• Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Rage 2: Screenshots aus dem Spiel


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.05.2019
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Preis Update 15.09.23

Über das Spiel

Stürzen Sie sich kopfüber in eine dystopische Welt ohne Struktur, Recht und Ordnung. Für RAGE 2 zeichnen zwei Studio-Giganten verantwortlich – Avalanche Studios, Herrscher über die wahnwitzigsten offenen Welten, und die Egoshooter-Pioniere id Software –, um ein Chaosfest sondergleichen abzuliefern. Gehen Sie, wohin Sie wollen. Schießen Sie, auf was Sie wollen. Jagen Sie alles in die Luft, was Sie auch nur schief anschaut.

Die Geschichte:
Ein Asteroid hat 80 Prozent der Erdbevölkerung ausgelöscht, und von der Menschheit ist nur noch ein trauriger Rest übrig. Skrupellose und blutgierige Gangs machen die Straßen unsicher und die tyrannische Obrigkeit unterdrückt alle Übriggebliebenen mit eiserner Faust. Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle von Walker, dem letzten Ranger des Ödlands und Dorn im Auge der machtgierigen Tyrannen. Man hat Ihnen Ihr Zuhause genommen und Sie halbtot im Staub zurückgelassen. Nun müssen Sie für Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit zum Berserker werden. Umgeben von wahnwitzigen Fahrzeugschlachten, übermenschlichem Egoshooter-Chaos und einer offenen Welt voll eruptiven Irrsinns ziehen Sie durch das unbarmherzige Ödland. Stets im Kampf mit den sadistischen Gangs, auf der Suche nach den nötigen Werkzeugen und Technologien, die Sie brauchen, um der Obrigkeit die Stirn zu bieten und deren Joch ein für alle Mal zu durchbrechen!

id Softwares Shooter-Know-how und der Open-World-Genius von Avalanche Studios lassen in RAGE 2 gemeinsam Träume von irrsinnigem Chaos wahr werden. So viel mehr als ein Egoshooter und ein Open-World-Spiel: ein wahrhaftes Shooterversum!

Auf Ihrer Hatz auf die Obrigkeit passieren Sie eine scheinbar endlose und abwechslungsreiche Landschaft, die von üppigen Dschungeln bis hin zu sonnengegerbten Wüsten reicht. Das Ödland ist verheerend groß und Sie besitzen das nötige Waffenarsenal, um sich jeden Zentimeter davon zu erkämpfen.

Von Monstertrucks bis zu Gyrokoptern steht Ihnen eine breite Auswahl an robusten und Ödland-erprobten Fahrzeugen zur Verfügung, mit denen Sie über das Brachland rasen können. Einsteigen und aufs Gas treten!

Teilen Sie eine ordentliche Schmerzladung aus mit einem Arsenal an verbesserungsfähigen Waffen, vernichtenden Nanotrit-Kräften und dem Overdrive – der Fähigkeit, Schusswaffen weit über ihre mechanischen Grenzen zu pushen.

Ringen Sie mit grimmigen Fraktionen um die Herrschaft über das Ödland! Jede besteht aus einer derben Ansammlung von Verrückten, Mutanten und blutgierigen Monstern.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3570 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 780 3GB or AMD R9 280 3GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4770 or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1070 8GB or AMD Vega 56 8GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

150 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 20:09
gameplay macht spass :)
der rest eher nich
432 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 10:10
Story eher mittelmäßig aber alles übern Haufen schießen und die ganzen Fähigkeiten gleichen das ziemlich gut aus :D
275 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 15:57

Klare Kauf Empfehlung ! !

Bei diesem Spiel kauft man mehrere Spiele in einem z.B.: Doom, Bulletstorm, Duke Nukem, Halo.... Manche Leute mögen das als Negativ ansehen (sollten vielleicht lieber Train Simulator Spielen!!)
Naja wie auch immer, mit diesem Spiel kauft man einen Action geladenen Open World Shooter.
Grafik ist ganz gut.
Blut gibt es in mengen.
Ach ja, Abstütze hatte ich keinen einzigen in über 40 Stunden Spiel.
279 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 05:43
Das erste Spiel, für das ich eine Rückerstattung beantragt habe.

Rage 2 ist ein wilder Mix aus Fallout, Mad Max, Doom, Just Cause, Bulletstorm und wahrscheinlich noch so manch anderem. Das Problem ist: Wenn man zu viel durcheinander mischt, kommt am Ende nur eine hässliche, zähe Brühe raus.
Rage 2 ist kein Nachfolger von Rage (das ich sehr(!) gerne gespielt habe), sonder ein buntes Action-Desaster, das weder gut aussieht, noch gut zu spielen ist. Alles im Spiel hat man so schon gesehen und es gibt bisher nchts wirklich Innovatives. Die Story ist Bethesda-üblich dünn und insgesamt wirkt das Spiel wie aus den Anfängen des Jahrtausends: leicht dümmlich und konzeptlos.

Schade, aber ich bin nicht einmal bereit 15 Euro zu investieren.
3313 Produkte im Account
257 Reviews
2528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 16:45

Erstklassige, brachial-wuchtige Shooter-Mechanik
Coole, teils spektakuläre Nanotrite-Skills
Abwechslungsreiche Storymissionen
Einige tolle Bossfights
Sehr gute deutsche Sprecher
Gute, wenn auch nicht herausragende Grafik


Open World langweilig
Übertrieben kleinteiliges Fortschrittssystem mit Open-World-Zwängen
Story nur Beiwerk
63 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
9326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 20:02
Ganz stabiles Ballergame mit einem Hauch von Openworld.

Abwechslung in Sachen Story braucht man nicht erwarten, aber der Shooting-Faktor wird verdammt gut bedient ;)
512 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 21:11
story -> schlecht die gegner haben nichts interessantes an sich 0815 die auf dich schießen

chars -> schlecht zb. schwester trifft man nach 5 min. sagt einem man solle los und das ödland erkunden. danach redet man nie wieder mit ihr

gamplay mit tastatur -> schlecht steuerung merkt man ist für gamepad gemacht und wurde für pc null überarbeitet
145 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 23:08
Shooting System und Waffen einfach Top
Geschichte erst angefangen... tönt aber sehr interessant :)
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 23:08
Durchschnittliches Spiel! Kein muss
44 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 22:24
Contra RAGE 2:
-> etwas leere Open World (aber ist ja auch ein postapokalyptisches Ödland)
-> der Content des Spiels beschränkt sich auf abklappern der Map und den Locations
->Menüs und Untermenüs aus der Spielhölle
-> Story ist ID - typisch absolut belanglos

Pro RAGE 2:
-> Sound und Grafik sind sehr gut / flüssiges Gameplay
-> das reine Shooter-Gameplay ist fantastisch und auf Augenhöhe mit DOOM von 2016

Wer einen sehr guten Shooter sucht der sich aufs Kern-Shooter Gameplay fokussiert ist hier richtig.
Wer allerdings ein Problem mit einer quasi nicht vorhandenen Story und abklappern von Map Locations in einer etwas öden Open World hat, sollte erst Probe spielen.
71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 18:48
Ja hatt auf jeden fall was das game aber die langszeit motivation fehlt
27 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 10:04
Ich habe es mir wegen dem Punk-Setting geholt und ich muss leider sagen, dass das Spiel auf dauer langweilig wird, da die offene Spielwelt sehr leer wirkt und man ständig dieselben Gegner bei derselben Aufgabe töten muss.
2191 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 12:02
Gutes game gefällt mir total!!!!!!
50 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 21:06
Das Spiel hat mich viele Stunden sehr gut unterhalten. Schöne Grafik, gutes Waffenfeeling sowie tolle Kämpfe welche sich einfach rund und gelungen anfühlen. Das Spiel hat eine solide Story und präsentiert dem Spieler viele schräge und unterhaltsame Charaktere und Umgebungen. Diese machen auch den Reiz aus die Spielwelt von Rage 2 weiter erkunden zu wollen. Dennoch hätte ich mir noch ein wenig mehr Abwechslung bei den Aufgaben in dieser ansonsten stimmigen Spielwelt gewünscht. Alles in allem ein wirklich gelungener Shooter welchen ich euch in einem Sale gerne ans Herz legen möchte.
96 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 22:12
Ein Stück Rage 1, ein Stück DOOM, ein Stück Mad Max und ein Stück Open World die wirklich gelungen ist = RAGE 2. Kleinere Bugs die aber nicht weiter stören = Bethesda. Ich hab es ink. dem Ghost DLC für unter 20 Euro gekauft = Absolut zufrieden! 9/10
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 12:24
Ich habe das Spiel im Dezember 2019 gekauft. Ich hatte 14 Stunden Spaß, da dass Gunplay absolut überzeugt. Das die OpenWorld nicht funktioniert, wusste ich bereits. Was ich nicht wusste, dass es immer noch einen Bug gibt der die letzte Mission nicht starten lässt. Unfassbar! Das so ein Bug die Monate überlebt. Das enttäuscht mich sehr. Daher kann ich das Spiel nicht empfehlen!
72 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 18:06
Man Man Man....52 Minuten angespielt und hier kommt ne vorzeitige Review . Bunt , schnell und ballern bis der Doc kommt , das ist Rage 2 . Wer die Ruhe aus dem ersten Teil mochte , wird hier enttäuscht . Ein Doomballerspaß und viel viel viel Pink . Jede Karre darf gefahren werden , die Grafik ist episch und die Knarren endlos . Naja , ich werde es behalten und mich durchkämpfen . Für meinen Geschmack a bisl viel Doom aber was solls . Daumen hoch
312 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 10:32
Rage 2 ist im Prinzip nicht schlecht, da das Gameplay über alle Maßen befriedigend ist. Jedoch ist die Spielwelt und ihre Aufmachung wirklich langweilig und minimalistisch aufgebaut. Im Klartext es fahren ein paar Autos durch die Gegend und es stehen ein paar Gegner zufällig an der Straße, das ist alles. Hauptsächlich ist man damit beschäftigt die markierten Orte der Karte abzugrasen. Ich hätte hier einfach, von den Skyrim Machern, mehr erwartet. Zudem sind die Schwierigkeitsstufen ein Witz, nur einzig allein der höchste Schwierigkeitsgrad fordert, dieser wurde aber erst im nachhinein rein gepatcht und ist für den Anfang des Spiels zu schwierig. Alles unter sehr schwer fühlt sich an wie einfach, vor allem wenn man bereits ein paar Levels investiert hat. Am allermeisten war ich jedoch von der Story enttäuscht, da diese wirklich in ihrem Umfang sehr flach ausfällt. Die DLCs kann man sich nur im imgame Shop kaufen, was eine bodenlose Frechheit ist, da man eine fiktive Währung kaufen muss. Zudem muss man mehr fiktive Währung kaufen als die DLCs an fiktiver Währung kosten, man fühlt sich abgezockt. Im Shop gibts dann noch Skins und son Müll den keiner braucht ... Die DLCs selber wahren auch vom Inhalt nicht wirklich berauschend, ein paar neue Waffen, wieder eine schwache Story, die man sehr schnell durchgespielt hat und dann war es das auch schon. Am schlimmsten war der DLC Terror Mania, hier wird nur altes aufgekocht und man muss nur Arenas mit den immer gleichen Skelett Gegnern abgrasen! Ich wurde hier schwer enttäuscht und fühle mich, was die DLCs angeht, um mein Geld betrogen!
821 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 14:01
Pros: Gameplay is really fun, guts and glory, cars control better than Borderlands and Cyberpunk for a FPS.
Cons: DLC is a pain to buy since it uses Credits and the story is trash but really who gives a damn?

Conclusion: Give it a good old rub
1383 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 23:04
Good game, satisfying combat and shooting. Too bad bethesda launcher didn't had cloud saves
320 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 23:41
Doom and Mad Max had a baby. Fun game.
271 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 16:35
Closest I'm getting to a Mad Max 2 game
1288 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 01:41
Decent game idk y ppl shit on it. Gives a Mad Max/Far Cry: New Dawn vibe.
1270 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
1761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 06:27
Imagine having to commute around to enjoy Doom 2016's gunplay in the most forgettable post-apocalyptic setting there is and you've mostly figured out what the game is like. Still, all the weapons feel very satisfying to use and you will feel powerful through the entire campaign. It's worth a look on sale.
207 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 16:34
I really wanted to get into this game, but it crashes often and never had updates to fix it. I would honestly get a refund if I could.
1428 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 08:17
Heads-up: in order to get all DLCs and 100% achievements, you need to do in-game purchase with RAGE 2 Coins to unlock a Terrormania DLC which is not included in Deluxe Edition. Only 500 coins will do but this is really a crap move.

I suck in FPS but I still love most FPS I played, until I met this one. They wanted to make a Mad Max + DOOM, but to me, the other 2 games are much better.

- the map is big but empty, yeah there may be full of discoverable locations but only 12 kinds of activities available (DLC not included), and all of them are come there, kill and go there. Which reminds me of ACOrigins & ACOdysseys (but I do like ACs).
- there are limited types of enemy and weapons in this waste land, I was like fighting the clone army of 4 enemies with my 6 guns again and again and again.
- bugs and stupid autopilot AI.
- weak story. Ok maybe we dont really care about the plot in FPS, but you could rather remove so many meaningless dialogues.
- UI. The UI in this game is one of the worst UI I have even seem in my life. The UI is so cheap that I really need to leave a con slot for it.

+ idk, it is a FPS?
111 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 19:56
Game will not load unless i shut down one of my graphic cards, then it'll load, but is unplayable.
ROG Zephyus Duo.

68 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 17:16
Fun game but may not be for everyone. Would recommend buying on sale.
1669 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 15:33
Bethesda had such great productions and games during 2010's, but towards the end of it the quality plummeted sadly and all good series became rather watered down experiences or molded to something else. Rage 2 sadly feels like it also and it was last one on the list to go for. While first one had open world think it was more well crafted and had good length along with content in it.

Rage 2 doesn't have almost any quests beside main quest which is basically 8 or so quests long? from which three belong to leaders which all need certain prefabs to be done before being able to advance further. This points towards the main meat of the games aka open world filled with locations that are filled with enemies and usually certain objective to fulfill to gain moolah/exp and so on. Did do basically all of these could find except preorder mission locations, since they weren't open for me and 5€ to spent towards tokens to get one missions is tad ridiculous, also the second expansions would have cost that much. At least Deluxe edition included the actual expansion instead of those two, but more later of that one. Still damn i hate these in game stores with their tokens. It for sure did work, but statistics/friends were on grey almost all the time.

Gameplay is the best part of it, played on hard and at start it's certainly hard, but after getting majority or all of ARK weapons and abilities which one should collect asap as pistol (rather useless) and rifle get old very fast if you don't get the wide arrange of weaponry found from ARKs but when you do, you sure start blasting some Goon ass hard out of the way. Goons are the major enemy factions working under Authority and then there's the Muties, River Hogs and Shrouded. All of them have different kinds of enemy types and stronger units going on, but majority of the time will meet the normal fighters of each crew. One location had good lot of new enemy types showing in one big fight which was really exciting to go in, Shrouded and River Hogs were having good old gang fight and could see some dogs, shielded enemies, flame shooting mecha, some heavy armor duded with electricity strips and so on in one spot. Sadly this isn't too common and it's more of the original soldiers that are encountered in the locations. Still abilities and guns come in good variety and make fighting them very fun, which was the saving grace for this title, just alone the gameplay fun would recommend going at it.

Rage 2 shows that it's very likely been rushed and delivered as raw too. When got out of tutorial, this weird glitch started to happen, did try to fix it for pair of hours, but large variety of things from testing all graphics settings, to going through ini files to uninstalling and clearing to install again and such didn't help, decided just to play it. The glitch wasn't too bad on most of the places, but it was horrible in mountain ranges, as glitch was far more visible and didn't find anyone having exactly this one. One similar is terrain stretching to skies and beyond, but in my case it flickers or more like left for split second an empty rectangular space on ground and yeeted to space, and many of these could happen simultaneously which was horrible in mountain ranges due it. Otherwise didn't have much of the way in bugs or glitches and only one crash if remember right.

Driving is god awful, how it can be so horrible, first game was criticized because of it, but honestly it was better in that one. Phoenix feels more like tank over car when turning, but after playing for a while kind of found sweetspot for that with turbo and handbrake. Still Icarus the flying drone is much better to handle, though it has too that weird jank at start and unresponsiveness... Considering they went larger world in this one without fast traveling, they should have certainly make this one feature good. Some of the collectable vehicles from world map felt better than Phoenix itself.

Think it's still fairly loyal in sense to previous part, but preferred first game over this, tighter experience overall. Feels like they did have time to make world map and some hasty main questline and apply tons of locations around very good gameplay. Also the convoy rights give little feel of Mad Max in the game and their Devs sure have inspired part of the stuff to this. Still pretty sad to see Rage 2 like this with tokens and rushed development at this price range, but hell seems like standard of the industry these days. At least gameplay was fun when blasting guns like ye olde shotgun, gravity gun, pulse cannon, rocket launcher, hyper cannon, fire revolver along with mentioned assault rifle, not so much the burst pistol. Favorites from abilities being slam to the ground and shatter which was hitting with force forward. Dash and Rush played good part for mobility and Overdrive basically is the reason which makes you gib enemies to paste and after all upgrades it feels like never ending pool of misery to enemies.

So the expansion Rise of the Ghosts felt similar to first Rage's metro place as it was the hub of operations at southern island out of main map. Having few missions questline and the similarly enough locations the look and complete in the overgrown city. Fitting name is it totally looks like the part. New faction being the Ghosts which could also use this feltrite based abilities to do some similar tricks to main character. Mainly these were just dashing out of the way or matrix style the bullets. Didn't get the main quest progression bug in main game, but expansion after completing quest for it's story got pair of times no radio call to proceed, had to load for it to trigger, so once again it felt like rushed out of the pack. Boss fight was however good since it was basically fighting other ranger who had become deranged Ghost leader.

Overall Rage 2 would be a great game if gameplay would have been packed up with more quests and unrushed game, along with throwing away token nonsense and such out of the game. Also heavily improving driving mechanics of the vehicles, not just what it can shoot out. Sadly this was disappointment as an title, but can't really expect much from the industry at this point. Microsoft buying out Bethesda is most likely just an improvement at this point when looking at latest titles in basically all of the series under Zenimax/Bethesda house at late years..
71 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 19:13
First of all Rage 2 is a great game. Perfect Mix of DOOM & Mad Max. It's a really fun shoot em up game, story wise is it garbage. Decent amount of game time, I did all achievements in 40 hours. I can't recommend this game due to the amount of times it crashes. I had to turn G-Sync off for it to run long periods of time without crashing, but the screen tearing drove me mental! If you buy the DELUXE VERSION YOUR STILL MISSING 1 DLC!
102 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 17:54
I bought this game because the original RAGE was a pretty good game,was really hoping this game will do better but guess it's a dead game now....it's bored btw
201 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 10:33
It's fine. That's it. Nothing really great about it in any sense, unfortunately. I enjoyed my playthrough, but I can't bring myself to play it again.

Can't recommend, sadly.
154 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 03:00
The world is too big and empty for its own good.
Some of the best gunplay I have ever seen in a game.
If someone ever makes an overhaul mod that snips away some of the fluff it will be worth playing.
90 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 05:27
Rage 2 is a fun game. The story is basic and weak, but the guns and abilities all feel good. The open world is alright, nothing super special about it. The mission and bosses are fun/fairly challenging. There is a good amount of side missions and other tiny missions to do, however those may get repetitive for some people.

Tons of people have said that the final mission in their game does not show up. This didn't happen to me, I had no issues.

Another downside is the DLC. With the DLC, you have to buy it through Bethesda.net's store. This makes it so you have to pay more than the DLC is worth in coins to get the DLC. Shady business practises by Bethesda

Overall, I HIGHLY recommend waiting for this game to go on sale, I got it for 16 bucks and it was worth it.
34 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 03:59
I dont care what everyone says, this is fun
115 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 13:47
Too many game breaking bugs and bethesda straight up just abandoned this after the last dlc... sad really. this game could of been amazing.
266 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 05:56
The combat system in this game is very fun. But don't come into this game expecting an amazing story, because you're not going to find it here.
28 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 20:52
It's not the best game which I played, but it's enjoyable outside of main quest line.
1538 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 08:12
I like this one.

Solid OCD trigger, a big map with lots of side-missions. Looks great, handles great, excellent combat, not too hard (so far). Story is inconsequential and characters are a bit on the bland side, but this game is about exploration and shooting first and foremost.

Really good relaxation game, you'll start chasing unchecked icons on the map and zone out in no time.

4 hours in, I know I will play this campaign to the end.
133 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 23:33
Ok, I bought this one close to release. Played it, it was OK, then some bug made it impossible to finish the game, mission just didn't work anymore, no way to proceed the game. 2 years later, tried again, hoping they would've patched everything, all fine and nice until the final mission. The final mission simply does not start and I've been looking for fixes. No way I'ml starting this game from 0 again to get stuck once more.
67 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
5354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 12:32
Great fun :-)

Reminds me of Fallout with driveable vehicles and DOOM combat.
220 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 12:53
Rage 2, a miserable and creatively uncreative mixture of
- The gameplay of Doom 2016
- The story of Far Cry Blood Dragon
- The setting of Botherlands and Mad Max

No creativity, no ingenuity, nothing at all. I have rarely played a game that is so empty. There is no appeal in the game and the story itself only lasts c.a 2 hours and it has been done. The rest is spent driving around in the open world and going through insultingly boring missions and ridiculous boss fights.

Rage 1 was already a rather sluggish game, however, it made the game much livelier with many creative approaches and mini-games.

Rage 2, on the other hand, has none of that, it's lifeless.

- Gameplay is reasonably fluid.
- There are skill systems and good point distribution
- Weapon upgrades
- You can repair your car
- Open world

- It is buggy. The worm has boxed me under the ground. Enemies teleport, NPCs are sometimes invisible during cutscenes. Ammunition flies through walls and more.
- No variety
- Too short storyline
- Catastrophic story
- There are only 3-4 bosses in the game, with different names.
- Collecting meteorites costs an unnecessary 2-3 minutes of just standing around.
- Hardly any fast travel possibilities
- Quicksave for creative attempts removed.
- The map is way too big, you drive 5 minutes for a quest only in one direction.

Honestly, I wasted less time for the review than going to Kasmir.

The game can be fun if you put your mind to it. But I would only recommend it for a discount of 80-90%. Even 12€ is too much for it.

Bethesda??? WHY?
479 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
1515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 15:16
Underrated & underappreciated!!!
191 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 12:36
The one about how we hit the rock bottom of generic open-worlds. Loved the original Rage, refunded the sequel.
383 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 05:27
If you have a hankerin for a fun mindless shooter, then Rage 2 is for you!

-Just Cause style open world.
-Controls a lot like Doom.
-Almost endless chaotic fun.
-A variety of weapons, vehicles, gadgets, and powers to experiment with.

Go forth Ranger; Shoot, pummel, slam and destroy everything in your sight!
432 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
2234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 21:36
Rage 2 is the cyberpunk love-child of Doom, Mad Max and Far Cry. Unfortunately, that child drank a few too many Red Bulls and now doesn't know which way is up. There is a superb game here buried under an avalanche of garbage.

The combat is *chef's kiss*. Probably the most entertaining of any game I have ever played, including Doom 2016. Once you start learning how to combine your weapons with your powers, the close quarters combat is just an absolute blast, and the game is worth buying for that alone.

However, the other game design choices are such a mess. Here's a short list:
- the upgrade system is painfully bloated with about 15 different upgrade currencies and multiple layers to wade through just to upgrade simple things like health or weapons

- the ranking system which is used to give players an idea of the enemy difficulty in locations really seems random and inaccurate which is not helpful for new players

- lots of small annoyances like bugs that have never been fixed, a UI that hitches every time you open it, a player character that is constantly grunting and moaning, and a poorly designed visual map and quest log system (you can sometimes get extra rewards if you hunt down the person who gave you a side mission but they are not marked on the map so good luck with that)

Despite these problems, there are positives including good map design with diverse biomes and locations, and combat abilities are a lot of fun (using Slam to obliterate 50+ enemies in one go never gets old).

If you are looking for a good story and characters, go somewhere else. But if you are looking for fun combat in an open-world setting, buy Rage 2 on sale.

ETA: the new game plus is garbage; you don't just keep weapons and skills - it eliminates all the exploration by unlocking every location on the map. Basically NG+ just brings all the enemies back to cleared locations. That's it. How did the developers manage to get so much wrong with this game??
705 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
2121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 10:11

Rage is a fun filled blast of everything that makes ID software shooters so amazing.
Definitely one of the better open world fps out there, it's mindlessly fun and I had a blast playing it.

29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 01:18
Critics rated this game too harshly. Its literally Doom but open world and you have the force
408 Produkte im Account
352 Reviews
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3210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 04:25
It's aight cuked by DLC tho
344 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 08:35


When I finish the chaz derby race the race doesn’t end. There are no results, and my car won’t stop.
Without me touching any controls it just keeps going around and around the loop forever.
If I don’t hit escape and load a save, the music and the car just keep going on forever.

It took maybe 20 fucking tries to win the race (REQUIRED for story progression) and the same bug occurred, but it said that I got the car unlock.
When I reloaded the game I had NOT won and had to redo it - which is impossible
150 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 18:52
BUY theez nutz Bethesda!
381 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 22:10
I kind of enjoyed this game, but I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone else unless you like driving a lot to mindlessly kill enemies for a couple minutes and repeating that. This game has no really good aspects other than the gunplay maybe because it is very similar to DOOM, in that you only use the shotgun because its the best gun by far. You don't even unlock all the guns playing through the game normally, you have to find them across the map in hidden Arks which are off the beaten path. You also can't unlock all the super powers by completing story missions, so I only got to use two of the four powers.

This game is pretty generic and really reminds me of Far Cry New Dawn. Rage 2 is a bit more mechanical/industrial with its setting than FC New Dawn but they play similar with outposts and the obsession with the color pink. I'd rather play Far Cry though since it's a bit more realistic.

All in all, I would say if you really think this game will fun for you, then don't pay more than $10 for it because the story missions last about 5 hours, which is absolutely atrocious for an originally $60 game. I have some more hours in this game than 5 hours because I was driving around all clearing all the outpost things, but yeah, $10 at most. Just play DOOM. 2/5.
320 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 10:08
Shooting Good
Overworld Pretty
Driving Meh
Story = Bland

Would recommend if you want to make things go boom
Not recommended if you want a serviceable story or good protagonist

Also you need to buy DLC with ingame coins which is pretty shitty
703 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 01:18
31 August 2021, have a RTX 3070 and the game crashes all the time. My guess is Bethesda abandoned it.
191 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 11:47
I just lost every ounce of respect I had for Avalanche after playing this.

At first the game wouldn't even start on my brand new 3070 machine, it just kept crashing, so after spending half an hour fixing that by ultimately just disabling my integrated chip, I then had to troubleshoot the game starting up on the wrong monitor, which could only be solved by unplugging it.

But even after this atrocious beginning before I even saw the title screen, the game turns out to be every bit as bad as people have stated and then some.

Everything just feels so cheap and flimsy. The gunplay is ok, as expected, but even there the aiming feels weird, like it's being decelerated or something. It just all feels really off. Even if whatever they're doing to the aiming makes it easier to hit a target, I would prefer the mouse not be manipulated or slowed down in favor of more control, even if it means lining up a shot is more skill based.

But the final straw for me was once I finally left the initial very sparsely inhabited, and again, cheap-feeling, camp, I come across a sentry tower that upon taking away half its health, apparently sends out an energy attack that goes through everything, buildings, walls, geometry--everything, and then instantly kills me in one hit. I get it, you run in and shoot it for a little bit and then run away, rinse repeat, but that it is TERRIBLE design. That is not fun or engaging. It just feels so slapped together and careless. Why not remove this awful mechanic and just add a camp and enemies there? Why is it just this boring tower that kills you in one hit? It's like they just didn't care.

This game just SUCKS. This is not a good game. Having OK gunplay is not enough when everything else is this terrible. I can't believe Avalanche made this. I cannot accept that the people who made Mad Max are capable of making something this... to be very nice about it, bad. Honestly, the critical reception of Rage 2 was far too high, even though it was very middling. Out of 10 I would say it's a gracious 5. Life's too short for (at best) 5's.

I don't know what Avalanche's next title is, but they are going to have to make an amazing game to wash the stench of Rage 2 off.

Most disappointing game for me of the last 5 years, easy. Uninstalled, never to be installed again.

Edit: and just to be clear, yes, the game does look nice, but what's the point? I would rather the game look half as good and be an amazing game than be pretty and trash.
1068 Produkte im Account
390 Reviews
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115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 00:41
Years later and the game still has a game breaking bug that prevents you from finishing it, great fucking job Bethesda, way to ruin a great fucking game...
85 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 20:00
After playing Rage 2 numerous times and having about three new game pluses on my save file, there's only one thing I can say. I have never felt more calm in real life. You play this game when your angry and you just see all the blood, guts and galore happening right here on your screen in glorious HD detail, it's simply satisfying to play and watch. Now, I think there's something some people just don't understand about this game. The idea of the game having a lackluster story and having the game steered more towards the actual gameplay, combat, and GUNS, people are pissed that this game had a mediocre story. But this was done on purpose, with Bethesda trying to go in a new direction with the game. And personally, I fukin LOVED it. I didn't give a single shite about the story the entire time I was playing as I basically took my headphones off whenever I had to hear dialogue, just so I could focus on beating a mutant's brains into the floor or something.

The actual combat and fluidity of the combat is exactly what you'd expect from Id. It feels responsive, it feels good, it feels clean, it feels smooth. The actual combat is an absolute blast to play around with because of the massive amount of tools you have at your disposal, one of those tools being your left hand which also happens to be a god damn multi-tool of different lethal gadgets. Whether you wanna blow someone away with a knock off FUS-RO-DAH or turn someone into soup with the ground pound, you have a vast array of different weapons simply stocked up in your power suit. But then the weapon wheel? Don't even get me started. You start with your little 9mm pistol, then toss that shite away 5 seconds later and get an assault rifle with the sole purpose of tearing aliens, muties and asshole bandits to shreds. Then one mission later you get your trusty boomstick shoulder cannon. It goes on and on. Whether you wanna blow someone's brains out with a slug or you wanna blow up a numerous amount of organic specimens with your smart rocket launcher, ITS ALL UP TO YOU.

Now look, I get it. The story is lackluster and honest to god boring and complete trash. But again, that's not the reason you buy this game. You want a Bethesda game with good story? Go play the Elder Scrolls series or any Fallout before 4. In this package, you're getting a game littered with ways to murder things. That's it. Doom is essentially the same thing, screw the story, have some guns and murder demons. They even give you a room called the Ripatorium in Doom Eternal where Doom guy is immune to damage and can just focus on different ways to MURDER DEMONS. Yet, even though Doom Eternal had an understandably good story, is that the main thing people focused on? HELL NO. Everyone focused on finding all the different ways to obliterate demons and all the different glory kills that were just blatant harassment towards the otherworldy species at that point. So why is it different for this game? It's essentially the same context: Screw the story, have some weapons, and BOIL THE OCEANS AND NUKE THE ENTIRE F*CKING DESERT.

With that said, I have no more to say about it. The story is trash, but that's not what this review is about. It's about Rage 2, a might-as-well-be sandbox shooter for taking your anger out on pixelated bandits, muties and aliens.

8/10. Try me.
57 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 22:26
As a longtime fan of all thins iD and related, this is honestly terrible. Pretty but bad. Glitchy, unstable, and replete with pointless quest actions (Defib anyone) that are horribly executed, this is one to avoid.
369 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 07:45
Rage 2 is an interesting game to discuss.

Whilst it's a sequel to Rage 1 in story, the gameplay itself is completely different. Rage 1 played more like a standard shooter with some lite crafting elements, though some of the areas were more open ended than a standard linear shooter, the main mission structures were ultimately linear in their paths and how they guided the player towards objectives. Rage 1 had a certain atmosphere which made you feel like you were in a wasteland scavenging, which always appealed to me. Rage 2 however, has shifted to an open world setting and has truly embraced the doom 2016 style of power fantasy with it's combat, movement speed and the array of powers that you get to play with. The story in Rage 2 is simply terrible, even more so than Rage 1, but the gameplay is what really sells this game for me. There's just nothing more satisfying than spawning a vortex on the ground, jumping into it so it flings you up into the air and then ground slamming some enemies and watching them explode or fly up into the air. The combat in this game is excellent imo, pure power fantasy, nothing more nothing less.

Now i'm not going to bother talking about the driving in this game, it's there and it's meh. Use it to get from point A to point B, it does the job in that aspect.

In summary, if you’re looking for a game with a good story and interesting characters, this isn’t the game for you, however if you’re looking for some over the top fun that you can sink a good amount of hours into, you could do a lot worse than Rage 2.

I’d highly recommend picking this up in a sale.
442 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
2530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 14:40
Well worth it. Rage 2, while being very different from the game that came before, is a fun and addictive single-player campaign jam-packed with so much content to keep you going despite the actual campaign being quite short. The gunplay is some of ID's best work and this game is graphically beautiful and one of the best looking games I've ever played. I'd even argue the Deluxe Edition is well worth getting, maybe not for the $100 AUD it is without a sale, as the BFG is just an awesome addition to your arsenal and the pack in DLC campaign almost feels as if it's part of the base game seeing as it adds a new portion to the map, a new weapon and a new ability and upgrade tree.
136 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 20:37
well it was a fun game till i got a game breaking bug. its well know just google rage 2 final mission bug you will see what i mean. the last mission is know to not start even after you done all the requirements. other then that its fun but for a 2-3 year old game and never fixed a well know bug is just BS!!!
87 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 12:44
The first rage was a solid shooter, however, the game's world was devoid of color and personality. That's all changed with Rage 2 but that doesn't mean the game is flawless. Overall Rage 2 is an incredible game with a solid gameplay loop although a repetitive one with a bare-bones narrative.


Gameplay is the strongest aspect of Rage 2. The game features a number of weapons and abilities that keep this gameplay loop fresh and exciting. Each weapon is unique and has its own gimmick. Combine these weapons with abilities that players unlock, Rage 2's gameplay becomes an adrenaline-filled ride that is just so satisfying. Gameplay - 8/10


The narrative is as bare-bones as they come. However, the characters players meet along the way are interesting and skillfully voiced. The only thing Rage 2 has going for it over its predecessor in terms of story, is that it actually concludes the story. Story - 7/10.


In terms of graphics, Rage 2 is a mixed bag. There are places in the game that look stunning and then there are points where the game just looks flat especially, the starting Region, Vineland. Once you get out of Vineland which is immediately after the opening mission, the game's world opens up. There are multiple regions in the game, each with distinct environments. Overall, the graphics are good. Graphics - 6/10

The World

The world of Rage 2 is also a mixed bag. It's full of repetitive activities with increasing difficulty. The only thing that will make players want to explore the world is the Arks that grant new abilities and weapons. The rest are just repetitive activities along the way where players just have to kill enemies. Thankfully, amazing gunplay, abilities, and the gameplay loop saves the game from being boring. If not for that, this game would've gotten boring really fast. 6/10

Overall Rage 2 is an enjoyable game with a satisfying gameplay loop but with a flawed world design. I would recommend this game for its gameplay and its unique art style. Final score 7/10
58 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
86542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:36
Character graphics were better in Rage. But I like the game play.
244 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 19:47
I'm a little surprised to see such negative reviews for Rage 2. It's possible that there were some game-breaking bugs upon release but I didn't encounter any. Frame rates were good and consistent throughout my run-through, although I did experience one crash to desktop.

All in all, it's a cross between Far Cry and Mad Max. Mad Max was made by the same developer (I really enjoyed it - it's better than Rage 2). Meanwhile, Id Software got involved with the gun-play and it shows; it's easily the best part of the game. Rage 2 is a semi-open-world FPS with a sort-of story holding it together. Each mission, side quest and point of interest is a short self-contained section that takes 5-10 minutes to play through; it is very repetitive but I thought the core game loop was fun.

The gun-play is stellar, weapons feel like they have some heft behind them and the action is quick and enjoyable. You gain special powers throughout the game and there's also a lot of variety in the weapons so get your key-bindings set up well. However, the weapons are unbalanced: you can easily get through the whole thing with the assault rifle, shotgun and missile launcher, which means you don't really need to experiment with those powers or other fun weapons. If the game forced you to experiment then it would have had much more impact. Overall the game is really very easy and I'd advise anyone who plays FPS regularly to ignore 'Normal' difficulty and go above that.

The driving sections are disappointing unfortunately. All the vehicles feel pretty much the same. They are big, not very manoeuvrable and have the turning circle of a truck. It's a real shame given how good the driving sections in Mad Max were. However the game doesn't force you to take on convoys or races so it wasn't a big issue. (You have to win one race during the main missions but it's a doddle).

The story is meh. I didn't play Rage so I don't know how much of a story-sequel this is, but I certainly didn't feel like I was missing any information. The story is not as bad as some of the other reviews make it out to be, but it's lightweight and mainly provides excuses for fetch quests. If you complete the main missions without doing the side missions then there really isn't much here. I got 20+ hours out of the game but you can probably complete it in 4-6 hours easily if you rush through. Still, the story is much better than the likes of Far Cry 5 and none of the characters were so annoying that they made me want to put pins through my ears.

Graphics are fine. Nothing astonishing by 2021 standards but certainly good enough. It's really vibrant and colourful with great explosions, but the environments are fairly bland.

Sound affects are also good. The weapons sound weighty. The soundtrack is passable but forgettable.

All in all, it's a solid 7/10 game to be honest. Flawed but fun, and in the end I want to have fun when playing games. Buy it in 50% a sale.

The problem is that you can't help but wonder whether this is a mediocre game hiding a great game. If more effort had gone into the story, into balancing the weapons, and into Mad Max'ing the driving this could have easily been a 9/10. It feels like there's a lot of wasted potential here.

(Played on 1440p, Ryzen 2600X, Radeon 5700XT, 32Gb RAM)
34 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 02:12
Great post-apocalyptic game, hope they make Rage 3!
465 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 16:25
Big improvement on the first. Lots of fun would recommend even if you haven't played the first.
108 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 11:58
I went into Rage 2 hoping it would be somewhat like the original for which I have a lot of nostalgia for that I thought would cloud my judgement of the game but it turns out it's too far from the original for it to matter. Starting with the good: The vechicle combat is good, visuals are really nice and it is fun when you start it. The fun is only skin deep though. The main story line is maybe 8h long which is waaaay too short for an open world game imo. Compared to the orignal I feel like the weapons are very forgettable. I really enjoyed the options the original gave with each weapon taking in several ammo types allowing for different approaches to scenarios. The open world aspect of the game doesnt help it. You only gain 2 abilities and 2 weapons (not counting the pistol) through the campaign itself forcing you to go through the open world looking for them which only felt like a way to bloat time spent in the game. The semi-linear progression in the first game felt much more natural to what it was trying to achive giving you a better sense of accomplishemnt after for example survivng the dead city and gainging the rocket launcher for it. Here you just drive around for a few minutes, have a single engagement and get the ability/weapon. There is also no incentive to use the abilities and weapons you get. You can easily go through the whole game with just the shotgun and consumables compared to DOOM which forces you too cycle through all of your weapons and abilities to acomplish the tasks at hand. All in all, Rage 2 tries to be some weird arcadey DOOM open world hybrid which it fails at, in the meantime losing the dark and grimy atmosphere that made me fall in love with the 1st installment. Wouldn't recommend it at full price.
1040 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 19:02

I bought Rage 2 for the Bethesda launcher and wrote this review right after release, it hasn't been updated since

I feel like only a few people played Rage when it came out in 2011, and even fewer cared about Rage 2 when it was first announced last year. However, I was one of those kind of weird people that really enjoyed the first one. I even enjoyed it enough to have Rage 2 be the game I was most hyped about this year thus far.

So… Did it live up to the hype? Well, both yes and no. The combat is even more fun than I expected and the performance wasn’t a letdown like I thought it would be.

Combat feels like Doom (2016), but with superpowers and having quad-damage available on a cooldown. Fighting through hordes of enemies is definitely among the most fun I’ve had in recent times, and the end of every encounter always left me craving for more.
However even with such high praise the combat isn’t without flaws, my main gripe being the difficulty. It’s really, really easy…Too easy.
The bigger, boss like enemies are usually dead in under a minute, and there isn’t much variety in enemy types. I can only truly remember about four different enemy types from the most common enemy faction. Them being the bat wielding, grenade bashing melee type, the slightly annoying shield guy, one rocket launcher guy, and of course, your standard assault rifle type.
I’m honestly not sure what the other factions offered. Because of how they were overshadowed by the poster gang of Rage 2 due to the amount of times you fight against them.

Performance was surprisingly good on my system (GTX 1080, i5-7600K, 16GB RAM), with around 80 FPS more or less constantly on ultra. I’ve gotten one crash so far and frames dropped into the sub 60s only once or twice during my playthrough. Having ultra-wide support was also nice, even though some of the hud was cut off at the 16:9 border.

I’ll actually continue being positive going into the open world of the game. It’s pretty enjoyable, even with its flaws. It’s definitely far from the best ones out there, and unfortunately not too far from some of the worst. There’s nothing that makes the world feel particularly alive. You run into the occasional fight between two factions but those are pretty underwhelming and doesn’t really add anything to the game. Boiling it down to the basics; What you’re doing in Rage 2 is going from one place to another shooting shit, so it’s a good thing the combat is so much fun. And I think there’s just enough variety in things to shoot to make it enjoyable for longer periods of time.
Tired of shooting things like in Doom? Shoot things from your car like in Mad Max! Tired of that too? Well then I guess you can go shoot an armed tower for whatever reason!

Activities are pretty decent, the two main ones being Mutant Monster Bash (MMB), and Racing, both returning from the first game. MMB is still the fun mutant killing TV show u may have learnt to love in the first game, I know I did, with an added bit of crazy, with a new host and some new hazards on the playing field.
Racing is pretty much the same as in the first game, though I did enjoy racing more there. Because of that I’ve only actually done one race, which is required to progress further in the story.

Speaking of story, it was unfortunately much like the first game, pretty disappointing. I spent quite a lot of time clearing out the map in my early hours, and still finished the game in just over 10 hours.
I haven't finished the first game in years, and I was quite young when I did, so it’s kind of vague on my memory, but I think most people would say the ending was its worst part. Here however, the entire story was a letdown, with its short length, bad characters, and too simple of a premise. I usually enjoy games with a simple story, but you at least need to have interesting characters.
I won’t cover the story in detail, simply because of how bad it is. Just know that it’s your basic shooter story, with a bad guy who does something terrible at the start, forcing you out on a journey for revenge.
After then finishing Rage 2 I was left somewhat unsatisfied, but still excited to continue exploring the world and start collecting achievements. But with me accidentally buying it for the Bethesda launcher, and later finding out the Bethesda launcher was without achievements, I saw no reason to continue playing.
If you’re only after a fun shooter, and don’t care much for a good story, buy it while it’s on sale, preferably on Steam and enjoy.

Rage 2 had so much potential, and while it succeeded in certain areas, it failed in the areas that made the first game so special to me

32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 12:43
The games final mission appeared and then disappeared when i went to do a side mission. Looking in forums for a fix, nobody has solved it without reinstalling and replaying the game.
115 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 17:53
To start with, this game is really fun. it feels like a test ground for a lot of the infrastructure used in Doom Eternal.

HOWEVER the final mission has a game breaking bug that Bethesda has not fixed and most likely never will. The only way around this bug is to have a save file from before you start the mission. If you didn't have a save file from before this mission (not your most current one because it overwrights then you must start a new game.

DO NOT BUY! bugs like this are inexcusable
228 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
5806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 17:55
this game has no deep immersive story, no multi-facetted interesting characters, the open world is decent at best, the crafting system is bare-bones and the map is filled with lots of typical open world busy-work... so why am i upvoting this seemingly piece of hot garbage?
easy - the gameplay loop is ridiculously fun and addictive! the gunplay just feels amazing and the progression system is very rewarding. also theres so many things to upgrade in the game, oh boy! weapons, vehicles, powers, consumables, faction-specific perks....
this is pretty much the drug addicted punk child of fallout and mad max who picked up a thing or two about doom-gunplay.
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 01:32
shit game were you fall through the map and die.
objectives dissapear so you cant even play the game
1 star!
108 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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1828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 15:38
Grind baby grind! Shooting is simply OK, but the driving part is HORRIBLE !!! Soooo slow, sooo much time wasted driving and looking for clues and items to gain XP. The driving experience is sooo boring. The vehicles are slow and lame. It took two of us to finish the game. You could spend 30 minutes doing virtually nothing. I got asleep several times. That is how I have so many hours on record.
563 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 14:29
This game is good before the DLC, now every time I play, the game crashes.
New car mod, game crashes.
Weapon upgrade, game crashes.
Pause game, game crashes.
Save game, game crashes.

They should just rename the game to CrAsh 2.
1429 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
2648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 19:41
There's two of way of seeing this...
1°Good game with a doom esk vibe.
2°Bad Rage game.

I had tons of fun with it, so i would recommend. You can shoot, photo mode, it's challeging at higher settings, story it's okish.
Isn't a masterpiece, so i would recommend at sales.

Tem duas formas de analisar.
1°Jogo FPS que foi utilizado estilo Doom.
2°Péssima continuação pro Rage.

Eu recomendo porque tive diversão com o jogo, dirigir, atirar nas coisas, modo de foto, dificuldade alta é realmente desafiadora e a história é ok.
Não é uma masterpeça, então recomendo em sales ou gamepass.
obs: Fator interessante, é traduzido etc então isso é bom pro público br.
181 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 15:41
Too many bugs, leading to crashed. In 6 hours of playing I have had around a crash every 30 min.
74 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
12177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 18:04
I find it personally entertaining to read people give bad reviews for something that doesn’t run properly on THEIR system. I have 200+ hours and never had an issue that I can recall. People need to learn how to maintain their systems and stress test overclocks vs giving bad reviews.

Yeah I have 200+ hours into it. I absolutely loved it. I only played it on its hardest difficulty to get the most out of the game. I’ll tell you this: The noise you get out of doing a headshot NEVER gets old. ????
139 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 15:19
I actually had a lot of fun with this game. Bought just the base game because of all the negative reviews though. After playing it, I wanted to buy the DLC, but the have this ridiculous system where you have to buy coins instead and trade them in for DLC. What the heck is that? Just sell me the DLC like normal. For this reason I can't recommend this game though I enjoyed it.
132 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 10:26
Rage 2 is a fun diversion like its predecessor. The combat is engaging but the game quickly becomes redundant. Many objectives simply aren't worth completing even for a completionist player like myself. The open world becomes stagnant after playing a map zone or two. The story lacks substance and player upgrades in the form of weapons and vehicles are meaningless to say the least. Despite the lack of substance I would have been able to overlook all of the shallow deficiencies of this game and given it as a pass a costly diversion if there wasn't a game breaking bug that didn't allow me to finish the main quest. I mean the combat is fun but not fun enough to spend another 5-10 hours of replay to finish my campaign. BS like this should not be sold at AAA prices. I feel absolutely ripped off by this purchase - both a waste of time and money. C'mon Bethesda and id - this is crap - $60 for this? BS. BS.
1019 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 14:13

????Positive Aspects:

  • Fantastic visuals with a detailed wasteland!
  • A game that has the incredible DOOM combat mechanics and fast pace.
  • Solid characters and when you have collected a decent amount of Data Pads the storyline shines.
  • Great performance considering how big the map is.

????Negative Aspects:

  • The storyline without any Data Pads is basically just lackluster.
  • The game is now close to 2 years old and still has a game-breaking bug that hasn’t been patched.


Rage 2 is the successor of Rage 1 which was considered a hidden gem back in 2011. With Rage 2 the combination of id Software which are the creators of DOOM and Wolfenstein series and Avalanche Studios which are the devs of Mad Max and Just Cause games. In short, Rage 2 is DOOM in a Mad Max world. The game was published by Bethesda.

Release Date: 14th May 2019

Last known update: 14 November 2019


Is that game really as bad as the average Steam rating suggests?

I mean even by looking at the Positives and Negatives section in my review you will probably realize why this game is a hit or miss. Let’s say you finished the last mission before the start of Project Dagger after around 15 hours. But surprisingly nothing shows up, despite having completed the needed mission to start the mission no waypoint is presented to you. Oh well, must be some glitch so you decide to drive to the location without any waypoint, right? No, you will get instantly bombed. You decide to check out Reddit to perhaps find a fix and lucky you, you will have to use the latest savepoint before project dagger, if you do not have a savepoint you will have to start from the beginning! Keep in mind that this game was released 2 years ago.


DOOM+Mad Max= Success?

Open World and Missions:
Now I suppose that Avalanche studios were the team that tackled the Open world and Missions. I mean the Open World looks a lot like the Mad Max world, you can even see major similarities. For example, if you want to take part in a Race you have in both games some crazy race directors and basically, you get the same identical vibe. What Rage 2 did better than Mad Max was the fact that there were a lot more random camps to capture/ Clear out, a lot more secret locations basically just a much more detailed world. Now the Mission design is pretty normal considering that this is an FPS game. Go there kill that guy go there kill this guy. There are obviously some missions that offer some differences for example when you had to kill a huge worm monster you had to use one of your vehicles. Or in the last mission where you entered the HQ with the Xerxes Tank. Other than that it is a pretty straight forward mindless shooter.

Now the combat is all DOOM and in all honesty, I loved the combat more than anything. Taking on a horde of wastelanders just feels natural with the combat mechanics and if you unlock all of the ARK technologies you will basically feel like a God. The only thing that I missed was the Glory kills but I suppose it would look too much like Doom. Other than the crazy combat and ridiculous ranger abilities you can even improve your weapons using upgrade points, you can upgrade certain abilities as well because of the 3 friends in the Project Dagger. For example, you can deflect grenades thrown at you. That isn’t even everything, you can literally upgrade your vehicles as well in order to destroy more convoys.

Other aspects:
  • If you steal some wastelanders vehicle and drive it back to a city’s garage you will actually have it forever.

  • Try to find as many ARK locations as possible as sometimes you will find some interesting characters on the way.

  • You can Fast Travel to each city keep that in mind.
  • [/list]


    Be aware, spoilers ahead!

    After the events in Rage 1, a reformed Authority decides to attack Vineland which is your hometown. You get to meet your sister Lily and later on, you find the mother that adopted you Erwina Prowley but so does the antagonist of Rage 2 General Cross and he kills her as you were basically unconscious. Later on, Lily helps you up and you become a Ranger and realize that Erwina trained you for that exact situation. With the help of her pre-recorded hologram, you get to meet the 3 faces that will help you in project dagger. You start with John Marshall, he asks you to save his Spy named Gulo but after reaching the location and fighting enemies you realize that she is long gone. After retrieving the intel from her organs because she swallowed it. Thanks to that intel you find the old base and download the Safety protocols. Later on, you get in touch with Loosum Hagar and she will help you if you take care of another person that runs for mayor named Klegg Clayton. After meeting him you realize that he works for General Cross and after some more mutant fighting you follow him to a base where he talks to the General but Cross decided that he has no use for him and commands his mutants to kill him. After fighting through the base again you manage to steal a fission core. Last on the list is Kvasir, an ex-authority scientist. You obviously help him out in creating a serum that will destroy G.Cross’s ability to create a clone. In the final moments, you break into the HQ of the authority and fight against G.Cross for a final time and inject the serum but what you didn’t know was the fact that you would die as well with him. Luckily Lily saves you and forces Kvasir to heal you up as all of this was his plan.

    ????Graphics / Audio:

    Keep in mind that Rage 2 doesn’t use the IdTech engine that Rage 1 used or any DOOM Game but it uses the Apex game Engine.

  • Graphics:
  • https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2399814792


  • Audio / Soundtrack:
  • The voice acting is decent enough in my opinion but nothing amazing. Obviously, the voice actors speak clearly and with unique voices but the characters have some desync problems when talking. There isn’t really a soundtrack to the game so I cannot really say much.


    In Game:
  • AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 32GB Ram, Nvidia RTX 2070S:
  • I was running the game on Maxed out settings in 1080p with 144fps.

  • AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 32GB Ram, Nvidia RTX 2070S:
  • RAGE2 benchmark completed, 24132 frames rendered in 165.344 s
    Average framerate : 145.9 FPS
    Minimum framerate : 94.3 FPS
    Maximum framerate : 208.5 FPS
    1% low framerate : 104.8 FPS
    0.1% low framerate : 81.6 FPS

  • Bugs / Glitches / Crashes:
  • As mentioned there is that huge Bug so be sure that have a savepoint before the last mission. Outside of that I only had 2 crashes in 17 hours of gameplay.


    Rage 2 is a very good game in my opinion with fantastic visuals a decent enough story and incredible gameplay mechanics. Sadly all of that will end up in a frustrating experience due to the Project Dagger bug which sometimes forces you to replay the game all over again.
    If you have multiple savepoints you will be able to bypass that issue and for once enjoy the game.

    ????Overall rating: 75/ 100

    Date of the Review:19.02.2021

    Don’t forget that the game is currently Free to get in some other well know game launcher:) ! Epic
    104 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    4846 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.02.21 17:21
    Do you enjoy stock-smashing people until they explode?
    Do you enjoy shooting people who are different on television for large sums of money?
    Do you enjoy driving through an average Tuesday in Florida and smashing through the local meth addicts?

    Of course you do! Buy the game!
    96 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    1485 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.02.21 11:27
    This game is so fun I can't get enough. I really can't see why ppl don't like this game. What else do they expect from a game? Okay the story would have been better but at the end it's so fun and engaging game.
    403 Produkte im Account
    93 Reviews
    1698 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.02.21 16:54
    id software made a Far Cry game, complete with big map covered in icons and cars to drive.
    But since id made it, the gunplay is actually fun and the enemy designs are creative.

    This is not a ubisoft skinner box where you do boring things to get the next upgrade. This is a game, where you do fun things for fun. And upgrades are there too.
    574 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    2221 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.02.21 17:21
    I'd entirely and wholly recommend this game if it was half the price or so.

    The combat is very fun though imo they very seldom give fights big enough or long enough to really see the combat shine.
    A large part of the game, like many open world games, is spent driving places. The driving is okay but not near good enough for how much time you spend doing it.
    The upgrades are cool and most are pretty interesting and fun. This is one of the better points of the game. Also that for most powers/guns if you know where they are, in most cases you can get them pretty much from the start if you're up for a challenge.
    The game is moderately short but not enough to be a problem. The main actual problem is that once it is beaten there's barely a reason to stick around. No coop, no multiplayer, etc.
    If this game had coop even just 2 player I would very, very happily play this again with a friend. But without that it might just collect dust now.

    Also last note, if you loved RAGE 1 I wouldn't say this game is particularly similar. I'd honestly place this game closer to the Mad Max game with less car stuff and more superpowers than I would to the original RAGE (which I entirely recommend btw). So point being if you love RAGE 1 do not expect 2 to be a true sequel ironically.
    184 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2113 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.01.21 17:49
    wierd but really fun combat based on kill streaks and cheesy storyline but cheesy in a good way. actively encourages open-world exploration
    203 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1378 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.01.21 14:47
    There is a bug on the last mission that will not let you complete the game. Hundreds of forums about it exist online but still no fix. Very disappointing.
    36 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    625 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.01.21 17:25
    i was high when i bought it
    628 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    222 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.01.21 11:44
    Kept crashing, sometimes within seconds of loading in. Tried every suggestion I could find. Fun while it lasted, but extremely unstable.
    38 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    3047 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.01.21 01:30
    Super fun game gameplay wise, however the frequent glitches that will literally require you to start the game over, no matter how late in the game the glitch happens, completely ruin it. It destroys the quality of the experience and makes it very unrewarding.
    649 Produkte im Account
    90 Reviews
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    162 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.01.21 00:48
    the game is amazing and has one of the best combat systems i have ever seen in a game. I really liked playing this game and bought the first dlc. unfortunately the game is bugthesda as hell and i couldnt play any further because the dialogues and graphics were bugged. support were about as much use as a chocolate teapot. sad fantastic game ruined by bugthesda, no patches forthcoming
    2219 Produkte im Account
    332 Reviews
    2230 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.12.20 04:05

    I understand now. The mixed reviews are totally justified.

    Depending on what you want out of this game, there will be either too little or too much of it. If you're interested in a deep, narrative plot, there is next to none in this game. If you're looking for something analogous to a sort of Far-Cry-esque-takedown-all-the-outposts game. You're going to get a metric ton.

    Premise: Taking place well after RAGE 1, you'll play as Walker, who is not an ark survivor, but rather a Ranger from Vineland. Vineland is comprised of ark survivors and their descendants. Vineland is immediately destroyed in the tutorial and Walker sets out into the wasteland to go after General Cross. The man responsible for why Vineland is destroyed. Walker is then quickly tasked with finding members of a plan called “Project Dagger” — unsurprisingly, this plan is to kill Cross. As that plays out... that is roughly 98% of the story.

    The rest is made up of outposts, mutant dens, and other nefarious faction holdings.

    The most outstanding thing about the RAGE series is how little story is actually given.

    RAGE 1 review here.

    Juxtaposed to RAGE 1, I feel there is a distinct lack of character in this game. The first game felt much more unique. People and locations were more memorable. [spoiler]John Marshall (nearly unrecognizable in RAGE 2) and Dr. Kvasir return in the game as significant characters. Loosum Hagar, the daughter of Dan Hagar (voiced by John Goodman in RAGE 1) becomes the mayor of Wellspring.[/spoiler]

    Mutant Bash TV is back, but much less interesting. The perennial ”murder show” of the post-apocalypse. Hearkening back to Arnold Schwarzenegger's “The Running Man”. At least that's my earliest memory of this type of trope. That and “Smash TV” on NES. Where it felt unique much like the entirety of RAGE 1 — RAGE 2 seems to have taken the main aspects of RAGE 1 and repeated them in a much larger space.

    Despite the way it feels, despite the listed developer, it does not use the id tech engine (to the best of my knowledge).

    The gunplay feels really good. Well above average. And it'd be easy to draw comparisons with the Nanotrite powers in Shatter and Slam to glory kills from DOOM 2016. But this game actually utilizes Avalanche's proprietary engine named “Apex Engine” and only had id Software overseeing the project i.e., not directly involved. The first RAGE did use id tech — “id Tech 5”. The way I believe ZeniMax works is such that they use Bethesda as a publishing house of sorts. I suppose it remains to be seen what will occur, if anything, with Microsoft's acquisition.

    Maximum Madness.

    Avalanche Studios did actually work on the “Mad Max” game, so regardless of its obvious theme, a lot of similarities can be drawn just from that. However, I think it actually shares more in common with Borderlands. Take the loot out and stick Borderlands into a DOOM 2016-esque engine and something like RAGE 2 would likely take shape. You search of Arks instead of Vaults. The world has some serious sci-fi undertones but doesn't take itself very seriously. The elevators play this very traditional and jovial, annoyingly innocuous music right in the middle of an outpost takedown while just outside its doors are a bunch of people you just slaughtered. It's an FPS, as opposed to Mad Max which has a melee and combat-racing focus. You also have what are effectively super powers like our favorite Vault Hunters.


    RAGE 2 takes the semi-open world from the first game and totally opens it up. Maybe too much.

    Effectively, you'll spend time killing goons, mutants or “The Immortal Shrouded” — which is a really cool name for a faction that doesn't really do much beyond fighting with cloaking gear and vibroblades. Then looting the location for whatever resources there are. You'll search for Feltrite, the main upgrade item. This will unlock tiers. Then you'll supplement those tiers by unlocking abilities within them using Nanotrite boosters, weapon core mods or auto parts depending on what you're trying to upgrade.

    The main antagonist and faction is “The Authority”. They're the dominant faction and wish to control the rest of the wasteland. Often using mutants controlled with tech and nanotrites against you.

    This all might sound pretty negative thus far...

    What it boils down to is that the game is simply a joy to play. The shooting sure is, in any case. The driving is okay, between tanks and rocket bikes, there's no shortage of driveable vehicles. There does seem to be less focus on combat racing than in the first game. Instead, favoring random convoys you can go after. And those can be fun, but I didn't find them highly compelling in their own right.

    The Gist:

    RAGE is a series that is waiting for someone to actually do something with. There is a good story to be told in this world, there is more interesting stuff you could do with the mechanics. But those things aren't really in this game. This ultimately feels like a video game trying to be a video game for the sake of being a video game.

    You're constantly getting more resources, checking off boxes and getting more ways to kill things. It's a dopamine factory. The gunplay is fantastic and I highly recommend it on sale as there is a lot to do in it if what you seek is copious murder. But something needs to change for RAGE 3.

    If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
    262 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    401 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.12.20 02:28
    I sadly can't recommend Rage 2 to any fans of the first game.
    While the first was a more bloody/Mad-Max take on a Fallout style setting, the second tries too hard to be more like Doom with a Far Cry New Dawn skin thrown on top. [Which was also a bad game].

    Enemies are un-recognisable from the first game, the characters are one dimensional and boring, the driving [which is a main feature] just sucks, and there's bugs out the ass.
    I urge you to go back and play the first Rage, which was actually respectable, then come back and judge this one based on the trailers alone. I guarantee you won't be impressed.
    853 Produkte im Account
    48 Reviews
    1042 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.12.20 20:37
    High octane fueled action with tight gunplay
    274 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    2832 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.12.20 20:32
    Freakin great game. It has its flaws, yes, but overall it is a great full AAA experience. IF You're smart enough not to go the easiest way possible.

    Here are some counter-arguments to criticism about this game.

    As You can see, I played about 45 h this game (I will not edit this review if I play more). And this time took me to finish this game only ONCE. Not twice, not 10 times, but only one time. Reason some people finishes this in 6 hours? They go blindfolded in the main story and they ignore side activities which are the main part of this game...

    ... And for the reason of me playing on nightmare-ultra-nightmare they were NOT repetetive. They can be on lower diff level, yes, but not on high difficulty levels.

    While playing on high difficulty levels the game will force you to juice out 100 % potential from all of Your weapons, abilities and gear and BELIEVE ME, this is entertaining.

    Ironically RAGE 2 is for thinking people xd

    It is fast paced, diverse experience full of action. Shooting feels just so good here! And combined with kick ass abilities and gear... Man. For me it's just like it looked like on trailers.


    Some downsides:
    - It is hard to find all ARKs. To make my gaming experience comfortable I used the Internet to find them all.
    - Before developing a necessary ability in Project Menu finding all storage boxes in every single location is a bitch.
    - Majority of the most expensive Marshall's Project sucks.
    - Characters are far less entertaining than in the first RAGE.

    But that doesn't spoil the whole b-l-o-o-d-y good fun. Buy it, but I personally recommend to wait on some sale and get the Deluxe Edition.
    1265 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    3549 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.12.20 23:50
    Before playing Rage 2, I've finished Rage 1 and was extremely pleased with it. Especially liked post-apocalyptic atmosphere and the story. Rage 2 looked awesome on screens but I was alarmed by a lot of negative reviews saying it's boring. Well I'm glad that I did not believed them. The game is simply awesome! It is HUGE, the scenery is beautiful, weapon and fights are pure satisfaction, the story is solid concerning game scale. A lot of mechanics, vehicles, limitless perks upgrades and so on and on... This is basically DOOM - Open - World (but even better in some ways)! If you like open world shooters this is a MUST play! Love the engine combination (Apex + ID)!
    34 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    2419 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.12.20 22:19
    Gunplay style - Doom, Environment - Mad Max, Gameplay - Far cry. And you find here fantastic and very varied combat, tons of upgrades, nice graphic, animations and trashy music. I dont recommend this game for people who seek story.

    RATING: 7.5
    334 Produkte im Account
    73 Reviews
    1015 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.12.20 17:29
    Actually a really good game despite what alot of reviews claim.
    574 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1581 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.12.20 11:35
    How is it possible for an AAA title in this day and age to have a game-breaking bug that occurs just before the final chapter of the game? Or to have that bug still be prevalent, over a year after release?

    The big question: why do we idiots still give Bethesda money?
    343 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1863 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.12.20 10:01
    Played for 31 hrs to end up with a game breaking bug stopping me from completing the game. And this is after waiting super long after release before i started this game. Given that it is done by Bethesda you would think they will fix this shit. Save ur self the pain.
    50 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    25 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.11.20 00:15
    Game won't even start
    189 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    172 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:31
    7/10 Gameplay!!!
    97 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
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    1620 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.11.20 07:14
    I wish there was a meh button, because this game wood fall right in the middle of good and bad. meh is the perfect word for this game. It is not good enough for me to recommended, but not bad enough for me to have any other complaints besides it is a bit boring and a little repetitive.
    171 Produkte im Account
    45 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    149 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.11.20 05:17
    Certainly in the running for one of the most generic, forgettable, and boring games that could call themselves AAA titles.
    675 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    83 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.11.20 22:48
    This game sucks.

    The marketing of this game really made me expect something more bombastic, engaging, and more akin to a retro FPS experience like the new DOOM games. But it's just a generic open world cover shooter with only an inch of depth to any of its mechanics.
    I managed to see most of what the game had to offer in under two hours.
    Don't be fooled into thinking this is a retro influenced shooter with good movement and attitude to boot, it's more akin to a Call of Duty clone than what the advertising would lead you to think.

    It's also nothing like the first Rage. Now the first Rage wasn't all that great either, but it had sparks of greatness peppered throughout. Rage 2 forgets all of the best parts of Rage 1 and instead spent its focus on all the worst parts of Rage 1, and even then it barely takes anything from the first one. The combat in the first Rage was visceral and satisfying with interesting AI and great death animations+physics. There were plenty of simple pleasures in the combat of the first.
    The combat in Rage 2, however, is extremely sterile in comparison. Enemies no longer feel like a part of the environment, but instead just moving targets that fall over when you kill them. It's difficult to explain, but if you've played the first Rage I think you'll know what I'm talking about.
    The driving is another aspect of this. What was easily the least fun part about Rage 1 now has even more focus in this one, complete with a barren and boring open world to drive endlessly through! It's not fun and if you've played open world apocalyptic games from the 2010s (or Borderlands), you've likely gotten your fill of whatever Rage 2 has to offer.

    It do be kinda pretty though!
    156 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1682 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.11.20 01:42
    Fun enough to do the side quests too... These days that's saying something.
    270 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1647 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.11.20 01:37
    27 hours in and the main quest is bugged and i can't finish the game. This games been out for a long while now and this bug is still here.

    i know there's finicky things you can do to try to fix the problem, but the game isn't really that enthralling to make me re-install and mess with game files.

    the games not good but its not bad. Kind of like Mad Max with DOOM 2016 gunplay. but theres just nothing about the game that makes me want to know what happens next and a bug like this that never got fixed even though they have put out DLC expansions. probably a good deal if it was 50% or more i guess.
    393 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1401 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.10.20 07:21
    Can't help but feel this game is a tad overrated, at least when you read the critics appraisal anyway. I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy my time playing the game. It's new, and thus entertaining to explore. But it's a game of an extremely, highly repetitive nature, and the novelty begins to wear off, very... very quickly. Let me break it down a bit by characteristics.

    1. Visuals:
    Actually pretty representative of the screenshots available here. The environments are highly detailed, if not, a little monotonous. Gargantuan, dwarfing canyons. Dense, alien like jungles. Grand sweeping sand dunes, and an unending litter of literal rubbish and rust polluting the wasteland. Character models look decent, especially the Authority. Vehicles look rough and tough, and the engines roar adequately. The entire vibe is probably a little toooo much like Mad Max, without actually being, Mad Max, but it's not much of a set back. The only issue is the extremely odd choice of overly saturated neon pink lighting and effects. This game is an epileptic seizure waiting to happen. Pink seems to play a little too heavy a roll in the colour palette, for no real discernible reason.

    2. Sound Design:
    This is where I felt the game lacked, considerably. Nearly every gun sounds like some kind of dubstep concoction. The bass is extremely overpowering on nearly every gun and it leaves the audio feeling muddy, not powerful. Character actions like climbing ladders, walking, or activating objects all sound extremely muffled, like the inherent recording was done through a tin can. Voice work is fine, it's crystal clear, vehicles sound extremely meaty, environment objects like rocks breaking or rubbish flailing about sound fine, but the main aspect of this game, that you will both see and hear, nearly 100% of the time, just sounds, lackluster. Also, music was a major miss in this, nearly no track stood out at all, and I honestly can't recall any, background noise at best.

    3. Gameplay:

    For a game that emphasises its combat, the combat is arguably, no where near as great as claimed. 2 out of the 10 guns are locked behind a preorder bonus, and the rest, not even worth fully exploring. I completed the game primarily focusing on the Combat Shotgun, The Ranger Assault Rifle, Smart Rocket Launcher, and Plasma Cannon. The rest were of little value. In fact, I felt like the AR and Shotgun were entirely essential to the game, as the AR was the only weapon capable of mid-long range shots without being a significant drain on the ammo pool. You get cool abilities that you can lock into hotkeys, the others are innate passive abilities like double jumping etc. They can certainly help to make the combat more hectic and controllable, but don't really feel essential besides making encounters a little more variable. The map feels a little too inspired by Ubisoft games with bandit bases, which, luckily, you can rerun them at any time you want, but I was never compelled to. 100% completion of this game felt neither worthy, nor was it honestly essential. The final run was exceptionally easy. There's also side missions to do, which all of them are pretty much the same, and you can undertake bounties to gain extra cash and reputation. Though, the bounties are absolutely pointless, the reward is absolutely not worth it, for the time it takes to drive to your location, and kill the enemies, of which, in this game, you will drive around. A LOT. This game feels like it was designed with longevity in mind, but it fails to captivate beyond a single playthrough. Oh, and literally no other vehicle is even worth driving, because none of them are as versatile as the car that is given to you at the start, of which it is the only one you can upgrade. On top of vehicles, there are giant convoys that roam the map that you can take on that are actually really enjoyable, this was probably the highlight of the game for me.

    4. Story:

    So basically, it's a direct sequel to the original game. The Authority have decided to counterattack the resurgence of the peoples of the Ark and you're basically trying to finish them off instead. To combat them, Project Dagger is enacted, a series of items and events that allow you to infiltrate their stronghold and take out their leader. The main story consists of literally only 8 missions. You have the intro, 2 missions from each 'faction' of which there are 3 leaders, and the final mission. One of those missions involves taking part in a race, in which, if you cannot come first place, you will not proceed, and it is absolutely mandatory to proceed. The final fight was entirely underwhelming, and the game literally just ends on a cliffhanger again, extremely abruptly, I was honestly shocked when it happened, I couldn't believe it.

    Overall Verdict:

    It's not an awful time to be had in Rage 2, the visuals are decent, the combat, competent if not repetitive. Sound design, nothing to be impressed by, and story, extremely short. I would recommend this game if weren't for the fact that 3/4 of the way through my short experience, I was already rushing through to get it finished. I lost all motivation to complete the game 100% after I realised it wasn't rewarding in the slightest, and nor was it necessary grinding that much for a fight you can beat at a way lower power level than what I was at. Rage 2 feels like a game that's a mile wide, but an inch deep. Between breaking every object in sight to salvage a scrap of cash, and being able to take on 'level 10' areas fresh out of the womb, there just feels like very little the game is holding back from you that you don't get to see within the first hour of playing.

    Overall, a 6.5/10 for me. Absolutely NOT worth $100, only buy if heavily discounted.

    159 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    2884 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.10.20 06:13
    In the future we apparently all wear ridiculous hats.
    944 Produkte im Account
    264 Reviews
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    52 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.10.20 17:45
    One of the most generic open world FPS on this generation. to avoid, even on sales. Replaying Rage 1 seems more fun actually.
    305 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
    6112 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.10.20 05:01
    Was definitely worth the $15 I paid for it on sale, but not the $59.99 regular price.

    If you want to re-live the Mad Max wasteland, this game is for you. Rage2 went out of its way to copy many aspects of it, with mixed success. I would strongly recommend that you play MaxMax first, it's currently on sale for $15 and is much better game.

    Rage2 is not a polished and coherent game, I'm sorry. The story is paper-thin, and you can complete the entirety of it in under 20 hours. The missions are all the same: go to location, kill someone, repeat. The guns are rewarding to use and can be upgraded in limited, but meaningful ways. What it lacks in quality, it makes up in quantity. So if you're looking to shoot 3 variations of bad guys, with 6 good weapons out of available 9, then come on board! Vehicle combat is a chore, especially if you try to compare to FarCry, Borderlands or MadMax. That's mostly because of terrible physics that are struggling to work on this beautiful and realistic terrain. The only flying vehicle available is horrendously clunky and doesn't let you control the elevation, which is a stupid design decision. Still, it's basically the most efficient way to open the map quickly, so you'll suffer though it. The ability to spawn any unlocked vehicle at any moment is convenient, but breaks the game from many angles. Need to clear a location? Plop down a tank with unlimited ammo and carpet bomb the entire compound. It's dumb fun that gets boring fast because you going to repeat this dozens of times.

    In conclusion, this is a game that tries to be the jack of all trades by copying entire segments from MadMax, FarCry and Borderlands, all tied together by a flimsy story. Buy it on sale to kill time. Enjoy it's stunning landscapes and artwork.
    270 Produkte im Account
    32 Reviews
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    374 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.10.20 20:31
    TL:DR BORING !!!

    - bland and boring characters
    - even more bland, boring and character-less characters!
    - huge empty and again boring open world with unnecessary long and boring travel distances between mission and another!
    - world building is bland, lifeless and boring
    - story is .... oh is there a story?!!
    - graphics are anything but like the screenshots! bland colors and bad antialiasing, and WHY NO HDR?!!
    178 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
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    1504 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.10.20 13:56
    RAGE 2 has a lot going for it. It builds on the original Rage's wasteland concept that included looter-shooter mechanics, lite-rpg systems, and vehicle combat, and it manages to address some key complaints detractors of the original game had, such as a small, lifeless open world being turned into a visually vibrant, multi-faceted Wasteland with many different locales to explore and stories to uncover. So why does it all feel so lifeless?

    The original RAGE is one of my favorite games of all time. On the Xbox 360 I must have given away many hours of my life as I grinded through all its achievements, and with RAGE 2, I wanted to do the same. I hadn't been so hyped for a sequel in a long, long time, as I wanted to see the continuation of the story in RAGE after such a noticeable cliffhanger. When I booted up the game, and I discovered I was going to play as a Walker character in one of Sam Riegal's more notably bad VO roles, and that the events of the last RAGE seemed to matter an infinitesimal amount, it frustrated me. Not only that, but the RAGE wasteland isn't present at all. Some towns like Wellspring are there, but that one blends in with all the rest to the degree that no town has any variety. And for the remainder of the story, I continued to find areas where I took issue. As someone who had dived into the extra reading material for the first RAGE, I knew who Martin Cross, the main antagonist of this game, was, but those who weren't familiar probably hadn't even heard of him until this game. He ended up being your cookie-cutter sci-fi villain instead of the mastermind strategist he is portrayed as in the RAGE comic and novel. Simultaneously, the story we've been given is paper thin and over before it begins. The three main questlines can each be finished in three hours tops and when they're done, you go do the last mission and the story just... ends. So why am I supposed to be invested?

    Another thing, the gameplay feels so inconsistent. The leveling so poor. In the original RAGE, you started with a shitty pistol and a discount AR. Your starting vehicle is a dirt runner buggy that would get destroyed first in a Mad Max movie. As you played through the game, you got more weapons and more ammo types that made the game more interesting and allowed you to play how you wanted to. You had vehicle choices that genuinely mattered. Don't get me wrong, that type of thing is sort of present here. At the start, you are limited to only basic weapons. The problem is, those basic weapons, after a few easy to acquire upgrades, are all you need. They can kill basically anything easily if you know what you're doing. The weapons you acquire by exploring are incredibly fun, but you don't need them for anything and many wouldn't even know they're there if they didn't go exploring. Same goes for the Feltrite upgrades. You also get the most useful vehicle in the game at the very start, and even though there are many other driveable vehicles in the game, why would you ever want another one? Walker starts out as an incredibly competent killer with all the tools he needs at the beginning of the game, and progressing after that point was all fluff.

    Don't get me wrong. There are some missions and areas in the game that utilize the game's weapon mechanics very well, and some that are clearly made with some of the different weapons can be found by exploring. There are also some Bandit dens that are incredibly well built; one was built into the side of a cliff and made for incredibly engaging vertical FPS action. I wanted more of that. But for the most part, the weapons I used made easy work of anything coming at me. After killing your thousandth goon, it gets old.

    I got enjoyment out of RAGE 2. It was nice seeing old characters give one liners and engage in some at times incredibly satisfying gunplay. But as I sat through this game, and as it neared its conclusion, I couldn't help but think about what could have been, and how this game tried its best to build on a successor by borrowing from so many other things that the original RAGE just wasn't. If RAGE 2 doesn't know what it wants to be, then why should I be the one to try and define it?
    630 Produkte im Account
    63 Reviews
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    289 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.10.20 21:01
    Once the initial buzz wears off (happens pretty fast) the game is very repetitive and lacks depth.
    20 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
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    85 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.10.20 07:10
    Played the first rage which was great, or maybe i just didn't know any better games but this didn't catch my attention at all.
    The few hours/money i spent was a complete waste.
    422 Produkte im Account
    36 Reviews
    891 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.10.20 15:59
    Good game, but unfortunately far too short. It's still fun :P.
    The environment looks good, as does the graphics.
    As with every Bethesda game, there are also bugs here, but luckily they are not annoying.
    I bought the game for € 11.99, it's not worth more. Don't get the game for € 60, that's extremely exaggerated.

    199 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    988 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.09.20 18:11
    Menu crashes have existed since launch and still haven't been patched. I can't upgrade any vehicle as it is an instant crash just to go to the vehicle upgrade menu.
    173 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
    2256 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.09.20 17:50
    Don't really understand all the negativity. The game might have bugs - though I haven't experienced any as yet (12 hours in) - but it's an absolute blast, the most fun I've had since the Borderlands games. In fact I'll stick my neck out and say it's one of the best shooters I've ever played.
    176 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    2939 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.09.20 19:15

    This game is completely mediocre but still overall worth playing. The open world is nice but somehow naively done. The plot is decent but very short. There are many side missions but eventually they get repetitive. Everything is a mix of things that don't really go together - shooting, scary dungeons, sunny deserts, car racing, car jumping... didn't they learn anything from Rage 1? The combat system is designed for running into the enemy and shooting them point blank. There are no sniper rifles. The only particularly good thing is the soundtrack, it's spooky and weird, in a positive way.
    141 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    734 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.09.20 03:55
    fun game for 10 bucks but no more than 10 :)
    198 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2346 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.09.20 18:09
    it's doom but with cars in an open world.

    534 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
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    1134 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.09.20 21:47
    I bought Rage 2 - Deluxe Edition but I don't own 2nd DLC: TerrorMania.
    Bethesda... sad.
    6107 Produkte im Account
    76 Reviews
    5696 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.09.20 13:17
    One word: awesome!
    3199 Produkte im Account
    110 Reviews
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    2477 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.08.20 16:36
    +10 pts for a fun sprawling open world fps with a funky retro apocalyptic aesthetic
    -10 pts for anti consumer bs they pulled with the deluxe ed. and the whole selling cheats for a sp game

    Final Score: 0/10

    Thats right bethesda, you get NOTHING, you LOSE! Good day SIR!
    191 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
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    140 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.08.20 01:00
    Even at $20 on sale, 80% off the retail price, I cannot recommend this game and had to get a refund.
    It took me close to 10 crashes at the loading intro before I even got in.
    You cannot alt-tab from this game, it will freeze.
    Had 3 savegames that corrupted and I had to revert to a previous.
    Multiple freezes in-game during different actions.
    Bugs aside, it has a bland AF story and the mechanics are nothing worth pushing through for.
    Don't get this game.
    404 Produkte im Account
    80 Reviews
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    1126 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.08.20 19:40
    This game just isn’t very good… It definitely has its moments but they are few and far between the main game play loop of tedious and uninteresting repetitive open world elements that when compared to even the most cookie cutter games from the likes of Ubisoft that Rage 2 still manages to fall below average.
    611 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
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    2559 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.08.20 16:39
    I cannot recommend this game, even though I loved it and completed it, the expansion, and every location/data pad/storage box that I could find. I enjoyed the voice acting, the missions, the cool ways of offing baddies, even the driving / flying.


    The game developers don't care enough about the game to fix a game freeze bug for selecting the in-game vehicle menu that has been there for over 400 days (since the beginning as far as I can tell). It's easy to replicate the complete, unrecoverable game freeze - have V-sync on, press Tab, use your mouse to click the Vehicle options, and try and click on the Phoenix to upgrade it. BOOM. Total, unrecoverable game freeze that forces you to use the task manager to close the program out (not even alt-f4 closes it!)

    There is a work around if you do decide to play - turn off V-sync. Sadly for me, I was right on the edge of 60 FPS at 4K, so V-sync was a must have feature to reduce the horrible screen tearing - hence why I cannot recommend a game that the game developers don't care enough to fix with a bug this bad.
    191 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    2602 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.08.20 01:00
    Pretty fun, beat it in a day, messed around aftertrying to get 100% completion. Not there yet, but hopefully.
    Looking for some very superhuman-esque color-saturated mindless killing in an open desert? This is your game, bubby.
    2197 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    573 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.07.20 23:23
    Worse than its predecessor in every possible way, and RAGE wasn't a masterpiece to start with.

    Buggy, boring, inconsistent, unimmersive.

    Requires ingame currency for DLC after purchasing the deluxe edition.

    Other players warn that a game breaking bug which prevents you from finishing the game was never fixed, but I'm not forcing myself through to find out.

    151 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    1381 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.07.20 04:38
    So this was an interesting one. In many cases, a review now on this game may seem inconsequential. It's by no means a new product anymore, and largely forgotten in the scheme of FPS games however felt apt to play through during a global pandemic.

    Simply, this is a fine game. Nothing groundbreaking, no unique hook, and thematically similar to many titles which have come out before it. Ignoring early technical issues on its release, which for those who remember was strangely reminiscent of the original game in the franchise (though for different reasons), this is a game well executed. It had a goal in mind and met it. Visually, on a current medium tier PC it still looks and sounds great. The overall picture the player has of the game, particularly in the open world is complex, surprisingly dense, and clearly laboured over by talented people. As with many games that play on this scale, close scrutiny of details will start to reveal the necessary drop in fidelity in order to achieve the overall outcome. During gameplay however, this was no issue, and certainly nothing that would diminish the players immersion.

    In terms of mechanics, the game feels polished. The movement is good and the gunplay matches it, giving the player confidence that they are in control at all times. The weapons and abilities themselves are not lacking and provide a good sense of feedback, even if it does feel at times generic. The one criticism here, which perhaps applies more to keyboard+mouse control, is the need to tap a separate button to dash. I'm far more familiar and comfortable with a double-tap in any direction. This however would be the only criticism in terms of how the game feels.

    The story is serviceable, however feels to be the weakest point in the game. To be fair to the developers, providing a compelling story with engaging characters, balanced against a large open world that has to offer an extended game time (I'm over 20 hours now and have yet to open ever ark, there's still plenty left to do), is a difficult tightrope to walk. An admirable effort has been made here, and the degree of audio dialogue, location backstory and unique factions is impressive. However the core actors of this story do not leave a lasting impression, and as the game progresses the exchanges with these characters feel odd compared to its earlier moments, where the humour of the dialogue was pushed beyond what could be sustained over its entirety. For all it's issues, the original Rage managed to conjure a greater sense of threat and urgency with regards to the Authority. In this iteration, they are less an oppressive wall of force to be feared than a group relegated to staged boss arenas. A shame, given how well this game hangs together overall.

    The real draw with Rage 2 is in the open world exploration, and the almost cathartic feel it has. It's almost therapeutic at times to simple travel out to the varied zones of the world map and clear them out. The game is at its best here; all the tools and mechanics at your disposal, and your own desire to push as deep as you care to in your exploration. All in all a well crafted game, easily worth a go for any FPS fan, especially if you simply want to explore the world. Just don't expect to remember any of the characters once you're done.
    565 Produkte im Account
    37 Reviews
    1421 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.06.20 22:50
    Sometimes i really don’t understand the community...

    after more than 20 hours of playing rage 2, i‘m still unable to figure out why it gets such a relatively bad reception. For me personally, it is not only leaps and bounds better than it’s disappointingly mediocre predecessor, but one of the most enjoyable fps i played in quite some time.

    with regards to the story, rage 2 is no big improvement over the first game, if at all. at least it sort of continues the story and some of the characters from the original game make a return. the lore and world-building on the other hand is better than expected. you can read a lot of amusing and insightful lore about the different factions in the pdas that are scattered all over the cities, outposts and underground facilities, which significantly boosts the apocalyptic atmosphere.

    unfortunately, the world itself is rather lifeless and unimpressive. sure, it’s post-apocalypse and they really try to change things up a bit from the typical barren rocky landscapes by adding a swamp and a ragged jungle in the west and north of the map. but appart from the occasional passing vehicle or fights between small groups of different factions there is nothing happening at all. and don‘t expect any fancy physics effects. with the exception of some ammo crates and explosives barrels, everything else is literally glued to the ground. the advantage of this is, that the game runs rather smooth and stutter-free for the most part, but i also experienced a handful of weird crashes.

    where the game really shines is combat and gunplay. there are only 7 or 8 weapons, but all of them, from the pistol to the rocket launcher feel incredibly powerful and satisfying to use. every gun has its purpose and especially the shotgun, which is at the same time some sort of railgun if you aim through the sights, is hands down the best and most useful and fun shotgun in videogame history. first and foremost the game is a big gun-combat sandbox, and that is what it is very good at. in addition, all the guns, vehicles and abilities of your character can be upgraded and in combination with the incredibly smooth and responsive movement, the game provides expertly crafted and fast-paced fps combat basically as good as it can be. even though i might get burned at the stake for saying this, but i think that in terms of gunplay and combat rage 2 even surpases doom eternal by miles. i was pleasantly surprised that rage 2’s gunplay strongly felt like some of id’s classic masterpieces like quake 1, 2 and 3 arena.

    some of the criticism regarding rage 2 is definitely legit. as an open-world game it’s one of the most uninspired and repetitive titles ever and like in rage 1 the story is barely existing at all. but if it is excellent gunplay and fast-paced frenetic fps combat that you are looking for, you might enjoy the hell out of it.
    855 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
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    3922 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.06.20 21:11
    I played this game for about 65 hrs and completed it twice. And sadly, i cannot recommend it. It is very shallow and boring. You will definitely feel its hollowness after two or three hours into the game. The story is pretty non-existence, the driving mechanic is absolute shit, the map is big but very bland with a few enemy outposts and stations here and there. The only good thing is combat and it is kinda satisfying but you will get bored very quickly because of the other facts i mentioned above.

    And there is this dlcs thing. There are two dlcs for this game and the deluxe edition includes only one dlc. You have to buy 500 rage coins(kind of in-game currency) with real money first and then buy second dlc with that rage coins. It is only 5 bucks in my region but it is very shady because there will be no sale for rage coins and you cannot refund it. And both dlcs are shit. First one is more of the same and the second is you kill hordes of skeletons. That's it!

    Finally, after all these times, there is still a bug in the last mission. I don't know it is a bethesda thing or not but once you encounter this bug, you just cannot start the last mission. My first playthrough was perfectly fine but in my second, i encountered that bug and since i was playing in ironman mode i had no choice but to restart the game from the beginning.

    If you are still interested to get it, buy only on 75% discount.
    27 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    1085 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.06.20 16:40
    I love the campaign and gameplay BUT the side quests suck. I still do play for the campaign and achievement hunting.
    165 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    950 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.06.20 04:51
    Buy, but only on a DEEP sale, unless you love the Far Cry formula. Still buy it on sale though.

    This is what happens when you attempt to fit a Doom-gameplay shape into a Ubisoft-map shaped hole. It might sound attractive (or maybe not), but what you come out with are a lot of moments of boredom, and a map deceptively brimming with a lot of unnecessarily repetitive activities.

    The story missions are higher quality than the open-world content (unsurprisingly), but they're aren't many of them. This game is VERY short unless you like doing the same sort of things that Far-Cry games have you doing over and over.

    The gameplay is quite fun, though the story is best skipped - if only they'd let you.
    720 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    2149 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.06.20 17:34
    Every once and a while I come across a game that I really like that gets mixed feedback and I'm not entirely certain why. Rage 2 is a game like that to me. I understand that there's some bugs in the game especially with the audio and the missions sometimes feel a bit repetitive, but the overall gameplay mechanics in Rage 2 rock! It feels a bit like doom eternal crossed with borderlands. There's tons of ways you can approach fighting hordes of enemies at once, whether it's with superhuman-like powers or the assortment of interesting different types weapons you can unlock and upgrade. I thoroughly enjoy this game, and believe it deserves more praise than it has received.
    55 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    3248 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.06.20 01:57
    Total playtime of review: 42 hours.

    Real fun if you're looking for a way to chop up baddies with bullets in a wasteland.
    Lots of neat game-mechanics that put a spin on personal utility.
    Rage 2 comes with a LOT of optional side-missions, great for a completionist.
    8/10 would overdrive again.
    213 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
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    2062 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.05.20 09:50
    This is like Doom and Borderlands had a bay ...a boring bay with no challenges . This has no connective feeling to Rage ...might be a sequel but lacks all the ambient all the post apocalyptic dread .... you are a killing machine like in Doom here nothing that gets in your way stands a chance. Boring quests boring plot story is completely bs ....
    580 Produkte im Account
    65 Reviews
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    1725 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.05.20 23:58
    I really loved RAGE 1 and I had %100 achievement at the game. But this time I cannot recommend this game because of the reasons below;

    There is nothing left to do after you finished the game. You are keep doing the same things and it gives you nothing about the progress or any story. After a while you are becoming unstoppable because of your skills (I played on hard).

    Makes you fun when you upgrade all your weapons and abilities but then unfortunatelly it becomes repatitive.

    The guns are really weird. Whole game I just used shotgun and rifle. Sometimes rocket launcher. The rest of them usually are unuseful. Generally you have to do crowd controls in the game so that the other guns can make you die quickly during the fight becase of they do nothing about the killing.

    The game released before Doom Eternal so if you enjoy cut of the enemies with the weapons and OP abilities like Doom, then you can try it when it is on sale. Also you can buy normal version becasue DLC doesn't give you so much.
    28 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    442 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 09:48
    If you are a rage fan and looking for a good second to it this is not it.
    74 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    3715 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 08:41
    This one is a banger of a game. While the story runs a bit short and you find yourself running out of things to do, the gameplay loop is nearly unparalleled in its sheer fun. This one is just great.
    28 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    2061 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.04.20 03:20
    Decent FPS game but the fact that a game breaking bug prevents you from beginning the last mission still exists a year after the release of the game is a bit crazy. Save your money and buy something better. Maybe if they decide to quit being lazy and patch it then maybe wait for a sale and get it.

    I dropped 34 hours into the game and could not complete the last mission (for the main story) because this game breaking bug.
    208 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    3607 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.04.20 11:17
    Awesome detailed dystopian world. Like other games as you progress you get more powerful and gather more powerful weapons. But unlike other games where the enemies also get more powerful which kind of maintains the status quo, here you you end up just rampaging over everyone which is so much fun and satisfying.

    Driving is also fun and not the drag people make it out to be.

    The game does seem to be quite easy. I played on the middle difficulty, hard, but that was fun. I didn't die once during the final boss fight at that setting. You really don't want to be frustrated by constantly being killed.

    8297 Produkte im Account
    243 Reviews
    2242 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.04.20 17:39
    Meh. A more good than bad meh, but still a meh. There are better sandbox shooters. The gunplay is good, but the lack of enemy variety makes it dull fast. The world is not small, but pretty boring. The story missions are too few and then they also too boring. So... get it with a deep discount and enjoy it for a couple of hours.

    Weird microtransaction DLC tactics in the game too. There are DLC, but you can only get them with ingame currency... The game is really just a bunch of half-assed ideas even down to this one.
    372 Produkte im Account
    351 Reviews
    728 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.04.20 06:28
    RAGE 2 has great gunplay. The mobility you're given keeps you constantly moving and the abilities available to you kept the gunplay interesting for several hours. It also helps that the shooting feels good, especially the shotgun. There is a good sense of progression and you can feel your character getting stronger as you upgrade him. Everything else about the game is not good though. After a few hours i started skipping the dialogue and cutscenes just to get back to the gameplay, i just couldn't care less i thought it was so generic. The open world is bland, there is nothing to see or do outside all the locations marked on the map. Having to scavenge each area for pink chests after you've cleared it kills the pacing of the game. It's another checklist gaming open world and after checking off over half of the map i was done with the repetition and moved on to the main story to finish the game which sucks because the open world exploration is the main way you upgrade your character, so i didn't end up finding or using three weapons and one ability. I think that's a pretty big flaw with the progression because only a very small percentage of players are going to explore every corner of the map. I found the shotgun to be by far the best weapon i had available so that's mostly all i've used which didn't help the repetition after a while. The car you're given is just a means to get between different locations, the car combat is a minor feature and not something you do often thankfully because it wasn't very good anyway. It's a decent game overall and i had a good amount of fun with it until the fatigue kicked in. It's definitely better than the original, i did not like that game one bit.
    6/10 (Decent)
    284 Produkte im Account
    28 Reviews
    1994 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.03.20 14:21
    Not enough love for this game. Take the shooting mechanics of Doom, throw in a splash of Borderlands, add some Mad Max and some Bio Shock and you have Rage 2. Yes the main mission campaign is short and if you like having your hand held and only playing the main missions then this game is not for you, but if you like exploring and building up your character into a total badazc who is able to grind everything into meat pulp you come across that still leaves you with challenging fights then just get it already.
    160 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
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    2122 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.20 20:55
    How rage ruined my 25 hour worth of time.
    - Found an arc.
    - Got an upgrade and tutorial simulation started.
    - Finished the tutorial and simulation ended.
    - Enemies spawned outside of arc after stepping out.
    - Died (ultra nightmare)
    - Spawn/reload checkpoint put player back inside Simulation room and it's not a tutorial simulation just the
    closed simulation room.
    - There is no door/exit, it's closed simulation room.
    - Now I'm stuck inside the closed room no way to go, no way to fast travel and last checkpoint/auto save slot
    puts me back into closed simulation room with no tutorial instructions.
    - Killing myself in simulation room (you can't suicide inside TUTORIAL simulation) puts me back to exact
    same way as it is.
    - I can't go anywhere, can't call a vehicle and trapped inside huge empty closed simulation.
    - Reloading all 3 auto saves puts me back inside.
    - Wasted, Wasted WASTED
    158 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    110 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.20 16:14
    Even on sale, just don't bother. I've never played such a buggy game in my life. The first enemy in the first cut scene just persisted as an invincible clone after the NPC killed it and it never gets better from there. Once I got to the mainland after tutorial, the enemies just died the moment they spawn. I only figured this out when I got to a mission to clear a compound of enemies and I succeeded just by walking in. It was at this point where I realized it makes no sense to continue a game that still has game breaking bugs like this so long after release.
    205 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    963 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.03.20 01:06
    played 16 hours. just for the last quest to bug out and i couldnt start it. decided to watch a video on the ending and call it a day
    519 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    835 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.03.20 02:17
    Not as bad as people are saying. Rage 2 is a good game, but you should get it on sale.
    1040 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    1120 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.03.20 16:55
    Despite the slow and terrible beginning of the game, it's incredibly fun to play once you've unlocked skills, weapons and abilities.
    The movement and gun gameplay are well executed and enough to look over all other short comings
    121 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    371 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.02.20 02:40
    With how many great games there are out there these days, I can't recommend spending any time with Rage 2. It's a shame that the gameplay/shooting mechanics are as great as they are, because it's diminished immensely by almost everything else in the game. The game has absolutely awful driving, perhaps worse than any other game I've played, and you'll be doing a lot of it to traverse the empty and boring open world.

    Additionally, I've had bugged quests that I needed to revert to an old save to fix, and although I have a higher-end computer, Rage 2 crashes somewhat frequently even this long after launch.

    If you for some reason still feel inclined to try out Rage 2 despite all of this, I highly suggest avoiding purchasing it on steam and getting it on gamepass instead. Not at all worth purchasing, even on sale. This game would've been great if it was more focused like Wolfenstein or Doom, but instead is filled with mediocre and tedious things to do to pad out the time you'll get out of it.
    218 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
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    1103 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.01.20 15:17
    After putting 18 hours in i get a bug which will not let you continue the story unless you restart from the beginning.
    The bug has been around since release....
    68 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
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    2511 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.01.20 21:20
    Descent campaign and gameplay. But needing to pay for dlc with their own currency really rubs me the wrong way. I buy dlc for almost every game I buy with Rage2 being the exception. Seems like a very greedy tactic to me more so because the currency increments are either to much or not enough to actually buy anything. If they made so I could buy it individually without needing to enter the game to buy it then im sure id give the dlc a go.
    409 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    3091 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.01.20 02:14
    Great combat, but an open world with nothing to do in between the markers. Would have greatly benefited from some kind of alert system that could cause any protracted fight to escalate into lunacy. The game is great when you rush into a fight, get in over your head, and then spend your entire arsenal of weapons and powers into getting out of trouble. A bit easy, especially once you get a couple key upgrades, so turn up the difficulty to get a proper madcap experience.

    Really fun when it fires on all cylinders, but it doesn't do that often enough to warrant a purchase a full price. $20 is fine though, the combat is worth experiencing for anyone who enjoyed Doom '16 or the new Wolfensteins.

    Also, look up a guide on where to get the grav-jump, shotgun, and dash as soon as possible, maybe the defibrillator as well if you're dying (throughout broken tract). Get the rocket launcher and slam from torn plains next. There's no way to know where to get them beforehand and they only come from one location each, but they're critical to enjoying the game.
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    Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
    63.69% 4558 2598
    Release:14.05.2019 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Avalanche Studios Vertrieb: Bethesda Softworks Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Rage
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