• The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.
  • The Wild Case: Screen zum Spiel The Wild Case.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.04.2021
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Preis Update 06.02.23

Über das Spiel

Bereite dich auf eine Reise in ein abgelegenes Dorf tief im Wald vor, wo seltsame Kreaturen mit leuchtenden Augen die Bewohner terrorisieren. Als Held untersuchst du unheimliche Phänomene und wirst tiefer in das Dorf hineingezogen. Die Geschichte beginnt noch bevor du an deinem Ziel ankommst ...

The Wild Case ist ein 2D-Point-and-Click-Adventure in der Ego-Perspektive.

In diesem storylastigen Abenteuer trifft der Spieler auf eine Reihe bunter Charaktere, erlebt mysteriöse Begegnungen und löst Rätsel, um im Spiel voranzukommen.

Der Protagonist ist ein Mann, der seltsame Vorkommnisse untersucht – eine Art paranormaler Detektiv. Eines Tages erhält er einen Brief, in dem er um Hilfe gebeten wird: Seltsame Kreaturen terrorisieren ein Dorf, das tief in den wilden Wäldern liegt. Mit leuchtenden Augen und einer unheimlichen Fähigkeit, Jägern zu entkommen, könnten diese Kreaturen mehr als nur gewöhnliche Tiere sein.

Das Abenteuer beginnt, sobald du ankommst. Du tauchst in das Leben der Dorfbewohner ein, bevor du den Mut aufbringst, tiefer in den Wald zu reisen. Die normalen Regeln des Lebens gelten hier nicht: Wenn du eine Dienstleistung willst, sei bereit zu verhandeln.

Sei bereit zu fragen: Wer hat was gesehen? Warum glauben sie, dass etwas Übernatürliches im Spiel ist? Werden sie dir bei deinen Ermittlungen helfen oder sie behindern? Wer ist dein Verbündeter und wer ist dein Feind? Eine Reihe interessanter Aufgaben und Dialoge erwarten dich in dem vergessenen Dorf.

  • Interaktionen mit authentischen und eigenwilligen NPCs.
  • Atmosphärische Schauplätze in abgelegenen Siedlungen.
  • Spannende Rätsel mit Erkundung und NPC-Interaktionen.
  • In den Wäldern triffst du auf einen Einsiedler und eine Hexe. Wer ist der Verbündete und wer ist der Feind?
  • Offene Welt, die darauf wartet, erkundet zu werden.
  • Unheimliche Begegnungen und Geheimnisse.


  • CPU: 2 GHz
  • GFX: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1
  • HD: 500 MB available space
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: 2.3 GHz
  • GFX: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 500 MB available space
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1870 Produkte im Account
218 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 21:01
Sitting in my Office, getting a Letter.
From a Mining Village, somewhere deep in the Mountains.
They are attacked by Animals with red glowing Eyes.
Really? Red glowing Eyes?
You should know that cases like this are my Job, thats why they called me for help.
Well, the people are in fear, but there is one thing i learned in my life:
Everything has a normal explantion.
So i took the next train and the troube began.
This time it was not a normal Case. It was a wild Case.

Welcome to THE WILD CASE.

After Games like INBETWEEN LANDS, the fantastic THE LAST DREAM, the nice SONYA: THE GREAT ADVENTURE and 2 Others Specialbit Studios brought out another wonderfull Point and Click Adventure.
Wonderfull Oldschool.
Talk with People, move here and there, find Items, use them to continue the Story.


I don´t know how, but Specialbit Studios has the Ability to create a special Atmosphere in each of their Games. And so did they in THE WILD CASE.
Charming and detailed Handmade Graphics that are perfectly catching the Atmosphere of a small village somewhere near the Mountains. That goes also for the Sounds.


The Game is easy. I beat it in 3 Hours and i enjoyed every minute.
I also liked the exciting Story.
A big thanks to Specialbit Studios for this nice Game, i´m looking forward to the next one.


Yes, this Review is short, but there is nothing more to say. A well done Point and Click Adventure in a handmade Graphics Setting and a nice Story. What do you want more?
Oh yes, THE WILD CASE has them, too.
Highly recommended.
Thank you for Reading.
168 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 20:47
Nice, short Point and click adventure
3972 Produkte im Account
252 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 13:53
Ich hatte mich schon sehr auf das Spiel gefreut, da ich das Demo gespielt habe. Es ist ein schönes Spiel aber leider viel viel zu kurz. 2,3 Std. wobei das erste Kapitel auch schon als Demo spielbar war. Ein bisschen wie ein Wimmelbildspiel aber ohne Wimmel :-)
Daumen hoch für das Spiel
Daumen runter für die Länge des Spiels
239 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 21:12
Sicher muss man immerzu herumrennen und vieles selbst suchen, aber das Offensichtliche ist ja nicht interessant. Darum mag ich das Spiel sehr. Die Grafik gefällt mir am Besten, alles handgemacht, das sieht man. Hatte viel Freude an dem Spiel.
2412 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 17:46
Ein nettes point & click adventure mit einem Schwierigkeitsgrad, der gegen Null tendiert. Für Anfänger des Genre, ältere Kinder, oder für ein paar Stunden entspanntes daddeln bestens geeignet. Hardcore-Rätsler werden eher enttäuscht sein. Was mir besonders gefallen hat, sind die wunderschön gezeichneten, stimmungsvollen Grafiken. Da ich mich insgesamt gut unterhalten gefühlt habe : Daumen hoch !
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 08:23
Eines der schönsten Adventures seit Jahren - aber auch nichts wirklich Neues, das muss aber auch nicht sein. Die Quests sind nicht übermäßig kompliziert. Das Spiel bringt eine Atmosphäre rüber, die ich in Adventures so noch nicht gesehen habe, wenn die Graphik auch ein bisschen an Syberia erinnert, was aber m.E. nur für das Spiel spricht. Ich hab es wegen der tollen Atmosphäre gleich 2x gespielt.
101 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 22:44
Sehr spannendes Spiel, die Rätsel waren für mich nicht allzu schwer, schöne Kulissen, spielte allerdings nur knappe 4 Stunden bis zum Ende
2354 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 09:09
The game is made in the Soviet style and I have no complaints here. Everything looks very plausible (as far as a person who has never lived in the USSR can judge). But this is the game where you are asked for vodka for every service (I'm serious, it seemed to me that this is some kind of currency in this game) and you take the hunter to the bathhouse to rob his house (?!)
In any case, this is a typical game of this genre. These games usually lack a good storyline. If you are not confused by vodka as a currency and all that I have listed above, most likely this game will not disappoint you
210 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 15:49
Too easy, too predictable and got very boring very fast.
94 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 09:15
Wanted to like it. I play and enjoy many mystery/detective games. This one was too short, too much useless dialog and unfortunately, just boring. Very disappointed.
383 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 01:00
This game is okay for me. About 2/5. Wish there was a middle ground for reviewing. Pros, I can say the way the game looks. Its rustic-ly gritty which I think works for it. Cons- there's alot of back and forth. Seems like for every problem you encounter, (I don't consider them puzzles) takes too much to solve it. ie. you need a ride to the village, to do so, you have to get a car part, to get the car part you have to get some a picture of a girl for the guy with the part. to get the picture, the girl wants a mouse caught, to catch the mouse you need a cat but guess what? The owner of the cat wants something. It's too much to do for one ride to the village. I would've walked when I heard about the girl's picture. This goes on for the entire game and sometimes the next person you need to talk to in the chain isn't clear. You wind up talking to everyone. I've played HOPAs for years and this is way too much back and forth even for me. Second con- some things in your inventory you think are puzzles, aren't. For example, you need to find herbs. You get a book about herbs but you can't open it to look at it. Be prepared to hand it off to someone else and let them have the fun. Third con is the mystery. Its a Scooby doo template mystery- which means silly and kinda easy to figure out. I'd say play the demo first. If Wild Case is deeply discounted, I'd improve my rating a 2.5/5 and just barely recommend it but as it stands now, its a no from me.
2715 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 11:29
That's rather a neutral review, but it's closer to positive, since game is fine actually.
The artwork is really good, puzzles are mostly logical and not overcomplicated.
Story is ok in the first half, it starts slowly and kinda interesting, but the end feels stupid and rushed.
Third act feels like developers were short on time and money, so decided to finish game quickly.
Overall it's a decent puzzle game for casual users for a decent price (regional price in my case).

Additional thanks for Ukrainian localization, it's pretty fun and hilarious sometimes.
8585 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 10:08

The Wild Case

A relaxing and pleasant point and click adventure that is a bit too easy for experienced players but could well be ideal for a younger or unaccustomed audience.

The Wild Case is a 2D first-person point and click adventure.

A casual story-based venture into a remote Russian village containing light puzzle elements much akin to hidden object games.

Story ????

Employed as a sort of paranormal investigator, you receive a letter from the chairman of a remote mining village in Russia.

They are being terrorized by numerous wild beasts which seem to be out of control and have glowing red eyes.

Many of the inhabitants have been scared off and the village is in decline.

You set off to try and uncover the mystery.


Overall Impressions????

The look and feel of the game are very reminiscent to hidden object games, but there are no hidden object scenes. The look, feel and gameplay are very similar.

I guess they picked a remote Russian village as the setting because the inhabitants are poor and rely on bartering as a means of payment, which fits into the storyline perfectly.

Need a hammer from the blacksmith? First go and get me some meat from the butcher.

Asking the butcher for some meat inevitably requires you to get him something else.

Nobody will do anything in this village without a favour and that is how most of the gameplay pans out. It is your typical hidden object type puzzle scenario. If you’ve played any hidden object games you will know what I mean.

Gameplay is quite basic following these rules. It certainly is not an advanced point and click adventure. There is no combination of objects to make new ones, no examination of objects and no manipulation of objects at all. Once you receive an item it will have one use and most of the time that use is obvious.

There is a handy map for fast travel which you receive at the start of the game, although being a first-person adventure moving between destinations is lightning fast anyway. The game doesn’t feel frustrating at all moving around the numerous locations, as is the nature of this type of game.

The journal was disappointing, only showing objectives. There were a couple of puzzles where you had to remember songs which would have been perfect for noting in the journal.

The game is quite easy to complete especially if you are familiar with the hidden object type gameplay.

I did not have any trouble solving puzzles and I tore through the game in two and a half hours exactly, spending a further half an hour mopping up a couple of missed achievements.

I still enjoyed the game though, mainly due to the wonderful art work, atmosphere and characters. It proved to be a casual, relaxing and pleasurable romp into the wild lands of Russia.

Environments were well drawn, characters were memorable and had distinct personalities, music and sound effects were atmospheric.

The story takes a while to warm up but was intriguing. It reminded me a little bit of a Scooby Doo mystery. The excitement ramps up towards the end and there is a satisfying conclusion.


The Wild Case is a basic point and click adventure in terms of gameplay that experienced players of the genre will find too easy.

That doesn’t necessarily mean it is a bad game, as there are numerous other reasons to play, but if challenge is your main motivation, then look elsewhere.

It’s a relaxing game full of charm and interesting characters that will keep you entertained for a few hours.

I would highly recommend this for a younger audience or newcomers to the genre as it is wonderfully presented and a pleasant experience overall.


The Wild case follows the usual rules pertaining to a hidden object game.

Search the environment with your mouse until a hand or magnifying icon appears. A hand icon indicates you can pick the item up and a magnifying glass signifies that you can examine the object. Once examined, a text description of the item will be revealed and you may be able to use objects in your inventory on it.

Objects in the scene cannot be highlighted but there are no red herrings and everything is relatively easy to find.

Items in your inventory cannot be combined or examined and must be dragged on to the screen to interact with other objects. It makes it very simple to play.

You will meet various characters throughout your journey and can talk to all of them. There are no incidental characters. They all play a part in the story. A dialogue selection will be presented. It is never extensive and usually sticks rigidly to the objective at hand. Of course, when objectives change then new dialogue options will open with that character if they play a part in the solution.

Objectives can be tracked using your journal but this is the only purpose of it. There are no notes, drawings or clues, which was a shame.

There is a map which gives you the opportunity to instantly visit any location already discovered without any loading screens. It is lightning fast and incredibly easy to jump around destinations.

The story is not frightening at all for adults. It would probably feel exciting and chilling for youngsters and would certainly be more appealing to them.

There are some achievements which are predominantly story based but there are a couple of vague achievements which you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the description if you want to get them all in your first playthrough. If you do miss them however, you can start again from any of the three chapters in the game which saves you a bit of time.

The game takes between two and four hours to complete depending on your experience.


Graphics ????

The graphics are quite detailed and paint a realistic landscape of a remote Russian village. You feel isolated playing the game. Characters are drawn nicely and have personality and charm.

The animals looked realistic and the cutscenes were fun, if not a little brief!

All dialogues are displayed in text which is easy to read and can be skipped if required.

Sound ????

The game is full of background noises, usually of a nature theme. Bees humming and birds tweeting are familiar sounds in the game. The destination is quite remote and the sound reinforces this notion.

There is no voice acting. All dialogue is displayed in text.


The Wild case is a short, easy, but enjoyable experience with colourful characters and an interesting plot.

It’s perfect for an evening’s entertainment and would be ideal for a younger audience who are interested in nature.

Curator Info:
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1182 Produkte im Account
190 Reviews
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 16:45
What a great experience! Quite an awesome story that keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. This game has an assembly of very interesting characters, offering you the occasional funny dialogue with them. The sceneries are very beautiful. The puzzles are nice and logical, but they're too easy. The game is quite short, but, for its price, it's a great choice. I'm pretty pleased that I bought this game on steam. Great job, developers! Till next time, don't forget to point & click!
272 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 16:06
Fun game, though it took a total of 103 minutes to complete everything other than one achievement. It's a nice distraction for a bit.
257 Produkte im Account
229 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 19:14
The Wild Case is a well done point-and-click adventure played from a 1st person perspective in a 2D world. You have been called to a Russian village to investigate reports of crazed animals. You arrive by train and meet the various residents of the town, working towards solving the mystery and reducing the threat.

Gameplay is primarily 'find and use' with inventory items. The artwork and inventory/usage style reminds me of the detail one sees in a hidden object game. However, there are no hidden objects. Instead, you have an ongoing series of errands... You need something from person A who agrees if you will provide them with an object. That object is held by Person B who also wants something. And, so it goes... a series of intertwined sub-quests with the ultimate goal of gathering what you need for the ending scene. Progress is fairly linear, as areas and objects activate only when they are needed. To further guide you, the current objective is displayed.

The sound track consists of environmental sound effects, without any voice overs. Dialog is clicked through and, often, it is obvious that the game was developed in a language other than English. Conversations are color coded and sometimes it is difficult to tell which character is saying what. The story is told through surface-level dialog and, as a result, the main character is not developed to a level where there is an emotional connection to him.

The Wild Case is fairly easy, with achievements listed and monitored within the game. If you read them ahead of time, it should be simple to get 100%. The game is divided into 3 chapters and the game can be restarted at the beginning of each. Restarting does eliminate progress made in your current game.

I enjoyed this game. It is a traditional adventure without time constraints or stealth/attack scenes. For adventurers who just want to relax and play out a story, it is just about right.
6249 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 19:45

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

Quite a good adventure, the action of which takes place in Russian post-revolutionary (?) Russia, where in one of the villages mystical events related to the appearance of red-eyed forest animals begin to take place. And if at first glance it seems that we are faced with a typical game of searching for hidden objects, then it soon turns out that this is a full-fledged adventure, more aimed at using objects and solving urgent plot tasks. The plot is quite interesting and exciting, such a Slavic analogue of the adventures of Nancy Drew, where evil is usually hidden in people, and not in mystical phenomena. The game looks simply gorgeous, the work of the artists from this team in all their games was distinguished by an excellent level of performance. The same goes for high-quality animations, which perfectly emphasize the original visual style of the game. I didn’t like that in some places the logical component behaves too straightforward, literally speaking your task to you. And it turns out that literally every character wants some kind of service from you, at certain moments reducing your direct influence on the game world to a minimum. Considering the short duration of the game, the number of events that the writers managed to fit into such a space is respectful, the intensity of what is happening really captivates in earnest. The result of the guys from Specialbit Studio turned out to be good, and given the temporary lull in the market, it is generally noteworthy.
418 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 16:48

The Wild Case

The Wild Case is a Point and Click game that sits right in the middle of a Hidden Object and a Point and Click game.

This is a game that I would recommend HOPA or Hidden Object fans play as a bridge for learning to play Adventure and Point and Click games.

It sits in the middle because there are no hidden object scenes and there are no puzzles that require much thought.

You will spend your time going from point A to point B; you acquire the item you need to take to point C or back to A or B.

When you have what you need the puzzle will solve itself most of the time. There is no careful measuring of items you attained to create something.

The exception was one puzzle that required note taking. It was a simple directional puzzle, but after you are given the instructions, it is not recorded in the Notebook.

The English translation is still a bit rough; I believe that will be improved with future patches.

The graphics are very nicely done, but one look and my mind screamed HOPA.

Game Play:
You access everything by hovering at the top of the screen: Notebook, Inventory, Jump Map. Access the main menu there or with the escape key.

You know your objective and how to proceed by looking at the Notebook. There were a couple of times I needed to go back and hover around a screen to see an item I missed. It was easy to use the map to go back and gather items.

The game uses an autosave that has very frequent check points.

I suffered no crashes; it ran great for me and was pretty on the eyes. ???? Your set-up options to tweak: resolution, SFX, full screen.

My play time was about five hours.
12128 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 15:20
The Wild Case is a fine adventure game with the look & feel of a hidden object game, yet stripped of any hidden object scenes or mini-games, and focused instead on telling the story of a remote Slavic village attacked by wild beasts with red glowing eyes.

In some ways, the gameplay is very similar to a point & click game. The whole game is played from the first-person perspective of a detective summoned to investigate these strange incidents. Apart from various items that you collect from your surroundings and a map that you can use to fast travel to other already unlocked locations, your inventory also contains a notebook whose only purpose is to track your progress by setting clear and almost immediate goals (they require only a couple of actions) that can be considered as short quests. This approach makes the game easy to understand - you will always know what you have to do or what your next steps are, and you’ll spend little time roaming around looking for clues. Contrary to a point & click game, everything you can interact with can either be picked up or will be used at later stage, so there’s little to almost no space for trial & error and mindless clicking in each location - and that is one of the things I liked most about the game.

The majority of point & clicks have a habit of opening up a multitude of locations for you to explore and lose yourself into, searching for that small thing that allows you to progress further. On the contrary, The Wild Case is a fairly linear game and even if you normally have multiple simultaneously open quests, these are chained together and will always have to be solved in an orderly manner. You talk to one NPC in order to acquire an item, but they will give it to you only if you solve a quest for them. In order to solve this quest, you need to talk to another NPC that will require you to bring him another object in return, and so on. Once you acquire such an item, you only need to follow the trail back to the original request. In that regard, the game feels extremely fluid, effortlessly flowing from one action to another, from one scene to another. There is no hint system and the map doesn’t indicate which locations have available actions, but there’s also no need for such things due to the game’s uncomplicated design.

The Wild Case’s story is dark and gripping but has a gentle and satisfying ending. There are a couple of very soft jump scares, but it’s far from being a horror game. The hand-drawn artwork is amazing with each location looking like a standalone painting, and the NPCs are nicely animated.

It takes only a couple of hours to complete the game, and most of the achievements are story-related. There are a couple of missable achievements that require doing something at the right moment or in a certain order, but there aren’t any collectibles to gather. It's definitely worth buying it for the gorgeous graphics and its captivating story, or only for having a few hours of chill gameplay.

More reviews on the Lilly's Corner Curator page

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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.08% 54 11
Release:06.04.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Specialbit Studio Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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