambers are similar in appearance which can cause disorientation when navigating.

Sound ????

Great sound effects which really ramp up tension and authenticity. It has an awesome sci-fi feel to the game. Characters voice acting is very professional and special effects all sound impressive.


Observation is an imposing and atmospheric science fiction drama that delivers heavily on tension and supernatural mystery.

The game can be quite slow at times where you’ll be running diagnostics and navigating the station to find problems to fix. This is nowhere near a walking simulator but it demands a bit of patience and certainly won’t appeal to action fans.

If you value story, ambiance, visuals and sound ahead of action then I could highly recommend.

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159 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 19:28
Solid sci-fi story, leaving you with more questions than answers, but actual gameplay/enjoyment factor leaves a bit to be desired. This game combines a little of the camera navigation of Five Nights at Freddy with the menial tasks of Among Us which isn't the worst but, while the story is interesting and is an homage to a lot of solid sci-fi works of the past, the game doesn't ever really create any real drama, suspense, or even tension. Recommend based on the story alone. Good for half a day of play, zero replay value.
104 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 18:16
Very atmospheric game with good and not boring puzzles and minigames
686 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 05:10
Much more on rails than I was hoping it to be, but I guess you cant do much on a space station anyway. Great story though even if it was trying way to hard with the mystic stuff.
5508 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 01:06
I really enjoyed this game! I bought it a second time on Steam (already had it on Epic) to show my support to the developer. I really hope they make a sequel someday!

In most space disaster games, you play a survivor and may require the help of a ship's AI system at some point for your continued survival. In Observation, you're the AI system in the ship, and things quite interesting as the story heats up, but I shouldn't say more because the discovery of that story is why the game is so compelling.

The game is not very hard--you usually have ample time, or at least ample retries, and the puzzles typically have readily-available solutions, with the area you need to be often indicated in your objectives. Tutorials are somewhat integrated with the gameplay as Emma walks you through what she needs you to do, which is pretty cool.

There were a couple of times where I didn't know how to get where I needed to go. The waypoint system is quite good, but sometimes it seems to point at a door that can't open and you need to start the waypoint from somewhere else to get it to calculate a better route. Additionally, there are a couple of sequences outside the space station where it's not always clear where you need to go. But overall, most objectives were obvious and I didn't get frustrated trying to navigate or figure out what to do next.

The graphics are good, and combined with the sound and music, there's a great atmosphere and mood throughout the game.

If you like story-based sci-fi games and light puzzles, I would highly recommend this!
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 14:20
I have been gaming since the 80s, and I can honestly say this is one of my favorite games ever and this has to be one of the best games i have ever played.

Their success is immense, excellent story and immersive environment. The sound design is well done throughout the game, which can increase that feeling of doom and worry as you navigate a darkest parts of the station. The graphics and visual design bodes well for affecting the mood of a scenes. It looks fantastic. The development team at No Code have put a lot of work into this game.

It’s a highly recommended !
701 Produkte im Account
250 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 05:40
If you have the patience to slog through the terrible movement controls, what remains is a pretty cool interactive sci-fi fiction game. If you like walking simulators and such, this game is for you.

Tip: Something I didn't realize until the end--you can set waypoints on the map which helps a lot with navigation.
65 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 19:21
observation is pretty good you have to think hard to understand it well you dont have to understand it to be honest but its great i dont want to spoil anything about it. just know that the game wont hold your hand. if you are going to buy it buy stories untold too its the same studio they make great games
329 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 18:46
Played through in one sitting in 6.5 hours. Story is bullshit. Idea, UI, visuals are really great. Scripted scenes are way too long and there are some continuity errors. Character animations are a bit chonky. I really hated that interactable objects were unlocked while you progressed, that way I didn't know I can interact with [OBJECT] and couldn't solve a puzzle. Movement is extremely slow. This and the drawn-out scenes means this game isn't really 6.5 hours long but shorter.

Worth the price of 20,99 €? Well, it kept me busy for 6.5 hours. Would I buy it again? Definitely not.
413 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 00:23
This is an interesting sci-fi thriller, with a very good atmosphere (both graphics and sounds are pretty good), and an engaging and intriguing story, where you will take the role of the IA.

On the downside, it's not very long (about 5 hours), and the gameplay leaves a bit to be desired (sometimes it ruins the experience a little, slowing down the pace of the narrative).

Despite of that, Observation it is worth it definitelly, you'll enjoy it probably (specially if you are a fan of sci-fi genre).


6.7 / 10

756 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 20:46
A Hollywood cinematic production in video game format, absolutely loved it! Tone and atmosphere are fantastic, though I wished they would have leaned into the realm of horror more often (the entire ship is just screaming to have something lurking/stalking you, like in Alien Isolation). Overall a solid 9/10, will be keeping my eyes on future productions from this developer!
127 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 23:20
It's like an interactive sci-fi/thriller movie of 5hs.
Your role is an interesting concept.
Don't expect any hardcore gaming experience, you don't need almost any skill to play.
Just enjoy the story, the music and the visuals.
139 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 19:09
Lots of nice touches and clever ideas, and quite atmospheric in places, but ultimately not engaging enough for me to persevere beyond the first act.

For me the most enjoyable element is just being able to explore an extremely detailed and quite realistic-feeling model of a space station. Doing this as the ship's AI, through cameras & drones and under the direction of the excellent Dr. Fisher, feels novel and fun.

Once the novelty wears off, however, there just isn't enough in the actual gameplay to keep you going. The basic routine is that you will need to go somewhere and find/fix/activate something, performing various 'tasks' along the way. There is some flexibility in the order in which you perform these, but as far as I could make out the game is essentially linear and there is no way to actually interact with the story.

The tasks themselves were easily the most disappointing aspect of the game, and other reviewers seem to agree. There is simply no intellectual challenge whatsoever (surprisingly in a game that looks quite highbrow at first) and apparently no chance of failure. For example: each time you find a new working laptop in the station, you can 'connect' with it to access any new data. You do this by holding down A and waiting for a bar to load, and are then presented with a three button code (e.g. Y-B-B) to enter. Once this code appears, the only button that has any effect at all is the next button in the code (so even if the task wasn't staggeringly easy to begin with, you could just mash the buttons and get it right straight away). Other tasks are more complex than this, but the complexity doesn't add any depth, it just means they take longer. Monkeys with typewriters would clear this game, and probably fairly quickly too.

The lack of challenge in the tasks might be compensated if they felt somehow realistic, by imitating a real life process in some way - but they don't do that either. It's just a string of completely arbitrary button presses in an obviously made-up interface. On reflection I think the game would actually be improved by allowing you to complete all the tasks by just pressing A.

The tedium of these tasks is amplified by the UI, which is laborious and very clunky is places. Despite many of them being based on point-and-click menus, the game doesn't seem to support mouse & keyboard play, so there is a lot of flailing the cursor around with the stick. Each task type and layer of the interface also has its own set of pretty arbitrary commands, meaning you can never really 'learn the controls'. I spent a decent proportion of the time either waiting for a pan or scroll, or just trying to remember what button I have to push next (but don't worry , you can just try all of them in turn!).

The discovery of the story through exploration is quite skilfully done in places, but the story itself didn't do much for me beyond the initial hook. Astronaut stranded alone in space with sketchy AI, secret/shady additional mission objectives hidden from the crew, etc., etc. Personal communications you discover on laptops feel generic and bland. I feel like you can get away with this kind of thing if the story is just the surface of a really playable game, but if the whole experience is basically just a movie with some random button presses thrown in, it needs to do much better in drawing you in and making you care about what's happening.

Overall, whilst you have to applaud the ambition and originality, I wouldn't recommend this at £20. If you like SF/horror storytelling but want to play an actual game, get The Swapper if you haven't already. If you want a gripping, realistic cinematic story about a woman stranded on a space station, I'd say Gravity is still your best bet.
212 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 08:31
Generally a really interesting game, with great atmoshpere and story line. Nice visuals and great sound and voice acting.
That beeing said, the UI is sometimes very counter-intuitive as well as some of the puzzles.
Non the less, i got it for 8 Euro and those were well spend and since the game is only about 6 to 7 hours long i would recommend, buying it on sale.
Also, fuck Jim!
638 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 07:04
A pretty short puzzler that would have been infinitely more satisfying if the UI were a bit less dumb. As is, it's decent, but expect more questions than answers when you're done with the plot.
97 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 05:09
2001: A Space Odyssey (The game)

Has elements of Gravity, Interstellar, Moon, and The Martian as well. Definitely recommend for fans of sci-fi.

If you take the time to look up translations for the 'Simon Says' hexagon symbols, the game will probably make more sense.
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 02:27
Best game ı have ever played! (Highly recommended)
140 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 16:44
If you're a horror fan, this game is quintessential existential horror.
116 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 13:10
absolutely mind-blowing. if you like 2001: A Space Odyssey this game is a mus have
184 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 19:29
This is a incredibly unique experience. It's a sci-fi thriller through the perspective of a space station's AI - limited to your cameras, helping your crew survive. Mostly.

Controls could be a bit awkward and unintuitive, but the game is forgiving enough that you can fail a few times figuring them out without dying or anything.

The story doesn't completely explain itself, but you get enough to feel satisfied with the ending. Recommended - it's a fascinating game.
678 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 16:20
If you are into COSMIC horror and narrative explorative games, this game is for you. Don't expect jump scares and monsters because this is not that kind of games, I think most of the bad reviews think the game is Amnesia or something, it's not, the horror is the unknown. Game mechanics are pretty simple : explore, do minigames, figure out what's going on.

I finished it in one sitting because of how good I found it. The premise is simple: you are the AI of a space station who just lost all power, Emma powers some of the basic modules to bring you back alive and you must assist her through the station. Things go from bad to good to worse to unknown. There are lots of questions that arise during the gameplay, will you like the answers? The only way to get answers is to BRING HER with you
429 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 19:20
Great storytelling and visuals. Love it!
98 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 20:59
I enjoyed observation, the few bugs that I did encounter did not detract from the story-driven experience.

The puzzles are interesting and sometimes a little obscure, but that might be part of the charm.

I recommend it if you are looking for a sci-fi suspense/mystery story with puzzle elements.
604 Produkte im Account
211 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 00:10
tl;dr -> BRING HER.

Disclosure: I love space themes and mind-bending narratives always interest me. I expect good quality games when they are published by Devolver Digital.

[This game was played through Steam]

If you like space, interesting narratives, exploring the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence, and being part of an interactive thriller, then you will enjoy the ride that is Observation.

The aesthetics are great - the graphics and presentation make the journey feel like you are watching a movie; I like the buffering effects whenever you switch from a camera to the drone. The heads-up display is informative without being distracting. The music is very, very fitting to the space thriller vibe. The voice acting is fantastic, and I loved all the dialogue between the main characters - SAM (the AI you control) and Emma. No Code implemented sound effects well - there were moments that kept me glued to the screen and others that made me flinch in surprise.

The game can be played with keyboard and mouse or controller - I chose the former, but would advise you to try both if possible. One issue I had with the controls was drone movement - I found it quite clunky when trying to perform tight maneuvers (which almost always ended with me smashing into the bulkhead or airlock frame; fortunately, there is no damage mechanic). Since the game plays like more of a movie, there is no changeable difficulty, but the puzzles may take you a few tries if you are not experienced with solving them. Emma serves as your guide throughout the game, and I had no problems navigating through the story (although I did forget that R brings up the “SAM response” mode; I could not find this in the controls and had to Google it). Completion time is about 3-4 hours depending on how long you spend collecting the optional lore - I encourage you to do this as it fleshes out the characters and overall story.

You play as SAM, a research station’s artificial intelligence tasked with helping Dr. Emma Fisher discover what in the solar system is going on. As the story progresses, you will explore different arms of the station (ex: Russian, Chinese modules), and this is where the optional content can be collected to paint a more complete picture of the world (and the station’s inhabitants). I loved the story and ending, however, I also believe that some of its impact is diluted if the player chooses to ignore most of the extra lore. Fortunately, finding all of the side content is very easy.

Overall, I really enjoyed the thrill ride in- zzzt BRING HER - Observation. The central themes around technology were presented in an ingestible, but satisfying way. If you want a fun, interesting space ride where you play as an evolving AI, then definitely give this title a try.

Highly recommend!


DJSF @DJSF's Rogue Reviews

For more reviews, please visit my website.

If you'd like to support me, please visit my Patreon. Thank you for your consideration.

If you like this game try: The Turing Test.
227 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 13:41
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 23:02
Fun, short.
66 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 21:29
TLDR: this is an amazing piece of sci-fi immersive theatre. Buy if you love ambience, sci-fi and walking simulators. Do not buy if you want: lots of complicated puzzles or horror.

Wow. It's rare I get a game and within two minutes I'm hooked, but Observation did that. You wake up as an AI on board a space station, and the story unfolds from there.

The design is just sublime. I played for almost 10 hours, which is a lot more than people who complained the game was short. I could have been quicker, but part of that was me just wandering around looking. Looking at everything. Looking out the window. Looking at documents. Looking at... everything.

That's immediately one of the great things about this game. While it's scripted and the story points will move you along - there's no choices as such - it doesn't rush you. You can wander at your own rate. You feel in control.

There's a really good, solid sci-fi story at the heart of this. I won't say much as it will spoil the story. But as a lifelong sci-fi fan, the story was well crafted and mysterious.

The atmosphere and design is where the game excels. The 'sets' are very realistic. The amount of detail in just about everything shows a labour of love. From the fonts, to the interfaces, to even down to something stupid like you're accessing a system where they've gone to the trouble of making it look like a broken 1990s web interface. It's just amazing.

These developers know style and mood and context and it shows it.

It is a walking simulator. I love them, not everyone does. The puzzles are not really that, they are more interactions to make you feel connected with the story and environment. That's why I describe this more as a piece of immersive theatre. I felt I was there. I felt invested. The characters spoke to me. This was my story.

Thankfully it didn't go into horror. Menace yes, and freaky at times. Only one what I would call jump scare. I don't want intense horror - this game kept me on edge, but nicely so.

There were a few grumbles. A times it was not clear what I was meant to do and I resorted to some online guides. It could be frustratingly ambiguous at times. But, those were minor - and you can look up online for help. I also wouldn't have objected to the puzzles being more like actual puzzles that require some problem solving. A couple of the 'puzzles' are more like quicktime events which are not my favourite form of gameplay! But again, these were minor annoyances.

But in short, I loved this. If you want to feel immersed into a story-based sci-fi experience which is almost a movie, buy now without delay. I feel at a loss now it's ended. I want more.
498 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 01:14
Special and atmosphiric game. nice 6-7 hrs. game, unique concept and very nice execution. Put your headphone, turn off the light and enjoy.
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 19:36
Quite a slow and short game. No urgency to anything that you do. Has a handful of little mini tasks that are quite easy, and then repeated in various locations.i completed it in 6 hours.
77 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 02:37
While the story is quite engaging and the visuals excel, what does this game in is the gameplay. A good puzzle games makes it clear what you need to do and the trick is figuring out the how. This is not a good puzzle game. Time and time again, I was frustrated by a lack of clarity on what I was supposed to be doing. Some of the gameplay is also needlessly complex just to make it more time consuming (not more challenging) in such a way as it took me out of the narrative. Finally, near the end of the game, I ran into a timed puzzle that required manual dexterity I just don't have and was unable to finish. I had to quit the game and watch the ending on YouTube. As such, I would not recommend this, despite the compelling narrative.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 03:55
Wow that was it? What a short and tedioius game. From time to time you might catch a glimpse of the intended atmosphere when the clumsy controls and unimpressive graphics aren't getting in the way, but mostly you're just being frustrated when trying to find the next trigger to advance the game. I might be hard to impress by 2020, but in the very least I expected a much better and deeoer story. I could go on, but I have better things to do with my time and will just say I would pay max 5 € for a game of this quality and length without feeling robbed.
215 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 20:49
Nice space thriller game with less horror elements than expected. Some might describe this as an interactive movie because of the gameplay nature of playing as an A.I and observing through cameras but you were actually in control of the A.I in its sphere form and several exploration parts. Most puzzles are pretty simple but you have to browse the menus and communications with crew in a non traditional way which make some part confusing but not a very big deal if you enjoy playing adventure puzzle games.

At first, I thought playing as an A.I, browsing through menus will be more convenient to play with keyboard and mouse but turns out playing with controller can give you a better and smoother gameplay experience.
879 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 19:16
An atmospheric, oppressive creation that channels 2001:A Space Odyssey , Interstellar, Alien and any other Sci-Fi that leans in that wobbly middle ground between 'Hard Sci-Fi' and 'Science Fantasy', Observation is a great (albeit flawed) experience.

This is essentially a walking simulator, or rather a 'floating and rotating' simulator as you play as the station computer rather than a human. This novel twist adds to the claustrophobic nature, and the UI design is brilliantly unique though occasionally obtuse.

Visually it's fantastic, and the environments are very detailed and quite authentic seeming. The character models are almost, but not quite, brilliant. Some of the facial animation just seems a little off, and combined with the occasionally awkward vocal delivery it's a bit jarring at times. On a technical level you've got a lot of graphical options, although bizarrely the resolution scale caps off at 2560 x 1440, so if you've got an ultrawide monitor you're SOL. Furthermore, even at that resolution some of the scenes get broken as you can see around the 'edges' of whatever is going on, spoiling some of the effect.

If you can keep yourself honed in on the story then you'll be in for a treat, but if you stop to consider it's walking simulator roots then you'll find yourself wondering at the lack of dramatic impetus. It doesn't really *matter* how fast you do anything, regardless of what the game is telling you, and one moment near the end of the game is rendered fairly comical if you stop to think about why no-one is really reacting to anything you do.

That said, if you overlook the blemishes there's a great, creative story here that's told well and will send a chill down your spine more than once.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 03:22
The controls and user interface are obnoxiously unintuitive. You play as an Artificial Intelligence program of a spacecraft where something has gone wrong and you have to help the lone remaining crew member figure out what. Fantastic premise! But it's never clear from the interface what you're supposed to click to communicate with her. Sometimes you bring up a map and click on the location to tell her something. Other times, you're supposed to use a computer terminal command to point to something on that same map. I wound up watching a walkthrough not because the game was difficult to understand, but simply because it was difficult to figure out exactly how the interface works in new situations. A lot of potential, but an overall disappointment for me.
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 21:53
Before I begin reviewing Observation I do want to mention that I am a massive space fan so things might be somewhat bias.

Observation's story is a 9/10. It has a slow start but it does pick up when you start to find out more and more about what led Sam and Emma to the situation they are in.
The 'gameplay' can get very frustrating. Sometimes you can be stuck on one part because Emma's instructions do not give enough information. This can lead to you giving up and never seeing the ending. I know this because i recommended this game to one of my friends and he wasn't nearly having as much fun as I was on my first playthrough which led him to quit.
The ships detail is out of this world. I read actual pieces from the International Space Station were used to design the ship.

I wont make the review too long. Overall I recommend everyone to play this game who has an urge to try a really good story game which is different to other AAA story games. All in all i give observation an 8.5/10. Thanks for reading.
101 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 23:12
What the fuck?

23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 12:59
Great story made infuriating due to really shit controls, autosave is not any better. I wanted to enjoy it with my family but the time complaining about the three cameras and clustered UI. Which is not something I wanted to experience.

I really wanted to love this. I'll complete it someday. It's as if they know how to do a movie but not an interactive experience, as if they did not play test it enough to know how easy and accessible it would be to have better controls.

Definitely buy on a heavy discount. It is not worth it.
100 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 11:12
worth Observing!
2620 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 08:02
I really liked it. It's a walking simulator ultimately. Its a good game, just not as good as my current favourite, Soma. Just like any Sci-Fi, the whole game can be made or broken by the ending or the Sci-Fi reveal. The more I think about the ending the more I dont like it. That's the problem with Sci-Fi, once you reveal the mystery and show your hand it can be very good or very bad. Sci-Fi genre has a very difficult time of carefully revealing or showing the secrets and peeling the multi layered onion that many times they dont land or resolve satisfactory. Some of the story beats are either not wrapped up satisfactory or are lost in lore items scattered in the game which are all optional and can be missed

Other than the underwhelming or...bland ending, it's a great sci-fi thriller that I would not be surprised gets adapted to a movie sometime in the future. It isn't long, there are no fail states. There was one puzzle that stumped me to the point of looking up a solution but only because it was poorly explained, even after seeing the solution. I did get lost sometimes, especially when you do space walking because there's no map.

As Steam reviews are a yes or no scale I would give this a yes, a strong 3 out of 5. It's absolutely linear so the replay value is non-existing unless you love the story or want to read more of the lore items that are scattered around.

651 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 17:30
It's a neat little game. Not very long, but the mechanics of controlling a robot via a sphere and cameras felt unique and fun, even if the controls were a little clunky, likely on purpose. The atmosphere was great, but the story was a bit weird and the ending confusing, at least for me. Still, no regrets playing it through
313 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 10:03
I really enjoyed this game but that said I am a massive sci-fi nerd.

The atmosphere and story of this game is AMAZING! I was gripping my seat at times playing through this!

I loved the 2001: A Space Odyssey feeling of Hal that S.A.M. had (In my mind, SAM doesn't talk much).

This game is pretty much a puzzle solving (space) walking sim, it is enjoyable but if you aren't super into sci-fi and are thinking of getting this I would recommend you wait for it to go on sale!

or check out my video to see if you might like it yourself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEI_59MoC9o&list=PL6ICmPsarl3VcojwhSvIkouPfm6w1O_UZ
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 08:40
My god this game is under-recognised as hell. The story is awesome, and there is always something new happening. The graphics are pretty good, but the atmosphere and bgm brings it all together. For something by an indie company, the game is incredibly polished.

The game tends to drop you head first into solving puzzles, which I like. It doesn't feel like I'm being instructed step by step.

Sometimes it's hard to get around the station, and you'll probably get lost at least once, needing to rely on the waypoints it gives you when you do. The game is also a bit shorter than I would've hoped. But overall, it was an amazing experience for me. If there will be a sequel, I'm getting it for sure.
723 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 17:23
Very light gameplay, cool story and execution. Not very long.

As a game 3/10

As an interactive movie 9/10
56 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 19:42
First, this isn't a bad game - it's just very short and slow. The story is (arguably) good, the graphics are fair, but it's a straight linear story with some very minor puzzle solving. For the money though, it only lasted about 5 hours which is way too short for the price.

One thing I do like about it is the creepy atmosphere. If you do like this game and want something a little more action-packed, try Prey. If you like puzzles, try Turing Test.

If you liked the story, consider the movies Moon, Prometheus, Event Horizon, and Interstellar.
126 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 00:49
this game is nothing like i've ever played before! it's so different, you play as an AI, SAM, guided by an NPC, dr emma fisher. it's more of a thriller than a horror, with lots of self-explanatory and challenging puzzles and controls. very well made this game! i loved every moment of it! one of my favourites!
259 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 02:48
Really good game so far, i love the Solaris(1972) vibes!
155 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 02:41
Who would have thought we could actually experience working, living inside and outside a spaceship.
This game rings true to Space work graphics are very realistic controls are also very realistic since there is no gravity the ai has to be the eyes and arms. Its a thinking outside of gravity game with problems to solve like puzzels. You cannot use your body to move around so the ai is your body adds a fun challenge to figure things out. The game helps you in many ways just pay attention. Its very unique great experience of spacework.
It has definiate Space Odyssey 2001 feel with Hal now named Sam computer.
So if you ever wondered how it is to live and work on a spaceship as real as it gets, play this game and play it again. It gets spooky even scares you pushes you to keep exploring wondering whats round the next corner..
Even older players will enjoy it. Go slow there is no need to rush take your time to solve the puzzles and work out the steps its quite safe. :)
536 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 23:17
I enjoy this game, myself, but I do have issues now and then. The strobe effect is not just seldom but often and I get vertigo, especially as the sphere and the swirl spin it gets now and then.

*May contain some mild spoilers*

This game is heavy on solving problems and you have two methods of movement. Sphere and camera views. I've gotten stuck a few times. I've had to resort to google to find a few guides to get me through a few spots.

Just after a spacewalk, I returned to the ship but the battery was dying and it glitched. I knew something was wrong because I was stuck. That's how the guide helped there. I quit and restarted, re-did the spacewalk and knew it was fixed because I could see my sphere inside now. So if you do the spacewalk and find there's no sphere inside with you when you return, your game glitched. I just hope that doesn't happen to you.

I can only play when my head doesn't feel fuzzy or sensitive. I could get sick from the spinning and the flashing lights. I get headaches and eye pain with it so a back light (light behind you) is recommended if you experience mild symptoms. If you experience major symptoms, I wouldn't recommend this one. Even chromatic effects being turned off isn't enough to avoid the headaches and eye pain.

Great idea, great game. I don't regret my purchase, I just hope I can finish it in good health. haha ya know what I mean?
206 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 18:00
After hearing about the BAFTA award and Yahtzee's recommendation for this game, I was very excited for it to finally come to Steam. After finishing the game, I'm left completely confused. This isn't the main reason for my dislike of the game however. The lack of an FOV slider, the lack of specified audio controls, the subtitles and sync to audio feature barely works at all. This game is a very interesting story with lots of cinematic and jaw dropping moments, but unfortunately is ruined by a terrible gameplay experience. I get that the camera is supposed to move slow because you are a robot and to add anticipation but it's just ridiculously boring. I'd give it a mixed if I could but unfortunately I've never been so disappointed in a game I loved the concept of.
257 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 12:22
9/10 - Story
9/10 - Graphics
10/10 - Sound Design
1/10 - Gameplay

Incredibly interesting story with a lot of interactive elements since you're the AI controlling a space station, unfortunately aside from the mini games, the gameplay in general is absolutely atrocious.
Cameras are incredibly slow, sphere mode is very disorienting and painful to control (for some it might cause motion sickness), at the endgame there are areas so dark you can barely navigate at all, thankfully the game has a waypont system that makes it a bit more tolerable, the space sequence is incredibly frustrating since you easily get lost and asking the operator for information gives you useless answers 5 out of 10 times.

I don't recommend playing this at all, the frustration over the gameplay completely ruined the experience for me, despite having loved everything else about it.
Since this is pretty much just an interactive point and click movie you're better off watching a walkthrough on YouTube instead, there are plenty for it.
278 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 06:44
I honestly sincerely enjoy this game a lot. The gameplay is sort of rough, and I feel like the controls were designed more for console than PC (I've played this on console as well) so use a controller if you can. Personally, I found the puzzles and the overall gameplay, PC controls aside, immersive in a weird way.

Also pls play this game in the dark with headphones on if you can, the visuals and the sound design benefit from having a lack of distraction from anything else.

The story itself I really really enjoyed, reminding me of one of my favourite movies (2001: A Space Odyssey) which is what I imagine they were going for when making this game. I'm not going to spoil anything, but depending on how open you are with sci-fi you may or may not enjoy the ending of this, with myself enjoying it a lot.

Overall, I would recommend this game for any space sci-fi fans!
1220 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 02:10
Game is okay with an interesting story and good voice acting, but the FOV causes severe motion sickness in some people, including me. Unplayable for long periods of time without getting a major headache.
278 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 01:26
Just beat this game is one sitting. If you guys/gals like suspenseful story telling, this game is for you. I've ran into a few bugs in the game that halted my progress. The fix is to quit out of the game and go back in. I had to do this at least three times. The game play was excellent and the story wanted to grip me in more. I recommend this if you like Alien:Isolation, but just without any monsters or aliens. If you ever seen the movie Gravity, it's like that but with a twist. I recommend getting this on sale and not full price. 9/10
Logo for Observation
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.56% 1927 495
Release:21.05.2019 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: No Code Vertrieb: Devolver Digital Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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