• Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Update 050814
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Update 050814
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Update 050814
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots Mai 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots Mai 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots September 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Update 050814
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Update 050814
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Update 050814
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots Mai 14
  • Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms: Screenshots Mai 14


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.11.2014
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Preis Update 27.06.24

Über das Spiel

Nach den Ereignissen im Hack’n’Slay-RPG Kult: Heretic Kingdoms fällt einmal mehr ein dunkler Schatten auf die Welt. Kernelement von Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms ist sein innerlich zerrissener Hauptcharakter und das damit verbundene außergewöhnliche Party-System. Spieler schlüpfen in die Rolle des Devourers, eines mächtigen Dämons, der zwischen der Welt der Menschen und der Schattenwelt hin- und herwandern und Seelen seiner Feinde verschlingen kann. Der nahtlose Wechsel zwischen dem Devourer und den bis zu drei Party-Mitgliedern mit eigenen Spezialfähigkeiten sorgt für strategische Tiefe im Kampf. Der Wechsel zwischen den Welten erlaubt es dem Spieler, seine Gegner im Kampf auszutricksen, Fallen zu umgehen und Rätsel zu lösen.

Ein Schatten liegt über der Welt, und der Devourer ist der Einzige, der diese Bedrohung abwenden kann. Es liegt nun am Spieler sich zu entscheiden, ob er als Devourer die Welt vor der dunklen Bedrohung bewahrt oder sie seinem Schicksal überlässt.

Key Features
  • Wechsel zwischen der Schattenwelt und der Welt der Menschen
  • Hohe Entscheidungsfreiheit mit Auswirkungen auf den Spielverlauf
  • Dynamischer Tag- und Nachtwechsel und detailliert gestaltete Schauplätze
  • Fesselnde Story in einer Welt voller Mythen, Schicksale und sagenhafter Kreaturen
  • Einzigartiges Party-System


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

458 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.19 09:15
das Spiel ist nicht fertig, und wird es auch nicht mehr - auf keinen Fall kaufen !!!

The Game was not finished, and it will not be finished in the Future. Do not buy it !!!
280 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.15 21:12
Ich machs kurz.
Eine wirklich gelungene Spielidee mit potenzial.
Mehrere Seelen mit denen man sich kloppen kann.
Jetzt kommt aber das großer ABER:

Es ist leider verbuggt. Vorallem die Grafik-Bugs machen einem zu schaffen, weil man öfters in denen hängen bleibt so das man totgekloppt wird :(
Gab auch bisher kein Update, der das begradigt.
Aber es macht davon abgesehn schon laune, kann aber schnell frusten wenn man in einem solchem Grafikbug hängt, sich nicht mehr rühren kann und dann tod ist :(
1000 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.14 14:07
Komplette Review: http://nat-games.de/games/shadows-heretic-kingdoms-review-zum-action-soul-playing-game/

Klick Dich!

Auf den ersten Blick könnte man Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms für einen Diablo oder Torchlight Klon halten. Wir klicken mit der Maus zum Angreifen, wir klicken mit der Maus, um uns zu bewegen, wir benutzen die Tasten 1-9 um Fähigkeiten auszuwählen und klicken noch mal, um diese dann auszuführen. So einfach ist das Gameplay aber auf keinen Fall. Am Anfang des Spieles haben wir nur die Auswahl zwischen unserem Devourer und in meinem Fall Evia. Wir dürfen unsere “Gruppe“ aber auf bis zu 4 Seelen erweitern. Im Spiel gibt es sogar 15 verschiedene Gruppenmitglieder. Das wir diese im Kopf des Devourers einquartieren ist dabei eher zweitrangig. Oder vielleicht auch nicht. Es kann gut und gerne passieren, dass sich die Seelen, die Charaktere, die ihr mit in die Schlacht nehmt, einfach nicht ausstehen können. Sie kannten sich vielleicht aus ihrem früheren Leben, waren Rivalen, Erzfeinde oder haben sich möglicherweise sogar gegenseitig auf dem Gewissen. Dies lassen sie euch auch zu hören kommen. Eure Gruppe hat zu vielen Entscheidungen mehrere Meinungen, es gibt Diskussionen und Reibungen, Unzufriedenheit beim Abgeben von Quests. Eben den ganzen Spaß und Terz, der in Gruppen-Orientieren Rollenspielen, wie Baldurs Gate oder Dragon Age, vertreten ist. Mit einem kleinen und feinen Unterschied. Niemand kann die Gruppe verlassen. Sie gehören euch. Mit dem Wissen, dass sämtliche Entscheidungen zwar eine Auswirkung auf die Meinung der Gruppe haben können, euch aber niemand dafür bestraft Quests so zu lösen, wie ihr wollt, ergibt sich ein sehr tiefes Rollen spielen. Wir können also, wenn wir möchten: unschuldige Seelen opfern, Mordopfer verschwinden lassen anstatt den Mord aufzuklären, einen Pakt mit anderen Dämonen eingehen oder dem Geist einer Toten erst bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgabe helfen und uns danach ihre Seele einverleiben. Schließlich spielen wir einen Dämonen, da hat Moral nichts verloren! Mit 4 von den dreckigen 15 heißt es jetzt also für uns der Story zu folgen und Monster zu meucheln. Hierbei werden die spielerischen Unterschiede zu Diablo und Co. erst so richtig offensichtlich. Wir können per Mausklick in Sekundenschnelle zwischen den 4 aktiven Charakteren wechseln, deren verschiedenste Fähigkeiten in effektiven Verbindungen nutzen oder zwischen den Welten wechseln, um aus gefährlichen Situationen zu entkommen. Wenn unser Fernkämpfer zum Beispiel von einem Spinnennetz umschlungen und damit hilflos gemacht wurde, können wir einfach zu dem Devourer wechseln und uns in der Schattenwelt weiter bewegen und an anderer Stelle wieder mit dem Fernkämpfer erscheinen. Hier können wir dem Gegner, der uns noch eben im Netz angreifen wollte, in den Rücken fallen. Durch das exzessive Nutzen des Charakterwechsels entsteht ein hohes Maß an Mikro-Management und taktischer Vielfalt. Ebenfalls ermöglicht es uns durch epische Aktionen durch ansonsten unbesiegbare Monsterhorden zu kämpfen. Wir können uns als Devourer unbemerkt zwischen deren Reihen begeben, mit einem Charakter der massiven Area of Effekt schaden anrichtet die Lebensbalken des Mobs minimieren und dem dann mit einem Tank den Rest geben. Für den Fall, dass eine dieser Aktionen schief geht, können wir auch einfach zum Goblin wechseln und geschwind das Weite suchen. Falls die Gegner zu hartnäckig bleiben hat dieser dann noch die Möglichkeit Fallen und Minen auf seiner Fluchtroute zu legen. Ein weiterer wichtiger Spielaspekt ist die Seelenenergie-Anzeige, unter der Lebensenergie unserer ein Dämon Armee. Jeder besiege Gegner hinterlässt nicht nur Loot oder Geld, sondern auch seine unsterbliche Seele, diese lässt sich der Devourer natürlich automatisch schmecken. Wenn wir genug Seelen gesammelt haben, können wir diese durch einen Druck auf die Leertaste verwenden, um unseren gesteuerten Charakter zu heilen. Diese Art der Heilung sorgt dafür effizienter zu Spielen und seine Charaktere öfter zu wechseln, bevor einer zu viel Schaden genommen hat und in der nächsten Situation nicht einsatzbereit ist, obwohl er nützlich wäre. Kurz gefasst: Wir wechseln einen Charakter, um mit dessen gesammelten Seelen einen anderen zu heilen. Ebenfalls gibt es Rätsel im Spiel, die wir durch das Wechseln der Welten zu lösen haben. Sei es eine Brücke, die man nur im Schattenreich überqueren kann oder eine Wand, die durch reine Muskelkraft aus dem Weg geräumt werden muss. Zu guter letzt können wir uns bei vielen der Quests noch entscheiden, wie wir diese Abgeben wollen, diese Optionen haben dann auch einen direkten Einfluss auf das Ende des Spiels. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt für die Wiederspielbarkeit von Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms.
194 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.14 02:23
Das Spiel ist im großen und ganzen ganz gut,die Grafik ist in Ordnung und das wechseln zwischen den Carakteren geht leicht und flüssig.Auch das wandeln zwischen den Welten bringt Abwechslung und neue Perspektiven.
nun zu den dingen die besser sein könnten.die Steuerung ist recht ungenau und schwammig.
die Questführung ist manchmal recht ungenau und verschachtelt,man weiß oft nicht wie es weiter geht.
Ich kann nicht sagen das es ein Diablo3 Klon ist,es ist etwas schwieriger und insgesamt abwechslungsreicher.
3066 Produkte im Account
230 Reviews
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.14 21:20
Habe mir spontan dieses Spiel gekauft und mittlerweile gut 26 Stunden in dem Spiel verbracht und bin begeistert. Ich würde es als ein Diablo mit Rollenspielelementen beschreiben. Man wählt aus drei Charakteren und kann später auch noch mit anderen eine kleine Gruppe bilden. Super finde ich die eingestreuten Rätsel und den Wechsel zwischen der Schatten und der Normalen Welt. Grafisch sieht es richtig gut aus und auch der Sound und die deutsche Sprachausgabe sind bisher spitze.
1252 Produkte im Account
185 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 12:40
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms is the second entry in the ARPG series, that that switched its focus from experimentation to combat. While it removes one of the most unique systems the previous game had (earning skills by using different weapons and armour) which rewarded you for trying different things it has double downed on the action and gives you a wide variety of playable characters which all function and play differently. The game is fun but I can’t recommend purchasing it or giving it a positive review as it has been superseded by Shadows: Awakening, and for the same price you get the complete game (not just the first 3 chapters) with a newer game engine, more quests, reworked music and a more polished experience. It does provide a window into how time and feedback can improve a game when acted upon (Shadows: Awakening has substantial differences to gameplay that make it more tactical).

S:HK puts the story is a weird place. Kult: Heretic Kingdoms had an expansive lore which built the world up, spent a lot of time explaining the last 700yr history of the Heretic Kingdoms, the different races and really drove home how important the key players were to the in game universe. By the end of Kult, you had 3 earth shattering choices to pick from, with none of them relying on the usual moral compass (good, bad or neutral) and more do what you thought was best (as 2 of the 3 options had been tried before and led to dark ages). S:HK sort of continues the story while not explaining any of it. Some of the main characters were NPCs and have been changed or some events have been completely redesigned. The main antagonists were heavily involved with the previous PC, and have had a lot of their backstory removed (why they were infighting). Quests have been replicated (these can be explained as the first game’s character didn’t fulfil them), though she is only mentioned once (for the earth shattering events she triggered I expected a little more). [spoiler] Story wise it seems the first PC died before completing her quest, but was able to get the Godslayer sword to her mentor so he could destroy it, which had unforeseen consequences that has set the world on its path. [/spoiler] Usually I would advise against playing a newer entry in a series before playing previous games (so you aren’t jumping into a story 1/2 way), but in this instance and it might be easier to start fresh (unless you are a major fan of the story from the first game).

This game functions slightly differently from others as you have a choice of 4 characters (who all have their own health pools) you can switch between at any time (even mid combat), with one being a demon and tied to the shadow world (which is now a nightmare realm and full of hostiles compared to the previous game). This does allow you to switch to more advantageous characters and abilities when needed, and is pretty good. There are parts in the game where only one of the characters can open the area to proceed, though these are all optional). The roster of playable characters expands as the game goes on, and not all of them can collected one play through. The loot system doesn’t differentiate for this, as chests have the same equipment in them no matter if you have the characters in your team (or if they are available at all). Most of the enemy drops are either money, or crafting items (there are a lot less items to pick up from enemies). The range in which you pickup items is really small (you have to be on top of the object, and even turning on auto pickup doesn’t really stop you from missing things). The storage system has been massively overhauled, and now you have decent storage, but it’s shared amongst every type of object you pick up (quest objects take away space from regular inventory, as do crafting items). This can have the unfortunate effect that important objects are left on the ground until you start dropping other older items.

The characters that you start with are all quite different and function in their set roles (melee fighter, ranged combat, mage) and it’s good that magic seems to have been toned down from how it was in the previous game. The shared characters that you find during gameplay have much more explicit roles and seem to be wildly unbalanced. The ironclad golem is a tank with stupidly high resistances and a large health pool, while some weapons for the Trent increase attack speed by crazy amounts (700%) and the added benefit of life steal which leaves you with a combination that is unbeatable. Some characters have a quest tied to them, while others are just a body you can control and seem to have no unique purpose in the grand scheme of things (no plot driven story, quests or stand out features).

Combat has moved more in line to the Diablo series, its much faster paced than in the previous game and is much more frequent in both the real world and shadow world (there’s no more hiding in it to recover or use it to bypass enemies). Each character has a selection of active abilities that have fixed cool down rates that deal larger damage and might apply debuffs to the enemies, but aren’t auto cast now. Enemies do respawn after returning to a map, which pads the game a fair amount. I did enjoy the fact that many enemies have alternate forms in the shadow world (only the Penta Nera had these in the first game), and the abilities of the enemies are locked for a set time if you defeat the shadow world version before fighting in real space (which is often a key mechanic for winning tougher fights). Some enemies continue spawning stupid amount of summons so when you drop back to real space there are 30 enemies on screen to kill. Crafting and upgrading weapons has also been overhauled, but it’s very clunky – you need to get the instructions on how to make what you want, and then collect the parts. Many weapons follow a very large chain of sidesteps (only elements are changed on the weapon), before actual upgrading to the next tier of weapon, in which case it’s cheaper to just purchase the upgrade.

The maps and environments are very well done, and each is fairly unique. Puzzles now span multiple maps (some go across chapters) and they take a bit of thinking to work out. You are left with having to search and break everything as some quest objects are stuck in pots that you would normally bypass. Each chapter seems to focus on a terrain type (desert, woodland, forest) but they each look very nice and do a good job of expanding the world of the previous game. Being a game that didn’t have the second half released some quests can’t be completed. The shadow world looks good - I liked the green ghostly archways and light seeping up through the floors, however there aren’t very many rewards for exploring it other than more optional enemies to kill. Other than a few sections of the game where you are forced to go into it (to cross non-existent bridges or to kill enemies that are controlling other puppets like you are) you could completely ignore it.

I thought the voice acting was hit and miss. The mage you can start with sounds good throughout the entire game, as did most of the merchants. When you get to the werewolves you would expect them to roll sounds (as they aren’t human and that’s what their text did in the previous game) and instead they are all speaking perfect English. The romance quest you can undertake with Zaar has some humorous dialogue if you fulfil the conditions. The music however is very well done (performed by Budapest Scoring Symphonic Orchestra) and I would highly recommend picking up the DLC because of this.

If you are chasing 100% achievements, then it’s a tall order. While doable I had to abuse a quest (purposely stalled or failed) that has unlimited waves of enemies for you to kill which is the only way to really boost XP.

For more reviews please visit https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31327216/
488 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 04:16
This game let you choose to play in dark side or bright side, choose to play which character at any time. Good graphic and sound.
1053 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 10:23
Gra zbugowana i to bardzo. Część questów nie można wykonać, bo są zbugowane. Kiedy gra zaczęła wciągać okazało się, że to już koniec gry. Ogólna ocena: 4/10 (2/5).

The game is very bugged. Some quests cannot be completed because they are bugged. When the game started to draw, it turned out that it was the end of the game. Overall rating: 4/10 (2/5).
3385 Produkte im Account
273 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 11:56
Some developers do learn. The others, on the other hand, don't. And the guys from 3D People are nice example of that. Back in 2004 they've released an action role-playing game called KULT: Heretic Kingdoms (AKA Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition). The game was full of interesting ideas, but suffered from awful level design, confusing quests and poor story. Now, exactly ten years later, the guys (who ended up founding a new company somewhere on the way) released a sequel. And guess what? It suffers from the same exact problems.

Like KULT, Shadows lets us to switch between our regular world and some sort of parallel dimension (called “Shadow” here). Only, unlike KULT, there will be more than one character. Our main guy will be a demon called Devourer of Souls. He'll stay in Shadow, while in the real world we'll control his “puppets”. A characters whose souls he... well... devoured. You see? DEVOURER of Souls. YOU SEE? *sigh* Anyway, at the beginning of the game our guy will only have one puppet, but somewhere on the way he'll be able to get more. With different powers and skills. Some of those you'll need to progress the story, the rest will be optional. In other words, pretty neat concept. Especially since all of the puppets and even the Devourer himself share the same exact EXP and you won't need to grind much. Well, as long as you won't aim for achievements. Because, even though developers themselves claimed on forums that they didn't expect people to get beyond level 20 in this game, they've still added the achievement to get to the level 30. Because logic.

Anyway, like I've said, even though the game comes with a pretty neat concept (there's even some sort of hub, where you can change party members, which reminds me a little of Soulbdinger), it suffers from the same exact problems with KULT. And the first problem is... it's confusing as f**k. Even though the maps here are quite small and there aren't so many of them anyway (we'll return to it a bit later), the game just fails to properly explain even the most basic things to you and as the result, during some parts you'll feel seriously lost. Especially yes, exactly like in KULT, the journal here is an ass and won't help you at all. And the fact that the game is also heavily bugged doesn't help with all that at all. Trying to understand where to go and what puppet should interact with what NPC is one thing. But trying to guess which combination of graphical settings and party members will prevent the game from crashing? That's a totally different story. You can't deal with technical difficulties? You're not welcomed here. Crashes, memory leaks, game-breaking bugs and half-broken gamepad support. That's what this game is all about.

Talking about story, by the way. Just like KULT, Shadows keeps throwing some random names on you without giving you enough reasons to care. The story here is all about that. Names, names and even more names. Nothing really interesting to care about, no interesting plot twists, nothing fun. Like... at all. The funniest thing about the story of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms is the fact that the game ends with one heck of cliffhanger. See, what we have here is not a proper release. Instead, it's the first episode from what was supposed to be an episodic RPG. You can clearly see why it never happened and developers started to work on remake instead, but still, you should keep in mind that there's no proper game here. Just a small (only a few maps to explore) introduction to something that you won't see without paying more.

In other words, Shadows is pretty much a smaller and way more bugged version of KULT. Which was a very arguable game even back in the days. Sure, Shadows looks kind of neat on screenshots. Mostly because of stolen design (it's kind of sad how every second wannabe developer tries to rip-off Blizzard), but still. Unfortunately, when you begin to actually play it, you begin to see it for what it is – short, bugged, confusing and, well, unfinished project with the same old problems all over again. Do you really need something like this in your life? Don't think so.
1366 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 01:29
I do not recommend this game simply because this is not a complete product. During my time of playing this game from start to end, I have encountered visual bugs, crashes, and broken quest line. Granted that the lore and story are somewhat intriguing. However, those few good elements are heavily brought down by repetitive combat, uninteresting loot system, and just overall unfinished story. This game is definitely unworthy of the $39.99 price tag it is asking for. Hell, this game is not even worth playing now that Shadows Awakening (which, from my understanding, is a remake and a continuation of this game's story) is here. Thus, just go straight to play Shadows Awakening if you are interested in the lore and story.
110 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 21:37
It is maybe one of the best Diablo clones I have ever played but.... come on man the game is not finished. That was just so fucking disappointing. You were on the verge of greatness if you had let development finish.
133 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 09:00
This game is good for testing your patience and challenges you to stay calm, cool, collected. The story is good, your fantasy adventure style. The Quest objective is full of mysteries, so try everything you find in your way.
121 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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1104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 19:27
Unfinished game... Beware
1459 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 02:33
AVOID THIS GAME. EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME IS CONTAINED IN SHADOWS: AWAKENING. This game is only the first half of Shadows: Awakening, which is the full game.
187 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 17:07
It's very nice game. Playing it was fun, but the most important thing is that this game is NOT FULL version. It ends in the middle of the story. To play next chapter you have to have Shadows: Awaking and start that game from the beginning. It's not worth buying, it's better to buy Shadows: Awaking - the same game with better graphic, it includes Shadows: Heretic kingdom story and gives much more.
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 17:12
game won't start since recently. Developer not responding. If you use windows 10 then you shouldn't buy this game.
367 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.19 10:56
Slow, clunky, unresponsive and unfinished crap called game. One of worst h'n's, not worth even for free.
208 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.19 02:21
I wonder why this sh*t is still available in the store for such a high price?!
It's a broken, unfinished game. Something like DEMO version of the Shadows: Awakening.
Heretic Kingdoms is just Book I, they never released Book II so it's not possible to complete the main quest.
And all those broken weapons with 700% attack speed + life leach... JESUS.
99 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 08:18
A sequel to Kult: Heretic Kingdoms . The game combines rich story + action RPG combat, though i wish there was a kind of introduction before starting the game, describing previous events so new players would understand what is going on.
this game contains only book 1 while Shadows: Awakening contains both Book 1 and Book 2, so you should skip Heretic Kingdoms and play Awakening right away.
Hint: when i bough Heretic Kingdoms i received Awakening for free (as part of previous promise of developers, i presume), so this is the way to go: buy Heretic Kingdoms, receive Awakening and enjoy the Awakening right away.
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57.55% 141 104
Release:13.11.2014 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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