• Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.
  • Someday You'll Return: Screen zum Spiel Someday You'll Return.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.05.2020
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Preis Update 14.05.23

Über das Spiel

What would you do if your daughter never came home but you could track her down?

It’s not the first time she ran away. But you’re uneasy … this time feels so different. Long ago, you swore never to return here. And now, she has dragged you back. Your search leads deep into ancient Moravian forests and reveals secrets that should have stayed buried.

While your survival skills and quick wits might advance your search, malevolent forces rise up against you. There are nightmares you can’t fight and win. Some of them … could be yours.

Your character is Daniel, Stela’s father, who is forced by events to return to a place, he swore never to return. In the forest he will encounter peculiar people who will help him understand the true reason why Stela keeps running away. Someday You’ll Return deals with intimate concepts of fatherhood, fears, lies and refusal to accept one’s past. While the story contains strong horror elements it’s not always the most obvious monsters which are the most frightening.

Someday You’ll Return takes place in beautiful scenic areas of the Czech Republic. While they are not exact duplicates, we desired to capture the atmosphere of Bohemian nature. There are well known landmarks placed within the world, which you can discover and which we've personally visited many times in our lives. You can even can grab your backpack and hike there.

The referenced locations and mythos in the game are ancient. Some of the tales mentioned in Someday You’ll Return date back to the 9th century.

There are so many things you have to do apart from just walking around and orienteering!
  • Workbench crafting interface – you can craft or repair things in a specialized interface
  • Herbalism – you can pick up flowers or mushrooms and make your own potions
  • Environment interaction – you can interact in the world you are in, use items etc.
  • Smartphone – you can use GPS, call someone or communicate via SMS, you can also use your mobile light
  • Karmic system – your actions have consequences which can influence ending
  • Wall climbing
  • Tracking – look for clues like footprints etc.
  • Stealth

And of course ... there are secrets. Too many secrets for you to discover!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: intel i5 or higher
  • GFX: nVidia GTX 970 or comparable
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 and Higher
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: intel i7 or higher
  • GFX: nVidia GTX 1060 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 and Higher
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

133 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 10:00
Ich habe mir das Spiel gekauft, weil ich mal wieder Lust auf Horror hatte und mich die Trailer an Blair Witch erinnert haben. Gut, so viel Horror kam jetzt in diesem Spiel nicht vor. Stattdessen wurde ich überrascht von einer fesselnden Story, in der man als Protagonist sich selber immer unsympatischer wird je mehr man aufdeckt von der ganzen Geschichte. Mal ein anderer Ansatzpunkt, sich mit der Figur nicht identifizieren zu können. Es ist einem selbst überlassen wie viel Background man erforscht und kann je nach Entscheidung Einfluss auf das Ende nehmen. Ich fand die Geschichte super spannend und gleichzeitig sehr traurig. Wenn mich ein Spiel dazu bringt, noch viel im Nachhinein über die Geschehnisse nach zu grübeln und ich es noch einmal spielen möchte um mehr aufzudecken, haben die Entwickler alles richtig gemacht. Von einem Indiegame habe ich definitiv nicht so viel Tiefe erwartet. Für den Preis mit so einer Story und Spieldauer von ca 20 Std (ich habe viel erforscht) definitiv empfehlenswert!!
267 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 10:11
Das Spiel meiner Träume...
+ hübsch, etwas fürs Auge, stets wechselnde Kulissen
+ interessante, real existierende Orte mit Touri-Beschreibungen
+ glaubhafter -wenn auch paranoider- Vadder (den wir spielen)
+ Stealth-Phasen kann man durch Tränke vereinfachen
+ sehr gutes Voice-Acting
+ langes Gameplay.. bin immer noch nicht durch
Trotz großem Wald...
+ trifft man auf andere NPCs
+ gute Navigation durch Wanderwege und GPS
+ viele Sammlerstücke auffindbar

Das Spiel gefällt mir so gut, dass ich mich an Negativem gar nicht aufhalten möchte. Ehrlich gesagt, fällt mir dazu nicht mal wirklich was ein. Bereue keinen einzigen Cent hier für den Vollpreis ausgegeben zu haben. Hab genau das bekommen, was ich erwartet & erhofft hab.

Fazit: Sehr zu empfehlendes Horror-, Entdeckungs-, Mystery-Game
258 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 21:07
At the beginning I thought that it would be one of the best psychological horror games of the past few years. And YEAH, it got me psychologically and mentally pretty good, especially when you face the unbelievably bad level design towards the end. Don't get me wrong, this game has a fantastic and lovely storytelling plus an amazing atmosphere! But damn, this experience suffers from the fact that you keep asking to yourself what to do next, where to go next, where to search next. Especially by the end of the game you just keep desperately running around looking for the right way to go. This cluelessness basically destroyed my whole fun, since it got sooo annoying at some point. Sorry, I enjoyed this game for the first 9 chapters but then the gameplay became so insanely monotonous that I hoped it would end soon. If I were you, I'd rather go for Blair Witch or The Beast Inside.
233 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 20:11
Leider kann Ich kaum etwas positives zu dem Spiel sagen. Die Grafik sieht gut aus und der Ton ist auch ganz gut wenn man davon absieht dass die Sounddateien buggy sind sowie auch die Items die man benutzen kann. Der letzte Hotfix hat das Game unspielbar gemacht indem das Telefon einfach am Ohr kleben bleibt und es einem nicht ermöglicht weitere Items vor sich zu benutzen. Spricht ein Charakter dann sagt er nur den ersten Satz und jede andere Sounddatei verschwindet aber der Untertitel vom ersten Satz bleibt bestehen. Es tut mir leid dass ich eine schlechte Bewertung abgeben muss, da ich mich sehr über das Spiel gefreut habe aber für ein unfertiges Spiel fast 30€ zu verlangen ist milde gesagt eine Frechheit
124 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 20:05
Welch ein wunderbares Spiel❣️❣️????Sehr atmosphärisch, das Spiel hat Seele und Herz. Was mir besonders gefällt: Wenn man einen neuen Ort entdeckt, findet man einen QR-Code, der einen zu einer Map weiter,eitet, wo man erfährt, dass es den Ort real gibt u. man mehr Imfos bekommt. Ich hatte gezögert, das Spiel zu kaufen, weil ich Wald als Setting nicht mag, da mir das Leveldesign häufig zu wenig detailliert und daher wenig stimmungsvoll erscheint. Hier ist das gar nicht so, nicht zuletzt auch wegen dem meiner Meinung nach sehr gelungenem Sounddesign. Ich finde, das Spiel ist sein Geld wert und ich hoffe, noch mehr von diesen talentierten Entwicklern zu hören.
252 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
1087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 11:50
Oh mann. Nachdem dieses wirklich kleine Entwicklerteam nach J.U.L.I.A among the stars eines der schönsten Adventures abgeliefert hat, legen sie jezt mit diesem unglaublich atmosphärischen Meisterwerk nach. Zuerst wollte ich es mir nicht kaufen, weil es keine deutsche Übersetzung anbietet, und mein Englischunterricht liegt wirklich viele Jahre zurück, und mit dem, was an Schulenglisch hängengeblieben ist, kann man heutzutage herzlich wenig reißen. Weil ich mich auf dieses Spiel aber so gefreut habe, kaufte ich es mir schließlich doch. Gottseidank! Trotz sehr bescheidener Englischkenntnisse kann man der Handlung wunderbar folgen, das erlaubt schon der sehr deutliche Kontext in den Dialogen. Bei Manuskripten und Briefen kann man das eine oder andere Wort auch problemlos nachgoogeln, wenn es wirklich zu Verständnisproblemen kommen sollte, was bis jetzt aber bei mir nicht nötig war. Die Grafik, das Setting und die gesamte Atmosphäre des Spiels ist einfach klasse, und man merkt dem Spiel absolut nicht an, dass tatsächlich ein sehr sehr kleines Entwicklerteam dahinter steckt. Das Spiel ist sehr sehr liebevoll programmiert und unglaublich detailverliebt. Es bietet für mich alles, was ein Spiel dieser Art besitzen MUSS, um in meinen Augen ein großartiges Spiel zu sein. Viel Entdeckungsfreiheit, genügend Gameplay und Story, um alles andere als ein reiner Walkingsimulator zu sein. Kurz gesagt: Ich bin begeistert und freue mich nun auf viele weitere heimelig gruselige Abendstunden am PC.:-)

Nachtrag: Nach über 11 Stunden Spielzeit, und ich bin noch ganz am Anfang weil ich wirklich jeden Quadratmeter dieser großartigen Spielwelt abgrase (habe gerade erst das Camp erreicht), kann ich hinzufügen, mein erster Eindruck hat mich nicht getäuscht, im Gegenteil. Es wird immer besser, je weiter ich in der Story vorankomme. Ganz großes Kino.
161 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 13:48
Das Game sieht gut aus, bedenkt man das überschaubare Team an Entwicklern. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist leider sehr niedrig, sollte aber einigen Spielern die nur die Story sehen möchte sehr entgegenkommen. Es gibt Nebenaufgaben, viele versteckte Dinge und Entscheidungen, somit ist es definitiv wert ein weiteres Mal durchgespielt zu werden.
130 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 06:46
Gameplay around 20 hours. Beautiful czech nature, amazing soundtrack, great artwork and interesting story. On the other hand the horror element is weak and in my opinion doesn´t suit this game. I was wondering around the beautiful forrest, exploring the world and suddently just iron and bunker. That is the transition from normal world to horror world. But this game has a lot of emotion lately on to prove you that this game is worth playing even for the full price.
325 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 21:34
Amazing story, often genius and sometimes really shocking. Also on the graphical and atmospheric level absolutely much better than the average indie. Finished in 19 hours with the worst ending. Will later retry for better outcomes. Best indie of 2020, without a doubt!
59 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 11:27
The climbing mechanics can go screw themselves :) but apart from that. good ThrillerHorror experience
234 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 19:03
I have started playing the game and it all felt really good,
Some of the mechanics blew my mind e.g. who ever seen crafting recipes in a horor game other than Resident evil? And here they even try to pronounce this even more by requiring you to pull nails, rip out batteries and more.

All of these little details make the game waaay more enjoyable and even immersive.
It is real shame it didn't have the media coverage by big names as it definitelly deserved to.

And for $20 this is way too cheap :D
1633 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
1299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 13:29
If you ever wished for a Silent Hill in the forest, there you have it.

What looks and begins like your standard walking simulator turns into a horror adventure that won't leave the protagonist unharmed.
An impressive game, especially when you consider that only 2 people mainly made it.

A bit of a rough diamond at times, it's one of those hidden gems you have to play.
67 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 08:53
I love this game! One of the best horror adventures I've played along with Outlast 2 and Blair Witch. I like the potion making and herb collecting and I love how many types of collectibles there are and how many total. I'm a total completionist and this game is perfect for that. The story and all the side stories are great too! I highly recommend this game for horror and adventure/exploration lovers!
123 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 14:54
i think this is one of my all time favs. the amount of work involved in creating this gem is amazing.unlike some reviews I found it held me glued right to the end. and its huge. cant get passed how astounding the scenery is. Definately some Silent Hill comparisons. I highly recommend this game. congrats to the devs on this one.
136 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 23:35
For an indie game made by a few people this game is really good.

It is almost an amazing game, the things it does good it does really good and there is genuinely some really cool moments. The things it does bad... it does really bad though. Still the good outweighs the bad. There is a lot to explore and discover and if you take your time you will have a lot of fun.

However, sometimes the game is so repetitive it is mind numbing. A lot of the level design is weird too, a majority of the time I would find the secret paths/areas long before finding the main path because the design is just odd. Even when it isn't intended that the right way to go be hard to find.

It feels like each mechanic of the game is too compartmentalized. The mechanics don't flow together very well, and it feels like the game goes from section to section for example something like this
>climbing puzzle >herb puzzle> totem puzzle> climbing puzzle> totem puzzle. It never really feels natural.

Audio was weird, was lacking in a lot of places. I didn't like the music.
The horror aspect was decent. Some pretty scary moments, and lingering feeling of unease.
422 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 02:03
Solid game.

Sometimes it becomes really boring, i mean first 3-4 hours was great, then the middle section became a lil bit dull.

But through the end, game pulled itself together, paced well and also managed to gave us a nice finale.

Collectibles gatherin' is kinda bad tho. Game doesn't allow backtracking so you need play whole game for some candy bars? Naah i'm fine.

Beside all these game looks brilliant, gameplay is good, musics are great, atmosphere is catchy....

Play it.
397 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 03:00
I loved this game! Although there were some parts of the game that were difficult to understand what to do or outright annoying, I still enjoyed the game enough to want to finish it.

The game is an interesting and unique mix of a first person walking simulator, puzzles on par with escape rooms, Silent Hill 2, beautifully made environments from real locations from Czech Republic, nightmarish locations and even a slice family drama. There is a total of 12 chapters that blend together all of these features in such an interesting way.

The story is experienced from Daniel, who you will find out is a total cunt with no redeeming features. You can find pieces of the story hidden, accessed through certain game mechanics, other characters in the game, and even being sucked into another world. Some of the events will reveal parts of a diary. All of this together is a very thoughtful way for people to experience what is a very emotional, harsh story.

All of this made by only two developers! That is so impressive to me.

The things I did not like which I would warn people they will need to endure to enjoy this game. Some chapters have a fairly unclear direction causing you to either run around and possibly be lost in an open area, backtrack and understand what has changed in different areas, and often go through something tedious such as going up and down a climbing puzzles or monsters who attack and fill your screen with slime. There are some stealth challenges where I needed to craft a potion just to get past it because no matter how stealth/hidden I was it would still trigger me being seen and die instantly. Although getting past all this felt rewarding, it didn't stop it from being annoying.

I recommend this game to anyone who would like to experience something unique.
49 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 21:15
I'd give it 8/10. Considering it's made by two people, the amount of effort, care and love for horror is truly shown in this game. I cannot wait to see what they will create next!

The good stuff:
- story is gripping and it gets more and more emotional and tense (be sure to read all the diary entries and listen to all the whispers if you can, it really helps to further expand the story and character development)
- the world is beautiful, really feels like you are in those woods
- i love the music, especially the folk songs
- it has some genuinely disturbing moments
- clever puzzles, never get too complicated but just tricky enough for you to pay attention to your surroundings
- i hate Daniel and that's a good thing, because the game/story really made me feel for the characters
- so many Silent Hill throwbacks, there is even a discount Pyramid Head (no trophy related to it, though :( i was so excited to see it)

The not-so-good stuff:
- the pacing is bad, especially Chapter 5 Lea, it drags forever and really made me think the rest of the chapters were also this long
- item indicator needs a better UI. when in the dark, when you have your torch turned on, the light is so bright, i can barely see the item indicator because it's also white. there were a few cases where i was running around like an idiot just because i couldn't see there was an item that i could interact with
- i don't know if the original script was written in Czech then translated into English, the English scrip sometimes feels really awkward and inconsistent, more so in Stela's diary
- the candy wrap collectables don't feel like worthy anyone's time, they are not related to the story, nor do they have any visual appeal, i really had no motivation to care for them at all. the rest collectables like songs, QR codes and locations, you can actually learn something and experience something, they are more fun to hunt
421 Produkte im Account
292 Reviews
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 02:05
This game has Silent Hill written in its DNA and it's not a bad thing. My only gripe is that the levels start getting redundant after a while: forest, forest, dungeon, dungeon, forest, dungeon, etc. Fortunately for me, the story was strong enough to get me through. It's clear almost right off the bat that the character you play is a real asshole--your enjoyment of the game will depend on how much you can tolerate this guy's past.
116 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 12:58
It's a long game but very enjoyable. I'm nearly at the end of chapter 5 (of 12) which was quite difficult at least for me in places.
773 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
2178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 17:40
A fantastic game with brilliant graphics and game design with some nice local folk music thrown in. It was confusing at first and I nearly gave up on it but I'm so glad I didn't as this is a true gem of a game. The wooded sections remind me of another favourite game of mine called The Cursed Forest but this one includes a lot of underground tunnels and bunkers and other strange stuff. To be fair I needed the help of walkthroughs from time to time and I seem to have had the bad ending so I will play this again at some point.
A great game that I recommend.
102 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 21:44
This game is so damn nice! it would be a great gift to a friends that you wanna get rid of.
PS: Dont play it if you have a high blood pressure, might be your last game.
184 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 21:27
This was definitely the best game I played in 2020. I still think about it now, even, and wish to play another game that captured me as much as this one did. I really enjoyed the crafting aspect and the entire world/storyline. I also enjoyed the stealth aspect. Honestly I recommend this game to everyone I talk to - it was definitely an experience I won't forget. The only criticism I really have is in some spaces it was unclear where to go & that climbing the rocks was extremely frustrating at times.
482 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 20:25
An underrated, rough around the edges, gem of a game. When released, this game looked like a walking simulator and it is true, to some extent. However there's a lot more gameplay and interactivity, compared to the most of such. The game has a fully working inventory system, you will craft various contraptions, solve simple puzzles using toolbox and brew potions using alchemy kit and herbs collected in the forest. The game does not seem that scary to me, although it has it's moments, It's more about the atmosphere of the forest, whatever the state of it. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the game and will be replaying it, since I missed some of the side quest the first time.
1685 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 15:02
Someday you’ll return is a puzzle narrative game with a horror theme. It’s not to be confused with walking simulators or action horror games.

Story reveals itself through dialogs, audio sequences and journal pages and although it’s not difficult to guess where the plot is leading you still get nicely spaced details and clues throughout the game. There are many optional things to do, from collectables to story details and secondary stories. The game has multiple endings and which one you’ll get depends on your actions that affects your karma meter.

Gameplay wise it incorporates lots of different mechanics with various degrees of success. You have semi open world exploration and linear maps, stealth sequences, potion brewing, climbing, inventory and environmental puzzles.

Exploration chapters have good directional hints but it’s not unlikely to get lost for a while. Best gameplay element is imo the puzzles. Inventory ones are simple but some of the few environmental ones are more complex but fair. Especially a door code puzzle in chapter 6 (power plant) is brilliant. Climbing is functional and potion brewing gets a little repetitive. The one thing I didn’t enjoy in the game are the stealth sequences. It makes sense how they fit in the story but still I wanted to finish them as soon as possible. The game does offer a way, with a potion, to make them far easier with a little karma penalty.

Music is beautiful and scripted in the right places. Graphics are amongst the best I’ve seen in an indie game, especially the forest scenes.
797 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 16:30
Amazing game form amazing people
150 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 21:48
Someday You'll Return is a great psychological horror adventure. What separates it from others in the genre, some would
call it the walking simulator, is a semi-open world environment as well as many more mechanics. This game does not rely
on cheap jump scare moments, but methodically builds the atmosphere and plot of the story which will give your shivers.

As you progress, in the game you will be able to craft various tools and make potions using recipes.
Herbalism is well implemented and if you are of an exploratory spirit, you can learn a lot about the story.
There are a couple of stealth sections, but don’t be put off by this, because they’re done differently than you’re used to, there’s also a way to be totally bypassed if you don’t like stealth.
It should be noted that the game will not indicate on the map where to go and what to do.
For some, this will be repulsive, i didn't mind.
In addition to the main story, which is dark and serious but nicely structured, it is possible to do side tasks and discover secrets of the forest by solving puzzles. I won't talk about story details because you should experience it without spoilers.

You will quickly notice the effort and passion that these two developers have invested in the plot and the world of the game.
Collecting badges, fairy tales, QR codes and other collectibles, although optional, was never boring or pointless to me, because there is a story behind it, and it is not set just to artificially prolong the game.

Nothing in this game is by accident, there is a story behind everything and everything is done with great attention to detail.
A big recommendation to all fans of psychological horror adventures as well as to all who love a good story.
17 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 21:16
Absolutely great game, which I enjoyed from the beginning to the end. The story is great, it kept me in suspense and anticipation until the final resolution. I think the creators have done a great job, especially when one realizes that there are only two people behind the birth of this game. The story has a psychological character, offers a look at the inner experience and destinies of the main characters. At the same time, you will also find survival elements in the game, which enriched it even more and gave it exactly that horror touch. The story takes place in the unique environment of Czech forests and mountains. In terms of graphics, the game is at a high level. I really appreciate the length of the game, because I personally like longer games and this one belongs to such games. The game has become one of my favorites and I will definitely play it many more times. I hope that the game will get on PlayStation in the future. I will be very happy when the game also receives Czech dubbing.
943 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 16:27
Your daughter run away from home. Again. You, her father, are following her trails. Firmly decided that you will find and take her back home. With the help of modern technology you know where she is hiding. As you step in the old Moravian forest you begin to doubt your sanity. Memories resurfaces, dreams turns into nightmares and the reality you thought you knew turns upside down.

Someday You'll return is an interesting game, it managed to confuse me a little as I have felt few contradicting emotions towards it. I think that it's a game that was made with a lot of passion, you can feel it. The graphic is beautiful and the soundtrack has some very nice Czech folk songs. The few problems that you can possibly experience don't prevent you from enjoying it to the end. You can notice that it's a combination of different genres - a walking simulator, an action adventure, horror with survival and stealth elements… some of those elements are done better than the others.

So, you are searching for your daughter in this large Czech forest. You will be mostly wandering around all alone, although you will meet some people there, for better or for worse. Exploring the forest is very relaxing. I love forest, autumn forest, its colors and sounds. The design is very beautiful, it's a joy to just stand there and look at the scenery. The forest as it is, is not real, but the individual places are. Through QR codes you can find and learn more about them.
As you explore you will find interactive items. For this you have your inventory with crafty tools. I think this was done nicely. You can inspect the items from every side and then work with them further. There could have been more items you'd need to use it for though. Another part of your inventory belongs to the Herbalist section where you will make potions. With the help of your herbal book you have to collect herbs and prepare them accordingly. There are usually enough herbs for you to gather (they replenish over time too), but you have limited space for them, so it's best to make a reserve of them or your potions as you can't be sure when you will need one.
Horror part shows itself in the beginning after dusk, later in the game you won't be safe even during the day. In these stealth (or runaway) missions you will meet dangerous beings. You can't fight them, you have to outsmart them and get by. These sections are not really hard, although it can take you some time to realize what you are supposed to do exactly. Death isn't any problem, you wouldn't lose anything and there are a lot of autosave spots. Also I can't say that I was afraid exactly, there were moments of uneasiness, discomfort or stress (when I was being hunted by the enemy for example), but I was pretty calm overall. This part can be for some players a bit lacking.

Whole forest is filled with a lot of collectable items and it's a challenge to find them all, even more as one of the items you have to collect in one gameplay. Also you need to be vigilant as there are sections you can skip or completely miss. In the last big update chapter saves were added so you can go back to find the missing thing, but as I said, this won't work for that particular item. I have enjoyed looking for those little collectibles, although it's pretty hard to keep track of where you have already been in the forest and where you need to go next. In addition to that there are few moments when you need your logical thinking, for example when you need to crack a cipher!

Story is told through pages of your daughter's diary, your memories and occasional visions. Later you are not sure what is reality and what is just your imagination, so it can be somewhat confusing from time to time. It's unfolding slowly and it's not like what it seemed to be at the beginning. Some say that the story is predictable… I wouldn't describe it like that. There are parts in the story that are clear without any doubts, but other aspects of the story are developing throughout the game… the biggest role in this have Daniel, you. He is the most unsympathetic obnoxious main hero I have probably ever seen. I wanted to kick him most of the time. But as the story developed, I have changed my opinion towards him and the events that shaped his relationships within his family. Don't get me wrong, he is still an unbelievable jerk… but I felt sympathy for him in the end.

I don't want to spoil much and it's probably better if you won't find anything to the story beforehand. Maybe you will see through it right from the beginning or you will slowly uncover the secrets step by step, but I still think it's worth a try. The game is made with love and none of the shortages prevents you from enjoying it. The end moved me.
115 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 22:08
engaging story, great atmosphere, nice puzzles,attention to details, nice graphics overall

the voice acting of the main character is really bad, no emotion at all, makes hard to relate or care about it.
the backtracking and the routes of the forest can be very frustrating and hard to navigate.
also bit too long for my taste

but the story is good enough to recommend it
5452 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 01:29
The journey of a father looking for its dauther through beautiful yet eerie Czech landmarks.
It's an experience on many levels. We have a game which includes exploring mountains, finding secrets and hints to unravel the mistery.
We also have a recreation of hiking through real existing places while learning something more about the culture and history of that place.
While I'm not fond to the horror component and the stealth part of the game it serves the purpose of the story.
Finally the music accompany the mood of the game really well.
73 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 21:09
Very good game. The ending left me heartbroken and thinking a lot. Uncovering the mystery was really gripping and the gameplay was only doing it favors. I've grown fond of the mechanics and I found them to be pretty satisfying and well implemented. The way they intertwine with the world and the puzzles really make the player approach any difficulties contextually with the game.
372 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 21:06
Yes. This is very good game with very strong story and excellent athmosphere. When I played that I already felt that I am really there. Not just because devs and story are from my country. It is well created. The playing and mainly the ending makes me really think about it and live through it.

Long story short - I reccommend to buy it and play!
236 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 18:28
Damn a nice story man
and a beautiful world uff
1911 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 07:08
Suffers from the same issue so many indie games do. Starts out strong, and then you can just see the devs losing interest in their game, as the quality drops dramatically with the game becoming worse and worse the further you progress.

The beautiful forest environments from the beginning get replaced with tedious, prolonged caves or underground bunkers. The game introduces frustrating, trial-and-error stealth sections. Puzzles become increasingly bizarre and nonsensical. And the game commits more and more exceedingly bad design mistakes. The story is something we've seen in thousands of games, movies and novels before. Child neglect, family falling apart, the protagonist as a villain, etc. etc. Wake me up when you come up with something fresh and interesting.

I've made it to chapter 6, until I got stuck in a hydroelectric power plant, and can't progress further, because the game either got bugged, or the solution is so badly designed that I've tried everything, but still can't figure it out.

Don't waste your money on this. Get Darkwood instead, or just take a real hike through the woods. Both are way more fun and satisfying experiences than playing this waste of time.
253 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 18:57
Captivating, beautiful, mysterious and spooky, this game has incredible story set in Czech forest and is so well made you wouldn't even guess it was made by two people.
Gameplay has a lot of interesting aspect, graphics are beautiful, level-design is entertaining, AI is not dumb and overall I encountered only two bugs but what really got me hooked was the story.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 19:41
I am impressed they have managed to develop this thing within two persons. I came across only one blocking bug so I had to go back one step in the story, nevertheless the most of the time the game was stable. Amazing surroundings, references to the history of the region (Constanin and Method) and introducing it to wide public and last but not least - authentic replicas of existing places and buildings from Moravia region. The story is really sad and depressing and I appreciate it, becasue you remind destiny of so many deparete children suffering in such corrupted families all around the world. Placing this story into a paranormal environment and mentally ill guy in the middle of it makes it really attractive and playable and entertaining. Claping my hands, thank you
689 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 19:48
I always give indie games some slack, and you should. I feel bad rating it down,bBut I couldn't get past the poor voice acting/writing and some silly audio bugs (even after the huge audio update apparently) and the overall mix is very bad, as if it wasn't mastered or balanced, and the FOV is very narrow and no options to change it.
The game looks very pretty, but some strange design mechanics and actions made it difficult to get in to, and I didn't want to stick with a horror/thriller that I was already laughing my way through this early on. Might wait for further updates before taking another look in the future, as it shows a lot of promise in the trailers.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 22:42
I crossed a rope bridge having a seizure and got launched into the sky, landing inside of a mountain and could not escape.

This game is good except all the collectables are either useless or annoying to collect
361 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 22:38
I haven't played through the game yet, but I can say that it's gonna be a gem in my library.

The main reason why I wrote this review, however, is that I read that most players pirated this game (around 98% according to the devs). The devs are opponents of DRM and given this game's awesome immersion and scare-tactics, pirating it is a really scummy move.

So in case anyone who plans to pirate this reads this review, please don't. These are a couple of guys who worked for 5 years on this game. If those 98% are real numbers, then that must be devastating for them.

For those who don't give a shit and will pirate it anyway, go fuck yourselves. I hope you get bitten by a venomous spider on your ass and you suffer immense pain every time you take a shit.
587 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 19:58
Give me a good mystery and keep me guessing to the end as to what is actually going on, and I'm a happy camper....unlike the main protagonist....antagonist....whatever he is. He ran a camp. Get it? Happy Cam....never mind.

Ok, so first off, let me say that this game does have enjoyable moments. The world is beautiful, there are some tense moments, and the dialogue isn't horrible. There are some well written story elements. However, as beautiful as the game is, traversing this world is not. The game sells itself as a tense horror like experience. There's not much horror. Gross stuff? Sure. But the only jump scare comes during the initial cutscene. This game is a walking simulator with some puzzles and a drinking problem.

Next, as I said at the beginning, give me a mystery and I'm a happy...well you know what I said. The mystery of what the actual hell was going on kept me going. I won't give any spoilers, but there are themes of descent into madness and loss and all those other sad things. Themes which are better done in games like Senua's Sacrifice. But the game keeps tossing out these little bits and pieces, you start to think you understand, and it goes in a different direction, and for me that kept me playing in order to get an answer to all the questions the game was tossing out there. Spoiler at this point, you will never get a satisfying conclusion. I have seen every possible ending and it just leaves me with more questions than answers. It seems like the devs were going for some type of Inception ending where the top keeps spinning and you are left wondering, is he still in the dream world? But there is very little payoff here, and it seems more lazy that anything, like the end of Lost. What the hell was the smoke monster? Why was there a wheel in the center of the island, what was the island? You will never get an answer to that, or to the mysteries in this game.

Finally, more spoilers, the main character is not likable and has no redeeming qualities. Even when his failures as a husband and father are exposed to him and laid bare, he just makes excuses. Why did you beat your wife? Well women are all lying pieces of crap so why not. What? About halfway through this game I wanted to walk the dude off a cliff and be done with it. But I kept hoping he'd find some kind of redemption. I'm still not sure if he did. Main characters can be flawed, and should be flawed, but they need to have an arc and playing as a wife beater and child abuser is not that enjoyable.

So that's my review, hopefully it helps someone make a decision as to buying this game or not. I say, if its on sale for under $10 pick it up and make your own decision.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 19:53
I've just finished the game and... wow... The game is amazing. The gameplay, the story, the audio, the environments. Everything looks and sound really great.
I love the story so much, the characters (well.. except Daniel xd), the level design and everything else.
It's all very well done.
Thanks for this breathtaking game.
I loved it.
957 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 14:45
great game. 10/10 --- enjoyed the puzzles and the story. played about 14 hours worth.
161 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 00:10
I have never seen a more unlikeable protagonist in a game before. Others have been annoying and stupid, but this one was just unredeemably evil and it felt like the game writer didn't even really notice? None of the characters acted at all rationally, and the game mechanics themselves were repetitive, and often frustrating. Can't believe I pushed through and finished this.
460 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 16:38
this game could have been 10 hours shorter
1518 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 07:39
Best Czech PC game 2020.
273 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 16:38
Excellent game with incredeibly deep story and beautifly crafted world. It is one of the games where you will think about it long after you finished it and probably return to uncover whatever bit of the story you missed.

Strongy recommended.
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 20:12
Great piece of art, with impressive puzzles and exclusive story.
1041 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 15:53
Voice acting is okay but story wise had me hooked.
103 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 19:56
It's a brilliant indie game and is extremely well designed. I really love how detailed is the environment of the game. It's an interesting story and oddly the game is really long. I've been playing it for 13 hours already and just got to the Chapter 9, which, by the looks of it, is the last chapter.

The few small things I didn't like were:
1) The riddles at the 1st camp are really hard to understand. took me forever to find the staffs and the notes with tips didn't help at all.
2) Some dialogue lines get cut off before the sentences get finished. But I guess it's because their duration is capped to duration of lines in Chezh (original) language. But that probably will get fixed at future bug fixes.
3) GPS should have the zoom in and out feature. I really struggled to understand where I am and where I'm meant to go, and, because of that, I ended up spending a lot of time wandering around and getting lost.

But, as I mentioned before, other than few minor issues, the game is really good and certainly worth the full price.
495 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
2401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 14:28
wonderful, bought it on sale well worth the original price, always been my type of games
159 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 15:07
Great game with amazing yet simple story. Shows a lot of character growth and having to deal with different types of trauma. Only down side are some of the bugs but if you can get past that and you have a couple of free days I 100% recommend you play this game especially if you're a horror fan.
164 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 22:50
I just finished this game. The graphics to this game was beautiful, Story line was very dark and enjoyable. This game is a Psychological horror with some chase elements added in. You do have to walk around a lot in this game, but this game does have lots of replay value to it as well. What I also was very impressed with, the way the Developers reach out to the people on twitter who tweeted about this game. I was rather impressed with Jan Kavan taking the time to comment on peoples Twitter, to me that is speaks volume on how they care.
2302 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
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1914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 01:34
Someday You’ll Return is a psychological horror game with more genres included than ingredients in a can of “insert name brand cola here”. It’s a dizzying whirlwind of stealth survival horror, first-person platforming, adventure game style puzzles, rock climbing simulation, environmental puzzling, potion crafting, chase scenes, and I think some kitchen sink plumbing, but I could be wrong on that last one because it may be sewer pump maintenance instead. It is somewhat held together somehow, but on top of that the game is marred by frustrating gameplay due to some odd design choices, bugs, and a story that, while slightly intriguing, ultimately falls short because it just does not have enough moments to get the player involved in the 20+ hours it takes to finish and the main character is simply a terrible human being.

It’s a shame the game is not as enjoyable as I expected. There are some nicely directed scenes and a beautiful forest world that isn’t too bad for an indie game made by two guys using the Unreal engine. You can tell quite a lot of work went into making the game, even though the graphics aren’t up to par. The puzzles can vary from ultra-simple to “seasoned adventure gamer hard” and it’s odd how it quickly jumps from one to the next. Stealth is no walk in the park and reminded me of Outlast quite a bit. The environmental puzzles do take some time to understand since the levels are so broad and you have to walk all over the place to find a little object just to add it to another one in order to progress. Exploration is key and, even then, the solution may not be obvious as you can walk past the answer repeatedly for sometimes an hour or more because it’s hidden away so deviously. It’s like pixel hunting, one of my least favorite experiences. If you play adventure games, you’ll probably be fine ( I think ) but some of the puzzles in the middle of the game could be infuriating for those who don’t enjoy puzzles.

I found the first-person platforming okay, but the slow down on balance beams can get old quickly when scenes are tense. There were areas where it felt overused, but I thought the multi-story balancing was brilliant, even though I fell down a number of times. Rock climbing is one of the major means of traversal, and it is not always obvious how to go up because you must carefully select your steps or reach a dead end. This really makes you think and that’s a plus. There are also herbal potions to be crafted and tools used in both puzzles and general level segments, though how to use the tools is never explained. These are not unwelcome additions, and I enjoyed crafting potions, though it did seem almost randomly added to the game.

The story is hit or miss. It’s some serious subject matter, and on top of that the game has what may be the most unlikable protagonist in video game history. His name is Daniel and he is foul, cruel, petty, and just about every other horrible attribute in the dictionary. So, going in you need to know Daniel is just awful, has no redeeming qualities, and that he mostly goes on and on in an offensive manner. In his search for his daughter Stela, Daniel relives past memories and more ugliness is revealed with his marriage and his treatment of Stela. The story is a bit predictable and never cements itself as well as it could, but it does make use of some dramatic moments occasionally. The voice acting for Daniel is mostly grating, though I am not sure it is entirely the voice actor or if he is just directed and written that way. From the beginning scenes, you can tell the voice acting is not great. Daniel also never lets up with his insulting manner and is obnoxious every moment he opens his mouth. I think that is what the story hinges on for content, the character must be unlikeable for this madness to continue. However, Daniel is just too unlikeable to the point where you may even want to turn the audio off. Not a pleasant trip through his memories by any means.

For horror elements, keep in mind it’s psychological horror. While I had some truly terrifying moments wearing my headset, it’s all about his inner demons. There are monstrous enemies and lots of stealth-based walking and avoidance, but that’s the extent of it. If you are looking for some truly horrific stuff, this isn’t it. However, it’s still scary nonetheless and there are times when I was very startled or dreading running into the “fog children”.

While I encountered a few bugs such as a bridge that was twisting crazily on its own that shot me up in the air like a cannonball and scenes where I immediately died once the action commenced through no fault of my own, the worst of the experience was, by and large, design choices. The hitbox on the character is too wide would be my first complaint. During the stairway fire scene, I’d be far enough from the fire, yet I’d still die from the flames, or I would have to point my POV downward so far that I was trying to look at my feet just to avoid flames perfectly, yet then I’d move too slow and burn up anyway. Also, in the Lea fire scene, the same thing happened. Over and over it would take multiple attempts depending on a scene to get past hitbox attacks. This happened with rocks as I was trying to get through a timed event, destroying totems and running up balance beam rocks. I’d get within one step of where I’d need to be and then die repeatedly because balance beams are slow-moving and too many rocks would pummel me before I could crouch to safety. I don’t mind dying a few times, but I almost rage-quit several times throughout the game.

There were also save points that would not save where you would expect them to. With with just one save slot that only auto-saves, it’s very important that the save points be crucially placed. If I destroy a heart, but then accidentally fall off a platform, I don’t expect to have to redo that whole scene all over again, and yet there I was having to sneak to a heart through enemies all over again. You need save points after the hearts and after anything grueling.


I wish I could recommend this game, and perhaps it will be slightly better after several patches, but I have to give it a negative rating because it just feels so disjointed and unpolished. I’m not even sure it could be patched to be better in all honesty. While I initially thought the game was okay after five hours, the longer I played the more I wanted the game to end more than I wanted to see the end. The story is often unenjoyable, the gameplay is frustrating when it shouldn’t be, and the puzzles were the main aspect I enjoyed until Chapter 6 with the equipment above and below to deal with and it never really got any better after that. On top of things, there are major bugs that are still being patched right now. I did enjoy the nice forest game world and the early puzzling, as well as the Lea cave puzzle section, but most everything else were corridors and running from monsters or stealth with a “find this to open that” puzzle using balance beams and rock climbing. These puzzles are so annoying too because you essentially have to hunt bits and pieces of things in the dark, through corridors that all look the same, and then get back to be greeted with a scene that may or may not be frustrating as well or run like hell. It just didn’t make for a captivating or fun experience. My favorite part of the game was the use of the history of Czechoslovakia in the story with some wonderful background plaques littered through the forest. There are some interesting ideas like the potions and I did feel a good amount of tension in areas that were scary, but it was not enough to keep me interested and before long the game was just a chore to complete.
62 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 19:51
Great game! Soundtracks are pretty cool .
1333 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:45
This game have an interesting story and creepy moments but it's too much walking xD
787 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 21:12
The game is fantastic! If you like mystery, camping, woods in general, then you just must support the developers. The game is very unique in its setting and is still being fixed and updated. Such a huge achievement for a small team. Walking around in the forest is still magical - I think only time I saw something similar was in KCD. And Someday is more for my tastes :)

Buy the game, love it, learn something about beautiful nature of Moravia.
87 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 19:09
For the people that owns any kind of ultrawide monitor (21:9, 32:9), this game does not support those kinds of aspect ratios. Just something to keep in mind if that's a dealbreaker for you.
16679 Produkte im Account
934 Reviews
777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 00:15
Lost in a forest with spooky things happening. Wayfinders on trees and objects to find give it an adventure feel - A lovely sad scary story in quite a beautiful creepy walking sim.
425 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
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1310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 02:50
Well, this is it. My least favorite game of the year--my least favorite in many years, in fact. I assure you, dear reader, that I will relate only my experiences. If something seems like hyperbole, please trust it is but my honest opinion.

Someday You'll Return is the story of a father searching for his missing daughter in the woods of a Czech national park. It's a horror title with a mix of puzzles, exploration, and exploration. And boy do I hate it.

It's a gorgeous game--the outdoor environments looked great and ran well, despite how much foliage was being rendered. The climbing mechanic works well, too, and I didn't mind it's frequent use. I was kind of into it all until I reached the camp. Ok, that's all the nice things I can say.

A list of frustrations:
-insta fail stealth sections. Too numerous to count.
-another type of enemy that damages and splotches up your screen when you come close. These things are absolutely everywhere. Everything about them is perfectly calculated to be as annoying as possible, from their locations to how long your view is obscured
-a pointless potion system. It serves virtually no purpose, and was never interesting. The only thing it did was to allow--agonizingly slow, as ever--story scenes to play out as the player tags along. They never revealed anything new about the plot.
-Terrible puzzles with either poor mechanics or else based on finding some tiny object
-repeated backtracking.

All of these elements conspire to make a game that progresses excruciatingly slowly, every annoyance working hand in hand.

The level design is terrible. In so, so many areas it's not clear where to go, or what areas are passable and which are gated off. Confusing use of foliage and darkness does not help. Most games succeed at this without the player noticing, so text alone can't convey just how poorly done it all is.

The camp is a perfect example of where things first went off the rails. It's a huge area, and because you'll be backtracking there, there are tons of puzzle elements that serve as red herrings later on. A few things, seem to have no purpose at all. At one point, I was walking around with three keys--none of which were what I needed! Two of those keys I finished the game with, completely unused. What I'd really needed was small and easily missed.

The story is no better. It's fine, at least in outline. But after 6 hours or so, the player has figured everything out. The next 10-15 hours offer no surprises to speak of. The same story beats about the protagonist's past with his daughter and the camp come up again and again.

The protagonist is relatively unique for this kind of game. He is, as you'll soon discover, not a nice guy. He is, in fact, completely unsympathetic: poisonous, bitter, and selfish. You'll be spending 15-20 hours with him, and don't expect anything like a character arc. Long after the point that he's a nasty guy had been driven in, I got yet another such scene with him. It provoked an emotional reaction, I'll give it that.

The last 10 hours conspire to be as annoying as possible, and all of these negatives are at their absolute worst. Nobody ever seems to have said to the developers: 'this part is frustrating, why is it like this?' Can you make this part easier to understand or get through?'

The only way Someday You'll Return could have been improved is to have spent much less time developing it--then, at least, it could have been over quicker.

I recommend this game to no one.
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 19:08
It's avery good game focusing on herbalism thank you for this. It is a true blessing from the creators of this game I wish nothing but the best for all the herbalism they shown through the game. I honestly cannot think of a signle moment where i thought herbalism is not needed but it is it is needed every second. this is the perfect farm simulating game on steam.
2605 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 19:46
First off, I am passionate indie games addict!

Someday You'll Return is an adventure-horror mix game (not a walking simulator) done by 3 developers, it took 5 years from the idea to release and I felt all the effort and love they put into the game, all the details. It is hard finding something like that these days, congrats! For such a small team, they ‘ve created a very long (featuring Prolog and 12 chapters, duration 13-21 hours) and detailed experience, providing even more gameplay than a number of AAA studios. (In my humble opinion.)

Some gameplay elements:
Your mobile phone allows you to talk to NPC, it has GPS, a map (this feature is really limited), a flashlight and you can send/receive SMS messages.
As far as skills go, there is crafting, herbalism, climbing and of course stealth, sort of defending/fighting enemies (…the latest update provides a new potion to ease your pain...) and some easy to deal with chase/trial and error sequences. On top, there are quite a few puzzles to solve and tasks to complete. Sometimes it is unclear what the game wants you to do, but overall, there are clues everywhere. Off the beaten track, there is plenty of secrets and collectibles for you to discover. You can get lost for a very long time if you wish.

After a linear opening the game expands out massively. It offers intriguing landscapes and unique atmosphere (sounds/music), based upon real locations and using the folklore of its Czech heritage.
Daniel is venturing in the forest to find his daughter Stella, apparently, this isn’t the first time Stella has run away. As Daniel ventures deeper into the forest, things are not quite what they seem.

The actual, mysterious story begins to be great as soon as you control Daniel. Don’t want to provide more intel, it is up to you to reveal the nightmares of the past. It is a journey full of fears and sadness.

Its one of the best indie games I can remember playing.
I was blown away when the credits were rolling!
680 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 12:03
What an awesome game!

If you looking for nice graphic, nature environment, touching story (definitely better, if you have kids),lot of mysteries to solve, time to time scary sceneries - this is game for you.

This game is offering so much of free movement, stories told by environment, hidden messages, side stories - worth every penny spent :)
505 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 00:00
Someday You’ll Return demands too much from the player but fails to deliver anything of great value in return. It requires patience through bewildering puzzles, spatial awareness within the confusing forest, tolerance for some terrible stealth gameplay, and acceptance of a long and clunky adventure. It gives the player a decent potion-crafting system and a story that maintains interest. But neither are enough reason to spend fourteen hours trudging through the woods, especially not when the price is higher than other walking simulators that give just as much story while respecting the player’s time in the process.

Read full review
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 21:40
First off, I'd say that this game is an extraordinary piece of art. If you enjoy roaming around well crafted landscapes with a lure of exploration and uncovering things there's a chance you might enjoy this experience. However, I want to say that the plot and storyline of the game is where there is a massive falloff.

While there is an exceptional amount of environmental craftsmanship, I have to fault the plot in every respect of the way. From around 10 hours onward, the game truly seems to fail to find it's footing on sticking towards a narrative. You will be harassed and reminded of the qualities of Daniel throughout the ordeal. While in some respects that might be ok, as a player I felt reminded at every turn to hate our subject of the world.

I'm an avid player of horror titles, and this one seemed to relish in the same scares, the same imagery, and same spooky settings without attempting to change much expectations. The monsters and spooks get dull, and the plot stangnates to where I'm no longer attached towards anything.

If you want a visual experience, you'll likely enjoy this title. But if you're looking for top shelf horror and scares, you might want to take your time elsewhere.
55 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 20:27
The duo that created this game deserves LOTS of respect and praise for what they accomplished. The game has the beauty of Firewatch's open-world(-ish) forest environment and deep narrative with the thrills and scares of classic horror tropes. The world the two devs created is fascinating especially since it's based on IRL locations in the Czech that exist. It's clear from playing through the game the devs of CBE software poured their hearts and souls into this game given the quality from such a small team. Someday You'll Return is easily among my favorites of 2020 so far.

Despite my enjoyment and recommendation, I did have a few issues worth noting. My biggest issue throughout was how I found myself very early on hating the player character. I cringed a few times at his certain dialogue and situational choices. It was a bit tough to digest early on and came as a bit of a shock, but I understand the reason Daniel was made to be like this later on. Herbalism was really cool to see but it felt underutilized and has a bigger potential - it's only needed two or three times and the rest of its applications are auxiliary to your time wandering the forest. Item crafting/repairing was fun but the no-handholding approach to the game (which I enjoyed on the whole) sometimes got me stuck for an hour when I would miss a small item and have no way to proceed. Climbing was neat and a fun change of pace as a lighthearted puzzle. Some of the sneaking sequences felt a bit rough/unfair at times due to enemies and often required lots of trial and error to get through. I would have loved for there to be some light ambient sounds playing throughout your time in the forest as well since it was almost always dead silent with the exception of your footsteps or a chirping bird here and there. The silence lends itself to the atmosphere of the situation, but I found myself longing for more of the beautiful music that would play sparsely throughout the game. There also were a few cases of items not culling out (e.g. barbwire, rope) and then would stick around around throughout the rest of game, some of them happening in the forest that you'd come across multiple times as you trek back and forth.

Ultimately, I completed the game having really enjoyed the experience but left with a ton of lingering questions about the lore and story - it makes me want to dive back in but I'm unsure if I would ever actually get those answers. Some details the game are spelled out clearly with progression, others are left to careful observation, and some are ambiguous with no clear explanations despite their impact, use, or importance to the events in the game. While it irks me to not get those missing details, that's also part of the fun of the mystery and desire to revisit the Moravian forest and go through some of those heart-pounding moments again. The atmosphere, tension, and uneasiness the game generates is enjoyable and a real treat to experience.
20513 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 21:59

Someday You'll Return

Someday You'll Return is an adventure game with horror/puzzle elements where we play as a grumpy Daniel who should find his daughter as she's lost in the forest.
I didn't complete the game yet, as there's so much content to discover that even 15 hours won't be enough to complete it with a reasonable amount of exploration I'm afraid. Even though it's an easy recommendation from me.

Game starts as a walking simulator but it changes with huge amount of small gameplay additions over time. And all these additions are really well made, even mini-games like climbing or breaking through something.
Exploration is really important here while collectibles are incredibly hard to get (getting all achievements would be complicated, even with guides). There's multiple endings that are related to gameplay decisions and additional quests/exploration.

A few more positive things:
+ Locations are huge and look beautiful. Sounds of nature are great too.
+ Herbalism is a fun addition and I suppose there might be some not so obvious mechanics related to it.
+ One of the best optimizations and one of the best works with Unreal Engine on my memory.
+ Good voiceovers. Nice characters (yeah-yeah, MC is not the nicest guy ever but it doesn't make him a bad character).
+ The whole story and pieces of story that you get through notes look good so far. Somewhat unique setting.

All in all, Someday You'll Return is more than just another indie game but not quite a AAA. Some gameplay parts might less appealing to some players (i.e. some players didn't like stealth sequences while I didn't like some huge puzzle-ish gameplay gaps between narrative storytelling).
Anyway, in my opinion this game is a huge success for a small team as it's better and has more identity than some AAA projects. 8.5/10

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228 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 15:27
I think that now that I am finished with my first play through I can say yes, go ahead and play this. I had some crashes and BSODs but the kinks are less frequent and the developers are constantly tweaking things.

The story on first impression is engaging but I think I need to do a replay to understand more of what is going on. I probably got about 85% of the story discovered so I have some questions I need to resolve.

Now for the bad part, there are some difficult passages that you have to accomplish. Fans of stealth will have their moments to shine while someone like myself will struggle through it. The game has frequent auto saves so your very first encounter with evil gets broken up into chunks which really helps. There are visual clues to help you proceed but I'll tell you it took me most of one sitting to get through some places. Other times I just needed to stop for a bit and come back to it later : )

***Edit - there is now an added potion which has reduced the difficulty of the game to make it more casual player friendly. Also I have to say on my second go round things were so much easier for me and I did very well w/o using the potion. guess I was just a little more relaxed this time.

A great game for achievements hunters. You'll get about 50% from just completing the game and getting story related achievements. The remainder are mostly collectibles but there are a few for which I am uncertain. Right now I'm avoiding the discussion page to keep the spoilers away, but there are some video walk throughs if you need a hint to move forward. Mostly straight forward puzzling using your arsenal of tools and special totems.

***Best part- this is a nice long game, something that seems to be rare these days. Quick two to four hour puzzlers are great for a weeknight but this can easily consume a whole weekend and beyond. Oh and I almost forgot, this game is beautiful to look at and you can at times just wander away and usually you'll get rewarded in some small way for doing so.
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 06:17
Someday you'll return? Nah mate.

I will add to this now that I've had some time to cool off. I spent $45AUD on this game. I was told this was a horror game, it was everything but.

The voice acting was one of the worst things in this game. It was really, really hard to sit through. Whoever created the audio as well, off. Some scenes wouldn't even have audio, just silence as you watch yourself fall, or an enemy coming after you. The music with an opera singer, singing, in the most off timing scenes I've ever seen. Nothing flowed at all. It was just ALL over the place.
I'm really disappointed in this game. It felt like 12 different people created 12 chapters. The main character was possibly the worst character I've ever played in my life, I HATED him. It got to the point that I didn't even care if he died or not.
The only reason I finished this game was because of how much money I paid and because I really wanted to know how the hell they were even going to end this.
It was SUCH a disappointing ending to such a nothing thing.
I've never even written a review before, but this game put me through so much anger that I had to write this to explain how much I hated it.
3251 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 11:04


☑ Content is a value at full price.
☐ Positive experience, but wait for a sale.
☐ Wait for improvements before buying.
☐ Negative experience. Save your money.

  • Headbob & flashing lights made me barf.
  • I ended up passed out in bed all day, sick as a dog.
  • Can't wait to play again today.
  • Suggestion:
    Add UI toggle to turn off headbobbing.


    The devs recreated their childhood stomping grounds and threaded an intriguing horror story with roots in Czech folklore into it.

    You can visit the actual locations in real life.

    Setting is lifelike & beautiful.

    (PS: The Jerkstore called. They're running out of Daniel.)

    @ShesLevel18 ????????

    661 Produkte im Account
    46 Reviews
    482 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.05.20 04:28
    I really had decent expectations for this game and I am a bit disappointed to be honest. This game does remind me a bit about Firewatch which isn't a bad thing at all, I wasn't much a fan of the whole walking around and getting lost when you wanna progress, and the story does start off confusing but, I feel like I am getting what the story is mostly. I don't like stealth sections and their is a few like [spoiler] When you have to escape the camp and find the spear to kill 2 hearts [/spoiler]. The parts that I did like was the Crafting and Potion Brewing features which are amazing and the game looks beautiful. This game shouldn't be about $30 so I would recommend getting it when it's about $19.99 or less.
    533 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    1449 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.05.20 18:13
    It's rare for a game to really grab me and refuse to let go, but this one did the trick. It's a narrative-based exploration game with a lot of gameplay variety. You navigate around large environments with very little hand-holding, solve puzzles, unravel the past, climb, and sneak past foes. It's an excellent game, though. It can have a lack of direction but nothing that should leave anyone permanently stuck. It's a lot like old-school adventure games in that way, so if you hate those, you probably won't like the similar mechanics here.

    But the story is fantastic and the world design is top tier. It's based around an actual place in the Czech Republic and there's a very obvious deep love for the locations. The game can get frustrating, but I loved playing it. After beating it, I've been thinking about the story a lot too. If you're looking for a horror game that'll make you think and you like exploring and logically solving puzzles, you're very likely to have a good time here. It's one of the best games of its type I've played recently and it's beautiful to boot.
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    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    84.11% 254 48
    Release:05.05.2020 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: CBE Software Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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