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Pinetop Patch 2/10/16
Romero's Aftermath
10.02.16 23:19 Community Announcements
Hey everyone!
Here's the patch notes!   Want to discuss the patch?  Go here!
Pinetop Release!
-Pinetop map is now released to LEGENDARY users!  The map is still in a testing state and if you feel like hopping on and trying it out then you must have a Legendary Account!  Legendary account upgrades are permanent!  
-There is NO BASE BUILDING on the Pinetop map
-There are NO Pinetop PVE servers for the time being
-Legendary Arizona map servers have been replaced with Pinetop Map Servers
-Pinetop may have some ambient noise quirks so please be patient if you find some bugged audio that is too noisy etc and please report it in the bug section! 
-If you are having FPS issues please try lowering or disabling shadows.
New Friends System!
-A new Friends System has been introduced to the game.  Open and close the friends menu by pressing O.    Simply add a person to your friends list and chat with them any time anywhere in the game or join their server and appear nearby them for easy play with your friends!  To spawn near your friend simply right click and select "request spawn" and once your friend approves you joining on them you will be loaded into the server near them.  :)
Crafting Changes
-2 new types of craftable 5.56 ammo have been introduced and the recipes to make these spawn in the world.
-1 new type of craftable 9mm ammo has been introduced and the recipe to make this spawns in the world.  
-MX-TAC has 2 new upgrade recipes that can take a weaker version of the gun and upgrade it!
-MX-LBZ has 2 new upgrade recipes that can take a weaker version of the gun and upgrade it!
-SCAR-X10 has 2 new upgrade recipes that can take a weaker version of the gun and upgrade it!
General Gameplay Changes
-Stamina regeneration rate while crouching is now 500%, up from 200%.  
-Zombies now move 15% faster & hit 50% harder.
-Weapons now display on the player back when they are not being used.
-Liberations no longer show any progress until a minimum of 10% zombies in the area have been killed.  This is to make it easier for a solo player that is just looting without constantly moving the % killed from 0% to 1% thus giving away the fact they are in the city.  
-The screen will now flash when shot/attacked with an inventory/map/crafting menu open.
-New command called "/clearclaims" which when typed on a specific server will DELETE all claims you had on that server.  This has been implemented to help users who have a bugged claim stuck under the world or other game breaking issue.  Only use this command if you want to delete all claims on the server you are on.  This CANNOT be reversed.  
-A new more helpful message is displayed when attempting to buy Cosmetic Keys including their price when you don't have enough funds.  
-Zombie Attack animation sync now lined up properly with damage timing.