• SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
  • SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2019
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Preis Update 08.07.24

Über das Spiel

SteamWorld Quest ist das kartenbasierte Rollenspiel, auf das ihr gewartet habt! Führt eine Truppe aufstrebender Helden durch eine wunderschöne handgezeichnete Welt und besteht packende Kämpfe mit der Hilfe eures Verstands und einer Handvoll Karten. Erstellt euer eigenes Deck aus über 100 einzigartigen Lochkarten, um jede erdenkliche Herausforderung zu meistern!

Euch erwartet eine regelrechte Schatzkiste voller Gold, Drachen, farbenfroher Welten, Magie und Ritter in schimmernder Rüstung sowie jede Menge EP, rundenbasierte Kämpfe und all das, was RPGs so unwiderstehlich macht! Die humorvolle Mischung aus klassischer Fantasy und Steampunk-Robotern beschert euch eine unvergessliche Erfahrung, über die ihr noch lange lachen werdet.


  • CPU: 2 GHz, SSE2 support
  • GFX: OpenGL 2.1-compatible, 512 MB video memory, framebuffer object support. E.g. Intel HD 4600 or better.
  • RAM: 1024 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 750 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: You may need to update your graphics drivers for OpenGL 2.1 support.
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch , Russisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

210 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
2460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 15:14
Puh ich bin noch ganz überwältigt... SteamworldQuest einfach nur großartig!
Liebevoll und aufwendig gestaltete Charaktere und Animationen, wundervolle Musik und eine rührende Geschichte um eine bunt zusammengewürfelte Gruppe von Nobodies, die sich anschicken die Welt zu retten...
Das Spiel vereint die RPG-Elemente Erfahrung/Levelups mit Card-Battler: alle Aktionen werden mit Karten ausgetragen, deren Werte durch Stufenaufstiege besser werden. Zusätzlich gibt es eine Händlerin, bei der man Materialien (für neue Karten), Heilungsgegenstände oder (selten) neue Waffen kaufen kann.

Die Gruppe bewegt sich in einer 2D-Welt, die wunderschön gezeichnet ist frei innerhalb eines Kapitels. Bei Gegner-Begegnung wächselt das Spiel in den rundenbasierten Kampf. Dazwischen wird die Geschichte mit hübsch animierten unvertonten Dialogen erzählt. Die deutsche Übersetzung ist gut gelungen.

Den Umfang finde ich großzügig, der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist schon knifflig (aber einstellbar).
Zusammengefasst: Wer RPGs/Taktikspiele mit Herz mag kann hier unbesorgt zugreifen - Man braucht kein Karten-Spiel-Liebhaber oder -Meister zu sein!
389 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 22:51
Ein wirklich schönes RPG, Liebevoll gezeichnet mit guten Mechaniken und einem großartigen Wortwitz und stimmungsvoller Musik.Das ganze erinner stark an alte NES RPGs wie Secret of Mana und Co.
Wer rundenbasierende Kämpfe und Deckbuilding mag wird hier viel Spaß haben. Man spielt später mit 3 von 5 Helden (man kann nach jedem Kampf frei durchtauschen) jeder der 3 bringt ein Deck aus 8 karten (auch nach jedem kampf frei anpassbar) mit und man kann regulär 3 Karten spielen (später gibt es Wege noch eine mehr zu spielen).Die Grundmechanik im Kampf sind Karten die Zahnräder (Power) aufbauen und um sie dann mit stärkeren Angriffen/Zauben/Buffs die diese Power verbrauchen um gespielt zu werden zu nutzen , wie ein schurke in WoW.Ihr müsst also eine Balance zwischen aufbauenden und verbrauchenden Karten finden. Wenn man 3 karten eines Heros auf einmal spielt bekommt einen 4 Skill on top basierend auf der Waffe des Heros. Einige skills haben combo Effekte die sie stärker machen oder mit weiteren Effekten versehen wenn man davor eine Karte eines anderen Heros gespielt hat was oft zur Qual der Wahl führt brauch ich gerade mehr den Bonus der 3. Kette oder den Combo Bonus.

Enspanntes ruhiges RPG mit wo ihr oft schmunzeln werdet wenn ihr die Texte lest egal ob die der Story oder die Namen der Monster oder die Beschreibung der Items.
326 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.23 23:47
Excellent in most every aspect. Clever and fast moving with villians who clearly deserve what you pass out.
This game stands out in fun, attitude, and execution. No bugs, irritants are minor.
125 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.23 14:42
Not a single doubt in my mind. It's a great game.
17 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.23 17:47
This game is probably among my top 3 ever. The story is basic but it does the job, the difficulty is fine (and there are some extremely difficult challanges at the end). The card system is wonderful, its great how all 5 charachters are unique and almost every combination of heroes can work,

I really hope there is a steamworld quest 2 somewhere in the works :)
982 Produkte im Account
674 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.22 06:49
The world of Steamworld (yeah a lot of worlds) was always visually impressive, the robotic artstyle is just cute. Now we moved into fantasy theme and it doesnt matter, style nice and cute. Great for deckbuilding enthusiasts. Just too many battles for my taste, it got boring battling with relatively same cards too often.
171 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.22 04:36
Knight moment.
689 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.22 15:08
A competent, if unexciting, introduction to deckbuilding/card battler games. If you're looking for a way to enter the genre that's accessible above all, this game will serve that purpose.
However, if you're already familiar with games like Slay the Spire (far superior), there isn't really anything in Steamworld Quest that's unique or better, no good reason to pick it up unless you really like the Steamworld series. The setting is generic, the combat not particularly complex or challenging, and there's one flaw that I consider pretty fatal: not letting the player save their favourite decks/builds/loadouts means that, once you've found a good one that works for you, you're slightly disincentivised from experimentation and switching things up because you'd then have to note down and manually reconstruct whatever build you had previously. A small gripe, which doesn't technically stop anyone from experimenting, but which, to me, makes it not worth the effort.
1598 Produkte im Account
247 Reviews
1686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.22 08:44
It's good but probably my least favorite from the Steamworld series. Not being able to backtrack an area before finishing the chapter and basically not being able to avoid most enemies made the game feel a bit more like a chore than necessary at several points, even for an rpg.
690 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 16:24
This is game is more story than game. The card mechanics are very bland, the fights are grindy, and the controls are focused on console gamers. I really regret this purchase.
1160 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
1272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 14:38
I recommend this to anyone who loves the SteamWorld universe of games and is comfy with a linear deck building card battler. Hardcore deck building fans are likely to be disappointed that it isn't as deep as popular card based games. It is not a roguelite nor is it deep so forget Slay the Spire comparisons, but like the rest of SteamWorld games I have played, the franchise's strengths are its narrative, art style, solid well balanced mechanics, and a polished game overall. This is not intended as a hardcore game experience, nor did I find it to be casual.

After a couple of chapters into the game, here is what else you need to know:
+Building your deck over time consists of getting cards while progressing through chapters or crafting cards using a combination of gold and resources from defeating enemies. The amount of cards you get from crafting a given card type varies but seems balanced.
?Some generally basic cards can be played at anytime and give gears/steam as soon as played, a few cards give no gears but cost nothing, and other generally more powerful cards require some number of gears before playing. This helps balance deck building & battle progression, and is easy to learn. Enemies are subject to the same gear mechanics for playing their cards.
+There are consumable items, and equipment. Anything can be sold, and items & equipment can be bought from stores.
?Each character you have has a max deck size, and ultimately all their decks get combined into one for battle.
?Synergies between cards can involve attacks & debuffs using different elementals (ice, fire, etc) and chain bonus when playing cards only from one character
+Combo bonus is available when playing a certain character's card on the same turn but before the card with the bonus. Great thing to balance against just playing one character's cards each turn.
?Saving is interesting, but done in a way that I think balances challenge with fairness. Game will save automatically when entering a different area/room. Aside from this, there are statue save points that will save and replenish health but will respawn all enemies in the level. Sometimes these are found in the beginning, middle, or end of a chapter, though not necessarily all of the above especially if the chapter does not cover a large area.
+Some enemies especially lower level/common can be avoided by walking or running past them, but some are either too fast or boss-types will trigger dialog then a fight.
+Any chapter can be revisited at anytime, which is useful for finding treasure you may have missed, as a % treasure indicator appears after completing a chapter. However if you are in the middle of a chapter, you will lose your place/save spot in your current chapter.
?If I find the one missing piece of treasure from a chapter and want to exit the chapter, I don't know if that treasure is saved or if I have to complete claim the treasure.
60 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 12:50
If you've ever wanted a story driven card game where you keep the cards you collect, this is it. It's simple but with enough complexity to keep the fights interesting. At the very least, you'll get at least 15 hours of gameplay.
658 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 21:16
(Completed Game, Linux, 12h)

SteamWorld Quest is a deckbuilding game where you control the actions of three heroes (chosen from a pool of 5) to fight against monsters, explore the levels and fight a last battle against a creature saving the world.

The deckbuilding mechanics are simple: each hero can add 8 of their cards to the deck, you draw 6 at the beginning and draw up to 6 each turn, you can also 'change' a card twice per turn. There's three types of cards: basic, upgrades and skills. Using any of the two first groups gives you 'steam' which you can spend to use skills. Combining three cards from the same character uses a special ability from the weapon they are using and some cards have special effects if played after another hero has played.

All in all, the mechanics are simple, and most of the cards are either simple or situational. I only needed to do minimal changes to the decks throughout the game to win it, and I did not need to change to the other two heroes that you find.

The art is nice and colorful, the story is quite simple, the enemies are not overly varied and the music is OK.

If you like tinkering with deckbuilders you will probably not find enough depth here, if you simply like combining cards and battling, then this game might be for you.

38 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 14:05
This is basically an RPG version of Slay the Spire without seeing the intent of your enemies. There, I tried to summarize the game in one sentence.

Nice characters, easy-to-follow story. If this game is on sale, just get it.
6039 Produkte im Account
380 Reviews
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 09:44
Fun card battler. Steamworld games have been great so far as I have played them and this is no different.
37 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 20:31
I didn't think I'd like this game very much but it was actually super fun, and the story is amazing (and that's coming from someone who doesn't usually care for the story in games.)

I really recommend this game, though... maybe try to get it while it's on sale or something.
802 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 00:38
Easily recommended for fans of humor, card battlers, turn-based RPGs, or the SteamWorld series.

+Visuals, art style, environments
+Turn-based battles
+Variety of cards and accessories
+Characters, enemies, story
+Exploration and secrets
+Intuitive controls, rebinding
+Difficulty options
+Deckbuilding, combos

-Dialogue is not voiced
-No manual saves
-No choices on level-up
-Sponge enemies, battles can drag
-Some cards feel useless
-Very small decks
128 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 06:58
The game is fun,but we need Chinese.
685 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 10:06
Meh. The art is very pretty, but that's where it ended for me.

The user interface is a little cumbersome. I have a big screen, why do i need a click to reveal card info? Tiny issues, but they add up. Most annoying are the cut scenes, which are just too many. The first 10 mins felt like 2 mins play with 8 mins cutscene. The gameplay itself isn't that amazing to justify that amount of cutscenes.

Not at all a bad game, just not remarkable either.
330 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 06:29
Really surprisingly good, all told. The aesthetic of self-willed steam robots on a fantasy adventure is charmingly earnest, and the twin features of steam as a communal mana pool built by some skills to pay for others, and a deckbuilding aspect to the combat, gives it remarkable depth. Example; I ended up ditching the designated healer almost as soon as I could, and found that it's surprisingly viable to run even high-end challenges like that, because while all the characters have obvious aesthetics and themes for how they work, within those themes there's enough archetypes that they're remarkably flexible. I might not have brought The Healer, but everybody in the party could bring a bit of off-main healing geared towards their own playstyle, and taken together it worked rather well. Party composition then is much more about what playstyles and characters you enjoy, which is all to the good.
814 Produkte im Account
402 Reviews
899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 18:03
In the spirit of Child of Light and Monster Train, Steamworld Quest is a deckbuilder-ish round based strategy game with a lot of heart, a bit of cringy humor and some resource management through card upgrades.
It has secret areas, a powerbar-system, and plays well, doesn't get too grindy, and all in all is very competently done. The visuals and light hearted story are what make it worth every second. Everything seems so well put together, looks and feels intriguing and somewhat even consistent in the world - if you ignore the steampunk robots in a medieval fantasy setting...

Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/
714 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 19:33
A series of encounters handled via a quite limited card playing mechanic. There are better deck building games out there, and with a less dumbed-down story and without useless walking-around simulation.

Audiovisually quite a cool game though.
233 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 16:43
Yeah it was pretty fun light RPG and I would have wanted to test out the last Midas Cup challenge but for some reason it never unlocked. I finished the game level 45, exp gain from second last chapter is peanuts so no interest in grinding and I found all the loot boxes so that really does not help either. They should fix the bugs.
628 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 03:07
SteamWorld Quest is a fun deck-building rpg with lots of personallity. The characters and their personal journeys are definitely the highlight of the game. I did 1 playthrough of the game and did a little bit of post-game content but not much.

-Fun and quirky characters that all go through development and growth throughout the story.
-Each character has a multitude of different viable builds that allow for creativity and gameplay variety.
-The main story does not require grinding, if you fight all the enemies normally then you'll be strong enough for all of the bosses if you set-up your deck well.
-Too much of the difficulty is based around pre-planning and how your deck is constructed to handle the enemies, which is something you can't know until you fight them or look up a walkthrough.
-I guess this is sort of standard for rpgs, but post-game content does sort of require a bit of grinding for materials and levels.

Overall, I enjoyed this game a fair bit and I feel like it had a pretty good length where there's plenty of content but it also doesn't overstay its welcome. The story is fairly standard but I loved how each character goes through their own personal journey and how its consistently in line and follows with the course of the story. Gameplay had its pluses and minuses but overall I think that it was decently creative and enjoyable enough.

Rating: 8/10
220 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 21:59
I was looking for something that didn't require too much thought or strategic planning or stats, and I found this. I work at a very technical job that requires constant multi-tasking and thinking, so I look for something relaxing in games. This one is light, fun, has a few simple puzzles so far (mazes, more accurately), and doesn't require me to bend my brain to play. It may become repetitive eventually; I'm not sure yet. But so far, there's a bit of comedy, some magic, and a lot of wandering around exploring. I like it.
380 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 18:32

7.5 out of 10

This game reminds me a lot of Battlechasers: Nightwar which I really liked, it is more cartoon like, but mechanics a lot a like minus the cards. I think thirty hours to finish on hardest difficulty (once you figure out what works it's more like medium) with probably 4 or five hours of grinding is a good value. The main complaint (same with Battlechasers) is they introduce characters too late in the game when I've already learned what works together with my starting characters. I tried the new characters out two or three times in the arena and got smoked, never touched them again. Making all the characters available from the start is always better to me.

There is an arena with more levels I haven't beaten (the deck starts to become really stacked against you after 5 levels) , maybe I'll try those out so there is another 5 hours or so I would guess.

I haven't played any other Steamworld games, but I wish their was voice acting, the music gets repetitive and the jibberish language gets old real quick (their is an option to turn it off). If you like deck builders in a cartoonish vein or even turn based RPGs I recommend it.
309 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 08:26
What if I told you that this game is the best one so far. Hope the developer make more of these type of game.
751 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 02:00
In line with past games from the SteamWorld franchise, Quest is a pleasure to play, with artful visuals and engaging gameplay. The pivot from Dig to Heist was impressive enough, the pivot from Heist to Quest really took me on an adventure. I'm always impressed with the franchise's ability to grow and adapt. The the steampunk/robotic theme shines through as always. While decidedly short, the SteamWorld series never fails to provide some good-old-fashioned indie-game fun. Would recommend to anyone who enjoyed past games in the series or has any interest in deck-builders.
446 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
4549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 19:02
The mouse support is nothing short of a joke. You have no cursor so you can't see where your mouse is.

You can move your mouse around and possible selections on each extreme end MIGHT get selected. If your mouse, which you can't see, happens to land there.

The music is atrocious.

The game seems simple but fun enough if the controls weren't designed by someone who has never used a PC in their life.

You basically HAVE to use the keyboard only as the mouse is useless, so for things like hovering over an enemy to see their status, you have to bring up the menus, then hop through vertical selections using the keyboard, then horizontal sub menus, then click through your army and the enemy units, then get a popup window showing their stats. You need to click through the multiple effects if you want to see what each one is.

THEN, you have to Escape out of each single thing you just clicked through, so about 4 or 5 times. The designers had seriously never seen a keyboard, mouse, a PC, or any other game design.

They seemed to have gone out of their way to make things clunky, not intuitive, hard to get around, and hard to customize.

Still, the game is fun enough, despite the really bad navigation choices made.
951 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 07:57
It was really fun up until I acquired all the characters. Then it became a hassle. A real shame, given how wonderful the SteamWorld series is. The core gameplay is excellent, showing great ideas as a card based RPG. The characters are also fun if a little simple. Everything else however is either average or sub-par.

The main issue that made me drop the game is simply how bad the deck and character management is. Each character has their own deck, and you can only have three of them active for any battle. The problem with this occurs due to the fact that each chapter has different enemies that require different cards to fight effectively. Some enemies will counter all your physical attacks, some are highly resistant to elements, some will explode in three turns if you don't kill them. This means you need to re-arrange your decks quite often, and the game offers no ability to save loadouts or any other feature to make this less of a hassle. Simply being able to save three decks per character or even just having bigger decks (allowing more versatile builds) would have solved this.

Other complaints include:
- Navigating outside of battle is tedious and doesn't feel as though it serves a purpose other than to waste time. The maps tend to be a little mazey with very little in them. It would have been much better to simply move from one battle to the next in a much simpler and streamlined manner, with cutscenes/shops/etc in between.
- Music is boring and uninspired. Just generic fantasy bgm.
- Writing is usually funny but also just not very interesting or well put together.
- Visuals, while well made, are poorly designed. I may be biased in this regard, but I feel as though it doesn't have the usual SteamWorld charm to it, and really just feels generically fantasy. The fact that everyone is a steam powered robot doesn't seem to register at all when it comes to anything.
2786 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
1379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 23:56
Verdict: Recommended with no issue.

Steam trading cards (5 drop, 8 to make a badge)
Steam achievements (44, single playthrough, nothing is difficulty based)
5 different characters to play as (you can make a group of 1-3 characters)
Build a deck with 8 cards per hero
RPG elements (levels, stats, resistances ...)
Card crafting is meaningful
Between 21 and 32 cards per character and all of them are useful
Weapons have ultimate abilities - 3 per hero
Really detailed bestiary - offers some backstory and shows cards available to the NPC
Hand-drawn and it is really pretty
ability to replay missions (19 missions in total)
arena mode (10 rounds)
72 monsters and bosses overall
hidden treasures with loot in almost every map
New game+ with non-story progression unlocked
the art gallery is really pretty
jukebox in menu
4 difficulties (3 + 1 unlockable)
Ability to speed up the game
really intuitive

Merchant is clunky, I would appreciate being able to see what's in my deck
No voice acting (heroes are just making mechanical sounds)
I really dislike some conditions that disable your characters
the game is not good at informing players about how much damage is the opponent taking etc
802 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 19:32
I have really enjoyed all the games in the Steamworld series, and initially I am having fun with this game as well as it starts quite charming.

Sadly both the fun and charm starts fading rather quickly compared to the other titles in the series.
The story is not very engaging nor is the game challenging.

By far the biggest challenge seems to be to hunt for all the treasures, which grants you strong cards and items. This hunt is neither fun nor rewarding, but skipping it feels like a sure way to punish yourself out of some great loot.

The game is good for a few hours of fun, but if you are looking at this game due to wanting to play a deck builder, there are far better options out there.
578 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
2494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 21:15

Makings of a Hero

SteamWorld is a franchise of vaguely connected games, each starring a friendly cast of robots. The latest entry – Hand of Gilgamech introduces a stark departure from the usual futuristic setting, venturing instead into the land of fantasy. Meet Armilly, an adventurer aspiring to at last become a member of the local heroes’ guild. Good heavens! The village has been invaded by an evil army and all of the heroes have been kidnapped. Such a tragedy, if only there was someone desperately longing for a worthy quest to finally prove themselves. It’s high time to gather your trusty companions and make this one count.

Road to glory is paved with a series of turn-based skirmishes. In many ways Hand of Gilgamech’s combat resembles formula popular among jRPGs. Rooms are populated by roaming enemies, a single unit often representing a larger group of adversaries. Once the player either hits or bumps into such enemy, a proper combat begins. Both parties then take turns, bashing each other happily until one of the teams is wiped out. It is also where Hand of Gilgamech truly begins to shine – characters don’t have a rigid set of skills, each attack is instead represented by a card. Pair that up with a simple, yet effective resource management, which requires charging more powerful abilities with basic attacks and the result is a combat system that remains fresh long after the end credits roll.

Grinding gears
Strategic aspect of the game comes into play long before the fight begins. Every character has a unique steadily-expanding set of cards to choose from. New cards and characters are introduced at a consistent pace, constantly providing new possibilities for creating powerful combos. For the aforementioned resource management, the cards are divided into 3 categories – strike, upgrade and skill. The first two types build up gears, required to play significantly more powerful skill cards. It’s a very straightforward system, which alone opens a number of possible approaches. For example, you could build 3 self-sufficient decks to avoid bad luck becoming a factor or dedicate a single character entirely towards gears generation to allow the other two focus on dealing massive damage.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2571594902 [/url]
The very moment you get a hang of basic game mechanics, Hand of Gilgamech starts introducing more complex ones. Say, a combo card that when played in tandem with a specific hero, becomes empowered with additional effect. A single character’s deck can hold only 8 cards, which can feel highly limiting as 1 out of 5 available party members may have even 32 unique cards by the end of the game. Most of them come in multiple copies, making for a staggering number of viable combinations. Despite the decks feeling rather cramped, all characters can be built in several vastly different ways. On top of all of the above, Hand of Gilgamech has a rock-paper-scissors like set of damage types, encouraging constant tinkering with cards in order to adapt to enemy resists.

Bedtime story time
Hand of Gilgamech’s plot is essentially a fairytale about a hero saving the world, with a hearty dose of self-aware humour. There’s something endearing to how the game parodies many of classic fantasy tropes only to eventually follow them to a letter. Such a convention would normally make the events utterly predictable and they still mostly are, although the comedic elements do manage to twist things at least a little. This title genuinely made me laugh a couple of times and band of heroes’ warm demeanour simply grew on me over time.

On top of being well written, the story plays an important role of tying the game together into a coherent whole. Contrary to all of the intricacies of combat, the road leading to them is extremely basic level layout. To the game’s credit, it does occasionally employ the environment to a greater degree, via addition of puzzles, mostly requiring the player to pay attention to their surroundings. They are not going to make anyone scratch their head anytime soon, although they do provide a much needed variety to the level progression. Many secrets, sheltering chests full of loot are additional incentive to explore each map. Plenty of them are hidden so well that only a dedicated bout of wall-humping may uncover them.

Now, if you are looking for a darker or mature story, steer clear of this game. Hand of Gilgamech is literally a bedtime story, read aloud by SteamWorld Heist’s Seabrass to his son. This title is a warm and cozy one, aiming to cheer the player up.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2571595795 [/url]
Feeling rusty
For all the deserved praise of this title, I do have certain minor complaints about Hand of Gilgamech. First of all, the detailed drawn backgrounds that are advertised as a selling point of the game didn’t appeal to me at all. The artstyle does align with cartoonish feel of the game, although I wouldn’t consider it the game’s main strength.

Furthermore, the game is weirdly inconsistent in utilizing series’ own steam-powered gimmick. Moving the game into a feudal-era setting classic for western high-fantasy is already throwing a sizeable wrench into steampunk flavour of things. Witnessing the robots plow the field or run a bakery makes things feel a notch off. Adversaries faced by the player are no less confusing. While most enemies are mechanical in nature, as most of the world’s denizens, there is also a number of “regular” magical creatures such as dragons, slimes or giant shroom people. One could argue that this is all part of the convention, however to my taste the steampunk touch to the game, which I would normally consider the series’ most distinct element, is downplayed to the point of mild identity crisis. That said, this is ultimately a matter of taste, so the above may be my individual thing.

Another aspect of the game that some may find off-putting is grinding. Every successful fight is rewarded by gold and parts. The coin goes foremost towards buying new weapons and trinkets, improving character’s stats. Parts in turn, are used towards crafting and then improving new cards for the player’s collection. Should you choose to upgrade cards (which is recommended, although with caution due to limited resources) you won’t be able to unlock every card long after beating the game. If you were to purchase all the upgrades available, you are bound to repeatedly farm one of the game’s final levels or preferably beat the game a second time on more challenging New Game+ mode. Why would you bother? Hand of Gilgamech provides a mighty challenging arena, some of the later fights bordering on impossible. Only with the best equipment and fully upgraded decks will you stand a chance.

Luck of the draw
All things considered, Hand of Gilgamech is either solid or excels in most things it reaches out to achieve. It provides complex combat, encouraging and rewarding the player’s innovation, an uplifting piece of narrative and basic, if decently engaging world exploration. Despite dedicating significant space to cover my complaints with the game, they are minor ones and didn’t deter me in a significant way from having a good time. I can highly recommend this title to all who enjoy card games and turn-based combat. If you are a first-timer to this type of gameplay, this is a great title to get started with. Hand of Gilgamech provides comprehensive explanation to every mechanic and combat is conducted in user-friendly manner. Should you wish to only experience the fairytale alone, there is a dedicated “storymode” precisely for that end. An all-inclusive position, if you may. I daresay that meeting Armilly and her heroic band is more than worth your while.
761 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 23:26
7 out 10 Tin Men approves.
348 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:19
This is not a bad game even though I cannot really recommend it. It's just an ok game. I've loved the Steam World games and this was kinda a disappointment compared to the other ones. The main issue is that I did not find the combat engaging and the combat is 99% of this game.

The game is an RPG-card-game hybrid. You have a party of three adventurers but the combat happens by card game mechanics. Every character has their own unique deck from which you play. Playing basic cards builds up steam points and more advanced cards require consuming these points to play. In principle, this mechanic works well.

Where it falls apart for me is that I don't know if the game wants to be an RPG or a card game. The game limits your deck to 8 cards per character. If this was an RPG I would like my characters to level up and creatively use the skill they learn and level up. But the 8 card limit forces you to focus on a couple of abilities and ignore most of the cards the characters have. You always need the basic cards to build up the steam points and this leaves very little space for any advanced cards and forces a really strict build of the deck. And because you have no space for variety in the decks you kinda need to know in advance what enemies you encounter to correctly pick the cards they are weak against and not for example totally immune (this happens as well).

I guess for a card game having this kinda super focused deck that is built for specific powerful cards is usually the recipe for success. So that made me think that probably the easiest way to steamroll the combat would be to build as slim of a deck as possible which would just build up to a few powerful attack cards. But no, you are locked to the 8 cards for each character and cannot have less. And this kinda breaks your ability to optimize your decks like you would in a card game.
411 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 23:32
Lovely game
676 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 04:19
3 classes to use are mage, warrior, tank just like other generic RPGs. You fight boring enemies, get xp, edit your deck, fight a boss, then rinse repeat. A bland story that is not engaging to play and the dfficulty ramps up on certain fights without warning. There is a narrator but only for saying the title for each chapter, which is a missed opportunity.

At one point, there was a fetish joke about a fox locked in cage. How did that pass editing in a Steamworld game? If you are going to have mature jokes, at least warn the player that some material is not appropriate for children.

The few positives are the good artwork and having multiple languages. This game has not delivered on the quality of other Steamworld games.
682 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 15:32
Finished in 18 hours. I was expecting something a bit more complex. The story is kind of blah. A few jokes here and there. Combat was a bit repetitive. It does have a new game+ after you finish and a new difficulty that gives all the enemies different strategies. Steamworld heist was more enjoyable for me but if you're looking for something casual where you can try to figure out the optimal combo to take down your enemies this can be fun.
441 Produkte im Account
235 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 19:48
Overrated for what it is, slow. It's a good but a slow card game to start where the RPG elements are more a burden than anything else. I am a bit disappointed I expected better from this franchise. There is no way to skip or accelerate the poor animations during fights and it gets me sleepy, to that you add a little bit of grinding but enough to add to the pain for the impatient, other than that yes it's decent. It's not that good but not too bad either, just too slow and really not that original.
1609 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 23:03
This game is like a masterclass in bad design. Let's dive right in.

1) Combat is mindless. Attacks lack impact or any interesting qualities. AE is worthless because it's much better to focus down single targets, DoTs are nearly worthless for the same reason. The only strategy involved is throwing away cards so you can chain 3 of the same color together, which is about as exciting as it sounds.

2) Character balance is nonexistent. Casting 3 mage spells for high damage topped with the shield chain is better than anything else you can do, if all I had were 3 mage cards I could have cruised through the first 5 chapters. This makes the other characters feel useless and being forced to bring 8 cards from each feels punishing rather than challenging or fun.

3) You can't fully skip story scenes. Yes there's a skip button, but you still have to watch all the characters go through their actions at 2x speed AND in most story scenes you have to hit the skip button multiple times otherwise the story resumes. I got tired of the tropey overdone dialoge, and trying to skip it was its own form of torture.

4) Walking around. Why on earth do I have to walk around between fights, poking every stray bush for loot, testing map borders for hidden areas. Even sped up it feels slow and unnecessary.

5) Side areas. They're often full of loot, but if you accidentally find the boss you get booted out to the next map. You can go back and replay chapters you've finished, but you have to redo every single fight. I missed 50% of the loot in one chapter because I am bad at spotting what's a side area and what's not. Drudging through the whole level again was not fun at all.

6) Healers can't heal outside of combat. The consequence of this is the final enemy of every battle turns into a tedium of farming action points so you can top off your characters' health. Boring stacked on boring, terrible pointless mechanic.

Dull cards, bad mechanics, tedious combat, frustrating non-combat, not a good game.
399 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 01:13
I've really enjoyed the other Steamworld games, but this one is not as fun. The story is not very engaging, and the neither is the combat. I lost interest quickly, whereas I completed the other games.
549 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
1619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 03:49
Having just completed the game on Normal difficulty, I can definitely recommend it. The story is enjoyable and the card play is fun. It does take a while before it gets really interesting, though, since you first have to unlock all heroes and craft a bunch of additional cards. But once you have access to all the diverse status effects and elemental damage types it just gets better and better.
One of the best aspects of the game is that you can make all hero combinations work.

And now I'm really curious about playing the game on the next difficulty level!
I'm glad 'New Game Plus' is supported to keep all the items and cards I've already unlocked and upgraded.
323 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 02:43
If you like deckbuilders but don't like roguelikes then this game is for you. Fun story and great gameplay.
555 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 14:11
I had high expectations about this title, given how magnificent SteamWorld Heist was.
Unfortunately, I wasn't as amazed by SW Quest, but it's still kind of good.

It's basically both a beautiful piece of work, art-wise, and a mildly painstaking game when it comes to the gameplay.

The battle system is creative, but after a few hours in, it can get tiresome, as it doesn't really allow auto-piloting through the many not-so-challenging fights there are, all the more as the game does require a little bit of farming here and there.

Balancing also feels off to me, as upon looking at all the cards you can craft, you may realize some builds are just better than others, especially for your damage dealer. I got lucky there, as my obsession with fire made me invest a ton right off the bat into what proved to be the unquestionably better build. Now I'm sure if had tried something else, I would have needed a lot of grinding to even contemplate beating the final boss (though I went for the highest difficulty, and you should be aware it's not needed at all, not even for completing achievements.)

Now some bosses did require adaptations, which helped renew my interest in the game as I was getting close to the end, but in the end, most of them are just regular RPG bosses. They were just put here to sanction your progression and tell you to go grind more experience which, sadly, is especially true for the last couple of them.

All in all, it's your typical average 2010+ indie game. It's short, and it's better this way, as the creative side of it makes it fun for 15 hours, but longer would have been painful.

It's not a hard recommend, but I had my share of fun with it, and so could you if you enjoy the universe.
564 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 19:24
I enjoyed the other Steamworld games, but this one is just very mediocre. The story is both predictable and underdeveloped. The card game is pretty generic and also underdeveloped.
657 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 20:14
Finally a Deckbuilder, that isn't a ****ing roguelike. A well designed gem like the other Steamworld games.
1141 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 16:43
Image & Form Games releases a new title every few years to an audience that seems to be dwindling as of late. Their previous titles, Dig, Dig 2 and Heist (all bearing the SteamWorld marque) enjoyed higher praise but weren't necessarily better. I like how this developer chooses to keep the same kind of look and feel across all their products while producing a different game every time (apart from the well-justified sequel Dig 2). Manages to keep them fresh, technically sound and fun at the same time. It is a shame Quest was overlooked by its audience this time round as the former applies to this title just the same.

SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech takes the form of an adventure RPG with turn based battles using decks of cards. Your pick from the classic lineup of RPG characters determines how battles will play out. Warrior, assassin, high DPS/low HP mage, healer/buffer/tank… They're all there, and they all feel fun to play. Party members can be swapped out after each battle, so things don't get to dry. Building or modifying each character's deck is key to success with the larger boss battles towards the end of each chapter. Modification allows for character combos such as magnifying magical, or specific elemental, damage and having two characters do that type of damage… You know, the thing most games do. My favorite combo towards the end was having a character just heal and tank, one buffing my main with critical and a mage main. Progressing further also opens up opportunities for new cards, new combos and new card upgrades.
Card variety does leave something to be desired but for an entry card battler, I wouldn't look too deep into it. A small complaint here is how the game doesn't let you know just how much damage a character will be able to dish out before ending your turn. Each card clearly displays the expected damage based on how buffed the character is, but while throwing an extra power up card before a damage card will clearly up the hurt, you aren't told by how much. The UI doesn't help much either. In a game like this, I'd expect to be given the ability to check whether an enemy is immune to a certain damage type, but the given tools don't provide much info apart from what each icon means.
The damage system with all these cards and combos sounds like a complicated mess, but I'm very glad to say, each character can only have a deck of 8 cards. With three characters bringing your deck to 24 cards. This does make the game a lot more accessible to anyone wanting to try out a card battler while still staying true to the genre.

While the story leaves much to be desired, it feels good enough for what the game is. It's the classic good vs evil, heroes in a world of dragons and magic saving the world fantasy trope you hear all the time. True to their previous titles, the lighthearted humor is still there and the steampunk aesthetic is of course central to everything. The deck of cards you build? They are punch cards for steam driven machines! It works and I like that.

Technically, the game is excellent. I did not encounter any bugs from start to finish of my 19-ish hour play through. The game ends on a high note (the following is optional content, not the ending), giving you a final challenge of 7 consecutive boss battles in an arena. I got to the 6th, asked the audience whether they were entertained or not and stopped playing.

Quest is a fun game and an entry card battler. There are better ones out there but being fun to play, easy to start, it is a good choice for anyone looking to get into that. Since better (more difficult, more varied), and cheaper card games exist, I recommend getting it at a discount. But do get it when you can, a rainy weekend will be over much quicker when you do.

90 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 10:52
Gem of a game.
Excellent story and characters.
Gameplay is very fun too.
I highly recommend.
254 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
1137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 02:03
Great game, I bought it on a whim and had 0 regrets. Here's some thoughts I had while playing.

- Interesting characters and funny dialogue.
- Decent story. A few cliches but nothing too crazy.
- Fun and unique gameplay. Combines turn-based RPGs and card battlers in a way I haven't seen before. Very enjoyable.
- Lots of variety. Many different items, cards, and team setups to mess around with. Lots of different viable builds for taking on the enemies.
- Good challenge. I played on normal. Enemies were not pushovers, and often made me rethink my strategies, but fights never felt unfair. Pretty well-balanced I'd say.
- Interesting theme and art-style. I'm not entirely sure how robots eat normal food and whatnot but the steampunk theme worked well here. Robots and fantasy do apparently mix quite well.
- Great music. Often found myself humming along to the songs in this game. Boss themes are bangers. Excellent music design all around.

- Movement and interacting is a bit clunky. Sometimes it's difficult to click on what you want to while exploring around.
- Pretty short. Not a bad length, but considering how fun it is I would have loved even more chapters.
- Tedious battle-UI. Maybe I'm spoiled from other games but not being able to simply hover your mouse over a status effect to see what it does is kind of annoying. You have to hit a button, then choose an option, then select a character or enemy, and then you can see what the status effects do. Not a dealbreaker, just mildly irritating.
- Not too much replayability. While there are different builds to try, most of this can be done in one playthrough. There are secrets, but not many, and most are pretty easy to find. 1 or 2 more characters to play with would have been cool.

Verdict: 9/10 - Excellent Turn-based card-battler RPG. One of the best I've played in a quite a while. While not perfect, it is one of the better examples of an RPG done right. I bought it on sale, but it would definitely be worth purchasing at full price. A few minor cons keep me from giving it a 10. Check this out for sure if it looks in any way interesting to you! Or even if it doesn't!
535 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 18:37
I like card battlers, turn-based games, RPGs, etc. This is not my kind of game.

UI is terrible at conveying any relevant information.

Deck draw mechanics mean one party member dying pretty much forces a restart of the battle.

The limit of playing 3 cards per turn isn't fun.
504 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 14:33
This is a pretty fun deck builder.

It looks like Slay the Spire, but it has far less RNG. There are some RPG elements; characters level and can equip 1 weapon and 2 accessories each. Each character has a deck of 8 cards that you choose from all the cards you've found or crafted so far. This sounds like a tiny amount, but there are 3 active party members so your total deck size is actually 24. If a hero falls in combat their cards become dead weight in your deck until you revive them. I'm 4 hours into the game and the enemies feel varied with each having a handful of moves it can perform. T

he game isn't particularly difficult on normal, but I did find myself needing to think a bit about enemy party composition before I played my cards for the turn. I can see that on hard difficulty an optimized deck would be needed for consistent success.

The artwork and story remind me a little of the Paper Mario games. They are both whimsical and charming. They work well for this style of game. The UI is minimal, but is easy to navigate and gets the job done.

For it's current half-off price it's a steal, but it's well worth the full asking price. If you like deck builders and are looking for something closer to casual fun than hardcore masochism than I can highly recommend SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech.
732 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 18:11
Another nice one from SteamWorld series. This time it's Final Fantasy look-alike with card twist. Which pretty much combines my two favorite genres. Playing on Legend is pretty much the only way if you want a decent challenge and all game can be beaten with just a reasonable amount of grind. Except Midas Cup, which is beatable on Legend pretty much only with a lot of RNG going your way. On easier difficulty it's a walk through park. If you like card games this one is sure worth your time.
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 04:20
Great game with large deck and card variety. Maybe a little too difficult at times, but had a lot of fun.
565 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 20:49
It's like Slay The Spire, and not like Slay The Spire as well.
It's a nice Deck Building game where you will control as most 3 heroes in fight and each hero will have a deck of 8 cards. You will draw cards from all the heroes deck combined.
It's up to you to trigger combos or heroic chain (3 cards of the same hero) :)

The graphics are really nice, the story is quite good (a bit too simple to my taste) and the game mechanics are good, but ... the game is not very long, around 20h. Not recommanded at full price.

Have fun :)
193 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 01:34
Starts out really fun. Pleasant little card game that presents a good challenge. Near the end the fights just don't make any sense and are terribly unbalanced. It turns a fun challenge into a supremely boring slog.
57 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 11:39
Art is nice, but overall gameplay is slow and boring compared to other card games. Many-many-many oversights. The devs were extremely lazy to adapt the game from consoles to PC – some basic actions need so many extra mouse clicks, it just drives crazy. Devs, you shall not just change gamepad buttons to keyboard buttons. You shall think about usability and user-friendliness. Overall, I just cannot recommend this game to anyone. There are so many far better games to play, than this one. If you like SteamWorld games, don't buy this one – it is still beautiful, but just no fun to play and lacks attention to details.
188 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 00:36
I wanted to like this game, but the story based map just ruined it for me.

I like the card-based combat, the ability to enhance your cards, the various potions, etc. It's not Slay the Spire, but it is different enough to stand out on its own.

But the map...! Let me tell you about the map: The world is divided into story chapters. You don't know when a chapter will end until you stumble on the last encounter. Then it tells you the percent complete and dumps you in the next chapter. You can't find out the % complete until afterwards. Also, if you want to revisit an area, you can - but you have to start that chapter of the story over, and GO THROUGH ALL THE DAMN DIALOG AGAIN! You can skip individual lines of dialog, but not the animations or the whole dialog scene. If only this game would let you freely wander among the areas without restarting that area's story. But it doesn't. I stopped caring about my percent complete because it was too much of a pain to go back.

I finally got to the end boss, but it required that I stock up on potions and have maxxed out my cards - which you can only do by revisiting areas and stocking up on gold and materials. I said Nope to that, and just abandoned the game.

Image & Form - if you read these reviews, then please consider changing how you do the map in the sequel to this game.
71 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 15:31
A nice little adventure, particularly suitable for those who enjoyed Slay the Spire & the SteamWorld series.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 19:50
On my first playthrough I went with the Legend difficulty and I was not disappointed... Mostly. Also, quick note, I got the game half off so my thoughts are based around what I got for that price.

Starting with things I liked/loved:
- The Art is beautiful.
- The Characters are simple but lovable.
- The Music I find to be very pleasant to listen to.
- I love the opening and ending sequences, I wish there were more of these.
- The Ending Song, while short, made me smile. I love it.
- The card game mechanic is pretty solid. Deck-Building is fast and easy, chaining cards together for combos or allowing for an additional helpful card to be played is really fun, and while I didn't use a lot of other cards, I can definitely see some ideas on how to use them for other play styles so I like that there is multiple options on how to play.
- I felt that the game overall was a fair challenge. I expected to wipe after every battle given the difficulty and the fact that I never played the game before but the game isn't too cheap with how everything works. (There are some exceptions to this however that I will get into later. And they are some pretty big ones)
- At no point did I ever feel the need to grind whether it was for levels or money. Just made some adjustments to my strategy and I was able to accomplish whatever was needed. Even if the game seems stacked against you, you still have a good chance of making it through on your first try. If you can plan and strategize on the fly, you're good.

Things that I found were a little lackluster/downgrade from previous games:
- The only character development is contained entirely within the story. No rest house or town to stop and chat with your party members or even really any other life outside of the party, the enemy, and the merchant. What you see is literally what you get and that's kinda disappointing.
- The story is fine, but it definitely needs more chapters to flesh it out as it is rather bare-bones. I think having more of the sequences like in the opening and ending between some chapters or between all the acts would definitely help it.
- Come to think of it, both of these points were done really well in Dig 2 and especially Heist. What happened? Why did these get dropped?
- Some bosses are clearly harder than others to where it can seem like you're riding a wave line instead of a steady climb though I'm not entirely sure if that's just because of my play style or not. It's not common, only happens about two or three times in my experience but is still there regardless.
- Some Enemies are way more threatening and challenging than the boss of the area. For example, the college.

The things I really don't like or just hate:
- The brats are annoying, they hit hard, the can buff EVERY Magic attack by 2 grades for all of them with one card and can even give 2 grades of evasion AND can have Mana Barriers to make them even harder to kill. This may be because of my Legend difficulty but I mean, STILL. The final boss of the area is a complete pushover in comparison to this brats. Despite my phrasing, this is more of just a mild annoyance and is made worse by my next point.
- The college is long and annoying. There's a lot of brat fights which can be annoying, there's two warp tile puzzles which are okay but a little tedious if you wanna go for everything, and the area itself is just a little too long for my liking. By the end I was relieved I never had to set foot in there which isn't really a good thing.
- Exploding enemies are dumb. Pretty self explanatory. Doesn't help that you fight them early on and they can but up barriers and physical resistances when 2 of your 3 members mostly attack with physical hits. Not fun. At the very least they only really appear in 3 areas.
- Instant kills are beyond dumb. Especially if that instant kill never misses, hits everyone, and is at the end of a 20-30 minute BOSS FIGHT. The final boss is dumb and I hate it with a passion. I thought I was doing well, I was on the up and up with my health, was practically at full when the last segment hit and I was dropped down to 1 HP on everyone. Suffice it to say, I didn't having proper healing or attacks and I died immediately after. ROUND 2, SAME THING. Round 3, figured I try to build up cogs before the final segment so I could just unleash and I got punished HEAVILY. I swear the game knew cause it was giving status's out the wazoo this time around, almost every hit was a high roll for it, and the cards just did not want to play out in my favor. Lost that round come the final segment. Round 4, I won because of luck. Not skill, not planning, not by contingency plans, only by luck. This was not fun. 2 hours spent on a boss fight that was made artificially hard because they were given a card that can drop your full health party members down to 1 and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it and then they get to attack like 7 TIMES on the next round essentially leaving you with a dead party member or two. On the bright-side, the instant kill move gets rid of poison because that would be completely unfair otherwise. To the Developers or anyone who's thinking about making a game, don't do Instant Kills in an RPG or ever if possible. It's dumb.

Final thoughts:
The Final Boss is really my only major gripe with the game. I do wish that they handled the story here like they did in Heist cause it was well done there but this story is mostly fine for what it is. I also wish that the Boss before the Final Boss was the actual Final Boss as it was way more fun and challenging. It's not for everyone, there are definitely some low points that can be a turn off, and I would advise heavy caution when it comes to the Final Boss, but overall I still think it's fun and fair in it's challenge and is definitely worth playing or at least trying out and seeing if it's your kind of game. Also, get the game at a discount if possible. For what you get, buying the game at full price is a bit much and isn't really worth it unless you really want to support the developers.

If I had to Score it: 8/10
2117 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 15:44
Pretty nice and chill card game. The base game is not super difficult, but there's an arena near the end, where you can take on some challenge rounds and these get incresingly more difficult.

I'd recommend it to those looking for an easier card game, with some weird characters along the way and some nice art.
688 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 15:26
This is a great card battler. On the hardest difficulty, there is a good level of challenge. It has a funny and decent story with well-defined characters. The sound design is excellent.

I strongly recommend this game for anyone that likes RPG card games with fun deckbuilding.
611 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 13:27
Behold the might of... Armilly![/tr][/tr]
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech is an RPG game with deckbuilding elements. The main mechanic of the game is gathering cards by crafting them(using resources which you get from battles) or by collecting them after you win a fight. All 5 characters are unlocked step by step during the story. Every fighter has a deck with specific cards and a super-power according to the weapon you own. There is also a shop from where you can buy potions, weapons, items to help you in your journey and you can also sell different objects or craft/upgrade cards.
In every battle, you control only 3 characters and you can play 3 cards per turn(play 3 cards from the same character to unlock the special power of the weapon you own) given the fact that this game has turn-based combat. Also, the game has 3 difficulties: easy, normal, and hard. After you finish your first playthrough, you'll unlock a new difficulty called Legendary Remix and a New Game+ mode.
The story is nice and it tells you the adventures of a group of steamrobots(Armilly, Copernica, Galleo, Orik, Tarah and Thayne) who wish to defeat the Dark Lord and stop him from completing his evil plan. The end was a bit unexpected for me and I'm sure you'll be surprised too. I liked the animations and the soundtrack a lot, even though there are some serious negative aspects that I'll present to you in the next paragraph.
Long story short, the game is very repetitive. From some point, battles will become tedious and you'll wish to get over with them sooner(or at least this is what I wanted). I think this affects how the player will feel about playing the game, but it also influences the pace and joy. And this happens because every single battle works the same and what's worse is that many fights will become too long to keep your interest. Also, there aren't so many enemies encountered and once you learned what powers do they have, you'll become bored. Not to mention that you have to fight some bosses more than once and you'll get pretty tired of them.
I recommend it to RPG, deck building, and robot fans, but also to those who enjoyed the other games from the same developer. I got it on sale for 12.49 euros and given the fact that I finished the playthrough in 16 hours, I think it's a good deal.
My final score is: 7/10
155 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 05:47
The characters are charismatic and have a ton of personality, the story is very enjoyable and the deck building is in varied enough to keep combat exciting with the vast amounts of builds you can make
95 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 03:16
This game is alright, but some design decisions are very flawed and led to me enjoying the less and feeling like I was just waiting for it to be over.

This is a deckbuilder where you're strongly incentivized to play to win instead of have fun. There are 5 classes, but with the XP and card upgrade mechanic, you're heavily incentivized to just choose 3 and stick with them unless you want to spend hours grinding which is incredibly boring.

To make this game more fun, at the very least the card upgrades need to be refundable so that you can actually explore various combos instead of locking into the ones you spent your limited upgrade materials on (unless you want to grind, which is incredibly boring). The combo I locked myself into was very strong, so I easily beat the game on the hardest non-NG+ difficulty, but it would have been much more fun if I could freely explore other combos and try out other classes.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 20:06
Super fun card battler RPG for those wanting something different than the classic roguelites and MMOs
3567 Produkte im Account
378 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 21:07
SteamWorld Gams are the best. :)
320 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 20:46
Steamworld series never dissapoints. Nice card based RPG.
287 Produkte im Account
203 Reviews
1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 23:26
Pretty much everything about this game is perfect. Definitely a must play for RPG and deck building fans. Lots of choice between which cards to play, weapons and accessories to synergize with, characters to use, and then later cards/abilities to upgrade. There are many more builds that you can dream up than you'll need to use, which is a blast. Very smoothly balanced and paced. I hope to see more of this in the future!
1146 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 18:23
Great little game. Have not played that much but it's fun with some good card twist with combos.
I am glad that I did wait for a sale.
4088 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
1631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 11:48
Sweet card battler. Simple enough to remain fast paced all the way through, yet clever enough to give you cool tactical options with combos and synergies and stuff. With nice story, humour and visuals.
118 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 14:09
It is with a heavy heart that I give this game a thumbs down. Mostly it is because I hold this franchise to such a high standard, that even a game that is so well polished and almost great for what it is, is just simply not enough to earn my recommendation. I'll explain why...

Going into this title I was a little worried that I would be underwhelmed with the mechanics, having sunk 300+ hours into Slay the Spire. However, the card system and battle mechanics in Steamworld Quest are actually a really nice balance of JRPG battles and card games. It's a really interesting game to play, and I had a lot of fun with each battle.

So what's the problem then?

The issue I had with this title is that it takes a game design mechanic with huge potential and squeezes it into an incredibly linear and dull storyline. Fantasy stories borrow from each other like no one else's business but this story is pretty much every single trope just lined up in front of the player in the most predictable way imaginable. I didn't bother to read most of the dialogue. It's a shame because the characters are just as likeable and quirky as they are in Steamworld Dig and Heist, but there's just no substance to what anyone is doing in this world. Worse still is that the game is played room by room, with only the most superficial exploration to be had.

Games like Chrone Trigger, FF6 or Golden Sun are so enjoyable because of the overworld and feeling of epic adventure. And all those games have much more tedious battle systems than this one! I would have loved for this game to feel like a grand adventure, instead it feels like a children's bedtime story. And not in a good way.

The thing that frustrates me the most is that I would have rather this game go one of two ways. Either open the game up and actually own the fact that it's a JRPG. Give me towns and an overworld and NPCs and sidequests to do. I was shocked to see none of this as the world is screaming out for it. The other option would have been to just make it entirely battle-centric and cut out all the meaningless drivel of story. Did I mention that of the four main Steamworld games, this one is the first where I actually had to wonder where the steampunk aesthetic had gone?

Look, I clocked the game, I got my money's worth. I'll probably finish the colosseum too. But I am disappointed that this game does not reach the heights that I think it could and should have.
523 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 08:46
Great deckbuilding RPG, it has a lot of options so finding a playstyle you like is tons of fun. The music and visuals were fantastic too, and story and characters were serviceable
946 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 06:12
Charming RPG / Deck builder mashup from a company that consistently delivers.
70 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 06:15
So I finally finished playing this game after not touching it for a while.
I will say that this game is really good for the following reasons:
-The art style is really good, everything fits in well and every single shot looks incredible.
-The story although simple has a good progression and each one of the characters get developed pretty well I'd say. (Aside from maybe Tarah and Thayne)
-Combat is pretty well done and balanced, although RNG may be a bit annoying to deal with at times.
Overall, the goods of this game made it worth while my time and I had a great time, however.... that's not to say that there were some things that I didn't like:
-First of all, the final boss of the game was a huge problem for me. Not only is it extremely grindy (upwards of 20-30 mins fighting it) but just in general it's not a very fun fight which is very disappointing seeing as this is the final boss. It also has so many different types of disables that you'll be lucky if you get to attack more than 3 times in a row.
-The game is world in it of itself is pretty lackluster, there isn't really a sense of environment here, what I mean is that there's not really much lore wise in the world, and while I don't really think a lot of lore is necessary, making the world at least believable is what I'd expect.
Overall however, it's a really fun experience and I suggest people looking for turn-based RPG card games to check this one out.
1618 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 07:09
Bit of a let down if you're a SteamWorld fan. The World building really isn't as fun as the other titles and way too slow for my taste.

Really can't recommend this for it's price when there are definitely better deck builders out there.
305 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 18:32
If you like other SteamWorld games, you'll like this one, too.
3331 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
1015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 18:49
I don't normally like card battle games but this one was rather straight forward. I never felt too stupid to understand how the cards are to be used. Plus I enjoy the Steam World setting.
244 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 20:02
I've not be disappointed in pretty much any of the SteamWorld series. Every genre this teams tackles seems to glow but this one does have some glaring flaws.
This is a solid RPG with at first seems to be simple mechanic but as you progress, you gain better cards with more combos. Allowing for ridiculous combos and team dynamics.

I should mention I am playing on legend but in later parts of the game you encounter some stupidly overpower bosses with health bars the size of my massive hard tape measurer. They deal equivalent damage as well. Seem to think bigger healthbars equal harder but it is just dull and boring.

The storyline is simple and charming. The characters while mostly 1D are endearing . Overall I found it pleasant experience.

They commit the mortal sin of gaming by adding cutscene before bosses. While skippable in a way, still have to wait and press button mulitple times. While not gamebreaking,it is annoying for future bosses. Lets talk about trying to revisit chapters to find missed treasure, you have to go through the entire storyline again which instantly turned me off from revisiting areas.

If you want a short, sweet, and pretty entertaining RPG to play though, this is the game. Don't expect complex storytelling or a massive expanding world. Expect an entertaining deckbuilding RPG.

190 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 16:20
Pretty fun and easy game
91 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
12520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 01:10
Highly recommend. A light-hearted RPG with entertaining story powered by an accessible, yet deceptively complex combat engine. Great value for cost.
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 23:00
The story line is over-the-top meh, but by the end it felt worth the $ spent. Solid card mechanics for the most part, though one card for one char in particular is a game-carrier. Make sure to speed the combat up in the options soon as the game loads!
328 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 05:32
FInal Fantasy meets Slay the Spire. Compelling card battle combat system. Charming art, some memorable music. Recommended to play on the highest difficulty right away.
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 22:06
Fantastic art direction and rendition. Great light deckbuilding combat. This potion of robots, cards, feelgood vibes, and beautiful art is exactly what I needed right now.
219 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 01:21
Game aint hard if you are smart, many decks possible, story is lighthearted.

Not as addictive as Slay the spire, but a must have for card fans nonetheless !!
104 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 18:56
This game is amazing! Slay the spire meets FF.
103 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
1272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 19:10
Charming little deck building game. Really beautiful crafted artstyle and world. Love the story and characters you take with yourself on journey. Sad that you can only use three members at a time in battle. I wish we could fight with all of them. So many cards so many builds. If you like Slay the spire this game will definitely be something the same but fresh at the same time.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 03:33
Simple yet extremely fun. Great aesthetics, I love the mechanics. A must play for those into deck building.
168 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 15:37
Despite a forgettable story and frustrating late-game grind, Steamworld Quest stands out due to its unique hybrid battle system and whimsical, storybook presentation.


The amalgamation of card battle system and turn-based RPG is brilliant. Throughout my playthrough, encounters remained varied because of the randomized decks. Moreover, in addition to card flush bonuses, hero combo cards add variety and strategy into each encounter.

The presentation is outstanding – from the music, character design, and environments resembling stage props, its elements fit together beautifully.


The story is serviceable, but also completely forgettable. I found myself skipping dialogue toward the end in order to get back to the addictive combat loop. I think voice acting would have helped greatly.

The game is entirely too frugal with coin and material distribution. Purchasing or fully upgrading the battle cards is ridiculous, especially considering the short length of the main storyline. I wish the game would have been more equally scaled as I approached the end.
336 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 16:59

This game makes me happy. It is a fun adventure with a well thought out battle mechanic.

I've played the game to the end twice, building my character's decks differently each time.

I am anxious for more adventures. Please Devs make a sequel!
350 Produkte im Account
232 Reviews
899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 23:34
SteamWorld Quest is an RPG that uses card deckbuilding mechanics during turn based combat. The SteamWorld franchise (including SteamWorld Dig and SteamWorld Heist) uses a steampunk setting where many characters are robots, and Quest combines this with a swords and sorcery style fantasy setting.

When their home town is attacked by the Dark Lord's Void Army, its up to Armilly, who dreams of becoming a knight, and Copernica, an apprentice mage, to save the day with the help of a few friends.

Along the journey you'll recruit 5 characters and you can have 3 in your active party. Each character must have a deck of exactly 8 cards, giving you 24 to use in combat. You can change the party and decks at any time outside combat. Cards include everything you'd usually expect to see in an RPG, such as physical, fire, frost and lightning attacks, heals, protective barriers, and status effects like poison, bleed, paralyze, confuse, and more. New cards can be crafted and upgraded at a shop, or found in chests hidden around each area.

On the player's turn you can play up to three of the cards that have been randomly drawn into your hand. If all three cards belong to the same character, they’ll activate a fourth special combo move which is based on their equipped weapon. Some cards are free to play and also generate energy, whilst more powerful cards cost energy to play. This adds a tactical element to how you construct your deck, because if you just pick all the highest damage dealers you won't actually have any energy to play them.

You can also find or buy new weapons and gear to increase characters' stats, as well as healing and status recovery potions. If one of your characters loses all their health, or they’re disabled by a status effect, you might still draw their cards but you can't play them, although you can redraw two cards every turn.

The story is quite good but at times I felt like the dialogue had a few too many attempts at wacky jokes for my tastes. I'm sure other players will find it really funny. I didn’t encounter any bugs or crashes but unfortunately the game does have a couple of flaws.

The two characters who are not in your active party will gain much less XP from fights, which discouraged me from experimenting with my lineup. I just kept the same three characters in my active party for the whole game (by the end they were around 10 levels higher than the others). Enemies respawn when you rest at checkpoints, so you could grind them for extra XP, but I never find that fun.

Enemy AI isn’t always great. Some fights were challenging just because enemies had powerful attacks, but there were times when one of my characters was almost dead, and instead of finishing them off, the AI would choose to attack a different character who had full health, giving me chance to heal.

Despite a couple of complaints, Steamworld Quest is an enjoyable game, especially if you like RPGs, card games, or turn based combat. It took me 15 hours to complete the story, so you'll get good value for full price or a small sale. I don’t think you’ll miss out on any important world lore if you play Quest before the other SteamWorld games. (I recently played Dig for the first time but I never played Heist).
210 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
4421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 04:32
Loved it. If you like the combat flow of Slay The Spire, etc. you can't go wrong. The Steamworld art/lore/universe is still so fun and endearing, and I love that they tried something new yet again.

Got about 20-25 hrs out of it, so even at full price that's $1/hr? good luck beating that.
1039 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 13:32
Grinding-free, fast-paced and entertaining story! I've changed at least ten character builds until the end of the game, which was good because it breaks the routine and increases fun. Looking forward to seeing an expansion pack.
316 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 06:35
I have never been a fan of this genre before, now I am. Consider this game a gateway drug, buy this game and beat it, then get Slay the Spire. You won't regret it.
265 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.19 20:35
5/10 - Depending on what your expectations are, this will either be a game you love or hate. Unfortunately, the 'card game' aspects of it miss the point entirely.


I love card games and was excited to finally get this as there is a severe lack of single-player campaign based card games.


This...isn't a card game. This is a JRPG with trappings of a card game. You have several characters, each with their own 'cards' representing attacks and abilities. Some generate resources, some consume resources.

However, while the visual elements of a card game are present, in reality it's just a bog-standard turn based JRPG style thing with some more randomisation.

The major attraction of card games - collecting, deck-building and discovery is completely absent here. There are no randomised card drops, no tiers and honestly...not all that much variety once you get down to the bone. If you've played a turn based RPG, you've played this game before.

Which isn't to say it's bad - for an RPG. But I didn't want an RPG with a few card game elements. I wanted a card game with some RPG elements.

=Graphics and Audio=

The game is okay looking, but not spectacular. The audio is similarly competent. Pretty music though.


Take any generic fantasy world you can think of. Now make everyone a vaguely Miyazaki-esque steampunk robot. That's SteamWorld.

If the term 'Miyazaki-esque steampunk robot world' makes you sit up and beg, then maybe this is the game for you. If not...probably not.

You get essentially what you pay for. The main campaign isn't especially long, and the lack of randomisation and meaningful deck building definitely hurts replayability, but it's not a bad campaign by any means and you do have some additional difficulty modes.

I'd say that if you've read all the above and still really, really want the game, the price is...fine. But there are better RPGs for the price and better SP card games for the price.

At least there are no microtransactions.

+ Nice visuals
+ World is...charming-ish
+ A serviceable JRPG-esque campaign

- Card elements are lame and underdeveloped
- Not much in the way of character building
- Sound effects can start to grate fast
- There are better RPGs out there for the price
- There are better card games out there for the price

Overall, if you absolutely must have another JRPG-type game, you may like this. If you are looking for a solid single player card game...you will have to join me as I continue looking.
Logo for SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.55% 811 126
Release:31.05.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Immersion Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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