The Elder Scrolls: Legends
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Über das Spiel

Die Welt
Die Welt von Elder Scrolls heißt Tamriel – ein Kontinent mit riesigen Provinzen, verschiedenartigen Bewohnern und einer umfangreichen Geschichte. Die vielen Völker Tamriels auf dem Planeten Nirn leben in unterschiedlichsten Klimazonen, von schneebedeckten Gebirgen bis hin zu trockenen Wüsten.
- CPU: Intel Pentium D or AMD® Athlon™ 64 X2
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (256 MB) or ATI™ Radeon™ X1600 Pro (256 MB) or better
- Software: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
- HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie: Keyboard and mouse
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
5234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 14:26
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803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 09:12
Punkt, das war schon, Du, lieber Leser kannst loslegen zu zocken. Das Ding ist kostenlos, es hat spannende Spielmechaniken, erfindet das Rad nicht neu und ist dennoch innovativ genug, ums mal zu testen.
Von MtG bis Gwent und von eigentlich allem ist ein wenig was dabei, es ist fordernd, meistens gewinnt der bessere Spieler und nicht, der mit dem meisten Glück. Alles gut und hab ich schon erwähnt, dass es Free to play ist?
Und Du liest immer noch hier rum, statt zu zocken? Wieso dieses?
Weil du wissen willst, wieso´s nen Daumen nach unten gibt, dann will ich Dich mal nicht quälen.
Es ist Geizig! Ich meine, so richtig. Das schlechteste Free to play Modell auf dem Markt, stell dich auf einen ewig währenden Grind ein.
Das Matchmaking ist direkt aus der Hölle. Ist halt einfach Zufall, du hast dein erstes Starter Deck und wirst von nem Tier 1 Netdeck voller Mythics weggekloppt. Und leider nicht nur einmal, sondern andauernd.
Die Community ist sehr toxisch. Noch über MtG Level sogar, also viel Spaß beim ständigen aus timen lassen von beleidigten Gegnern, hurra!
Wenn Dich lieber Leser(Alter! Wieso liest Du immer noch?!?) das alles nicht stört, weil Du eh nebenbei Game of Thrones guckst, dann leg trotzdem los, Es macht halt trotz allem Spaß. Nervt halt nur, dass das Spiel so lieblos gepflegt erscheint, aber es geht schon auch noch schlimmer.
Und es gibt Skyrim Feeling mit Musik und Chars und allem, das reißt für manch einen wohl auch wieder raus.
Musst Du selbst entscheiden, ob Du´s probieren willst, hab ich eigentlich schon erwähnt, dass es nix kostet? ;-)
3952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 23:38
Trotz fehlender Content Updates voll zu empfehlen, da es dadurch zu einem der wenigen not Pay2Win trading card games geworden ist.
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1593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 14:08
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19138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 18:49
Karten die ,,etwas,, unausgeglichen sind werden es auch immer bleiben (Legendäre Karten=Win).
Empfiehlt sich für diejenigen die ein Einfaches Gameplay suchen. Eher weniger wer Herausforderung sucht und gern mit Decks experimentiert.
2716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 15:15
- It has an extremely interesting story about the TES universe.
- The cards are very well balanced and you can't make a pack of any color, there are combinations, there is no best pack, even if you have a very good card, the enemy can destroy your card with a spell.
- You can easily play like F2P, because you have daily missions that you can do for 40 gold sometimes and 80 gold, with 100 gold you buy a pack of cards. You can break cards that you have and from fragments you can make cards that you don't have. You get cards for almost anything you play.
- You can find a match in pvp in maximum 30 seconds even if there are few players, for example I find a match in around 5 seconds.
- You can buy the story chapters with gold.
- 0 lag
- Friendly community
Poor advertising, does not work on social media, does not provide support for small content creators (you do not receive free codes like eso).
In conclusion, it is a very very good game, it is worth trying if you are a fan of Duel Masters or Yu-Gi-Oh or other card games with monsters.
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1237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 00:38
142182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 11:38
Plus Elder Scrolls. It's always fun to see or play with your favourite characters from TES games.
Everything can be unlocked by just playing, and budget decks can be competitive and take you to Legend rank the same month yoou start playing... if you know what you are doing.
Too bad Bethesda stopped the development.
But hey it's free.
6794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 21:49
وعكس المنافسين، اللور حقها مثير للاهتمام لأنها في عالم الدر سكرولز ببساطة
المؤسف انها بتقفل سيرفراتها في وقت لاحق.... لعنة الله على الصناعة المنهارة
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 12:48
Mechanics are a well thought-out copy of Hearthstone and I, personally, found this game much more intriguing and fun to play then HS.
Story expansions are great and tell some interesting tales, bridging gaps between games and filling some of the big plot holes left by the Big Three. General gameplay is a deviation from classic HS board so no words needed there, arena modes can be fun sometimes if you're into it; card artwork, graphical and sound effects are of very good quality and always feel on point.
You can still experience the game if you so desire since the servers are up and running, and there are quite a lot of people still playing this, despite the project being frozen for unspecified amounts of time.
43085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 23:29
2648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 09:02
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173236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 02:53
Can't recommend investing time and potentially even money into a dying/dead game. R.I.P. Elder Scrolls Legends, you will be missed.
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 02:58
12391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 04:13
With a heap of versatility in the deck builds (including multiple classes, and a deck cap of 100), multiple game mechanics such as key words and two separate summon lanes, the game play is dynamic, fast paced and incredibly satisfying when you make your combos. All of this set in the Elder Scrolls universe makes for one hell of a card battler that has some really nice nostalgia for longtime fans of the series and its characters.
Comparative to other digital card games that are around, this is probably the best in terms of keeping new players up with the meta also. If you are completely new, you can buy a deck for around $7 AUD which should get you into the game against current players. Even if you don't put a single dollar into the game, it has generous rewards from dailies and arena battles that will earn you enough in-game currency to purchase everything from packs, to decks and whole expansions.
There isn't likely going to be any new expansions for this game at this stage, but it's still great!
Bethesda, please take a break from pumping out annual expansions for ESO and put some more time into this game!
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20432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 09:52
45412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 02:46
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 03:52
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5378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 21:53
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3549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 11:14
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811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 01:05
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10584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 11:13
6296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 20:54
Bottom line: Mess around with it and enjoy the game, but DO NOT sink money into a game that is no longer
28518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 19:28
10453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 20:00
Previously, I came across games like Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim from the same series and as we all know, the games were very weak graphically. I simply lacked a more detailed and modern processing of individual races, fractions, characters.
In this seemingly small game, I finally find wonderful graphic illustrations of many races, characters, their armor, their units, their lifestyle... this is the first thing that any Elder Scrolls fan can be captivated by.
Furthermore, the game offers as if the educational path of individual well-known characters and fighting styles of individual races and factions, basically you can remember their main abilities thanks to playing cards, in which each race prospers, what are their weaknesses and strengths.. also thanks to the cards we are aware rarity and legendary nature of individual favorite and unpopular characters.
I did not mention interesting storylines that can be explored (after purchase) and improved your combat packages and knowledge in the world of Elder Scrolls.
ES Legends, of course, lies in online gaming, where you can compare the strength of your card decks, improve and modify them, try different game styles, focus your cards on poisoned attacks, for example, or focus on quickly ending your opponent with aggressive deck - there will be better and better for each deck, but once you build a strong deck and start winning most games, it's a beautiful feeling. 80%
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 04:25
The card art is beautiful, especially the variants with slight animation. There's plenty of characters from throughout the Elder Scrolls universe included, as expected, but I was most shocked at the inclusion of so many Daedra!
The story mode is great, however if you're not willing to pay £!5 for the expansions, it can be a bit of a grind to collect the gold needed for the moneyless transaction. Still, they are written well and have some cool features
Arena is a fun twist on the basic rules, with each lane sometimes having a special bonus or a unique feature. As well as this, random additions such as pre prepared attackers or defenders on either your or the opponents sides, and boosts to magicka and health make strategy a real key here.
This game however, shines in the Multiplayer. It really shows off the creativity of each player when they build up a 50/75 card deck and use them in Ranked or Casual. Thematic decks can be really fun, and even random decks can be interesting too!
Overall, this game has kept me entertained (on mobile) for the better part of two years, and most likely a lot longer too.
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83507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 08:24
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341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 02:48
Great gameplay
Polished, stable and very well-produced
Solid deck-building interface
Really good card variety and factions
Fantastic Elder Scrolls art-work and aesthetic
Epic soundtrack
Great story mode to ease in beginners
Too many hardcore die-hard regulars (who refuse to leave the sinking ship) and too few new players (put off by the zero updates) means the multiplayer is a complete unbalanced mess full of David Vs Goliath match-ups that completely ruins this otherwise marvellous game.
--As I have ~6 hours on steam and roughly the same time playing through the Bethesda launcher, you might argue that 12 hours of play for precisely £0 may be excellent value for money. And it actually is. But I really cannot recommend the game to new players when such games like Gwent, Hearthstone, Legends of Runeterra and Kards exist... that have solid and robust match-up systems that DO match you up with equal opponents.
12694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 14:27
I stopped playing during the Morrowind expansion, 1-2 years ago, which was the second, after Skyrim.
I've been through a lot of TCGs/CCGs (HearthStone, Legends of Runeterra, Magic, Mythguard...) and this is by far the best I have ever played.
-Core Gameplay
While other CCGs rely on cards to bring mechanics, here the cards will revolve around the core mechanics. The main ones being the lanes or the runes. I've rarely seen a CCG that involves as much tactics and skill as this one rather than just dropping high value cards and hoping for good RNG to win the game for you as you would in HearthStone.
Expansions become quickly the bane of CCGs, destroying current metas and bringing new player made metas (instead of metas planned by foolish developers). While it sounds good, most of the time it will just make an absurd amount of old cards obsolete and will also break your economy as you need to buy the new OP sets.
However I didn't feel this way playing TESL. I found the expansions refreshing and balanced. And the economy wasn't as grindy as you would with HS. I never paid for any content and I never felt like I was being dragged down because of this. People crying about it being P2W have merely started playing and haven't understood the mechanics yet as you don't even need a collection to win drafts.
UI/UX is great. Never encountered a single bug except in single player.
I am disappointed TES will forever be in the style of Skyrim rather than inviting new art directions as they did between older iterations of the universe. That said, the cards, animations, boards... are beautiful and sober.
Music is ok, I usually play without tho.
Sounds and voice lines are great, I usually would mute them but not here.
While I love TES lore, TESL doesn't need nor has any good story to tell. I still enjoy the diversity in terms of creatures, provinces, eras... brought by the cards.
This is why I stopped playing this game.
Because it is a very time consuming game I stopped playing it on PC and switched to playing it on mobile during travels/commute.
For some reasons, I was able to do everything on my phone seamlessly. Messaging, web browsing, YouTube, playing any game... any game except TESL. I've found myself locked out the game so much that more than half of my losses were due to those disconnections. It wasn't fixed during the 1-2 years I played and ranking up was becoming a chore so I gave up on it.
13236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 05:56
Little to no RNG, everything will be based on your skill, game rewards you in many ways that other CCG's do not.
Many available decks, so much fun to build and try out.
Fun game modes.
31885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 22:56
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15312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 04:16
Progression is extremely slow, and an ordinary player who doesn't go out of their way to optimize their deck is going to lose a lot! After hitting the level cap you really can't progress or gain anything unless you win.
39314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 07:21
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35364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 04:43
prior to update in 2020 you could win with older cards. now there is no point in having. the game is thus out of balance....
14733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 10:31
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2159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 14:26
Fairly a good game, but with less players over only those stay who spend a shitload of money on cards.
And as it has a pretty much pay to win mechanic, with pretty unbalanced rare cards, you are often faced the dark side of the capitalism...who spends the most money has most rare cards.
If you want to play from time to time, better invest in games like Slay the spire of Griftlands. They cost like 2 card packs in this game but they fill your craving for dopamine reward cycles way better, than this jezz bezos mechanism deck builder
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21182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 21:57
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2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 22:02
And the game is officially dead...
Do not recommend since no further development will be contributed to this game.
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8781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 19:31
Since it is on life support without new content in the future, I cannot recommend it. Bethesda's move NOT to remove microtransactions is just garbage, especially because they could pull the plug at any moment.
RIP my sweet Daedra prince
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290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 07:07
However, if you came looking for the extra canon lore as a TES fan, I'm sorry to inform you that they are charging DLCs for each story arc. Which I would gladly pay if weren't a total overpriced rip off. Keep in mind that the content is short and can be watched on Youtube for free.
34717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 06:39
And it's magnificent.
Amazing game!
My favorite card arena magic the gathering esque type game.
I come back for it every day.
1. The mechanics are great wonderful - lots of little interesting card abilities and combos you can pull off.
You feel as if you learn something new every day.
2. Card art is great, really pretty and on point with the elder scrolls universe.
I like this style much better than the cartoony Hearthstone style.
3. Card 'physics' feel great, responsive, they drop onto the table with 'weight' to them. Which is super important for card games. Magic The Gathering Arena's 'physics' system feels really slow, cumbersome and crappy in comparison.
Super important for a card game to feel like it's really in your hand and responsive.
4. Collecting - You slowly collect your way through more cards, you don't have to spend real money. There's plenty of events and arenas you can use to gain more in game currency to get packs and such.
5. Voice acting - Each card has it's own unique voice and 'phrase' it says when you drop it. Done really well!
Well, music is pretty boring, I muted it.
Blows Magic The Gathering Arena and Hearthstone out of the water.
It basically combines the best of both of those into one game.
The best card game of the bunch! And it's free!
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1772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 22:39
Then around Christmas of 2016 the first rounds of major nerfs happened that left me disinterested in the game for a while, so I put it down until early 2018, right around the time Bethesda fired Dire Wolf and decided to hire a low budget studio named Sparky Pants to completely rewrite the client.
First of all, completely rewriting a working client is always, ALWAYS a losing decision. This was the beginning of the end for the game. For the next few months following the release of the new client the game was barely functional. Bugs, bugs and more bugs. The game looked ugly and was just broken. Bethesda's community manager severely downplayed the issues and promised things would be fixed, but that just didn't happen.
I put it back down until today, about 2 years after the Sparky Pants debacle. I learn that the game has been put in maintenance mode. No new content planned for the game, no new card sets, no new game modes. The complete waste of money in 2017-2018 to rewrite the game client completely tanked the game. Whatever Dire Wolf was asking, you should have just given it to them. You'd still have an active game today instead of this horrible embarrassment.
To add insult to injury, Bethesda is continuing to develop the game in the Asian market. What a shit show.
9332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 01:05
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6368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 15:16
they put it in maintence mode, which would make sense if they had a sensical reason WHY! Literally no reason, seriously, I don't understand. They are still updating ESO, even though I don't own it yet they are just ignoring Legends at all costs for literally no reason.
Anyway, my main point on why I can't enjoy it ABSOLUTELY at all, drum roll please!
THEY PUT A F**CKING SPYWARE IN THEIR PRIVACY POLICY! WHY?! It's like they're mocking me, this game was WAY better than Hearthstone in my opinion since Legends wasn't P2W! And now they're doing this?! Just WHY, this meant a LOT to me and I'm telling you I would play RIGHT NOW if it wasn't for the fact they're now collecting all of my personal information if I agree to their Privacy Policy! Seriously this game is what made me go back to virtual card games, I guess I'll just go back to GWENT since it's also great, goddamn what a waste.
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37505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 21:46
So why did I keep it running for so long? During my college years, I'd make a deal with myself-every time I lose I do 1-2 hours of studying. Even then when I was done I'd often keep it running in the bg.
It's a game that has gone down the path of Infinity wars. The devs considered it profitable enough to keep the servers running, but not actually do anything to maintain service or balance to the game.
The general rule for what happens in this circumstance is the following.
-People lose interest in the game as it receives no new content.
-People leave the game because it's the same thing over and over without balance or rule changes.
-The game becomes unprofitable
-Servers get shut down
Grinding is impossible. Assuming each match is quick 5 minutes including waiting times and your opponent doesn't stall like an ass... and we assume your odds of winning are exactly 50%... that means every half hour you'll get 15 gold and an uncommon or greater card. Each story chapter is in sets of three and each story can be bought for 1k a chapter or 3000 for the full story. Meaning we're looking at 100 hours per chapter if we're discussing raw grinding. In other words, don't try it, you will get stalled, you will go on losing streaks.
Instead of grinding you'll probably go on twitch drops. In a few hours of watching you can potentially get 600 gold or thousands of essence to craft cards for your decks... or just 50 blue essence... Yeah, it hits you like that sometimes.
It's sad really. It seems like the developers had the best intentions and were likely filled with hope when starting out.
But they fucked up and left this game to rot.
Dire Wolf Digital LLC
Bethesda Softworks
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
The Elder Scrolls