Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass
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Über das Spiel

Croteam kehrt mit einem energiegeladenen Prequel zur Serious Sam-Serie zurück, welches das Chaos auf ein nie dagewesenes Level hochfährt. Die klassische Serious Sam-Formel wurde aufpoliert: Mithilfe eines unaufhaltsamen Arsenals muss der Spieler einer unvorstellbaren Anzahl von Gegnern die Stirn bieten und seinen Weg aus hoffnungslosen Situationen finden.
Die bereits bekannte Riege von außerirdischen Gegnern kehrt mit neuer Verstärkung zurück. Kämpfe dich durch unvorstellbare Massen von Mental's Dienern, darunter die legendären Headless Kamikaze, Beheaded Rocketeer, Kleer, Scrapjack, Werebull und Khnum!Bewaffne dich gegen brandneue Gegner und gigantische Monster, wie den wilden Processed, den abstoßenden Belcher, den schonungslosen Zealot und viele mehr.
Rüste dich mit einer Vielzahl verheerender Waffen aus, passend für jede Situation. Verwüste Mental's Horde mit der mächtigen doppelläufigen Schrotflinte, der verheerenden Minigun, dem brutalen Kettensägenwerfer, einer brandneuen automatischen Schrotflinte und der kultigen Kanone. Verbessere deine Waffen und erfreue dich an dem zielsuchenden Raketenwerfer und dem mächtigen Laserstrahl des Todes.
Kämpfe dich mit Freunden durch den actiongeladenen 4-Spieler Online Koop-Modus! Bewältige aufregende primäre Missionen und spannende Nebenquests in modifizierbaren Schwierigkeitsgraden für eine zusätzliche Herausforderung.
Serious Sam 4 entfesselt einige der größten Augenblicke in der Geschichte der Serie mit dem neuen Legion System und Schlachtfeldern die mit Tausenden von Feinden wimmeln.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 4-core CPU @ 2.5 GHz
- GFX: nVidia GeForce 780/970/1050 or AMD Radeon 7950/280/470 (3 GB VRAM)
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Requirements are based on 720p rendering resolution at 30 FPS
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 8-core CPU @ 3.3 GHz
- GFX: nVidia GeForce 1080/2060 or AMD Radeon Vega64/5700 (8 GB VRAM)
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit (1909)
- HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 12
- MISC: Recommended APIs include DX12 and Vulkan.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 15:02
1168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 17:16
Leider stellt die durchwachsene Grafik auch noch hohe Hardware-Anforderungen, das vermiest einem das Spiel etwas...
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 00:16
11034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 13:00
1339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 19:21
Für 2021 leider etwas Schwach, man hat das Gefühl das Spiel sollte einfach fertig werden.
Für 10 € wäre es ok meiner Meinung nach. Ich habe mich leider hinreisen lassen und habe um die 20 Bezahlt was leider zu viel war, für das was Geboten wird.
Alles in allem ein Funny Serious Sam Geworden. Mit Einigen Schwächen die nicht hätten sein Müssen.
1055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 16:25
Ja das ist ein Titel das dieses Spiel verdient.
Humorvolle Einleiner und tiefe ein bisschen düstere Story wenn man bedenkt es handelt sich um einen Shooter.
Fast jedes Level auf normalen Schwierigkeitgrad bietet über 1000 Gegner zum erschießen.
Klingt zuerst langweilig aber in der Hektik der Horde macht es spaß schnell die Lage zu sichten und die passende Waffe zu wählen, sonst wird man Geschichte.
Die Levels sind sehr groß und bieten dennoch viel Abwechslung von Italien, Frankreich und Russland.
17 Std hab ich für die Kampagne gebraucht, also es ist ein Spiel das sich lohnt.
Habt ihr einen Kumpel spielt es im Co-op. Das hat immer Laune gemacht.
Sehr viele Waffen die man einhändig oder beidhändig kann um seine eigene Taktik spielen kann wie man die Horden erschießt.
Es gibt Fahrzeug und mit jedem macht es Spaß zu fahren.
Was ich negativ fand:
Eigentlich nichts. Es gab einige Ecken da bin ich etwas häufiger gestorben aber man die Gegner Wellen sind klug positioniert das man keine zufälligen Hinterhalte zum Opfer fällt. Wenn man stirbt probiert man es nochmal aber es ist nicht frustrierend.
Kurz gesagt, keine die ich nennen könnte.
Kauft das Game und ich hoffe es kommen noch DLC :)
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 17:02
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 23:07
601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 13:08
Mir fehlt etwas der gute Modsupport aber da tut sich vll noch was. Story war schonmal lustiger aber immernoch für ein paar geile Jokes gut. Die Gegnervielfalt macht auch Spaß.
Für mich er 2. beste Teil der Serie bisher. The Second Encounter ist immernoch hin mit seinem fantastischen Leveldesign und Mods.
Nicht Empfohlen
2687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 07:22
For me this was the last time buying an Serious Sam title. I hope I can return it.
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 10:08
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 19:41
Hallo liebe Gemeinde, Gamer und Interessierten, diese Rezension ist nicht so eine die ich Punkt für Punkt abarbeiten möchte..denn Serious Sam ist für mich nach all den Jahren schon eine Herzensangelegenheit geworden, also nehmt euch Zeit beim Lesen dieser Meinung ;)
Hier ein Paar Worte zu meinen Ersten Eindrücken und Gedanken beim Ersten Spielen:
Bei der Absolvierung vom Recht untypischen Prolog für ein Serious Sam Spiel fand ich mich schnell in der ersten richtigen Mission wieder und nunja, ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher wie ich es im laufe der Mission beschreiben fühlte sich fremd an aber dazu später mehr.
Nach gut der Hälfte der Mission wird dem Spieler einiges geboten zum Beispiel High Tier Gegner die in älteren Teilen erst irgendwo in der Mitte aufgetaucht wären. Schnell machte sich eine Angst in mir Breit, dass die Entwickler Ihr ganzes Pulver schon innerhalb der ersten Stunde verballern...Dies waren meine Ersten Eindrücke zum Spiel, schauen WIR also gemeinsam was CROTEAM da noch so für UNS parat hat.
Nun Folgen Einige Punkte im Core Gameplay welche mir negativ aufgefallen sind oder gar Störfaktoren für mich sind:
Teammitglieder in SS? Klingt auf dem Papier nach einer richtig guten Idee, aber sie wurde miserabel umgesetzt.
Um es etwas Deutlicher zu erklären: Der Reiz von Serious Sam bestand bei mir schon immer daraus, die fast schon unendlichen Gegnerhorden im Alleingang zu besiegen was ein hohes Maß an Taktik erfordert.
Welches movement ist für diese Art der Gegner wichtig ? Welche Waffe ist für jene gut geeignet ? Habe ich eigentlich Genug Munition für diesen Kampf ?
Na Gott sei Dank, müsst Ihr in SS4 diese Schritte nicht mehr gehen bzw. kaum. Die NPCs greifen euch tatkräftig unter die Arme und Ihr müsst lediglich helfen :) Cool oder nicht ?
Munition ist auch nicht mehr eine der Primären Ressourcen die Ihr im Auge behalten müsst, dank dem neuen und innovativen Skilltree (wir kommen später dazu) gibt es nun die Möglichkeit, dass Gegner Munition droppen.
Hier eine kleine Anekdote zu unseren neuen NPCs:
Ich war mitten im Kampf, Seite an Seite mit den KI Freunden, plötzlich ein lautes AHHHHH.
Ja, Ihr wisst schon die Headless Kamikaze Dudes waren auch am Start.
Mein Team feuert natürlich sofort auf jene...lustig wie deren Explosionen durch das Feuer meiner NPCs mir schaden zufügte und mich im Anschluss tötete...also sehr gute Arbeit.
Ach ja, der gute alte Skilltree wie habe ich ihn vermisst huch hoppla, den gab es ja noch garnicht in Serious Sam.
Weiter im Text. Durch das spielen erhält man nach und nach Skillpunkte für seinen KUULEN Skilltree, dass sind dann solche Sachen wie: Im Sprint Nachladen und Feuern, auf Gegnern reiten oder Glorykills ala DOOM 2016 um seine HP beliebig oft zu füllen.
Versteht mich nicht falsch, die Idee mit dem Skilltree ist garnicht so schlecht für einen MODERNEN SAM, aber warum muss man nun nochmehr vom Reiz des Spiels nehmen ? Ich verstehe es nicht warum es kein Ressourcen Management mehr in Shootern geben darf.
Wenn ich meine HP nach jedem Glory Kill auffrischen kann, wo liegt dann noch der Reiz ? Wo bleibt dann das Situationsabhängige Denken wie ich all das Meistern kann ?
Danke CROTEAM, dass ihr mir die Arbeit abnehmt :3
Die Serious Waffen hören sich allesamt gut an und die Animationen sind gut gelungen.
Natürlich habe ich hier auch leider einen Punkt...Der neue Rückstoß in Serious Sam !
Sam hat wohl ein wenig seine Muckis verloren, und kann darum nicht mehr präzise feuern..:(
Spaß beiseite, da hier viele Kämpfe auf hohe Distanz geführt werden und das ausschalten einiger Gegner auf die Entfernung wichtig ist um nicht überrannt zu werden, wird einem diese Möglichkeit unnötig genommen/erschwert.
Da Helfen auch nicht die neuen Kritischen Trefferzonen zu denen wir gleich kommen.
Die Gegner in Serious Sam 4 wie der Werebull,Khnum und viel weitere sehen in Ihrem 2020 Kleid prächtig aus und werden auch Meist gut in Szene gesetzt.
Die NEUEN Gegner naja, sagen wir es so...sie fügen nichts hinzu und existieren und können den Klassischen keineswegs das Wasser reichen :D
Neu sind auch die Kritischen Trefferzonen, welche es dem Spieler erlauben ein ganzes Stück mehr Schaden zu machen.
Da haben wir es wieder! Das Management fällt Flach genauso wie die Lernkurve bei den Verschiedenen Gegner...Ihr wisst schon dieses: AH, der Gegner braucht nur 3 Rockets und der andere 5. Somit fällt auch das Fire and Forget Prinzip weg.
Es verkommt schon fast zum GLÜCKSSPIEL ob der Gegner jetzt seine Rübe in die Rocket lenkt oder besonders beim Werebull nervig, da man da gut und gerne ein paar Salven ins nichts feuert.
Der Soundtrack von Serious Sam 4 lässt sich am besten mit einem Wort beschreiben:EPISCH.
Ein Guter Song jagt den Nächsten. Auf alle Fälle sehr gut gelungen.
Vor Release war das Legion System wohl DAS Thema, wenn man Serious Sam 4 hört, doch wie sieht es im fertigen Produkt aus?
Hmm gute Frage! Zu meinem Bedauern haben wir das Legion System genau genommen nur einmal (IN ZAHLEN: 1) zu Gesicht bekommen.
Also warum die ganze Promotion um dieses System ?...Ich bin genauso Ratlos an diesem Punkt.
-Leider wird SS4 ab der Mitte des Spiels sehr monoton (Für viele SS Spieler wohl schon früher).
-Die Meisten Areale sind schön anzusehen und sind mit einem passenden Song zur Szenerie untermauert.
-Sam und viele der Klassischen Gegner sorgen für schöne Nostalgie Momente.
-Wenn es mal gut läuft, dann kracht es aber richtig ;)
Serious Sam 4 ist ein gutes Spiel, aber meiner Meinung nach, dass schlechteste der Reihe.
Serious Sam 4 hatte definitiv seine Momente...aber bei den alten Sam Spielen, war das ganze Spiel solch ein Moment.
CROTEAM hat Serious Sam ins Jahr 2020 verfrachtet, also ist es fast klar, dass alte Shooter Hasen und Sam Fans ein ganzes Stück enttäuscht sein werden.
Für alle die das erste mal mit Sam Bekanntschaft machen, werden mit diesem Teil definitiv Ihren Spaß haben und werden gut in die Sam Sache eingeweiht.
Für diejenigen, die Serious Sam lieben und noch heute die Klassiker wie TFE oder TSE spielen, aber bei euch Lohnt es sich definitiv auf ein Angebot zu warten.
Wer bis hierher gelesen hat-RESPEKT!
Danke fürs bewerten und vergesst nicht fleißig zu kommentieren ;)
9569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 08:13
Bisher, gemessen an allen Serious Sam Titeln die ausführlichste Story mit einer Vielzahl an Voice-Actern. Ist absolut
ausreichend für einen FPS-Shooter, der dafür bekannt ist, gegen große Gegnermengen zu kämpfen, als auf eine emotionale Berg- und Talfahrt in der Story zu setzen. Unverständlich hingegen ist die Kritik, wobei erwartet wird, dass dieses eine Story gleich eines AAA-Games hinlegen soll, wobei total vergessen wird, wie viel Geld und Personal für die Produktion solcher spiele aufgewendet wird. Da landet man schnell mal bei 20-100 Mio. Dollar und es arbeiten 200-300 Personen. Croteam hingegen ist ein Indie-Entwicklerstudio mit rund 40 Mitarbeitern und schmalerem Bugdet für Spiele, und dafür, kann man nur so sagen, ist das Spiel echt klasse geworden und hebt sich von den anderen Serious Sam Titeln deutlich ab.
Das Gameplay wurde durch das Dual-Wielding und noch größere Gegnermengen auf ein ganz neues Level gehoben. Während des Kampfes können jetzt auch viele kleinere Gadgets (die man als Secrets findet) eingesetzt werden, was etwas mehr Abwechslung ins Spiel bringt. Außerdem gibt es Upgrades für manche Waffen, die optional per Mission zu holen sind.
Insgesamt kann man nur sagen, vom Gameplay her der beste Teil der Serie. Einige kleiner Sachen sind mir noch aufgefallen, man schafft es in jedem Level, außerhalb des spielbarem Bereichs zu gelangen. Auch der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist deutlich gestiegen im Vergleich zu Serious Sam 3: BFE. Außerdem gibt es jetzt Fahrzeuge, um sich über sie in der zweiten Hälfte der Kampagne doch sehr großen Level zu bewegen.
Auch die Musik ist absolut passend und echt klasse geworden. In diesem Fall hat mir wirklich jeder Titel der Musik gefallen, besonders natürlich die Kampfmusik. Wirklich sehr schöner Guitar-Rock und passend zur Umgebung teils auch mit Vocals.
Hört sie euch einfach selbst an, dazu muss man nicht mehr schreiben!
Dieser Punkt hier ist ebenso wichtig wie er auch übersehen wird. Man darf eines nicht vergessen. Croteam ist neben der Aktivität als Spieleentwickler auch Engine-Entwickler. Sie haben die Engine, mit der das Spiel läuft, komplett selbst geschrieben. Neue Features sind das Legion-System, welches bis zu 100.000 Gegner auf einmal darstellen kann. Außerdem wurde Code zur prozeduralen Landschaftgenerierung implemeniert, was es ermöglicht, riesige Level und Landschaften zu generieren, ohne 2D-Berge im Hintergrund zu platzieren. Leider wird vom Legion-System viel zu wenig Gebrauch gemacht, es taucht lediglich in einem Level in einer Szene auf.
Das Gegner und das Gegnerdesign sind echt klasse geworden. Jeder Gegner hat seine individuellen Verhaltenweisen, und man lernt kontinuierlich, wie man diesen auszuweichen hat. Es sind viele alte bekannte dabei und auch eine gute Auswahl neuer Gegner. Auch die Gegnermenge in kämpfen ist deutlich gestiegen zu vorherigen Teilen der Serie. Auch die Bosse und Bosskämpfe sind echt gut gemacht.
Es existieren wieder viele in denen es knackige Kämpfe gibt. Die erste Hälfte sind wie üblich in Serious Sam eher schlauchartig, das ändert sich aber plötzlich in der zweiten Hälfte. Dort ist es quasi Open-World, aber leider eine sehr leere Open-World und dort hätte man meiner Meinung nach noch etwas mehr dran arbeiten können.
Ingesamt ist das Leveldesign aber gut gelungenund spiegelt den Charakter der Spielreihe wieder.
Wie schon vorher erwähnt, in Anbetracht der Größe des Entwicklerstudios sowie der Tatsache, das sie ihre eigene Spiele-Engine schreiben, ist die Grafik in diesem Spiel ein großes Upgrade zu den vorherigen Serious Sam Spielen. Auch wenn die Gesichter der Charaktere nur mittelmäßig aussehen, finde ich, haben sie das beste aus ihrer Engine herausgeholt. Hier und da sind noch Texturfehler bei Cutscenes oder wenn man sich zu schnell umschaut, doch diese werden mit zukünftigen Updates verschwinden und darüber kann man auch hinwegsehen.
Bewertung Insgesamt: 9/10
- 16 Spieler Coop unbedingt, 4 ist viel zu wenig
- Bugfixes und Precaching bei den Texturen
- Geräusche und Wasserreflektionen überarbeiten
- Beleuchtung in Gebäuden und an Kanten von Wänden bearbeiten.
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 19:00
Nicht Empfohlen
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 07:56
Die Level sind nicht wie gewohnt mit vielen Gags und Secrets gefüllt sondern einfach nur leer auch viele Orte die etwas versteckt liegen sind nachher ein Weg umsonst gewesen und man rennt nach gewisser Zeit einfach nur noch den Storyweg durch ohne entdecken zu wollen.
Der Coop-Mode ist einfach nur kaputt - angefangen bei Bereichen in denen ein Spieler noch hinter einer roten Tür festhängt und der Andere die nächste Area komplett alleine spielen muss bis die Tür zur letzten Area wieder grün wird und auf geht dass auch der Rest der Mitspieler wieder mitspielen kann, bis hin zu Verlust aller Fähigkeiten und Waffenmods wenn man mal speichern und wieder laden will.
Es gibt auch Areas die defekte Waypoints haben und einfach auf einen Punkt zeigen der sich nicht ändert.
Von den Grafikfehlern will ich gar nicht erst anfangen...
...die Musik ist gut...
1078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 19:57
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 17:20
Horden an Monstern , Waffen und ein bisschen Story um das Massaker zu rechtfertigen.
Technisch ist es nett , keine Ruckler oder Crashes bis jetzt.
FPS 90-120 mit einer RTX 2080 TI und einem Ryzen 9 3900x.
Auf Max Settings und 4k wirken manche Texturen trotzdem etwas kantig. Das ist schade , da es aber sowieso nur eine nette Ballerei für zwischendurch ist kann ich darüber hinwegsehen.
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 10:23
There are constant mediocre/crappy jokes but whatever
Still this was the most fun I had with a Serious Sam game, if you like Serious Sam this is probably the best one.
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 01:02
Graphics are okay, sound is okay, gameplay is as you expect from a Sam Game.
I give this Game an average rate as the Engine feels off to me, sort of feels floaty, kind of like playing the first and second Game and not something from 2020, This may just be a Proton issue but i don't think so, Also nothing new here other then some new enemy's and perk type system which give you new abilities like dual wielding of guns, etc.
I give it a Recommend, but it's more of a neutral rate.
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 10:05
The story is trash. It's not even unintentionally funny, it's just bad. The voice acting is worse. Sam's one-liners suck compared to previous games. The level design is pretty bland.
The good:
Everything else. The core mechanics and game play from the rest of the franchise is there and solid. Combat encounters are overwhelming and fun. Lots of fun new enemies. They've finally managed to iron out the performance issues that prevented me from playing the game at launch. The graphics are decent.
1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 21:18
One of my first games to play, since I was a kid, was the Serious Sam games (Mostly The Second Encounter & Serious Sam 2) and I really liked those games with their Exciting run n' gun mixed with the soundtracks along.
Serious Sam 4 delivered what I expected to be on an S.S game but better (not really). Basically Serious Sam 2.5 ? 3+1 ? yeah, I guess, but It's much more fun, vibrant, better graphics obviously.
The gameplay is flawless IMO, run n' shoot, wield 2 different guns rushing through what's in front of you, rip n' tear, blood pumping, typical Serious Sam gameplay.
Then there is the way characters and how are they designed, it's not on point, they look somehow goofy and cringy with some of the lines they say like a 2020 game with this kind of character design? Maybe it's intentional (Croteam... duh) but some jokes and puns were a bit funny gotta give them that.
Damjan Mravunac back at it again with a banger soundtrack, what gives the Serious Sam series more credits to it is its soundtrack, the 15th chapter of the game has the best track just like every chapter in the previous games.
concluding this, every Serious Sam fan will enjoy this game no matter what, and of course other newcomers to the game some of them will enjoy it while others will not recommend it for its performance ( which I had no problem with) and the bad character design. As for me, I do recommend the game and hope to see a better Serious Sam game in the future (excluding Sibirian Mayhem).
Nicht Empfohlen
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 07:24
In traditional SS games, the maps were very concise. Even the larger levels had focus that made progression entertaining without the need for upgrades and the banter from the side characters. Everything out of bounds was made obvious. This evolved over the years as the scale grew, but in trying to grow this Serious Sam they killed all sense of direction. SS4 is ultimately less of an upgraded SS3 and more of an extremely downgraded Doom Eternal. It makes what should be interesting adventure a bit of a slog when you don't follow objective markers. And in a game known for absolutely insane Easter eggs, this is a major disappointment.
The Serious Sam series is to me within the Troma movie genre of gaming. It helped define violent immature fast paced and ridiculous gaming at a point where video games were still controversial. And it did so wonderfully. It was a hardlined testosterone injection to the forehead, where every health pack came with an equally difficult challenge to overcome. Unfortunately, Serious Sam 4 plays like a B movie among B movies. The tropes are there, but they're hollow and unfinished. The ideas are there, but they're as bare minimum as they get. Is it fun. Yes. Was it worth the long anticipated wait. Absolutely not. Here's hoping Talos Principle 2 fairs better.
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 00:00
I gave up on my first attempt after a couple of hours, but then gave it a second try and was blown away. By the end I was having an absolute blast, especially when a rearrangement of a particular track from The Second Encounter came up and gave me nostalgic goosebumps.
3391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 00:16
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 18:29
Feels like a bad tech demo... Very Positive, my @ss!
Stick to the classics.
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 21:29
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 00:33
Previous entries in the SS series have a sense of exploration and some wild features in the maps. Serious Sam 1, for example, features a few map sections where gravity is messed with, including a great fight on the inside of a cylinder. The wide open maps featured secrets hidden all the way Out There Somewhere. There were some very goofy experiences, like a pair of eyeballs watching you from the sky. A fight littered with bouncy floor pads.
SS4 features none of that. There's still some big fights, but they don't feel as big as previous games. There's precious few open spaces with much of the fights in controlled city corridors, leading to a strong rail-like feeling. The cool pseudo-primitive environments are nowhere to be seen. There's a wonderful jaunt through the countryside at one point, but that's nothing like fighting your way to a giant ziggurat and wondering what's inside. No sense of wonder.
It isn't a bad game, not at all, and it's worth the price of admission, but it's missing a lot of the whimsy and massive scale that made previous SS games so special.
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 00:21
Now the character models in cutscenes are not that great (probably the lighting making them look too fake) and the voice lines over the top and sometimes a bit cringe but that last bit was to be expected. Once in game tho the enemies look nice and detailed.
The good part is that the gunplay feels solid and tight and the fps so far for me has been stable, the amount of different enemies also is a nice touch, music is also well done and the sound effects are on par for a serious sam game. The side missions are a nice touch as I am going after any and every side mission to find more weapon options and such plus to see those areas as well.
Really am enjoying myself with this game so far, bought it on the steam sale and do not regret it as it is a good serious sam so far as when writing this I have not finished the game yet. (Still need to get myself into the mech in the vatican and onwards)
Can only say so far when on sale it is worth your money if you like serious sam games, but not tried co-op alas.
Nicht Empfohlen
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 19:04
I can't bring myself to entirely hate it as that would be sacrilegious to Sam, but expect your gameplay to be halted a bit by the choppy lag and performance despite turning if not most all of the settings down to the lowest.
2278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 02:00
The combat, enemies, and levels are a lot of fun and and there's tons of new weapons available that make the game worth replaying. I just wish the modding scene was more active.
Hopefully SS5 will be set in Brazil
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 21:00
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 03:13
I like the weapons personally in this game, there is lots of variety. It is really a run and shoot em up type of game to play with a friend and let off some steam by just killing some s**t while having some laughs. The voice acting is ok but props to Simon Day for his voice acting of Lord Achriman (that was well done).
The character animations are pretty bad in most cases. I mean if you just get blown up but there is not a scratch on you, or your clothes are still clean and spiffy it is well... just don't play the game for character realism. The environments are done pretty well however and the aliens.
Overall a good time if bought at a steep price. Take it for what it is, a fun shoot em type action game with some funny, cheesy dialogue, some cringy voice acting with the odd exceptions and a good time with a variety of weapons to kill aliens with. ????
768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 17:16
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 21:50
The new level design is also a departure from the norm with more realistic streets and towns and it doesn't always work I feel. Though at other times, the locations provide a nice theme and backdrop for the action and story to progress. However, the lack of proper transportation (the vehicles drive like ass and break way too soon to be any fun, save for the mechs) means you have a lot of walking and running to do which brings to me to the jank that is jumping. Some secrets/pickups require a fair share of platforming and it's just functional enough to make you want to do it but also annoying enough to get on your nerves.
That is, until you get enough hours in and you start to feel where it's all going. If you embrace the jank and just roll with the punches it's actually a fun Serious Sam game, though I don't think it can compete with the classics (but maybe that's just nostalgia). It's also rather undercooked, but hopefully they can polish it up some more over time.
Be sure to get it on a sale, because it's not worth full price given its current state.
1759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 10:01
Nicht Empfohlen
1042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 22:07
Nicht Empfohlen
536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 06:08
766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 10:41
then it was The Second Encounter then 2 (which was not really a great one but enjoyable anyway)
SS3 BFE was pretty awesome too.Then i found this.THE BEST SERIOUS SAM ever.You could play this game for hundreds of hours and not get tired of it.
All i'm saying is Croteam came a long waaaaaaaaaaay since TFE and this is really good
1107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 06:04
- Hitscan ennemy has been greatly reduced.
- The best gunplay of the franchise. Some of the gadgets are fun
- The mech and vehicules add some variety to the encounters.
- Dual weilding add some depth to the combat.
- A welcome change of tone from the previous game, it more colorful this time.
- More varied locations compared to SS3.
- Can be a feast for the eyes if you can run it to the max.
- The last few missions contains some of the biggest battle in the series.
- The last boss is impressive in scale. Like a fps version of Shadow of the colossus...
-... but it is unbalanced and buggy as hell.
- Some of the LAMEST writing ive ever seen. The humor is cringe inducing. Very juvenile.
- Unevenly paced campaign. Too much traveling.High octane action then lame traveling with little encounters
- Weird art direction that doesnt know if it want to be goofy or grounded.
- Awful repetitive and uninspired level design, even by serious sam standard. You can get out of bound often.
- Legion system is a gimmick and only used once in the game.
- Some side missions are pointless
- Secret are too obvious and less fun to discovers.
- Reduced number of players in coop.
Overall i think it is the weakest entry in the series but it still has it moments that are scattered in a weirdly paced campaign. I barely recommend to pick this up in deep deep sale if youre a fan of the serie.
1645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 03:15
Serious Sam is a great classic game of era oldschool as the famous titles such Doom, Half-Life, Quake, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem etc
Maybe the one problem is that game is still a bit ''bad optimized'' but out that if you have a great PC with at last GTX 1650, 1660, or better RTX Series 2000's or 3000's you will run game without some problem even at ultra if there is no issue found
The game can be very hard in some parts even if you put in ''Normal Difficulty'' cuz problaby the spawn a lots of enemies and if they come with strong and fast enemies it can kill you easily so be careful, the such enemies that are a bit complicated to kill it's the slekections and the bulls, those you have to play running and shooting at they
Also the game has great potencional for screenshotting
Here are some good ones that i take:
Highly recommended! 10/10
-Pro Good Graphics
-Great Gameplay
-Great Custom Weapons
-Great levels
-Nice interesting characters
-Good Story
Nicht Empfohlen
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 17:23
This is a very poorly developed game made on an asthmatic and old engine.
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 00:26
1304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 22:22
The main signature of the Serious Sam franchise is that most combat encounters contain hundreds of enemies, so many that after a few minutes you’ll start to wonder if they’ll ever stop spawning, and SS4 continues this tradition of lengthy battles.
There are a large number of enemy types to fight against, including minigun wielding scorpions, huge mechs who fire lasers or rockets, headless screaming suicide bombers, werebulls, flying harpies and drones, green fireball throwing reptiles, those really annoying Kleer skeletons, and many more.
Sam can use a wide variety of weapons including pistol, 3 different shotguns, assault rifle, minigun, sniper rifle, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, laser, cannonball launcher and devastator (functions like a sniper rifle but fires explosive rounds). And of course, like all the best FPSes that focus on fun instead of realism, you can carry all the guns simultaneously.
Some weapons can be upgraded to use alternate fire modes such as the shotgun having an under barrel grenade launcher, the rocket launcher can lock on to an enemy and fire five rockets simultaneously, and the laser turns into a continuous beam of energy.
I usually play FPSes on the hard difficulty setting, and I think SS4 is one of the most challenging FPSes I’ve played recently. I got stuck for a while on a few difficulty spikes, usually where the player is locked into a small arena, so the hundreds of enemies (especially the ones who charge into melee range) would back me into a corner with nowhere to escape.
Sam can use a few powerful gadgets to deal with these massive groups of enemies. One is a decoy that will distract enemies so they shoot at the decoy, another slows the movement of every enemy in the area for a few seconds, you can create a black hole to suck in nearby enemies, there’s a mini nuke which does exactly what you’d expect, and an extra life which lets you respawn when you die.
These gadgets, and some of the weapon upgrades, are usually given as rewards for completing side quests, or can be found hidden around the levels. It took me 22 hours to finish the main quest and I think I did all the side quests (I’ve got most of the achievements anyway). The story is kind of dumb, but I didn’t really expect to find a well written story here, so I’m not going to count that as a negative. It would be like complaining about the story in a Jason Statham movie.
Unfortunately, while the gameplay is fun, the game does suffer from some technical issues. My PC matches the recommended graphics card and memory shown on the store page, and I have a better processor, however the framerate isn’t always stable. I don’t think the game engine can really handle so many enemies on screen, especially during the later levels which are set in an urban environment.
The game also has some quite bad texture pop in, which is especially noticeable during cutscenes. For example, Sam would start the scene wearing a plain white shirt and then the bomb logo on his chest would appear after a couple of seconds delay. I also saw similar issues with other character models and background scenery.
Overall I think fans of the First Person Shooter genre will enjoy SS4’s fast paced action, but due to the recurring technical issues I’d strongly recommend waiting for a sale.
5476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 21:16
Tl;dr I recommend the game but not at a full price and definitely not Deluxe Edition.
Longer version of the review:
First 4 levels of the game is what I expected the game to be from what I saw in trailers and marketing in general. A lot of hard fights, character interaction, story progression, sense of an invasion happening in the background while you are going through levels. But after 4th level it all falls down into water. From what I saw from trailers I expected Rome to be short but brutal, France to introduce legion and longer Motorcycle driving while fighting, fights on bigger scale because of all the open field, more populated levels with scripted events like in first two levels of the Rome episode. Rome after 4th level slowed down in gameplay, fights weren't that hard like in first 4 levels, scripted events are almost nowhere to be seen, character interaction is almost non-existent, story as well, Kleer/Drone Bridge was disappointing for what was promised to be the hardest Kleer Alley in the franchise, fight after that was alright however. Rome finished nicely with a mech fight against the tentacle boss in Vatican. Then came France where pace was slowed down a lot, Motorcycle driving was just 2 minutes, basically what you saw in the 2018 teaser, fights are very slow and small, like we are at the start of the game or something, levels are small compared to the size of the maps they made for those levels, there are no legions, maps are empty, there is nothing happening, no animals, no scripted Harvester, drone scenes or anything even when you enter the city areas. It gets a little better once you meet French Resistance and it becomes even better when you enter Carcassone, also here is the part of France episode where game remembers that it needs to progress story a bit and have Brand become your main antagonist of the game after Achriman. It ends with a great boss fight as well. Russia is a weird episode though. First level is some weird vertical level experimentation on an oilrig which you can finish in 10 minutes, then the 2nd Russia level is missing because it was scrapped since ss4 was very rushed to meet some unknown release deadline, this level was supposed to get some pacing and prepare the player for the confrontation with the final level and its final boss and to progress the story. The final level gave you a bunch of weapons at start because of that 2nd Russia level missing, pacing is ruined because of it but fights are well made even though I prefered the beta atmosphere with dark cloudy atmosphere with snow falling. Then we finally get to the legion system, it's only used once in the whole game even though it was heavily advertised to be in France, final boss however disappointed me greatly. Not only is it the worst Ugh-Zan version in the whole franchise, the boss isn't Brand which was hyped to be the ultimate badguy in trailers since beginning and why is it Ugh-Zan? They could have made a Brand boss fight and then introduce some colossal giant after that which isn't Ugh-Zan.
Soundtrack was amazing, I still think Serious Sam 2's soundtrack is the best in the series but Serious Sam 4's soundtrack is great no matter what. Environment (like material you are walking on) and weapon sounds are amazing as well. The only con I have with audio in this game is idle enemy sounds. Most of time they are too quite and you can't connect the sound with the enemy so you have no idea what is hiding behind the corner.
Animations, textures and models are the best in the series without a doubt. The only problem in this part is that human character animations need a lot more work to be good.
Secrets were nice in first 4 levels but then it was horrible for the rest of the game. They were mostly parkour secrets and they mostly contained gadgets like LIFE. Side quests are well made and are more challenging as said during marketing.
Gadgets, S.A.M and headshots are mechanics that surprised me. They aren't a Serious Sam thing for me personally but they are alright.
Physics and lighting engines are horrible compared to BFE. Lighting engine is the main reason this game was seen as an asset flip Unity game and Croteam should seriously address it if they want to continue with up to date technology they were following since beginning.
All in all it's a great game if you just want to shoot something and don't bother with anything else.
This game could have been so much better and maybe even be recognized as a great game like Doom Eternal but something happened down the line and it ended up like this. Was it marketing's fault? Did Croteam lose its touch if this is their 11/10 go all out Serious Sam experience? What happened to the engine that was always a technological marvel and ahead of its time with each release of Serious Sam and now it can't render full 3D tree or bush before turning into a 2D sprite 10 meters from you and lightning makes the game look like garbage compared to other engines? Was realistic artstyle really the right choice? Who knows? Maybe our expectations were just too big from a group of 40 people that were basically making SS4 for almost 9 years.
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 10:17
Did you know it only takes one Greek cell of society to turn your run-of-the-mill action franchise into something extraordinary? The Kyratzes couple went home on the writing front. Let me get you a small taste of what kind of lines you will encounter in this game.
Leader of Shanghai resistance has been captured, all of her ideas were extensively deconstructed.
Danger is my middle name. Actually it’s Herbert, but I had it surgically removed.
In the words of Voltaire, die, scum!
Kamikazes! If they could talk instead of scream, what would they tell us?
(satirical villain impersonation) I use polysyllabic words to make myself sound smart while I’m a pathetic little sh*tstаin in Mental’s underpants…
(satirical monster description) It’s like Jawlensky had a stroke while painting a cow!
I will see you in Purgatory! From above!
Gone is the Sam from 2 who could be lured into a trap by a banana. Now Sam quotes Lao Tzu, reads Philip K. Dick and battles postmodernism. The antagonist is literally Derrida if Derrida wasn’t a [strike]philosopher[/strike], but a Jesuit. The other antagonist is [kinda spoilers] [spoiler]a misanthropic opportunist only to be screwed over by somebody stronger than him.[/spoiler] Sam is no longer alone in his quest to fight off the alien invaders, he is assisted by an international team of joyfully stereotypical resistance fighters. And – yes – the resistance is resistance proper. If you think that the fact the game takes place in Italy, France and Russia – the three hotbeds of the partisan movement in WWII (apart from Greece and China) – is accidental, think again. There are new monsters here as opposed to the previous games. Like the ‘processed’ who accidentally wear US orange prisoner gowns. Or Draconian pyromaniacs who accidentally look like something out of Wolfenstein. Yep. It’s not a very subtle game in terms of its real-life themes. Its subtlety is in putting these themes into a meat shooter. I mean, nobody expects it here, right? It’s great!
But despite the political subtext this game is more about day-to-day humanism and interpersonal warmth than anything. It is emphasized more than once that the fight is not just for humanity, but also for humanity. And it is fought by the regular dudes and dudettes that live next door to you.
Now, in what ways do I feel the plot lacks?
1. Sam is traditionally seen as a loner kind of protagonist. The way they made him into a teamworker is impeccable – the spirit of cameraderie is generally very important for the plot, but it still hovers somewhere in the back of the player’s brain that Sam Stone (in jeans, his iconic super-bomb shirt and red sneakers) is not on the absolute same level as his military-dressed compadres. However, the taboo on human side characters was already broken in BFE – and broken rather poorly. So. Not a big deal.
2. Seeing how socialist vibes are strong with this one, I would expect the alien dictatorship to be a little bit more hypocritical about their conquest – instead they are quite open about their intentions. Not a big deal
3. Although, there are many instances where we are shown how the invasion changed people’s lives, we see more of factual change rather than the change of perspective. I wish there was a take on how the existence of aliens challenged the faith of the priest. I mean, it’s a lot to ask of a Serious Sam game, but not a lot to ask of Kyratzes – especially seeing how he touched upon many things rather deeply here. Not a big deal.
As you can see, all of these ‘lackings’ are only lacking because the initial bar was set so high. So, you might as well ignore them.
About the gameplay.
Anyone who says Serious Sam is a hold-down-LMB-to-win kind of game should maybe up the difficulty a notch. Because from where I’m standing (and I’m standing at second hardest difficulty) juggling fifteen(!) pieces of weaponry + dual-wielding + super-gadjets when you are being assaulted from all sides by all sorts of monsters is far from easy. I’m getting a feeling that in this game enemy encounters received more attention than all other Sams combined. The developers go out of their way to create the least convenient scenarios possible. They always simultaneously throw enemies at you that complement each other the best: like this one makes you claw for cover, and this one makes you stay constantly mobile. Your attention is always divided between at least four threats - with each threat represented by something like fifteen to a hundred units. And it’s always inconvenient – which it should be. What did you think? It’s a meat shooter! You must strategize!
I have only one problem. There are two types of battles in Serious Sam: arena battles where you’re locked in the arena with ever-respawning enemies, and the series-signature frontline battles where there’s a vast space with you coming from one side and waves of enemies rolling over the hills on the other side. In Serious Sam 4 frontline battles are hands down the best in the series –especially with new enemies who are bulletproof from the front. Arena battles, however, have two issues that make them much worse than they could be. The smaller issue is obscurity. Foliage, landscape altitude and little bumps and buildings are all beautiful and fine, but diminish readability of the battlefield (compare: barren arenas of the Encounters). And in Serious Sam where split-second decision-making is a norm, readability is key. The bigger issue is spawning politics. If memory serves, in Encounters enemies in arenas spawned in waves: you clear out a wave, now here’s the next one. Here it’s usually not the case, more often enemies spawn one by one, constantly, all across the arena. Imagine: you’re maneuvering your way along the arena perimeter only to be stabbed in the back by a Kleer who wasn’t there a second ago! That’s a bit ridiculous – and combined with arena obscurity – not so good. However, arenas themselves are always easy to navigate through, so that’s a redeeming factor.
A word about perks. Those aren’t made equal. The right-hand perks are much more fun while the left-hand perks are much more efficient. An also fun. Dual-wielding cannons for the win!
Many complained about the titanic maps in France – that they’re tedious and boring. I don’t see that. They’re rather concise given the transport speed and make for a good change after rather cramped streets of old Rome. So it’s a nice change of pace which also allows for more frontline encounters.
Two words about graphics: technically, it’s lacking, but the art-direction is beautiful. No more grey-brown. Pink-and-azure Roman evening. Pastoral blue skies over Provence. Lone rainbow puncturing the cold northern sea. Stark beauty of mid-Siberian tundra. Apocalyptically burning sunset as you storm the Vatican.
I used to think of Croteam as a sort of pensioner studio, trying to keep afloat by hammering on their only franchise – like Firefly or Piranha Bytes – with The Talos Principle being an enjoyable but negligible aberration. Now I’m genuinely excited by what they’re going to do next – especially with The Talos Principle 2 already underway. Serious Sam 4 is the most fun I’ve had with a conventional shooter in years.
So now – as much as I love New Blood shooters - for the second time in my life Serious Sam became my favorite shooter franchise. Go figure!
Industrial Kalinka cover on the oil rig mission is a treasure in and of itself.
Philip K. Dick would love Steam censorship...
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 11:12
⚖️ Grade = B. Worth a buy, if you enjoy larger map & better explosion. However, if you're looking for serious NPC & cinematic scene, it doesn't have
✔️ Thousands of enemies
✔️ Dual wield weapons
✔️ Fight teleporting enemies
✔️ Score Attack for replay value
✔️ Middle Ages Town & Villages Battlefield
❌ Interesting discoverable secrets
❌ Egypt theme
❌ Serious story
❌ Charming NPC
❌ Puzzle
A+ | 5 | Worth Deluxe Edition | No Wait | - | [/tr] |
A | 3-4 | Worth Normal Price | No Wait | - | [/tr] |
B | 2 | Overpriced | Wait 10%~35% | ✔ | [/tr] |
C | 1 | Lack of value | Wait 40%~90% | - | [/tr] |
D | 0 | Not what you need | Wait 100% | - | [/tr] |
????Reveal long version checklist
???? 2020: Game released
???? 2021: Completed the game in offline mode. I felt hard to tell in one word...
???? 2022: ???
???? Game world timeline: Prequel of Serious Sam 3 BFE
???? Survival mode return after the patch update
???? Steam Workshop mods available for free
???? Allow escape without complete killing all enemies
???? Allow change difficulty anytime
???? Cheats available in Console Command
???? Old version of save files will not compatible
???? Community Rating: Very Positive
⚠️ Crashes regularly on a high spec PC ➜ Not happen here
⚠️ Melee attack is not fun ➜ True, it applied in a wrong way for this genre
⚠️ NPC looks less interesting ➜ True
⚠️ Side Quest doesn't fit in this genre ➜ True
⚠️ Bad level design, guns ➜ They are just like Serious Sam 3
???? Classic weapon is return: Grenade Launcher
???? Able to lock on multiple targets with a rocket launcher
???? Added AutoShotgun
???? Added grenade launcher into shotgun
???? Added dual wield ability for any weapon
???? Added special melee attack if upgraded
???? Added fast homing missile
???? Added smoke trail on each bullet projectile
???? Added skill tree upgrade system
???? Added NPC companion, but they are not always there
???? Added waypoint guide
???? Added emergency medic kit
???? Added Holo-decop to distract enemy
???? Added Revive device, Rage serum
???? Added more details in Netricsa (game world info)
???? Added vehicle travel with combat enable
???? Removed leaderboard score ranking
???? Removed splitscreen option
???? Removed flashlight in the dark area
???? Allow to pilot giant mech
???? Kleer Skeleton able to climb wall now
???? Less bloody when bullet impact on enemies
Thanks for reading, if you found this helpful please ???? then:
???? Browse more similar reviews and follow this Curator, or
???? Join our group to discuss future review format and layout
???? Disagree, Criticize, Insult ➜ Write here
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226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 02:05
1639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 00:54
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 12:50
- best graphics in the series (anyone who thinks the 3rd game looks better needs to have their eyes checked)
- some of the new weapons they added like the auto shotgun are awesome
- feels very much like a SS game with the gameplay and humor
- they have added gadgets like a black hole device and upgrades where you can reload while sprinting and dual wield weapons. These to me make the gameplay so much more enjoyable compared to past entries, including the first and second encounter
- There are also optional side objectives which reward you with something good like a grenade launcher attachment for the shotgun or a lock on for the rocket
- graphics do not look the best for 2020-2021, but this isn't a AAA studio and graphics do not make a good game
- stuttering and framerate drops (less than 10 fps sometimes when I load a level) even on high end hardware such as a 2080ti and a ryzen 9 3900x
- The whole 1 vs 1000 advertisement was a lie. The first mission initially feels like that but you can only shoot about a dozen enemies. The rest are in the background basically.
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 21:55
The game crashes regularly on a high spec PC that has no such problems with any other recent title, both under Vulkan and both Direct X versions.
When it isn't crashing, SS4 has the same problems as SS3, but they're far harder to forgive at this point, and there's far less reward in exchange. While SS3 was ugly, repetitive and its general scale of combat didn't feel like Serious Sam (or feel very fun), it retained a sense of stupid humour and was *packed* with clever, silly secrets to find that enlivened the dull shooting.
SS4 does not have interesting secrets. SS4's idea of an interesting secret through the first several levels is 'we put armour behind this shrub',
The melee sync-kills are even more boring, lifeless and exploitable than in SS3.
The enemies are visually uninteresting, the monster redesigns make the familiar creatures less fun than they were in the original games or the weaker HD remasters.
It just feels like all the sense of fun and technical skill that characterised early CROTEAM is gone. It certainly feels like an effort by older developers, but without any of the visual flair or sense of pure fun that they had twenty years ago. This is still an unfinished, broken cash-in on nostalgia, even nearly six months after release.
18266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 17:16
Getting the negative out of the way first, Russian levels feel rushed and Rome levels feel underpopulated. Game still follows annoying tradition of taking guns away after each themed area (looking at you Second Encounter) and game takes forever and a half to give you all the weapons. Way too many fodder enemies, not enough big enemies (please bring back Highlander). Skill tree feels tacked on as most upgrades are basic abilities Sam had from the start of SS3 such as doing melee finishers and being able to reload while sprinting. Sledgehammer is replaced by the knife... why!? Khnums no longer play important snapping sound queue before throwing fireballs and can no longer kill with 2 C4 charges... again why!? Small spider's projectiles predict player movement. Rocket Launcher sounds like a plastic ball launcher and fires incredibly slow rockets with tiny hitboxes and Assault Rifle is wildly inaccurate unless aiming down sights even if enemies are 2 inches from your face.
Now onto the positives. Hands down the best weapons in any Serious Sam game. Not even joking when saying the guns carry the game. The SSG is punchy, has a fast reload and is easily the best SSG in the Serious Sam franchise and is easily the best SSG of 2021. Seriously, this thing absolutely destroys groups of weak fodder enemies and wrecks larger enemies at close range and I never get sick of the sound it makes. Weapon mods are a very welcome addition to the game and don't detract from the horde shooting mechanics Serious Sam is known for. Lock on rockets are perfect for targeting groups of harpies or picking of biomechs in the distance, cluster grenades make the grenade launcher even better than it already was at crowd control for big kleer waves, death ray mod for laser gun bumps the weapon up to the status of a super weapon at the cost of heavy ammo consumption (conserve those cells). Speaking of weapons, the Autoshotgun is an amazing tool for burst damage and if used correctly can kill a Khnum in under 5 seconds & the Chainsaw Launcher is about as broken as it sounds but in the best possible way (stand aside Chaingun shield from DOOM Eternal, there's a new sheriff in town). Also how could I forget about weapon combos? For guns that require reloading, all you have to do is initiate the reload animation, switch to a different gun, shoot for a bit, and by the time you return the previous gun will be fully loaded. Best practice is to unload with the autoshotgun, wait for it to start reloading, lob a few grenades and detonate then finish off stragglers with the SSG, then switch back for your fully loaded autoshotgun!
What's the good of having amazing weapons if you don't have fun stuff to shoot? Luckily MOST of SS4's new and returning enemies are fun to shoot, namely the Zealots. Killed instantly by a grenade to the head, devastator or cannon through the armored front, or a well timed SSG blast to the back, these guys are a real treat to fight against and act as an armored wall for other fodder enemies like kamikazes and gnaar. Vampires are stupid and teleport around but it's satisfying as heck to blast one with the SSG and watch him fly backwards on fire. Enemies that were bad like the Witch Brides are now annoying at best but luckily getting a headshot on one with the sniper turns them into purple fireworks. I can't believe I've gone this long without talking about headshots! That's right, the sniper rifle is your best friend in this game against medium sized threats that have a head! Reptiloids, Scrapjacks + 1 pistol bullet, Chaingunners, Biomech Minors, Wearbulls, Witch-Brides, Harpies, Flamethrower Guys (gas tank, head does nothing for some reason) are all Sniper magnets! That's pretty much 1/3 of the games roster of badguys the sniper can one-shot not including weaker foes like gnaars, vampires, and kleer but it'd honestly be a waste on those enemies.
France Levels & Survival: Easily some of the best levels Croteam have ever made. Riding around on ATV's and Motorcycles shooting kamikazes across the French country side and plowing through fields of gnaar with a combine harvester. The sense of speed and freedom these vehicles give you in the first 2 France levels is simply something never experienced in a Sam game before with the only problem being there aren't enough fights on the backs of fast moving vehicles. If playing in coop on Serious difficulty with x3 or above enemy multiplyer it's possible to experience this and trust me when I say it's amazing! Mech sections against a whole bunch of enemies is awesome, not much else to say about that. Survival is something I've honestly never gotten into with any of the other Serious Sam games but each of the maps are really well made and each new wave offers up a new challenge. Would love more survival maps seeing as there's only 3 at the moment but they're really good. Going back to France, In Carcassone (hope I spelled it right) is easily one of the most epic levels in any Serious Sam game with a huge fight in the castle mote area and lots of challenging fights.
Conclusion? Serious Sam 4 in it's current state is a mixed bag for sure, first part of the campaign is boring and final 2 levels feel rushed. France is really well polished and makes me wish Croteam just stuck with France for the backdrop of the whole game. Majority of the guns look and sound beefy with really nice weapon and enemy animations across the board and while the rocket launcher's lock-on mod is nice the standard primary fire feels weak with slow rockets with tiny hitboxes in massive environments. New weapons are fun to use and weapon mods make some of the returning champions like the Laser Gun and Grenade Launcher feel like brand new weapons yet it doesn't overshadow other guns like the Minigun and Devastator even though they don't have secondary firemodes. I personally love this game even with all it's problems, you might call it buyers remorse since I did pre-order it but the fact I'm still coming back to it time and time again speaks volumes to me. If you're on the fence about buying the game I'd recommend waiting until the workshop comes out (hopefully soon) but if you're a fan of fast weapon switching and weapon-combos and can put up with some of the game's jank you're in for a real treat!
7812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 10:13
The dialogues are cheesy but funny at times, characters too.
The enemies and weapons are okay.
I really loved Europe atmosphere this time, added some sort of diversity to the surrounding.
On the negative side though - performance and cg looks like this game is from 2005.
Music - I thought the soundtrack was great, but damn - waaaay too repetitive, just make loops slightly longer next time ;)
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 22:18
Sam is back baby!
He's modern but old school.
He's corny but fresh.
He's wearing the same white t-shirt but it's clean.
He's fun but serious.
1421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 10:28
Nicht Empfohlen
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 10:24
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 06:06
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 05:26
I've played the game on Hard. It is quite challenging, sometimes absurdly so. I had to lower it in a few sections.
The levels are cool for the most part. I especially LOVED the open levels.
Graphics are potato, but are kinda charming.
Story is cheesy but if u enjoy this style of writing you'll laugh sometimes. It was OK for me.
I wished the game was more optimized. It would make it x2 more enjoyable.
P.S: This game is WAY more FUN than DOOM ETERNAL.
Nicht Empfohlen
802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 03:09
The game seems months away from being ready to release.
As a huge fan to the series of course I ate it all up regardless, but I can't recommend it in its current state.
There are some changes to the series here that worked, some that didn't, and some that were just annoying.
Buy at your own discretion.
1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 17:39
The banter between the characters made me laugh real hard. I know, it's a Serious Sam game, so it's supposed to be a one man show, but that added interaction between the characters is a cherry on the pie!
The action, bar the first scene, still picks up nice and fast. While I didn't really mind BFE pace at all, this one lets you feel that Sam vibe a lot faster. The general responsiveness is what you'd expect from a Sam Doom Duke game. When modern games are considered, Doom Eternal seems the one you'd probably compare it to, though Doom has a lot more verticality (a stange thing to say about Doom, really, but that's where we're at these days), and Sam feels a lot more closer to it's roots in that regard, which is by no means a bad thing. Some things just have to stay old school to stay classy.
The graphics really aren't something to write home about, but do their job just fine and are about what you'd expect. No revolutions there, but are they really necessary?
If what you're looking for is a retro-style, but still modern shooter with lots of enemies, big guns and few things to get in the way of it, this is it!
Also, the graphics renderers need a lot more work too, the game has a tendency to stutter here and there, something I did not expect from a Sam game, but we have to take into account how games are made these days, so I'm hoping an update to either the game, or the drivers will soon fix that, but as of today you'd be well advised to expect that.
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 10:57
1. The gameplay is one of the best in the series. Weapons sound powerful, feel fun to use and enemies are satisfying to shoot. The game also includes a weak spot mechanic, which is useful for killing enemies faster.
2. Awesome soundtrack.
3. The campaign is decently long.
4. Good enemy and weapon variety.
5. The game is nicely challenging.
6. There’s side quests, which are fun to do and reward the player with useful items.
7. Like in the other games, there’s secrets, which as in the other games, either reward the player with items or are just a trap.
8. The art style is a good mix of colorful and realistic.
9. Like in SS2, the game has vehicles, which are fun to use and are helpful for traversing faster.
10. The gadgets and skill tree are nice additions. Gadgets are useful during hard fights and the skill tree gives Sam new abilities, with the most fun one being the ability to dual wield weapons.
11. Like in the other games, the coop mode is very fun.
1. The melee animations are garbage in comparison to SS3. In SS3, melee animations are awesome and gory, with Sam doing things like ripping out a Gnaar’s eye and ripping out a juvenile spider’s carapace, but in SS4 Sam just stabs most enemies with the knife and there’s barely any gore shown.
2. Legion system was only used in the first and last levels, which essentially made it a scam.
Overall, the game is a big improvement over SS3 and one of my favourite Serious Sam games. I recommend people to check it out.
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 03:21
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 23:38
Which translates to endless hordes of enemies, of which there is a huge variety and a giant arsenal of different guns. From the normal Pistol, Shotguns, Automatic Rifles, Rocket Launchers and Miniguns to more crazy things like a portable Cannon (like for real, it shoots cannonballs!)
And like in the old Ego shooter games you can carry every gun at once! If you want any realism Serious Sam certainly isn’t for you!
I personally like the level design more than in SS3, even thou we are on Earth again, there is a good variety of areas and they are huge! And of course, filled with hidden secrets again to discover!
I enjoyed the cast of characters the game puts on your side, they are sympathetic and I was always looking forward the next conversation with them, of which most could be directly from an 80s action movie.
Story…well, the is none beside “Shoot the evil alien dudes” but that is really all it needs.
If you’re looking for a deep story or in-depth character you certainly won’t become happy with Serious Sam 4. But if you are looking for a fast-paced old school shooter which doesn’t take itself serious at all, I’m sure you will enjoy your time with the game.
I played every game of the serious and SS4 is definitely a worthy successor to the older games in the franchise in my personal opinion!
2758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 15:45
May it not be as good as expected, but still a ton of fun.
+ Dual wielding weapons. This new addition is very awesome. Improves combat so much.
+ Gadgets. These new items add a lot of fun and advancement to combat.
+ Level design is a huge improvement from previous games. It's much more detailed, very few empty huge areas.
+ There are so many secrets everythere.
+ Fantastic soundtrack. My favourite of all Serious Sam games.
+ Extremely long. Took me 46 hours to beat.
+ Side missions. This is the first Serious Sam game which has side missions. They are long, fun, and always have items at the end, so it feels extremely rewarding to complete them.
+ Boss battles are pretty fun.
- Can get out of map easily on multiple levels.
- Most weapons are not as fun to use as in Serious Sam 3.
- Gore is downgraded in comparison to Serious Sam 3.
- Enemy designs were better in Serious Sam 3.
- Worst render ever. I played on low graphics (not lowest), and I guess that's the reason why it sucks, but still it was terrible. You can see ammo from up to maximum of maybe 50 metres. Considering areas are huge, I have to run all around and look for ammo. I can also see through floor in some places. I can often see through doors in distance, but when I get real close the locked door finally appears.
- Uncomfortable inventory management. I can't do anything as fast or as easily as I'd like to. Wolfenstein games have great dual wielding management. In this game it takes time to choose the dual wielding weapons I'd like to use and switching through gadgets requires some time too. While in combat time is very scarce so this uncomfortable inventory management leads to plenty of deaths.
- Way too easy on Serious difficulty. The gadgets and dual wielding for sure makes the game a piece of cake.
- Ammo capacity is ridiculously low and they did not even include a skill to be able to have more ammo... All my weapons are always full of ammo.
- You lose all your weapons TWICE and all gadgets once. I can forgive losing all weapons since you can redo the whole slowly intensifying pacing all over again, but taking away all gadgets was such a dick move. I was saving up the best gadgets for final boss and now I could not use them, at least when the final boss battle happened I went fine with the common gadgets too which I got along the way.
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 14:37
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 06:35
They took Serious Sam 3, made the art style just a tad more vibrant and colorful like the old style, and then completely revamped the combat to make an excellent FPS.
Serious Sam 4 is perhaps the best the series has ever felt in terms of combat. Every single weapon is punch, now projectile based, and sounds better than crumpled up paper, which used to be common for SS games. Regarding the NPCs, they are not with you constantly, just some missions. Otherwise, missions will play out exactly like a classic SS game. You are alone in old ruin place and get swarmed by enemies alone the whole level.
As for the story... it's... alright? It's not good, that's for sure, but it's more like a hammy B-move type thing where they are very clearly self-aware of how stupid it is. If you take it seriously and expect it to be good, then you're probably an idiot yourself.
Performance and bugs I will bundle together because I have not experience a single bug or performance hitch in the first 3 hours of the game. I'm on an RTX 2060 Super and Ryzen 5 3600X at 1440p w/ 16gb of ram, and it runs phenomenally at 60fps custom High-Ultra settings. Mileage may vary, as apparently people with better systems are experiencing hitching.
Do I recommend the game?
Absolutely. This is likely to be one of, if not my favorite SS game besides TFE.
Just keep in mind that it could be buggy for YOU, in which case, I suggest waiting. Else, just take the gamble and utilize your 2 hour time frame,
Devolver Digital
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Serious Sam