• Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Screen zum Spiel Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.08.2019
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Preis Update 16.05.23

Über das Spiel

Kein Geld, kein Glück, Leben am Abgrund. Juno Markev muss einen Mörder jagen, Schulden zahlen und andere Probleme lösen. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw spielt in einer schmierigen Arbeiterwelt aus Verbrechern, Truckern, Polizisten und Dieben.

Schnall dir verschiedene Raumfahrzeuge um, räch dich bei einem 8-Ball-Spiel in einer versifften Space-Bar, rock ab zu über 24 Stunden Musik und führe spannende Luftkämpfe.

Im Dodge Sector ist es schwer durchzukommen – und noch schwerer, sich zu rächen.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz, or higher
  • GFX: Shader model 4.0, 1GB VRam
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c-compatible, 16-bit
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

406 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 15:13
Ich habe im anderem Rezensionen gelesen, dass das Spiel schon am Anfang sehr schwer ist, daher habe ich die Mission, bei der ich das Paket übergeben muss, erst mal ignoriert und mich mit kleineren Missionen hochgearbeitet.
Seit heute sind auch kleinere Missionen unschaffbar, da am Ziel 5-6 Gegner sind, die alle gleichzeitig auf einen feuern und jeder Gegner mehrere Raketen abfeuert.
Das kann man nicht schaffen, das ist frustrierend (und nicht fordernd).
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 16:03
Wer Freelancer mochte wird es lieben
905 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 20:42
I know that i haven't played it long, but i doubt that any of the points i have a problem with will change drastically over the course of the game.

The controls with Mouse and Keyboard feel awful. Or better, the deadzone in the middle where you can freely move your mouse, while not steering your ship is an absolutele godawful idea in my opinion, cause the sudden acceleration once i move outside of that deadzone, is so sudden that precise flying/aiming seems to be impossible, at least it makes things way harder than they should.

Also, being disintegrated by an enemy within seconds, while being at the very start of the game and in a mission that didn't had a high threat level, feels a bit like overkill.

It also feels like the cockpit is suffocating me and blocking 70% of my view out into space, which seems like an odd choice, cause the game definitely doesn't look bad. Though it feels a bit too colourful and distracting for my taste.

The soundtrack is definitely great though.

Anyway, there's a lot of frustration talking out of me, cause the game looked fine in the trailer and i hoped for a game that might give me similar things that Freelancer gave me back in the days.
Unfortunately, that didn't work out and the odd design decisions and in my opinion bad controls just don't let me enjoy it.
19 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 08:59
Erstmal das drumherum, gefreut hab ich mich seit der Ankündigung auf das Game, es fehlte aber an meiner Technik. Jetzt hier im Shop dann als Angebot gekauft und darüber bin ich echt froh. Jeder Cent mehr würde mich richtig Ärgern.
Die Grafik ist echt richtig gut, Steuerung auch. Dieses Automatische verfolgen ist ne gelungene Idee.

NUN aber war ja die Rede von frei in alle Richtungen, ja kann man in den Kämpfen so lassen, die Aufträge sind aber wie im Vorgänger alle auf einer Linie.

Wo ich jetzt aber aufgehört habe ist die 3. Story Mission. Alles über leicht Nervt, da ständig in Unterzahl, somit bleibt nur Fracht von A nach B bringen. Mehr Langeweile geht nicht.
Wer dann große Abwechslung sucht ist hier auch falsch, 90% die Aufträge Enden in Kämpfen.
Die Story erreicht nie eine gewisse Spannung, auch wenn ich mir da irgendwie Flügelmänner frei schalten kann. Es gibt im ganzen Spiel 5 verschiedene Schiffe zu kaufen und das schon im ersten System, ja 5 Schiffe und somit braucht es nur eine erweiterte Demo um hier alles vom Game gesehen und erlebt zu haben.
Für mich Enttäuscht das Game richtig besonders weil es kaum Schiffe gibt, aber malen kann man wie ein großer. Spielen ist gar nicht so wichtig, Hauptsache man kann Stunden an seinem Schiff alles anmalen. Ne, danke.
Hier hätte man richtig was erreichen können für alle Fans welche seit langen auf ein gutes Spiel in dem Bereich warten. Fazit: das hier ist es schon mal nicht
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 19:49
Super Flashback in die Zeiten von Wing Commander III. Ich habe lange nach so einem Game gesucht! Mega Atmosphäre und coole Dogfights!
77 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 10:59
Grundsätzlich hatte ich Spaß. Es ist ein relativ einfaches Spiel - man sollte nicht zu viel erwarten. Die Raumkämpfe machen Spaß, sind aber immer nach dem gleichen Muster gestrickt. Und ganz sicher eher Arcade als Simulation. Die Zufallsmissionen sind nicht allzu abwechselungsreich. Sobald man das beste Schiff in der besten Ausstattung hat bleibt nicht viel außer der Storyline. Diese hat mich insgesamt eher enttäuscht - es gibt stundenlang keinerlei Entscheidungen zu treffen (bzw, das Spiel trifft sie für einen in den Dialogszenen.) Und plötzlich muss man sich für ein Ende entscheiden. Über einen Tastendruck (und die 2.. Taste zur Auswahl hatte ich vorher noch nie benutzt und hatte Probleme die überhaupt in der Tastaturbelegung zu finden. (PC Version) Und da es ja keine Spielstände gibt müsste ich (um das andere Ende zu sehen) das ganze Grinding am Anfang noch mal machen? Nein, danke.
Aber insgesamt hatte ich viel Spaß und bereue den Kauf des (recht alten) Spiels nicht. Und jetzt warte ich auf Everquest2 in der Vollversion.
142 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 18:42
Anfangs hat es Spaß gemacht. Die Protagonistin gefällt mir und die Möglichkeiten zum Handeln, Minen und Kopfgeldjagen sind schön abwechslungsreich.
AAAAAABER. Darum rate ich vom Kauf ab!
Feinde scheinen KI Kameraden zu ignorieren, was bei größeren Schlachten dazu führt, dass sich 20 Laser auf dich richten und dich binnen Sekunden zu Sternenstaub verarbeiten. Man kann für gewöhnlich Entfernung aufbauen und Gegner einzeln rauslocken, was aber bei einer bestimmten Quest NICHT funktioniert.
Wenn ihr gegen Durgan kämpfen müsst und wart vorher auf der Raumstation neben dem Kampfplatz, passiert folgendes:
Ihr speichert dort automatisch ab. Der Kampf bricht direkt um einen rum aus. Fliehen geht anhand der vielen Feinde nicht, da die einem bei der Flucht einfach das Raumschiff zerlöten. Platzt das Schiff, startet man wieder an der Station. Blöd, dass der Kampf jedes mal automatisch gestartet wird. Das Game ist Softlocked.

Habe mir dann einen zweiten Spielstand angelegt. Das Zweitbeste Schiff im Spiel mit sehr guter Hülle und Schilden gegrindet und bin die Mission wieder angegangen.
Ich halte 10 Sekunden länger aus, aber das selbe Spiel. Wieder Softlocked.
Für eine Hauptmission, die relativ früh im Spiel kommt, ist das eine Frechheit. Vor allem, da die Missionen davor Liefermission oder MIssion mit nie mehr als 3-4 Schiffen sind. Da braucht mir auch keiner mit Skillcheck kommen. Dafür ist die Luft zu laserhaltig, als dass man da ausweichen könnte.

Ein eigentlich tolles Spiel unspielbar gemacht. Bis die KI überarbeitet oder die Schwierigkeit der Mission angepasst wird, rate ich jedem vom Kauf ab.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 23:09
Wer Wing Commander oder Privateer vermisst, wird sich hier zuhause fühlen
87 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 23:22
Wing Commander Privateer in Cool und Modern - super Charachtere, super Spielwelt, Schwierigkeit angemessen, rundum tolles Spiel. 30 - 40 Stunden Spaß.
998 Produkte im Account
247 Reviews
2240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 15:37

- wird schnell monoton und langweilig
- unberechenbare Missionen
- Geschichte bricht abrupt ab
505 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 19:11
Wie viele andere Rezensenten schon sagten ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad völlig unberechenbar. Die einzelnen System der Systemkarte sind zwar mit Risikostufen von normal bis Extrem Risk gekennzeichnet. Irgendeinen Unterschied macht das jedoch nur für die Zufallsbegegnungen und die Bezahlung der Aufträge.
Zufallsbegegnungen sollte man tunlichst aus dem Weg gehen, denn in 8 von 10 Fällen ist es ein Hinterhalt bei dem man es mit 5+ Schiffen gleichzeitig zu tun bekommt - ohne irgendeinen Wingman oder ähnliches. Die Kopfgeldjagden sind ähnlich.
So stirbt man am laufenden Stück muss ins Hauptmenü und darf dann raten, wann das letzte Mal automatisch gespeichert wurde.
Die Storyaufträge kommen auch nicht in Fahrt, da schon Auftraggeber 2 einen in ein System führt wo Extreme Risk für den Spieler im Anfangsschiff herrscht. Das einzige, was eventuell helfen könnte ist extrem langwieriges Grinding um das beste Schiff mit der besten Ausrüstung zusammenzukaufen. Darauf habe ich keine Lust.
Ich will doch nur ein Freespace.
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 15:13
Nach fast 15 Stunden Spiel gebe ich diesem Spiel ein Daumen hoch. Wer noch Wing Commander: Privateer (1993) gespielt und geliebt hat, wird an diesem Spiel seine wahre Freude finden. Es holt das Prinzip in die heutige Zeit, behält aber das Flair und den Reiz der Vorlage bei. Und wie bei dieser, wird man schnell von der Atmosphäre gefangen, fiebert bei der Storyline mit und stattet Junos Schiffe nach und nach aus. Eine rundum gelungene Mischung, welche zwar nicht die Tiefe eines Elite Dangerous bietet, aber eine lebendigere Welt.

After almost 15 hours of playing, i'll give an thumbs up for this game. Whoever played and loved Wing Commander: Privateer (1993), will find him/herself fully at home in this game. It brings the basic principle into 2020, but keeps the flair and the charme of the great Original. And like with that, you'll quickly will get dragged into the game by it's atmosphere, folliwing up the storyline and upgrading Juno's arsenal bit by bit. An very well done blend, which might not have the depth of an Elite dangerous, but delivers an more intense immersion.
493 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.23 23:45
I feel like DDG really dropped the ball on this one. It feels like a generic space shooter and all you do is just fly around in circles just trying to find who's shooting at you. They made a big mistake of switching from flying giant capital ships to these little tiny fighters. The first game is just so much better and you should buy that one instead. The only good thing about is the amazing soundtrack.
0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.23 05:46
Ever played Wing Commander: Privateer? Did you like it? PLAY THIS.

If you never played Privateer, here goes: In RGO you are an independent space fighter pilot. You can...
-Buy things and transport them, sell them for profit
-Buy illegal things and transport them, sell them for profit
-Take on missions to transport or acquire things
-Mine asteroids for ore, rare and otherwise
-Put on your eyepatch and steal from freighters or miners by threatening them or blowing them up
-Take on missions to blow bad guys up
-Take on missions to blow freighters or patrols up
-Take on missions to keep other people from blowing stuff up (by blowing their stuff up)
-Hunt bounties, either through missions or by talking to the bartender for tips
-Play dice, pool, or slots for money

Why would you want to do any of these things? Well, because they're fun, but also because you can upgrade! You can buy...
-Missile launchers
-Power sources
-ECM (anti-missile)
-Etc. Etc. Etc.

Oh, and as you work with certain people you can befriend a few of them so you can call on them for help. Yes, you get a wingman if you want.

This sound good? PLAY IT.
187 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.23 08:09
The game has some good meat on its bones but nothing that isn't done better in other games. On its own that's not a bad thing, but the game also has a confusing and frustrating level scaling system which spoiled what I enjoyed which tips this to a don't-recommend

As soon as you upgrade anything, it feels like all the enemies outside also get upgraded in some way. The difficulty scaling is completely linear and instant so you never really feel at an advantage by upgrading, and if you upgrade things in the wrong order you can actually make things worse for yourself and have no idea why you're getting your ass beaten in all of a sudden as none of this is explained in game.

It really dampens the progression of your ship and forces you to focus on a specific meta restricting your choices. After 15 hours of never really feeling like my ship got any better I didn't have any motivation to play and moved on.

Unless you're really fixing for space Western, Everspace 2 does basically everything this game does but better.
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.23 23:43
Not a lot here. Ship selection is extremely limited, combat leans on the auto-follow function and poor situational awareness essentially requires you to repeatedly pause the game to locate and select targets.

The plot's not especially engaging, but even if it were, the protagonist is tiresome and *would* be generic except for how much of a genuine loser she comes off as.

The game lifts a lot from Freelancer, except for the gameplay, which is a shame. It also isn't nearly as moddable as the devs seemed to intend, another bummer.

With all that said, the music and presentation are excellent and may actually be enough to keep you immersed throughout the game and the gameplay isn't actually bad, it's just that you're likely to master and become bored with it quickly
0 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.23 01:54
What should be a good game is completely ruined by a catastrophic savegame bug. Played for 50 hours, and my save just randomly disappeared. Uninstalling, and leaving this one in the bin. Complete waste of my time.
0 Produkte im Account
210 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.23 19:21
I don't understand some negative reviews. Seems like a good game to me. You can't expect to do everything at once in a game of this type. The graphics are good and the soundtrack is great. It far exceeds the sufficiency. The only thing wrong is the price that should be halved because higher-end games can be found at the original price. overall grade 7/10
0 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.23 00:39
It's decent if you are willing to put in the effort to learn how to play it. Mission rewards are low so there is alot grinding. Not as much ship / weapon variety as I'd hoped. Overall it's worth buying if you liked Freelancer and want something similar.

Also keep in mind it was made by like 3 people. That's pretty amazing.
882 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 22:49
Coming from the first game where you had a nice selection of ships to grow into and work your way up through, this game's ship selection is pathetic. You have like four actual ships, each with a sidegrade that has variant stats, for the entire thing. Four ships. The combat is okay, but you'll quickly realize that you're not building towards anything, you have no growth trajectory, its just fighting in the same ship with the same weapons from start to end.

From what I've read, the dev basically just gave up on development halfway through and released it as is. News articles and interviews show they previously planned to have a nice selection, but apparently they just...stopped? Honestly, not sure how this game got released in this state, its pathetic.
550 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 03:42
This Privateer-like space sim has a wonderful arcadey feel that has been nearly impossible to find elsewhere. If you enjoyed the sandbox style space mercenary/merchant/miner life and are willing to put some time into remapping the controls (I used a joystick with keyboard without issue) you can't go wrong with this little gem. I only wish there was even more!
694 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 21:55
If you are a fan of WC: Privateer, this is made for you. A passion project that delivers on what we've been waiting for. There's was some dickery going with the reviews and this game and the developer doesn't deserve it. I wish him all the best in his life outside of game dev, he made some awesome stuff for us while we had him!
1410 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 22:12
- Plays like crap with a flight stick; like there's acceleration on the yaw & pitch rates. (hang-over from console controller?)
- 1st person FoV is horribly narrow, made worse by the...
- ...ship cockpits being extremely restrictive.
- combat physics & weapon balance are way off; enemy ships constantly perform impossible manoeuvres, which, combined with the horrible flight controls, makes guns extremely weak.
Consequently combat is 90% resolved by missiles, which just isn't fun.
- difficulty is all over the place too, missions are either trivial, or impossible. When heavily outnumbered it really doesn't matter what you do, the AI swarm will gank you in seconds.

Back in the day I played all the old school classics; Elite, Wing Commander, X-Wing, Freespace, X, Tachyon, and many more.
This game is obviously heavily inspired by Wing Commander Privateer, but it fails to improve on the recipe and consequently isn't very much fun to play.

I think I'd sooner go back and replay X-Wing Alliance, than I would continue my RGO playthrough.
For something more modern, Everspace 2 scratches the same itch as RGO, but is much less clunky to play.
455 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 12:23
its really fun to just rock out to. TBH there is nowhere NEAR as much to do in this game as other EV/Freelancer clones. That Open-Source once comes to mind. As a result the difficulty curve is insanely high unless you are willing to do a crazy amount of grind.
The voice acting and the music make it worth the buy though - for sure!
1080 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 02:10
- Cool music
- Fast paced but can also be quite relaxing
- Funny
- Exciting
- Auto-tracker
- Lot's of freedom

- Music can get repetitive
- Some scenarios are unforgiving an not well scaled with your progression

If you like dogfights, buy that game ;)
531 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 02:56
I just could not get into the game. The main character is just not very likable or relatable. I must have restarted this game 6 times thinking I was doing it wrong and it would click with me. Maybe I was hoping it would be something that it is not.
199 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 21:50
Just Dogfight...its boring. First Game was much better.
137 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 13:43
Played the first one and was excited to get into Outlaw. I'm quite satisfied and went 100% on the achievements. Definitely worth playing especially for fans of Privateer and Freelancer. Outlaw shifts back to dogfights compared to Rebel Galaxy's capital ship approach. It can get rather difficult when the odds are stacked against you, but it's part of the challenge to figure out how to come out on top. I'm left wanting more, but unfortunately Double Damage is done with the series.
112 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 23:01
not as good as the first game. limited number of ships, story is kinda meh. I suppose the current price is about right for this game but if you're coming here from the first game I cannot recommend.
325 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 04:14
Im not sure why this game has mixed reviews? Me and a couple of friends have it and we love it.
533 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 00:36
Pretty much an entirely different game from its predecessor. This game does have a bit more story than the original, but the dialogue feels a bit halting and the actual story itself isn't anything new. The weird shifts in graphical style of the spaceflight, opening cutscene, and on-station activities is also jarring.
It appears that DD originally intended for the game to have options for more content - it feels like a pretty big letdown coming from the original Rebel Galaxy.

All in all - if you want a gambling simulator with some spaceflight components built in - along with a relative lack of depth in ship customization (compared to Rebel Galaxy) than this might be for you. Otherwise I'd probably stick to the original.
666 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 13:07
Game is pretty to look at however I have numerous complaints:

- Repetitive missions
- Small number of playable ships (Compared to the original game)
- Poor voice acting
- Awful progression system
- Strange difficulty curve

The space combat has its moments but this game is no Freelancer.

The developers would have been better off building on the concept of the original game, which was a vastly superior product.
691 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 13:10
I'll probably play it some more, just for the graphics, but there are some important things wrong here..
The steering (pitch and yaw) ramp very sharply. You're either turning at a snail's pace or spinning around at crazy fast speed. Probably better with a controller, not tried it yet, but with mouse + kb it's a mess.
Then there's the ever present right-click-to-win mode. Holding right mouse makes your ship pursue the target automatically. Not just rotate towards it, no, full on pursuit, automatically stopping at a right distance to prevent a crash.
Fights are either messy cause of the controls or you hold left and right mouse button and the game plays itself...
203 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 04:36
I never played Privateer but I used to play Freelancer, and I've been looking for a game that felt the same (but looked better) ever since: an accessible, fun space trading/combat game, with cockpit view. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is all that and a bag of dry-aged YikYak. I didn't play the first Rebel Galaxy (no cockpit view) so I can only judge RGO on its own, so: I get to customize my ship, ignore the main story, pick up trade missions or do my own trading, mine asteroids, fight pirates, run from pirates, beg them for mercy or flip them off, build my own space station, make space buddies, all with a gamepad in hand, feet up, trucker hat on, and no need for a manual. Not only is this as fun as Freelancer, I put the subspace radio on Backbeat and it's better than the live-action Cowboy Bebop.
101 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 16:31
I think this game deserves way more love.
Yes, it's quite different from the first one. The devs have stated RGO is what they had in mind all along but they didn't want to release it too close to titles like No Mans Sky (even though it plays very differently). At first I was sceptical because of the mixed reviews but after watching a few videos I realised that with all the customisation options, exploration and dog fighting combat this would be right up my ally. As far as repetitiveness I can't say I agree with some of the reviews here. Sure you get to do the same things over and over but thats true for most games. I think it just boils down to wether you like doing these things or not. And the grind here is more than bearable I think, especially considering there's an intriguing main questline you can experience.

Now the game isn't perfect though and here are the aspects I didn't enjoy:

- Even with good gear you can be overwhelmed by enemies quite easily. A few generic side missions are just not possible to do, especially on your own.

- Speaking of fighting on your own, theres gonna be quite a bit of that. The buddy system from the first installment has been revamped. You now unlock buddies through story missions and call them if needed. They will help you for 10 minutes and have a cooldown lasting another 10 minutes. I think this mechanic doesn't fit the overall pace of the game at all and I really preferred the original system where buddies stayed with you until dismissed. The way it's handeled now I sometimes go afk and wait for the timer to reset before a difficult fight. Doesn't feel like it serves a purpose.

- Theres a good selection of weapon systems, although they don't come in different grades like in RG, which means less grind but also less flexibility because without tiers some weapons are just better than others, period. You will find yourself using the same loadout for the rest of the game once you've been able to afford it. Also most weapons consume power and some of them consume so much compared to their DPS that you probably won't ever use them.
Tl;Dr weapons could have used more balancing.

These are things to consider but they didn't make me want to play the game any less. It's just some unused potential imo.

So in conclusion I really like the game. I got it on sale for 5 bucks though, so maybe that put me into a more forgiving mood.
2134 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 10:42
too repetitive, you autopilot to objective a, autopilot gets halted because of b, you kill b, back to autopilot to a, after circling around just to re find where a is. and you got halted by c, kill c, rinse repeat.
and the mission and/or enemies are just too similar...
was hoping to scratch that itch freelancer gave me, but this is not it unfortunately
218 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 16:05
If you like Cockpit Space games, Cowboy Bebop, intuitive and fast interfaces, MINIGAMES and Jazz this game is pretty much what you were looking for.
140 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 14:32
**If you have a controller**

I wanted a lazy space trucking game and this looked like it fit the bill. What I got was deceptively deep. The game does have some difficulty spikes and does not do a great job teaching you everything that's going on.

If you enjoy games that stay fresh as a you slowly learn the systems this is a good buy. If that sounds frustrating I'd skip.
408 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 02:25
This is a game that punches above its weight for a small outfit. It's an insanely fun space sim, with a great freelancer vibe and interesting characters. The combat mechanics are very different from the original Rebel Galaxy (also worth checking out) and resemble a classic space sim, like a combination between X-wing and Freelancer.

It has one serious flaw, however. There's no level progression through the story. The best ships, weapons and gear are unlocked from the start and beyond a small cost difference, nothing prevents you from skipping all the intermediates and going for the best. In fact, one of the early main missions is so difficult, you need to max out your ship to complete it. This means that around 20% into the game story, you are maxed out, most combats are repetitive and completing missions to gain more money is meaningless. If better ships and equipment were unlocked with main story missions, you could explore more of what the game has to offer. For this reason, I could not bring myself to complete the story.
1312 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 00:09
I don't know what happened after the development of the first game but god this is just no fun. The UI is god awful, with the first freighter I have at most 3-4 inches of screen space to view enemies the rest is just cluttered garbage. I can't play the music without it being blaring loud and the overall combat just sucks. For what its worth I liked the first game.
601 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
2454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 00:14
This second installment of the series is quite different than the first one. While the first one had a wide array of ships, going from small fighters to enormous capital ships with dozens of turrets, this one focuses on small craft alone.

This being said, it adds a lot of complexity to the gamplay, while being very accessible thanks to the auto-pursuit function, that allows you to focus on the management aspects of gamemplay while the AI pilots for you, very much in the same way the AI used to fire your turrets in the first one, but in reverse.

What you will get here is an open world game, with a GTA feeling, great music and some extra features like minigames and such, You even get to buy your own space station.

Overall a very good space shooter, far superior to the first one in my opinion.

The good:
+Godlike Music
+Interesting and accesible gameplay
+Freedom of choice
+Nice visuals
+Very addictive
+Minigames! (The pool is great)
+Some cool characters and a decent plot

The bad
-Can become repetitive very easily
-The ending may feel underwhelming deppending on your choices
-Despite the freedom of choice in the main plot, it doesen't really adds much to the replayability
114 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 14:38
Just get Everspace 2 - that game is what I thought this game would be. I enjoyed the first Rebel Galaxy game more than this game.
635 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 14:34
I would love to play it but appears to be broken on modern pcs.
293 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 18:49
I liked, i hope that the team that developed this game is not dead and they will make a come back with the next game on the franchise.
258 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 18:05
I feel like I'm playing the old Wing Commander: Privateer, and that's a very good thing. I appreciate all of the subtle and not so subtle nods to the game that inspired this one. Thanks to the studio for giving us this modern take on a classic game. It's been a very nostalgic experience and I've had lots of fun playing!
700 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 09:49
It's privateer! Nothing else to be said! o/
338 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 15:07
I'm writing this as I take a break from RGO after it's hurt me, again, by crashing and losing my save file. Yet I'm still recommending the game because I think it's just a great, fun, space shooting experience. The in-moment gameplay is fun. The combat has a visceral feel. It gets chaotic, and is at its core a good time shooting things in space. Just flying around is a joy. I love the very strong style. There seems to be a Firefly influence - a western in space - that comes through in the cheesy rock radio, the myriad grungy details added to the setting, and the drawling accents of the various NPCs. I like that the game gives you a lot of freedom. Right from the start you can go where you want and do what you want. That whole story thing sound boring? Grab a mining laser and go and make some money shooting at rocks for a while. This game feels to me something akin to GTA in space: there's a heavily stylised and detailed setting, mini-games in the bar, constant voiced reactions from the player character, factions and reputation, and the radio station complete with in-universe adverts and jingles. But they clearly didn't have a GTA-sized budget, so while there are such things, there's nowhere near as much of them as you'd find in GTA. All things considered, there's a lot to like in Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.

But. (Of course there was a 'but' coming.) There's also a lot to dislike. There are some really obvious major features missing, such as: the ability to own multiple ships; have weapon loadouts; any more than token economy options. There other things that do the job but only just: the station menus are kind of sparse and in places un-intuitive. The controls have some weird quirks, like one of the main control keys also providing context-sensitive options. But probably the biggest problem is the difficulty scaling. Right back at the start, when I realised you could just take yourself off mining to grind money, I did so for a while. I bought a couple of new weapons and was pleased to see that the pirates I met were dispatched more easily. So I spent a chunk of time amassing more money and splurged it all on a new ship and a host of upgrades. Cockily I went back to an area I'd been before and found pirates, expecting to show them who's boss. I got my landing-gear soundly thrashed. It seems the game just decides to spawn enemies based on the value of your ship and its equipment, so if you take a break from combat to upgrade, you'll go back to combat only to find the enemies much harder. It rather takes the fun and the point out of upgrading. Rather than becoming more powerful over time, it's almost the opposite: you find yourself less well equipped against strong enemies. It's annoying because the game also includes a location-based 'danger rating' system, which you would expect meant deadlier enemies were in different places. But no, everywhere is dangerous once you upgrade.

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw feels like a game that had big ideas, but ended up rushing to release before they were all fully implemented. There's a lot in there, but some of it isn't as well developed as you'd want. So there are big problems that may spoil your enjoyment. Even so, I recommend the game because it's fundamentally just fun to play. But probably wait until it's on sale to pick it up.
70 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 07:42
Enjoyed and completed all content in the first game, but the extremely slow grind to get a ship/components capable of comfortably fighting outside of the first system along with problematic controls/ui make this successor not to my taste.

Visuals, music, atmosphere and combat sounds are great.
Combat style is fun, if also different from the 'naval' style of the first game.
Plot and ship design is passable.
Controls and UI are poor, and the low FoV first person view is awkward without a horizon indicator.
Progression curve feels horrible, with components and new ships requiring dozens to hundreds of thousands of credits each, while transport or early jobs only offer 1-4k per run, and attempting to move up a few systems gets you horrifically outmatched.
358 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 02:06
Great game, if you enjoyed Freelancer or Privateer then you'll enjoy this, great ship combat, music is amazing and the cowboy space trucker atmosphere was captured perfectly.
92 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 09:10
I did not expect much from this game in the first place. Got it on sale to scratch my Freelancer itch, but couldn't even finish the main story. The controls, key mapping, UI, flight model are terrible, AI spamming missiles, bare bones for the story and art. Could have been a good game with a little more effort put into it. In the current state not worth it even on sale.
109 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 20:47
I REALLY wanted to like this one. I like the characters and I loved the first game, but this one feels like it has had NOTHING put into it. Rebel Galaxy had tons of ships, and ways to customize those ships, great combat and while a bit grindy was tons of fun to play. This one has a better story I guess but that's all. The combat is horribly unbalanced with enemies setting up in circle around you and just pelting away while you chase one ship. The only way I found to play at all was to mine till I had the best attack ship. Hardly any ships in this btw, especially compared to the original. Lack of ships, lack of weapons, and no capital ships means no chance against those big swarms, you pretty much have attack and run away, come back, attack, run way, rinse and repeat. Oh and things will never get better than they are right now in the game because one the main devs threw a tantrum and quit after he took some flak for the deal they took from Epic. They didn't even release any mod tools for it so we can't fix it ourselves.

Update: So on top of what I wrote above the game is apparently a broken mess as well, just hit a game breaking bug that caused the game to crash and corrupt my save.
248 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 10:56
Its a nice game when you know what to expect. First of all, its one of those game, that start hard and gets easier with more progress. Second the game gives very less hints how to start, so read a guide. Third use a gamepad, mouse and keyboard is no fun. fourth, the music is important its uncommen, but make the volume of the music louder than the soundeffects. and fith, its no tripple a game and very oldschool in its mechanics wich also means repetitiv.
What you get is a dogfighting game with some story and a great soundtrack and the option to import your own music. imagine it like a roadtrip, choose your music or even podcast and get behind the wheel.
384 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 08:28
I was really craving this sort of game and I loved the first, so I figured two years after release it would be fine. Nope. One of the things I loved about the first was the pretty wide array of ships and systems you could work to earn and equip. Playing Outlaw, I see a HUGE assortment of really cool ships in space, but couldn't find almost any to buy. Upon looking it up, there are only 12 ships you can fly and half of them are duplicates with slightly different specs. The very first ship you can afford to upgrade to is basically the best and it's a huge letdown. I'd love to fly some of those awesome ships I see all over the place, but nope. No fun here.
245 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
3667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 11:41
It is a nice little game by a indie developer and it is a prequel to the Rebel Galaxy but this one has a different focus. It is not Star Citizen by any stretch of imagination nor does it tries to be. It is essentially a western cowboy story in space with some silly design and a nice story.

Main focus of the game is of course flying ships and it allows player to fly only smaller ships for combat/trade/mining. In all of that, player is integrated in this world to feel more of a living place of a dozens of systems.

There is a lot of nostalgia here: the very first ship has the UI of the very first Wing Commander. Menu has a big Amigo spelled over with a reference to good old Amiga computer but the colors are like from Commodore C64. World design can be weird (a space station built into the asteroid with it's extensions looking like a chicken drumstick up to [spoiler]the final boss having a capital ship looking like a male genitalia[/spoiler]).

There is a lot of crime there and our main protagonist Juno is trying to make a turn at her life but has a strong ties with her past. She is a strong protagonist and devs put enough character in her to see that but leave some room for player to make choices and fill in the rest of her personality. On her quest she meets (for her) old and new faces and handle these relationships.


Since the major focus is on flying the ships, it could be polished a bit more. The less annoying is the fact that once more expensive drive is unlocked, auto-path to travel between star systems still uses non optimal 'safe' path. Radar should have more distinction (talking about the colored one) where player should at glance distinct turret from a small ship from a capital ship or a mine. Right now it is only slight difference in the size and that is horrible when radar becomes full of all of that. I have played this with a XBox controller and some buttons can not be rebind which is quite annoying (i.e. A is overused for way too many functions and player can not initiate autopilot until is clear from the range of tractor beam cargo). There should be a setting if we want to pick only particular type of cargo with tractor (legal/illegal and/or pilots).

All in all I have enjoyed this one. Much more than the first one (Tip: [spoiler] Try to complete Bountiful Vista quest ASAP as it will generate money. Before going on the quests, grind the best ship - it will be better that way[/spoiler]
319 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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2165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 21:20
oof, I'm glad I got this on a deep sale.

I never found a flight/space combat game that got the feel and AI so wrong. Enemy fighters have 3 moves, fligh straight, hard bank, or corkscrew; all of which they cycle between so they are always doing any one of those at any one time. Capital ships just go in slow circles from the point you engage them or sit stationary. It's all way to simple and boring to engage with.

I enjoyed the combat of Rebel Galaxy enough to replay through a criminal playthrough and had a blast right up until I finished the game a second time. I just cannot bring my self to do it with this prequel. You will have to grind up out of the starter ship and at least reach mk II components to continue on the main quest in the first few hours of play. Once that mini-grind is over, everything else will be the same and you can just do the most boring side quests (because you already saw all their variations in the generic auto-generated quests you grinded in the first system already) to get the endgame ship and full upgrades. So the last 80% of the story campaign and side quests just feels like a slog.

The ending mission (no spoilers) is like sitting through your neighbors firework show for 4th of july, and when they hit the grand finale, they launch 2 fireworks (the same you've seen a dozen times already) simultaneously instead of one at a time. No resolution to anything in the story either, it's just pointless. yet the script and voice acting both last the character that contributed so much to the fun in the first game.

It seems the devs have abandoned the DLCs or any other future updates for this game.
135 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 02:36
A delicious throwback to Freelancer, same structure of an open world galactic system, with a core narrative to latch to. Stations and planets to land, RNG encounters while you fly, fun and varied combat depending on the ship you have, and transportation, pirating and mining as moneymaking opportunities too.

On top of that, heartfelt visual art and design, great soundtrack, and sharp effects. Nothing but a great time.
428 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 10:45
A very fun space game with dogfighting, mining, trading, and exploration.Has good accessibility, including an auto pursuit mode when your target gets a bit too swirly whirly, and respects your time with good old Wing Commander style autopilot to quickly transition across the system, but if you like long waits it includes the warp from the original RG1. Don't go into this expecting to be the same as RG, this is all about flying fighters instead of cruisers and you can now fly on all axis.
67 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 23:42
I bought this game because I really liked the original Rebel Galaxy, which reminded me very much of playing Freelancer. This game, however, is more like the old Wing Commander games. I had to stop playing it because the graphics hurt my eyes because they designed the game to LITERALLY look like Wing Commander. Also, the field of view seems to be too low.
If you are sensitive to low FOV, just skip this game. Another thing that I loved about the original Rebel Galaxy was that you used your warp drive to fly quickly through the vastness of space, kind of like using space lanes in Freelancer. This game, however, you just hit a button and instantly jump to your waypoint. If you are looking for a Freelancer clone, go buy the original Rebel Galaxy. But if you are looking for a Wing Commander clone. Look no further and just hit buy.
1078 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 09:27
Very average space dogfight. I clock 30h to unlock what I thought would be the most fun ship in the game and it really doesn't help the game much. The combat is very repetitive; you either are the very dumb AI one at the time, of you overuse you auto pilot and land smack in the middle of like 12 ships killing you withing seconds.

The mission are all pretty much the same thing; infinite fetch quest (grinding for money), escort mission (awful, AI ignore you and focus on the convoy), mine clean-up (boring, can't lock on the mine, just stand still and take pot shoot), detective mission (aka go to point A,B,C and fight one of two wave of ships) and finally the kinda fun one, when you take a hit job, but still have the issue regarding combat mentioned earlier.

There's not a lots of ship, very limited option on gears, weapons and module.

On sale, maybe you could give it a shoot, but you'd be better off playing freelancer of trying to find something more polished.
109 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 07:04
Kickass Soundtrack!
1077 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 06:41
I had a hard time getting the controller configured.
So i switched to PS4(i love my xbox360 Chrome but whatevs)
And i coudln't get the roll & pitch configured...
~On the pre launch setup screen where you set resolution etc..
*I actually couldn't get the throttle to be forward and backwards w/
spinning being side to side... I don't care if the pitch is topsy turby or not as ive exp with both.
IT gave the option to show the controls in PS4 layout but this didn't happen..
~ also had monitor bug out an dhad to turn of HDR uber color.

Why positive= Cuse im the retard in this case not the game.
*I'll pick it up on XboxSX por PS4 & learn the controls and return to PC version.
This is why i loooove GAMEFLY. any two game sout at any time for $15 bucks.
I dunno though if thsi game is digital release only...whatevs..
675 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 22:23
thumbs up, for music, entertainment and reminding me of old good privateer.
276 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 18:51
This is frustratingly un-fun..
969 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 16:56
First one was more fun.
548 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 21:45
Want to spend all your time autopiloting between jumpgates and occasionally finding huge pirate fleets camping next to them, meaning you can't escape? Then this is the game for you!

Want to get a crappy cargo ship, run hours of pointless cargo missions and then still not have enough money to win a single fight against anything larger than a fighter? This is your chance!

Want to be wowed by beautiful vistas and then get slammed by three pirate capital ships? Your game is here!

Boring, repetitive, many unwinnable states.
140 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
2321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 15:52
A simple , fun arcade space game spoiled by the fact that it's hopelessly unbalanced. Even with top end, top equipped ships you can't survive against the A1 in many of the missions.
If developers want to create mission impossible scenarios then there must be lower difficulty levels to cater for the casual gamer. We don't all spend our lives nose to a screen and keyboard.Games are supposed to be fun not stress. You die that often it should be renamed Rogue Galaxy Outlaw.
133 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 23:14
The actual mechanics of the dogfighting are great, but the game suffers from having a very slow start and poor balancing. It often throws you in where its you vs. like 10 dudes, which can be really annoying.

Definitely fun though, if you're not sure if you'll like it, pick it up on a sale
949 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 00:37
I came to this game as a huge fan of Rebel Galaxy. I also enjoy space combat sims in general, but Rebel Galaxy is what brought me here.
If you are looking for more Rebel Galaxy, I suggest you replay Rebel Galaxy.
If you are looking for a space combat sim, there are better ones out there.

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is not a bad game. It is tediously ok. I doubt anyone is looking for a tediously ok experience, though.

Growth is very shallow and over quickly. I spent most of the game flying the same ship.
Initial mission difficulty is high especially combat missions. 10+ enemies is not unusual early, and later in the game swarms of over 20 enemies is not uncommon. This difficulty contributes to the shallowness of player growth since it pushes to player to max out their upgrades early.
There are a ridiculous amount of pirates in the game. Dogfighting ceases to be interesting or worthwhile and I found myself accelerating past enemies not because they challenged me but because I simply did not want to waste time on them again.
Most of the game is quite tedious requiring the player to fly back and forth across the sector. I spent a good chunk of my time traveling form jump gate to jump gate.
Missions are pushed on the player at seemingly random times and the player's tracked mission is automatically changed. Several times I neglected to change it back to what I was doing and ended up flying in the wrong direction.
Inability to dock or jump when hostiles are near added more tedious combat.
Oh and there are minigames. Maybe they are ok, I didn't bother with them, though. I didn't buy a space sim to play billiards and wish the developer had instead improved other aspects of the game rather than spending their time making minigames.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 03:20
Starts out fun, but there is no balance in the game.
1184 Produkte im Account
260 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 07:51
Months ago, I was feeling nostalgic for Privateer and wanted to try it again. Unfortunately, I couldn't find where the disc, or my disc drive, went, so I didn't manage to get it going. Luckily, there's Rebel Galaxy Outlaw now, and from what I remember, this is almost the same thing (but with more saturated colors and sounds).

So Privateer is one of the oldest jiminy cockthroat games, and not all of it holds up to scrutiny. Oddly enough, a development that I think would have been particularly useful here is the way modern cockthroats use multiple different currencies: since as an Outlaw I'm only trying to maximize Credits income, there's little incentive for me to branch out and try the other activities once I've committed to an approach that I'm pretty sure is effective.
56 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 22:04
Elite and X3 didn't start for reasons, so I picked Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. And I think I chose wisely.
The X universe bored me and I was a fan of Privateer and Wing Commander. Also, RGO has atmosphere. This universe feels alive to me. Likable characters.
Game can be hard, but Privateer was hard, too. So, no problems.
I'm surprised this has not so good rating here.
Sry for bad english. Lul
687 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 08:39
I'm struggling to enjoy this and regret my decision to buy it. None of it is particularly bad, but none of it is particularly good either. Trading is very shallow, the universe doesn't really feel alive and most of the gameplay involves fast travelling to places and skipping the animations for that.

The menus aren't fantastic (some of them require way more clicks than necessary, likely to compensate for consoles), the characters are generally not very likeable (including the main one you play) and the ships are a bit 'meh'. I just don't have the drive to see more. I tried a few times to pick this up and push myself to finish it, but it just isn't interesting.

I love space games and was kind of looking for something a bit more arcady, but this just doesn't have anything interesting to do. The combat is... ok, but gets repetitive very quickly. Honestly, I'd rather just play Squadrons for a dogfight fix or the X series for something deeper at this point.
75 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
2573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 10:59
I really enjoyed this! It was light-hearted, and kind to people who try to play space-shooters with a mouse and keyboard. I had no technical or stability issues to speak of, and only one mission in my entire playthrough that didn't fit the (otherwise very smooth) difficulty curve. The story campaign was good, but don't go expecting a mystery - it's more a personal journey for the main character. All up, 7.5/10.
154 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
6533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 00:19
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Recommendation: Yes

You ask if I recommend this game and the answer is yes. I have not run into any major issue playing this game, and no major crashes. In addition, I saw the post and the game errors is being fixed which I give any dev’s a thumbs up. The game is very playable, it does play as intended.

- This is a kind of a retro game that will kick you back to the 90’s when privateer came out. It is a fun game and if you can get past getting ganking all the time, you will be fine.
- The devs are constantly listening and making changes to the game and updating it. I see that in the updates.
- Keyboard flight controls and the controls over all is pretty good. I do get confuse with the missile controls, scan options, and the ecm but at least I can change the keyboard binding. I think.
- Trading is nice, but it is a pain to find places that buy illegal items. I guess it is not called illegal items for nothing.

- Navigations always seem to put down primary mission markers and how to get there and you cannot turn it off.
- Navigations can get confusing on which way you are going especially when the primary mission is always set to on. I like to turn the primary missions off. I will turn it back on when I am ready.
- Getting gank by 5 – 9 ships is a bit much when pirate lord hunting. Plus, when you jump from system to system it is the same thing.
- Pirate lord hunting issue; it seems like they have lvl 5 shielding and energy, I drop 3 packs of swarm missiles and nothing like they are invulnerable until you kill off the goon squad. I wonder if it is just me or everyone else.
- Also, when you show up to a fight, they all like to break off and attack you and only you even if there is a police patrol. It’s like they ignore everyone else and you are always the target and the center of attention.
- ECM 3 you have to constantly trigger the ECM every time someone launches a missile at you.
- Out of Texas and Nevada; You might not leave this area until you at least get a lvl 3 or 4 shield generator with a lvl 3 or 4 generator to boot. You also spend most of the time Mining to make the most money to even to get started.
- Big discounts issue: I found a big discount on an item Alien something for 7k and I found a planet that buys it for 34 k once. But when I got there it was only 20k. I’m not too sure but I feel that the profit gets cap somehow.
- Turn down the jump noise; I am playing RGO and while on skype with a friend, I turned the sound down on everything but when I go to jump, it is loud as shit!!! I turn down the main volume in the game but does not effect the Jump sound. I was force to turn down the sound through the volume mixer instead. Please connect the jump sound to the master sound control in the game.
- Transaction log: It would also be nice if they have a transaction log to see how much you are really making.
- Market information: When you hover the Market menu, it always flips back and forth between Demand and produce. OMG please stop this or at least have a button to stop the flip and flip to what you want. This back and forth is annoying and stupid. Grrr its driving me nuts when I am trying to look for a buyer or seller of a certain item.
- Smuggler holds is too small; Smugger hold can only hold 2 or 6 at max. All I have to do is go from jump to jump and I run into so many pirates that all I got is contraband and nothing more then contraband. It is rare to have anything else. Please expand the Smuggler hold or add more smuggler hold types like up to 20. Ok may be 15 at least. Or 2 sets of cargo holds. One for regular expanded cargo and one for smuggling.
- Cargo Expansion idea.
o Personally I like to see
 Cargo hold:
• Normal selection
• Cargo 1 max upgrade:
o Current cargo holds – Usual price
o Hold 10 – 50,000 – Hyper Spatial compressor 1
o Hold 20 – 250,000 – Trigon Spatial compressor 2
• Cargo 2 max upgrade
o Current Cargo Hold – usual price
o Hold 20 – 150,000 - Hyper Spatial compressor 2
o Hold 40 – 1,250,000 - Trigon Spatial compressor 2
• Cargo 3
o Current Cargo Hold – usual price
o Hold 40 – 1,150,000 - Hyper Spatial compressor 2
o Hold 80 – 2,250,000 - Trigon Spatial compressor 2
• Note, change it as you like
 Smuggler hold:
• Same concept with Smuggler hold.
• Smuggler Shield – Never detect contraband no matter what 1 million. Cargo is completely shield it.
- Mission boards:
o I would like to see the titles be more organized or at least grouped u.

Other than that, that is my take on the game. It is a fun game once you get use to it. But once you get up to 3 million, your basically outfitting your ship out to max it out then it is off to the story line missions. Then it is all about making money and having fun. Some request I like to see is more ships option in the game.
141 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 03:41
There are a lot of frustrating things about this game, but it's generally very well done with a lot of character. Just don't buy it expecting a space sim; it's an arcade game, through and through. I really like the world the devs have created, and I hope they continue to expand on it!
204 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 21:22
I'll start by saying the game is fine. I really debated whether to give a thumbs up or down for this game, but ultimately what made my decision is that I feel like it was a bait and switch. I absolutely loved Rebel Galaxy. I'm not blind to its faults, but it was a game that just clicked for me. As you might expect, I was really excited for a sequel, thinking it would actually be a sequel, building on the strengths of the first game and maybe improving the weaknesses. This is something else. Maybe a cockpit shooter spinoff set in the Rebel Galaxy universe. If you're looking for a basic arcade style cockpit fighter and haven't played the original, this is a good game. If you're looking to recapture anything from the original, this isn't it.
184 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 06:12
not really my style, I much preferred the first rebel galaxy and was hoping this one was going to be an improvement. sadly it was not
88 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 01:30
Summary: Average and simple gameplay, minor quirks, decent graphics, amazing sound & Music (and the music is there to be exported to YOUR music library!), and amazing ship editor.

The gameplay is nothing spectacular. You shoot, things blow up. I found there were only a few ships that were endgame viable; meaning, there is a best in class ship and gun to use and little room for variation.

The quirks are minor. I encountered, I think, 2 crashes. The Jumpgates are excessively loud but you can skip them.

The graphics are nothing to write home about. They're pretty, but Juno could stand to do a better job washing her cockpit windows.

The music is amazing. And, like the first game, the music files are unprotected in .ogg format. [Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RebelGalaxyOutlaw/Music] There are at least 300+ songs by my estimation that you get by purchasing this game. The game is worth buying for the boost to your music library.

The ship editor is an amazing feature of the game. You can go from painting your whole ship black to creating a detailed police cruiser (like I did) with a little bit of research and YouTube instructional videos.

Overall: Get the game and start sorting through the music for what you like. The rest of the game is, unfortunately, forgettable, which is a shame; the developers clearly put love in making this game.
782 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 09:48
don't bother combat suck like hell controls are a mess.
85 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 03:15
I'm having a blast with this game! Just the right balance of trade, combat, ship tinkering, etc. NICELY DONE!!
659 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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1568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 22:12
Visual style, space combat

Horribly balanced to the point of feeling cheap sometimes, definately not a hard game, but there are several instances of 10 ships spawning right on top of you.

every system the same and bland, and especially later when you are flying between systems for missions it becomes horribly tedious especially when you tell me to fly across the sector to simply talk to a character.

boring story, until the end anyway

buddies are unbelievably useless

Would not recommend, which sucks because I loved the first one as I played it when I was away for work for several months and it was just fun. The first one felt as if you were in a lived in system this just sees you flying all over the place with noithing fleshed out. Glad they got into 3d space vice the first one which was on a 2D plane. Everything else seems to have missed the mark though.
1196 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 09:19
the audio is very enjoyable
the game play turns repetitive quickly, so beware that the novelty can wear off, I still enjoy a quick dog fight from time to time
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 01:18
Love the game so far. I have never played any of the other Rebel Galaxies, and that probably helps my enjoyment. It seems a lot of the negative reviews come from people expecting this to be big ship battles and not what is essentially a very true-to-form Privateer remake.

This game does a lot of things right.; great atmosphere (think of a mix between Cowboy Bebop and Firefly) , fun flight mechanics and excellent music.

Here’s the deal. I’m an ardent fan of the space combat genre and have played most of the popular ones dating back to the hay days of the genre from the early to mid 90’s. This includes the more popular titles like the original Wing Commander and X-Wing/Tie Fighter games as well as the more esoteric releases such as Terminus and Forced Alliance. All this to say that this plays like old school space combat. The enemies don’t do much besides boost away and try for head on attack runs, but, hey, that’s how these games work. Advanced tactical dogfighting is not what this type of game is about. Instead it focuses on simple old school fun and with updated graphics and an entertaining cast of characters.

At the end of the day, if you’re an old school space combat fan, you will not be disappointed with this game.
232 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 20:53
Outlaw is mediocre at best. The controls are awful and the game world is boring. Every star system looks exactly the same. Ship selection is poor.

It feels like the developers spent most of their time making a fancy Photoshop-lite program than actually improving upon the first game, which is better in almost every way - faction reputation, greater variety of ships, more freedom from the start, universe felt more dynamic, and combat was actually fun.

Get Rebel Galaxy 1 instead.
974 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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1071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 11:13
This is a tough one. It's not that I'd not recommend it, I just cant honestly recommend it, it's 50/50, not a no, but not a yes.

The problem with the game, is it just feels like a bare-bones version of the game it should be. There are mainly two varieties of ship, haulage, or fighter, so ultimately, there are 2 ships, the best freighter, and the best fighter, the few other ships are just filler. The fighter cant carry much, and the freighter cant fight well, so you have to decide. In the original game, items did not devalue, so you could try a ship, fly it for a bit, and swap it for another, at no financial loss, but in this game, you lose money if you buy a weapon, an upgrade, a ship, etc, so you cant really 'give it a try'.

There are many improvements on the original Rebel Galaxy, but the downsides also detract from this game, it generally feels like a grind, rather than a pleasure. I find I fly a few missions, then just lose the motivation to do more.

As I said, it's not a bad game, I've got 17 hours out of it so far, and I'll probably get a few more, it's just, it could be a lot better.
393 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 01:38
I wanted to like this game, but between lackluster gameplay and crashes now every time I try to play it's just not worth trying.

14 hours in with mostly just terrible balance issues as all the enemy ships are dependent on your own net worth and it's just stopped working.

There was one big crash where somehow the game filled up all 24 gb of ram in my pc, as well as creating a 60 gb swap file so it would grind to a halt every 30 seconds as it continually offloaded more and more ram to the hard drive, and now every time I try to play I can hop to 1 or 2 places before the game just crashes.

I love the music and the world building of this game, but the actual game play was far more suited to the naval combat of the previous one instead of the zippy insane fighter combat of this one. You spend most of every combat just holding down the auto follow button and it's just not interesting. Then once you actually make some cash you have to spend it asap as now every ship you face has been upgraded to match your net worth so you can never save for the thing you want most and always have to buy every possible upgrade.
89 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 08:27
Privateer Vet here. So two things here:
- You're a Privateer Vet or old-school flight sims enthusiast: just buy this game. Just do it.
- You're not: so this game is awesome, BUT it has a stiff learning curve. I spent a solid hours just configuring my controls outside the first planet. Took a while, but once you figure out what everything does and you have a good key on your stick or keyboard for it, things will start to get awesome. Also: it's a sim, not an arcade, meaning it has a bit more complexity to it and you're gonna have to push buttons and redirect power to shields or engines if you want to get the most out of this game!
For the rest, it's a solid space sim, beautiful, lots of humour (love that your pilot gives the finger when you're taunting an enemy ship!), great characters and voice acting so far, amazing soundtrack complete with a radio system (like GTA). It's very open ended, so take your time, fly around, check out distress signals, go to the bar and always talk to the bar tender. He knows things :) The way you want to play this game is up to you: bounty hunter, trader, smuggler, pirate...
If you like good space sims, give this a shot and give it some time, don't be daunted by all the controls and options. Ask around if you need help :)
1108 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
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1502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 23:35
The game is ok, but the combat is repetitive, the variety in ships and weapons marginal, the missions dull and an entirely gamebreakingly bad mission holds up all progress as you can fail it in any number of ways and success requires skill, planning and tremendous amounts of luck.

There just isn't enough here to entice me to complete the main campaign, let alone play beyond that.
302 Produkte im Account
258 Reviews
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 19:34
Not alot of depth. Combat encounters are random and can range from extremely difficult to downright simple. The other negative reviews have touched on combat and gameplay. It just doesn't feel good to play with the random diffuculty. The game will save it whenever you auto jump which could screw you if you enter an encounter that is just waaaay too hard and it keeps you on a save/load loop in front of said encounter. Really dumb and not fun.
242 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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3042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 19:47
Would give an average rating if possible. Not a bad game, but the original Rebel Galaxy was much better. Combat is ridiculous sometimes. A big battle, several ships on both sides and all enemies concentrate their fire on me, ignoring all other friendly ships. So I can just flee with afterburner, kill some enemies, flee again, kill some enemies and so on, sometimes it's just pointless and boring. The story is even more negligible then in the original game, totally uninteresting. Really disappointing is the small number of available ships, again much inferior compared to the original Rebel Galaxy. I just expected... more. More than this game has to offer.
220 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 03:33
For anyone who loved Freelancer, this game is a must. True, the game suffers from a lack of ships and content in general, but I always have an absolute blast playing this game. Highly recommended!
3224 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 04:53
The original Wing Commander: Privateer is one of childhood favorites. This game is a great spiritual successor to it. The gameplay is smooth and satisfying, especially using HOTAS. I highly recommend old school mode which only allows gameplay from the cockpit and is more challenging.

Dozens of planets and stations to explore. Purchase various ships and upgrade them. Play dice poker and pool in at the local bar. Pickup missions from the Merchants and Mercenaries guilds.

Although the game can be somewhat repetitive at times and could use more content (which the devs have planned with dlc) I enjoyed it quite a bit and blowing up baddies never get old.
359 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 16:09
I had to wait for over a quarter of a century for someone to make a worthy successor to Privateer. Someone finally has.
Pro Tip: There are a lot of controls to get used to - take the time to learn them
Pro Tip: A lot of people are complaining about the difficulty. I am an old fart and even I don't find it that difficult. Upgrade, flee when you have to and learn to take evasive action.
758 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 22:01
Holy god how did Double Damage go from making the joy that was Rebel Galaxy to this trash (Rebel Galaxy Outlaw).

TLDR : Space combat game with some of the worst UI/camera(s) for SPACE COMBAT ever encountered in 30 years of flight sims. All the good music, writing and atmosphere in the world doesn't help when your core gameplay is this un-intuitive, clunky and indecipherable.

The UI is awful, whether we're talking about settings, the planetside UI or UI menus... but the CARDINAL sin here is that the UI inside the cockpit for gameplay is EVEN WORSE. And speaking of Cardinal sins.... the flight controls and camera(s) for gameplay are also amongst the most awful I've ever encountered - I thought hey maybe its me using the mouse/keyboard and switched to a joystick... which eventually ended with me throwing the joystick across the room. In 30 years of playing flight sim games this MIGHT be the first one that I actually regret paying for. This UI was excusable back when I was playing LHX Attack chopper back in 1990 but in this day and age? Seriously - and honestly the controls were more natural and properly responsive back then which is.... beyond depressing.

If your into masochism then enjoy! Otherwise stay the h--- away, go play the original Rebel Galaxy or any of the Starpoint Gemini games or go oldschool and play Tie Fighter or something - it'll be cheaper AND more enjoyable! Should have listened to the other reviews, this isn't even worth it on sale, its unplayable unless your in it for the politically correct female main character and a continuation of the play for the Rebel Galaxy universe - or maybe the music which I have to admit is pretty awesome.
226 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 15:39
Been waiting for the prequel of the original Rebel Galaxy and now it's here. I should be happy but the first impression i got from this, made me refund it. It's incredible how a studio can stray so far from the path. Rebel Galaxy was an epic game, with a newish combat system, bring, colorful, and nice to play. This one here however, is just a generic space, loot, and Autopilot Sim. I am disapointed.
1211 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 16:57
great Scifi Game in the style of Wing Commander and Privateer
2509 Produkte im Account
249 Reviews
739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 16:25
Feels a bit like Privateer/Freelancer. Although the previous Rebel Galaxy had capital ships and that was the reason I fell in love with that game. You're stuck with small-mid sized craft in this title and the biggest one I've found is like a trash hauler with two turrets. Game play loop is fun. Music/sound is superb. Story is alright. Worth a buy at the current price point ~A$25.

I have a HOTAS for Elite Dangerous but i found the Mouse/Keyboard controls just fine for this game. Only needed to change a few keys.
783 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 11:17
I played Rebel Galaxy (the 1st one from 2015) over and over, it was a lot of fun.

I grew up playing Wing Commander, Starlancer, Freelancer, Independence War and having a modern space game that is reminiscent of these old classics with amazing graphics, excellent voice acting and all the Greel Whiskey you can get?
It was an instant purchase, twice in fact(!) as I bought it on EGS and Steam.

The humor is on point, the cliches are there and delivered in such a way that it entertains you, the soundtrack is pure ear pleasure, just like the 1st one.
135 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:23
This is close as Freelancer as you can get. It isn't ground breaking in anyways, but it is simple and fun. You can trade, combat or play pool and hunt pirate bosses. It's a good game, but don't expect 50 hours of content here. I got tired of it around 20 hrs in.
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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2990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 00:04
I desperately wanted to like this game, I was a huge fan of the original rebel galaxy and assumed that this would offer a similar experience by providing an interesting story and a variety of ships, modules to fit them with and a fun, quirky, retro themed art style.
However I was starkly disappointed with what I received, the story had no underlaying narrative driving everything along that unwound as you play through missions into a coherent plot. Instead it feels like a string of unrelated fetch quests and search and destroy/ escort missions given to you by a bunch of bland unmemorable NPC's.
The few ships that are in the game, 6, or 12 if you count the re-skins which can be obtained a little into the game, would be forgivable if there was a range of modules and weapons to equip them with to customize them to your taste, or more realisticly, your budget but the reality is that there is only between 2 and 4 modules to unlock and few weapons worth investing in after you buy the best options available to maximise DPS without exceeding your power output. So before I came close to finishing the game I found myself with the best possible hardware to obtain in the game and a hoard of wealth that was no longer realivant.
When I finished the story (and in turn the game) I was quite frankly shocked, that it just kind of ended the way it did, I did not even realise the plot was wrapping up until the title quickly popped up on the screen, I genuilly sat for a moment wondering what just happened.
The art style, in all fairness, was everything I had expected, bright, colorful and retro sci-fi themes such as the display screens in the cockpit and the grainy vid feeds which pop up when people open a comm line with you. And the dog fights, chasing craft and manuvering to avoid critical damage are very exciting and fast paced, at times it even feels more like a looter shooter above all els. But the combat feels repetitive after a while of using the same ship with the same modules, and redundant when you have nothing to buy with the loot you will inevitably convert into credits, at (in my case) the middle of the game.
325 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 22:39
I really loved the first Rebel Galaxy and I'm really enjoying this one so far. The way I play these games is rather grindy. I like to run missions back and forth between systems and just spend times cruising through space. In a lot of ways this game is more like a sim for me than an action combat game. I've seen it described as Elite Dangerous lite and I think I agree with that.

Combat has changed drastically from the first Rebel Galaxy. It's no longer a 2D broadside based game. It's a fully realized 3D combat environment. I like it just fine, although frankly I think I enjoyed the big ship broadside combat aspect of the first game a bit more.

Overall at about 10 hours, I'm pretty glad I picked up this game and hope to see more from Double Damage in this series in the future.
76 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 16:18
Fun sleeper space truckerCowboy Bebop homage, simple yet addictive. But the fact that I can blast my own music in the ship is truly the coup de grace. Nothin' like lightspeeding to some epic psy-trance beats.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 22:33
This is a retro-mod Privateer, and a good one. If you ever played and enjoyed Privateer, you'll enjoy this game. 5 minutes into the game and I was loving the updated graphics and feel that still managed to capture the grittiness of the game it was modeled after.
Some reviewers complain that this is too much of a departure from Rebel Galaxy for them. This is not supposed to be a sequel or followup to the first game, it is listed as a prequel, but is very obviously a spinoff, just as Privateer was a spinoff of the Wing Commander series.
Other reviewers complain that the game doesn't give you the pertinent info and stats you need to properly fit your ship. My first visit to the ship and equipment dealers gave me all the info I needed, from engine output power to weapons stats that showed how much each component on your ship draws and even how many seconds of sustained fire you can maintain before depleting your engine power. The things we had to calculate on paper in order to keep track of in Privateer has been addressed.
The base layouts, the cockpit, the hud, space flight, and combat, this is all straight up Privateer, just modernized a bit. Although the game may recommend using a controller, if you've played Freelancer, the other Privateer inspired game, then you'll feel right at home with your mouse and keyboard.
This game is not designed for you to start a new game, jump in your starter ship, and take on the galaxy. It is going to take work, lots of mining or cargo runs, lots of patrol missions, and lots of time to get proficient in the path you take. Those that use mining to quickly get a good ship and weapons without putting in the combat hours running patrol and bounty missions will inherently hate the game as there is a lot to be learned when going into combat outnumbered and outgunned.
The soundtrack is good, the voice acting is good, the graphics are spot on, the ambience (Privateer with some Firefly mixed in) is great, and although there may be a few bugs here and there or some minor polish work that needs to be completed in a patch, overall this game is a winner and I foresee many, many hours of exploring in my future. Well done Double Damage Games, and thanks for bringing such a classic back to life.
194 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 22:28
awsome soundtrack check
dual cannons making you feel like your in a viper from battlestar gallactica check
good level of dificulty check
controlls could be better
feel and ambiance epic

highly reccomend please play for a while the basics are really steep learning wise but once your hooked you get a better feel for fighting running away and dodging missiles when u get that sentance ur no longer a noob ha ha
271 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 14:11
Really challenging and action packed game. Although it was easy to get the strongest ship on the first system without using a jump drive by mining.
796 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
1886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 06:44
The original Rebel Galaxy is one of my all-time favourite space games, and this is most definitely up there with it, this time replacing capital ships and naval-esque combat with dogfights in smaller ships.

I wouldn't say it's a step back with this decision, as the original Rebel Galaxy definitely had its own good thing going, but more of a step sideways. The atmosphere, design and soundtrack are as brilliant as the first, and the Ship Painter is second-to-none, giving you the ability to properly make any ship your own.

The only properly negative thing about RGO I feel was the Epic exclusivity, which totally killed the buzz in the lead up to the original release date, as well as having features disabled by the time it's hit Steam (like the ability to send your ship away to get 3D printed). I understand the Devs decision - it just sucked to see as a fan.

Speaking of the Devs, they're absolutely top-tier. I noticed the Mattock was missing its Paint Mask in the files of the game and messaged them about it on the Double Damage Discord, and not only did they send it to me, they patched both it and some other missing ones into the game once I raised the issue. Absolutely nuts support there.
Logo for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
62.93% 460 271
Release:13.08.2019 Genre: Weltraum-Action Entwickler: Double Damage Games Vertrieb: Double Damage Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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