• Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
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  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
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  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
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  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.
  • Starbound: Screen zum 2D Action-Adventure.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 04.12.2013
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Preis Update 19.07.24

Über das Spiel

In Starbound, you take on the role of a character who’s just fled from their home planet, only to crash-land on another. From there you’ll embark on a quest to survive, discover, explore and fight your way across an infinite universe

You’ll encounter procedurally generated creatures and weapons, discover populated villages and abandoned temples. Explore planets dotted with dungeons, eyeball trees and treasure. Make use of over a hundred materials and over one thousand in-game objects to build a sprawling modern metropolis or a sleepy secluded cabin in the woods, and do all of it alone or with friends!

Starbound lets you live out your own story of space exploration, discovery and adventure. Settle down and farm the land, hop from planet to planet claiming resources, or make regular visits to populated settlements, taking on jobs and earning a living. NPCs are scattered about the worlds, offering quests and challenges for those looking for a little extra excitement in their lives.

Key Features:
  • 6 playable races
  • A procedurally generated universe with unlimited procedurally generated planets
  • All content available in online drop in/drop out co-op
  • Generated dungeons full of unique enemies
  • Randomly generated monsters
  • Thousands of items
  • A deep crafting system
  • PVP gameplay
  • Own and decorate your own Starship
  • Develop your own home planet
  • Menacing boss battles
  • Procedurally generated guns and melee weapons
  • Farming, hunting and survival mechanics
  • Built from the ground up to support modding
  • Ongoing free updates
  • Multi-platform multiplayer


  • CPU: Core 2 Duo
  • GFX: 256 MB graphics memory and directx 9.0c compatible gpu
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP or later
  • HD: 3 GB available space
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Broadband Internet connection
  • LANG: English
  • CPU: Core i3
  • GFX: Discrete GPU capable of directx 9.0c
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP or later
  • HD: 4 GB available space
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Broadband Internet connection
  • LANG: English

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

45 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 15:53


Starbound ist ein Pixel-Open-World-Survival-Crafting-Sandbox Spiel in dem ihr viele unterschiedliche Welten und Galaxien mit den Verschiedensten Lebewesen erkunden könnt. Ihr Könnt auch eine Interessante Storyline verfolgen und euch mit wilden Bossen Fetzen!


Meiner Meinung nach hat das Spiel ein wenig ZU wenig Musik wodurch man sich beim Weltraum herum düsen etwas einsam fühlt, DOCH man muss seine Reise nicht nur allein spielen! Im Mehrspieler kann man auch mit freunden (wenn man denn welche hat) zusammen das Universum von Starbound erkunden. Wenn Ihr jetzt aber denkt, dass ihr zusammen in einem Raumschiff spielt dann legt ihr da leider falsch Jeder Bekommt sein Raumschiff und muss über Steam beitreten. Auch wenn dass etwas doof klinkt ist es doch immer noch ziemlich spaßig!

Ich hoffe ich konnte mit der Rezension etwas bei ihnen erreichen sodass sie jetzt das Lesen satt haben und endlich das Spiel spielen wollen!
63 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 18:07
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 07:37
Eine ganz klare Empfehlung! Spiele es seit Jahren und es macht nach wie vor riesen Spaß!
58 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 10:08
77 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 15:56
323 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
27685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 15:34


☐ Schöner als das Leben
☐ Wunderschön
☑ Gut
☐ Ok
☐ Naja
☐ Meine Augen bluten
☐ Paint.exe

☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Ok
☐ Naja
☐ Grauenvoll
☐ Eine weiße Wand ist schöner

☑ Eargasm
☐ Sehr gut
☐ Gut
☐ Ok
☐ Naja
☐ Earrape

☑ Erwachsene
☑ Jugendliche
☑ Kinder
☐ Kiddies
☐ Nicht definierbare Lebensformen

---{PC Anforderungen}---
☐ Taschenrechner
☑ Ultra Low Budget PC
☐ Standard PC
☐ Guter PC
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Frag mal NASA ob du bei denen zocken darfst

☐ Dark Souls
☐ Schwer
☐ Schwierig zu lernen / Einfach zu meistern
☑ Leicht
☐ Sehr leicht
☐ Einfach ‚A‘ drücken

☐ Ich würde mein Leben aufgeben
☑ Noch nie so viel Spaß gehabt
☐ Macht Spaß
☐ Nur mit Freunden vorhanden
☐ Gelegenheitsspiel
☐ Eigentlich nicht vorhanden

☐ Ersetzt dein Leben
☐ große Emotionen
☐ Gut
☐ Ok
☑ Das kann man nicht als Story bezeichnen
☐ Gibt's nicht

---{Spiel Zeit}---
☑ Es gibt kein Ende
☐ Lang
☐ Normal
☐ Kurz
☐ Direkt wieder schließen

☐ Gratis
☑ Preis/Leistung Top
☐ Wenn man Geld übrig hat
☐ Zu teuer
☐ Überfall eine Bank

☑ Noch nie einen gesehen
☐ Minimale Bugs
☐ Können aufregen
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ Das Spiel besteht nur aus Bugs
380 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
11556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 08:51
mit und ohne mods eines der besten 2d spiele
37 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
8002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 13:11
148 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
9978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 19:32
342 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
4072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 20:58
Nobody reads the reviews for sure, so I'll say I'm gay
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
53480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 05:54
Starbound is a pretty decent Game for 13€... if there were no mods...
However with Steam Workshop this game becomes insanely great, most full price titles are no match for this anymoe.
Thanks to Chucklefish and the Starbound modding community for 700+ hours of fun playtime, and this is not where my Starbound jouney ends.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 02:12
it gud :)
95 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 21:51
Klasse Spiel.
34 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 16:22
Super Spiel nachdem man sich ein bischen reingefuchst hat ich empfehle das spiel erst normal duchzuspielen da sonst schnell der spielspaß verloren geht weil die admin-befehle etwas compliziert sind und mann viele sachen im kopf behalten oder auf einer wikipedia seite finden muss
53 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
11100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 06:46
Starbound alleine ist ein wunderschönes Spiel. Aber FU verbessert selbst dieses Spielgefühl noch mal.
257 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
19604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 14:49
Um ehrlich zu sein weiß ich nicht, ob ich dem Spiel selbst in der Vanilla Version ein positives Urteil gegeben hätte. Insgesamt ist es eine nette Sandbox mit miesen Endgame (die Planeten werden immer langweiliger mit fortschreitendem Schwierigkeitsgrad und außer den höheren Materialien gibt es keinen Grund, sie zu besuchen).
Allerdings ist das Game wunderschön, wenn man Pixelart mag.
Und wenn man auf anspruchsvolleres gameplay steht gibt es eine Mod, die aus dem Game das macht, was es sein sollte... Frackin Universe! Damit kommen unzählige Biome und Mechaniken dazu. In meinem aktuellen playthrough habe ich nach 30 Stunden gerade erst das zweite system angeflogen und bin so begeistert wie zuletzt in der Alpha Phase!
Einfach Frackin Universe und ein paar andere mods installiert und aus dem Spiel wird das einzige, das an Terraria ran kommt.
29 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 11:10
Ist sehr sehr guter Spiel!Erinnert einen halt ziemlich an Terraria.
Es ist trotzdem sehr cool und hat eigene Features. Man kann zum Beispiel zu anderen Welten reisen und die riesige menge an Welten erkunden!!!
45 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 00:48
Gutes Spiel macht richtig Spaß erstrecht mit den verschiedensten Workshop sachen hat es noch mehr Potenzial
229 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
5335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 17:33
Josi likes it <3
77 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 08:53
Unglaublich welch große Vielfalt dieses Spiel bietet. nach 100 Stunden steht man noch am Anfang diese riesige Welt zu erkunden.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 16:41
It`s fun
56 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
3103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 11:19
Starbound macht spass. Der spielverlauf ist dennoch sehr blockartig. Das stört mich persöhnlich etwas.
241 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 07:49
17 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 23:22
naja kann man sich geben i guess
47 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 16:48
Joah schon ganz nett, das schlimmste sind die gegner die einfach in dich reinrennen
46 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 17:06
einfach nice.
84 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 11:23
Is Nice
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 10:55
190 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 15:17
viel spaß, ich bin heute einmal in scheiße aufgewacht.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 17:18
Was ich an diesem Spiel liebe ? Es ist Zeitlos. Ein gutes Spiel braucht für mich guten Inhalt und eine schiere Unmasse an Möglichkeiten. Gute Mods runden das ganze ab. Grafik ist für mich nur nebensächlich. Ich muss nachdenken und große Freiheit haben. Das bietet das Spiel. Für mich perfekt !
218 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 09:09
I died because of gravel or sand falling down. 10/10 would dig there again.
58 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 19:07
Nur zu empfehlen!!!
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 15:38
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
32379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 12:06
is geilste realtalk
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 09:42
Great Game
237 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
7037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 11:26
After 100 Hours of playtime, i have to say: i love it!
Played it when it was released, and after years of updates today i freshly started.

If you like Terraria you will like this one!
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
15765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 17:28
einfach geil
197 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 00:10
Chucklefish abuses their workers and profits on unpaid and uncredited labor while making millions of dollars. This is well documented. Fück 'em.

It's a fun game. Don't pay for it. Get it for free. Don't give these fückers a single cent. The developers who were abused won't see any of it anyway.
165 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
11357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 03:18
I thought I was downloading a video game and instead I got downloadable crack cocaine. Now I can't even leave the house....send help!
126 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 14:17
I want so hard to love this game and it might still be worth buying if you enjoy things like Terraria.

However, this is an ultimately shallow experience. It is an ocean of potential with the depth of a puddle. With the game now no longer releasing Updates, I feel confident in saying that even after years of support, this game still has very little going on by its Endgame. Combat, plot, and goals are all extremely one dimensional and linear and past a certain point you just want the world to interact with you. You want to have more going on with the NPC's, you want the bases you build to have some sort of purpose or reward, but they don't. The game has this excellent crafting system yet there is practically no point in diving into it beyond screenshotting and showing off your base; the game simply has too little going on.

You will like a lot of elements about this game. You will inevitably hit the same wall I did finding yourself wanting to love it only to think about how disappointingly boring it gets past a certain point. You'll wish there was more to the story and its characters. You'd wish there were more Sims like elements or challenging combat areas. None of that happens though, and the game has been like this for years. When I think of Starbound, it's hard not to think of Terraria as well and what this game could have been. And with that in mind I cannot recommend this game.
90 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 22:22
I love this game its great I've had nearly 200 hours of fun with my gf on here :) I just wish there was more games like this out there! Only thing I dislike about starbound is that that the character worlds are technically in the same universe!
39 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 02:38
I can't say I ever played this game without mods before. The first mod I used was a character addition mod, so no new content other than that.

The gameplay is mediocre and usually quite slow. If you try hard enough, you can brute-force the bosses without any strategy.

Story is very bland and straight forward, no sudden twists or even any purposefully hidden plot points. It's very boring.

Music is wonderful! Nearly six and a half hours of original music! Most is just ambient but that's okay.

Now with mods, it's a very different story! You can use weapons that are made from everything, a sword from Terraria, even a gun that uses the nearest sun to power it, even armor from Beat Saber, plus more of course! Mods are the glue that brought this game back together, so if you do still buy this game, make sure to also get mods right away as well!
211 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 03:03
wish there was a middle ground for steam reviews
there's a good chunk of controversy hovering around chucklefish and this game's development, but disregarding that, i do enjoy this one, particularly when modded
additional hot take, i personally somehow enjoy it more than terraria
there's a certain chill vibe to it i don't quite get elsewhere, but my playstyle is largely centered around doing whatever the hell i want, which is usually making builds and just supporting friends during multiplayer sessions, so your mileage may vary
people say the base game is heavily lacking and i honestly can't go back myself, so i'm inclined to agree

if you do buy it, buy it on sale or get it out of a humble bundle or something
98 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
36660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 04:00
Space game go zoom planet to planet just watch out if you want like infinite replayability, the story gets stale if you play it more than 5 times. Def worth a playthrough tho!
68 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 19:11
Got 50hrs playing this and i barely know half of the stuff in this game.
72 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
20597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 03:26
A case of GREAT GAME, but play it with Starbound Frackin's universe if want an actual update or something close to it. Vanilla Starbound is alright, but once you add mods it will be the game it should have been.
145 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 01:35
I love Starbound, I've played it for over a thousand hours...and it's a game I wholeheartedly cannot recommend to new players, UNLESS you want to install hundreds of mods to make it enjoyable.

Starbound is a game that started out excellent, I'd know as I started playing it in Koala- but then the Giraffe versions arrived, and a good 60% of that excellent old content got stripped out for seemingly no reason, and the development team didn't bring anything especially good to the table with future updates. It's been years since I last played Starbound vanilla, and even then, I try to avoid engaging with the vanilla content and quest line as much as possible; with all interesting material and character divergence removed, it's the same thing every time and a bland slog with a horrible gameplay loop. There's absolutely no replay value here when it comes to vanilla content, and it's incredibly boring.

That said...the main reason I've played this game for so many hours and get so much enjoyment out of it is the modding community. Modders carry this game like fucking Atlas. You install a good few mods and suddenly you're not playing the same boring slog anymore, you're actually having fun! Race mods that add diverse new crafting and storylines give the game replay value, and there's plenty of other mods that hugely increase the amount of content the game has to offer. Additionally, there are mods (plural!) that re-introduce most if not all of the cut beta content, so you can enjoy the game as it was always meant to be.

Overall, don't take my play time as an indicator of quality- the only reason it's there is modders, and on its own, this game is awful and I can't in good conscience recommend it.
300 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 19:24
I really, really, would love to play this game. My hours do not properly reflect how much time I have spent on this game. That said, I know how many times I lost my characters or my universes. I know how many times I lost all my work. And I know just how much work this game ends up being if you just want to build something cool.

If you play this game longer than a hundred hours, and decided to search up an issue, you'll find most issues recommend deleting your universe and your character. All of your work. There are no cloud saves for this game, either, so you would have to manually back up your saves regularly.

I did love this game, especially during the beta... But a lot changed. They added a story, that heavily slows down progress, that every time you add mods, becomes a longer task. They used mods that people created without crediting them in order to make this game bigger; never paying the developers for any of the things they created for this game. But worst of all, you can spend hundreds of hours in this game, report a bug or complain about it on the forums, just for some newbies to tell you that they haven't experienced the bug yet so they don't believe the bug exists. When I mentioned that cloud saves and proper backups are effectively the bare minimum for sandbox games on Steam, so that people do not lose their work, the community went apeshit and said that I had no idea what being a developer was like.

Here's a link. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/cloud
Now, at one point a person told me that I couldn't understand how universe files take up so much space. I can. Why can't a person save their character and certain worlds onto a cloud, in the same way Terraria can? A lot of the more against-cloud people will say because it isn't the same. It takes too much space. In the storage, under the Starbound folder, there are individual files for each world. These files are less than 40KB a piece, for the most part. My character file for my character, similarly, less than 40KB. All of these individual files, sure, add up. But why can't I save the *individual* files, which are clearly present and are actually there? When I ask that, I get no answers. I get no real responses.

I'm going to allow comments on this. The community is extremely toxic for whatever reason, and they don't understand video game development. They just know they like the mechanics of this game. They don't know that Starbound can be criticized for obvious flaws that should have been fixed, but weren't because Chucklefish preferred to steal mods than actually develop their game.

My review would change to positive, if they fixed this. But then again, this is a game where the primary solution I find for a lot of small issues (like searching why a bounty isn't letting me follow it to the next planet) lists deleting the character and universe folders to fix a small issue. Turned out I just needed to use the info mode on my scanner and scan a handprint; no deletion of literally all of my work necessary. It just happened to be the first solution on Google.
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 15:34
I suggest getting mods to expand the content of this game(specifically Fracking Universe), there's so much to do even without mods though!
45 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
47946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 14:38
Most exciting and enjoyable space exploration game of all time. Period.
Too bad devs abandoned the project
70 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 00:58
Generic story with disappointing bosses. I was hoping for more achievements. Although, it is a good sandbox. I was upset to find out Chucklefish didn't pay their devs :/
26 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 00:48
i hate chucklefish for abandoning this game
254 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
18273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 06:30
funny space machine go brrrrrr
266 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
14327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 19:41
better than vanilla minecraft
157 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 23:52
god i wish this game was actually finished
215 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 19:49
Pay your damn employees, it's not like it's a hard concept to understand.
1289 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 19:48
Pay your devs you fuckin whores
512 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 09:27
Pre-ordered that game back in 2012, back when the features promised seemed interesting. The beta had a lot of promise to it, but the full release and subsequent updates essentially killed off all the motivation to actually explore. You used to need to dig down and go mining for core fragments, now you only have to drop down on a lush planet for easy access to dozens of them. Underground biomes used to be unique to certain planet types, now you can find any biome on any planet. It is so easy to acquire pixels and ore you rarely ever have to mine, You can loot towns of ores and buy the rest off the outpost. The entire progression of the game has been hamfisted into a story which is not engaging in the slightest, and the only incentive to explore is to scan items to progress through it. Progress otherwise is atrociously slow and poorly paced. You have no incentive to actually build or settle down when every planet is the same. The only saving grace here is mods, and the largest one, FU, is even worse than the base game.
Progression is also a major issue, you don't fight more dangerous enemies as you progress through the game, you simply fight the same ones with higher damage and health pools. High tier items are roughly the same as low tier items, only with higher energy usage to compensate for higher energy pools, and higher damage to compensate for higher enemy health.

Performance is atrocious and the game is horribly unoptimized. Physics are tied to framerate, any player you play with who has an inadequate rig will lag behind you if your PC is decent enough to not die at the slightest bit of foggy weather. Besides, this is the only game where you can experience server lag in singleplayer.

This is all without mentioning the can of worms that was development for this game, including uncredited stolen labor.

TL;DR: Any substance this game used to have has been diluted over the years.
121 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
31613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 03:05
90 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 17:36
got absolutely zero idea what the fuck i was doing, that was the best part of it
1133 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
28283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 17:53
Terraria in space. Kind of.

Compared to Terraria, Starbound has a less satisfying progression curve, less interesting/challenging bosses, and the combat doesn't feel quite as tight.

But those are really the only places it falls short, and it more than makes up for those things with its heavy focus on exploration. Instead of being locked to one world, you have an entire universe to explore, with tons of different biomes to experience. You have multiple races to choose from, each with their own distinct racial themes (and unique upgradeable ships). There's a quest-driven narrative, too (albeit lightly implemented). Also, the workshop content is WAY more robust.

The gathering, building, and decorating aspects in both games -- which is likely what you'll spend the most time actually doing -- are highly similar to one another. I prefer the decor options in Starbound, though, as there is a lot more of it and the racial themes are pretty cool. Mixing and matching different themes to create the perfect base (whether on ship or planet or both) really scratches the design itch nicely.

Really good game. Fun with friends, too.
82 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 16:10
terraria in space
181 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
23371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 20:34
Wouldn't it be funny if we paid our workers
505 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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4706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 21:06
it breaks my heart that this game is just not as fun as it ought to be. i don't know why it just doesn't click with me, but every time I play it, I just get frustrated.

a sci-fi themed Terraria? should be a 10 outta 10 on paper. In execution? Not a great time.

even less so when you know that Chucklefish did in the past, and took advantage of kids to get it made.
281 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
12355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 01:16
say what you will but that fish sure does chuckle
174 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
10866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 04:30
Its a great game, but....

Its not as good unmodded after you've beaten it once before, i mean dont get me wrong the game if fun and i really enjoy it but only when its modded and even then it can still get a little boring at times, now that doesnt mean you shouldnt buy this game, i mean it is SUPER fun you just gotta get the right mods for it to make it fun, FU (Fracken universe) is one mod that really really expands on the game and makes it more enjoyable, but it does have its downsides (like most games/mods do)

But in the end i fully recommend this game with all my heart, its super fun and can get a little sussy with the right people. If you have 15 dollars you wanna throw at something get this game, i love it and im sure you'll love it
113 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 22:17
Listen, I'll be real with you. This game on it's own is mediocre. It was made with unpaid labour and feels lifeless and empty.

But, with mods...

You have an infinite amount of high quality content. Frackin Universe, race mods, TrueSpace, Frackin etc., More dungeons, New Weapons, New MIssions, New EVERYTHING.

I recommend you get the game and start with mods. Frackin Universe is very hard to get into but the gameplay loop is so satisfyingly rewarding you WILL NOT be able to put it down. Most race mods are furry races btw so get ready to look hard for something good. You can do all sorts of things with the mods for this game. Wish it was more popular really.

The main guy behind Frackin Universe is kind of a dick but sometimes you have to separate the artist from the art.

When modded, this game is a subversive masterpiece that makes you feel like walter white mixed with the Doom Slayer
One minute you're running a private drug business where you sell all sorts of illegal goods, the next you're invading a Letheia Fleet to obtain a map to an incredibly intricate and genuinely fun SIDE MISSION. That's right. The entire 2 stage Letheia Side Missions that are easily missable took me about 4+ hours if not more to solve and complete. I had to use puzzle solving and determination to work my way through dozens of challenging traps and puzzles while dodging insanely powerful enemies. This is one of the MANY, MANY side missions introduced with Frackin Universe. Honestly a great game that I don't see myself getting tired of. Wish I could wipe my memory so I could experience that golden period of grinding and finding a place in the universe. I used to live in a dirt shack that got expanded to fit new items I needed, now I run multiple factories and spend hours optimising them for the most profitable and optimal output. The damn things run themselves.

Great game, give it a try.

One more thing,
Damn you Chucklefish!
447 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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31879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 10:51
It feels almost unfair to not have a review for this as someone who has been here since the very beginning.
Starbound is a sandbox game where you explore the universe. A great concept, and I had high expectations. The game has a great aesthetic and interesting world to explore.

So where does the problem come in?

The game is extremely linear. The main draw of a sandbox, the ability to explore and experiment, is tossed out of the window. There's no sense of wonder and amazement when you find something new. You're told where to go and what to do. A game built on the idea of replayability with procedurally-generated planets and creatures that forces you to not care about any of it. Over time the core idea of the game had become flanderized with new features and content just stapled on rather than connected with the other aspects of the game. The concept of space travel remains under-utilised along with practically every other system as well.
The most egregious and disgusting sin of the game is the exploitation of the contributors.
The lead devs manipulated young artists and programmers into unpaid labour. There are plenty of articles and better summary that you can find by googling, so I will say to rather do that for a better understanding than I could convey.
The game's current state is an abandoned corpse being glazed over repeatedly by modders in an attempt to make it seem alive again.

I don't expect anything to ever be fixed but I don't want to leave my words unheard for the rest of forever.

tldr; could've been better, sucks
736 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
18322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 11:54
I recommend this game as it's charming and my younger daughter likes it very much.

My 9 year old daughter Ariadne has played Starbound with my younger brother since she was very little, repairing their spaceships, teleporting back and forth and exploring together a mysterious galaxy full of exotic planets and danger, after fleeing from a vast, horrid tentacled planet eater. I have also tried the game and enjoy it so far; exploration is my favorite part of Starbound.

I am Ambrax, an old biker.
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
34824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 20:20
Starbound is a game i've spend alot of time on, especially back in 2017. It was to me, like minecraft was to others. An open world sandbox i knew nothing about, a world i hadn't seen on youtube and as such, a world i explored. And explore it i did. Either alone or with friends i went from star to star, planet to planet, looking for all the wonders in the galaxy. And for a while, i found amazing things, grand temples, great walled castles, razed cities. But after while, i began to see the pattern. Though the combat stayed fun, the weapons cool and races interesting, the places where i fought, talked, ate and slept became stale, the limits were showing. And so i jumped into modding, adding more and more content to continue that grand adventure i started so many playthroughs ago. But i never got it, that sense of wonder and excitement, i changed my race, my combat, added enviroments, i scoured the worshop for anything to get me that fun i had. But, as was to be expected, i didn't find it. And so i stopped playing. I've returned every now and then but it's always the same old Starbound.
Starbound is a great game, but don't expect an infinite universe, because once you've been far enough, it'll all be the same.
485 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
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17011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 01:14
I have to write this rewiew as negative as it came to my awareness , owner or publisher based this entire project on exploit of unpaid labour(including underaged) (who is ilegal in EU if its really the case) as well not pay any of parties involved any wage just promises , it sadens me to findout this late but better late then never .




49 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 00:14
Probably the best coop video game experience i've ever had. These 20 hours were some of the best moments with my friends.
60 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
11397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 15:18
Vanilla was super fun for me, but I only played for around 20 hours before exhausting the content. Then I discovered the modding scene and I've had 2 playthroughs so far with playtimes 2-3x higher than that. Just started another one recently to try out Frackin' Universe's research update (6.X) and I don't think I'm going to get bored anytime soon...
178 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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5550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 11:28
I think I played Starbound a little bit longer than 92 hours. I've been a backer since 2013 and I recall buying the game again or so because I forgot how to redeem stuff. I don't even know anymore. I was really eager to jump into the beta either way.
Everything about Starbound was absolutely enchanting, from lore, soundtrack to exploring planets together. We had our characters wiped over and over with every update and yet we kept remaking them, playing it over and over again. It was never a bad experience. Progression was gated but quick and easy to grind through. After the full release we gave the game a bit of a pause. Coming back in 2021 felt like a miserable experience, I'm sorry. The story just chokes the gameplay and planet generation feels dumbed down now.
The beta lives on in my heart, just this isn't it. I'll fully admit the good old nostalgia goggles are at play and a new player may enjoy it for what it is, but to me all that remains from Starbound now are a breathtaking soundtrack and good memories.
276 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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8207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 11:03
You took an okay game and made it into a grindy, dull mess, staggered progression for the sake of mediocre plotline. All you needed to do was to improve planet generation and add more endgame stuff and items, instead you hobbled it.

I've never seen perfectly fun game ruined so profoundly.
20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
40109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 22:56
Makes me want to cry how something with perfect potential gets abandoned, thanks chucklefish -_-
146 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 13:43
After reading Steam reviews I decided to purchase Starbound because it seemed like something that was right up my alley. Unfortunately, I spent my short time in the game trying to fix screen stuttering and terrible fps drops. After a bit of Google searching, this is apparently a widely experienced issue and has existed in this game for years without being addressed by the devs. There are various workarounds that are suggested to try to fix this issue, such as turning off vsync in the game file, running in windowed mode and fine tuning graphics cards settings. These fixes are met with various degrees of success across the community. Unfortunately, I could not fix the fps drops and stuttering issue which made this an unplayable disappointment. I can see the potential in this game but I can't recommend it due to the performance issues.
28 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
5857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 00:19
idk how but this game is so near to perfection but its jsut not. usually id make poo poo reviews but this game is just lacking something htat i cant quite figure out, variety maybe. actually ueah i figuered it out
151 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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5950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 21:26
Would be great, if only they added the hunger system in survival without losing all your crap in the core of the planet...

Edit: Mods don't count because the devs didn't make it that way, hoping the fans will just fix whatever shortcoming your game has and take the credit for that is not an excuse or can be considered a fixed problem.
174 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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21990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 02:02
I was a kickstarter backer in 2013. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

Starbound has all the makings of what it promised to be, a game about adventuring, exploration, a vast universe with RPG elements, a compelling narrative, and the ultimate interstellar sandbox.

What it doesn't have is any compelling staying power behind continuing to play it. Despite being one of the largest sandboxes possible, replayability is never propped up by game systems. A far sight from what was promised to backers years ago.

Players need to create reasons to keep coming back to this game, despite development taking a turn towards more game systems and less sandbox. I did, hence my 400 hours. I combined friends, mods, and roleplaying to get my hours. I did that. Not the game systems.

Don't compare this game to Terraria, it lacks the balance, depth, or mileage that Terraria has. It has much more variety in it's content, and far cooler world generation. But what it gains in variety and quantity of content, it loses in application and quality.

Starbound is a sandbox in the truest way - there is a bunch of stuff here that has no particular meaning, it's just there. Despite having a progression system and a plotline, they all feel like a means to an end for a game that is at odds with itself about what it wants to be.
49 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 13:18
i love this game
39 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 11:50
Im sure it has potential, but early-game multiplayer is so confusing and difficult that we just gave up. It can't seem to make its mind up as to what kinda of game it is, and whether or not it actually wants you to play together.
506 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
104125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 14:23
Finished the game 3 times. One vanilla run, one with Frackin Universe and one with EVERYTHING! Yes the game is not perfect and the story is a major pain in the ass after your first character (we fix that with mods) but it`s not as bad as people say. And no it is not Terraria in space, the expectation ruins it for many.

If you like a sandbox approach to space exploration, survival and building a large assortment of crimes against architecture you came to the right place.

Endless possibilities, you can either keep travelling and building up your character, or start colonies and entire civilizations, gather a crew, build giant mechs, kill abominations and ancient gods, annihilate entire planets or just play your chosen musical instrument.

The random generation works miracles in terms of weapons, planets and dungeons. And it only gets better with mods.
Explore and expand your own colony with unique npc`s that will bother you with quests. The quests though depending on the planet you colonize will be worth it.
Fight giant bosses, and explore both random and story important dungeons with unique challenges.
LOTS AND LOTS OF GUNS! Small, big, LAZOR, explosives, melee (also small and big), magic, there are more implements of death in this game than you can imagine.
Mechs are awesome, even the vanilla ones have a stunning variety of pieces but oh boy do the mods improve this. HINT: Shellbound has a GIANT CRAB MECH!!!!
Space-Stations are your very own piece of private orbital property. You choose it`s size, shape and interior and fill it with furniture, npc`s or just your hopes and dreams.
Workshop Support is the actual blessing here. The base game is good, decent. The mods take it to GODLIKE status. Get yourself some Frackin` Universe, Shellbound, Arcana, Knightframe. Expand the world, the options and the tools even more. EXPAND your arsenal to even greater absurdity, get UNLIMITED content. Also quality of life improvements.
Each race has it`s own unique culture, maybe you fancy yourself a robot medieval knight or a good old fashioned fish monk, or maybe you are a CULTURED mass of western gun and gas slinging light releasing badass.
Bounty Hunting and the mods that expand it allows you to go deliver vigilante justice all across the universe.
Building (which will take you a lot of time) comes with a massive amount of themed furniture and options for you to craft. Go from a small shack in the woods to your very own giant space palace.
Wiring allows you to leave behind your legs as you make platforms and elevators to carry your glorious space conquering ass through your base. Also helps with auto-crafting and farming.
Farming is ESSENTIAL for your survival needs. And fishing. These are also complimented by a large variety of recipes for a giant amount of food to satisfy your needs.
Monster capturing allows you to play SPACE POKEMON. No seriously they are your pets, have stats and abilities, a variety of attacks and are quite fun and useful.

This game delivered in it`s vanilla form what No Man`s Sky could not, and you know what...this flawed gem with the giant support of such a loving modding scene has grown to take it`s own place as one of the big boys in the sandbox survival crafting scene.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 23:07
i always wanted to try the game out, a friend decided to gift it to me and it immediately became my favorite game, the gameplay is simple yet entertaining, and the modding capabilities and community have made amazing pieces of work! if you haven't yet, you should definetely try it out
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 03:33
this game is addicting and the soundtrack is great very calming but also exciting!
559 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
74570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 13:22
It's not bad.
855 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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5275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 16:37
Starbound's a good, perhaps even a great game with mods, but the base version leaves a lot to be desired.

Story mode is fairly lackluster and is solely there to make you go to a planet with each race on it and scan their items. Gameplay loop on the base game has been infamously neutered when compared to the game's own beta. To top it off, Chucklefish is infamous for using assets from freelancers that they didn't pay for; Starbound in particular is their worst offender. Following the controversy, the game received its final update two years ago and has stood frozen in time since, with the only saving grace being the heavily moddable game engine.

I highly do not recommend the game if you're choosing to buy it outright; at the very least, Chucklefish doesn't deserve the money. However, if you have the opportunity to get the game through other means, I recommend at least trying a vanilla playthrough to get used to the mechanics, then install Frackin' Universe at minimum to minimise a number of the game's issues, and make the game much more enjoyable.
14 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 21:17
Some guy from Norway got me this game, Never seen him play this game again.
53 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
60984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 23:01
It is challenging and there are so many planets I still have to explore yet. Everyone needs a collection of Fluffalos
567 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
18293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 11:50
If it was just the base game I would not recommend Starbound, but with the mods, particularly Fracking Universe it makes the whole game a lot better and definitely worth playing, combat is still the weakest point of the game but if you're mainly interested in exploring and building you will enjoy it.
23 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 07:53
sex mod
235 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 21:53
its like terraria but not
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
15785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 11:46
Starbound overall is an absolutely fantastic game. The amount of content available in this game is incredible, and the game is still engaging after clocking 250+ hours. The random generation of planets, dungeons, and weapons keeps the game fresh, even after you have explored every system, planet, and moon in the universe. You never get to see everything, no matter how long you play the game for.


- Massive universe to explore, no matter how long you play, you will never explore it all.
- Random generation creates fun and sometimes wacky planet types, every planet feels unique in its own right.
- Super fun to play with friends, the adventure never ends.
- This game is a builder's paradise. Paint, wiring, 100s of blocks to build with, let your creativity run free.
- The music in Starbound fits absolutely perfectly. Curtis Schweitzer did an incredible job with making the universe feel more lively and mysterious when it needs to be.
- By far the most incredible part of this game is the ATMOSPHERE. Some of the best moments in Starbound is when the atmosphere is just right. Rainy nights in a small wooden house, standing by an ocean in the dead of night, some moments can give you the chills.

I praise Starbound for everything it has done right, but there are a few complaints I have with the game, though they are quite small and not game breaking.


- You may have heard this from other people before, but the optimisation is not the best. At some points, even on the best of PCs, the game will either freeze for a split second, enemies may stop attacking, and your character may not deal damage.
- Another thing you may have heard before is the linear storyline. Yes, on your first playthrough this type of story is great, but after many playthroughs, it starts to feel annoying. The storyline isn't necessary for you to progress in terms of items, but helps to aid in terms of exploration. Heck, you can get top tier armour after the first mission.

Overall, Starbound is a game that you can really get stuck into once you complete it the first time. With random generation, plenty of items and cosmetics to collect and the ability to play with friends, Starbound is incredible in both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Overall, I give Starbound a 9/10.
130 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
16971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 02:55
Vanilla game: 2/10, bland, empty, not too much content.

Modded game: fucking 10/10, incredible, so much potential for fun and exploration, building, RP, etc.
The modding community for this game is unreal, one of the best modding communities I've ever seen for a game. Modded Starbound is the complete experience.

I'd recommend Frackin' Universe + the related Frackin' mods if you're looking for good mods.
230 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
15130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 03:08
Terraria in space with mods, I love it.
210 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 17:37
The game started off a bit slow trying to figure out how everything works since the game hardly explains anything but that's part of the fun of starting a new game.

After getting destroyed by the first boss I looked for ways to get stronger and pretty much focused on making my character as strong as possible. It would seem there's no wall to stop you getting overpowered except for some gear requirements to visit planets with certain hazards which were easily overcome. I became too strong for my own good and each boss was underwhelming. I could go wherever I wanted and the mini-quests were repetitive and not worth the rewards. Every planet I visited felt similar and empty and each dungeon gave me little for the time I spent exploring. I didn't even bother building up my mech/ spaceship because the payout would not be worth it.

I realised that the only point of playing the game from that point on was for the story since I didn't enjoy the building aspect and there was no more growth for my character. I didn't care for the story or the characters so I ended the game there.

Overall I enjoyed the excitement of potentially finding something cool on all these planets but at the end of the day I was left feeling disappointed with the time I invested into this game. This game could have been so much more and feels unfinished.
118 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
60766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 18:29
some people grew up playing terraria, others grew up playing starbound
i was a starbounder myself, and i love this game to death, i get nostalgic every time i play
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 06:27
already good game made so much better with multiplayer. Very good, very forgiving, very fun. awesome.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 00:10
Amazing game, good co-op, good combat, evolving, exploring and even fashion. nice nice 10/10
18 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 22:20
i lack a good pc
229 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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33581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 17:03
I'm going to start this out, saying this: I love Starbound. Starbound might be one of my most favorite games of all time. I've spent so much time on this game, and if it weren't here, I'd probably be in a way different place compared to now...

So why the negative review?

Well, there's a TON of stuff wrong with this game, stuff I cannot ignore, and oh boy there's a lot of them... It's a bit of a ride, but I hope you'll read all I have to say on it before choosing whether or not to buy it.

This game is VERY poorly optimized. Even on a higher end computer like mine, this game still stutters and lags. It freezes up in multiplayer for half of a second if someone even dares to teleport to the same planet, or even ship for that matter, I'm on. On medium to lower end PCs, do not expect to get anything higher than 30 frames, as it's just an unrealistic expectation to have. Objects like the gate will just tank your frames for even going near it. The lag got so bad that there's mods to stop animations for objects, and even remove stuff like backgrounds. These are not in game features, either, which I will talk more about later. And I can't ask this enough... DO NOT PLAY 64 BIT! There's something wrong with it, to where after enough time, the game just crawls and it will leave you with an awful experience. I'm thinking it could be a memory leak, but I can't say for sure... It's awful! If you have a medium PC, just avoid multiplayer like the plague. You will have an awful experience.

Character creation, while fun, is nowhere near as good as it could be. As soon as you create your character, ALL attributes you gave them are PERMANENT. You cannot change them without literally going into the files of your game and doing it that way. You can't even change your hair style! If you're someone who gets scared over messing something up when making a character, then this game just won't be for you.

The controls for this game are also just not all that great. The way your character moves about, it might be alright for just casual exploring, but if you're wanting to platform, good luck consistently making jumps that have any form of precision. The air momentum in this is just awful. I wish it could be way snappier, as it'd be easy to correct for jumps. But alas, you might just have to look for mods to fix that. This game's combat also feels a little uneasy. You can't aim melee weapons like hammers or swords. That makes hitting anything that's small or flying very difficult. Guns are alright, but wands and staves have issues where if you're in a tight space, you can't cast the spell you want, even if you crouch. Pets that you get for combat are also very stupid. Even if they have ranged attacks, they will still purposefully bump into the enemy, which causes both of them to get hurt. If you rely on pets, it will eventually just kill itself through its bad AI. Humanoid NPCs that do combat are also stupid. If they have guns, they will probably shoot you multiple times before you even react. These guns could either hit like wet tissues or completely obliterate you from existence. A lot of AI in this game is just stupid in the wrong ways. It doesn't feel all that satisfying to kill them, and you'll probably only get 65 pixels as a reward, anyways.

Remember when I said this game felt freeing? Well, it does, but with just one catch... This game has a story. This story is actually probably one of the least fun things I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. You HAVE to do the story, too. If you don't, you have a permanent quest, that you cannot abandon in your quest book. It will never go away until you complete the game. It's not like these quests are any fun, either. Literally all they are is either going to a mission area that you truck through, with a boss to fight at the end, or it's just a scanning mission where the only goal is to scan random objects relating to a race. Does that sound fun at all? Well, maybe these mission areas can be fun. They're kinda like dungeons, where you fight a load of enemies. It might not be that bad! I really wish it could just be a normal enemy gauntlet... But no, no it's not like that at all. The Erchius Mining Facility is probably one of my least favorite video game areas of all time. The worst part is the bosses. All of them apart from just a few are lame enemies that you cannot directly attack. The Erchius Mining Facility one makes you pull the same 4 levers to activate a cannon 3 times. It never changes apart from the lasers (that are just specifically designed to do nothing but just inconvenience you..). A LOT of bosses in the game do this pattern stuff, and barely ever change. Even after all I said, it wouldn't be so bad except for that this game has multiplayer. The amount of times I've crashed at the end of the mining facility because I may have died and the game doesn't know how to properly use the checkpoints it gives you in multiplayer is actually sad. These areas take a long time to run through, too, and if you crash, or otherwise close the game, you need to start the entire thing over.

Honestly the biggest sin of this game is the absolutely awful modding support. Sure, this game has Workshop, but that doesn't mean the tools are any good. You can see many modders of the game complaining about it. This is why many projects just go abandoned. Hell, this is like the only game I've seen where downloading a mod does permanent damage to files. If you unsub from the mod, say goodbye to your characters, or even just the entire game itself.

But, probably the thing I find most sad is the realization that this game would be better off if it just never got updated again. If you weren't aware, the most recent major update, the bounty hunting update, completely ruined the game. It corrupted pretty much every player who used mods, especially major mods. Now these abandoned projects of mods that at least worked are now left in the dust. Hell, it might of even affected people who didn't use mods. All of this trouble for what? A fucking NPC that sends you on the same quests regular NPCs send you on over stolen socks? It caused so many new glitches like being forcibly teleported back to your ship without you doing anything. Sure, they may have been fixed, but the update caused permanent damage to the game as a whole, and I wish they just didn't do it.

Honestly I'd keep going, but I'm getting rather close to the character limit. I actually had good things to say about the game at the start, but if I'm making a negative review, then I have to get all my negative points out, so sadly I had to remove all my positive points to make room. I love this game so, so much, but I hope you can see what makes it a bad game. If you still think you're willing to tank through all the problems, then I commend you. This game is still fun, but it's pretty much wasted potential. I feel a sense of empty sadness when I think about this game, and it's for all the problems I stated so far.

If you've refused to buy the game because of my review, then I'm happy I saved you the trouble and money.

If you still are buying the game anyways, then I do honestly hope you enjoy the game. I've had so much fun with it, and it honestly changed my life in some ways. Hopefully it does the same for you.
199 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
7849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 16:44
I'm going to preface this by saying I wholeheartedly support the game and want you to buy it, it's a great experience when played in the right way.

Now, I won't lie to you, Starbound isn't the deepest game in the world. You can run out of things to do on a planet fairly quickly if you're not mining or building, and NPCs are very dull. Really that's my biggest complaint, with so many things it just sort of... stops short. The lore is interesting and charming-- but just when you feel like you want more or wish you could explore some more, it just sorta stops short. The characters are colorful and funny-- but outside of story-important NPCs almost all of them do next to nothing. You touch down on a brand new planet--

It is, however, **excellently** realized through the modding community. The custom races (especially the Avali), Frackin' Universe, The Shellguard, and the various other large mods wonderfully fill in the blanks that the devs left behind.

So is it a complete experience that's worth playing? With mods, yes.

Do not miss the mods.
46 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
11588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 18:43
I just don't understand the people who say this game is not any good; It's like Terraria in many aspects, but too different to really say they are the same. Same base concept maybe, but I am officially entranced by this game! Can't stop playing it and it seems like when I first aspired to build a castle as my home base, I should have started there!
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 05:56
Love this game. My very first pc game so it will always have a special place in my life.
125 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 21:40
The best way to enjoy Starbound is to ignore every bad aspect of its core gameplay design, and just focus on the few things you like. However, sometimes, not even that is enough.

As stated the CORE GAMEPLAY is bad. You go from planet to planet, grabbing new materials to upgrade your crafting stations, and by extension, your equipment, which you will use to take on instanced story missions. At least that sounds fun, right? Well, not quite.

Exploring new worlds for new materials SOUNDS good, if it wasn't for the fact that world generation is 60% steep hills, 30% empty cave-systems, and 10% pre-generated structures and settlements. Mostly, you go to a new world after you've beaten a story mention and get instructed to find clues about new races on more difficult planets. But, when the worlds get bigger and more dangerous, you'll mostly find yourself trying to navigate through hordes of enemies that are a step above you in strength, which leads to you trying to hobble up large hills for 10+ minutes, sometimes almost (or fully) dying to the enemies you're trying to ignore, or falling down the horribly generated terrain. After that nightmare, you finally get to a settlement where you can scan enough of their decorations to get the next story mission. Lets get into character a bit....

Cool, time to gear up so I don't get bent over by the enemies, and the boss at the end. In order to gain your current tier of materials, you'll then spend the next 45+ minutes either doing quests for local NPCs, which can require you to walk ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE PLANET to kill enemies, or worse, find sometime to escort all the way back. Okay, good, I'll just bring them back- and they're dead. Great. Guess I'll take this mission instead; grow some crops. That'll only take like... another 15 minutes of waiting.

To heck with that, I'm going underground. Okay, found 4 of the material I need, now I just need like... 80 more. Fantastic. OOPS, I slipped off the edge of the cave because the controls are super slippery and- oh. Great. I died instantly. I dropped almost all my items, and now I have to navigate my way back down to get them. No problem, that's just...another 10 minutes of my time. Okay, I'm here, I ALMOST died to cave enemies because I dropped all my healing items, as well as the materials needed to make them. Now I need to spend another 15 minutes getting BACK UP.

Back to normal, you've now got all the materials to upgrade your crafting stations, and make new armour. Oh, wait, I forgot to crow specific crops to get cloth for my equipment... UUUGH. Right, well, another 15 minutes later, you've got that sorted. Now you can take on the story mission. They're decently designed instanced dungeons with bits of dialogue and secret passages for special lore entries and outfit cosmetics. You beat the mission, get the actually USEFUL rewards in the form of boring randomized weapons you might just sell anyway. At that point, you're starting to feel that the game is more about the devs showing of their skills in pixel-art and in-game building, which they are pretty decent at. Glad THEY had fun doing that.

So, the story mission was a bit short, but congratulations! You now get to do that entire nightmare ALL OVER AGAIN. You go to a new planet, scan another race, spend ages trying to upgrade your gear, which, by the way, never does anything more than just give you better stats than your previous set. See, later in the game, you get the option of going down 3 different sets of end-game armour, which does surprisingly NOTHING differently from the base armours at all, aside from allocation their stats to specific aspects. Melee armour gives more health, ranged armour gives you more energy, and magic armour gives you more damage. THAT'S IT. It never feels like you chose a playstyle at all, just that you got yet another upgrade. I haven't finished the game yet, yet it feels like I've experienced all the game has to offer, besides just sitting down and building instead of doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.

I just- this review is a biased mess, probably has a lot of errors, and is mostly just my tired, evening rambling. It may sound like I haven't enjoyed the game at all; I have. Remember the first line of my review? I've enjoyed the game when I actively tried to just enjoy the small things. The cute little sprites, the neat lore and cool art-directions they took with the overall setting, imagining my own little stories based on the things I experienced with the near-worthless crew you can also build out of random NPCs. I enjoy that until the second the game slaps me with a reminder that actually PLAYING the game is hardly fun at all.

Please, try not to take this review seriously. I've got a love/hate relationship with Starbound, and I intend to finish it fully and then do what I did with Terraria post-Master Mode; just build whatever I want for a while, and then probably put the game down for a very, VERY long time.
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 21:51
funny monkey lab
96 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
12007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 13:24
good music, the torch looks cool underwater.
in all seriousness i wish i put more hours in this.
43 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 03:47
I can be a space bird 10/10
183 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 10:12
It's Terraria in space! Lots of content. Wholesome and relaxing
And great for co-op
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 00:18
The game plays well but gets boring late game without mods
82 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 22:02

???? Not difficulty based
???? Easy
☑️ Normal
???? Hard
???? Insanity


☑️ Pixels
???? Bad
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


???? Bad
☑️ Music
???? Good
???? Beautiful


???? This game has no story
???? Very mind numbing
☑️ Available if people want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story


???? Free
???? Underpriced
☑️ Perfect price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Stupidly priced


???? You can run it on a calculator
☑️ Mid Spec
???? High end
???? Top of the Range


???? Very short (0 - 3 hours)
???? Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15 - 50 hours)
???? Long (50 - 90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90 - 110 hours)
???? Continuous

- FUN -

???? Dead
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life


???? None
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months
☑️ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable


???? No
???? Wait for sale

21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
35279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 21:44

Starbound is just the best.

I'm sure there are a wealth of positive reviews of starbound, but I thought I'd add mine.

First off, I want to mention that I write this review with years of playing this game under my belt- chock-full of nostalgia and experience and memories, so that will absolutely affect my review (but why shouldn't it!?)

Starbound is an amazing game. It's very comparable to terraria, however I have played very little of terraria, so I can't necessarily declare that, but holy smokes! Take all the amazing aspects of No Man's sky, and put it in a 2d sandbox open world survival craft game: Starbound! Explore endless planets- each with their own aesthetic and usefulness. It's a truly beautiful game! I could go on and on about the music present in this game- but it will suffice to say that when I'm not playing starbound, I'm listening to the soundtrack. The art style is amazing, the user interface is amazing... it goes on.

While it may seem similar to a lot of other games of this genre, Starbound is a totally unique gem , and is a joy to play. It's one you have to experience for yourself.
I can't recommend it enough.
1309 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 19:35
This game has/had a lot of potential that unfortunately seems to have been unrealized. It held the promise of scifi Terraria (with maybe some new innovations to that formula) but ends up feeling like a disjointed, unrewarding imitation of it instead. From the info we got about the development process, with Chucklefish underpaying (or even not paying at all) artists and other people who worked on the game, and other issues they had during development stemming from Chucklefish's poor management and greedy and toxic ownership, it's unfortunately not surprising that the product never really gelled into something cohesive. Skip this and play Terraria again, unless the scifi setting and good art/music is enough for you to overcome the poor story, progression, pacing, and core gameplay loop.
152 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 15:39
Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle
547 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 10:05
The incredible diminishing game! Marvel as it grows less functional with every update! Thrill to the countless mods needed to simply restore the mountains of pointlessly cut flavor & mechanical content, alike, dropped in favor of stifling homogeneity! Grip the edge of your seat as the game rockets forward at 8--sometimes even *10*--breakneck! Frames! Per! Second! Because the devs built the game for CPUs that were already old at time and never saw the need to fix it to work properly on the hardware of its own generation!

You may have noticed that I have 908 hours in this game. Almost all of that is from the beta years ago. I really can't properly describe for someone who wasn't there just how steep the drop-off in quality & functionality was as the game approached the 1.0 release.
345 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 07:58
I'm just in awe of what the game is. Launched - thought a clone of terraria, but in fact it is not at all, well, if only a little bit and then in graphic terms. Somehow set up a server with friends. But most importantly, as soon as you see your friend on the same planet as you, there is a pleasant feeling “we are not alone in this universe”
296 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 20:30
very interesting and complex game, still enjoyed the game while having fun.
can be confusing as a noob but had a friend who showed me the ropes, so it went easier and quicker.

118 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 04:57
space terraria
113 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
34209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 20:20
Chucklefish built an awesome platform, then didn't put anything on top of it. I put a lot of time in the game when it was early in development because it seemed like it had great potential. After awhile it became obvious the game was going nowhere. Updates actually made exploring less interesting instead of more. Despite how massive it is in some respects, the game still feels empty. I was hoping (like a lot people, I think) that Starbound would be a game experience like Terraria on steroids, instead this game just makes me want to go dig Terraria out and re-play it.

3/10 because they did build a nice platform, I'll give a better score if the game is ever finished.
11 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 07:12
My favorite adventure game. Soundtrack is amazing, gameplay is unique and comfy, story is ok, graphics overall are very beautiful and special. This game has very big potential, only of its kind, (only if Terraria). Disappointingly the developing has stopped, and this is the final form of the game.

Gameplay 9/10
Sound 10/10
Graphics 10/10
Story 6.5/10

And starbound itself is a sandbox adventure-platformer, means the story is not the main thing to do.
269 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
2656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 20:36
Terraria in space. But it's relaxing for me. I enjoy it.
36 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
10231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 22:15
Penguins should be a playable race

20 penguins / 5 fps
16 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 07:43
very star. very bound. very fun.
126 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
9629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 11:17
You can:
- Build a farm: tilt the soil, water it, plan crops, buy animal, feel like Stardew valley. Use the ingredients to cook buff foods.
- Archaeology: mini game, dig dinosaur bones.
- Fishing.
- Mech combat, upgrade and equip different components.
- Recruit ship members. Different roles, expand your ship.
- Exploring different planet, loot scales with planet difficult.
- Catch pet (just like pokemon)
- etc.
The problem:
- Basic combat
- Weapons and armors lack variety
- Only a few bosses
- Lack end game content

Starbound lacks focus. Devs add a bunch of things to the game, end up dilute it. After a while, every planet feels similar. Boss battle is somewhat boring. Terraria focus on combat and hooks me 3x amount of time.

Community mods keep this game interesting. Wait for discount.
44 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 23:37
The plot is unengaging, the combat is unbalanced, and the game isn't optimised well for low-end computers, despite being pixelated. At the start of this game's development, the lore felt deep and complex, but it has become shallow and predictable.
500 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
9642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 02:49
1111 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
34146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:58
My favorite Terraria-like game!
I hope there will be new updates sometime...
50 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 20:56
A Massive 2D Open World Adventure where you can stream across the stars in your very own spaceship, craft an ungodly amount of different items, armor, weapons, and decorations to create your own cities, buy your own vehicles, capture wild animals and tame them as pets, etc. There are literally too many things to name that you can do in this game. By far one of the best purchases I have ever made. For simpletons- imagine Terraria but amongst the stars and planets of all different ecosystems and sizes. 10/10, Would Recommend.
160 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
2281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 18:04
Amazing game. Drove my mech into a town of innocent civilians and murdered them all with a drill. 9/10
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 19:10
help i am addicted to 2d block space game with furry mod compatibility
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 14:15
It's a really good game but it's a shame that the developer of this game has abandon this game :(
94 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 07:17
I am confused what to rate this game. On one hand the gameplay is quite fun and exploring space is super cool. Not only that this game is much like Terraria which is a game that I love. The problem lies with the main story. Forcing you to go to different planets is fine and I quite encourage it, but the story is one that is overdone and is not really needed in this type of game. I also feel there is little replay value because of the story being exactly the same forcing you through the same places over and over each playthrough. It also has little incentive to go to different planets, which the space travel is a really cool gameplay part so that saddens me. The main game is fine but I have a hard time playing it for the whole thing all the way through without mods. That being said mods make this game much better and I would recommend using mods.

I give it a recommend, but it's very middle-ish and I only recommend because of the mod value.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 15:59
the monkey becomes naked
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 14:24
Starbound is tied with a few others as my favorite game I've ever played. I've played it so many times over, and playing with friends makes it even more fun. Even when you feel like you've exhausted vanilla, the extremely active modding community will make sure this game never gets old. I personally have 275 hours in the game at the moment and still am not close to completing everything available to me.
12 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 15:20
It is a good game, don't get me wrong.
but thing is, vanilla has 0 replayability, a lot of good content from beta was cut on the final version, and its only good with mods after that.
it genuinely brings me to tears how much potential this game had, but like, development already stopped years ago.
I hope they bring this game back into developement one day...
27 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 00:28
So first you take minecraft and you add dungeons, loot and bosses. What do you get? Terraria. Then you take Terraria, and you throw it out of orbit with cool exploration, even more story and loot and bosses, and more dungeons, basically making it infinite without removing world size limits. That's when you get Starbound, I have a habit of calling it space terraria, which isn't an insult. I think Minecraft and Terraria are both really good games, and it would be a compliment to be compared to them in the sense where it's open and vast and maybe infinite. (Too bad Terraria isn't infinite)

In Starbound, you have NPCs, outposts, mechs, ships, planets, threats, a sense of danger, the moons are plagued with ghosts and the earths are plagued with monsters, and there's an evil threat that destroyed life on earth causing humans to suffer mass damage. You play as a sole survivor of sorts who took an escape pod after gaining the power of a matter manipulator, part of the protectorate, an association made up of the many races of the galaxy and many aliens coming together and forming a really cool association. There's so much lore to a lot of the races, there's the mysterious novakids, the base humans, the cunning florans (I love getting my tech stolen), and more, like the avians. Without getting too into spoilers, the story follows the 6 artifacts of the races of space (excluding novakids because novakids just vibe) and your chase to stop an intergalactic planet destroying monster called the ruin.

Really cool game, do recommend it.
56 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 08:45
Super awesome open world space survival, great difficulty settings and tons of options to discover and customize either your ship or any planet you like (or both). Also very easy to mod to add new content or QoL features depending on your playstyle.
35 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
15543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 17:31
Space Terraria
266 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
17805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 05:23
so many hours
a game that made me feel there is always something out there for you
it has a little bit of everything <3
play it alone or with your friends it doesn't matter the game is just super great to ignore , but keep in mind that the netcode is terrible, if you really wanna enjoy multiplayer you'd need third party LAN programs installed on both machines and host a dedicated server.
but that's the only flaw i can think of, the game is still very enjoyable, i might start another run sooner than you think
338 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 17:04
I really wish I could enjoy playing this game. All three times I've tried, I had a lot of fun for a few hours then it got super boring. You have a whole universe to explore but there isn't much to see and do. The way the main story advances is luck based and grindy and not fun. The missions themselves are really fun though.

I know this game has a lot of mods that enchance the experience but I won't recommend the game for what the community did. The Elder Scrolls games are fun without mods too.
This game is like Minecraft. Has close to no content and is only saved by the community.

I'm really disappointed so much potential went down the drain. The vanilla races are amazingly designed and their cities look great. Among other things. The many races and their cities are the only real positives of this game. They make this game feel more realistic. And enjoyable to explore for a while.
217 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 13:25
Terraria + No Man's sky. Very cute! And has storyline with quests
68 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 08:09
Starbound Checklist

☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding

☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☑ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

31 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 01:28
I'm going to be straight with you.

I absolutely CANNOT stand playing starbound. I don't like it at all. and give me a chance to explain what I mean.

When I'm playing this game I barely get any enjoyment out of it, I don't think It's at all a copy of terraria, but I feel like there are some places where it could have... benefitted from taking a leaf out of their book. The movement is clunky, the story is... there, but i feel like a game like this would benefit from a much looser plot, things that are slow in this game shouldn't be, the worlds, structures, and environments are repetitive, though admittedly extremely well built and fun to traverse the first time you enter the environment.


I am SO in love with the things this game does right, while repetitive (at least for me) the environments are lovingly crafted, the detail put into everything as you take another step, the monsters that whistle at you until they're alerted to your presence, the buildings associated with the different races, the races themselves and their unique interactions with each other... its... astonishing, and well done.

but the thing that keeps drawing me back to the game, is it's music. Tracks like M54, the humility it conveys, its serenity, its quiet piano, is one of the most heartfelt and descriptive soundtracks in starbound, because when I look up at the night sky I feel... this. Quiet, but quite present beauty. A universe that I can only be sure shines for me. I feel this song in the pit of my stomach. It feels like I'm falling in love for the first time, all over again. It is SUCH a good song for me, that when I hear the first note of the song, I always give an incredulous scoff, and stare up at the ceiling, and think about the things that are above me, in the endless ocean of night.

and it's this love... this unbridled passion for the games style, that keeps me coming back to it, I just don't think... the game is fun. And it really tears at me to say that, because for YEARS. all I've wanted to do, is enjoy playing this cute little space game. But I can't. And every time i get the urge to explore this wonderful game... I stop myself, because I know I can't have fun with it.

so that's it. I love you starbound. I love what you stand for.

but in equal parts, I hate you. I hate how you chose to stand.

you comfort me, you frustrate me, you compete with me, you complete me, you tell me exactly what i want to hear, than insult me to my face.

You are the most confusing gaming experience I've ever had. I hope that one day, I don't have this opinion, and the only thing that I can think of when I see this game is joy.

but... untill then, I'll be seeing you.

I have no idea how to rate this game, from a gameplay perspective... I can't recommend it, but clicking that little thumbs down button has never been so hard for me. Know that despite everything, and this review, I still am spellbound by this game. Thanks for taking the time to read this, took a while to write.
63 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 21:19
i lost all of my tungsten ore because some loose silt covered it, raged so hard my broke my finger by punching my desk too hard. 10/10
320 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 12:12
I hate these games, but my young son loves them. So I join him and tag along while he drags me into areas I'm under-resourced for, dying multiple times and letting him grab all the good loot (not that I can tell good loot from rubbish loot). I don't have to like the game. I just have to play it with him.
It's less boring than pushing him on a swing and it makes PC gaming = being a good dad.
189 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
75864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 16:01
Metal Slug meets Minecraft with a vast array of workshop items that wil keep the game fresh for years to come...
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 16:51
I think it can be translated into Chinese. After all, there are a large number of Chinese players in the game. I believe that when this game comes out in Chinese, more people will buy it.
14 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
13521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 16:46
984 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
149692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 12:16
I think my hours speak for themselves.
2362 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 12:30
Starbound is a pixel-based “Terraria clone”. That’s the best way to describe it - you gather materials, craft things, fight monsters… But this is set in space, and you can travel to different planets in your upgradable ship. You can also mine fuel from moons, but man those moon ghosts don’t like that. It’s fair to say at this point that Minecraft has spawned its own sub-genre, with no shortage of imitators and cross-pollination with action games, RPGs and even shooters.

One newly formed studio and successful crowdfunding campaign later, Starbound was born. Adding onto the traditional wilderness survival setting with sci-fi staples like laser pistols and be-tentacled aliens, it also allows the player to travel in space to thousands of different planets, each the size of one Terraria world. The number of weapons, monsters, gear and resources has at least quintupled, and the game is easily moddable for endless expansion. The Steam Workshop is already abuzz with custom environments, equipment, and playable races.

The most notable difference from other games of its genre, however, is the story—It has one, first off. And though it may seem counter-intuitive for such an impossibly huge open world to be built around a strict narrative, Starbound does it right: with no boring, mandatory stretches and deference to the core gameplay.

The only instance of hand-holding is the tutorial, which shows you the basics and also puts your character in context. As a newly-inducted member of a galaxy-wide organization known as the Protectorate, you must escape their headquarters amid a monster attack. You learn how to handle the Matter Manipulator, an all-purpose mining and building tool, then make your way to a starship and blast off, crash-landing on an unfamiliar planet.

Incidentally, players can skip straight to that last part with any character, leaving the sort of cold open expected from other crafting sandboxes: You’re alone in the world with only the clothes on your back and must live off the land, slowly building an empire from the dirt. The next few quests simply guide the player towards things they’d want to do, such as finding fuel for their ship and tinkering with that big metal obelisk on the planet’s surface. I accidently skipped the tutorial and i was clueless at first but then one of my friend stepped up, showed me all the basics and even helped me with quests and building items etc. Adding your friend to your party and join your session was a great help tbh!

The story of Starbound doesn’t hamper enjoyment of the open world, but rather enhances it. What’s more important to discuss is the history and design philosophy of Starbound. Chucklefish not only crowdfunded the game, they released it in early access—two phrases that turn the stomachs of many a gamer, and rightfully so. But they made it great by listening to community feedback and continually hammering away at the game, going through many iterations and experimenting with different features, to make it the best possible version of itself. They held themselves responsible for making good on their promises and earning the money invested in their project, and the results speak for themselves.

Starbound is the kind of game you’d expect to be a cluttered mess, but all of the pieces work in tandem to create a dynamic experience with many interesting features and solid fundamentals.
101 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
120420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 04:48
Please help me. They have enslaved my soul and wont let met go
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 22:13
I had this game sitting around in my library for the longest time, but it hasn't stopped being a great game after all this time. Being able to play with friends and have fun homes and other assorted amenities makes for a lovely, well-balanced gaming session!
60 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
50762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 05:04
You can have an army of penguins with guns.
347 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 03:27
It's like Terraria meets Stardew valley meets Spore. Well worth playing.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 01:30
Terraria but in space.
54 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
21019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 03:30
Use mods.

it gets really boring after a while as you run out of things to do though. i think this game should've been designed as an open world sandbox with a /lot/ more content, really. even if it took like, 5 more years to make, it'd be worth it
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
137229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 12:06
I just wanted to thank the DEVs for this super game!

Now, after 2000 hours of gameplay I decided to buy a 2nd piece of this game to support you!

It is still the best game for me and my son, we built so many things together since he was 5 years old, and he learned so much about the world and about sci-fi and fantasy. I am proud how much we achieved together!

We built big and small.
1015 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
3651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 21:17
Space exploration, growing vegetables, fighting monsters, cooking food and crafting. One of my favorite games ever!

- Awesome diversity of planets, biomes, plants, animals, and races.
- So much stuff to explore!
- Fun mechanics all round.
- Beautiful pixel graphics.
- Fantastic orchestral soundtrack.
- There is a lot to do! You want to fight a boss, but instead you spend 2 hours picking ingredients for this one recipe you haven't tried yet.
- Endless space.
- Lore to explore.
- Weapon diversity. You can use swords, hammers, rocket launchers, laser rifles, or rainbow shooting gnomes.
- Gameplay feels good at most times, you never feel like you're grinding.
- Boss fights are satisfying.
- Balanced difficulty. There are easy planets, and extreme planets. Something for everyone.

- There could be more designs for space stations, they all seem the same.
- The same applies to hostile ships.

- None, this game is great.

If you liked Terraria or Stardew Valley, you should like this game. Although it's definitely more like Terraria.

AUDIO 10/10
STORY 10/10



9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 21:39
This game is great and has soo much stuff in it. There are tons of unique planets as well as mechs and spaceships. Starbound has a great story as well as lots of other side quests. It has lots of items and overall is a great game!
149 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
25397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 21:16
terraria but in space with better music and gameplay.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 18:00
its really fun
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
36621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 19:06
13 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 15:12
Interesting game, kinda like a mix between Stardew Valley and No man's Sky, Suffers from the same proceduraly generated planet problem that No man's sky suffers from (endless planets to explore but with only a small number of types of planets which leads to a lot of similar and thus boring planets. But includes a wealth of crafting, farming, and enterprise systems that can be fun. I would buy this game for its minecraft/terraria/stardew like building elements and not for its exploration elements. Also, for even more depth use the Frackin Universe mod! Adds countless systems and subsystems to the game along with more planetary biomes. That being said, I find that a game like Stardew valley, with it's narrower scope holds my attention longer than this game with its huge scope. Mile wide inch deep is an apt comparison, though F.U. definitely adds a lot of depth and improves the game to a mile wide and 1/2 mile deep vs stardew which is inch wide but a mile deep. Hope that makes sense. All in all, I enjoy this game and play it from time to time when I want a side scrolling pixel/sprite open world game.
126 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 23:50
Don't buy this game, get Terraria instead.

With all the years this fucklefish has spent on this game you'd think that they would have been able to deliver something solid I mean this game isn't graphically intensive and has a cool concept, how bad could it be? I'll tell you, godawful. One of my most regretful purchases on steam.

The game gets so goddamn boring after playing it for a few hours. Enemy designs are more or less copy and paste with not much uniqueness among them, the story is an absolute letdown and over before you even realize it is. And man the quests are so repetitive, how many times do you have to go looking for people or wasting the time to farm some stuff? The graphics aren't any better, they're simple sure, but just dull. Terraria has compressed things more than this game and look how much better it is with animations and what not. And if you need another thing to hate, the company itself is a piece of shit screwing over its employees and delivering this mediocre game. Oh an the DLC, some stupid basic retrowave repetitive grind for weapons that aren't even on par with the storyline's guns. And one more thing to mention is how horribly optimized this game is, you'd think that with such simple graphics that this game would run like a dream right? I have a flipping monster laptop and I still get stutters. None of the updates have helped with performance, feels like the game has only been running worse lately. This is the biggest disappointment on Steam I've played, eat shit chucklefish

29 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
39017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 01:18
Great game, the mods in the workshop enhance your experience
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 11:08
space terraria
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Release:04.12.2013 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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