News Liste Romero's Aftermath

Hotfix Notes 3/15/2016
Romero's Aftermath
15.03.16 23:05 Community Announcements
Hey Everyone,
The servers are rebooting right now to deploy a hotfix!  
Here's the patch notes!   Want to discuss the patch?  Go here!
-Fixed stuttering audio glitch that sounded like shooting twice even though it was only shooting once (players then accused other players of macroing, this was not the case, it was a bug!)
-Fixed glitch related to Right Mouse Button and third person shooting (this was also a glitch, not a macro!)
-Black Leather Pants have been fixed to properly appear for players in the cosmetic menu if this item has been unlocked.
-Fixed issue that could cause a client desync while looting a player backpack.
-Abusive 1 second food cool downs have been adjusted.
-Knitted Sweater & Brazil cosmetics have been fixed to properly appear inside of mystery crates.