• The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.
  • The Guild II Renaissance: Screen zum Spiel The Guild II Renaissance.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.07.2010
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Preis Update 31.12.23

Über das Spiel

Seit Jahrhunderten wurde Europa von der Kirche und dem Adelsstand dominiert. Die Diener Gottes und die adligen Familien hielten ihre Macht und den Reichtum auf Kosten des gemeinen Volkes für gerechtfertigt. Es war die unwiderlegbare göttliche Weltordnung in einer wahrlich dunklen Zeit…
Aber im 14. Jahrhundert fängt die bisherige Weltordnung plötzlich zu schwanken an. Dank des Handelsverkehrs gelangt eine wachsende Mittelklasse zu immer mehr Macht und Reichtum. Ganze Städte erkaufen sich ihre Freiheit und Sonderrechte von der Adelsschicht. Lesen und Schreiben ist durch die Erfindung des Buchdrucks nicht mehr exklusiv für den Adel und den Klerus verfügbar. Dies ist der Beginn der Renaissance...

  • 8 brandneue Berufe: Söldner, Totengräber, Steinmetz, Gaukler, Gastwirt, Bankier, Müller und Obstanbauer
  • Neue Güter, Gebäude, Außendetails und andere Effekte
  • Neue Szenarien ("Transsylvanien", "Das Rheinland" und "Die Alpen") & größere Weltkarten
  • Bessere KI, ein weiterentwickeltes Titelsystem für den Adel sowie neue Optionen (z.B. “Maßnahmen Gottes”, Schwierigkeitslevel und vieles mehr)


  • CPU: 2 GHz Prozessor
  • GFX: DirectX9 Grafikkarte mit Pixelshader 1.1
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Vista
  • HD: 3.5 GB frei
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0 kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX 9.0
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: 2.8 GHz Prozessor oder besser
  • GFX: DirectX9 Grafikkarte mit Pixelshader 2
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Vista
  • HD: 3.5 GB frei
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0 kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX 9.0
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

149 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 20:33
Ich: Heute spiele ich mal eine ganz gemütliche und friedliche Runde Gilde ohne Blutvergießen ^^

Eine Stunde später: Euch wird der Prozess gemacht!
79 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 22:38
einfach retro
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 23:41
connection out of sync
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 13:11
Ehre. reinste ehre. wer leute abstechen will und seine freunde dann dazu bringt dich unschuldig zu sprechen und dann jeden killen der meint dich zu nerven ist hier gold richtig
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 14:05
Macht einfach Spaß!
339 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 13:36
Ich Spiele Gilde hauptsächlich wegen dem Multiplayer.
Wenn der Spielstand geladen wird ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit wann die Out of Sync Meldung kommt.
Lategame ist somit nicht zu erreichen.
373 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
6837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.17 15:42
Mit der Version 4.211 ist alles TOP!
Für noch mehr Spiel am besten noch das ModPack von Fajeth's reinhauen.
359 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.17 15:22
Die Gilde 2 ist wie sein Vorgänger eine Art Wirtschaftssimulation und Politiksimulation. Dabei ist Renaissance die Version des zweiten Teils, die bugfreier ist.
Man baut seinen eigenen Betrieb auf und kommt so zu Geld. Parallel dazu kann man noch ein öffentliches Amt anstreben und durch Intrigen seine Familie an die Spitze bringen.
Im Multiplayer mit Freunden macht es erst recht Spaß, weil mal sich entweder unterstützen oder bekämpfen kann.

Macht Die Gilde 2 Spaß? Ja macht es.
Ist es genau so gut oder besser als der 1. Teil? Nein definitiv nicht.

Der erste Teil war einfach mehr. Es gab mehr Details, mehr zu tun und man konnte an einem Tag mehr machen. Der spielbare Physische Charakter hat das Spiel entschleunigt und man muss immer warten, bis die Figur zum Ziel gelaufen ist. Im ersten Teil war der Spieler immer da wo die Kamera war. So konnte man schneller von Ort zu Ort und Gerichtstermine, die um 17 Uhr stattfinden sollten, starteten nicht erst um 21 Uhr, weil erstmal alle da hin rennen müssen.

Dann die Details: Im ersten Teil wurde jeder Ausbaugegenstand in Häusern optisch dargestellt. Noch dazu konnte man mehr machen und es gab einfach mehr Figuren und mehr Interaktion der Figuren. So habe ich im ersten Teil Abends immer die Besucher meines Schankhauses beobachtet und meine Einnahmen gezählt. Im zweiten Teil gibt es nicht genug Menschen und die die es gibt gehen nicht dem normalen Tagesablauf nach, weil sie immer hin und her rennen müssen (Was im ersten Teil simuliert wurde).
Dann gab es viele Dinge die noch mehr Spaß gemacht haben. So waren die Kämpfe zwischen Schurken und Wachen viel mehr Kampf und man konnte in seinem Hauptquartier viel mehr machen, weil man die Leute trainieren lassen konnte und ihnen dabei zugucken konnte. Es gab noch viel mehr was einfach rausgekürzt wurde und das Spiel schlechter macht.

An und für sich ist es gut aber ich bin von Die Gilde besseres gewohnt. Ich hoffe, dass der dritte Teil sich dort wieder mehr am Original orientiert.
226 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
13685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.15 06:15
Es wird immer ein Klassiker bleiben, ja dieses Spiel hat schon einige erfolgreiche LAN Parties hinter sich und es ist durch den Patch den es im nachhinein bekam, meiner meinung nach der allerbeste Teil :)

Ich freue mich schon extrem auf den 3ten Teil und hoffe das es ein würdiger Nachfolger wird :)

Ein Must Have für jeden der ein solches Spiel Genre gerne hat ;)

Es ist jeden Cent wert ^^

PS: Das Spiel ist ein Standalone Add On, dass all die Sachen der beiden anderen Teile bereits in sich inkludiert besitzt und die ganzen Neuerungen und vergesst nicht nach dem download, dass ihr in eurer bibliothek einen rechtsklick auf das spiel macht und unter tem Tab BETAS, den : `latest_patch 4.211 downloaded, so spart ihr Geld und sorgt mit dem Patch für maximalen Die Gilde 2 Spass ;)

Euer Zaradin
416 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 13:40
fun and unique series of games, its super janky and oldskool which adds to the charm, i dare you to try to play it without using a guide or the internet
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 19:58
The Guild games have always been a little buggy, but if you can see past the bugs, it's actually a really inventive game.
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 07:57
So much bugs, but still one of the best game.
86 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 18:01
Dante Alighieri have revived himself to play this game!
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 05:19
This game made me into a monster.

I started with a scholar and quickly found the way to make loads of money. Then got into politics. From there I realized it was possible to own the entire council with members of my family. And so I did. Then in order to finish the game I needed to eliminate the other families, there are many ways to do this, but the easiest and quickest way is just to murder them all. Since my character is King, he has immunity, and just went into a murdering rampage with an army of thugs.

I killed them all, not just the men, but the women and the children too.


I recommend this game if you have the patience for this type of niche genre.

Is tedious, not very well explained, still buggy even with the MegaModPatch, but somehow managed to completely attract my attention for a whole week. If you think you may like it, give it a try.

Have fun on your murdering rampage.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
67035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 02:45
The learning curve is massive for this game, but once you figure it out there is a lot to enjoy. I've been playing it for years on and off. It's one of those games where you'll play it once and think the game is broken (and a small number of things truly don't quite function the way I suspect the designers hoped). You'll realize how to play the game and start over. The second attempt is much more fun. I'll write some guides about this for all levels from a class perspective (the four classes you can play as). Enjoy, and be patient with this game. It's worth the trouble.
102 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
19586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 00:49
In depth, countless ways to play
125 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 21:04
Great game, terribly delivered. I got this game cheap on a sale, £2-ish. I really liked this game and its mechanics, however, the game is so bugged it is unplayable. The political-voting/mini-game literally didn't work for me, even after I decided my vote the game would choose something different. It is such a shame because this game was quite fun, but I just couldn't bear the bugs. I should have listened to the over reviews.
230 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 01:37
one of the best business simulator games, lots of fun and with lots of features. It is old so beware of glitches, but for the most part it should run fine, the most common problem is simply a black intro screen for the intro scenes, once they play through (you can press enter or any other key to skip them, too) the screen should work when the game reaches the main menu, so do not fear.
203 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
12458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 03:16
If this were a video game it would be The Guild 2 Renaissance. I'm not so sure that's a good thing, but it may be. It doesn't work without mods. The buggiest game I have played in 35 years. It literally doesn't work. Fajeth is the guy you need to see to get this game to work. Megamod it and it mostly works. It's a shame because this is one of my favorite games, ever! It's really that good. However, the devs have to be some of the dumbest developers around because there are plenty of people, out there, who would pay AAA money for a game like this IF it actually worked.
257 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 12:05
*Latin speech*
154 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 06:54
Played multiplayer with my brother. I was an honest fisherman. My brother was a grave digger. During the winter time my brother visited my fishery near the lake. After the visit I realized something was wrong and my character became sick. My brother's character was also sick.

Thinking that this was just a normal illness my brother and I went to the hospital for treatment. The illness turned out to be the black death and my brother died at the hospital floor. I quickly panicked and ran as fast as I could through the snow for my house. As soon as came inside my house, i dropped dead in front of my wife and kid.

Moral of the story, be careful of grave diggers.

There is no game like the Guild 2, just try it.
168 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 17:15
Jankey and broken in almost every way but no other game comes close to providing the experience The guild II does. If you don't mind a lack of polish there's a ton to be enjoyed here!
213 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 19:43
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 22:09
Absolutely love this game. Wish that The Guild 3 was even a quarter as awesome.
467 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 15:48
Legendary Game. Even better playing with your brother! :P
22 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 07:57

☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe

☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Human
☐ Lizards

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

☑ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
48 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 08:05
Rival killed my kids . 10/10
297 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 08:40
108 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 02:06
109 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 13:58
A great game if you can get past the techincal issues
125 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 03:51
Developers definitely bite off too much developing this, so by itself it has bugs that make it very difficult to play. If you get Fajeth's Mega Mod pack, it basically makes this game what the developers likely envisioned, and oh god is it great. This game is in a class of its own, and deserves a look.

Game is more pleasing than picking up the fat chick at Applebee's 10/10
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 20:18
Pretty entertaining. Easy to lose track of hours.
114 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 07:02
582 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
2107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 02:31
Rival executed my grandma
365 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 20:07
So I've started my game as a scholar. I wanted to be a medicus. I started in a small town and build my own Pest house right next to an existing one to steal his clients. I've also thought I would assassinate the owner of that Pest house one day when i'll have the money for it.
My character healed, upgraded, gained exp. To survive, I had to craft and sell soaps. Everything was fine but the mayor of the town is a Rogue, and has pillaged my stuff many times. Then he and a opponent dysnasty wanted me to pay for ''protection''. If I didnt pay, I would get thief taking my shit and put my building on fire. And if I did pay, I would still get thief coming for my precious soaps.
One day I had enought to be persecuted. My character had been healing the villagers, even his ennemies for all his life. And yet, I was still very poor. I've eventually got a wife and she gave me a son.
For once, the future was bright. But it didnt last long.

My wife got Leprosy. She was the only person in the whole town to get this disease. I thought I could save her, but I couldnt get my hand on any fruits to make the required medecine. So I went to see the pesthouse next to mine but they didnt had the required medecine too. My character continued to heal the townfolks while getting robbed everydays, trying to pay formy son studies. While also searching for thoses famous fruits I needed for my wife's medecine.

Then 1 day after another robbery, I thought I had enought evidences to be able to get a sentence for the mayor. To my horror, I've learned that because of his political immunity, I couldnt get justice. I've been able to send to the court an ennemy Dysnasty leader that has been harrassing my freshly upgraded Hospital. The jury declared my opponent Non-guilty. I was devasted by the lack of justice. I also had to pay a fine of 1000 for losing in court.
So my character bought a mace, and went to murder that opponent of mine, only to be beaten up by all his bodyguards.

The next day, I was called to court. My opponent had make a complaint to the court because i've tried to murder him. Remember that everytimes in court, my character have to leave his workers do the job whitout him.

I've lost in court, again.
My character was sentenced to the pillory for 8 hours
His whole life, he healed the villagers, whitout stopping for days. Even for his own ennemy.
His wife just died from Leprosy.
And now here he is, 80years old, attached to the pillory, getting mocked and thrown vegetables to the face.
He soon died some days after.

My son took the dynasty in hand. His University completed, he built a big church and also commands the employe of the hospital. His goal is now to make LOTS of money from the church while trying to raise a daughter or a boy that could become a patron and finally grow some fruits so that nobody else has to die from Leprosy or another disease needing the medecine.

Thats just my first game.

Also I think Rogues are pretty op, too easy to win with.
Patrons are fun and balanced
Scholars are pretty strong early game with the church, easy money.
I didnt try the last class yet

fun game 8/10
166 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 14:40
The Guild 2 Renaissance, become a capitalists before it was cool!

This might be my most favourite game of all. You can do everytihng in the medieval setting. Trade, Craft, Kill and rob. Take over a city and destroy your oponents. Get mad rich and die. Play as a different family member and prosper even more. Get the Fajhets mod and you are good to go. It's the best medieval economical strategy out there. No Port Royale, Townsmen, Settlers, Anno, Patrician no matter what the game is. This one is better. Just get it, try it and love it! Can't reccomend it enough. I just keep going back like half a year to play on the same big map and do it all over again. It is fun every time!
800 Produkte im Account
170 Reviews
7597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 01:11
I simply cannot recommend this game enough. If you haven't played it, you must. Allow me to wax melodic -

My paterfamilia was a mercenary and criminal. Wanted by the law, one of his passtimes was to stand in for my other family members in duels and then take the opportunity to break their legs after defeating them, or simply murdering them outright if the need arose.

The family was beset by a very political family who sought the land and trades buildings we occupied. They were well connected and wealthy. My families empire was primarily around prostitution and inns, backed heavily by thieves guilds and mercenaries.

What I could not counter in intrigue, I was force to counter with outright violence and subterfuge.

First, I kidnapped and threatened my way into the city positions of marshall and dungeon keeper. Then I assassinated the head of the enemy family and imprisoned the wife on false charges. I then tortured the wife until I could force her through torture and duress to accept a marriage proposal. My loving wife.

Having done that, I now had control of their family estates and set about dismantling their prestige and businesses.

This is one of a countless number of ways to play this amazing game. If there is a gold standard of player agency, this is it.
42 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 18:06
This plague of rats has me at my wits end!
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 07:59
This game is so fun. My boyfriend introduced me and I've been hooked for days. The only change I would make to this game is to have one more character in your group at once, but it really isn't that big of a deal. Really great game!
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 15:16
Played it 8 years ago, happy to play it again
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 22:16
Great features
79 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 12:58
I love this game. I hope The Guild 3 can some day be at least as good.
23 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 20:05
A great 'do-whatever-you-want' game.
302 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
18663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 17:04
So rich and full of colour, literally and figuratively; this is a great game for people who like the sims, medieval times, economics simulators, intrigue, plots and coups. Great game.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 07:16
A very good and interesting game. I love the entire series...
516 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
4360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 21:07
☐ Is this real life?!
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look at it for too long
☐ Legacy Minecraft

☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s alright
☐ Could be better
☐ More fun watching paint dry
☐ Don't bother

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human

---{PC Requirements}---
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Time to rob a bank

☐ Just press 'A'
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding

☐ Story?
☑ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a smoke and a coke
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If you have some spare money
☐ Not recommended
☐ It'd be better to throw money away

☐ None
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ Goat simulator
☐ Gamebreaking!
1887 Produkte im Account
602 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 14:57
I will start with this. First was The Guild 2, second Pirates of the European Seas and later Venice and lastly Renaissance. What we have before are a DLCs of sorts. You don't need past ones and main game. At least I think you just need renaissance and you have all.

Anyway, life simulation taking place within fictional versions of provinces of Europe in the fifteenth century. Main focus revolves around your characters aim to simulate life in the Renaissance. At the beginning of the game, you can create a self defined character, whereby characteristic attributes points and skills can be adjusted and developed over the course of the game, by improving its properties and special abilities.

Nonlinear gameplay, playable from a bird's eye view, allowing to zoom in and out of the game. You constructe buildings or buy them. Manage them like workers and resourcers, buy and sell. Tactical roleplaying and social simulation elements like talking and bribing, many ways of become indulge in world. Buy titles, become well know in world and the richest one.

Remember, family is most important.
22 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 20:20
This game is ridiculous and I'm only at the tutorial!
I don't mind managing or even micromanaging but this MINI-micromanaging is rather tedious
The only reason that I'm pushing onward is because of all of these positive reviews

For those who love this game don't y'all get a headache?
101 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 04:26
Bought it on sale expecting a fun game, easily abused gambling to own the town within in hour then my game crashed and wouldn't let me play anymore. They better step up their game a lot in 3
142 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 03:44
Played after several years away during the Covid-19. Had a great time with this little gem once again. The Guild II Renaissance can bring many hours of great entertainment. The game has a bit of a learning curve,once past that the time is well spent here. Grab this one on sale. See just how long you can make that family tree grow and prosper. I myself found the patron class fun while making cash in a very self sufficient fashion. Guides along with the community are very helpful.
219 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 13:24
The game itself is pretty good for its age, seems to work with a modern PC without a lot of issues (for me at least). Unlike most new games, this one doesn't really hold your hand, the tutorial is lackluster but that means the game leaves you plenty of chances to explore the game. I'm still learning a lot of new things with 16 hours in, which is more than I can say for many other modern games nowadays within the same genre.
896 Produkte im Account
115 Reviews
4753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 21:21
Please follow TotalWar:Arena for quality reviews

The Guild II Renaissance Review

Indeed, everyone has its own opinion and taste. Some gamers love to play shooting games that are full of thrill and action, and some love to play games that are interesting in a storyline. How about getting a shooting experience with a lot of thrill and action with a superb storyline in a single game? Isn’t that something amazing? So today, we are going to target such a game that is rich in features, and you’ll love to become a part of it.
The Guild 2 Renaissance is a life simulation game based on the real-life story of the 14th century Europeans. This game features high-quality graphics that are good enough to keep a gamer engaged. If you’re a lack of a modern PC, then no need to worry because the system requirements of The Guild II Renaissance are very ordinary. That was a brief description of the game; now its time to discuss the game in detail.

Enhance Gameplay

The gameplay is quite similar to its main title but it comes with a new ancient environment that makes it more interesting. Like main, it also allows the player to assume the role of a defined character to simulate medieval life with some new characteristic features, classes and unique abilities. At the start, the player has limited resources and items to use and complete their objective. But it completing the number of levels. The game unlocks several resources and allows to purchase the new object by using their experience points.
The player has the option to develop and create their character at the start. It offers several customs and accessories and also allows the player to unlock new items to make their character more interesting. The ultimate objective of the player is to enhance the character skills at leveling up.

Cheats to Progress Quickly

The cheats of The Guild II Renaissance are much interesting. Most of you would be applying a variety of codes to activate the cheats in several games, but the case in this game is quite different. To activate cheats, you have to find a file “Config.ini” in the game folder. After opening the file, you will see several words written, just like married=0, money=10000, workshops=0, and much more.
Well, you don’t need to apply any codes in this file, just change the numbers after the equality sign. For example, if you are replacing 0 with 1 in the marriage section, then you will start a game as a married person. Similarly, you can make changes in other statements also.

New Mods

There are multiple game mods and it wouldn’t be wrong is saying that each mod is full of various adventures. The most popular mod is Fajeth’s mega mod pack. In this mod, you will enjoy the game without facing any hurdle. The mod also adds some new characteristics to enhance the gaming experience. There is also a mod that is specially designed for improving the trade routes in the game. Similarly, a lot of other mods are available on the internet, and you can download any one of them.

How to Become Emperor?

There are different ways of becoming emperor in the game. Sometimes it depends on the mod package that you’re playing. The special locations are allotted on the maps on which you can become emperor. For becoming emperor, you have to make some achievements through which you would get voted for the position of the emperor.

Final Verdict

If we talk about the overall review of the audience for this game, it is mostly positive. The gamers not only love to play this game, but they also recommend it to other players. The main reason for the excellent rating of the game is a storyline in which you lead a family of a maximum of 3 people. The Guild II Renaissance is much entertaining because of its stunning features like battling, building houses, growing crops, etc. The audience also loves the unique mechanics of the game, like working in multiple professions to make both ends meet, trading, crafting, and scheming.

Rate: 8/10
255 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
2943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 10:06
I could tell you about my fond childhood memories in Constantinople playing this game as a young lad. The times I had, massacring my political opponents, outplaying my foes with well-place bribes and duels, pulling a coup of the entire political council and slaughtering them all so that I could go on a righteous crusade to the holy land.

Or, I could tell you about how I downloaded glorious mods to enact the art of usury, and forgive me for saying, but it was great to finally fix the broken banking system, and led a great inquisition against many Protestants, who conveniently were attempting to tax my elaborate woodcarving business.

But frankly, I think a better answer is to blast Spice & Wolf's OST, have an emotional crisis silently, understood by all fine patricians, and to finally end up with extreme nostalgia.
42 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 04:06
10/10, spent my entire dynasty living simply and making soap. All the other dynasties just died out and I won. It was the best moment of my video gaming career, would absolutely recommend.
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 16:05
Very good!
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 12:39
162 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
4017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 08:56
It's a bit dated now I know, but this is certainly in my top 10 favourite games of all time. The world is immersive, and the economy about as complex as my computer could handle when it came out. If you like economic sims this is always worth a look.
28 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
17104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 14:00
entertaining great idea.
42 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 16:38
It's one of those special games that you loose yourself in. Great concept, great mechanics. You can do pretty much everything considering Medieval times. Whether be a king, a professional thug, a religious leader or a legendary craftsman. You can plot against people, pay somebody to kill someone, charge someone because of their crimes, and you can play with your friends ONLINE. These kinds of games should be more significant in the gaming world.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 20:18
Obviously it's not the newest game and the graphics ain't the best, some mechanics make your life harder but only rarely. The entertaintment this gives is really worth it and makes for that old look. Really awesome game, I've played it for years and it just doesn't get old.
135 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 23:10
The good concept for the game does not matter since the game is terribly buggy. For 16 hours of 'gameplay' I was setting same delivery chains over and over. They would randomly stop working, due to issues with pathing or for no reason at all. Even though you could easily guess what specific buildings do, descriptions of buildings do not allow you to predict what abilities they would provide to your character. The game UI is not very helpful making the entire experience somewhat frustrating.
112 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 17:35
Lemme get things straight, I LIKE this game , a lot!
almost 700 hrs of gameplay hours since it was like 1.0 no patches , the original physical copy.
But I will still say, DON'T BUY THIS.
Yes, It has all the things it was tagged, simulation, strategy, colony sim, economy.
But this game is buggy as hell, no easy modding, and stutter like a 3 legs horse-carriage on dirt road uphill.
I invested so much time in it, crash and burned and replay it again and again.
Now, I am done with it.
There are many other substitutes to quell my thirst for this kind of game.
It was hell of a ride that I enjoyed, but trust me, don't do as I did.
111 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 20:11
Its an awesome older strategy game that is fun even now. Its a legacy game, in which you try to outlast and outdo your opposing houses and have fun in the process.
118 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
11295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 20:42
Quirky, unique and buggy, yet it is a great title for any aspiring Patrician! Micro-level management, with a grand scale. Very much recommended!
41 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.19 14:55
The Guild II is an unique game that has its unique mechanics. You lead a family in a medieval town/city using at max 3 person.
You can choose up to 4 professions and you have to raise the glory of your family by trading, crafting, scheming and diplomacy. The town is full of randomly generating characters with their family making the town a living simulation.

The review is under costruction :D
85 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.19 20:09
Its kinda meh.. The base is there but it could have been better developed. A lot of small annoying bugs, does not make the game unplayable but it really gets on your nerves. The modders updates defintely help with the debugging but there are still numerous bugs.
277 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
4335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.15 06:25
Ignore the bad reviews if you think this game will interest you. Its not for everyone. And on top of that, its severely buggy and largely unpolished. But if you look past all that roughness, there is a true gem in here. Not many games deliver so much. You know how EA takes games and streamlines them? Well, this is the polar opposite of that. Its a rough mess, but ambitious. It may be one of the best concepts I've ever played. Consider the following story as a testament to what kind of game this is:

I started out an innkeeper in a large city in a large region. I was doing okay. I kept selling cheap food and drink in order to open a bakery nearby. The bakery was also not much, mostly baking rolls for the masses. But in time I was doing well financially and took some time off to pursue a love interest.

The same year she was pregnant and gave birth to my first born son. I was busy working and she spent less time at the bakery. Soon all her time was spent between the house and the church. Neither of us minded though. My son was of school age and we couldn't afford much. So we sent him to a guild school to study to join the family business. The same year, my wife was pregnant again, but this time with a little girl.

During this time I was able to afford to be a citizen and was granted the ability to expand my business. I quickly set up an orchard and a farm outside the gates. It was hopeful, as the supplies for both the Inn and Bakery were now completely controlled by me.

By the time my daughter was of school age, we had the assets to send her to the best school possible. My first born son, was not the most amitious child and my first born daughter had a brighter future due to our new financial situation.

I had another daughter, and another son. More of the same, I suppose, as I was too busy working at the largely successful Inn and expanding my business to fisheries and livestock.

My first born son was a disappointment. He was born when we were poor and didn't amount to much. He mostly went to church with his mother and didn't have the skills to follow in the family business. My first born daughter on the other hand, had the right schooling and was perfectly set up to join the family business. My second daughter, while successful on her own terms, didn't match the success of the first daughter. And lastly, my last born child, a boy, was quiet and simply enjoyed school.

When my first born daughter came of age to help out, she did with much ambition. While I worked the Inn, she helped with apple picking and livestock. She was maybe a bit too ambitious as she managed the workers with the attitude of a tyrant. But I was happy with the success of my business and I was running out of room to expand, so I turned to politics.

I managed to win a low level office for a very short time before getting replaced by a man who had leprosy. However, my daughter almost entirely transitioned my business empire away from me and was doing quite well. So I kept at it. I had money to spend, so I intended to use it. I began bribing people for votes, and I managed to bribe the king himself. But, I lost again.

While my daughter ran my business, and I was unsuccessful at politics, I had little to do. So for the most part, I rekindled my relationship with my aging wife. Also, my character strangely had alcohol in his inventory often, and was no stranger to drinking it on the spot or offering it to others. On a strange night, I also tried sabotaging a rival bakery by tossing an explosive in the front door. It was a mistake and didn't do much.

While I declined from power and my daughter took over, I failed to notice my last born son. He graduated from university with a doctorate. He was a scholar and was a full grown man ready to open his own line of business. Upon his graduation, he quickly started a bank and hospital in town. He worked hard, but being the business man in the family, I saw issues. Two doors down from his bank was a rival bank. Around the corner from his hospital, was a rival hospital.

He was happy working and keeping to himself, so I took it upon myself. We bombed them and ran. I went home to my wife and all was fine. Except, it wasn't.

While I was at home with my wife, my son was working late at the hospital, and my daughter was working late night at the Inn, my daughter, unfortunately lead by her father's poor example, carried out a constant barrage of attacks across the entire city for hours. Many people died, including many of my loyal bodyguards, and several buildings were so heavily damaged they couldn't be entered for fear of collapse.

The tooltip read for me - Corrupt. My entire life I was a righteous man and in a single day I ruined a lifetime of good. My daughter however, was labeled a walking nightmare. A title she wore proudly as she was a violent and cruel woman.

A day later I was summoned to trial for my crimes. And shortly after, so was my daughter. Fortunately for me, the persecuter was bad at her job and couldn't articulate my crimes well enough. With experience, I was able to convince the judges that I was not guilty. My daughter - the judge didn't even show and she walked free.

I was done, however. And now my entire business was in the hand's of my daughter and son.

A few short years later my daughter married and had a series of daughters. My son married and had sons. She spent most of her time in the Inn, acting as an innocent server as she masterminded violence. Her first born daughter stayed at home with her father, picking up the skills for crafting.

My son on the other hand built up impressive charismatic skills and began spending most of his time preaching. He opened his own Catholic church and was busy speaking to the masses. He wasn't as interested in the hospital anymore due to issues obtaining supplies needed for medicine. That was, however, one of the catalysts for what happened next.

Illness spread across the city. It struck the elderly for the most part. And the political stage was swept clean.

My son saw this as an opportunity to win an easy election and do some good for the city. So he applied for a entry level political office.

My first born daughter's daughter was also of age and opened up a tailoring shop. She worked in it night and day and was militant, like her evil mother. However, she just enjoyed working hard. She committed no crimes and often gave bonuses to her employees to reward them for putting up with her management style.

My son had only one opponent to beat for political office. But to help seal the deal, his sister showed up and gave some bribe money to the king. He won the vote and was now holding political office. First it was the Leasing Officer. Then it was the Guild Master. Then Bishop. Then he used his political power to help his sister and neice also win politcal offices.

He had charisma and the power of the people behind him. His sister was a brute with deep pockets. She kept helping him win and in return, he would give her his vote when she applied. Together, they made it to the top - Cardinal, Soverign, and my grandaughter was Consul. Together, they took down bandits, banished rivals, carried out crime and government authority hand in hand. All while I watched from my estate. My children took over the city both economically and politcally. All while in my lifetime. Not sure if I'm proud or scared.

If you made it this far, kudos for reading.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
80.85% 1571 372
Release:28.07.2010 Genre: Simulation Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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