• The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.
  • The Last Haven: Screen zum Spiel The Last Haven.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.03.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 06.04.24

Über das Spiel

Welt nach einem Atomkrieg
  • Die überlebende Bevölkerung erhielt riesige Strahlendosen.
  • Die Produktion im Land wird zerstört.
  • Es gibt keine Kommunikation, Infrastruktur.
  • Mangel an Lebensmitteln, Arzneimitteln, Kraftstoffen und Schmiermitteln.
  • Voraussichtlicher Fallout.
  • In den nächsten 10 Tagen sollte die Durchschnittstemperatur um 15 ° C fallen.

Kann eine Handvoll Menschen unter solchen Bedingungen überleben? Es hängt alles von dir ab.

Übernimm das Kommando über die Siedlung
Versorgen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter mit dem Nötigsten - Nahrung, Wärme, Schutzausrüstung.
Kälte, mangelnde Versorgung, erhöhter Strahlungshintergrund, geringe Disziplin - all dies wirkt sich negativ auf Ihre Bevölkerung aus.
Ein falscher Schritt bei der Verwaltung einer Siedlung kann mehrere Leben kosten.
Verhandeln Sie, wehren Sie Angriffe von Plünderern und Banden ab.
Baue Fabriken und Fabriken, produziere Gasmasken, Körperpanzer und Uniformen für deine Armee.

Beobachten Sie die Moral Ihres Volkes, Disziplin in der Siedlung.
Mit geringer Disziplin in der Siedlung sind Unruhen und Unruhen möglich, die zu einem lokalen Bürgerkrieg führen.
Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen und suchen Sie nach Kompromissen in einer Vielzahl von Situationen, die während des Spiels auftreten.

Lebensmittel zubereiten, Kraftstoff einfüllen, da die Temperatur jeden Tag sinkt.
Gewächshäuser bauen, um Lebensmittel zu produzieren. Lernen Sie Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, bauen Sie Küchen zum Kochen von warmen Speisen. Lassen Sie Gas aus Autos und Tankstellen ab. Hitze zu Hause, damit die Bevölkerung nicht gefriert.

Ordne die Produktion von Waffen und Munition an.
Mehr als 25 Arten von Kleinwaffen - Pistolen, Maschinenpistolen, Sturmgewehre, Scharfschützengewehre, Maschinengewehre. Drei Arten von Munition.

Ressourcen für Bau und Produktion beschaffen.
Suchen Sie an einem Ort nach Ressourcen, sammeln Sie Lebensmittel, fällen Sie Bäume, bauen Sie Steine ??und Kohle ab.
Die wichtigsten Arten von Ressourcen: Lebensmittel, Holz, Stein, Kohle, Benzin, Metall, Polymere.
Mehr als 20 Gebäudetypen (Wohngebäude, Ressourcensammlung, Militärgebäude, Fertigung, Industrie und andere).

Schlachtzugsvorräte für andere Gebiete.
"Global Map" -Modus - Sende Kampfeinheiten zu Überfällen an andere Orte.

Technologie erforschen.
Laboratorien und Forschungszentren, mehr als 20 einzigartige Technologien.

Überlebe den nuklearen Winter.
Warte bis zum Frühjahr.


  • CPU: Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher
  • RAM: 2048 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 32-bit
  • HD: 1000 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch , Koreanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)
  • CPU: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 3 GHz or faster
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 1050 GTX or AMD Radeon RX560 series card or higher
  • RAM: 4096 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • HD: 1000 MB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch , Koreanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 06:59
Auf den ersten Blick sieht das Spiel gut aus, wenig später wird klar, dass es kompliziert ist, und nach ein paar Stunden merkt man, dass es dringend mehr Inhalt braucht, mehr Ereignisse, mehr Anpassungsmöglichkeiten und Optionen, mehr Steuerung und eine größere Geschichte.
139 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 16:30
Sehr gutes Spiel hat mich begeistert!!!
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 04:51
Ich habe dieses Spiel lange Zeit gespielt und möchte meine Eindrücke teilen: Das Spiel macht süchtig, wenn man seine Nuancen versteht; Es erfordert ständige Kontrolle, Umverteilung der Arbeiter von Ort zu Ort, Übertragung von Kampfeinheiten, Kontrolle über sie in Kämpfen (das hat mir besonders gefallen); Es gibt einige Neuerungen, die ich bisher noch nie gesehen habe, aber es gibt nicht viele von ihnen.
Ich werde vorerst nicht über die Nachteile sprechen, ich werde auf den Patch warten und danach vielleicht die Rezension ergänzen.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 04:10
Ich habe dieses Spiel viel Zeit gespielt und das kann ich sagen.. Das Spiel ist nicht schlecht es gibt ein riesiges Potenzial hier werden sowohl Strategie als auch RPG und survive gemischt. Ich mochte es dass Sie Ihren eigenen Transport finden oder herstellen können Waffen darauf installieren usw.
Die einzige Bemerkung ist dass ich eine größere Anzahl von Zombies im Spiel haben möchte.
4 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 05:19
Nun, was kann ich sagen...
Gutes Spiel. Survival Genre, wo Sie für den Winter vorzubereiten, die Lösung der Probleme der Mangel an Ressourcen und gleichzeitig abwehren die Angriffe der Feinde. Sieht an sich das Spiel ungewöhnlich, zumindest dieses Design habe ich nicht gesehen.
Das Spiel ist noch nicht abgeschlossen, aber das spielen ist komfortabel, ich mochte.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 04:45
Cooles Spiel, mit taktischen Elementen. Sie können ein Lager bauen und die Angriffe der Feinde abzuwehren, oder Sie können sie angreifen und damit den Angriff zu stoppen. Ich weiß nicht, ob dieses Spiel ein Ende hat, aber bisher habe ich 130 Tage gelebt.
243 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 12:06
Nach der Veröffentlichung hat es mir noch Spaß gemacht. Aber schon nach einigen Updates, war der Spielspaß bei null. Raiders mit Granaten schon bei dem ersten Überfall, die mindestens einen der eigenen Soldaten töten ... absolut unnötig.
Die Schusswechsel mit den Raidern waren teilweise schon verlustreich genug. Und da man Soldaten erst ziemlich spät rekrutieren kann, ist der Verlust eines einzigen Soldaten schon nachteilig.
Wieder einmal ein Spiel, das für mich unspielbar geupdatet wurde.
Auch das es nur immer kälter wird und es keine Jahreszeiten gibt ist nervig.
197 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 12:33
Kein Tutorial, keine Hilfen und sehr unübersichtlich war erstmal ein Fehlgriff. Aber ich gebe die Hoffnung nicht auf und versuche es in einem Jahr nochmalls.
119 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 13:27
Guter Ansatz, aber noch nicht ausgereift.
Aktuell würde ich 6/10 Sternen geben, 8/10 wären definitiv möglich, mit etwas erwachsenerer Grafik auch 9/10
Es fehlt einfach noch etwas Feinschliff, um dies zu einem guten Spiel zu machen.

Die Siedlung wird überfallen, aber Arbeiter (die man nicht steuern kann) laufen stur ihren Weg und werden so sinnlos getötet. Das bringt die Produktion durcheinander und kostet unnötig Stimmung, da es zu viele zivile Verluste gibt.

Diese ist teilweise arg begrenzt, da beispielsweise Bäume nicht abgerissen werden und man nur in bestehenden Lücken bauen kann. Ein ordentlicher un geregelter Basisbau ist daher kaum möglich.

zu lange Laufwege:
Ständig hungern die Leute, weil sie zu weite Wege zum nächsten Lager haben. Selbst wenn man ein Haus und ein Lager direkt neben dem Wachturm baut, ist die Wache gefühlt 90% des Tages nicht anwesend.

Bestehende Strukturen in die Siedlung integrieren. So könnten diese Gebäude mittels Ressourcen repariert und wieder genutzt werden. Es könnte eine Schule oder ein Gemeindezentrum errichtet werden, ein Wasserturm ließe sich als Wachturm umfunktionieren, eine alte Lagerhalle könnte zur Kaserne werden. Eine Bar wieder eine Bar um den Zusammenhalt zu fördern.

Das Questsystem zeigt einen guten Ansatz, die Entscheidungen wirken sich positiv oder negativ aus, wobei im allgemeinen zu viele Entscheidungen nur negative Konsequenzen zulassen. Entweder verliert man sofort Zusammenhalt oder man hat etwas später Verräter und Infizierte in der Siedlung. Jemanden loslassen, damit er seine Familie suchen kann, bringt kurzzeitig ein Plus, aber denjenigen sieht man nie wieder. Dabei wäre es sehr schön, wenn er seine Familie finden würde und man so einen geringen Siedlerzuwachs mal ohne Verlust an Zusammenhalt bekommen würde. Hier ist also definitiv noch sehr viel möglich, das Spiel noch lebendiger zu machen und einem die Siedler ans Herz wachsen zu lassen.
Wenn aktuell jemand stirbt, besetzte ich nur seinen Arbeitsplatz neu und das war's auch schon.

Und feilt bitte noch etwas an der Balance. Mauern aus Eisen und Stein zu bauen ist teuer und sollten eine gewisse Stabilität ausweisen., Aber eine simple Splittergranate zerstört diese sofort? Dann kann ich mir diese auch sparen und von den Ressourcen lieber 2-3 Wachtürme mehr platzieren, da der einzige spürbare Effekt ist, dass meine eigenen Siedler weitere Laufwege haben.
50 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 23:47
Steckt nicht viel drinnen in den game...2ter winter der übertrieben lange dauert zerfetzt alles....deine leute sterben weg...und du bekommst lange zeit kein holz...bist dann meistens damit beschäftigt leute da abzuziehen und wo anders ins gebäude wo wieder einer verreckt ist zu erstetzen...richtiger kackt...dann angriffe und dies das...deine stabilität ist konstant im keller weil du flüchtige aufnehmen musst....weil alle sterben....macht kein sinn...
142 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 10:06
Ich kann hier kurz und knapp machen:
Ein Spiel das ich von der Mechanik und Spielweise immer wieder gerne anmach.

- Gelungener Surv./Strategie Mix mit Knackigen Schwierigkeitsgrad
(sofern man auf lange Runden steht wie ich)

Was ich mir nur gewünscht hätte:
Mehr Einstellmöglichkeiten, vielleicht um ein anderes Scenario zu schaffen.
Und ein Einstellbares UI. Die neue Echtzeit - Karte ist ein wenig groß.

Mein Eindruck dahingehend ist, dass die Entwickler weiter fleissig dabei sind und es kommt nach uns nach voran geht.
151 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 08:36
Negativpunkte die mich abbrechen lassen haben.
-Dorfbewohner lassen sich einfach von Zombies, Wildtieren Banditen töten ohne auch nur ansatzweise den Versuch zu unternehmen wegzulaufen. Nein sie arbeiten einfach gemütlich weiter bis sie tot sind. Warnmeldungen gibt es dafür auch nicht. Man hört nur Geschrei und muss dann die ganze Karte absuchen bis man den Ort des Geschehens gefunden hat.
- Wenn Soldaten oder Bewohner angeschossen werden und verletzt sind können sie sich, warum auch immer, in Zombies verwandeln. Ich meine, wenn sie von Zombies oder Wildtieren gebissen werden ok. Aber nach einem Kampf mit Banditen?
- Der Ressourcenverbrauch steht in keinem Verhältnis zur Produktion.
- Soldaten treffen nicht mal eine Scheunentor aus 0,1m Entfernung. Wenn 5 Soldaten versuchen 1 Banditen zu töten und dann alle nacheinander umgebracht werden ist das einfach nur frustrierend.
Selbst Zombies, die mit 1km/h auf die Soldaten zu laufen sind ein nahezu unmögliches Ziel für diese Meisterschützen.
- Um Ressourcen auf der Map zu finden braucht man eine Lupe oder ganz viel Glück. Mein bestes Ergebnis erzielte ich, indem ich mit der Maus minutenlang schnell über den ganzen Bildschirm wackelte in der Hoffnung dass irgendwo kurzzeitig was aufblitzt. Dann konnte ich den Bereich eingrenzen und nah ranzoomen um die Ressource zu finden.

Wahrscheinlich sind das alles Bewusste Designentscheidungen um das Spiel schwer oder anspruchsvoll zu gestalten. Mich hat das aber irgendwann einfach nur genervt. Schade, denn an sich ist der Grundgedanke des Spiels genau das was ich schon lange spielen wollte.

Vielleicht wird es ja im fertigem Spiel anders oder besser. Mal schauen. Ich werde definitiv ab und an mal reinschauen nach Updates.
443 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 11:10
Dies ist ein kleiner Einblick in mein Review zu The Last Haven. Das vollständige und viele weitere ausführliche Early Access Reviews findet ihr bei den Early Access Addicts: https://early-access-addicts.de/review/the-last-haven/

The Last Haven ist fast schon ein „typischer Vertreter“ des Aufbau-Strategie-Genres. Das Setting ist altbekannt, ebenso wenig überrascht das Gameplay. Der Aufbau einer Basis, die Verteidigung dieser, Erkundungsmissionen für mehr Ressourcen, Forschung für fortschrittlichere Gebäude – soweit kennt man das aus anderen Spielen wie Endzone – A World Apart oder Surviving the Aftermath. Doch mindert das am Ende den Spielspaß nachhaltig? Nicht unbedingt.

Voraussetzung dabei ist natürlich, mit den richtigen Erwartungen an das Spiel heran zu gehen. The Last Haven ist keine Revolution des Genres! Neben den bereits erwähnten, klassischen Spielelementen finden sich aber auch einzelne „neue“ Features. Dazu zählt beispielsweise die stetig fallende Temperatur, welche den Spieler vor immer größere Herausforderungen stellt, als auch die Kampfsteuerung der eigenen Soldaten, die man in diesem Stil eher aus RTS-Titeln gewohnt ist.

Fans dieses Genres kann ich The Last Haven schon jetzt empfehlen. Trotz der angesprochenen Probleme und mangelndem Feinschliff, sowie Inhalt bietet das Game bereits zum Testzeitpunkt Spielspaß für einige Stunden. Der Titel ist ein solider Vertreter des Genres, bei dem man sich jedoch hier und da noch ein paar mehr Neuerungen wünscht. Der Preis von aktuell knapp 17€ ist an sich fair, für meinen Geschmack wären ein paar Euro weniger für das Gebotene aber angemessener.
183 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 17:50
Vorweg: Das Spiel macht durchaus Spaß und schafft eine stimmige Atmosphäre, es hat Potenzial ...
... ABER ...
in vielen Details verdirbt es einem aus meiner Sicht aktuell das Vergnügen.

Es gibt absolut keine Informationen über die genauen Produktionsmengen oder deren Verbrauch, das macht die gesamte Ressourcenplanung zu einem Glücksspiel.

Zum Beispiel braucht man irgendwann mal mehr Kohle, da es keinen sichtbaren Kalender ergo keine Jahreszeiten gibt, weiß man aber nicht genau wann oder für wie lange ... oder man sammelt mit allen Mitteln Holz und es reicht vorne und hinten nicht.

Normale Arbeiter lassen sich leider gar nicht lenken. Die suchen lieber die direkte Konfrontation statt es mal mit Rückzug zu versuchen und sterben halt ... unterm Strich sterben hier sehr viele Siedler ... man muss sich nur nicht dran stören, es kommen dann schon irgendwann wieder neue.

Ich habe Frostpunk sehr gerne gespielt. Hier bedarf es noch einiger Detailverbesserungen, damit es auch so richtig Spaß macht.
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 13:13
Grundidee von diesen Spiel ist Gut ( kein Thema )
Was gewaltig nervt ist :
Es rennt die Zeit davon ( erst ist es sonnig warm dann kommt die eiszeit ) , man muß alles erforschen doch dazu reicht die zeit kaum aus
Der grund rohstoff ist Holz : doch die ausbeute ist extreme gering und jedes andere gebäude greift auf das holz zu ( dann bleibt zum bauen nichts mehr übrig )
Wenn einer von euch Stronghold kennt - im prinzip das gleiche hier
Aber bei stronghold ist alles sehr gut abgewägt und aufeinander eingestimmt - hier absolut nicht
Last die Finger weg
95 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 09:00
An sich ein schönes Spiel in kantiger schöner Comic-Grafik. Es lässt sich angenehm spielen und große Bugs habe ich nicht entdecken können.


- Leider ist das spiel zu sehr vorhersehbar. Die Ereignisse laufen in einer festen Reinfolge ab, die es vorhersehbar machen
und zudem reagieren die Soldaten nicht immer auf befehle oder lassen sich nur indirekt auswählen.

- Eine Zeitanzeige für die Uhrzeit im Spiel fehlt leider, diese ist für die Forschung sinnvoll.

- praktisch und realistisch, wäre es, wenn mann Siedler ohne Kaserne Waffen zuweisen und als Kämpfer mit schlechter
Schussgenauigkeit einsetzen könnte, diese aber später mit der Kaserne verbessern könnte auf Miltitärränge
(mehr las 3 Ränge).

Aktuell kann man Siedler nicht Steuern, was schnell zu dessen Ableben führen kann.

- Zudem wäre die Möglichkeit Gebäude mit Dämmung, Heizöfen und Maschienen verbessern zu können, nicht nur in der
Forschung, sondern auch nachträgliches Upgrade.

- mehr Auswahl bei den Mauern wäre schön, die aktuellen verbrauchen extrem viel Material. Holzmauern, sowie
Stacheldrahtzaun und Barrikaden aus Holz, Beton und Stahl wären eine schöne Ergänzung.

- Bei den Waffen könnte man mit fortschreitender Forschung fest MG-Stellungen und später Automatische MG-Türme

- Das Deckung nehmen hinter Fahrzeugen und anderen Gegenständen funktioniert leider nicht, dies wäre
verbesserungswürdig. Die Soldaten schießen in das Auto und nicht hinter die Angreifer dahinter. Bei anderen
Gegenständen gibt es scheinbar kein Deckungsschutz.

Das Spiel ist voll und ganz spielbar und empfehlenswert.

(Ich Retourniere es erstmal, bis sich Verbesserungen zeigen, was keine Empfehlung ist. Bei so vielen Spielen bei Steam, muss ich genau auswählen welche ich in meine Bibliotek lege. Sonst verliere ich den Überblick.)
72 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 18:55


Das Grundprinzip von The Last Haven ähnelt dem von Frostpunk. Zwar kann The Last Haven sowohl technisch als auch vom Umfang her nicht mit dem großen Vorbild mithalten, dennoch handelt es sich um ein solides Spiel. Und für alle, die darauf stehen, es gibt Zombies!


Nach dem Spielstart findet man sich in einer, etwas unpassenden, postapokalyptischen Welt wieder. Man hat die Kontrolle über eine kleine Gruppe von Überlebenden, weitere schließen sich mit der Zeit an. Ziel ist es, die fallenden Temperaturen zu überleben. Hierfür müssen Wohnraum geschaffen, Rohstoffe abgebaut und Forschung betrieben werden. Überlebenden ohne Unterkunft droht der Kältetot und Verletzungen können ohne Lazarett nicht behandelt werden.

Neben der klassischen Aufgabe der Rohstoffbeschaffung, Forschung und der militärischen Sicherheit gilt es die Stabilität, also den Zusammenhalt, in der Gruppe nicht aus dem Auge zu verlieren. Durch neue Überlebende sinkt der Zusammenhalt innerhalb eurer Gruppe. Diesen zu stärken ist nur minimal möglich oder muss durch rigide Maßnahmen erzwungen werden.

Die normalen Arbeitskräfte können, im Gegensatz zu Soldaten, nicht direkt gesteuert werden. Arbeitskräften können verschiedene Aufgaben wie der Anbau von Lebensmitteln, der Abbau von Rohstoffen oder Missionen zum Sammeln von Rohstoffen zugewiesen werden. Soldaten können nicht zur Arbeit eingesetzt werden. Sie dienen dem Schutz vor Zombies und Plünderern.


+ solides Spielprinzip
+ einfaches Arbeitermanagement
+ gute Kombination verschiedener Spielelemente
+ einfacher Spieleinstieg

- Spielumgebung zu bunt für das Szenario
- Zombies durch radioaktive Strahlung?


  • Musik/Sound: 5/10
  • Musik und Sound sind soliede, könnten aber deutlich besser sein.[/list]
  • Grafik 6/10
  • Auch grafisch kann The Last Haven nicht unbedingt begeistern, es ist aber ausreichend.[/list]
  • Spielspaß 7/10
  • Das Management der Arbeiter, Rohstoffe und der Forschung kann schon einige Zeit an den Monitor fesseln. Für Fans des Genres auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung.[/list]

    Spielstart und Tutorial:



    The Last Haven schafft es trotz einfacher Technik und nicht ganz passendem Setting das Spielprinzip gut umzusetzen. Wie ich schon geschrieben habe, ist die Umgebung für meinen Geschmack zu bunt und auch Zombies passen nicht ganz. Dennoch aber eine Empfehlung für Aufbaustrategen.

    Kleiner Tipp

    Da die Forschung nicht beschleunigt werden kann, ist es enorm wichtig, so früh wie möglich mit dieser zu beginnen!

    Review Info!

  • Testzeit: ca. 3,5 Stunden[/list]
  • Version: 0.30.03[/list]
  • Ich weiß nicht ob es sich um einen Bug handelt oder ob eine Überlegung dahinter steckt. Eingesammelte Objekte tauchen immer wieder auf und können so mehrfach eingesammelt werden. Der Nebel des Krieges taucht nach dem dem Laden eines Spielstandes wieder auf und verdeckt vorher erkundete Gebiete.

    [Quote]Hat dir diese Review gefallen? Dann zeig es doch mit einem Like oder einem Kommentar. Mehr Reviews wie dieses findest du auf unserer Kuratorenseite.[/Quote]
    4 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    753 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.04.20 16:39
    An sich sehr gute Idee nur die Umsetzung ist leider nicht gut gelungen. Ab 50 Tag zu viele Plünder. es gibt kein Validirung des Spielst. Und die Ressorcen: kein Verhältnis für anschaufung und Verbrauch
    282 Produkte im Account
    40 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    488 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.20 16:41
    Ich bin bis Tag 50 gekommen aber ab da ist Schluss! Man hat einfach keine Möglichkeit, sich gegen die Plünderer zu verteidigen. Alle 30 Sekunden kommen Plünderer und Shooten deine Soldaten weg. Ist halt ein Ea Game, ist nur schade.
    Es ist ein schönes Spiel und macht auch Spaß aber man hat nachher gar kein Bock mehr.
    Es ist einfach nur zu Übertrieben SCHWER.
    Man bekommt gar nicht so viele Truppen zusammen um die Wellen erfolgreich zu absolvieren.
    355 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    634 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.20 12:46
    Ich mag solche Spiele gern. Aufbau, überleben und haushalten!
    203 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
    2895 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.03.20 10:16
    Ich ändere mein Review und sage folgendes:

    Spielidee gut, Umsetzung aktuell mangelhaft ABER !!! ich möchte das Projekt fördern mit einem Daumen nach oben und nachdem mich ein Admin/Entwickler angeschrieben hat und mir einiges erklärt hat bin ich positiv gestimmt.

    Also aktuell könnt ihr das Spiel anspielen, testen. Da bis jetzt noch keine Schwierigkeit einstellbar ist, wird der Spielspass nicht lange anhalten^^ ABER es kommen updates , so wurde es mir versichert.
    Es arbeitet aktuell nur 1 Mann dahinter und ich gebe ihnen eine Chance

    Kurz um:
    Wer es ein wenig anspielen möchte und durch den Kauf den Publisher fördern möchte , sollte das Spiel jetzt kaufen.
    Wer ein rundum fertiges Spiel möchte, rate ich den Kauf erstmal ab
    141 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1075 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.03.22 08:14
    I want to like this game a lot. I've given it a lot a bit of time and there is a substantial amount of positives, but it is extremely frustrating when there are mechanics missing in the game that seem to only serve increasing difficulty. My main frustration is the fact I cannot clear areas or delete debris without fully harvesting said resource. How am I cutting chunks of plywood out of a tree without felling it? Why does it take 3 days for four people to cut down a single tree? How do I have the manpower to build a house in a day but clearing trees from a similar size swath of land takes half a month? If the developer fixes this issue and this issue alone, I'd be playing this game for months and patiently await the remainder of the roadmap.
    260 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    781 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.02.22 02:14
    The game is pretty good and that saying something after I have had to restart 3 times due to starvation and not paying attention to my resources. :P

    I like the duality of the NPCs where you can control the fighters, but everyone else is autonomous. The tech tree, while simple, provides enough incentive to progress. And exploring your surroundings is actually useful!

    Oh, and the explosions from the dynamite are great! First time I tried one without knowing what I was doing, I almost blew up my fighter that laid it and the ensuing explosion scared the bejesus outta me!

    All in all: 8/10 Would recommend!
    213 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
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    25 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.02.22 15:45
    Ca'nt recommand in current state.

    First thing i do when entering a game : Settings.
    Music too loud, i want to set it.... just a master and on/off music button... And the master is in fact an effect level. so i guess no music.
    I put the game in full screen. sensitivity too high : Controls.... no controls over mouse, no mapping. just azerty. i guess good for French people, but let us map the controls.
    I start a game... no in-game tutorial. So i guess i will build some random stuff, be killed by some random ennemies and loose my minions.
    Sorry, maybe the game is fun but i can't bother.
    i 'll get a refund and maybe, try it later on full release... maybe.

    First impressions are too importants and mine are just not right.
    161 Produkte im Account
    70 Reviews
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    2286 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.22 18:23
    The last haven is interesting game on the outside, but from inside, after a bit of playing, it feels shallow. There is a lot interesting mechanics introduced and fun to play, as far as it is working at the moment. Unfortunately, almost all the features in the game seem to be broken. That is an accomplishment, which not many games can claim.
    In summary, the author is a bit to optimistic on the state of his game. It is not stable - crashed couple of times for me, contains plentora of technical bugs, and mechanics do not seem to work properly for most of the time. There are a lot of serious bugs, like vanishing soldiers. Many of them very easy to reproduce, and still have not be dealt with. The game also lacks a lot of usability and proper for colony management features.
    On the top of that, I have finished the game, by eliminating all the outposts, survived couple of winters and nothing really happened. I have to say that playing this game, in the current state, made of frustrating and very disappointing experience.
    This game should not be put in EA as paid product yet. It barely scratches alpha state. If you do not want to be unpaid game tester, I would rather advice to stay out of this title until it is finished and properly tested.
    147 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
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    10525 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.12.21 15:39
    No. Too many bugs that cause significant enough of a headache that they don't apparently care to fix. People getting stuck in buildings, people stuck in crouching positions, vehicles drive over buildings and get stuck, vehicles flip upside down, fences don't actually prevent anything, cut scenes cause restarts, the list goes on. I gave a significant amount of time to it, 175 hours, but those damn bugs are too annoying. They do provide updates, but they seem to only add stuff and not fix the plethora of problems that have been around since day one.
    9 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1359 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.12.21 04:50
    Starting the game, we will get into a harsh world. Here, climate change, constant attacks by zombies and neighbors with wild animals from which we have to fight off, which requires constant monitoring by soldiers. We also need to think not only about the protection of the camp, but also about heating buildings, food and extraction of the last resources. The game has many options for survival, from the scaffold to building your own armored personnel carrier and pillboxes.
    The game didnt catch me right away, but, having figured it out, I enjoyed it.

    60 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    3054 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.12.21 03:48
    Very funny and addictive for a strategy/survival game, you have to try lots of different strategy to survive!
    168 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    252 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.12.21 04:47
    With my little amount of time in the game, I will not tell what to put in the game. The game is great, little wonky, but great. one thing I will suggest is Workshop Support will give us lots stuff to do in each play-thru
    8 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2796 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.11.21 04:25
    I have played this game for ~ 40 hours and, perhaps, I can form a modest opinion about it.
    The game of this genre is not like the ones I've played before. The constant modernization of the camp is important here (insulation of buildings, construction of farms / greenhouses, construction of warehouses in large numbers, etc.), constant monitoring of resources and the transfer of workers from one resource extraction to another, but the most important thing is the control of soldiers in battles because losing a couple of soldiers can be lost ahead of time... Microcontrol by soldiers is perhaps what distinguishes this game especially from the rest, you can come up with your own tactics and win her battles without losses. By the way, you can also make forays to neighboring locations here and, as far as I understand, in the future it will be possible to rob caravans with resources.
    In general, the game is good, not without bugs, but I think they will fix it in the next updates.
    460 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    101 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.11.21 21:47
    I don't think I've ever written a review on Steam before, but I'm just going to emphatically say people should avoid this game right now (but perhaps that will change on full release).

    I love this genre of post apocalyptic survival settlement sim of which Frostpunk and Surviving The Aftermath are stellar examples. This game is almost exactly (even down to the resources) a Surviving The Aftermath clone but:
    - weaker in pacing (the way the game unfolds in what you build, how you build, and how rewarding milestone accomplishments are)
    - interesting RNG
    - content (ie Research tree)
    - focus on the central gameplay (it's trying to implement a very weak RTS-style micro-combat gameplay which could have been time/resources spent on settlement management gameplay)
    - extremely unpolished in UX/UI
    For example, I didn't see anything that shows me rate of resource collection so I can make an informed decision of what to build and when. Also there's no central screen I can go to manage my buildings. I have to camera roam around the map and individually click on buildings and check what's going on with each one.
    - really buggy resolution and display settings. In fullscreen, every time I change a resolution, my cursor interacts with the game in an offset manner. I've tried using my native resolutions (4k) and lower resolutions of the same ratio. Still bugged out my cursor. Still tried to keep playing but not worth.
    8 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1776 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.11.21 08:37
    Do you like post-apocalyptic worlds filled with zombies? Then this game is for you. Despite the fact that the game is in early access, you can already fully play it and find something new for yourself. Temperature changes, attacks by zombies, marauders, wild animals, problems of feeding the population, lack of resources are integral parts of this game, in which it is not so easy to survive. GLHF
    8 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    3102 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.11.21 04:02
    Очень понравилась игра, не ожидал. Вполне себе выживалка в мире наполненном зомби, зимами, нападениями мародёров на ваш лагерь и прочим.
    103 Produkte im Account
    32 Reviews
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    646 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.10.21 08:49
    Cannot recommend, its broken. The entire squad mechanics simpy don't work. Keep losing squads. The world map is waaaay too buggy.

    Just realised this game is over a year old and still this buggy...
    72 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    4087 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.10.21 19:59
    First of all, at this point in time the game is unbalanced and is very hardcore with quite a lot of bugs but is 100% playable and enjoyable. You get the usual game mechanics of resource gathering, city building and tower defense but there is still something unique about it.

    However, the developer (solo dev I think) seems to have a clear vision on where the game is headed and keeps adding and fixing stuff at a slow but steady pace.

    I have a feeling that this will be a great game once it is developed fully.
    339 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    735 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.10.21 14:32
    Needs a lot of work and balancing, but what is there; is a fun game. If you don't like early access games, keep this one of your wish list. As when it's complete, I can see it being a really fun colony sim.
    309 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    2963 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.10.21 21:37
    I actually managed to basically play through the games content so far, with the amount of bugs being at an acceptable level, considering the early access stage.
    And I even enjoyed myself.
    301 Produkte im Account
    30 Reviews
    817 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.10.21 21:39
    Why isnt there an option to demolish currently standing buildings only some buildings can be rebuilt and converted into homes. We need gates for the walls. We also need to be able to control other people aswell so we can make them run away from zombies. Construction speed is waaaaaay too slow lol. And zombie density is quite small honestly. And for some reason the map is too small like half the map cannot be accessed but you can see and people can walk away to it but you cant pan to it. Sometimes the map opens up sometimes it doesnt. Seems to be tied to population or line of sight. Also sandbox mode should allow us to disable other enemies. I just want to fight zombies. After awhile like day 30-40 zombies completely dissappear. I loved the sense of they are billions

    Update: Im mad that the dynamite update doesnt destroy currently standing buildings.
    72 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    2756 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.10.21 01:26
    Realmente tiene su grado de dificultad lo que lo hace interesante, y los desarrolladores siguen trabajando en el lo que promete aun mas a futuro
    6 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    901 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.08.21 04:30
    An amateur game. I like it ????.
    357 Produkte im Account
    56 Reviews
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    2239 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.07.21 05:53
    Overall game play is fun to play. Game mechanical is working fine.

    this game looks incomplete as tech is not giving renewable resource. So far 260 days into the game i am running out of resource to collect. maybe i am wrong but i dont see any information to tell me so.

    Let say there is not renewable resource, then how about moving and restart on a new map with current people.

    until i see dev do something about renewable energy. my vote will stay negative.
    6 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1114 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.21 16:39
    This will not appeal to squishies and those who are not familiar with the strategy genre. it takes time to understand what's what. this project has excellent prospects, I am sure of its success! good luck to you!
    182 Produkte im Account
    43 Reviews
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    949 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.21 15:53
    i gave this game a good nine hours and i just cant get behind the mid and late game meta of longer and longer winters and more raiders.
    In addition the solider and civilian AI is a mess.
    Maybe one day it will turn into something.
    but im going to try getting a refund.
    48 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1058 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.06.21 05:08
    I feel like this is a game that has developed in bits and pieces that don't always make sense together, and is currently lacking adequate support to introduce the tools and expectations to new players. The guides are outdated since new updates have drastically effected gameplay strategy and there is no tutorial in game. I will say that even with its limitations the game has an excellent premise and is very addicting. However, there's a lot of work to be done:
    *The new game menu options could use more explanation. It seems like every scenario is a difficulty level on its own, and then you have additional difficulty customization on the right. However, there's no real understanding what high or low means for the village or city compared to the forest. I think I'd prefer just choosing the setting, then the difficultly level independently rather than difficulty being tied to the setting.
    *The value of some buildings seem to be inaccurate or just don't make sense. Or you don't really see/feel the benefit of them, such is the case with the bar and kitchen.
    *The fixing of damaged houses in the game is a great premise, but the amount of people that can live in them seems to be inconsistent. A House I damaged building seems to house more than a tech House I
    *The hunting shack doesn't seem to behave in a rational way. Animal carcasses are left on the road and I'm not seeing meat build up in the warehouse.
    *The resource management system seems inherently unbalanced. The gathered amount vs time spent gathering is pretty ridiculous and results in obnoxious mechanics like needing a ludicrous amount of sawmills to keep up demand in the winter
    *Trees should grow back
    *I'm not a fan of the increasingly cold winters mechanic, and feel like this is too similar to Frostpunk. In Frostpunk it was repetetive and annoying at times but at least that was the whole premise of the game. Here it seems like an add-on, but an incredibly frustrating one. The 2nd winter is insanely long and requires an unfair amount of wood to stay functional
    *There seems to be a cap on refugees, or at least I didn't see any between day 58-80. It'd be better to allow the continuous expansion so you can colonize more of the map.
    *I cannot figure out how the map works. For some reason it requires fighters, which I have, but still doesn't let me send them on missions.
    *There's no good way to control the non-combat refugees and many of them have a deathwish in shootouts. You can use the church to gather everyone, but there should be a way to select and move them out of the danger zone.
    *Info panels are pretty sparse and don't do a good job giving an in depth understanding of your resources and people.
    *The different roles women can have vs. men is pretty outdated in 2021, and there's no baby making to increase population - which would be a cool add.
    *Soldiers should have squads so you can more easily maneuver groups on the map. Also there's no way to see a list of soldiers and what they're equipped with, a big miss.
    I'm sure there's more, but this is what you get with early access. Even with the feedback I did enjoy the gameplay quite a bit and can't way to see what enhancements or improvements are on the horizon.
    315 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
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    2392 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.05.21 17:26
    Its a pretty nice game, needs to be polished a lot. But has huge potential. If only had more updates to continue developing the game. It would be nice. Been 2 months since the last one. Looking like it might be another unfinished game. Early access titles i tell ya...
    152 Produkte im Account
    45 Reviews
    433 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.04.21 14:16
    TLH is not at all what I expected going in. I thought it would be like Surviving the Aftermath, which is a lot of micromanaging, but this is completely different and far more laid back. I'm really enjoying playing and haven't experienced any issues so far, outside one long pause in the game and I thought it locked up, but it came out of it and continued.

    I watched some old reviews from 2020 and it appears the developers have addressed some of the issues brought up in them, so that's good to see. I'm playing on what is probably a pretty easy difficulty and it's still fun. There's nothing I like more than leveling up and TLH has that covered.

    It took me a while to figure out I could get into vehicles and drive around. I'm not sure if soldiers can fire from vehicles, mine didn't when I ventured out, but it would be a welcome addition if they can't already. I can see TLH have a lot of replayability, especially on harder levels. It's well worth the purchase price, 8/10.
    836 Produkte im Account
    123 Reviews
    1744 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.03.21 20:03




    Indie. City/Base builder. RTS with pause. Zombie/Apocalypse setting. Survival simulation. Hands-off population management. Hands-on point and click combat. Task allocation. Automated resource gathering. Research prioritisation. Territorial expansion. Military organisation and arms production. Item manufacturing. Long-range raiding. Fiddly controls. Incomplete GUI. Singleplayer only.

    More info below....



    The Last Haven (TLH) is a city builder with an apocalyptic twist. Choose to take on one of three scenarios. Customise the session from eleven options. Play to achieve a scripted finale or select endless mode to play beyond this. Assigning the workforce is conducted hands-off. Ordering the armed militia is hands-on. Time is short, for on the horizon the spectre of radioactivity and the elements creeps ever closer. As the temperature drops a nuclear winter is born.

    GAMEPLAY commences with a few dozen survivors, a haul of resources and the ability to build basic structures. Core goals are; to maintain and expand the settlement, keep the population safe and research technologies to be able to build better structures and to develop more a productive populace. Additionally to house and feed the population. To gather resources. To produce energy. To train and arm a militia for defence. All while managing the population's morale and settlement's stability.

    STRATEGY involves balancing the needs of the population, while growing the settlement and maintaining an armed force large enough to defend it from aggressors. Mid to long-term goals will be to ensure enough resources are there to reach the end-game, and researching buildings to survive the nuclear winter. To ensure the population does not revolt. As resources in the vicinity begin to decline, the search for these moves further afield. Especially as every new day brings more groups of survivors arriving slowly with the hope of salvation.

    COMBAT is an important part of game. Once a member of the population becomes a fighter, they equip themselves with a firearm, armour and grenades. If these are present. Equipment must be acquired or produced to provide the defenders with the best kit. Once combat-ready they can be grouped and given offensive or defensive orders. Positioning them at key points around the settlement to watch for intruders is a must. Later on these troops will spearhead efforts to conduct missions in remote areas of the region. Can The Last Haven stand tall or will this bastion fail and fall to the forces arrayed against it?



    + Pretty graphics and 360d camera.
    + Soldiers can be given set 9x behaviour orders. Gain levels of experience. Be outfitted with 3x types of equipment.
    + Building auto-disassemble when all resources are gone from its area.
    + 10x languages supported.
    + Completely stable. No CTDs.

    THE BAD:

    - Fiddly combat. Action needlessly obscured.
    - No overall management/resource balance sheet.
    - Employed pop. are auto-tasked rather than unemployed ones.
    - Bug: Some weapons are shown as other types when equipping guards.
    - Possible to stall any progress by not building required buildings essentially entering a softlock.
    - Early visits by merchants seem useless.
    - Easy to make mistakes and rely on save-scumming.


    * Lots of events simulate dissent, morale, stragglers, hostile incursions, off-site scavenging and roving traders.
    * 35x buildings. Some require research to unlock.
    * 3x enemy types, radioactivity and cold weather to contend with.
    * 8x resources to collect and store for the settlement's survival.
    * 67x research topics across industry, survival, political and science topics totalling 236days.
    * Dozens weapons and manufacturable items to equip armed members of society.
    * Choices effect pop. morale, settlement stability and resource stocks.



    PLAYING TLH proved to be a battle in and of itself. There were alot of positives playing this game but nonetheless some aspects detracted from what would otherwise have been a fairly good experience. Better than I would have expected. However...

    TECHNICALLY the visuals were pretty and the soundtrack equally as good given that this is an indie title. Despite the game being in Early Access it was very playable and stable, possessing a good amount of content. There may be a few non-critical bugs littered about. Elements of the GUI could have been better defined but the overall design and execution was in-keeping with what a city builder should deliver.

    GAMEPLAY proved enjoyable once the underlying concept and dynamics were understood. To get the best out of TLH growing and maintaining the settlement, while building up military assets for defence and eventually go on off-site raids must be on a level to meet the challenge the game meters out. Not easy considering most of the challenge comes from dynamic events. The easy part was assigning tasks for the workers and collecting resources. Its the long-term planning that will keep players on their toes.

    COMBAT was fun on occasion. All to often it became a fiddly mess that needed constant micromanagement to ensure the guards didn't do anything stupid and die needlessly. For tougher engagements it became an exercise in reloading as losing too many soldiers would become fatal. The constant incursions of enemies proved jarring unless enough attention was dedicated to military preparedness. Not an easy balancing act. Not by a longshot.

    DIFFICULTY was harder than it should be. Even playing on the beginner map it was easy to hit a wall due to poor planning. Buildings became obsolete without any visible indication. Most of the dynamic events delivered a negative impact to challenge the player. With little possibility of receiving help it was too easy to travel irrevocably down a cul-de-sac and have to reload. Missing information on the GUI and a lack of notifications didn't help either. By having to learn critical elements of gameplay on the fly, there was always the risk of a soft-lock and resorting to save-scumming.

    REPLAYABILITY relied on dynamic events more than anything else. Maps and available resources seemed to be fixed. The off-map raid locations may be different with every game but this could not unverified. There is also the suggestion that an end-game plotline exists that will funnel the game to a resounding finale if the sand-box option is not ticked. But I did not make it. With only three maps there is enough to ensure the game is played a few times but not much else. The initial act of each game felt the same more or less. Due to the relentless nature of the challenge, the inevitable feeling of repetition did not really register given the passage of time. Just be aware that the pace of the game plods along. Speeding up time will be essential.

    Overall The Last Haven proved to be a decent city builder. One that fans who enjoy such games should consider getting. Especially if one in an apocalyptic setting seems attractive. There's zombies too! It has flaws but given this is made by a small team, its an admirable effort. So as my experience felt limited and frustrating at times, this is only a MAYBE purchase. However just like the populace in this game there is hope. At least while work continues on the game.

    More of my reviews can be found here. | Key provided by Reviewers' Paradise
    482 Produkte im Account
    38 Reviews
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    1730 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.03.21 18:33

    In its current state, it feels like you are not meant to be able to win this game. Perhaps it's some artificial way of limiting your time in the game so that you don't feel there isn't enough content. I am not sure.

    The game that asks you to work hard to survive and then rewards you by destroying your accomplishments simply by sending ungodly amounts of raids on your settlement that are simply impossible to overcome. In addition, resources become so scarce so quickly that you will just stop building and then hope that the attacks are by underpowered enemies.

    At some point the game introduces a new story element (you will be extorted), but at that point you are already halfway to your knees. (I have played about 10 games to the moment where things got unfair).

    I don't mind a tough game, but you need a way to survive. There is none.

    Pacing and balancing are completely off right now. Combat mechanics are absolutely horrific.

    That said, with some TLC, this could be a great game. Right now though, it is just an infinite source of frustration from halfway winter two.

    41 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
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    72 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.03.21 16:15
    Terrible UI, terrible gameplay, stupid AI, same events every fucking minute.
    Absolutely not recommended. Don't understand how this game has Very Positive reviews.
    9 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2020 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.02.21 09:25

    I played this for about 35 hours. I followed several updates and development of the game. I must admit - she lives and develops, that's good. it is slightly not finalized in terms of interface, but it is constantly being corrected, I think it's good. great project, I think it deserves your attention
    91 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    1320 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.01.21 00:01
    with initial experience big + to devs, for new updates and design,
    however, gameplay sadly,terrible, this is not company of heroes/warhammer,
    considering it is an early access, we'll hope and wait until ga,
    so far 5/10
    315 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
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    724 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.01.21 21:33
    I am not sure of the point of working hard to build a thriving settlement when mechanics are terrible. For instance...
    Tier II walls - Enemies can shoot through them and kill your people. Why build walls?
    Tier III pillbox - had 5 enemies on foot take out 3 pill boxes and two towers. Why waste days researching to get something that is worthless?

    The mechanics in this game need a serious overhaul. One person in a pillbox with a vest and helmet should not be killed by a looter on foot. Shouldn't happen. 9 men in pillboxes and 2 more in sniper towers should not be wiped by 5 men on foot, without taking a casualty.

    I wasted so much time, losing people and fighting off looters and stability to finally get the highest tier defenses, only to learn my time was a complete waste.

    With the game in its current state and mechanics, it's a waste of time and money. I wouldn't recommend this to some one I disliked. Maybe if the developer learns a little about defensive buildings and how they work, and properly implements them, the game may be a little more playable. Right now, you will just be building a settlement you can't defend the way you should be able to. Especially after investing the time and materials to do so.
    19 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1324 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.01.21 11:26
    Nice game, interesting mechanics, addictive but cruel. Even on the easiest settings your colony will die off regardless of your choices. I hope the devs will fix the issues and we will be able to enjoy a balanced game.
    Some fixes would be nice to see in the next release:
    - How much is being produced. Currently I cannot plan/calculate anything related to the economy. How much food do you need per day? How much are you producing/extracting?
    - What are the benefits of an upgraded building? Faster production? No information.
    - Buildings consuming coal when empty.
    - Walls are useless against other humans (cost a lot and are destroyed with a single grenade).
    - Sometimes squad gets up in the middle of a fight (after I set prone position multiple times).
    - Random events can mean three consecutive enemy raids even when your colony is down to 10 ppl. It was funny to see my colony empty (0 ppl) but different enemy factions fighting each other in my base.
    - Some colonists just stay on the spot while being attacked by zombies/wild animals.
    - I am sure colonists can close the door to their building to prevent wild animals coming in and killing them...
    800 Produkte im Account
    170 Reviews
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    450 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.01.21 06:25
    I can't figure out why this game has a mostly positive review.

    I've tried to play it several times - the controls are awful, your units don't obey commands, they run past hostiles into groups of hostiles, maps are tiny. It seems to me to the the worst colony builder I have played in the recent past.

    I'm going to pan it. I found it to be frustrating and un-fun.
    45 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    2715 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.01.21 14:21
    So i have reached day 226 and even though i like the game a lot, there is much needed improvements before i can recommend this.
    so see below for my recommendations.

    1) You cant add equipment to soldiers unless they are already wearing it (i have had helmets in my warehouse but they wont put it on for ages) be nice if we could tell to go one.

    2)Upon soldiers death you lose all equipment maybe you keep there ammo or the odd gun drops but what about helmet/body armour?

    3)Prison should be for problem ppl or enemy after awhile you should be able to recruit the enemy or get you problem pp, back.

    4) Winter last way to long

    5)in game houses should be destructible (the ones you can take over when all resources are gone)

    6)building need more info - how much does a coal factory output you can then decide if you need more of less
    food details etc... more info on buildings on input/output.

    7)AI work in fort some throws an grenade or an RPG they stand there and take it.

    8)better hospitals for more patients

    9)Steel walls or maybe land mines/trip wires and barb fencing to be added?

    10) coal production is way to low for the long winter period needs balancing

    11) soldiers seem to gather in the warehouse all the time not sure why seems a bug? also the soldiers in the gun nest
    need like a rota system ive been attacked and there is no one there all gone to eat

    12) i have noticed the game caps at abt 105 ppl then it does everything it can to lose them i was getting raided 3 times before i got offered new survivors i was down from 109 ppl to 50 at one point.

    13) cars need re work they struggling passing one another on a raid.

    Dont get me wrong i really enjoy the game and would 100% give a thumbs up if a lot of the above was improved and implemented, i no it's only 1 person and hes doing a great job but these thing will ruin the game for a lot of ppl
    coming to the game and it needs material balancing but if the info is on building would solve a few issues.


    10 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2507 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.01.21 12:44
    83 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    3101 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.12.20 16:46
    I only review games if I really love them or really hate them. I absolutely adore this game. Long story short: This game is an amazing combination of fallout shelter, Dawn of man, rimworld, frostbite, they are billions and tropico (the stability portion). You face instability, that could lead to revolution, gangs of looters, armed marauders, a legit opposing society with some heavy weaponry, zombies, bears, wolves, wild boars, and the dropping temperature of a nuclear winter. This game is immensely rewarding. I set the value of this game at about $40-$50 US Dollars. So the fact that it's $20, assists my claim as the best game of its genre, to date. For the love of God, buy this game and experience the serotonin of being in love with a game again! At least, that's how I feel.
    683 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1778 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.12.20 01:28
    As of right now, I can not recommend this to any kind of casual player. Winter comes on too quickly, And Coal Production uses WAY too much wood to be in any way sustainable. I had 5 Sawmills fully staffed and I STILL ran out of wood from 1 coal production facility. There is no Reliable way to obtain fuel, and the best Greenhouse comsumes around 8 fuel in 12 hours... During Winter there is no way to barter with marauders, they just attack. and 3 Attackers will kill 3+ Soldiers, when I have 8 soldiers and 2 nests (Game calls Fort)

    So All on all, until:
    1) Food Production can be sustainably maintained
    2) We get a reliable way to acquire Fuel
    3) Combat and Soldier receive a rework
    4) Coal is easier to obtain/Cheaper to create
    5) Coal and Fuel isnt consumed as quickly
    6) We can select when in the year we start OR the start is earlier in the year,

    I cannot recommend this game to any but the most skilled and ridiculous strategy gamers. And they may not even get a long life from it, as I see it becoming stale after about a year unless more content is released for the game.
    96 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
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    7 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.12.20 04:03
    controls are unclear and with a small community you will end up searching the web to figure out mechanics. pretty frustrating
    1567 Produkte im Account
    105 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    79 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 14:30

    Follow my Curator Page for more Strategy Games!

    The Last Haven is a base-building survival strategy game.

    You manage a crew of soldiers and workers. The weather, food, diseases, and bandits are all factors you need to consider to survive.
    You build up your settlement like in many similar games of the genre. Houses for workers and soldiers to live in, wood workshop to gather wood from surrounding trees, etc.
    With your soldiers, you can move around the map (even in a car), fight bandits, or search for supplies but be careful: At any time your settlement can be attacked.

    There are also special happenings and you have to decide what to do. Someone gets ill? Kick him out or try to cure him? Supplies in a nearby town. Send some workers over to gather them? How many?

    The sound effects and voice lines do the rest to assure an atmospheric experience overall.

    So, why can't I recommend the game in its current state?
    It feels barebones. The tutorial lacks a lot of stuff right now. There are just two maps and they are rather small. Overall the game feels janky and rough around the edges. While the atmosphere is top-notch, I was bored to death in my playtime of a bit over one hour.
    While the tutorial tells you what to do in the beginning, it just stops after around 10 minutes and the rest of the time there literally was nothing to do. Gathering resources takes a lot of time even when you speed up the game and while doing that, there is nothing else to do. I watched my workers and waited.. that was it. I feel like I wasted my time and while the endgame may bring some more things to the table, I couldn't bring myself to play more to try to see that.

    It's a rather slow game and I had no fun playing it. This seems harsh and maybe it is but after playing similar games in the genre (Frostpunk being the best example, Endzone being another) this is a letdown. I even forgive the dozens of crashes I had because it's in early access but if I have zero fun playing it, I can't recommend it.

    If you like my review and strategy games, please consider following my curator page on Steam!
    16 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1033 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.11.20 03:59
    updates alot and fun game
    39 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    2951 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.11.20 20:55
    This game is competently made, and delivers a solid city building experience in the early stages of the game.

    However, it quickly becomes unbalanced as resource depletion starts to take its toll, with a winter that apparently never ends, a relentless onslaught of enemies and no way to recoup your loses against them. This turns the experience into a grueling, joyless chore as the village you spend a long time building starts to die of hunger, and then of cold while your soldiers - even if equipped with the best items - are grinded against an endless tide of enemies.

    This game could be fun - it has the elements needed to be an investment worthy of your money - but it needs a good balancing and playtesting before it reaches that point.
    668 Produkte im Account
    114 Reviews
    592 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.11.20 05:25
    Ho!y SH!T
    Where was this game hiding?

    69 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    3951 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.11.20 13:44
    This is the game I've been looking for. I have been wanting a city builder while having to defend it. It is glitchy though. The resource station/stone cutter keeps disassembling on it's own for some unknown reason. I would like to see a fix for that.
    104 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
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    858 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.11.20 05:41
    I don't usually write reviews unless I see a potential but unfortunately I can't recommend this game at this stage.

    Game needs a whole a lot of balancing between production and consumption with the environmental events (such as invasions and the winter come). Your production is like never enough for what you consume regularly and you cant research or provide the essentials needs before the winter. About the invasions; it's happening so often you keep losing health and before recovering your folks, some other s...storm popping up.

    Needs more mechanics like being able to control your population's actions, free roaming -not stationary- security job assignments from the beginning and maybe grouping the security teams with some hotkeys, being able to occupy or deconstruct the existing buildings in the map -cuz hey! why I wanna build a house when there are a lot of em around-

    Needs a better AI -as many other already mentioned your workers just walking around the danger and waiting to be killed-

    Bigger maps with extended borders so we can actually pan around and see the inside of the buildings scattered around the edges.

    And I dont understand why the stability is keep going down all the time even tho when I find a sweet balance for a brief time.

    This is all I got for now. I'll keep updating my review on this one as it keeps progressing. Don't get me wrong tho. Im not saying this game is just bad. all im saying is, it needs a better polished gameplay to actually have fun and focus on management with the full control of the map and its features.
    8 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    138 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.10.20 09:55
    This game is amazing to put it simply. It has strong elements of Banished, but also is a base defense game at its core. There isn't much of a story line except that the world underwent a nuclear holocaust and you're trying to survive the brutal winter in Northern Russia. Your camp needs to build structures, gather resources, manage politics, defend your base, and go on raids for resources. This is the best game of its genre hands down.
    141 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    1335 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.10.20 18:52
    It's an alright game, overall there are much better games out there. I think there is some programming flaws in the game that need to be fixed, such as always needing to adjust the speed of the game every time the game decides to send you an optional task.

    Also, the game is made to make you wait for research, you can only buy one research at a time and much of prolongs the game.
    245 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
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    1236 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.10.20 18:34

    Potentially a great game!

    But not quite there yet.

    A lot of thing present in similar games are missing, from controls to statistics.
    In some cases I think the game is trying to incorporate too much cool ideas into one game, and it kinda did, but with limited success.

    Also, wtf is with wood in this game? Half my population is on wood, and I still barely have it...

    Thankfully the devs update the game quite often, so I will revisit it a bit later, and my review will probably change to recommend.
    107 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    104 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.10.20 05:44
    Its okay, I like the game idea. Needs some polishing and lots of details (gameplay).
    For example I have no clue how much food my people eat, no idea how much food greenhouse 1 produces (same with greenhouse 2)

    Research is not balanced at all, just add research point system, also no research center upgrades.

    Early resource gathering is horrible, my people were starving so you build greenhouses (no idea on how much food produced vs food used), wait you don't have any polymers need to build resource building (polymers are annoying to collect), wait you need wood need sawmill. Spent 1st 4 days trying to get enough wood and other resources while trying to prevent people from turning zombies or sick from radiation.

    Love the concept and simple gameplay but I'd wait a little longer before purchasing. Needs balancing and details.
    91 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    731 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.10.20 22:42
    Wonderful game with delightful details, satisfied all I need! I survived 172 days, my base is strong, all techs have been researched.

    On 172 day 7 enemies broke my 9 soldiers defense line, and here are something need to be modified:
    1. Fire accuracy: one of my rank 5 solider with AWP missed an enemy for 15+ shots, and he's killed by one enemy using SMG approached from out of his shooting range. The fire accuracy really needs to be improved.
    2. Combat unit moving speed: I guess my soldiers were trained, but why are they moving at the same speed as the other settlers?
    3. More defense weapon: after 100 days enemies would come to you with RPG and SMAW. The rockets can blow up my fort with one shot. Fortunately their accuracy are low. I think grenade and mine can be introduced as useful defense weapon.
    4. Population: After 150 days, each battle could consume about 7 to 12 of my settlers, and new settlers were rarely shown up. And even they came they cost 10 stability points to stay, the stability points were also hard to increase. I had 140 beds available but my population could hardly went up to 90. I notice the male and female are shown in separate numbers, I guess in future update the settlers can produce baby?
    5. Resources (tree, stone) should be collected faster so we can clean up lands quicker to build.
    6. Recycle center that can recycle weapons used in early time?
    7. It's kinda boring after all techs have been researched and base is fortified well. I noticed that the zombies disappeared at some point, and my settlers haven't been infected for a long while. It will be more interesting if we can have zombie tides (larger and stronger as time passes), strong zombified animals, and infected refugees come to our base continuously.
    8 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1705 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.09.20 09:49

    Thanks to the developer for such an exciting project. I began to study it from the discussion section, from where I learned that the developer is one. This is a great example of a real desire to make an exciting project, even if EA is not quite balanced and stable at the moment, but this does not blacken the game as a whole, because they are still working on it! amazing zeal for progress, thank you Thunder!
    206 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    423 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.09.20 21:35
    Fantastic game but it has a serious issue with resource management. It's being updated regularly so hopefully this should be fixed in the long run.
    18 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    53 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.08.20 05:18
    I play a ton of these kind of games but this one just wasn't that fun. I can't get behind the controls and the game just throws you in with little instruction or info. And when I went to their help tab all it did was tell me about the resources and what they were. Though I do feel this game has potential but right now there isn't much to this game and it just feels really boring and uneventful to play.
    10 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    546 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.08.20 08:30
    95 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    2477 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.08.20 01:21
    Love to see it in it's finished state. It's a fun game.
    11237 Produkte im Account
    62 Reviews
    59 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.08.20 21:30

    The Last Haven

    DISCLAIMER: I received this product for no cost for the purpose of reviewing. However, this does not affect my views and opinions of the game.

    Short Review

    Last Haven is a post-apocalyptic city builder with light combat element. At the time of writing; this title is being developed solely by one person and is in early access. You manage a group of survivors, managing their resources and trying to keep them alive.


    Graphics: 7 / 10

    The graphics are solid and work with the title. There are many different structures to find and build, as well terrain changes. Although some things can look and feel very generic and basic, the day and night cycle, as well seasonal changes can often keep things fresh.


    Sound: 6 / 10

    The sound is fine, it does it's job well enough. The gun shots do sound and feel right despite being a tad loud, and the building and foraging sound effects work just fine. The background music sort of fades away as you play the game.


    Mechanics: 8 / 10

    The game is very solid for what it is. It's a good city builder with standard crafting, building and management mechanics. Every so often the player will make choices that affect their colony. There is a research tree that allows the construction of new building with unique effects. There are occasional raids and zombie attacks from the AI that must be dealt with. Trying to survive is the main objective of the game. Making sure you have enough resources is key, though making sure you also have enough defences and military units can also really determine the outcome of your play.


    Thanks to the developer for giving me the opportunity to review the title, as well as anyone who took this review into consideration, I hope it helped.
    198 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    2287 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.07.20 06:19
    Love this game, even in early access it is fun and engaging. I did find the continuous screen panning to events was annoying and having a setting to prevent it in game would be nice. it was useful sometimes but most of it was just taking me attention from what i was doing.
    I was hoping for more zombies though.

    Overall great game and fun. Yes it is Early Access still worth a try. especially with more work being done.
    34 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    47 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.07.20 04:10
    At this current state, it might be not good enough since it's still an early access game, but I love the game itself, city builder with a combat aspect. Maybe, I'll comeback for the game after it's full release.
    I'm sorry, I'm not a person who's well known enough or having any influence and whatnot, but I have faith this game will be better.
    543 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
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    72 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.07.20 10:11
    Good concept ruined by a tiny map and terrible camera.
    4062 Produkte im Account
    35 Reviews
    2018 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.06.20 15:31
    Graphics = 4/5
    Sound 4/5
    Playability 5/5
    Addictiveness 4/5
    Toughness 4/5

    Game is fully playable right now, there are the 1 or 2 issue's BUT it is still in Early Access and is improving all the time. For new users i would recommend when starting to turning the top relevant setting options to high and the lower ones to low (e.g weather, starting items, scavengable items etc to high) and anything to do with marauders, zombies and wildlife to low.

    Right now i would recommend this game to anyone and everyone that likes to play survival type simualtion games. You do have starting units, look after these till you have got the barracks up and running and then build one of these asap. This will house upto 8 soldiers.

    The game is quite tough even with the softening of the settings but you will need to do that when starting out just to learn and work out stuff. One of the best new additions with a recent patch was the implementation to select which item to gather from 1st.

    I would however like the cars, old fencings, buildings and everything once fully gathered to vanish like tree's, stones and coal, they however do not and can get in the way of your build basewise.

    All in all i think this was a very good purchase and thats why i am recommending it.
    2457 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    414 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.06.20 06:36
    The game is worth the price even it is Early Access Game.
    BTW, the game needs more work and I'm sure that devs are working on it.

    When game becomes so emotional:
    131 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    430 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.05.20 01:07
    Even in early access, with a limited feature set, it's a neat little game. It feels a bit like a mix of Warcraft 3 and C&C Red Alert.

    You start off in an abandoned forest with a handful of survivors and some armed people. From there you have to collect supplies, build shelter, grow food whilst also trying to complete your tech tree via research.

    Periodically you get attacked. In the beginning stages, this can be zombies, small groups of humans or a couple of wolves. Marauders will also come to your camp and demand your supplies or women. You have to choose whether to acquiesce to these demands or if you're prepared enough, to fight.

    Slowly the world turns increasingly hostile. The weather gets colder, more radiated. The attacks you could basically ignore in the early game, or negotiate your way out of, become full-scale onslaughts you need military might to counter. During my first play through, my entire camp was wiped at this point.

    If you make it far enough you can become the monster and send your own troops out to raid other peoples camps. You can establish yourself as an enlightened ruler and sit in judgement over your citizens.

    You can declare people traitors and execute them on the spot. You can establish propaganda centres to make sure your people are thinking in the correct way. You can set up prisons and set up scaffolding to carry out an execution by hanging.

    This title is early access, so these systems aren't quite joined and polished yet, they are implemented in the game as of now and functional. The game is challenging and fun. If you enjoyed Kenshi, Endzone, Banished or Frostpunk, you're probably going to enjoy this.
    612 Produkte im Account
    187 Reviews
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    325 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.05.20 02:27
    I started playing it and found it mostly to be lacking in content, and has a pretty small map from what I saw, understandably though since it is EA right now, but also discovered some aspects of the game are not fully functional at the present time, for instance, I wasted 24 hrs researching an item not even implemented yet, there for, it is unplayable, and really don't even feel like playing this anymore wish I could return it. Maybe after a few more patches, and over priced I think.
    225 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    24 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.05.20 08:46
    From the get go, i felt this game lacked a lot. The translations were hard to understand, the tutorial either wasnt complete, or just no real attention was paid to it. Controls when it came to building werent explained very well or at all.

    Your troops, randomly opens fire. You cant pick the targets, they are horrible at their job, and they are hard to control.
    Exploring seems pointless, because you dont really do anything; just reveal the fog, click on the item, you dont even need to be near it.

    Building is simplified to a point where its just spamming buildings and waiting for them to complete.

    Survival boils down to everything being your enemy; zombies, animals (and you dont get food killing them), marauders etc.

    It's really unpolished. I wouldnt recommend it at this point.
    3 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    257 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.05.20 19:22
    Only one person makes this game, yo! I saw his post, it struck me, I want to support him, this is a great game with a great concept! I wish you friend promotion, I hope you continue to please us with updates
    172 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1092 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.05.20 06:49
    14hrs in and 60+ days survived after multiple attempts, I have noticed that the order of research completed is make or break for how long you survive. when starting out you have to prepare for lasting the winter with greenhouses and coal factories. Them immediately switch to defense for the constant marauder and animal attacks while investing in politics etc to keep stability in control.

    It is an interesting and addictive game and albeit sometimes frustrating when it all falls apart from small oversights.

    This is a work in progress and I like the direction it is going. It can only get better.

    Kind of a mix between command and conquer (just minus the conquer) and frostpunk in a way.
    34 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    7401 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.05.20 04:07
    If you're a Walking Dead fan, love city building, and survivalist games, then you must buy The Last Haven. This was unquestionably a fun game; every moment was a struggle to keep your village alive and to help it grow. Unfortunately, I'm not able to give this game my full backing because it has too many bugs that needs to be worked out. Two of the problems that bothered me the most about this game was how the player is held back by researching upgrades. I was limited to only one research laboratory which severely held back the progression of my town. Another problem was how my villagers were not able to navigate around obstacles such as the wall I had built around the town to protect them from zombies. And yes, there was an entrance. This game has a lot of potential and will be incredible once issues like these are fixed.

    109 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
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    57 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.05.20 12:06
    Looks kinda like clone of Banished mixed with real time Jagged Alliance, but with (so far) much less features. Of course, early access and all, but still.

    + nice graphics
    - no tutorial, you need to ask in the forums or figure everything yourself (which isn't really fun in this game)
    - one map
    - no keybinds settings
    - zombie/animal attacks too soon and can't be really configured
    - can't configure amount of civilians when starting
    - can't disassemble abandoned structures or place your soldier inside
    - no explanation if you are getting/losing resources per day or minute
    - can't target enemies directly
    - no progress bar while building
    - cover does nothing, but your soldiers are unable to shoot from behind it
    45 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
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    1132 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.05.20 10:36
    This game is fun for the first few hours. Soldiers disappear when going on 'map' missions. When you get an important notice, your game speed resets, sometimes you feel the game takes forever because of this. Hopefully the game will get better. I'd say this game has potential, but I can't recommend it until i judge the finished product.
    204 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
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    29 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.04.20 23:40
    I cannot recommend as I have refunded the game. It is still in its infancy and should still be pre-alpha and not EA. There are many bugs including such glaring omissions as 1080p and many gameplay aspects for a standard colony builder. I would wait until more patches, at least 6 months.
    2620 Produkte im Account
    540 Reviews
    432 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.04.20 07:40

    The Last Haven:

    Well, it happened . . . and it all started with a small disagreement between the three biggest nuclear powers. One word led to another, they all jumped on their high horses and the last communication transferred and recorded from the international space station was . . . “Oh my god! There are mushrooms clouds popping up everywhere down there!” It was the biggest fireworks display ever witnessed from the orbital station. Knowing all too well that the station would be their last residence, the astronauts hoped that some of us would survive this dreadful event. Incredibly, you are one of these survivors, and it will take strong leadership on your behalf to see you and your people through the next winter. This is probably the Last Haven!

    The Last Haven is a strategy/management game developed and self-published by Thunder Devs on Steam on the 20th of March 2020 as an early access title.

    The first thing after selecting to play a new game is to set up the level of difficulty, which is divided into 6 categories: starting soldiers, resources, loots, Zombies count, marauders and enemy count. You’ll have to choose between low, medium or high in each of these categories before the game starts.

    Your initial group of survivors will consist of around 20 people, and you’ll start with a small area that is sounded with a fog of war. Then you’ll be given a few tips about what to build first so you can start the last settlement on Earth. If you have decided to opt for a high level of starting soldiers, you’ll have 5 soldiers at your command (4 if you choose medium, for example) which you send to explore the rest of the map. However, it will have borders from which you can’t see far unless you build a structure close by which will then slightly expand the edge of the map and you might see and be able to access new structures.

    Your goal to assure your survival is to gather the essential products, which are foods, woods, coals, rocks, fuel and electronics, in order to build houses and other structures for your settlement. As you unveil the fog of war, you’ll find loot scattered all around, which you can pick up by simply clicking on it. Interestingly, more will appear randomly on the map every few days. Food seems to be the most frequent item to pick up, but you might find a few weapons, ammunition and some of the other essential items here and there.

    The game works on a 24 hour cycle, and each day a new event will take place. A horde of zombies might attack you. If that’s the case, make sure you eliminate them before they reach your camp and start attacking your people; if you don’t, you might have to deal with a Zombie infestation within the camp. New people might ask to join your camp, which is good but will also impact the happiness of your current population. Or you might have marauders on the outskirts of the camp; you can pay them off with food, or you can just fight them. Other events will occur within your settlement as well.

    I really like the fighting as you can select a either group or an individual soldier, move them to a selected position and hopefully win the fight without too many casualties. You’ll also be able to raid other locations, but for that to happen, you must have built a laboratory.

    Each research will take hours before being acquired, and the minimum is time is 24 hours. There are four types of research in this current version (Early Access): science, survival, industry (weapons and gears) and politics. When you discover the second research under the politics tab, you’ll be able to raid other locations. The question will be whether or not you have enough well-equipped veteran soldiers to successfully attack the site and brings any goods back to your camp.

    In these raids, you’ll be controlling your soldiers in a fog of war map; find the objective and eliminate all enemy soldiers in this nice RTS element.

    The graphics are excellent, and I especially like it when you send your workers to scavenge scrap metal from cars, which you see will be being dismantled before your very eyes. The soundtrack reflects the unknown and strange atmosphere of the game very well. In terms of the control, you’ll be using your mouse and keyboard, and camera movements work pretty well. There are a few bugs here and there, which is to be expected as an early access, but I can save the game when I want and come back to it without any issue. It is solid and well-presented so far. Definitely a game to keep a close eye on!


    + Nice graphics
    + Daily event (zombies and Marauders attacks, newcomers and others)
    + 20 technologies to discover
    + Ability to raid other locations
    + Randomise loots (every few days)
    + Achievements


    - It’s a bit repetitive
    - No trading cards at this point

    Nuclear Armageddon occurred, and you lead a group of survivors. The question is, how long can you survive in The Last Haven?


    Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

    289 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    41 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.03.20 00:14
    This is just from my experience and I don't speak on behalf of anyone else.
    + Very cute looking little game.
    + Nice color pallet and graphic style.
    + Simple UI

    - Map design is confusing and a little overwhelming to look at..
    - Building placement is a bit iffy because the layout of the map is not friendly with space.
    - Game runs your CPU at 60% and your GPU at 100% (I have 1080ti and an i7-7700k).

    Did not find anything majorly wrong in the 45mins that I played it. It's pretty simplistic and what you would expect.
    Just needs some optimization to bring down that usage. Gave it a thumbs up because these indie devs are doing a great job and they have something going here. Cheers.
    362 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    399 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.03.20 23:28
    Has potential but its not ready yet. The warehouse function and assigning weapons to new soldiers appears to be broken. There is no ability to increase research speed. I will keep an eye on it and come back later after improvement.
    Logo for The Last Haven
    Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
    79.15% 524 138
    Release:20.03.2020 Genre: Simulation Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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