• Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.
  • Shadow Man: Screen zum Spiel Shadow Man.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 09.03.1999
Zum Shop
Preis Update 17.01.23

Über das Spiel

He is coming, stalking criminals in the spirit world and the real world. A possessed man is coming, a voodoo mask in his chest and lines of power in his back. Shadow Man is coming, trailing evil from Liveside to Deadside. To stop an apocalypse. To save your soul.

Stalk criminals across two worlds: Explore crime scenes in the Louisiana, Swamplands, a New York tenement, a Texas prison, the asylum and many other locales.

Send Evil back to darkness: Go in armed with high-caliber guns or soul-destroying voodoo powers.

Unravel the Mysteries of Deadside: Gather sinister voodoo artifacts in order to solve puzzles.

Live the Nightmare: Over 40 immersive cut-scenes and hours of in-game speech.

Bonus Content Included: *NEW* Free Comic Book Offer, Soundtracks, Map and a 162-page Strategy Guide included with the game (Check your SteamApps/common/ShadowMan/ folder after downloading the game)


  • CPU: Pentium 200 Mhz
  • GFX: Direct3D compatible 3D accelerator card
  • RAM: 32 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 6.1
  • MISC: Mask of Shadows Not Included
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Pentium 400 Mhz
  • GFX: Direct3D compatible 3D accelerator card
  • RAM: 64 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 6.1
  • MISC: Mask of Shadows Not Included
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

110 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 13:46
Das Spiel war schon immer Supder doch nur auf der PS ;D auf dem pc schmiert es ab und laufend fehlercodes wegen der auflösung schade mit win 10x64 nicht spielbar
86 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 21:36
Ich habe Shadow Man das letzte mal vor über 20 Jahren gespielt und es macht immer noch sehr viel Spaß. Auch wenn ich nach 18 Stunden komplett durch das Spiel durch war und es bald ein Remake gibt würde ich es mir sicher wieder holen. Es hat einfach etwas die Spiele wie aus der Kindheit zu spielen. Das Spiel ist für Neueinsteiger sicher sehr fordernd und in nicht so geringer Zeit zu schaffen. Ich wusste einfach noch unglaublich viel von Früher. Für den Preis könnt ihr auf jeden Fall nichts falsch machen. Die Charaktere sind super geschrieben und die Story ist auch nicht von schlechten Eltern. Viel Spaß beim selber spielen.
133 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 19:25
- sehr interessante Geschichte
- absolut fesselnde Atmosphäre
- schön abgedrehte Charaktere
- wunderbare Grafik (für damalige Verhältnisse)
- Voodoo-Thematik
- verdammt epischer Soundtrack
- teilweise positiv-beknackte freischaltbare Cheats
- einige der herrlichsten Kindheits-Erinnerungen
- deutsche Synchro ist sehr stimmig

- deutsche Fassung ist zensiert, was sich in teilweise unbesiegbaren Gegnern äußert
- die Controller-Steuerung ist für heutige Verhältnisse überarbeitungswürdig
- PC-Version hat mitunter schlechtere Cheats als die N64-Version

Alles in allem kann man die negativen Aspekte zum Teil locker ignorieren und diesem Spiel eine definitive Kaufempfehlung aussprechen...

Es hat über die Jahre extrem viel Spass gemacht immer wieder weiter zu spielen oder neu anzufangen, hoffen wir mal dass die evtl. nächstes Jahr erscheinende Neuauflage wirklich so gut wird wie sie angepriesen wird, zumindest muss an diesem Spiel im Grunde nit mehr viel verbessert werden... d(>_< )
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 13:39
Ein Spiel mit tiefer Soundatmosphäre und einer einzigartigen Geschickte und Spielwelt... wo sind diese Art von spielen bloß hin...
230 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 00:28
Sehr geiler Klassiker, läuft einwandfrei auch unter windows 10. Habe das Spiel damals geliebt. Spannende Rätsel und für die damalige Zeit klasse animierte Welt der Toten und Gegner. Storyline auch sehr cool.
392 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.17 22:34
Shadow Man... Wo soll ich nur beginnen?

Ich wurde damals schon in der guten, alten ComputerBild-Spiele-Zeitschrift aufmerksam und hatte mich sofort in das Spiel verliebt. Bis heute hütete ich die CD mit diesem Spiel, doch als ich es auf Steam fand, musste ich erneut zugreifen, um das schmucke, nostalgische Prunkstück auch hier in meinen Händen zu halten.

Die Geschichte zu Shadow Man ist schnell erzählt, dabei lasse ich die Vorgeschichte zu den Charakteren weg: Mama Agnetta, eine Voodoopriesterin, sucht im WIld at Hearts Shadow Man auf, um ihn von einer kommenden Finsternis zu warnen. Shadow Man hat wie seine Vorgänger die Aufgabe, das Reich der Toten, als auch das Reich der Lebenden vor dieser Gefahr zu schützen. Mit Hilfe von Mama Agnetta und Jaunty, dem Hüter der Marktore im Reich der Toten, versucht Shadow Man an die begehrten dunklen Seelen zu kommen, sie aufzunehmen und so vor den Bösen zu beschützen.

Das Spiel steuert sich ausschließlich nur mit Tastatur. Ich persönlich habe es nur so gespielt, weiß jedoch nicht, ob das Spiel ebenso mit Gamepad, wie auf der Playstation oder Nintendo 64...
Ein leichter Touch von Metroidvania lässt sich in diesem Spiel erkennen. Shadow Man ist zwar der Herrscher über das Reich der Toten, doch auch viele Orte verweisen ihn in die Schranken. Wie soll Shadow Man über die glühenden Lavakohlen laufen? Wie kann er das Sargtor öffnen? Und wie kommt er an die dunkle Seele ran? Meistens ist eine Prüfung oder ein Voodoogegenstand von Nöten, um dieses Rätsel zu meistern... Wer also denkt, dass Shadow Man linear ist, liegt falsch. Zwar werden durch die Sargtore ein bestimmtes Level angezeigt, aber das heißt noch lange nicht, das man in der Lage ist, ALLES zu erkunden. Vielleicht liegt die Lösung für diesen Weg in einem viel fortschrittlicheren Gebiet, oder es eröffnet sich in den alten Gebieten neue Wege?

Shadow Man erschien 1999 von Acclaim (zb. Turok etc) und wer die schöne alte Grafik mit netten, aber auch zum Teil furchteinflößenden Gruseldesigns der Gegner versieht.

Das Spiel wurde/wird bis heute sehr wohl als Horror-Genre zugeordnet. Welche Gefahren lauern hinter den Ecken? Der Soundtrack, welches jedes Gebiet meiner Meinung nach hervorragend abgestimmt und zu jeder Örtlichkeit passt, verschlimmert die Sache, im positiven Sinne. Wer dieses Spiel noch nie gespielt hat, wird merken, wie die Atmosphäre, drückend und dunkel an den Nerven zerrt.

Jeder Gegner hat einen eigenen Klang: Jeder Treffer klingt anders, jeder Schmerz, den die Gegner erfahren, hört sich anders an, selbst die Waffen klingen alle anders, je nach dem, wie mächtig sie sind. Über den Soundtrack will ich nicht groß etwas hinzufügen: Perfekt! Selbst die Synchronsprecher dürften dem einen oder anderen bekannt vorkommen. Folgende Sprecher waren zuständig (Die Sprecher für folgende Schauspieler): Samuel L. Jackson, Whoopie Goldberg, Jack Nicholson/Jean Reno, Nicholas Cage, Kevin Spacey...

Privat mit der CD bietet Shadow Man eine Spielzeit von MINDESTENS 24-28 Stunden MINIMUM, die ich erleben durfte, länger sogar, wenn ich ALLES einsammeln wollte, also bitte nicht wundern, warum ich per Steam nur ein paar Minuten Spielzeit auf dem Konto habe/hatte. Wer damals Turok liebte, wird Shadow Man mögen, sofern man sich gruseln möchte. Was ich nur Schade finde, ist, dass sich die Sounds und die Zensur auf den Konsolen und PC unterscheiden.Dennoch: Für diesen kleinen Preis ist das Spiel mehr als würdig.
132 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.17 17:05
The Game wont Start, if installed on Win 10 bought on STEAM. Because STEAM is not setting up the Registry key.
And as long STEAM wont fix THEIRE problem with the game ''THEY sell'' and just tell you to contact the publisher support, wich actually does no longer exists, since Aclaim closed its buisnes, this Game is propably dead forever.
2882 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.15 08:03
Auch wenn dieses Spiel schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel hat,kann ich dennoch sagen,das es kein Stück seiner Atmossphäre verloren hat.Wer auf Action-Adventures steht und über die altbackene Grafik hinwegsehen kann,der wird mit einem sehr guten Spiel belohnt.

Cut oder Uncut?

Da ich die damalige Version auf der Sega Dreamcast gespielt habe und mich damals schon geärgert habe,das sämtliche Rottöne und viele Texturen entfernt wurden,so wurde ich hier mit einer endlich ungeschnittenen Fassung belohnt.Alle Blutanimationen sind jetzt Rot und die fehlenden Texturen in manchen Bereichen des Jenseits sind vorhanden.


Die Steam Fassung bietet bei dem kleinen Preis von nur 4,99€ noch den kompletten Soundtrack,der sehr gelungen ist.


Das Spiel wurde damals komplett in Deutsch angeboten und ist auch hier in der komplett deutschen Fassung erhältlich.
Sehr löblich das bei der deutschen Synchronisation nicht gespart wurde und sehr bekannte und gute Sprecher hier das Ruder übernehmen.U.a. Tommy Piper,bekannt als die deutsche Stimme von Alf.


Herrausragend ist,das das Spiel nicht einfach in seiner alten Form in den Store gekommen ist.Es ist Win7 lauffähig und beinhaltet Auflösungseinstellung bis 1920x1080.Zudem wurde der X-Box 360 Pad als Grundlage für die Steuerung mit eingebaut.
120 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.14 08:29
Ich fasse mal dieses Game mal zusammen:

1.Die Story:Die Story fängt schon für so einen alten Klassiker recht gut an.Schon am Anfang wird gesagt was man eig. tun soll: 5 Schwarze Seelen einsammeln (die fünf werden die Personen ingame genannt) und einen Big Boss namens Legion zu bekämpfen.Außerdem muss Mike LeRoi mal wieder die Welt retten, Ende!

2.Die Grafik:Für so ein altes Spiel ist die Grafik eig. ganz ok (außer diese CoD zocker sagen nur Müll zu der Grafik).

3.Die Waffen/Items/Seelen:Ihr bekommt als der Herrscher der Toten aka. Shadow Man aka. Mike LeRoi am anfang eine schöne Desert Eagle/Pistole mit der ihr im Reich der Toten viele Gegner Metzeln könnt.Nach ein paar schöne Stunden im Spiel investiert (eher gesagt 10-11 wenn Blind so wie ich) habt ihr mehrere Waffen gefunden die euch helfen die Fünf + Legion zu besiegen.Kommen wir nun zu den Gegenständen/Items/Seelen.Die Items ingame sind nach der Seelen menge recht schwer zu kriegen (man braucht eine bestimmte Anzahl an Seelen um ein Seelentor freizuschalten.Eher gesagt eine bestimmte Seelenstufe).Es gibt sogar sogenannte Fähigkeiten die als Tattoos bezeichnet sind (z.B. man kann durch Feuer gehen/schwimmen).Ach ja ich habe das Seelentor noch nicht für euch beschrieben.Das Seelentor ist dazu da um items/ neue Gebiete zu öffnen wenn man eine bestimmte Anzahl von Seelen (z.B. 1 Seele = 1Stufe x 2 = 2 Stufe).Die Seelensäcke indem sich die Seelen befinden nennt man Govi (hätte ich fast vergessen es euch zu erzählen) und es gibt Kadoxes ( Dinger mit dem man seine Lebenspunkte um Eins erweitert, aber davon braucht man 100 Stück für eine Erweiterung).

4.Die Charakter:Mit Mike LeRoi sind wir schon durch.
Nettie:Das ist die Hexe/Frau am Anfang in der Kirche die euch hilft die Prophzeiung zu verwirklichen eher gesagt sie Sticht euch in die Brust und dann seid ihr für immer im Reich der Toten.

Luke: Der angebliche kleine Bruder von Mike der eig. schon lange gestorben ist.Ich will nicht Spoilern wer das ist Sorry :/

Jaunty aka. Die Schlange mit dem Zylinder:Der wacht über das Tor im Reich der Toten und gibt euch Tips die ihr Garnicht braucht.

Legion:Der eine Endboss im Shadow Man der der Anführer von den Fünf ist und das Asyl gebaut hat (obohl das Asyl recht gut aussieht meiner Meinung her)

Und außerdem kann man keinen von den hier genannten Charakteren töten, außer Legion.

5.Die Gegner: sind das nervigste ingame.Am Anfang sind die ganz normal und gechillt.Aber am ende wie z.B. Echsform aka. das Riesenfiech oder diese Schei* behinderten Schwestern die mich mehrmals töteten (wie ich diese Schwestern hasse >:( ).

Und als Letzten Punkt ist das Feeling ingame dran.Man fühlt sich wirklich alleine und manchmal wohlbehalten an.Die Levels werden von Map zur Map Schwerer und besser gestaltet (vor allem die Fünf Maps sind gut gestaltet worden aber sehr verwirrend).

Ich hoffe euch hilft mein Review weiter und habt Spaß an das Game ^^
496 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.14 17:22
Ein Lieblingsspieles von damals .....
Heute sollte man sich die HD Texturen besorgen, falls man das Spiel, spielen will ;)
849 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 16:56
Beast of the beast and Best of the Best!
245 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 13:28
Get the remastered edition instead.

This review is pointless because there's no way you can buy it.

I am very bored.
3382 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 19:40
A really strange title. Very griddy and dark. The story ends up being pretty silly tho.
1248 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 00:06
Controls are terrible and you have to buy the remastered separately which is a fucking scam.
969 Produkte im Account
298 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 01:49
Key item not working apparently I have to start over so broken game and if you want to play the remastered version you have to buy the game all over again what a scam.
3806 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 21:54
I prefer this version to the remaster, the only thing is that the right analog stick is not working. Also the remaster has restored a nice amount of unused content, and fixed some stuff, but it remains flashy and the fact that they want to sell it by keeping players from getting the original is an ugly move.
64 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 20:54
Why would you stop selling this version? What if someone doesn't want the remastered version?
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 01:23
i like the story, the puzzles and the fact that you have to go through obstacles to earn level ups.
2311 Produkte im Account
1521 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 14:07
Well, I used to play this on the first playstation.
And to be honest, it was quite a weird journey.
I remember it being a bit laggy on the console.
But I also do remember that it had a gud story.
So, yea. I remembered this from my childhood.
And that's why I now bought it here on Steam.
I'm pleasantly surprised by how well this aged.
And the PC port is superior to the rest of 'em.
This perfect game plays absolutely smoothly.
It even supports 1080p and it looks so great.
This played like a refurbished version of sorts.
And: I enjoyed it way more than the PS1 port.
It reminded me of Soul Reaver in many ways.
The visuals are great, the atmosphere is nice.
And the story is honestly: Simply fascinating.
Shadow Man does deserve a positive review.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 21:53
This is my childhood favorite game. I beat the game with a good ending.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 05:14
This game was a staple in my youth. It informed many of the things I love about gaming and the nostalgia factor, plus the incredible content is almost unparalleled.
The writing, story, music, atmosphere, artistic vision and creation is just incredible. I truly love this game from the bottom of my heart.
There are issues with modern computers running this game at times it seems, to do with some crashes and some screen resolution issues, but checking out the discussions, people should find solutions to nearly all of these.
So far, six hours in to playing it through again for the first time in almost two decades and aside from having to sort the screen resolution I have had no issues so far.

There are those who deride the graphics, but one must remember, the game came out in 1999! I actually think the low poly models and pixely-at-times textures enhance the overall experience. Maybe I'm wearing nostalgia goggles, but I really appreciate this art style and the game feels from horror genres of this era (such as early Silent Hill's aesthetic.

To those people who don't like the controls, I don't understand the problem. Play with a keyboard and mouse. Bind WASD to forward, back, turn left and turn right, bind Left Shift to Strafe/Lock on Strafe. Fire the left and right hand with the mouse 1 and 2. Everything else can be bound for convienience, snipe with the mouse. I don't have a problem with this control structure at all, but again, I grew up with games like this so maybe it is hard for younger gamers to come to terms with odd control techniques.

Some deride the lack of an in game map. Well. Tough. Michael doesn't have a map, so you don't have a map. In previous eras of gaming we often had to learn games and the layouts of the world. Learning the paths of shadow by heart and going back when you have acquired certain powers to re-explore and open up new areas is all part of the game. There was a paper map (shock, imagine a game coming with physical extras as default and not having to buy a special edition) as well as an amazing detailed manual when the game was sold physically. This map was just a very basic overview of which regions conecte d to which regions and can be seen here:


Overall. This game is absolutely amazing. 10/10 Perfection for me. Not everyone agrees, but that's how I feel.

I am looking forward to the possible re-release that some talk of, and will check it out and play it through, but even if it has all the bells and whistles in the world, nothing will come close to this original feeling.

Highly recommend to everyone who wants to be absorbed in darkness, and really loves atmosphere.

For We Are Many
32 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 12:55
Always a great game to play, scares, atmosphere and badass content.
77 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 04:31
I have always known about Shadow Man, but never paid it any attention. Now that i have finally gotten into the franchise, it is difficult to fathom that i ever ignored the title. Outside of Michael Leroy (Shadow Man) being an interesting character, the worlds of reality and dead side have an intricate lore. The lore is exceptionally written and illustrated, creating a more immersive experience. In addition, the controls are crisp, the particle effects are impressive and the enemies are actually challenging. Its kinda crazy how good the controls are in this one title comparison to the multiple retro tomb raider titles with very stiff controls, and i am a tomb raider fan. I would not hesitate to recommend this game to any retro gamer.
193 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 17:51
I remember playing this game on PS1 with my cousin back in the day. We were scared shitless, but we would continue playing anyways. I never got very far back then as a pre-teen, but now in my late 20's I will finish this hidden gem. Right up there with Dark Souls in terms of my favorite games. <3

The graphics are way better than the PS1 and so are the sound fx. I could not for the life of me get my Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 to work; my mouse also does not want to function with this game. The keyboard controls are definitely taking some getting used to, but it's well worth it. I recommend using the default control settings and just getting used to them.

This is the type of game that doesn't really give you direction. Long story short, it's a Tomb Raider type game with almost a Dark Souls like atmosphere.

Soon after I bought this gem, I found out there is a remastered version coming in 2021. Let's hope proper gamepad support comes along with it.

Have a nice day!
343 Produkte im Account
170 Reviews
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 22:12
Shadow man is a very good adventure TPS game. With its supernatural and voodoo-infused elements, everything is captivating and Michael LeRoi is an interesting protagonist.

Rumor has it that Nightdive studios is preparing a remaster of the game while adding missing content that was cut from Shadow man's original version. If that'll make the whole thing better, then I'm ready to step into the shadow.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 02:37
This Game is for old school gamers or individuals that like elaborate adventure mixed with creepy. Great game! I played it 20 years ago and searched it out to play again
68 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 04:14
Controle Ports need fixed. I can't deal with him auto running.
1285 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
1366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 20:21
Shadowman walks deadside once again! This game is a faithful pc port of the original game, with some nice bonuses like an official guide, a comic, and some other exclusive goodies, which will hopefully be included in the remaster as well!
1561 Produkte im Account
410 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 21:11
A good ole' classic from the PSX era one if my favorite game right there with tomb raider and legacy of kain : Soul reaver.
673 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 17:45
Amazing game, but don't buy this. PC version is naff but an updated version is in the works, so wait for that.
1258 Produkte im Account
832 Reviews
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 17:34
That was a great game back in the day. It aged badly, but is still a very decent adventure game with superior storytelling. I'd probably recommend it only to those who want an interesting story, because the gameplay is mediocre by today's standards.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 04:58
Shadow Man a game from my childhood and wow what an amazing game. I never finished the game as a kid because it scared the hell out of me and today I finally finished it and what an experience it was but be warned the game dose not hold your hand at all, if you don't have a good memory you are kinda screwed unless you want to cheapen the experience of the game by looking things up on the internet to help you out other than that this game came from the time when games were actually good and not some B.S multiplayer only trash like almost every game that comes out nowadays so if you like games that actually treat you like an adult and respects your intelligence and you love games from the past this game is perfect for you but it is pretty creepy and unnerving at some parts. A definite 10/10 a must play for any old school gamer.
10 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 15:06
One of the best games ever made. Try to play it without any guides and until you get all 120 souls for full experience.

This game is a bit harder than a lot of games made today, but thats what makes it so much more better and rewarding.
The soundtrack is also one of the best.

Read the diaries and other material that you find.
Dont ever pass up cadeux.
Strafing is really important.
There is a lot of backtracking, keep notes on gates and landmarks you find if you have to.
Comb levels methodically so you dont get lost or end up running in circles.
74 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 23:50
I thought the Dreamcast was the definitive version. This is the best Shadow Man experience you can possibly imagine.
272 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 23:06
Excellent game. It's recommended for old school gamers.
654 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 23:24
Damn fine action-adventure game with a gritty and twisted tone. Even playing it 20 years after its release, I find it a masterpiece of the genre, really well designed, super satisfying and with a unique personality. I mostly liked the really complex level design, how dark are some areas (specially on liveside) and the sound and music design. A really good product of its era. I can't wait to get the remaster!
903 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 13:45
Some things are said to be more than just a sum of their parts. I'd argue this is a good case for that description, and here's why.
If one were to just clinically carve up the game into it's components, there's nothing really new here. It has been compared to Legend of Zelda in it's sense of non-linearity. There's plenty of platform adventures that were around at the time Shadowman came out. But what it does it just excels at to make a lovely compelling total package. That's where the greatness of this game resides.

It is indeed a non-linear platform adventure, but the story is so VERY good, as is the world created around it. I'm old, often grumpy, and certainly jaded. I tend to not give a crap about stories much in games as I've seen them all before. I guess my standards on this point are stupidly high maybe? Anyway, the point is, this one doesn't bore me at all. It always utterly enthralls me.

If that weren't enough, then the atmosphere and tone it sets on top of this is similarly excellent and fitting. The right amount of brooding darkness in the right places, appropriate use of colour palette for the scenery and so on. It could easily have gone down the route of many similar games in this period by being too dark to see a damned thing (why did that ever become a thing?) But no, it's done so perfectly.

As if this were not enough, there's one other massive highlight - the audio. And I don't mean the soundtrack but the soundtrack and the ambient noise, etc. The work of Tim Haywood here is without peer. If someone told you this story is about a coloured guy who did some crimnial deeds in his past that led to personal tradegy (I won't spoil), and is steeped in the voodoo traditions of the south, plus you can also travel to the realm of the dead (or limbo, if you will), and you had to imagine what sort of tone the music and ambience would be, I don't think anyone could imagine better. I'm also not one who cares much for in game music - I'll never listen to game music outside of a game. Except this game has outstanding music - and the theme tune alone perfectly expresses the melancholic, yet slightly creepy and dark vibe.

If there is one con to make here it's that it does show it's age a bit in being a bit clunky. Obviously, being from the PS1 era, you're not going to get the fluid grace of a more modern platformer. It's serviceable and perfectly good once you get used to it, but it might seem a little off at first. Note also that the PC version, along with the Dreamcast version are both the best versions as they handle the best. The N64 version fares much worse, but the PS1 is nigh on unplayable looking back (just bear this in mind if you watch a youtube video for another version).

So, in summary, can I recommend this game to anyone in today's age? Absolutely yes. When you factor in that true horror or creepy games (that aren't cheap jump scare fodder) are rare, then even more so.

It's breathtakingly compelling, sounds haunting and captivating, and the story will leave you with a sense of melancholy, if only for the fact you've finished the game and still want more!

As always, I give my verdict in price - I'd recommend picking this up even at £10. At anything less, I'd jump at the chance.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 19:42
Unforgettable atmosphere. If you are looking for a game with great horror atmosphere and a solid gameplay that still holds up in 2020, look no further.
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 23:47
Old but still cool
160 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 20:32

IT'S A MIXED BAG [spoiler free]

Despite being a cult classic and one of the pioneers of horror genre I cannot recommend it to everyone. However, all the things that are good about this game are REALLY good. So good in fact, that I believe it outweighs all of its blemishes.

The art direction

Simply superb. Nothing to add here. It is a level of care never seen in a videogame ever since. All the devilish areas, where death lurks around every corner, filled to the rim with blood and gore. Terrifying enemies each crafted with shocking precision. Extensive voodoo lore (it's clear that folks from Acclaim really did their research) all add up to solid experience, quality of which is nowhere to be seen outside of this gem.

Sound design

While visually, the game has aged significantly, audio-wise it's still impressive to this day. Echoes are calculated in real time, accounting for the size of the room and material of the floor and walls. But that is not Shadow Man's selling point, oh no no. It's the vision of hell carried out mainly through player's speakers: wails of the damned, entire buildings crying for help (especially the Asylum levels), sounds of mindless slaughter and sadistic laughters create oppresive feeling to every area you are passing on your adventure. It has never been outdone, and should serve as a textbook for future game designers.


Here is where the first cracks in the game start to show. SM is a shooter in third person, but not a TPS, since you don't really have crosshair, apart from lookout/snipe mode. Instead it uses auto aim, similar to the one from Rayman 2 and 3. However strafing doesn't always work as intended. If you want the game to register your enemy, you have to be looking straight at them, and even then it will most likely highlight some harmless sh*t in the distance. It is annoying and is the cause for most of my deaths. Also there are serious problems with the balance. After you acquire second voodoo weapon, all the following ones are pretty much useless (apart from end-game one, used in only one battle).

Level design

In short - it's f*cked up real bad. I don't care how old the game is, backtracking up to 10 times through the same area is horrible and ruins any fun that could be taken away from the gameplay. Also in order to progress you need things called Dark Souls - it's explained early in the game. There is 120 of them and most are locked. You need to find appropriate tools in very specific order for the game to progress. I got stuck for over 2 hours, because I missed one at the beginning of the game. There is no indicator to where I'm supposed to look for them. Eventually I had to bring up a walkthrough and ended up sticking to it till the very end. Check out Rymante's Shadow Man walkthrough - he has extensive knowledge of the game and often gives important insight to what's happening with the story.


Provided that you ignore the awful level design it's a terrific experience, a true gem of it's era, touching serious subject in morbidly naturalistic way. They simply don't make games like these anymore
405 Produkte im Account
299 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 23:05
One of my favorite classics from the N64

Used to scare me a lot as a kid with the horror elements

You basically switch back and forth between the world of the living and the world of the dead

You upgrade yourself overtime and get cool weapons to deal with a myriad of enemies across different levels

Story is pretty deep though I've never finished it it's still a solid game and worth the price
177 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
1216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 05:57

A brilliant display of rewarding level design and exhilarating sense of progression, with a few missteps.

Acclaim, the people behind other famous and classic series like Turok, also produced another perhaps lesser-known title called Shadow Man. The basis and main concept for Shadow Man is based off of a comic of the same name, which started in the early 90s. Much like how Turok was created, Acclaim began work on a game centered around the comics, albeit telling a slightly separate story for video game purposes. Given Acclaim's previous work on the Turok series, which is also known for its incorporation of player exploration and the like, it's no surprise how well-made Shadow Man's level design is.

There are few games that I have played where it really feels like your progress matters and where exploration is massively key to the experience. A notable example of this is The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, where the sense of advancement is thoroughly designed so that the player will really feel like they're growing as they play the game. Shadow Man, much like Morrowind, is designed by the same carefully balanced principles that largely make up the meat of the gameplay.

The game lovingly rewards exploration, and almost every level can be returned to at a later point where with newfound powers, you can discover previously unknown areas. I kept coming back to the very first area alone every time I got a new ability to try out and use in exploration, and the satisfaction of getting a new object that you couldn't have gotten to before is what made me hugely enjoy a big part of the game.

The primary objective of the game is to collect special items known as Dark Souls so that you can progress through to new areas in order to reach a fortress known as the Asylum, which is where the main villains of the game are housed. Like most old games however, you might need a walkthrough or guide of some such to aid you, as Shadow Man doesn't hold your hand. A lot of Shadow Man is very labyrinth-like, and it is a genuine problem that the game never once offers a map of some kind so that things don't get too confusing. It is especially an issue when certain passageways might be hidden directly under water or in dark corners of certain areas. Shadow Man requires thoroughness and at times patience to get through it.

The shooting mechanics are fairly simple, but it's to be expected for the time. The longer you hold the button down, the more damage your weapon does. Your damage output increases more and more as you obtain Dark Souls. There are also other weapons such as the Shotgun, Sub-machine gun, and a special one that requires getting parts scattered throughout the game and assembling it.

The difficulty of the game is fairly forgiving, being immediately warped back to the beginning of an area in which you die in. The combat and engagement of enemies is something I find to be a little tedious and without challenge, but it isn't too much of a problem. The bosses are nothing special either, mere bullet sponges that you must gradually weaken over time.

The final boss however, I think, is simply a terribly designed encounter in every way possible. The final boss flails around uncontrollably without break, making it irritating to aim at. If that doesn't sound uninviting enough, the final boss constantly shoots homing projectiles, making it even more taxing to fight against. Worse too is the fact that it goes right along with the unsatisfying end to the game, but I'll discuss that later.

Other things that the game does well are the music and atmosphere. The game has a strong identity and tone to it that is unlike any game I have played previously, with dark and tribal-like influences. The game's story itself draws upon old voodoo myths and legends, and this inspiration is felt all throughout Shadow Man. The ambiance helps with this, and the soundtrack provides a wide mix of feelings that immerse you into the experience.

As an extra goody though, Shadow Man also offers secrets and easter eggs for advancing through the game. There is an entire list in the main menu where you can enable any number of wacky or amusing changes to the game. These range from big head mode, flaming body mode, or my all time favorite: disco mode. While it's not required, it's a nice little touch to the game that you rarely find in game nowadays.

You're probably wondering by now what the story is like. Well, to my grave disappointment, I really think it's nothing to write home about. Which is a shame considering that many others enjoy it. While it generally has good bits of writing, especially with the monologues made by the protagonist himself; the overall missed narrative potential of Shadow Man and the improper execution really drags the game down, which is a shame, because otherwise it's a great game with its careful design and atmospheric techniques.

First of all the game drops you in without even slightly mentioning the backstory of the protagonist himself, which is one of tragedy and terrible regret for his actions, to the point where it makes him loathe himself so. It feels as if we've been dropped in the middle of an ongoing story, thus resulting in an awkward start the moment we start the game. For this reason, if you plan on picking up the game, I highly recommend researching the origin of the protagonist so that you aren't too lost on what's going on at the beginning.

Shadow Man's incorporation of serial killers as the main antagonists I feel could've been presented differently. Instead of doing anything important narrative-wise with these interesting personalities, they're used solely as boss encounters and nothing more. Nothing regarding who they are, why they became this way, nothing. Perhaps this is wishing too much for a game from 99, but even so, I feel it is a missed opportunity for the story to delve into more themes and interesting territory.

The finale to Shadow Man in particular is where it mainly fell apart for me. Instead of a mechanically interesting experience, or an intriguing encounter with the one who organized these mass murderers in the first place, it delivers a massively mediocre and substantially boring conclusion to the conflict of the game. The primary villain would be absolutely no different if he was twirling his mustache with his fingers. Coupled with a badly thought-out fight, and a heavily rushed celebration to credits sequence, it really feels almost like the game's mocking you for putting the amount of time you invested to get here.

In conclusion, while Shadow Man may not boast a terribly mesmerizing story, and while it could use some extra polish, Shadow Man has one of, if not the best showcase of level design I have seen in any game, and it is absolutely essential to experience especially for anyone who might be interested in game development or similar occupations. The atmosphere and ambiance as well are of note, and while the finale left me disappointed, I can't say wasn't enthralled by those moments where I felt like I was really moving forward and advancing through the game. If you have an extra few snippets of cash that you find yourself wanting to use, then I wouldn't hesitate to try Shadow Man out as soon as you can.
579 Produkte im Account
275 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 20:15
Amazing game the music is incredible and the story is captivating.
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84.75% 350 63
Release:09.03.1999 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Acclaim Studios Teeside Vertrieb: Nightdive Studios Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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