Runaway: A Twist of Fate
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Über das Spiel

Das Spiel wird im direkten Vergleich mit dem Vorgänger dunkler und knüpft somit stilistisch eher an den ersten Teil an. Jedoch ist auch diesmal der typische und beliebte Humor allgegenwärtig. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der von Millionen Adventure - Spielern heiß geliebten Serie haben die Spieler die Möglichkeit auch die Steuerung von Brians Freundin Gina zu übernehmen! Obwohl das Spiel die Handlung des zweiten Teils aufgreift ist es jedoch auch als eigenständiges Abenteuer erlebbar, das auch Serienneulingen einen leichten Einstieg und maximalen Spielspaß ermöglichen wird
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.18 18:10
Geht´s noch!?!
Ich rate jedem ab dieses Spiel zu kaufen!
680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.17 12:01
- Toller Comic-Look
- Gelungene Rätsel
- Interessante Story
- Qualitativ hochwertige Dialoge
- Witzige Szenen vorhanden
- Hilfe kann jederzeit herbeigezogen werden
- Ordentliche Sounds
- Abwechslungsreiche Schauplätze
- Sympathische Charaktere
- Hilfe-Hotline ist eine geniale Idee
- Interessante Nebengeschichten
- Schöne Animationen
- Wenige Rätsel sind zu knifflig
- Keine deutsche Sprachausgabe
- Unlogische und abstrakte Handlungspassagen
- Fühlt sich an manchen Stellen gestreckt an
Runaway: A Twist of Fate stellt den dritten Teil einer Trilogie dar. Das Point and Click Adventure ist überwiegend solide, da Rätsel und Charaktere weitgehend gelungen bis gut sind. Wer aber auf eine herausragende Geschichte steht, ist hier vollkommen falsch, denn Runaway: A Twist of Fate glänzt durch den Humor und, wie bereits gesagt, durch die Charaktere. Empfehlung!
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.13 17:54
Und erstaunlich kurz mit 6 Stunden Spielzeit!
Die Rätsel werden einfacher als im Spiel zuvor, die Charaktere gefallen mir durch das vermehrt eingesetzten 3D's auch nicht mehr so gut.
Wenn ihr die ersten beiden Teile gespielt habt, ist dieser Teil ein Muss.
Für alle anderen Empfehle ich den 2. Teil!
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 11:34
Runaway: A Twist of Fate is a point and click adventure and a third game in the Runaway series. The game breaks the pattern of the series by being an actually good game. What's great is that it doesn't require you to play previous parts, because you can get a recap in game and the dialogue provides you with all the needed information.
Pros & Cons
+ Engaging story with actually funny jokes this time
+ Interesting puzzles that rely more on the real-life logic
+ Hint system and ability to highlight active objects
- Way shorter than previous games
- Max resolution is 720p
If you've played The Dream of the Turtle, then you probably remember the absolutely stupid ending hinting at a sequel with even crazier and messy plot. Thankfully, the game just forgets about it for the good two thirds of it and even as it remembers, events are portrayed in such a way that they feel natural and make sense. So, it begins with the main character, Brian Basco, being on trial for the murder he did not commit and with no memory of the last few days. After a few minutes of cutscenes, you end on his grave playing as Gina, a damsel in distress from previous games. Right from the beginning the game puts forwards multiple mysteries that you'll be solving. Did Brian fake his own death? What really happened in the previous game?
It's a very well-written story, not only does it attempt to resolve all the crazy things left by the previous game, but it also manages to stay engaging and mysterious to the very end. Gina finally becomes a character and not a cardboard cutout used for creating motivation for the main character. At certain points of the story, you get to play as Brian, who didn't change much, though his jokes aren't as cringeworthy as before. Thankfully, the most annoying characters from previous games do not make a comeback.
It's the same old point and click adventure, but with a few useful improvements that make it much more enjoyable than its predecessors. The greatest one being an ability to show all active objects in a scene, eliminating the need for pixel hunting. It also offers a nice feature, that gives you a recap of the story to any particular moment, so if you stopped playing for a week, you'll get up to speed to whatever you were doing. To make the game more accessible, it also features a help system, that gives you a hint and does it without giving away the solution completely. Though I only used it once, because the game states your objectives clearly, so you always know what you have to do and puzzles rely on real life logic. It's fun to solve puzzles when you're not hampered by the lack of objective or pixel hunting skills.
Graphics & Audio
Just like in previous games of the series, the style of the game makes up for its technical shortcomings. It offers a huge variety of screen resolutions, but the maximum one is 720p, higher resolutions will show black borders around the game screen. The soundtrack is good, each location has its own theme, and it never gets on your nerves while you're struggling with some puzzle. Voice acting feels much better than in previous games, though it still sounds a bit cheesy.
Specs: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU 8GB, 32GB RAM. Windows 11.
Surprisingly, this game works right out of the box with no fixes needed. I've only experienced a crash once, it coincided with a notification from Steam, so I turned off Steam overlay and hadn't experienced any crashes since. Runs at 60 FPS in 720p resolution.
Runaway: A Twist of Fate is hands down the best game in Runaway series and a good game overall. If you're not familiar with the series, you can still have a lot of fun with it, the game will provide all the needed info to understand the story. So, it's a definite recommendation to all point and click fans.
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 11:30
Runaway: A Twist of Fate is the third title of the Runaway series, a point-and-click trilogy about a couple named Brian and Gina. In this episode, you'll find a way to rescue Brian and save the couple from the trouble that they encountered. This game is divided into six chapters with different playable characters from time to time.
- Hint system
- A lot of cutscenes to make you feel as if you are watching a movie
- Some solutions are too vague
- Some areas can be missed if you don't walk your character around manually
Intel Core i5-9300H 2.40GHz, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Should you buy this game?
If you want to watch a light, enjoyable story, buy this game at a sale. Don't bother buying it for the point and click elements.
In-Depth Review
The 3D models might look simple at first, but it was compensated by the use of shadows and animations. The animations look smooth with the subtle movement and changing backgrounds, to the point that it feels like watching a movie. The backgrounds are also made in such great detail with a similar style to the 3D models to blend them with each other. This eliminates any difference between the cutscenes and in-game screens, making the visuals look better and more unique than most point and click games.
If you think the story is only good in the cinematics, you're wrong. Runaway: A Twist of Fate also shines in its writing, giving you a light story with jokes and seriousness blended together. The plot is focused on one objective per chapter with an unexpected mystery that arises as you play. The game keeps the mystery solved one at a time, keeping you in suspense as to what happened.
As someone who hasn't played the first and the second game, some parts of the story can be confusing, but it won't distract you from experiencing the game as a whole. There will be some references about events from the previous games from time to time, and the game fills the gap nicely by giving you information about what happened. Still, those who have played the previous titles will enjoy the game to its fullest since it contains subtle references from those games.
The Game
If there is one thing that the game falls short of, it's the point and click mechanic. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't play from the first game or not, but the game has no tutorial despite having confusing controls. I didn't know that I could use the right mouse button to use an item or walk around to find more objects or exits. The thing is, most objects are already displayed on the screen, and since most point-and-click games that are heavily reliant on a mouse don't require you to walk to every corner of the screen to find more objects, I never bothered to do it. I ended up stuck a couple of times because I forgot this feature exists.
Most solutions don't make sense. Just like how most point and click games work, you need to either use or combine items to an object to progress in this game. However, the solution can be too vague with you having to interact with someone several times or use some objects in a certain order to progress. I usually know what I need to do, but it's hard to translate it to what the game wants. Moreover, some objects are also unfamiliar to me, making it hard to figure out what I could do to it since I'm not sure what it could be originally used for.
Length and Difficulty
I finished the game in 6h. The game can be hard to finish for some people - I admit that I got stuck a lot of times and had to consult a guide to bypass them. There is a hint system that you can use, but the hint can be either misleading or not helpful sometimes. That being said, I was more interested in the story than the point and click mechanics when I played it so it didn't bother me much in the end.
The game can close itself whenever you are alt-tabbing. It also asks for a password whenever you create a profile. Lastly, you can't change the resolution to be higher than 1280x1024 in the settings - you'll just play with a smaller screen with a black border around it if you do. The game will automatically lower your screen resolution to whatever you put in the settings though so you don't have to worry about playing in 1280x1024.
Despite being the third series from the Runaway trilogy, Runaway: A Twist of Fate can still be enjoyed without playing the predecessors. The game feels as if you are watching a movie with some point-and-click mechanics in between, and the animation on the cutscenes are very smooth. However, the game doesn't shine much as a point-and-click game, so you might want to avoid buying it if that's all that you expect from it. This game is more for those who want to watch a story and have a good laugh from it, after all.
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 15:51
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 03:38
It is quite unwise to try and sum up the plot of the “Twist of Fate”, mostly because it’s full of – shocking! – twists. It starts in medias res with an unexpected set-up, carries on with Brian and Gina’s adventures (in alternating chapters) that are full of plot turns you’ll never see coming, and ends with yet another wild (and a bit kooky) escapade that the over-the-top trilogy is famous for. Talking about the story that is built on out-of-the-blue twists and turns would be a disservice to a future player. It’s worth it to dive into this game blind, keeping in mind that it continues to directly build up on the two previous games. You better off playing them in succession as there’s a chance of being utterly lost in the narrative, although there’s an interesting recap of the previous events that, somehow, takes place in the middle of the game. Runaway 3 could be potentially enjoyed on its own but is much more entertaining when you’re “in the know”. Considering some polarizing opinions about preceding games, it will serve either as a validation of your persistence or an absolute cherry-on-top of a finale if you were a fan.
Either of those categories of players will know that the writing throughout the trilogy was mostly hit and a bit of a miss. The third installment offers the most improved and polished result. Every character has distinct voice and personality, the dialogue flows smoothly for absolute majority of the game, and the transitions between the chapters that have quite drastic change of action (due to change of POV of the main characters) are sleek and fluid, so you never feel dragged out of the time and place you were exploring to accommodate a writer’s whimsy. Then, there is the comedy. And the comedy is largely subjective. The presence of noticeably toned-down irony pertaining to stereotypes, objectifying and behavior patterns (that absolutely overwhelmed first few games and made them a love it/hate it titles) is combined with some corny, eye-roll inducing jokes sprinkled around. The unofficial motto of Runaway series “We don’t take ourselves seriously” is being followed to a T. While you’ll raise your eyebrow in some moments and laugh-out-loud in the others, the overall light humorous thread pulls everything together rather nicely and will make for an enjoyable playthrough bound to make you grin.
Another element that will definitely bring a grin to any players’ face is the smartly integrated hint system. Pressing a hint button on the UI (that disappears when you’re not using it) causes a certain character from the previous games help you from within Pendulo Studios “Department of Puzzelistic Problematics and Player Assistance”. Instead of giving direct answers, you’ll be given a round-about hint and a quick glance at a department’s computer for help with location. Presented this way, hints won’t take away the feeling that you still solving the puzzle yourself, and they are quite funny to boot. There’s also a hotspot highlighter to discern “clickable” spots in lavishly painted locations. The overall gameplay is a classic point’n’click largely dependent on inventory manipulation and dialogue progression with several puzzles directly integrated in the latter. Puzzles are solidly within the games’ part real-life/part-wacky logic and are considerably more streamlined than before, presenting a decent thinking challenge yet never leading to a feeling of total frustration. As always, there are few exceptions that can leave you scratching your head, but they only confirm that majority of the tasks are, indeed, sensible.
The aspect of “Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate” that is free from all exceptions is the graphics. Which is to say that graphics are exceptional. The trademark of Pedulo Studios – gorgeous, lush, magnificently colored 2D backgrounds bring life to any scene, however small, making you pause and take in the picture. The vistas of New York at night, the abandoned morgue in a sanitarium, the sprawling city cemetery, or the picturesque countryside cabin – all of those and more are absolutely stunning visually and will leave a lasting impression. It’s a shame that Steam page mostly shows a few screen shots of (smoothly integrated) 3D models, so if you want to take a peek – check out game’s trailer on your preferred platform, there’s no better selling point for this game then its looks and animations, as both are sensational.
Another quite impressive element of this birthday cake of a game is the soundscape. The main theme and several tracks throughout the game again incorporate distinct and enigmatic Vera Dominguez’ voice that has been a part of the series from the start. This is a common thread that weaves through the entire trilogy and manages to highlight different moods yet keep the bigger story together. The rest of the compositions range from bluesy tantalizing melodies to electro pop/rock tunes and wide variety of other genres that always match the setting. Some arrangement used specifically to highlight a certain scene and disappear after you played through an event. The sound effects are of similar high quality and complete the ambience bringing the whole experience to a higher level. The voiceover is done phenomenally, and unlike the other parts – it’s impossible to say whether the same actor was used for more than one role until you roll the credits. In one particularly remarkable case – two distinct characters are forced to become one temporarily (don’t ask, it’s Runaway) – you can clearly hear the peculiarities of both. The entire music and voice component are undoubtedly the most polished in the entire series.
“Runaway: A Twist of Fate” made quite a few “Best of…” adventure lists and it deserves every single appearance. It is slick, thrilling, visually stellar, brilliantly voiced and has a nice, balanced puzzle element. As for recommending it… You’ve got to remember this is a Runaway game, so many themes, overall wackiness and an unmistakable humor element (that doesn’t shy away from being snarky and purposely provocative and objectifying) all made it to the final part with a different degree of presence. If you liked the first two games – this is the best one yet. If you didn’t, well, many critics agreed with you and still found this final part of the trilogy notable enough to give it generally high praise. Keep this in mind as you browse through some playthroughs and trailers. If you never played any of the Runaway titles – it’s better to start at the beginning to see if the slightly bonkers world of the game is for you. While it might be not quite your cup of tea at first, the consolation is that the series get better with every installment and end with a loud BOOM! of a grand finale, where the fast pace of this wild escapade will certainly allow you to…well… run away from the everyday world for a bit.
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303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 18:27
+ gorgeous looking and colorful hand drawn background artwork
+ well made long cartoony cut scenes
+ many different, funny and colorful cast of characters
+ good character animations
+ decent voice acting
+ nice musics
+ some enjoyable puzzles. there are also inventory puzzles you can combine some items
+ story is intriguing and enjoyable
+ there are two playable character
+ there is auto save
+ when you press to F2, hotspots highlighted so no need to pixel hunting.
+ easy to use interface
+ there is a hint system when you stuck
- some obscure puzzles with nonsensical solutions and sometimes you don't know what supposed to do
- characters can't run
- there are no Steam achievements
- game doesn't drop cards
- game is shorter than similar adventure games
Overall this is an enjoyable and decent point n click adventure game. it's style and puzzles similar to games such as Deponia and Broken Sword and i really like story and characters
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.14 18:12
If you have played either of the other two games, which is recommended if you want to know the full story, then you will be familiar with the control scheme. This is a point and click adventure, with the left and right mouse buttons used to explore and pick up items. In your inventory you can examine and combine items, and select them to use in the environment. The puzzles are on the same level of difficulty as the first two games. There are no ways to fail, so if you are having trouble just keep exploring and combining items until you find the solution. A nice addition is a button to press that will show you all the hotspots in an area. That definitely helps make some of the pixel hunting go a lot faster.
The graphics have seen a nice upgrade from the previous game. My biggest complaint, the character models, have been improved, and while still not the best, are more than serviceable. The backgrounds are as nice as they have been in the Runaway series.
The voice acting and sound continues to be done well. There are some new original songs in Runaway: A Twist of Fate. Plenty of effort has been put into making the sound top quality.
One of my biggest complaints of the series has been the underwhelming involvement of Gina. Although saving her is a main plot point of the first two games, she is never really present for much of the games. You have no chance to form any sort of attachment to her. That is addressed in this game, where you will be able to control Gina for large parts of the game. She almost feels like a new character, because you did not have much interaction with her in the previous games. Brian is clearly a different character than when he began the first game, but it makes sense after the adventures you have been on together.
Runaway: A Twist of Fate felt like the shortest game in the series. However, what is there is very enjoyable, and I would much rather play a shorter game that is filled with quality content than a longer game that wears out its welcome.
I fully recommend Runaway: A Twist of Fate. I felt like the previous game, Dream of the Turtle, was a drop in quality in the series, but the trilogy ends on a high note. An additional adventure in the saga of Brian and Gina would be welcome.
Grade: B+
Pendulo Studios
Flashpoint AG
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos