• Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister aus der Demo.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister aus der Demo.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister aus der Demo.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister aus der Demo.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister aus der Demo.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister aus der Demo.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
  • Solasta: Crown of the Magister: Screen zum Spiel Solasta: Crown of the Magister.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.10.2020
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Preis Update 03.10.23

Über das Spiel

Wizards of the Coast hat Tactical Adventures eine Lizenz zur Nutzung des SRD-Regelwerks 5.1 von Dungeons and Dragons erteilt und uns so zusätzlich in unserem Vorhaben bestärkt, eine originalgetreue Videospiel-Adaption des Pen-&-Paper-Regelwerks zu erschaffen und das Spiel zu entwickeln, das ihr euch wünscht!

Solasta: Crown of the Magister erweckt die Spannung, die strategische Herausforderung und die lebendigen Geschichten des Pen-&-Paper-Rollenspiels zu neuem Leben. Beim Spielen werdet ihr merken, wie ihr instinktiv nach euren Würfeln und Spielfiguren greift. Die Zeit ist gekommen, in die Welt von Solasta einzutauchen. Würfelt auf Initiative!

Die authentische Spielerfahrung von Pen-&-Paper-Rollenspielen, jetzt auch für PC!
Würfelt auf Initiative, führt Gelegenheitsangriffe aus und bestimmt über die Positionierung auf einem dreidimensionalen Schlachtfeld. Bringt euch für den Gnadenstoß in Position und entscheidet mit etwas Glück durch eine natürliche 20 den Kampf für euch.

In Solasta übernehmt ihr die Kontrolle über vier Helden, die jeweils über einzigartige Fähigkeiten verfügen, die sich gegenseitig ergänzen. Jeder Held nimmt mit seiner Persönlichkeit Einfluss auf das Abenteuer, wodurch jede Tat und jede Interaktion die Geschichte dynamisch vorantreibt. Genau wie bei Pen-&-Paper-Rollenspielen können Spieler ihre Helden erstellen, indem sie Volk, Klasse und Persönlichkeit der einzelnen Charaktere auswählen und ihre Werte auswürfeln.

Ihr trefft die Entscheidungen, die Würfel bestimmen euer Schicksal.

  • Ein episches Teamabenteuer. Entdeckt die zerschlagene Welt von Solasta: Durchsucht Ruinen und Dungeons nach legendären Schätzen, ergründet die Wahrheit hinter einem uralten Kataklysmus – und verhindert, dass die Katastrophe erneut über die Welt hereinbricht.
  • Erstellt mit unserem Tool zur Charaktererstellung in klassischer Pen-&-Paper-Manier eure eigene Abenteurergruppe, haucht euren Helden Leben ein und erlebt, wie sich ihre Persönlichkeit in den Dialogen widerspiegelt. Passt eure Gruppe an eure bevorzugte Strategie an und bringt ihre Stärken zur Geltung. Ihr habt die Wahl.
  • Entdeckt eine dynamische Welt voller Geheimnisse.
  • Erforscht lang vergessene Dungeons, um uralte Artefakte zu bergen, aber behaltet die Lichtverhältnisse im Auge: Die Dunkelheit birgt viele Gefahren, aber eine Lichtquelle lockt manchmal auch Monster an. Manche Gegner haben Dunkelsicht, andere fliehen vor dem Licht eurer Fackel … Erfahrene Abenteurer lernen, sich diesen Umstand zunutze zu machen.
  • Bekämpft Monster in taktischen, gruppen- und rundenbasierten Kämpfen. Die dynamische Umgebung von Solasta bietet viele interessante taktische Möglichkeiten. Brücken können einstürzen und Gegner hilflos und ohne Fluchtmöglichkeiten zurücklassen. Wände und Säulen können zum Einsturz gebracht werden – mit ein wenig Geschick sogar über den Köpfen eurer Gegner. Die Welt liegt euch zu Füßen.
  • Macht euch bereit für ein dreidimensionales Erlebnis.
  • Die Dungeons in Solasta sind mehr als nur ein flaches Spielbrett. Ihr könnt Hindernisse kletternd, springend und sogar fliegend überwinden und eure Gegner von oben oder unten überraschen oder ihnen entfliehen. Stoßt sie in Abgründe oder lasst von oben Gegenstände auf sie herabfallen. Positioniert euch auf höher gelegenem Terrain, um den Kampf von einer vorteilhaften Position aus zu beginnen.
  • Auch die Größe spielt eine Rolle. Entkommt durch enge Gänge, in die größere Gegner nicht hineinpassen, und kriecht durch Tunnel, um geheime Bereiche zu entdecken. Nutzt die Umgebung zu eurem Vorteil, um für eure Größe die passende Deckung zu finden. Aber seid auf der Hut – auch die Monster denken dreidimensional.


  • CPU: AMD FX 4300 / Intel Core i5-3570K
  • GFX: Radeon R9 285 / GeForce GTX 950
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: AND Ryzen 3 1300X / Intel Core i5-7400
  • GFX: Radeon RX 590 / GeForce GTX 1060
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

164 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.22 21:32
Sehr gut gemacht, auch die Einstellungsmöglichkeiten bieten einiges an Feintuning. Leider zu kurz. Ich habe noch nie ein Spiel so schnell durch gehabt. Natürlich steht jetzt das add on auf der Liste um den nächsten Kampagnen Abschnitt zu spielen. Jeder der Dragon Age Inquisition und Pathfinder:Kingmaker liebt wird auch hier auf seine kosten kommen.
58 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
5059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.22 14:39
neu angespielt und voll hängen geblieben
erinnert an die tolle Zeit in BG1+2,NWN und Pathfinder1+2
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.22 02:02
für jeden d&d fam ein muss!!!
845 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.22 17:44
super geil. in einer gruppe macht es erst richtig spaß
274 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.22 12:52
In Solasta erstellt man eine Gruppe aus 4 vordefinierten oder selbst erstellten Charakteren. Hierbei haben viele Faktoren, z.B. Volk, Klasse, Herkunft, eine Auswirkung darauf welche Fähigkeiten der Charakter beherrscht und lernen kann, sowie auch darauf, wie mit der Welt und anderen Personen interagiert. Somit kann für jeden einzelnen Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis entstehen.

Zur Story:

Es gibt natürlich um die namensgebende Krone des Magisters. Um sie herum wird im Laufe der Zeit eine immer größere Geschichte gewoben, welche es aufzudecken gilt. Darüber hinaus gibt es auch eine Menge Nebenquests, die die Lore meist sinnvoll ergänzen und teils auch mehr zum Hintergrund der eigenen Charaktere oder zumindest namhafter NPCs erzählen.

Alles in allem ein Spiel mit sehr vielen Möglichkeiten und gerade jene Spieler, die entweder auf Charaktereditoren stehen oder einfach in eine Welt mit einer tiefgreifenden Geschichte eintauchen wollen eine absolute Empehlung.
405 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 17:46
Seit lagen wieder einmal ein wirklich gutes Game!!!
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 16:24
Gutes D&D Kampfsystem, Mit Unterhaltsamer Story und Guten Charaktererstellung Möglichkeiten.
Lippensynchron sind die Dialoge teilweise nicht so on point aber noch ok
189 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 08:20
Wer rundenbasierte Taktik RPG´s mag wird dieses Game lieben! Ich spiele es sehr gerne und kann es uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
181 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 01:37
Bestes D&D Game da draußen. Habe lange gezögert mir das Spiel zu holen, aber wenn man Kreativ sein mag und sein eigenes Adventure bauen will, ist Solasta dank dem Dungeon Maker nen Traum. Eigene Dialogzeilen, Variablen, Ortsübergänge womit man eine ganze Kampagne bauen kann, eigene Itemdrops festlegen und sogar Hitpoints und Zeug bei Monster verändern! Fehlen tut mir da nur NPCs die herumwandern und das man mit waypoints arbeiten kann, mehr Monster generell, die möglichkeit den Monstern attacken zu geben (man kann nur die Angriffe die sie haben modifizieren, den Damage und die Schadensart oder Zustand), Sonst perfekt.

Die Kampagne selbst ist ganz okay, sie reißt einen nicht vom Hocker, denke sie hinterlässt auch keinen bleibenden Eindruck, für sowas ist vllt BG 3 dann besser geeignet, aber.. die Stimmung, das sich alles anfühlt wie ne echte D&D Gruppe, das die Kämpfe nach dem coolen System ablaufen und diese sind echt gut und teilweise nicht so einfach, das die Dialogzeilen von den Chars mit der passendem Charakter gesprochen werden..alles atmosphärisch. Die Grafik ist besser wie bei so uralt D&D Games, wobei ich bei lebzeiten (BG 2 Fan bleibe) ist das bei Sola ein richtiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung, sie muss nicht perfekt sein wie in BG 3, dieser nicht perfektionismus sorgt ebenfalls für ne Oldschoolatmosphäre. Die Menues und Leisten und kram waren mir lange ein Dorn im Auge, sah nicht richtig passend für ein RPG aus, aber..selbst an diese glatte Oberfläche gewohnt man sich nicht nur schnell, man beginnt sie sogar gut zu finden mit der Zeit...fragt mich nicht wieso ..^^ aber das Interface mag man mit der Zeit.

Soweit ich weiß gibt es keine Char Exportfunktion! DAs ist doof, weil man die Gruppe der Mainstory dann nur mit Fleißarbeit in anderen selbstgemachten Dungeons nutzen kann. Während die Chars in der Kampagne aufleveln, bleiben sie im Titelmenue auf lvl 1. Man muss also diese Chars im Titelmenue nach dem vorbild wie man sie in der Kampagne gespielt hat genauso hochsetzen. Das geht dort einfach mit auflvlklick. Und die Ausrüstung übertragen ist auch so ne Sache...naja..dennoch!
Unbedingt kaufen! Lohnt sich! Werdet mehr Spielzeit in das Spiel stecken, als ihr in BG 3 am Ende reinstecken könnt, denn BG 3 is nach 1-2-3........ mal durch......aber Sola is forever ;)
39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 22:33
Gutes Spiel

Nur leider stürzt der Koop öfters bei überraschten Kämpfern ab. Und ja das mit den Stein des Glücks haben wir schon behoben x)
150 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 11:21
Its sooooo great^^
151 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 19:39
Ich spiele dieses Spiel seit der Beta. Anfangs noch recht schwer getan, viele Buggs und paar mechanics die mir persönlich nicht gefallen haben. Aber seitdem Release, ersten DLC und jetzt auch dem zweiten kann ich sagen dass ich dieses Spiel liebe. Den Coop Modus habe ich noch nicht getestet aber wenn nur halb so viel spaß macht das solo zu spielen bin trotzdem begeistert. Natürlich gibt es noch buggs, und keine Deutsche Synchro aber hey die braucht man nicht, man kommt auch ohne ganz gut klar. Eine Sache die mir an dem Spiel aber sehr gefällt, wie die Developer in regelmäßigen Abständen große und Kleine DLC´s raushaut. Das beste Feature aber, auch wenn meine Freunde keine der DLC´s haben kann ich die spiele hosten und wir können trotzdem alle DLC inhalte mitbenutzen. Dann muss ich meine freunde nicht zum kauf von DLC´s überreden, können sich einfach selbst ein Bild machen.

Also mein Fazit: Wer CRPG´s mag, auf DnD steht oder ein gutes coop game braucht sollte bei dem Spiel zuschlagen. Absolute Kaufempfehlung :D
151 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 18:42
Für mich als Pen&Paper Fan ein richtig schönes Spiel und macht natürlich mehr Laune mit Freunden :)
100 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 19:16
Einfach billig. Kann ich nicht empfehlen
63 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 17:45
If you are looking for a PvE Chess game, buy it. If you are looking for an RPG then don'T buy it. The only good thing about this game is it's combat, and there is too much of it for my taste. NPCs are irrelevant. They are the most generic characters you could have in a game. Only quest givers with no depth.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 18:33
Dies ist meine erste Rezession, normalerweise lese ich eher im Stillen mit und halte mich zurück.
Diesmal muss ich wirklich meinen Senf dazu geben und das vollumfänglich positiv!
Ich habe in meinem Leben schon einige RPGs genossen, ganz 'old fashioned' mit Stift und Papier, später die erste DSA Umsetzung. Das zeigt schon, dass ich durchaus auch schon einige Lenze erlebt habe. Divinity Original Sin 2 und BG3 waren für mich echte Highlights und Solasta habe ich eher nebenbei erworben.
Solasta hat mich unwiederbringlich in seinen Bann gezogen! Die Story, die wirklich fesselnd ist, die humorvollen und manchmal zwischen den Zeilen spitzen Kommentare der Charaktere untereinander, all das macht Solasta für mich absolut einzigartig. Solasta ist für mich das gelungenste, rundeste Rollenspiel seit langer Zeit! Leider hatte ich die Kickstarter Aktion verpasst, möchte aber den Entwicklern zusichern, dass ich bei einem zweiten Teil sofort mit dabei bin. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf das DLC, das im November erscheinen soll. Leute, ihr seid großartig! Bitte macht weiter so!
668 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 15:22
Abosutley yes. Nice D&D 5.1 Game. Character creation is funny when you dice much for the right stats. And i like the voiceover. It is the same as in Pathfinder:K where not al hits or spells meet the enemys, but combat is good and you have some options.
I highliy remmond it for all RPG & D&D fan's.
374 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
2157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 11:29
Echt sehr gut gemachtes Rollenspiel mit viel Pen&Paper-Feeling. Ich habe letztes Jahr die erste Version bereits gespielt, und finde sie haben seitdem wirklich noch einiges verbessert. Auf jeden Fall eine große Empfehlung für alle, die auch Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Divine Divinity oder ähnliches mögen. Tolles Spiel!
150 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 20:15
Also erstmal großes Lob für all die Komfor-Funktionen, Dialoge überspringen bei Händlenr, schnellreise im selben Gebiet, bei der Reise vordefinieren wie alles abläuft, das ist super! Ich weiß manche möchten auch das kleinste detail regeln, aber ich hingegen möchte einfach spielen, da kommt mir das sehr recht. Auch weil die Kämpfe und dialoge, soweit ich bis jetzt gespielt habe, auch spaß machen und Unterhalten. Besonders erwähnt werden sollte auch die Plünderer Funktion, ich meine wir alle kennen das, zugemülltes Inventar weil wir nichts liegenlassen wollen was Geld bringt. Hier hingegen haben wir eine aufräumcrew hinter uns die für einen Anteil an der Beute alles aufsammelt. Das möchte ich im jeden Spiel dieser Art haben!
Also vom Spielspaß her, Ersteindruck gut!

Nun zu den negativ Sachen. Ich habe ein paar youtube reviews geschaut und muss bestätigen, die Welt wirkt ein bisschen leblos an manchen ecken und die Animationen sind auch nicht immer up-to-date.
Was mich allerdings wirklich stört ist die Story. Mit so wenig spoiler wie möglich: Wir finden einen Feind von dem unser Auftraggeber nichts weiß oder seine Existens aufgrund von mangelnden Beweißen leugnet. Das wäre OK, WENN NICHT MEIN INVENTAR VOLL VON BEWEISEN WÄRE. Zähne der Kreaturen z.B. auch gibt es mehrere Augenzeugen, ein paar dutzend Tote durch angriffe, andere Gruppen die den Feind auch begegnet sind etc etc etc. Das stört mich, der ich auf gute story achte, schon gewltig.

Trotzdem, wegen dem allgemeinen Spielspaß und der sehr benutzerfreundlichen programierung gibts von mir nen Daumen rauf :)
701 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 11:21
DND 5E in Reinform! Story ist interessant, Kämpfe sind herausfordernd. Also super Ersatz für alle, die ihre DND-Runde aufgrund der Pandemie vermissen.

Einziger Wermutstropfen:
Nicht alle Rassen, Klassen und Archetypen sind vertreten. Hoffentlich gibt es hierfür in Zukunft Mods oder gar offizielle Addons!
242 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 11:19
Ich liebe es.
Gerade weil es seine Ecken und Kanten hat.
Die Interaktion der Charaktere aufgrund ihrer Herkunft, Klasse usw ist meiner Meinung nach bisher am besten umgesetzt.
Es braucht Zeit um sich damit zu beschäftigen.
Für mich definitiv sehr Immersive. (Hach Fremdwörter sind toll)
Die Grafik ist etwas veraltet, jedoch keineswegs schlecht.
Baldurs Gate 3 Grafik mit den Mechaniken von Solasta wären ein Träumchen.
So oder so als Old school RPGLER klare Kaufempfehlung.
Baldurs Gate 3 mag in anderen Punkten besser sein aber bei Inovation und Interaktion zwischen den Charakteren ist Solasta klar besser.
(Ich liebe beide Spiele auf ihre Art)
206 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
3537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 14:51
Ich weiß nicht, ob das so beabsichtigt war, aber im Grunde erhält man mit Solasta ein Spiel, das stark an XCOM mit Fantasy-Stetting und D&D-Regeln erinnert. Gefällt mir bereits nach nur 10h sehr gut!
25 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 11:31
wirklich wirklich ein TOP GAME , ich bin total überrascht das ich dieses spiel nie auf dem Radar Hatte , Baldurs Gate 3 darf sich sehr warm anziehen den Solasta ist besser in der kameraführung die komplett möglich ist mit der Maus , eine wunderbare kampftechnik einfach zu bedienen schnell zu lernen sehr übersichtlich nie frustrierend , eine wahnsinns karte wenn man die taste M drückt super gezeichnet, bis jetzt echt nichts gefunden was schlecht war , Baldurs Gate 3 ist umfangreicher und was ich BG3 noch sehr zuschreiben muss man kann verschiedene Klassen mitnehmen bzw. Austauschen und das fast jeder Zeit , das fehlt mir bei solasta sehr , dickes minus .
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 23:50
Sehr sehr geiles Game. Klar es ist noch nicht Perfekt. Aber für nee Beta der Hammer.

Bitte weiter so.
69 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 22:34
Just a very good game even in Early Access. It has a lot of potential!
Compared to other games:
+Create your own party (you can create all characters)

+Great content / good story / fascinating voice acting

+good weapons / armor / loots

+good graphic for now

+great gameplay


-there need to be more variety of skills (skill tree for example)

-it feels that there could be more weapons / different unique items / rare items / spell items (I really miss those things)

-in combat there could be more visuals and variety: for e.g.: throw a stone / a tree at enemies, see ice effects, slowing effects in more details, show different explosions with spells (more spells!!)

All in all a must have game for this fans of this genre. Still it is a solid base. It just needs to get a bit better and it will be one of the top games ever made! Even better than BG3 in my opinion , and of course its a smaller studio.

PLS KEEP ON THE GOOD WORK!!! SOLASTA / Tactical Adventures
146 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 11:33
Solasta ist ein CRPG, das versucht, sich sehr nah an die Regeln von D&D (5. Edition) zu halten.
Dies gelingt zum großen Teil wunderbar, besonders die rundenbasierten Kämpfe zeige ndies, in denen
man mit Taktik vorgehen muss, um als Sieger hervorzugehen.

Natürlich bedingt dies auch, dass man mit den Reglen vertraut ist, was auf Basis eines sehr gelungenen Tutorials versucht wird, zu erklären. Ansonsten wundert man sich evtl., warum die eigene Gruppe in dunklen Dungeons nichts trifft....

Insgesamt macht Solasta einen sehr guten Eindruck, die Maps sind schön beleuchtet und der Sound macht einen ordentlichen Eindruck bisher. Es gibt viele kleine Puzzles, um z.B. an Schatzkisten zu kommen (Teleport Spell z.B. nutzen) und die Kämpfe sind das Herz des Spiels, die wirklich klasse umgesetzt sind.

Allerdings sind die Charaktermodelle und avor allem Cutscenes sehr hölzern, es gibt nur eine sehr geringe Auswahl (hässlicher) Modelle zur Individualisierung seiner Charaktere. Das ist sehr schade....
Zudem gibt es nur 5 Rassen und 6 Klassen, was gemessen am Repertoire von D&D sehr wenig ist.
Dafür wurde jede Klasse sehr detailgetreu umgesetzt und Solasta spielt sich tatsächlich sehr nah am Tabletop, was so bisher keine Computerrollenspiel geschafft hat.

Ich freue mich schon auf die Zeit nach dem EA !!!
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 17:09
Charakter-Erschaffung bietet viele Möglichkeiten. Die ersten Missionen nach der kurzen Einführung fand ich auch sehr liebevoll gemacht.
Die Dialoge sind halt D&D like (Dragon Age hat da mehr Pepp) und es hätten durchaus mehr charakterspezifische und rassenabhängige Alternativen sein können.
188 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 16:58
Seit langem mal wieder ein Rollenspiel, das mich vollends überzeugt.
Ich weiß jetzt schon, dass ich es nach dem Early Access noch einmal von vorn spielen werde.
Seit Neverwinter Nights 1 hat mich kein Rollenspiel mehr so in den Bann gezogen.
Ich bin nicht frustriert, wenn ich einen Kampf mal nicht schaffe, sondern lade neu und probiere eine neue Strategie aus. Bisher hat's im zweiten Anlauf dann auch immer geklappt.
Die Story macht neugierig. Und beim Erforschen hat man wirklich das Gefühl, was zu entdecken. Auch bin ich häufiger im Schleichmodus als nötig, weil man ständig die Gefahr spürt, die um die nächste Ecke lauern könnte.
Wer CRPGs mag, wird Solasta lieben.
For a long time now, this is a role-playing game that completely convinces me.
I already know that I will play it again after Early Access.
Since Neverwinter Nights 1, no role-playing game has fascinated me as much.
I'm not frustrated when I can't manage a fight, but I reload and try out a new strategy. So far it has always worked out in the second attempt.
The story makes you curious. And when exploring you really have the feeling of discovering something. I'm also in stealth mode more often than necessary, because you constantly sense the danger lurking around the next corner.
Those who like CRPGs will love Solasta.
259 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
2034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 18:13
Während Baldur's Gate 3 von BG 1&2 inspiriert ist, ist Solasta klar von Icewind Dale 1&2 inspiriert. Ein klarer Fokus auf Kämpfe in relativ offenen Leveln mit vielen Geheimnissen, verschiedenen Wegen usw., aber vom Storyverlauf her durchaus linear. Die rundenbasierten Kämpfe und die Charakterentwicklung sind das Highlight, mir gefällt das Spiel schon jetzt besser als Baldur's Gate 3.
8 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
30798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.22 00:16
Man, I had fun, that's it.
19 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.22 14:01
I am a big fan of CRPG's, D&D, and any game that allows for character customization and tactical battles. That said, I think what Tactical Adventures has done here with Solasta and its DLC's (all of which are in my library, well worth the price) is very polished and noteworthy. Especially when I consider the size of their studio, the immense task of so faithfully adapting the 5e ruleset to a computer game format, and the depth and breadth of the gameplay styles it allows, I am blown away by the combat sequences--which dominate 95% of the gaming experience.

That is super fortunate too because the storyline, atmosphere, and voice acting are all sub-par to the extent that I am legitimately wondering whether or not it might have been intentional, a sort of satirical rub against the industry standards of churning out poorly written fantasy epics. Considering how utterly polished the gameplay itself is, the difference in quality is very glaring. So, yeah, I have to wonder if it was intentional.

On a final note: PLEASE INCLUDE A WARLOCK CLASS SOON! That and sorcerer are easily my two favorite D&D classes.
722 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.22 00:45
PROS: Awesome experience! First RPG videogame I played in 20+ years that got crafting right: magical items make a difference and are not OP; ingredients are rare enough to keep you looting every box but not impossible to obtain; crafting items actually takes a reasonable amount of time to complete that feel like an investment. Some items can be crafted, some are only dropped. Combat is challenging and long resting spots are carefully placed. Good graphics in the scenarios, good aambient music.

CONS: player character graphics could be better, cosmetics like equipped weapons and items also deserve some more attention.
440 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
8000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.22 03:40
Solasta is the single best 5e simulator in existence. Faithful to the ruleset while not allowing that faith to burden the port to a video game (such as slight modifications to how shields are equipped).
If playing DnD 5e with by yourself or friends sans DM sounds like fun to you, then I can not recommend this enough. The graphics are not entirely amazing but gosh is it a lot of fun :)
139 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.22 14:40
A love letter to Dungeon and Dragons 5th edition. The voice acting is cheesy and terrible but still an amazing game for those that love the table top genre. Great game for those trying to scratch the dnd itch between sessions,
110 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 08:23
Here's a brief description of the gameplay.

You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You hit for 2 points of damage.
17 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 23:16
I had heard great things about this game, so I was anxious to try it. The characters....Are horrible looking, faces look like pez dispensers, with hair that clips, and ugly heads.

There are very few voice options, that don't sound older (fine if you want to play older characters, but I was looking to play some young elves...they all sounded like they smoked 6 packs a day, and grew up on the street, even if I chose Aristocratic background).

I thought the game play was clunky and weird. I didn't care about the quests, it was all dark, and weird, and I just ended up killing things. I wanted to do more, than just kill stuff and creep around the landscape.

Not my thing I guess.
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 12:05
I want to like this game. The early part felt similar to the old pen and paper D&D games that I played years ago. Unfortunately, towards the end of the game I encountered a bug that prevented me from continuing further.
It was after a certain council member revealed that they could transform into a dragon. I was making my way through the Aer Elai when I encountered some Air Elementals. The game glitched.
The error that showed upon restarting the game suggested that I lower the graphics to continue onward. I went through this process a number of times until the graphics settings was LOW and the framerate was set to 30. I turned off VSYNC and AA.
It looked like I might be able to get through on those settings, but after a round or so of combat with the Air Elementals it glitched again.
I don't know how many times I restarted the game, and rebooted my computer (just to be sure), but in the end it wasn't enough.
I'm playing on Windows 10, i7-10750H processor, 16GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX2060 6GB. It should have enough grunt to play the game - and it does for most of the game; just not the end bit.
I'm restarting the game from scratch because I know the early part of the game works. I'd like to recommend it to others, but in its present form I really can't.
57 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 23:09
I played this amazing game from beginning to end. I don't usually play through RPGs more than once, but it's likely I'll play this one again. If you like tactical games, and have ever played a fantasy table top or board game, this could be for you!
72 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 11:15
What a brilliant game if you're a fan of 5th Edition D&D.

More faithful game to the system than Baldurs Gate 3 (also brilliant but in different ways)

I really recommend this game. My playlist of playing is below.
175 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 23:16
If you're looking for a modern game that uses the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons rule set, you're basically limited to this and/or Baldur's Gate 3. However, unlike the latter this game is true to the rules.

It's a lot of fun but it really feels like it never left it's early access roots. It almost feels like it went into 1.0 just so it could ask for more money. As it stands right now, the game is $40 with a $10 DLC that adds 2 classes, a race, and a background. Things which are already in the Player's Handbook for the 5th edition game. The game does not play like a $50 game, it plays like a $10-20 one.

The story is very lackluster, it strings you along generic quests sometimes to just introduce new plot points and sometimes just to introduce new features.

I am just holding out hope that they start fixing the issues before just cutting out more DLC and asking for another $10.
36 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 20:10
First, I want to say I am a long time D&D player/DM and love that someone went to the effort to make a game that is true to the rules of the game. That is what is best about Solasta. Unfortunately, that is also what is worst about it.

Second, this is not the typical open world RPG, nor does it claim to be. You don't get to wander about and do as you please. There is a central quest and a few side quests. If you don't like something, you're stuck. You have to wade through it to get to what's next.

D&D was never friendly to new player, levels 1-3. It took careful design to make an adventure for a group of low level players. Even more hand holding for people new to the game. We DMs always took licences to modify the rules and help get players out of bad situations in the beginning. Solasta is an unforgiving implementation of the game. If the player knows what to do, they can find the section to modify those rules that are excessively hard on players, but you have to be an experience player to know what to change. Solasta should have had an extensive starter segment that led players through the first three levels, with lots of hints about what not to do.

As it is, I think most players give up on Solasta before they get to level 4. It seems, based on the achievements, that less than half get to level 8, and maybe 25% finish the game. I stuck with it till the last parts, and even though I love D&D, I found it just got too weird. It seemed like the designer thought the game had lacked something flashy and tried to put it in at the end. I lost interest in navigating the weirdness and gave up on it.

My recommendation, if you are a D&D fan with some experience, pick up Solasta enjoy the parts of the game you like, then dip into the mods. We can hope for more normal content in the future. For players new to D&D, take a step back and reconsider this game. It can be fun, but it can also be frustrating.
334 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 22:56
I play alot of 5e tabletop. The implementation of the 5e ruleset is actually pretty good, but I couldn't handle the constant cut scenes and railroad style narrative. Tried really hard to like this game. I guess I'm looking for more of a sandbox than a grand narrative adventure. Not my cup of tea, but it still might be yours. The game is not bad at all, just not what I hoped for.
401 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
4151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 16:06
Great CRPG.
Before playing install Solasta Community Expansion from Nexus mods site, it will give you respec, 20 lvl cap and a lot of quality of life stuff.
I hope we will see Solasta 2 of sorts.
44 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 06:51
Grabbed this game during the most recent sale. Having a blast playing this gem! Once I got used to it, I'm having these epic battles that last what seems forever that are rewarding. I'm pretty sure i'll invest in the DLC as well. If you like turn-based combat ya gotta try this game.
58 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 05:57
I’ve seen a fair few people not quite understanding what this game is, so I’m writing this to hopefully clarify some things for prospective customers. Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an adaptation of 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons’ SRD (system reference document). This means that the game plays by the rules of 5E D&D with exaction. However, the SRD only contains that which its designers considered absolutely essential in order to run and play D&D. The 5th Edition SRD is released under the Open Game License (OGL), allowing anyone to use its contents freely in their own work for potential profit. Solasta’s marketing goes out of its way to mention that Tactical Adventures received a license from Wizards of the Coast to use the SRD. . . . But if you are reading this, you have the exact same license.

The SRD does not contain multiclassing (it is an optional rule in 5E). That’s why this game doesn’t allow you to multiclass.

The SRD contains only one feat, just to provide an example for content designers to build off of (feats are also optional in 5E). That’s why this game doesn’t contain the feats you will be familiar with.

The SRD contains only one subclass per class, meaning it was necessary for the Tactical Adventures team to improvise their own subclasses to fill out a complete roster. Solasta’s original subclasses are not well-designed in my opinion.

All that said, Solasta: Crown of the Magister is, as many have pointed out, the most faithful 5E game you’ll find at the moment. Compared to Baldur’s Gate III, this game is much more deserving of the Dungeons & Dragons mark if you consider only the fidelity of its mechanics (Larian has taken 5E’s system design into its own hands, to the system’s overall detriment). And Solasta is pretty fun sometimes, if you like 5E combat, and has some really nice touches, like the way jumping across gaps and ledges works.

HOWEVER, as someone who backed right when this game came out in early access, now that it’s received a full release, I can’t really consider it a finished product. The point at which I got turned off was when TA started selling a paid DLC to add in base classes found in the SRD, which I assumed were something that would be included with the game’s full release. That DLC doesn’t contain all of the missing SRD classes, so I’d expect another one at a similar price point in the future. That means the game’s “true” price to get everything that should be included as a base feature will probably be $60, so the game needs to be measured against other games with a $60 launch price, or at least a $50 launch price.

The game, of course, has other issues. Subclass balance is not great. You don’t have very much freedom with how you make your characters, and how you play them makes little difference, at least as far as I’ve seen. And since this is a turn-based game where you control a party of four characters, this game could and should support multiplayer (I mean, it’s Dungeons & Dragons, isn’t it?). I’d guess the fact that it doesn’t likely means there’s no one at Tactical Adventures capable of implementing it (i.e. it isn’t going to be patched in any time soon).

This all adds up to my feeling that this game isn’t worth its full asking price. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad game, and it was made by a pretty small team with no previous titles that I know of; it’s a respectable accomplishment, and for that reason I don’t regret my decision to support its development. This game makes me wish I didn’t have to choose a thumbs up or a thumbs down for my review, because it’s a game that is just okay. It’s fairly competent, but it doesn’t measure up to its competitors. If you’re looking for a really solid, modern-feeling tabletop adaptation, you’d be better served by Pathfinder: Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous, and if you want to play a D&D video game with your friends and don’t mind dealing with some old-school jank, you’ll want Neverwinter Nights or Neverwinter Nights 2. Solasta: Crown of the Magister is only a good purchase if you’re a true 5E enthusiast.
177 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
13134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 18:12
I was looking forward to this game because people kept saying it was very faithful to the 5e ruleset (not that 5e ruleset is the best, but they are decent). Anyway, i was surprised to find the barest of bones 5e. none of the feats match. none of the simple variable rules even present. No multi-class!? Lots of important spells missing, like boomingblade and the other melee cantrips. And the paths are atrocious, not even close to their 5e counterparts.

was very disappointed. was going to refund, but i checked out the modding community, and they have salvaged this game. With the Community Expansion and the Community Expansion - Multiclass, they managed to bring this game to what it should have been right from the beginning (but even with the community mods, there is much more work to be done, specifically the paths need to be brought in line with the 5e ruleset).

The character customization visuals are also pretty bad. like really bad. boy, do they have awful 3D modelling/art animators. The general in-game art is good though, like the weapons and armour, and the mapping is really beautiful.

The core gameplay mechanics of time, short rests, long rests, camping, stealth, looting, encumbrance are all very close to 5e, and they work well in my opinion, and the verticality is something new and different. It has set a new bar for DnD based rpgs.

So I'll still give it a thumbs up, since it has a lot of potential, but buy only at half price, AND definitely mod it if you prefer an experience that actually resembles 5e.

After completing the main campaign i have one last suggestion to the game designers: You need to figure a way to make time relevant. I love the realtime, and that you can choose when to short rest or long rest, but it becomes an issue when you can short rest after every single fight and not have to worry that you are running out of in-game world time. In real life rpg games, everytime the party wastes an hour short resting, npcs react to the player characters and carry out their plans. ie. When a party exploring a dungeon chooses to go back outside (or find a safe room) to long rest, they risk the dungeons primary faction preparing for them, gathering reinforcements, or perhaps even being assaulted themselves as they sleep.

ie. there should be a cost to constantly resting and being at full power, and perhaps a reward for pushing on even when you are low on resources. The designers should, if possible, figure a way to make time into a resource that also has to be juggled.
114 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 00:10
This game is a fantastic adaptation of DnD into a video game format. I do hope they add more races and classes, not to mention a multiplayer mode to play with friends. Still, highly recommend the game for anyone who likes DnD.
255 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 21:50
Technically brilliant. with a few glaring exceptions. No flanking being one.

The campaign and the voice acting are absolute hogwash however. Embarrassingly bad most of the way. The end of the game is absolute garbage. You'll know what I mean when you get there (if you can be bothered to play it for that long). We're talking Mass Effect 3 bad. Bakshi Lord of the Rings.

Some of the lines are preposterous too, for instance, when my thief tried to convince the party that stealing was bad. Or my paladin of Einar, god of justice asked who she was to act as a judge? (I mean, you're a paladin of Einar love, you ARE judge, jury and executioner).

Also, base classes as paid DLC? That doesn't seem right.

Worst of all, it 45.3 hours of my life i wont be getting back.

Ultimately very disappointing.
522 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 17:05
Whew. This game is good. Beautifully faithful to the D&D 5e ruleset. If you know how to play 5e, you know how to play this. If you don't, well, you'll be a master by the end of the game. I've been playing and DMing 5e for almost 7 years now, and I honestly feel like this game has taught me how to be a better player and a better DM. The level design is great, the story is pretty enjoyable and the encounter design is pretty awesome, even with the somewhat limited enemy types. And I laughed out loud several times during the character dialogue, the writing is great and I honestly felt really attached to my party by the end. I picked this game up during the sale and put almost 35 hours into just the base campaign. I think I am going to give it a rest for a couple weeks before trying the other campaigns and the workshop ones. I haven't had the chance to play Baldurs gate 3, so I can't compare it to it's arguably biggest competitor, but I'll admit I enjoyed it much more than Divinity II Original Sin. And Solasta is much more reasonably priced compared to BG 3. Play it, it's good.
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 20:30
Paid DLC for what amounts to a small update? Really?
266 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 03:28
TL;DR Game is good, but definitely get it on sale, and expect a number of issues, some of which are game-breaking

As of writing this, i've just completed the main campaign, 67.1hrs and I feel I gotta list the issues i've encountered while playing (coop with a friend by using Parsec).

Magic Items/Crafting:
-There is no crafting capable NPC, anywhere, So if you don't have someone who can craft, your only option for getting (necessary, very necessary) magic weapons and such is by working with factions. Getting the first magic weapon at lvl8 really sucks due to the number of non-magical melee resistant enemies. Also, getting a two handed magic weapon that isn't a longsword is pretty damn hard. Even worse if you want magic full plate, gotta max a faction for that. There are also no magic crossbows. Finally, there is no Feat or other way to pick up proficiency to allow enchanting (though a character without the proficiency can pick up Master Enchanter Feat =/ )

Thief Rogue/Sneak Attack:
-Thief rogue is all about using magic items while ignoring their restrictions. This feature comes online at lvl13. The game currently stops at lvl12. Yeah. So you have to rely on sneak attack, and therein lies the problem. In addition to truly bizzare LoS issues, things that should be complete (not 3/4) cover often aren't, preventing the Hide action, and thus sneak attack. The enemies also seem to have 360 degree vision (regardless of sensory organs) and many VERY important fights take place in enclosed arenas which have ZERO cover to hide behind. Game also doesn't factor in size differences for LoS blocking, so halfling rogues have a sad time. Finally, often combat follows a small dialogue/cutscene so there's no chance to hide or take cover or anything, so turn 1 for a rogue often sucks.

-So, in addition to there being no subclass which allows wildshape as a bonus action, nor empowered wildshape, druid also suffers from a concentration heavy spell list. So the druid basically has to constantly consider the benefit of dropping concentration to do another thing, but wildshaping and doing animal things is basically out (due to action economy and poor wildshape animal stats). The worst part however, is that spell targeting appears to work as though the spell effect source is a small creature, and this means you can't place spells where enemies are standing. Moonbeam on a vampire? Nope, the spell can't be placed there. You also can't rotate spells to fix this, so it's basically pick a bad spot or cast nothing.

-The game plays like a wizard is an absolute necessity (see the crafting bit), and they're pretty good to play, but the Lore-based subclass and abundance of scrolls ends up cucking the wizard. Lots of Scrolls, getting more spells per level and such is good for filling a spellbook, however the spellbook has a CAPACITY for some reason, and if the wizard doesn't have enough room to write new spells and is trying to level up, they'll find they CANNOT LEVEL UP until they buy a new spellbook (which can mean travelling across the entire badlands to reach a store =/ ).

-The main campaign has a pretty good story, but it's very linear, with many choices being basically irrelevant after the fact though they feel relevant in the moment. Even if you know a dialogue branch is coming, or a persuasion/deception attempt, there's not much you can do to influence it, as insight almost always preceeds the check so guidance is useless. Reload that save. Often times an NPC will accompany the party too, and they're critical, so they hit zero and game over, which sucks due to frequent ambushes and assassins/casters dropping dps and forcing a save reload. Finally, the later sections of the main story have 100% irrelevant NPC's (Volcano i'm looking at you, and you Zhoron) and the choices don't matter in the slightest.

-Honestly the barbarian is pretty consistent, with the stone subclass being very good (if uninteresting) however the class relies heavily on getting magic weapons and the reckless mechanic is inexplicably one sided and often buggy. Reckless attacks give enemies advantage against the barbarian, but if any enemy uses Reckless, you get nothing to hit them =/ not to mention reckless giving ranged enemies adv but not giving adv to ranged melee javelins.

-So, there aren't a huge amount of enemies in the game, and a LOT of them feel like they SHOULD have vulnerabilities but they often don't or worse have resistances instead. Very few undead are vulnerable to radiant, but some burn from being in bright light from ANY source. Elementals exist, but aren't vulnerable to the opposing type (Large fire elementals are resistant to cold but the medium/small ones are vulnerable) and often don't do their elemental type (air does bludgeoning and so does earth). Ghosts/Spectral enemies are absurd to actually fully damage.
-Sidequests are an important source of exp, as being underleveled absolutely sucks, but basically every sidequest except the Forgotten Temple simply boils down to: Return to Location X fight enemies who are there, interact with an object and return to quest board. Very boring. Backstory quests are the exception, and they are actually quite interesting some times.
Spybarian ftw. The rewards are also often quite bad, including literally useless magic items (armbands of sparkle >=/ )

-If the party does not have the ability to identify items (no wizard), any magic weapon (or ammo) will NOT FUNCTION when wielded (even if it's only +x and has no activated abilities) which absolutely sucks as resistances vs non-magical weapons are heavily prevalent in both main campaign and side campaigns. Also, potions have to be identified unless you craft them yourself or if you have duplicates already identified in your inventory. Game essentially REQUIRES a wizard in the party to identify.

Honorable Glitch Mention:
-Party Life Cleric used Divine Intervention at lvl10, 10%, succeeded and a Divine Avatar NPC was added to the party (instead of what should happen), she has 184hp (more than 20con barbarian at max lvl) and hits for 2d6+7 bludgeoning and 5d8 radiant. For some reason she glitched out and stayed with the party from lvl10 to the end of the main campaign. Absolutely broken in our favor.

ok done
296 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 08:19
За последние 10 лет вышло не так уж много проектов по DnD и Solasta, пожалуй, ближе всех подобралась к аутентичной реализации настольных правил и условностей в видеоигровом формате. В технических аспектах сильно проигрывает таким дорогим мейнстримным тайтлам, как серия Divinity, но обладает своим собственным шармом и не нуждается в сравнениях для того, чтобы быть самодостаточной. В большей степени это именно настольная ролевая игра, чем полноценная crpg.

- очень доходчивый интерфейс, позволяющий легко въехать в базовые правила даже малознакомым с системой игрокам: от создания персонажей до внутриигровой энциклопедии
- интересная история, напоминающая по духу первый NWN
- высокая вариативность боевой части в соответствии с настольным рулбуком: полеты, перемещение по стенам и прочие нетрадиционные методы взаимодействия с окружением
- местами ужасающая графика из 2005 г: при неплохом качестве локаций и эффектов, модели существ и персонажей и большинство анимаций находятся на уровне средней руки модов на Морровинд
- линейнейная кампания без особых развилок и вариативности в прохождении
74 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 07:29
Okay lets get the bad out of the way.
The story is meh at best. Just doesn't feel fleshed out and a completely created party adds almost no soul to it.
The graphics are okay. Small studio without a triple A budget so this is better than most.
Level cap is low. 12 is low. Your characters arent going to have a crap ton of depth.

Now the good.
If you want a 5E tactical RPG with roll mechanics for everything like a real DnD game this is your game and its basically built around that. If you can head canon your party's relationship with each other and the world like the real tabletop game you can play this because thats basically what you get. Its the experience of a 5E campaign with all the bonuses and negatives that come along with it. Also note once again its a small studio so they are trying to push more content, but if you're looking for a rich deep story and can't throw your own imagination into it, then this experience might disappoint.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 19:05

Great combat, pretty true to 5th Edition DND. Combat is good but the pace of encounter design and unfolding story is bad. The makers utilized 5vedition SRD rules which is open license unfortunately, they didn't read the challenge rating / experience earned cap. While not specifically expressed in the numbers I'll present battles should be represented in the following ratio. 35% of battles should be easy 30% should be medium 20% should be hard 10% should be very hard and 5% should be deadly. Easy battles don't take away resources. Medium battles take away 10% of resources hard battles take away 20% of resources, very hard take away 50% of resources and deadly battles take everything or need to be completed at a later time even prepped for with scrolls, researched strength/weaknesses, or fought at a later time. This formulae for progression is a tried and true method of ensuring areas are fleshed out with monsters and players are ensured a feeling of character progression/power/game mastery. Encounters per level 1 = 10 2 = 13 3 = 16 4 = 18 5 = 20. Every 20 encounters the player should level until level 10. I played the campaign until level four and then started created my own for friends because of how bad this one was. I don't think the game shows off the developers lack of skills just merely the money that was raised for funding. It's a great buy if you love dungeon crawls and are fine with skipping meaningless cutscenes so the game has a semblance of a story...but to be honest they would have been better suited to just makes a dungeon crawler and focused on better encounter design. 5/10 still worth the 20$ i purchased it for because of the dungeon creator.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 16:22
Fun and challenging turn-based game. Graphics are nice, story line is good. You can adjust character personalities, which can be quite funny. I will be playing again and again changing characters and difficulty.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 16:05
Great game for playing between my D&D sessions with friends!
99 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 20:38
Good when you have no friends to play D&D with.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 05:07
Mechanically faithful D&D 5e adaptation with an exceptionally clean and polished UI. Tactical game play and balance is excellent for experienced players at higher difficulty settings - I didn't play the easier modes.

Original setting felt lived in and graphically well rendered. I found the character dialogue a refreshing reprieve from the usual fantasy tropes. Character graphics are on a budget but adequate and do not inhibit game play (which is where Solasta really shines). Having run a lot of virtual table top D&D campaigns I would love this interface as a VTT so DM mode is wish list.

As they continue releasing more DLC and expanding character creation options as well as the campaign building tools this could become the platform of choice for the 5e equivalent of the NWN modding community. Does not have the full D&D license so content like subclasses are homebrew - also don't know what that means for porting classic modules over or modding licensed content back in. Fingers crossed as I always enjoy playing classic Gygax mods like Keep on the Borderlands on every new D&D port that comes out.
1974 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 10:48
Very nice implementation of the DnD 5.1 SRD. The game is combat-focused, with a serviceable linear story.
202 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 16:47
in my opinion it is a absolute update to NWN game play and camera are amazing and smooth while the turn based system is as polished as a trophy head,
217 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
10178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 16:35
Best thing since NWN. The game and the campaign are engaging and enjoyable. Very similar to 5E DnD but very easy to pick up if you're not familiar with that ruleset.

I have 112 hours in so far just playing the main campaign (you can complete it faster if you want). My best friend has 80 hours in but it is all designing and building dungeons. This is where the game has incredible potential. The campaign creation tools are in beta and don't have near the functionality needed yet but if that happens it will be like XCOM2 or Skyrim where people will still be creating and playing new content a decade later.
39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 04:25
This is what every D&D game should have been.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 13:40
perfect adaptation of 5e ruleset to combat. The verticality used in the game is impressive. I have been playing D&D games for the last 20 years, and this is the closest adaptation I have seen to dungeons and dragons ruleset. While the story is very mediocre, I strongly suggest this game as the combat is very engaging.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 05:34
I loved it! Brought back the joy and nostalgia I felt when I was a teenager playing Baldur's gate and the Icewind Dale games.
76 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 20:35
Overall loved the game, great D&D adaptation. You can feel it´s not a AAA title but that is also the charm of the game. Great turn-based combat, nice looking UI, good story and love all the geeky conversations. You feel it´s made by people who love the pen and paper D&D. Also liked the crafting system, in the end i thought it could be longer so i was wanting more when i was fininshed with the game. Highly recommend this for all who love D&D and this kind of Rpg´s.
151 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 09:45
Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an average D&D 5th ed. combat simulator.
5th ed. rules itself makes the character creation and leveling next to meaningless. One major part of D&D is the incredible vast possibilities to customize your gaming experience with the character creation and leveling, including multiclassing. Great example of the is Pathfinder Kingmaker with it's customized 3.5 ed. rules, infinitely more options. World map is way too small, travelling between places just stupid with 0 freedom of movement, the game maps are small and there is always just one way to go, there's always just one way to complete a quest. The essence of RPG should be the player freedom, multiple paths to different results, which is totally ignored here. 3 dimension maps and movement, though an innovation in the RPGs, feels more like a gimmick here, made just because you want to make pointless, unrealistic maps. Haven't tried the dungeon builder, though if this game is basically just a tool to make maps, it's heavily overpriced. I spent 29 hours in game and completed all the quests I could find, way too little to do as most of the time goes to running over to same map where you just came from. Zoom locking in world map and combat maps just tells me that the maps are way too small and they make it feel bigger by making the player scroll, it's aggrevating, but way to common in these kind of games. Combat simulation is good, though as the game itself feels just like a combat simulator, it should be good.

Worth of trying and buying if on sale for 15€.
265 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 12:02
If you just really, really want to play D&D in digital form and enjoy a story, Solasta is a decent game.
Maybe it's the early access thing, but the acting is not great, nor is the writing.
The reason I chose not to recommend it, though, is because the game breaks its own rules, which is very frustrating, for certain encounters.
ie: go to start an encounter, spend high level spell slots on buffs, only to find out that this encounter fast forwards time with no warning / removes your buffs. Place some torches instead, only to find that the encounter makes them inexplicably disappear. Position your characters strategically, but if this conflicts with where the game thinks they should be, they'll be repositioned for the encounter, if only just slightly, which breaks your formation.
So there's not much point to preparation except min/maxing and playing the meta.
Save often, if only because the game may crash occasionally.
210 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 18:23
The various pros/cons regarding the game mechanics have been discussed in depth. I'm going to take this in a different direction.

This is an AWESOME game for teaching someone DND 5e rules. Both DND and Solasta are heavily combat focused, and Solasta intuitively provides this information, while also staying highly loyal to the original RAW.

When I play DND 5e IRL, I've very often utilized my experience from Solasta for rule adjudication.

Things I learned from this game:
- Spell Familiarity. I'm now a LOT more familiar with Wizard vs Cleric vs Paladin vs Sorcerer spells, cantrips, and what they do.
- Hide rules. Never made sense to me whenever I read it. Makes sense to me after I played Solasta.
- Action Economy for spellcasters
- Chemistry between various classes and skills.
- The benefit of having dark vision.
- Becoming intimiately familiar with 4 different classes. Usually, when I play DND, I only really experience 1 class.

Is it replayable? Not really. Is the voice acting good? No. Is Solasta interesting? Not particularly. Is the storyline interesting? Definitely not.

Is it a fun and educational DND experience? Hell yeah. And for that, I'm giving this a huge thumbs up.
137 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 04:18
The best implementation of D&D 5th edition rules set. A good story ( linear with no fat) with some nice dialogues. Graphic might not be for everyone but overall I strongly recommend you to try.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 17:50
This is a wonderful game. Especially for dnd players but not only.
Even with limited content (when I played it) it was still a pleasure.

Nice graphics, mechanics and epic music.
833 Produkte im Account
178 Reviews
3510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 15:50
This is one of those games that if you could award it a middle thumb, you would.

Execution of 5e ruleset is ok? Sort of? There are a lot of fundamental things missing that the devs just outright said they won't do because it's too hard. Like multiclassing. How anyone can have a D&D game without multiclassing and think that's ok is a baffling mystery to me.

The mechanics of the gameplay is good, the story is utter trash. Uninspired, contrived and devolves into jump-cut vignettes (like going from a floating air platform maze room to a sideways house) with no story and a muddling conclusion. Zero exploration, zero player agency.

Maybe the devs are hoping for a NWN-ish player driven content situation? If so they've presented about half the game that NWN was which if you recall came with multiplayer out of the box and multiclassing.

So, this contender has short arms. It's swinging but - not really there. Not really.

Worth a play through at bargain bin prices but right now? It's looking half-assed.

2 out of 5 stars on my never-generous scale.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 02:58
It scratched my itch to play a tabletop D&D game. It's not like Divinity, or Baldur's Gate 3, but at least it has settings to help players play the game as originally intended or with some slight tweeks to make it enjoyable and accessible for everyone.
142 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 18:07
As someone new to the D&D system, this game started as both exciting and frustrating. It teaches you the basics of combat but puts you in difficult situations that require much more than the basics. There are some hints on loading screens, but I usually had to look up how certain things work in D&D 5e to get past some early fights.

However, learning the mechanics and working my way through these fights made me realize how easy and fun those fights actually are. The more I know about the system, the more enjoyable it seems to be and the more eagerly I anticipate combat, to be faced with yet another challenge to overcome or be successful where I would have miserably failed before.

Combat is, of course, not everything the game has to offer, but that is its focus, and that is where it truly shines. There are some minor issues, like a few incorrect subtitles and optimization problems, but the overall experience is good. If you're looking for a solid RPG that emphasizes combat, then this is a great choice. Just be prepared that you may need to spend some time learning the whys and hows of the system if you don't know much about it. I was hesitant at first, but I'm glad I've bought this game, as this is what introduced me to the fantastic universe of D&D.
773 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 18:24
Right Solasta.... How to put this.


Visual Dice rolls: I love to actually see my dice rolls being done right in front of me in a visual way, it makes the game feel much more like a D&D adventure and I found myself not feeling like they were unjust. too many games hide this behind the scenes for immersion but I think solasta really did this right and its just a small thing that really stands out.

Combat Mechanics: really nicely balance, the RNG was spot on and one of the best i have seen, Maybe the previous point changed my mind a bit of this but when i got a Crit fail I was disappointed but not raging. One complain would however probably be the crit miss as i feel that it didn't really impact me too much, it was just a miss. This could be improved by giving disadvantage on the next attack.

The Banter system: this was just great I really enjoyed the idea that my characters had personality traits that i would create at the start and then they would just take it away chat and joke amoust themselves based on their personalities. It just felt like a breathing group because of this. I mean it wasn't the best but I've never seen this system before and it was kind of cool.

Bestiary: Really nice idea that i had to go out and fight months to learn more about them and have a better idea of what it was i am dealing with but I think it could have been made even better if developed further.


Story: Right so now on the bad bits the first is the story as its quite uninspired and abit jumpy. Whilst it can be quite fun generally I kept expecting it to get better,

Length: The length of the game was short and i feel this is something that sets solasta apart from many other CRPG's but in a bad way. I'm used to CRPG's that are double the size if not more.

Factions reputations: so Solasta has a Faction reputation screen to track your standing with the different factions and whilst it looks cool in practice it doesn't really feel worth having as the only thing it does is change the prices of equipment they sell. maybe get access to a few locked special bits of equipment, very few of these feel worth the cost tbh.

So with these points and a few more I would give this game a 6/10, I do however urge people to get solasta to support the developers as I feel that this is a company that could do great things in the future.
136 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 12:07
I am usually more of a game mechanics guy, which this game excels at (feels true to the 5e RPG implementation). But I can not for the life of me get over the painful models, facial animations, voice acting and story presentation of this game.
I have sympathy for the challenges that a small team like this face, but the deliveries feel like unintentional comedy.
You will enjoy this game if you can completely focus on the battle-portions and ignore the interactions in between; my 14-year old self would have loved this game.
452 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 01:57

Excellent but not perfect.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister is the first true video game experience based on the D&D 5e ruleset and it delivers well on that promise. Solasta is an unpredictable product however, with amazing quality in some areas yet sadly lacking in others. The short summary is that fans of tactical RPG combat faithful to the Fifth Edition of dungeons and dragons will love this title, and fans of strategy RPGs in general should definitely give it a go. People seeking a more complex story and deep characters should pass on this. For the longer version, keep reading.

- Excellent

Let's start off with the strong point. Solasta is the best and most faithful adaptation of 5e out right now, bar none. No other game comes close. For those not familiar with 5e, the battles take place on a grid and you move characters around like chess pieces, except each character gains levels and learns new spells and powers as the game progresses. Dozens of spells from the tabletop are faithfully recreated here, for better or for worse.

This is where the game shines, as the combat mechanics are tight and tactical. Many of the encounters in the game are truly challenging, so even veteran players will find themselves reloading a save once in a while when the dice don't roll in your favor. Rules for sneak attacks and divine smites and other iconic abilities are perfectly recreated, with very few problems. Advantage and Disadvantage penalties to attack roles are not only properly calculated, but you can hover your mouse over the dice window to see exactly why you are getting an advantage or penalty on any given attack (target is in a dark area, target is out of your range, target is prone, etc) This is very helpful as a quick reference to veteran players, and crucial to new players who might not understand why their attacks are constantly missing.

The only real drawback here is that Solasta is based not on the full 5e books, but rather on the 5.1 SRD. Which means essentially, they are using a limited version of DnD because it was too expensive to buy the license for all the content. This also sadly means that several favorite spells are missing, and certain subclasses are not playable. For example, Rogue Thief is available, but Rogue Assassin and Rogue Arcane Trickster are not. In these cases, the devs have made relatively well balanced custom classes to take the place of the missing ones. They do the job well for the most part and are decently balanced.

You also get to create your entire party from scratch, which is a nice touch. Some RPGs will have you design a 'main character' and then play through the game, collecting allies as you go and perhaps making more characters later. In Solasta, your whole party is the main character, and you can pick from a list or design your own immediately. This is fantastic. Furthermore, you can design them according to Standard Array, Point Buy, Rolled Stats, or even Free Edit if you really want to make the perfect character.

- Average

As mentioned above, due to the SRD being somewhat limited in scope, the number of playable classes and subclasses are somewhat limited. Barbarians, Bards, Warlocks, Monks, and Druids are not included in the game, although the developers announced that Sorcerers are being added as a free DLC. The remaining 6 classes, Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Wizard, Ranger, and Paladin, are all included as expected.

The game is long, and focuses heavily on combat and travel. Actual roleplaying elements are very light, and story based decisions are very few. This is a fantasy combat simulator, with bits of dialogue in between. There are several optional side quests to go and complete for extra loot and cash, but you will primarily be following the main quest through to its conclusion. This main quest is extremely straight forward, 'collect the dragonballs' style of quest where you gather the magic gems to save the world. The quest is quite lengthy and takes you through several different areas, so that is a plus.

All in all, the story and characters aren't going to blow your mind. They all serve the purpose of moving the game forwards, but it is clear the game focuses primarily on epic battles.

- Mediocre

This is where the game takes its biggest hit, with low quality visuals and budget voice acting that sounds like the devs just had their uncle come into the studio for a day to record a quick quest and then went home. Actually, considering this game was funded by kickstarter and had limited budget, that may be exactly what happened in some cases. The characters are not hideous by any means, but the visuals are very clearly lacking for a 2021 game release. Even some of the legendary weapons you acquire in the late game look exactly the same as the rusty swords you started with, which is very disappointing.


Solasta is a love letter to fans of Fifth Edition. If you are an avid player of 5e looking for combat challenges, look no further. You have your winner right here. But if you are looking for a game with an expansive story, deep characters, and thoughtful world progression, this is not the answer.

If you are not a Dungeons and Dragons player at all and you're simply looking at the game from an outside perspective, all the same comments from above apply. This is a fantastic fantasy battle simulator with strategy RPG as its core that might feel somewhat familiar to fans of games like Final Fantasy Tactics.

I had a blast with it personally and loved getting through the various encounters with a mix of stealth, raw power, and pure cheese. Mostly cheese.
388 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 18:45
So I really like this game. It does some things better than what I have played of BG3 and some things worse but for the most part the 5e rule implementation is great. The game ticks all the right boxes for a D&D style RPG. My only concern is how they plan on leaving early access in just over a week. My game constantly has corrupted saves. If I wasn't a veteran player and always keep 3 to 4 saves this game would be unplayable. Even doing that, I lose 15 to 20 minutes of play time every time a save is corrupted. Even the autosaves are corrupted. I verify files as instructed and they are always fine but the saves are still not working. There are also issues with clickable objects not working, items not having the correct descriptions, and the crafting continuing indefinitely after you complete the requirements (I have been crafting Whiteburn short sword for 50 of 36 hours and 32 of 18 successes). The game is great otherwise. I really hope these problems get fixed at full release. I still highly recommend the game just keep in mind you might have the save file problem I am having. Edit: I may have figured out why the save corruption is happening. When you load into a location your party will not be selected. If you save at this time the file will be corrupted. This is why the autosave is corrupted too. So if you save when you enter a new location make sure you select your party first.
131 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 12:48
Refreshing to have a game with good ole fashioned turn based combat and in a D&D setting. The game can be played in multiple settings which allow for great personal custom control. You can make it as difficult or basic as you like (to a certain extent) you still have to do the main story line lol. Graphics are great, game runs smooth, and the quick travel option is a nice creature comfort. My only wish is that they would change the spell line of all the casters to include more useful spells., nothing more depressing than leveling up a wizard and seeing that the new rank of spells available contains just 1 that is good and a few that may have a specific use for certain situation. For the most part the vast majority of all spells are useless, you will find s select few that you like and will always prepare those over most of the others.
293 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 22:38
This game is in early access and the development team, talented as they are, does not have the budget of larger studios. That being said, what they do with what they have is incredibly fun so far and well realized. Reminds me of the early Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, and that is a warm compliment to it. Lacking the budget for AAA models and set pieces, the game does well by focusing on characters, story, and atmosphere. Its engaging turn-based combat system, which is heavily based on the rules of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, I believe, is fun and complex. True Dungeons and Dragons fans will be pleased I think.

The difficulty and brutality are adjustable, unlike in Baldur's Gate 3 (which I adore too by the way), the characters are engaging, the story is straightforward thus far but engrossing, so I'm a big fan. Recommend supporting the studio if you can because they have something special here that just needs a few development cycles to be as good as any Divinity or Baldur's Gate incarnation (again said as a big fan of those series).
174 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 21:08
The character art and armor design is outdated, the UI is unstylized and bland and the story is more linear than you'd probably want in a DnD game, but it's still tons of fun. The level designs are fantastic, the concept of developing a personality for each character and having those personalities play out in the game is unique and lots of fun. The use of rules from 5e is also very well-implemented. The game has a lot of potential for more stories and updates to be added.
462 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 20:23
I really like this game. It's a good game. It has it's faults, like hit or miss voice acting, linear progression, and some other small things, but I can deal with those faults. What I can't handle is the save file corruption problem. Nothing like waiting for the game to load in and you get an error about your save file being corrupted. This happens with auto saves, regular save, and even if you make redundant back up saves. As I'm aware it's something in the back end, at the time of save, that causes the problems. It's quite disappointing to lose 30+ minutes of game play, especially when you saved and saved often. I've lost hours before, because I had to go back so far to get a file that wasn't corrupted.

I'm hoping they fix this issue before they fully launch. I find myself wanting to play this game all the time, but then I feel like why should I bother...just gonna loose my save.
183 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 14:49
I initially thought this game was quite boring after playing it for 2 hours. I randomly decided to give it another go, and after another hour of playing I started to really enjoy the game. I'm glad I gave it a second chance.

Probably my biggest gripe is that sometimes it seems the monsters roll 15-20 every single attack/save, and then my characters are rolling 1-5 every single attack/save. I don't think that is coincidence...

This game could be quite difficult for gamers who have never played DnD or any other similar RPG. My meta-game knowledge helped extensively in staying alive, picking spells, and knowing how to build my characters.
167 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 01:35
just cant recommend a game that has a save file corruption error issue
197 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 00:05
The Dice Giveth, and the Dice Taketh Away.

I purchased the game on a suggestion, and have been more than pleased with my decision. It's a D&D role-playing game with turn based combat. I like D&D quite a bit, and enjoy this video game interpretation.

Let's start this off by acknowledging the fact that the game utilizes SRD rules. If you are at all familiar with how 5th edition D&D rules work, you may realize that SRD is more limiting than even the basic Player's Handbook. Licencing and all that jazz. Keep that in mind if expecting to see some familiar subclasses (RIP hexblade warlock).

When launching the game, I am greeted by a simple, easy to navigate menu. The music in said menu is epic, if a little too loud for me. I definitely got the itch for adventuring! The character creation menu is a welcome sight, allowing me to create a custom party or use the computer generated ones. Though the customization is limited, I expect as much from the game being in Early Access.

I appreciate beginning the game in a tavern. It feels familiar, seeing my party exchange stories of recent exploits in the form of a prologue that introduces me to the mechanics. I do hope that I will be able to skip the prologue portion in the future as it does get to be tedious when starting over.

*To any new players who aren't familiar with 5e, Level 1 is BRUTAL. You have little health, items, options, tactics and can potentially be one-hit with a critical attack.*

Combat is hard. The devs have added ways of customizing the difficulty quite a bit but I haven't fiddle around much with it. Some fights will REALLY test your ability to prepare and adapt. Balancing your party and utilizing items is crucial.

I'm enjoying the social encouters, and the fully voiced dialogue is pretty cool. I would really like to see more individual personalities shine. For example if one of my characters is rude and blunt, I'd like to see that reflected in dialogue. I do understand the limitations looming over voiced lines though. However, if I am giving the option flesh out my personality, I would appreciate seeing my choices in effect.

Bugs exist. There are many. I've had a few game breaking ones. The most notorious bug prevented me from saving my game or autosaving. They fixed it pretty quickly though, which makes me feel pretty hopeful for the future.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the game so far. For an optimal, balanced party I would suggest a paladin, cleric, wizard, and rogue. Good luck to you devs, I can't wait to see what else you can do with this interesting story!
83 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 00:18
This game already had a lot of promise, despite the budgetary shortcuts. I like it more than Baldur's Gate 3 because it holds more true to 5e than Larion did, so I don't feel like I'm playing Divinity 3, Forgotten Realms edition. Solasta's original subclasses could be used at the table with seamless integration, and I love the idea of character traits deciding what they will say in game. The implementation of that idea is a bit too linear, so your second time through won't feel as original as the system implies, but it is still decent.

BUT! That is what I would have said before the Dungeon Maker was put into beta. The potential of it is limitless. The intuitive UI has me in love. The ability to infinitely chain dungeons together makes me want to wet myself in excitement. I can add lore to anything from a tomb to a pile of rubble. You could easily communicate an entire world through lore in the dungeon, and sharing it is as easy as dragging and dropping files. If they add a way to modify monster stats too I will probably have a heart attack and die with a smile on my face. Tactical Adventures, you have made me a happy man, a happy DM, thank you.

26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 11:51
Likes: Excellent combat system. Level and skill progression is about right. The puzzles / challenges require some thought but are not overly complicated. The game is very polished for an early access release. I did not encounter any game breaking bugs and did not have to reload / lose progress even once.

I don't have any strong dislikes - the character development is limited and the npc interaction is lacking. Voice acting is meh. However, the development team have their priorities right - all the basic and many of the advanced features work as intended and I don't mind waiting for more nuanced character interaction, etc.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 02:34
A great RPG reminds me of NWN which I love. Still needs some tweaks but a ton of fun.
197 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 16:14
good game, waiting for final release to play it again
99 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 03:29
I can`t believe I never heard of that game until recently. This project deserves to be encouraged and I`m definitely getting my money's worth even in early access. The adaptation of the rules is fantastic, combat is fun and the interface is easy and pleasant to use. The current amount of content is good. I played about 20h and I am not finished yet. Even with the limited classes and races available I still spent hours creating different partys of adventurers. The game also runs well and I never had a crash or major bug.

Combat was often challenging, but not punishing. I usually managed to win on the first try even when I made a few mistakes or suffered a few unlucky rounds. Combat introduces some interesting mechanics: some monsters can crawl on walls, spellcasters can use flying spells (and fall down if they lose their concentration). Managing light during combat is crucial. To illustrate how convenient the UI is: you can cast your Light spell on your sword with just a button.

It's sometimes possible to avoid combat or get information from NPCs with persuasion and intimidation. During conversations a successful intuition check will show you the probability of success for each option. However these chances were always very low: around 50-60% with the right proficiency + high charisma and around 10% for unskilled characters. Hopefully this will be better balanced in the final product.

Graphics and animations during adventuring and combat are good-looking. However the outdoor landscape is blocky, as if the ground is made of texture-covered platforms. It often feel like I'm looking at a nice game board rather than a real world. In a way it enhances the illusion of playing a table-top RPG. The cinematics add some good immersion to the game, but this is where the low budget is more apparent. It might have worked better if they had gone for a more cartoonish artstyle, rather than making realistic models.

Overall, they created one of the best Dungeon and Dragons experience with limited resources. The base is solid and it can only get better as it gets more polished. I am really looking forward to seeing the finished game.
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 07:40
As it is already mentioned by other reviewers the game is phenomenal !!! It has a clear concent that is beatifully implemented!
I am great fun of isometric crpg and i have played most of them (Pillars of Eternity, DOS2, Baldurs Gate 1,2,3(ea) Neverwinter Nights, Pathfinder Kingsmaker e.t.c.).
The best game i had the most fun with is DOS2 as far and Solasta is very close to it!
The Pros:
- Great implementation of game mechanics like :
-- Light Mechanism : Great implementation!!! The devs are genius! Don't Change it!!! I wonder what was all the fuss about it? Maybe the opposite mechanism could also be implemented for very bright environments!!!
-- Reaction triggers : Like when an opponent attacks you with magic missile and you have the option to countercast shield!!!! --> Genius!!! --> Makes the game fast paced!!!
- Minimalistic and Clean UI !!! (Larian and Owlcat have to take lessons from it)
- Each map area feels unique (elevation levels are great!!!!)
- Good travel mechanism . Needs to be spiced up a little
- Each ability and spell is unique and does something specific!
- Turn based (real time crpgs are dead IMO)
- Casting magic missiles feels great again!!! (Make magic missiles great again!!!)
- Story is good. Dialog is funny!
- Graphics are much better than Pathfinder or POE!
The Cons
-Nothing! Maybe it need more diversity as far as Races, Classes is concerned.

Conclusion: Very happy I bought it early access to support the devs! We need game like this! There a lot of potential in this game. Hope it lives up to the expectations!
67 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 11:14
This game is great. It's super-faithful to d&d rules (unlike other recent d&d titles), the story is pretty cool, and the dialog is genuinely funny in places and generally well-voiced. I love the overland travel system. The combat UI is amazing, though when they raise the level cap and you get more stuff, it might get pretty cluttered. There are 2 gripes about the game, and both are likely due to its EA state. 1) It's not always clear what to do/where to go/how to use a thing (you have to EQUIP the haversack), and 2) the character models are ... unpolished.

If you like d&d 5e as written, this is definitely the game for you.
174 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 12:38
This game was recommended to me by a fellow D&D gamer friend; during one of our campaigns, she mentioned this Early Access title, and I raced to Steam to check it out. After watching a few videos and reading up, I paid the extra $9.99 for the “Supporter Pack” DLC, as I am an artist myself, and greatly appreciate the work being done on this game.

I spent a total of 27.3 hours on the game, leveled all four of my characters to level 6 (the limit in the Early Access), and tried to find every hidden item.
Game-play is phenomenal. If you’re old-school like me, you’ll quickly appreciate the interface, how to access spells / journal entries / information, and jump back into the action. I’ve been digital-RPG’ing since the early days of the Commodore 64 and the “Ultima” series, so I’m very particular how this method of gaming is handled, and “Tactical Adventures” is really proving themselves well. The graphics have room to grow, and some of the narrative is simplistic. Again, as this is Early Access, I can see both of these improving tremendously, as they are already using the Unity engine fairly well. Sound and music sounded fantastic.

Finding new ways to win a battle within this game is a nice challenge, and great fun.
I can see this as the beginning of a new saga / series of games. If you have $40 and need some single-player RPG love, get this game. Even in Early Access, it’s super fun and totally worth it.
538 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 23:03
FINALLY the D&D game I've been waiting for, and it's not even D&D!

It's tactical D&D in the Sword & Sorcery tradition. The dialogue is like Howard instead of Proust, with none of the cutesy fluff that's so ubiquitous in D&D nowadays (Pathfinder: Kingmaker took this and ran with it). The characters are serious but not edgy, empathetic but not cloying. And the combat! A faithful rendering of 5e rules with a clean, intuitive interface that is a pleasure to use. Just what the doctor ordered.

- Fantastic tactical combat using the D&D 5e ruleset (No THAC0!)
- Can't emphasize the last one enough
- All lines have VO with solid+ voice acting
- The dialogue is streamlined and flexible without major exposition dumps (Think Fallout 3)
- The story (so far) is straightforward and compelling

- Early Access (This is actually a plus in this case, the price is lower and the release, though only going to level 6, is free of major bugs and very, very promising)

I can't wait to see more of this game, and if it continues on the same path, I will sing its praises at every opportunity!

*Recommended for all aspiring DMs and people who would like to nail down the basics of 5e Combat RAW, not to mention fans of tactical combat with RPG progression (XCOM:EU/EW without the ragefuel)*
404 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 21:21
Still a little rough around some of the edges, but it's the closest to tabletop that I've seen in a long time. Definitely pick this one up.
20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 03:46
I wanted to like this game... Seriously. Since that is the case. I will say the good first, then the bad:

the good:

-character creation (although more choices for class would be nice)
-DnD rule set and the showing of the dice rolls ( I very much appreciated this)
-the graphics of the environment were done fairly well.
-the implemented aspects of combat were done in good faith to DnD rule set.

the bad:

-extremely buggy
- if you change characters while at a shop you can permanently lose items in trade
- some screens will load indefinitely (not fixed by recent patch)
- some quests are dead or will stop mid dialogue
- potion of giant strength does not work as described in item description
- the sub-branches of classes do not work as described or are not yet implemented (especially regarding
height or climbing.
- if you hit cancel while leveling up your character's sub-class you can ruin your character permanently.

- it's slow (has bad performance)
- I can run Skyrim and Divinity games without an issue and they have better graphics yet massive slow
downs basically ruin any enjoyment I could take from the game.
- loading screens take forever, as well as saves. There isn't a good reason for this.

- Most of the DnD rules and skills outside of combat are not implemented and the environment cannot be
interaced with
- I can see a dead guy that has a knife, but I can't loot the knife
- I can see a pick axe on a box, but I can't grab that pick axe
- I can see a wall and I have a climbing skill, but I can't climb 9 out of 10 walls I should be able to
- loot should be partially randomized, but isn't
- I can see an enemy, but then my players can't (I shouldnt' be able to see them either then)
- fog spell doesn't work properly
- range on weapons like long bow does not work as described
- objects in environment can't be lifted no matter how strong you are

- Game is on rails (totally linear with no control over where I go when)
- I can't talk to whoever I want whenever I want they only become NPC at the right time
- I can't travel where I want even if I've been there already
- I can't go back if the story won't let me even if there is nothing physically blocking me
- I can only interact with choice (not randomized) parts of the environment
- If I have a thief I can't loot people unless the story wants me to loot them
- the situations that happen while traveling are irrelevant flavor text (no unique events)
- the environement around cities cannot be explored or travelled outside of planned routes

- character and NPC graphics are poor (by which I don't mean resolution)
- characters are ugly
- I met a guy without a neck once. I'm pretty sure he was supposed to have a neck.
- I don't mind the resolution, but the drawings or renderings of NPC's themselves were done quite badly

The worst:

- My god the camera angles
- you can't look up or down (as your chin would move)
- you can't see from the characters' perspectives automatically
- you are forced to look through occlussions as if through a telescope
- there is no WORKING automatic tracking of party movements
- you are blocked from moving the camera into some areas within sight (blocking out of sight is fine)
- half my time playing was moving around the camera just to see my party's environment (too much)

51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 17:59
Brief Review: Lovers of DnD and other tabletop games will be right at home. This game is a gem in the rough, and may become one of the greatest games of the genre upon full release.

Full review:

I have been following this game for a while, but unable to play it until recently, and let me tell you; it was worth the wait. Even in the early access state that it currently is, Solasta is absolutely brilliant.

The big, obvious comparison to make with this game is to Baldur's Gate 3, also currently in a similar Early access state. Both are interpretations of the DND5e system, with 4 person teams and battles that are often about elevation. But while BG3 is often about story telling and choice-making, Solasta forgoes much of that for a simpler, streamlined plot, and instead focuses on having a PERFECT combat system.

While there are some accommodations and changes made in translating a pen-and-paper RPG into a video game, Solasta is essentially a flawless rendition of the source material. Every combat is different, and each a delightful puzzle with infinite solutions. The UI is clean and easy to understand. The writing is simple, enjoyable, and never overstays its welcome. The world is BEAUTIFUL, capturing the various moods of intrigue, adventure, mystery and horror perfectly.

However! The game is currently early access. There are obvious places where the game is unfinished, and you will notice them! There are glitches that require reloading an older save. There are models without animations, or with awful clipping issues. It is assumed that most if not all of these will be fixed by full release, but that does not change the current experience with them.

TLDR: Game Amazing, currently unfinished.
107 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 20:56
Okay, I know that I have barely played any of the game at the time of writing this, trust me, I can already tell that I am going to spend many more hours on this.
Let´s first tame the elephant in the room, is this game better or worse than the Baldurs Gate 3 early access?
Yes, yes it is.
What do I mean by that? Well, Solasta is far less about the personal story, BG3 is all about that.
Solasta has fairly decent story, don´t get wrong, but choice is fairly limited, at least it has been so far for me, it is at best 1-4 talking point´s from different team-mates, not the deep smörgadsbord of deep personal introspection and harrowing life-choices that you will find in BG3.
But damn, the combat, they have really hit the nail on the head on that.
It is exactly what I wanted from ANY DnD game, fully integrated 3-dimensional tactical warfare, dont get me wrong, I think that Larian has done a very good conversion to the 5e rules, but damn, Tactical Adventures have them beat, as far as I can tell, intentions to have flight and climbing on walls available to the players is fantastic and revolutionary for a dnd title, and the combat just seems far better put togther, I think it has a lot to do with their game-engine, that was made for exactly 5e combat.
Graphics are a bit last gen, but this I forgive, graphics have always been secondary at best for me.
The semi-generated personalities of the 4 party-members based on background and alignment is intriguing, I know this will bug some, but as they iron it out, think that most will like/accept the system.
The sound is good, edging on very good, but dialogue is average, but with promise.
There are some enviromental weapons, but it´s not like BG3 where ligthing up a pipe might start a city-wide grease-and-acid-gas-fire, but more in the line of loose stones on an edge and old steel cages hanging from the ceilings

SO, if you want a more Tactical Combat and less focused on deep personal connections and magnificent drama, this I gotta say, Solasta: Crown of the Magister is the game for you. Totally recommended!
332 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 15:17
The SRD 5.1 we deserve!!!

I was really suspicious when i was told about this game. I was recently disappointed by another crpg that is in early access at the same time. I was so happy to be proven wrong when i realized Tactical Adventures (Solasta Developer and Publisher) kept true to the rules of the SRD 5.1 with a few homebrew additions that were necessary for a complete ruleset. I fell in love with Solasta Setting right away since it keeps the D20 feeling of the best roleplaying game in the world but still manages to avoid cringe silliness of known titles.
23 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 10:41
I've tried so hard with this game, but it just does not have a playability factor to it at the moment, hopefully that will improve with time.
Endless cut scenes and mundane text with facetious attempts at humour. if you want to skip cut scenes, good luck with that.
Combat is one of the most important parts of this game and it is slow, cumbersome, boring and frequently frustrating.
Controls are clunky and if you sneak of with a thief to investigate something suddenly the whole party is present.
I'm sure it will come good in the end, but now this is not worth the investment.
113 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 21:33
Needs a bit more development for this purchase to be worth it, IMO.

+ Can make your own party, but they're not blank characters. Your choices in their personalities appear to affect their dialogue.
+ Apparently fully voice-acted, with multiple versions of the dialogue. I am just guessing, but it appears they have alternate audio for 2 genders x 3 social types x and 3 voice pitches, making for ~18 audio tracks per line.
+ There is the *possibility* of fan-made content in the future. That was the main draw for the Neverwinter Nights games for me. Hopefully that makes it into their roadmap someday. Honestly, if they don't allow fan campaigns it'll feel like a little bit of a waste to me, as this has a lot of potential.
+ There's a Scavenger's Guild. Haven't gotten far enough to use them, but they'll give you something for all the junk equipment you find on enemies. That's a nice alternative to hauling trash everywhere, or just wasting it.

- Controls are a bit clunky, particularly for the camera.
- Nearly every action has an overly long/dramatic animation. It makes combat *extremely* time-consuming. You will spend most of your time waiting for animations to complete, and that's annoying as hell in a game where combat is frequent and you may need to make multiple attempts.
- Non-combat animations feel very disjointed (e.g., character takes a running start yet comes to a complete stop to jump across a gap). Also ends up being time-consuming compared to other RPGs.
- Dialogue is also slow as hell. I get that making this feel human is probably the hardest part to do, but the pauses between lines are really awkward.

Noticing a pattern? It's taken me about 5 hours to make only a little bit of progress in the game. I don't think I'll come back to it until I feel like there's been some development progress.

TL;DR: I like this game and think it has a ton of potential, but I would not say it's developed enough to be worth purchase yet.
967 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 11:33
I don't have a lot of play time yet but this game is definitely one to look at. It's taking a very novel approach to character creation, and frankly I hope it sets the standard for such games going forward. The idea of fully creating a new party of characters myself and enabling them to have consistent personalities in fully voiced dialogue throughout the game is a DREAM. This is amazing stuff they're doing.
425 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 14:12
This was unexpected. After trying Baldur's Gate 3, and refunding it due to not really as enjoyable as I thought, as well as bugs, I stumbled upon this little gem.

This game is almost half the price of BG3 and does one huge thing better; You can actually make your starting party yourself! Pick 4 adventurers, choose your class and abilities and go wild. This is so much better than having premade party members in other games, in particular BG3. The graphics are also not too bad. The climbing animations are great and the map (bith instanced as well as world map) looks excellent! The game has also a vertical gameplay. Climbing to higher places, jumping over chasms and so on to get loot (or attack from above). The maps are varied (so far I saw them) and look great. There is also a cover system like in XCOM.

The battles are enjoyable too, especially the visible dice-rolls (can be turned off if you don't like it) make it feel like a tabletop game. There are clear tooltips which debuffs or buffs an enemy has and the vertical system works great. the spells are well animated and the combat as a whole feels very satisfying.

Some minor gripes are not being able to skip the beginner's tutorial quests for your party (annoying, especially if you are like me and start afresh with different builds). You have the choice of only one campaign at time of writing and I suspect there will be more campaigns later on.

I haven't encountered any bugs.

For an Early Access game it is well polished and promises to evolve into a BG3 killer in the future! And all that for half the price!
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 05:48
This has far exceeded my expectations. The combat in this game is amazing. The terrain and how you can use it during combat is the really cool. I own Baldur's Gate 3 and Solasta and I have to say Solasta is getting far more playing time from me than BG3. The character building tool, voices and overall esthetic of your character from the start is better in BG3 but the combat, classes and realism is better in Solasta. All in all so far I am really impressed with Solasta and can truly seeing it being a mega success once early access is complete!
166 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 19:47
I just got Solasta this morning and have played about 3 hrs. I am also playing BG3 and have played it for about 30 hrs. I am not going to compare the two games. I don't compare apples and oranges. They are both very good games.
I could spend all day just creating characters for Solasta . the tutorials are fun and very good at teaching the games mechanics. I'm not far enough into the game to judge the story but the I love combat and it seems very well balanced so far.
This small developer has done and is doing a great job. I highly recommend this game.

295 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 03:03
The best Dungeons and Dragons inspired game i have ever played out of all the unofficial Dungeons and Dragons games.
You can tell alot of time and love went into the design and coontinueing developement of this game,
You got 2 Hours what you got to lose but time which is seems is in abundance lately.
So sharpen your axes,repair your armor and study those dusty tomes cause a world of adventure awaits
6528 Produkte im Account
197 Reviews
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 14:29

“Before the Cataclysm, there were no Gods on Solasta. No Humans either. Then the rift opened. Some say it was a magical accident... or the work of an evil god. No one knows for sure. The cataclysm destroyed the High Elf empire - Manacalon, they called it – and twisted the land beyond recognition. Now, only the brave and the foolish go there, in search of ancient treasures. But something is happening, deep in those badlands. Whatever it is, it can’t be good.”

Starting a new adventure, you will have to choose four new level one characters from six characters on offer. Although should you not like what’s on offer you can create four new characters. Firstly, you will have to choose your Ancestry, you have the options of Hill Dwarf, Snow Dwarf, Human, Half-Elf, High Elf, Sylvan Elf, Marsh Halfling and Island Halfling. Depending on which you choose will have an effect on their stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Languages and other abilities.

Next is to choose a class for each of your characters, you have the options of Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue and Wizard. Each class grant certain features such as Saving Throw Proficiencies, Fight Armour Proficiencies, Fighter Weapon Proficiencies, Fighter Skills, Fighting Style and Second Wind for the Fighter Class. Each Class comes with a set of equipment which you can customise to your preferred liking.

Next is the Background selection, here you’ll decide your characters backgrounds, their alignments, personalities. There are eight backgrounds to choose from, they are Academic, Acolyte, Aristocrat, Law Keeper, Lowlife, Philosopher, Sellsword and Spy. After you’ll choose two Personality flags from your chosen background.

You have Six Core Abilities which define your characters, they are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Depending on your characters Ancestry, Backgrounds etcetera you may already have some points in these categories. However, now you’ll roll six dice ranging from Three to Twenty to determine your characters Ability Scores. After rolling the dice and seeing the dice scores, you then place the dice and their score into the ability of your choosing.

Afterwards you will need to choose your Fighting Style, there are six options on offer, Archery, Defence, Dueling, Great Weapon Fighting, Protection and Two Weapon Fighting, each will come with some sort of bonus. Next you have Proficiencies, you can choose proficiencies in Skills, Tools, Feats and Languages depending on your Ancestry, Class and Background. Finally, once you’ve decided all the prior options you enter the Character Creation stage. Here you’ll customise your characters look, Hair, Beard, Male, Female, Shape, Hair Colour.

Your adventure begins in a tavern where your four characters are drinking the local Donkey Piss as you wait to hear from Lord Carran about the Council job. While waiting each of your characters will tell a story about them which you will play out. As you proceed any new information about how the game works will open a window and will explain the ins and outs of the game. After visiting the Council, you will need to gather some supplies before heading out on your mission.

When venturing out into the wilderness from one location to another, you click on your destination on the world map. You will then start traveling to your destination, it can take some time in reaching your destination, three or so days depending on how far you have to travel. You will move automatically across the map to your destination with details of your travel in the Travel Journal in the bottom left corner of the screen. This Journal details everything from who caught some partridges, who you met, when you setup camp and anything else which your party did while traveling. Moving from location to location will allow you to Fast Travel back and forth between known places.

Sometimes you will encounter surprise attacks while camped, if this happens then you will have to defeat the enemies before moving on. Having been surprised you will miss the first turn of battle. Because you’re camping after the battle you’ll rest up, so, you can use any powers or spells you have to defeat the enemy and have them replenished after resting.

Battles will take place over an area depending on your surroundings, they could be lush green fields, within buildings or mountain paths. You can move your characters so many tiles depending on their Ancestry, Class etcetera. Should you have a ranged weapon you can attack from distance. Melee weapons for when you get up close and personal and want to see the colour of their eyes as you run them through. Using spells or any powers you may have are also an option while in battle and all can be found at the bottom of the screen. Using your surroundings can provide you with some cover from enemy attacks. Once you have finished with your character you need to end your turn, this will then move on to the next character. After your last character’s turn, it will shift to your enemy’s turn.

After a battle you’ll gain Experience Points which will level up your characters. A bag of Loot will appear in place of the defeated enemy. You can check the loot left behind, taking what you want or you can leave the bags behind and then members of the Scavenger’s Guild will collect any loot left behind. They will then split the earnings from the loot with you, this is great when there’s too much loot to carry or you don’t have many slots left in your inventory. Although I would check the loot first just in case there’s some decent gear and cash which would be better off in your inventory than being split between you and the guild.

In the settings you will find the options for Audio - Master Enabled, Master, Music, Effects and Voice Volume Sliders. Graphics - Fullscreen Mode, Resolution, V-Sync, Target Framerate, Quality Level, Custom Quality, Shadow Quality and Shadow Distance, Texture Quality, Volumetric Lighting Quality, Cloth Simulation Quality, Depth of Field, Ambient Occlusion, Anti-Aliasing, Brightness, Contrast.

Game - Texts Language, Display Tutorial, Reaction Timer, Reaction on Trap Detection, Focus Camera on Battle Actions, Preserve Randon Seed, Group Monster Initiatives, Prepare Spells in Portrait, Display Banter Text Above Characters, Autosave and Quicksave Count. GUI - Confine Cursor to Window, Only Show NPC Icon on Mouseover and Time Display Mode. Dice - Dice Visibility and Dice Style. General, Character Control and Camera Control.

The graphics are good, the sounds are fine and so far, the game has run with no problems. With the multiple ancestries, classes and fighting styles you’ll be able to create plenty of different characters to suit your gameplay. The dialog between the characters is good and funny with a little French here and there. The game is Early Access but so far, it’s looking good.

+ Lots of character customisation
+ Looks and runs great
+ Fun game
+ Crafting

- No achievements currently
- No cards currently

Lead four heroes into the badlands and solve the mystery of what is happening in the turn-based RPG game Solasta Crown of the Magister


Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes via THE CPT FROGGY CLUB!

Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

For more reviews, great game giveaways and much more.

Come join us @ and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group
171 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 16:42
What I liked :
+ Seeing your party come to life and interact with one another
+ 1st 100% Dnd game
+ Turn based strategy
+ UI is easy to read and to get around : it would need a few more ornaments though to reinforce the medival setting
+ Quite easy when you know the 5e ed rules

What I dislike
- Some cutscene animations (lipsync / face) need more polish
- Need more content (magic stuff, scrolls etc..)
- Need more quests / world map activities (ftw you can only follow the main quest + a quest with an NPC on BoneKeep)
485 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 20:10
Miss playing D&D with your friends as a kid...here is the best filler for that longing. I Simply love it and the 11 hours in game are 11 hours straight.
17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 10:35
excellent game really enjoyed building my characters up and collecting all that loot .
killed the wizard got the gem now my party of 4 have retired to the tavern for more of a flagon of the donkey piss :)
great can't wait for the fuil release.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 04:21
Very fun and well-balanced game. The story keeps things moving along nicely and with a purpose. The adherence to the D&D rule set makes the game interesting with a good challenge level. Character creation was fun and not too long and drawn out, while still offering plenty of distinct traits and options. Higher levels allow for additional character development that expands on the fun factor and provides for some nice battle and spell effects. Exploring new environments has a great feeling of suspense and danger! Overall, a very solid game with plenty of expansion potential as it moves towards full release. A big shout our to the development team!
980 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 01:17
I must first say, at this point, the game is around 10 hours of taking your time, less if your rushing more if your experimenting with builds and tactics, etc. The game is great fun, one of the best RPG's I have played in a very long time and once you start to get into the story, the game seems to finish its Early access, so be warned. Just as you get into it, you will have to wait for more. More is what you will want.

The graphics are good, yet the close up on characters is a bit off but for an EA I know this will change for the better. The game play is great, your characters very much act the way you have rolled them and was surprised with the interaction the characters have with each other. Their remarks at times had me on the floor laughing. I would suggest supporting this game now, its very well done but short for now. Will be a must for RPG and tactical gamers at full release. Great job guys. Blew away the other game I will not mention for the lack of stuff you guys have put in.
21 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 09:28
unless all you characters can produce light and have TONS AND TONS OF FOOD Dont try to play this game...you are severely handicapped from the beginning..i know some like the survival thing but your average player isnt gonna want to spend all their time getting food and producing light...wanna play some and get in some hack and slash. done playing this game until these issues are fixed!!!
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 14:51
If you're after something that does a decent job of creating a 5E rules adventure then this is worth a spin. There are pre-gen characters or you can create your own, but bear in mind that as this is EA there are only six character classes. Nonetheless, the combat works very well, and there's a reasonable variety of foes in this part, which is only Act 1 of a larger adventure. As many have said, the cut scenes are not pretty (and largely unnecessary, but you can skip these if you want). I look forward to seeing the next instalments.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 05:08
I have 11 hours in so far. I am enjoying it. The story line is interesting, the play is a good representation of table top D&D. If you like 5th edition D&D rules and don't have anyone to play with while social distancing, this is a great alternative.

My only semi-negative comment so far is that all random encounters that happen during travel happen on the same map with the same starting positions. I would enjoy a little variation, even if it was different starting positions on the same map.
168 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 19:11
** Early Access Review **

Enjoyed the game - taking into account this is a work in progress. I appreciate 5e integration seems pretty good. Only two comments:

1. The disadvantage for lighting (while purists may be on board with it) is far too distracting and in my opinion interrupts the enjoyment factor of playing a game. If it's going to stay, then have a new helmet drop available or for purchase... you know, one of those Gnoll mining helmets with a candle on top! :p

2. The player character graphics are creepy. Hope this will be refined at some point.

Other than that, I'd expect the game to get better as it develops. I had fun- that's what is important.

127 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
4114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 05:12
Definitely Good.
That said, to get from Good to Amazing will take quite a bit of work.

Things that the game needs to make sure all the positive energy doesn't become negative:
1. More Quests. Side Quests, Branches for the Main Quest, and additional Main Quests.
2. The ability to swap out a character mid-campaign. As it is, if you play for a handful of hours and then decide that one of your characters just isn't cutting it - you have two options: start a new campaign or just deal with the runt. Sure, Role Playing a reason you are stuck with a seriously flawed character might be great.. but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have the option to kick them in favor of someone less useless.

Things that the game should do to try and turn Good into Great:
1. Fix Bugs - while the game is very stable, it has it's share of pretty annoying bugs (visual ones like in the Library, as well as more serious ones like the Invisible Context menu bug where you lose control of your characters until you open and close a new context menu)
2. Modify the Lighting rules. I think most people love that Lighting is being used - but the actual implementation is frustrating. For example: Being in total dark has the same penalty whether you are shooting a bow at something 100 meters away, or swinging a sword at something right next to you.. Obviously the impact of darkness should be much greater the further the target is away from you. Not to mention that you can literally set the enemy on fire, but for some reason that enemy can still be considered in the Dark.
3. Loot system is very annoying. At the very least, there should be a button to tell your team to gather all the nearby loot on their own so you don't have to search for all the little bags and click each one individually. Even better would be for the loot to all be shared so that you don't have to worry about passing things back and forth to constantly manage encumbrance.

I don't want to sound too negative, as there is a lot to like here.
67 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 03:29
So I have to say I love games like this. Baldur's Gate, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder, Divinity... Etc. I think Solasta is a wonderful addition to the family so to speak. I played to the end of Baldur's Gate 3 early access and picked this up afterwards. I am not sad at all. In fact I can't wait til they release additional content. I actually did not realize they were going to cut the game short at the end of the Bone Castle. I was a bit disappointed. No worries I need to get back to my Cisco and Linux classes anyway. So bottom line is, i definitely recommend this game. Especially for people who like the games I first listed. The combat is pretty good, and despite the graphic design of the character models, the map and areas look pretty good. I did not experience any game breaking bugs at all. I am positive it will get better as time goes on through the update process.
76 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 14:15
Really Love where this is going, all the stuff you can do, make and choose, Hope for all the improvements, fixes and personal choices to be in this whole game ! <3
207 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 18:40
Ahhh sad to see i've reached the end of the Early Acces.
Developers got me hooked I'd say. The story is compelling, while not terribly original.
So far on the first playthrough I've only encountered 1 bug while in combat. The rest worked like a charm to me.
For this price it's well worth the investment. Can't wait to see what else the developers come up with.
If they can keep up this pace, this game will be so much fun!
78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 16:04
Alright look, the graphics are bad, the voice acting is pretty terrible, and the story is forgettable. But Solasta is my favorite game, probably of the year. It's just so fun to play. If you're a fan of 5e D&D, it emulates that system almost perfectly, from the combat to the exploration and dialogue. If you're a fan of XCOM, this is fantasy XCOM.

The obvious comparison is to Baldur's Gate 3, another game based on 5e and in early access this month. BG3 has a more compelling story, but it felt like a slog to get through even the short EA content, because it just wasn't that much fun to play. Here's a quick comparison of a couple things:
- Combat: BG3 made a lot of changes to 5e combat, and it makes it feel a lot more like Divinity than D&D. Solasta literally feels like you're playing D&D, showing you your dice rolls for each attack and spell.
- Dialogue: In Solasta, you are playing as each member of your party. In a conversation, you can choose which character will respond to each line in a dialogue, and each member can use their personal stats for rolls like persuasion or knowledge checks. In BG3, you are playing 1 character in a party of NPCs, and if that character isn't perfect at all their knowledge skills and great at charisma, you're pretty screwed in conversations.
- Exploration: Solasta actually has a travel mechanic, where your party will need to search for food while travelling, can be surprised on the road or while camping, etc. This makes rangers actually useful for what they're designed to be. In BG3, you just walk through the map, which has pre-generated mobs to fight, but no long-scale travel what we've seen.

At the end of the day, these are both great games. BG3 is enjoyable, but Solasta is the kind of game I can see myself returning to just to play for fun, especially if there's some way to just randomly generate combats to run.
1273 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 14:44
Never played a tabletop RGP (but most cRPG..), but Solasta seems to be the closest you can get to one. It is still rough around some edges, but for a EA game and a small studio, things are looking really good.
358 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 01:45
Loving this EA so far! Actually I feel it's SO much more representative to DnD 5e than BG3 is .. and I love the tactics. Great GREAT game this will be. My only vice would be the cut-scenes I think need some love and it needs some polish but other than that I'm sold. This will be GOTY material.
193 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 01:41
Even in early access and still a bit buggy and limited, I'm in love with this game. What makes me happiest about this game:

* You build your own characters with personality traits pulled from their background and alignment and then play as all four characters (rather than just one main character with an assortment of companions) once you're out in the world. They all participate in conversation; what they say, how they say it and how they'd prefer to handle things is influenced by the personality traits selected for them, so they all feel richer and more interesting.
* The actual exploration tends to be very puzzle-based with multiple solutions to each map. Mind, this is part of what's buggy right now as solving a problem stealthily might not trigger the quest progression, but the options are there, and I'm sure the bugs will be fixed before full launch.

I've really enjoyed what I've played so far, even with the bug mentioned above cutting off my game early (no way to progress), and I eagerly await more updates.
133 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 00:23
I recommend getting this game because I believe it is going to be amazing. Right now they have a lot of work to do. The story is stupidly short right now. Only takes around 4 hours to beat.

1. Game play is pretty crisp, especially when compared to BG3 and their 5e rules are more accurately portrayed.
2. Not a lot of bugs, and the ones it has aren't game breaking
3. Design your own party and really immerse yourself into a D&D world.

1. Super short campaign right now
2. Graphics are pretty clunky, BG3 way more pretty
3. Missing a lot of content, like races and classes.
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 00:08
This game is still pretty raw. Hopefully they intend to sharpen it up a lot.

Moving party around the map has a better interface than BG3
- Easier to isolate one character and move to a different attack location
- They automatically JUMP so you can navigate the map with ease vs BG3
- Good combat system
Overall its a fun game

Terrible Voice Acting
- Female Voice 3 is a DUDE!!! Doesn't even remotely sound female.
- Accents sound like a 7th grade drama class reading Romeo & Juliet. Obvious big money savings here.
Terrible Character Features
- The beard for Male Characters is laughably bad
- Trying to make your Fighter have a bulky Physique just makes him fat

That's about as far as I've gotten. That said, if you can look beyond ugly characters and terrible acting, the game play is funner than BG3 (IMHO).
Logo for Solasta: Crown of the Magister
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.24% 8125 980
Release:20.10.2020 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Tactical Adventures Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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