• This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.
  • This Land Is My Land: Screen zum Spiel This Land Is My Land.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 23.07.23

Über das Spiel

Nimm deinen treuen Bogen, deinen schnellen Mustang und erobere dein Land zurück. Kämpfe gegen umherstreifende Patrouillen, schleiche dich in Festungen und Siedlungen, erkunde die wunderschöne Welt, stelle Waffen und Verbrauchsgüter her, jage Tiere und führe deine treuen Gefährten zum Sieg!

This Land Is My Land bietet dir eine einzigartige Mischung aus Stealth-Action und Strategie-Mechanik, die es dir ermöglicht, zahlreiche Ansätze für jedes Problem oder jede Bedrohung zu wählen, auf die dein Stamm auf dem langen Weg zur Rückeroberung deines Landes trifft.

Erforsche eine immer gleiche, 100 Quadratkilometer große Welt, die sich über drei einzigartige Biome erstreckt, voller wertvoller Ressourcen, gefährlicher Tiere, die du jagen musst, und einer Reihe anderer Stämme, die sich deinem Widerstand anschließen wollen.

Begegnen Sie Hunderten von feindlichen Siedlungen mit Tausenden von feindlichen Siedlern darin, bekämpfen Sie umherstreifende Patrouillen, verhindern Sie die Entwicklung von Städten, sprengen Sie Eisenbahnen und tun Sie alles, was Sie für vernünftig halten, um die gegnerischen Kräfte daran zu hindern, sich über Ihr rechtmäßiges Land auszubreiten.

Verwalten und entwickeln Sie Ihre Lager, schicken Sie Ihre Krieger zum Angriff, erteilen Sie Handwerksaufträge, errichten Sie neue Siedlungen und bauen Sie eine halbautonome Infrastruktur auf, die gegen Siedler kämpft, ohne Zeit für Ihre tödlichen Geschäfte zu verlieren.

Erleben Sie realistische Bedürfnisse - behandeln Sie Krankheiten, die durch unkluges Essen in der Hitze des Gefechts oder schmutziges Wasser aus dem Fluss verursacht werden, oder schalten Sie dieses System ab, wenn es nicht zu Ihrem Spielstil passt.

Finde eine gute Verwendung für eine Widerstandserschaffung, die es dir ermöglicht, deinen nächsten Widerstand so zu gestalten, wie du ihn spielen möchtest.

Finde gute Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für ein breites Spektrum an tödlichen und nicht-tödlichen Stealth-Werkzeugen, verwende Köder, um Fleischfresser in feindliche Lager zu locken, vergifte feindliche Nahrung und stelle Fallen her...

Nutze die Umgebung, um die Folgen deiner Infiltration zu verbergen, oder nutze sie als guten Beobachtungspunkt, um dein weiteres Vorgehen in einer feindlichen Siedlung zu planen.

Treffen Sie eine Entscheidung - lassen Sie sie zu Tode erschrocken davonlaufen und verbreiten Sie die Nachricht über Ihre Tapferkeit und Freundlichkeit oder töten Sie sie auf der Stelle; beide Möglichkeiten haben ihre Konsequenzen.

Fühlen Sie das lebensechte Wahrnehmungssystem der KI, das Augen, Ohren und Mund hat, um mit anderen zu kommunizieren, ein Gedächtnis, um das übliche Verhalten der Spieler zu verstehen, und ein Bewusstsein, das es ihnen erlaubt, die Störungen um sie herum zu spüren.

Erstellen Sie Ihre eigene Lieblingswaffenliste aus einer großen Auswahl an Bögen, Steinschlössern, Gewehren, Repetierern, Optiken und mehr. Vergessen Sie nicht, die realistische Ballistik zu berücksichtigen.

Kämpfen Sie gegen eine intelligente Kampf-KI, die versucht, den Spieler kollektiv zu bekämpfen, indem sie seine Umgebung und Waffenvorteile nutzt.

Aktivieren Sie Realistic Damage in Ihrem Widerstand, um eine weitere Schwierigkeitsstufe und Immersion zu erleben, indem Sie Blutungen, Frakturen, Infektionen, Schocks und mehr aktivieren. Dieses System gilt für Sie und Ihre Feinde.

Erstellen Sie eine vertrauenswürdige Kriegspartei, eine direkt kontrollierte Gruppe von Kriegern, die an Ihrer Seite reist und kämpft.

In der Strategieansicht können Sie jederzeit eine kurze Kampfpause einlegen oder auf Notfälle reagieren, die weit von Ihrem aktuellen Standort entfernt sind.

Bereiten Sie sich auf kommende Ereignisse vor, indem Sie Ihren Kriegern im Lager verschiedene Befehle erteilen.

Übertrumpfe die globale KI, die mit ihrem Strategiespiel versucht, dich im Rennen um die Eroberung der Regionen deiner Welt zu schlagen. Verhindern Sie alle Versuche der KI, die Welt zu dominieren, indem Sie ihre Ressourcensammlungen, Zugentwicklungen und Stadtentwicklungen unterbrechen.

Handeln Sie mit Ihren Wertgegenständen, die Sie im sozialen Versteck aufbewahren, über die globale Spieler-zu-Spieler-Auktion.

Messen Sie sich mit anderen Spielern in den Bestenlisten.

Schließen Sie eine Vielzahl von Ereignissen mit wertvollen Belohnungen ab.

Finden Sie eine gute Verwendung für einen freundlichen Chat im Spiel.

Nutzen Sie das Mailsystem, um anderen Spielern Gegenstände zu schicken und zwischen Ihren Resistenzen zu wechseln.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 2.8Ghz or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 950 or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 1080 or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 10:55
Grafik und Story...außerdem haben bei mir früher immer die Indianer gewonnen;-)
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
37578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 13:32
Schönes Spiel, interessanter Ansatz und gut umgesetzt.
Teilweise vorhandene Bug werden regelmäßig behoben.
Für Ego-Shooter-Freunde auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.
107 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 14:45
Piece of c**p !!!
Ich habe extra gewartet bis die early access Phase vorbei ist in der Erwartung ein fertiges Spiel für diesen völlig überteuerten Preis zu erwerben. Leider ist das Spiel in keiner Weise fertig. Die Gamepad Konfiguration lässt keine Tasten ändern und ist standardmäßig nicht mit den wichtigsten Funktionen ausgestattet wie der Wechsel von first-person zu third-person. Stattdessen habe ich sowas Unnötiges wie autowalk auf dem linken stick. Die Grafiken der nahen Gräser und Pflanzen sehen im first Person Modus aus als handle es sich um schlichte 2D sprites aus einer Zeit vor einer Zeit. Die Animationen sind nicht vorhanden (Tiere häuten oder ähnliche Interaktionen), die Jagt macht generell keinen Spaß, da überhaupt kein Treffer-feedback existiert. Auch die vorhandenen Idle Animationen haben keine Kollisionsabfrage und glitschen nur so vor sich hin (Indianer in Zelte, Werkzeuge in den Boden usw.) Anti-immersion könnte man das nennen. Kurz um, dieses Spiel ist sch***e und macht keinen Spaß, obwohl es doch soviel Potenzial gehabt hätte. Ich bereue den Kauf total, aber kann es bedauerlicherweise nicht mehr zurückgeben, da ich an diesem Abend zu lange hoffte, dass es noch besser wird. Die Steam Rückgabe Richtlinie (unter 1h Spielzeit) wurde leider von mir überschritten. Das war mir eine weitere Lehre und ich werde mir besser gar keine Spiele mehr kaufen, die jemals im early access waren, weil es sich für mich letztlich nur wie ein Betrugsmodel anfühlt. Ich hoffe, dass das Spiel vielleicht in ein paar Jahren so weit ist. Nur bezweifle ich, dass ich es bis dahin überhaupt nochmal spielen will, wenn es überhaupt noch fertig gemacht wird. Was ich ebenfalls anzweifle, denn man hat das Geld ja schon kassiert. Ein weiterer Schandfleck der Spieleentwicklung ist geboren. Danke für nichts Game-Labs!!!
332 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 14:59
So ein tolles Genre.....
Der Ansatz ist großartig aber die Umsetzung frustriert häufiger als es Spaß macht.

Das Sichtfeld, so richtig raus scrollen ist nicht möglich und zwingt einen oft sich permanent durch die Gegendzu drehen.
Das Pferd, es bleibt oft iwo hängen, sobald eine Bodenwelle erscheint kriegt der Char Schaden.
Kutschen sind da ähnlich hängst am Busch fest kannst dich nicht bewegen.
Durch den Charakternamen kriegt man sehr willkürlich iwelche Boni oder eben auch nicht aber Tragekapazitäten von 10kg und 150kg am start sind mehr als dämlich.
So kommt es also häufiger dazu das das Inventar voll ist obwohl man nur einen Dulli gelootet hat.
Dann die unübersichtliche Lager Gestaltung, warum einfach wenn es auch schwer geht. Sobald man in eine Lager steht kann man eh Items ins Inventar nehmen und sie wo anders hin transportieren, warm man nicht direkt ein gesamtes Inventar dazu nutzt versteht keiner, nein so muss ich individuelle jedes Item von a nach b transportieren.

Das Levelsystem ist auch eher unschön, für iwelche Events kriegt man dann zwischendruch SP die man umwandeln kann in Skills.

Quests die zu erledigen sind tauchen eher störend auf und fühlen sich lästig an.

Insgesamt bleib ich dabei, das System als solches echt toll gemacht, die Umsetzung eher sehr sehr schlecht, ich hab 2-3 Anläufe gegeben aber kam immer wieder dazu das dieses Spiel eher nervt als Spaß macht. Schade eigentlich :/
55 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 13:55
Eigentlich dachte ich das Spiel ist mit RDR2 zu vergleichen. Aber nicht einmal im Ansatz. Die Missionen wiederholen sich andauernd. Eine richtige Story gibt es auch nicht. Eigentlich ist das Spiel keine 5€ wert. Da sollten die Entwickler nochmal ganz von vorne anfangen. Die Idee ist super die Umsetzung total mies
23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
13188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 00:39
Nice game, but incredible buggy. Wagons and coaches in rocks fixed and can´t move anywhere... what a pity.
15 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 22:31
Ich habe das Spiel heut gekauft und ca. 6 Stunden gespielt.
Leider muss ich sagen dass ich sehr enttäuscht bin und es packt mich überhaupt nicht. Von einer EA Version die schon ein Jahr aufn Markt ist und 40, - Euro kostet habe ich schon mehr erwartet.

Im großen und ganzen ist das die billige Version von Red Dead Redemption, nur mit Indianern.
- Crafting ist nur auf Ausrüstungsgegenstände beschränkt, kein Base Bau.
- Kein soziales Leben im Camp, also auch kein Nachwuchs. neue Krieger rekrutieren sich von selbst ohne das man gefragt wird.
- Die Gegner-KI ist zwar stark aber dumm wie Stroh, sobald man ein paar Meter vom Feind wegläuft verliert dieser komplett die Orientierung und sucht auch nicht weiter.
- Der Sound der Waffen ist total unrealistisch und hört sich an wie Knallfrösche.
- Die Tiere verhalten sich seltsam, manchmal laufen sie weg, manchmal kann man ganz nah ran gehen und sie ohne Probleme killen. Tiere wie Bisons reagieren auf einen überhaupt nicht, selbst wenn man ganz nah ran geht.
- Die Animation der eigenen Stammeskrieger beim Sammeln von Rohstoffen ist lächerlich, diese rennen willkürlich nur hin und her.

Es gibt bestimmt noch einiges was ich nicht gesehen habe, aber mir ist auch die Lust vergangen weiterspielen.
Durch die dumme KI und die schlechten Animationen fehlt es an Realität und man kann schlecht selber eintauchen.

Das ist leider das was viele hier Schreiben, es wird zuviel an Content gearbeitet bzw. upgedatet aber zu wenig an der Spielmechanik, an den Animationen und der Realitätsnähe, dadurch macht es absolut kein Spaß und wird schnell langweilig.

An sich ist die Idee nicht schlecht, aber leider die Umsetzung, der einzige Pluspunkt ist die Grafik.
Ich bezweifle dass hier noch große Sprünge kommen, also spart euch lieber die Kohle :-)
159 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
1998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 16:41
Im Spiel This Land is my Land übernehmen wir die Rolle eines Indianerhäuptlings der mit seinem Stamm sich gegen die Besiedlung seines Landes zur Wehr setzt.Dabei steht es uns frei ob wir die Siedler einschüchtern oder töten.Stück für Stück erobern wir so die einzelnen Territorien zurück was mit der Zeit schwieriger wird da es Patroulien irgendwan gibt und auch Forts gibt die schwerer zu knacken sind.Im Spiel können wir etliche Dinge bauen wie Bögen,Pfeile,Fallen und Medizin während wir uns zumidnest am Anfang Feuerwaffen noch von den Siedlern erbeuten,jedoch finden sich ab und zu Baupläne und die dazugehörigenMaterialien in den Lagern der Siedler.

Mein Eindruck:

Ich mag dass Setting sehr und finde es schön dass man Indianer und nicht Cowboy ist,jedoch sollten mehr Ereignisse im Spiel vorkommen,nur immer Lager zerstören,Ländereien zurückerobern und Postkustchen überfallen nur ist auf Dauer etwas öde denke ich.Es gibt ja genug Filme über den Wilden Westen da können die Entwickler sich doch bestimmt Inspiration holen.

Bugs und seltsame Spielmechaniken:

Während meines Spieles sind mir ein paar Bugs aufgefallen und es gibt ein paar Spielmechaniken die ich sehr seltsame finde
*manchmal bleiben eingeschüchterte Siedler an Ort und Stelle stehen anstatt das sie wegrennen
*bereits befreite Gebiete sind aufeinmal gleich wieder besetzt wenn eine Patrouille in einer Siedlung gerade ist oder man liest in einer befreiten Siedlung einen Zettel und auchda ist dass Gebiet wieder besetzt
*Postkutschen fahren seltsame Wege und sry die sollten im Wald doch langsamer sein bzw auch umkippen können wegen Realismus
*zudem wenn eine Postkutsche der Fahrer tot ist solle man sein eigenes Pferd nebenher traben lassen können dass man es nicht zurücklassen muss bzw man sollte es vorne einspannen können wenn die Pferde der Kutsche tot sind.

Fazit: Freue mich schon wie sich dass Spiel entwickeln wird da ist noch viel möglich
85 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 13:32
Das beste Spiel für mich was ich je gespielt habe.

Erstmal, weil man Indianer ist und kein Cowboy.
Das ist für mich sehr wichtig weil den Indianern in echt, viel Leid angetan wurde.
Für mich einer der Schlimmsten verbrechen der Menschheit.
Da muss ich nicht noch ein Spiel spielen wo man als Cowboy Indianer umbringt.

Weil man dieses Spiel so spielen kann das man niemanden töten muss, was ich als wichtig erachte.
Man kann das Land also so gesehen taktisch zurück bekommen, durch Einschüchterung und Verteidigung.

Die Funktion von 3 Person, 1 Person und Karten Verwaltung bringen viele Funktionen von anderen Spielen vereint zusammen so das man ein gutes Konzept hat mit dem man Strukturiert arbeiten kann.

Andere Dinge wie das Bau/Fähigkeiten Menü ist übersichtlich und gut durchdacht.

Ich weiss das Spiel befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung trotzdem möchte ich dazu noch etwas sagen, was ich hinzufügen oder ändern würde...
Und zwar das die Leute im Feindes Lager mehrere Dinge tun z.B unberechenbare lauf strecken, auch das die mal auf ihre eigenen Pferde gehen und den Ort kurz verlassen und wieder kommen...
Andere Gespräche.
Abhörbare vorhaben was sie als nächstes Planen.
Wenn man den Chef einschüchtert ihn wieder frei lässt und der die anderen davon überzeugt zu gehen ohne ihn schlagen zu müssen.
Leute Fesseln und mitnehmen um dann mit denen zu sprechen.
Verhandlungen führen Gefangene Austauschen sich einigen oder Hinterhalt.
Eigenen Wagen bauen um seine gesammelten Stoffe zum anderen Lager zu transportieren.
Komplexes Kampfsystem.
Die Möglichkeit weitere Tiere als Freunde zu gewinnen durch Kommunikation das der Adler dann als Drohne mit einem zusammen arbeitet.
Der Bär dir hilft den Feind zu verjagen und der Biber hilft Bäume zu fällen.
Und vieles mehr.

Unter anderem wäre das vielleicht ein Zusatz Inhalt der so aussehen könnte das man Frieden Schließen kann und die Möglichkeit hätte das Land der anderen zu besuchen so wie umgekehrt, eine Art zusammenarbeit gemeinsam aus den jeweils eigenen Ländern was dann eine neue Karte Voraussetzen würde.
Dort könnte man Waren tauschen und vielleicht sogar das andere Volk spielen und dort Dinge erledigen ...

Das Potenzial ist vorhanden und würde ich Entwickler sein würde ich aus dem Spiel richtig was machen.
Ich weiss das ist viel Arbeit aber wenn die Arbeit einem Spaß macht kann man sich dabei kreativ leben...

Respekt dafür das dieses Spiel in dem aktuellen Zustand besser ist als fertige Titel die von großen Firmen auf den Markt kommen.
Investiert die Einnahmen für die Weiterentwicklung das wird sich lohnen.
206 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 19:14
Manchmal einfach kein Ton mehr bis zum neustart...noice
91 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 10:09
Schöne Grafic aber Handhabung ist nicht so der bringer
947 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 18:34
I played this game now for a few hours and the game is good. But here are some tips I wished I knew asI started my first game:

- Your name at the start defines how different it will be for you. Try to get a name with just bonuses. At best some capacity or additional warriors . I cant give you good names for it because the stats for names are generated every month.
- Dont try to hunt all the Boars etc yourself to upgrade the villages. Make an order in your village and let them do it.
- Killing people loses you reputation and settlers will be more alarmed when you have a bad reputation. Try to knock the enemies off and intimdate them
The enemy settlers are expanding very fast, so dont take too long with starting your resistance. Get other villages to join you and take over the settlers supply lines.
- always take a second weapon with you because your weapons can break
- when you are at a village or small campfire you can access all villages and take/give them items.
121 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 14:12
War erst skeptisch, da es sich noch im Early Access befindet, muss aber sagen, dass es trotz des unfertigen Stand, dennoch viel Spaß macht und es genug zu tun gibt. Freue mich jetzt bereits auf noch kommenden Content.

Ideen: Charakteranpassung, kosmetische Anpassungen, Lageranpassung oder selber bauen, Multiplayer (auch gegeneinander). Potenzial ist jedenfalls vorhanden.
451 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 10:17
i can see the potential but i just is not fun in its current state.
every single enemy sounds the same with their unnaturally deep voice and the controls feel really floaty.
ill come back to the game in a year or two. until then its a no from me.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
14856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 17:45
Ein sehr schönes Game.
Die Option, auch ohne viel Morden weiterzukommen gefällt mir sehr!
Was mich ärgert ist, dass obwohl ich möglichst gewaltfrei durch mein Land ziehe, die Siedler immer wieder meine Leute meucheln ....
Nichts des do Trotz: ein super Spiel mit viel Liebe zum Detail!
145 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 10:44
Habe das Spiel kurz nach Veröffentlichung im Early gezockt. War noch sehr verbuggt vieles funktionierte nicht recht etc. Aber so ein spiel wie dieses gibt es noch nicht. Unverbrauchtes Setting also.

Survival, Crafting, Farm, Stealth, Managing(oder auch nicht)

Jetzt habe ich es angespielt, nochmal etwa 10. std. kaum Bugs, kein chrash!, viele neue sinnvolle Items und auch so alles machbar. Viele Spielstiel möglichkeiten. Balancing evtl. noch nicht so gut aber das kann ich noch kaum sagen. Menü wurde stark verbessert, das Camp handling ist logischer geworden , auch wenn einiges ungeklärt ist ohne spoilern zu wollen.

Schon jetzt ein vollwertiges Spiel und es wird noch besser!!

93 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 20:09
Zu Beginn muss ich sagen das das Spiel für ein Early Access-Spiel erstaunlich fertig ist. Und ich hatte viel Spaß damit. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt habe ich 20 Stunden investiert und bereue vllt nur eine davon weil ich eine Aufgabe nicht richtig gelesen hatte :D
Wenn man das Spiel vergleichen müsste würde ich es mit Far Cry 3 /4 vergleichen nur ohne eine Gescriptete Story. Das Spiel entwickelt sich immer anders und gibt Aufgaben die auf dem Stand der Partie basieren. Was man wissen muss es ist das es im Grunde darum geht das man die Indianer Stämme vereinen muss um die sich gleichzeitig ausbreitenden Bleichgesichter Einhalt zu gebieten.
Das Spiel lässt einen dazu sehr viele Freiheiten und der Skill Tree ebenfalls. Seinen Stamm und dessen Siedlungen sind dabei ausbaubar und können fürs farming und crafting herangezogen werden, was einem viel Zeit ersparen kann wenn man das denn will. Zusätzlich kann man die Stammesmitglieder einsammeln, bewaffnen und mit ihnen dann den Siedlern die Stirn bieten. Ob mit Betäubungpfeilen, Fallen und Gift. Oder mit Axt, Speer oder Bogen ist föllig frei. Verändert aber das ansehen bei anderen Stämmen. Man kann ebenfalls die Stammesmitglieder auf Angriffe schicken welche sie dann selbständig durchführen.

Es gibt viele, sehr schöne Mechaniken. Wie Postkutschen die Waffen und Materialien an die Außenposten/Forts der Siedler bringen oder Kutschen die Nahrung für die Siedler ranschaffen und sie dadurch stärker werden lassen.
Die KI baut neue Forts zur befestigung seiner Gebiete auf und versucht hier und dort durch Patrullien und Angriffe ihre Nachschubwege frei zu halten. Diese Nachschubwege kann man aber auch durch Straßensperren und schlaues Siedeln stören. Das sind nur ein paar Dinge die mir sehr gut gefallen haben,

Kommen wir zum einzigen Markel der dafür sorgt das ich ab jetzt auf den Release warte:
Die KI! Strategisch agiert sie gut was Sachen des Siedelns und Angreifen angeht.
Taktisch jedoch und im Gefecht ist sie noch nicht so weit. Wer ein Fort angreift und sich mit einem Repetiergewehr an die richtige stelle stellt kann 15 Leute ausschalten ohne Maus oder Charakter zu bewegen.
Allerdings ist die KI in der Lage auszuschwärmen und die gegen abzusuchen oder auch Verstecke gezielt zu beschießen um den Spieler oder Stammesmitglieder zu finden. Das müsste die KI öfter so machen.
Und was mich stört ist das die KI ihre Waffen auch weit außerhalb ihrer effektiven Kampfdistanz benutzt, Munition ist oft Mangelware (zumindest für westliche Waffen) und zu sehen wie ein Indianer versucht mit seinem Revolver jemanden auf 150Meter zu treffen ist einfach grausam. Weil ich weiß wie lange mein Armes Pferd mit der Munition im Gepäck rumlaufen musste um das zu ermöglichen.

This Land is My Land könnte zu einem wahnsinnig gutem Spiel werden. Es ist bereits ein gutes Spiel auch wenn es unfertig ist und es war mir jeden Cent wert. Doch wenn weiter an der KI, den Questsystem und Übersichtlichkeit gearbeitet wird könnte es ein wahrlich hervorragendes Spiel werden und vielen Spielern viele schöne Stunden bescheren.

An die Entwickler: Weiter so! Ihr macht hier gute arbeit.

14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 19:06
It is a bit frustating, that you can't get anything back if you die. You can't even get it back when you clear the camp and thats sooooooo annoying. But that aside it is a very good game
166 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 15:38
Also ich versteh die ganzen negativen bewertungen nicht klar jeder hat seine eigene meinung aber This Land is My Land hat das Potenzial was ganz großes zu werden es macht jetzt schon mega Spaß ich habe auch keinen buggs oder sonstige Probleme gehabt bis jetzt die grafik ist sehr schön anzusehen und das Prinzip seinen stamm auf zu bauen und neue lager zu gründen usw ist eine mega spaßige angelegenheit und man verbringt viel zeit damit seine krieger sammel zu schicken oder denn nächsten überfall zu planen ich würde das spiel zwischen einer mischung aus Mount and blade und red dead vergleichen
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 09:42
Top Spiel mit open World und Aufbauelementen. Macht mega Laune durch die Wälder zu streifen Rohstoffe zu sammeln und das Indianer Territorium zu erweitern :-)
90 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 17:40
Hier mag ich auch mal etwas beizutragen: Ich lese hier eigentlich nur Bug-„Berichte“ aber nichts mit einigermaßen Substanz. Ok, gibt hier und da noch eine Delle, aber wirklich nichts dramatisches. Da hatte ich schon andere Artikel des Typs „fertig“ die deutlich schlechter daher kamen. Ich habe es über den Sommer eine Weile gespielt, dann aber auch ein paar Monate liegen lassen. Es gab zwischendurch immer wieder Updates, Bugfixes und was auch immer sonst noch. Offenbar lebt das Projekt noch(?).

Was haben wir hier? Das Spiel ist in englisch, bisher gibt es keine Sprachvarianten, das ist aber auch mit eingerostetem Schul-Englisch noch machbar, ansonsten hilft leo.org. Es gibt keine Ellenlange Dialoge, man muss nicht jedes Wort verstehen.

Hier wird ein anderer Weg gegangen, es ist kaum mit einem bestehenden Spiel zu vergleichen. Dafür wird aber auch einiges geboten. Die Steuerung ist teilweise etwas ungewöhnlich, Tutorial mitlesen sei hiermit dringendst ans Herz gelegt, das ist aber auch überschaubar. Wir hätten hier erstmal einen 3nd-Person-Shooter (Zielpunkt kann man ändern aber 1st-Person wird nicht draus) mit herumschleichen, meucheln und Leichen verstecken. Nebenbei ein ansehnliches Crafting-Menü, den Stamm müssen wir auch noch aufbauen und unsere Krieger erfolgreich in die Schlacht zu führen braucht auch etwas Übung. Heilende Lebensmittel benutzen sie auch wenn man sie ihnen mitgibt. Außerdem übernehmen sie die Farming- und Crafting-Aufgaben. Die Karte ist riesig, durch freischaltbare Teleporter-Punkte, genannt „Outpost“, und den „auto-travel aber im Griff zu behalten. Wer Reise lieber per Hand regelt kann das machen, sollte aber Zeit mitbringen ^^

Online-Modus (optional aber angeraten): Man spielt nicht mit oder andere Spieler, es gibt aber einen Chat, ab und an passiert da auch etwas. Wichtiger ist der „social“-Reiter, hier hat man Zugriff auf ein Online-Warenhaus mit mittlerweile reichlich Angebot und ein „gemeinsames Lager“, hier kann man Gegenstände zwischen seinen eigenen gespeicherten Spielständen (genau genommen verschiedenen Kampagnen) verschieben. Anfangs sind beide Optionen in erster Linie für Camp-Upgrades nützlich, gehandelt wird aber alles was man tragen kann. Im Warenhaus bezahlt man mit TP (Trading-Points(?)), die läppern sich aber von alleine zusammen (erstmaliges einloggen bringt schon mal 50 TP am Tag), Echtgeld braucht man nicht! Gespeicherte Spiele in einer Kampagne werden überschrieben, man kann also nicht „ein paar“ Tage zurücksetzen! „Fire and forget“, mit einer getroffenen Entscheidung muss man Leben.

Charakterentwicklung: Eine Kombination aus vergebenem Namen und einem „Totem“, hier etwas experimentieren. Individualisieren gibt’s nicht, außer die Kriegsbemalung, hier aber besser auf die Quest (genannt objective) warten. Hinweis: Hier kommen einige Veränderungen je nach o.g. Kombination. Für den Anfang würde ich nach mehr Leben und Tragfähigkeit schauen, das ist aber natürlich Geschmacksache.
Camps und Krieger: Camps haben abhängig von der Ausbaustufe ein Bevölkerungslimit, längere Überbevölkerung verursacht Abwanderung. Also Camp upgraden (siehe Hinweis Warenhaus) oder neue Camps gründen, vorzugsweise nicht im gleichen Gebiet. Weitere Indianer finden sich durch Verhandlungen mit neutralen Camps (manchmal sind die allerdings etwas bockig), „Befreiung“ neuer Gebiete, Erledigung mancher „objectives“, direkte Befreiung aus Gefangenschaft oder manchmal auch ohne erkennbaren Grund. Das erste Camp bekommt die meisten ab, also Bevölkerung im Auge behalten. Viele kleine Klecker-Camps bringen nicht viel, gerade Camps in umkämpften oder Grenzregionen sollten etwas größer ausfallen. Wenn ein Camp mindestens ein Upgrade hatte (einfachheitshalber: da steht schon mal ein Zelt) können Krieger auch sammeln und grundsätzlich jedes freigeschaltete Rezept craften. Augen auf was in dem Gebiet so wächst und lebt, alles was in guter Menge Verfügbar ist hat Vorrang, anderes versuchen sie auch zu besorgen, kann aber dauern, kann auch nicht klappen. Auge drauf, wenn nach Stunden irgendetwas gar nicht an Land kommt Priorität ändern oder diese „order“ heraus nehmen. Priorität hätte hier zunächst Basisbewaffnung, Camp-Upgrades, dann vielleicht noch Lebensmittel.

SPs (Skill Points (?)): DER wichtigste Punkt. Hiermit kauft man Rezepte und Skills für sich selber oder welche, die sich (auch) auf den Stamm auswirken. Es gibt sie für erledigte objectives (meist recht viele, eine ist auch die o.g. Kriegsbemalung), kills (moderat, wirkt aber auch für Tiere) und crafting (eher wenig). Jedes Rezept / Skill den man kauft macht alle weiteren teurer. Hier lieber zweimal nachdenken. Anfänger-Tipp: Suche etwas mehr „flax“ und „wood“ als das Tutorial sagt. Bewaffne alle deine Start-Indianer mit dem Bogen und ein paar Pfeilen, nutze auch deine eigene Bewaffnung dafür, die sollte für die nächsten Minuten nicht gebraucht werden. „Auto-travel“ auf dem Pferd zu dem Camp mit dem Gehängten, hier gibt’s neue Bewaffnung (loot), ein Haufen Zeug was man mal besser wieder ins Camp schleppt (etliche Fallen, ich muss mir die noch einmal genauer ansehen, warum so früh ist mir nicht klar), das Zeug ist recht schwer (Pferd kann auch einiges tragen). Jetzt (Spieldauer, je nach Startgebiet und Englisch-Kenntnisse etwa 15- 30 Minuten) sollte man genug SPs für die Verwendung haben. Wir sind wieder bei Geschmacksache angekommen, diese Variante schluckt nicht so viele Punkte und ist effizient: Rezepte: „Arrows“ und „Hunting-Bow“ (super Job als Basisbewaffnung, Arrows 200, Bow sollten 10 reichen), dann Skill „Thomahawk“, super für die ersten Angriff und auch später sehr nützlich. Achtung, es gibt Auch einen Abschnitt im Tutorial für alles unter Taste „e“, das gehört dazu.

Ich meine hier irgendwo gelesen zu haben „wenn man stirbt verliert man alles“. Das ist nur die halbe Wahrheit. Man verliert die Ausrüstung die man gerade mit sich herumschleppt. Da die Tragfähigkeit aber allgemein recht begrenzt ist hält sich auch der Schaden in Grenzen. Unwiederbringliche Super-Ausrüstung wäre mir noch nicht untergekommen. Ärgerlicher ist vielmehr, dass man etwa die Hälfte der nicht ausgegeben SPs einbüßt. Im Gegenzug erhält man eine „Rache-Mission“ (objective) die reichlich SPs bringt und bei der man auch einen Teil der verlorenen Ausrüstung zurückholen kann.

Ok, parallel neues Spiel starten, mal sehen was aktuell Phase ist:
Sturzschäden bei Pferden weil sie versuchen nach „auto-travel“ die Bäume hoch zu reiten, sie halten aber auch ein wenig aus, man ist es also nicht gleich los. Sieheilen sich mit der Zeit auch wieder von alleine.
Dem Chat habe ich entnommen, dass es derzeitig wohl ein Problem mit der Steuerung gekaperter Kutschen gibt. Kann ich so nicht bestätigen; „auto-travel“ funktioniert auf Wegen oder in offenem Gelände gut, sobald es unwegsam wird besser selber machen, somit alles bestens. Vorsicht beim Absteigen, nicht gerade an einem Hang oder einem Gelände aus dem man nicht mehr raus kommt, springen gibt’s (noch) nicht.
Mit dem neuen Spiel war ich nun einige Stunden unterwegs, Abstürze oder fps-Einbrüche hatte ich keine.
Dieses Spiel braucht Aufmerksamkeit, nebenbei Herumgeklicke funktioniert nicht. Die Zeit arbeitet gegen dich, die Bleichgesichter rücken immer näher…

JA, es ist seinen Preis Wert. Ich wollte weit weniger schreiben, vieles habe ich aber nicht mal angerissen. Man muss das Thema mögen, dann ist es auch eine Überlegung wert.

Vielen Dank an alle die es bis hier geschafft haben.
133 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 15:30
Tolles Konzept mit großem Potential.

Grafik und Atmosphäre finde ich bereits ziemlich gut gelungen - mit ein wenig Feinschliff (ist ja noch Early Access) - kann das Spiel sicherlich mal sehr schön und atmosphärisch werden.

ABER leider ist die Steuerung so schlecht, dass das Spiel überhaupt keinen Spaß macht. Die Steuerung des Craftings und der Verwaltung des eigenen Stammes ist extrem umständlich, macht keinen Spaß, hat die Ästhetik einer 90´er Jahre Steuersoftware und stört die sonst gute Atmosphäre. Vor allem aber macht die Steuerung der zentralen Aktivitäten des Spiels (bewegen, schleichen, sammeln, zielen, schießen), insbesondere die total lieblos umgesetzte Steuerung von Zielen und Schießen (mit Bogen), das Spiel kaputt.
115 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 12:20
142 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 18:15
Nachdem ich jetzt das Spiel 4 Mal neugestartet und mittlerweile über 30 Stunden damit verbracht habe, meinen Stamm auf- sowie auszubauen und mich gegen die hinterhältig rücksichtslosen Bleichgesichter zur Wehr zu setzen, wage ich eine kleine Einschätzung.
Ich habe das Spiel trotz EA tatsächlich für 40 € gekauft, wovon ich jetzt allerdings jedem abraten würde. Nicht, weil das Spiel so schlecht ist, sondern weil noch zuviel im EA-Status, verbuggt und unausgereift ist. Lieber auf einen Sale warten und dann zuschlagen.
Das Spiel selbst macht Spaß, sieht optisch sehr gut aus und setzt einen eigentlich permanent unter Druck. Im Hintergrund tickt immer der Expansionzähler jener bleichgesichtigen Landräuber, dem wir versuchen etwas entgegenzusetzen. Im Spiel selbst wird wenig erklärt, man muss vieles selbst entdecken und durchschauen. Zum Glück gibt es mittlerweile einige Guides im Internet, die einem den Einstieg erleichtern. Aber ehrlich gesagt, hat mich das Neuanfangen zu keinem Zeitpunkt genervt. Der Auf- und Ausbau ist tatsächlich befriedigend und man lernt recht schnell aus seinen Fehlern. Es gibt immer wieder Aufträge zu erledigen, das beschränkte sich bei mir aber nur auf Such- und Kill/Einschüchtern-Aufträge. Allerdings bin ich nicht über Tag 70 hinausgekommen, vielleicht kommt da später noch mehr.
Was derzeit unter anderem noch nicht so optimal läuft – zumindest war das bei mir der Fall – das Sammelverhalten der Stammesmitglieder. Man kann seinen Leuten in den Camps Sammelaufträge erteilen, aber so ganz klappt das mit der KI noch nicht. Hatte oft den Fall, dass über längere Zeit nichts im Lager landete bzw. nur sehr wenig und wenn ich ins Lager kam, stand rund um das Lager alles voll mit Holz.
Sollten die Entwickler an den Fehlern im Spiel weiter arbeiten, sie beseitigen und das ganze Spiel noch benutzerfreundlicher gestalten (zum bsp. mehrere Speicherstände und eine individuellere Anpassung der Schwierigkeit), dann könnte es tatsächlich ein sehr vergnügliches Spiel werden.
Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt macht es schon viel Freude, aber sorgt halt auch oft für kurze Frustmomente. Derzeit nervt mich bspw am meisten, dass weder das Anlocken mit Steinen noch das Imitieren eines Wolfes den gewünschten Effekt, einzelne Gegner zu einem zu locken, haben. Von solchen Schnitzern gibt es im Spiel tatsächlich noch reichlich, was es dadurch aber nicht unspielbar macht sondern manchmal etwas verärgert.
Alles in allem gibt es von mir einen Daumen hoch, weil sich das Spiel für ein EA-Spiel schon verdammt gut anfühlt. Hoffentlich verzetteln sich die Entwickler nicht noch, das wäre wirklich schade für das Spiel.
217 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 15:15
Der Einstieg in dieses Spiel ist teilweise recht hart und die Lernkurve steil.
aber es gibt eine hilfreiche Kommunity.
Die Grafik ist klasse und es macht richtig Spaß sich sein Tribe aufzubauen.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 13:13
I bought the game after watching several let's play videos on YT. In my opinion, the game is definetly more fun to watch than to play.

* The world is beautifully designed
* The concept behind the game is interesting and I still kinda like the videos on YT

However I got frustrated with the game so quickly that I consider it a waste of money.
* Naming your character and your horse works basically like a slot machine. It feels bad, to get punished for picking my own name.
* The game starts smoothly with a small tutorial, however it is impossible to complete the frist quest because the mobs are killling you with two hits. I guess that has to do with the penalty points I had to take for wanting name of my choice.
* After dying so quickly on the first quest, the game basically leaves you with no guidance at all. You spawn at a random spot and the only thing left to do is sending you warriors out for gathering stuff and gathering other stuff for yourself (and get killed by animals occasionally).

59 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
16847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 08:49
Sehr abwechslungsreiches Spiel. Mir gefällt der Aspekt, dass man sich anschleicht und Gegner betäubt statt sie nur abzuschießen. Dadurch ergeben sich taktisch viel mehr Möglichkeiten. Die Taktik ist mir das liebste am Speil.
Mir gefällt auch der Aufbau Aspekt. Man kümmert sich um Siedlungen um Stamm von denen man in den Gefechten Unterstützung erhält. Einerseits durch Ausrüßtung und andererseits durch Kampfgruppen.
Ich kann das Spiel wärmstens empfehlen
148 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 20:17
Hab´s nach 2h zurückgegeben.
Zu viele Bugs und Elemente die das Spiel (meiner Meinung nach) unspielbar machen.
Die erste Stunde habe ich versucht den Marker zum anzeigen von Materialien zu aktivieren.....Erfolglos!
Die restliche Zeit habe ich benötigt um zu merken, dass das Spiel in diesem Zustand keinen Spaß macht.
147 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 03:38
Ich würde dieses Spiel noch nicht empfehlen, da es allein schon mit der Steuerung sehr schwer ist, weil man nur mit Controller spielen kann. Es wäre schön wenn auch die Kamera Empfindlichkeit noch besser eingestellt werden kann. Außerdem sollte es am besten auch eine Deutsche Übersetzung geben. Vom Aufbau her ist das Spiel ansonsten gut gemacht. bitte arbeitet an den Mängeln damit es besser Spielbar ist. Dann würde ich es auch nochmal Testen und mein Feedback dazu geben.
108 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 12:46
Endlich mal Indianer...^^
191 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 12:32
Für 15 Euro maximal ist das Spiel ein guter Kauf. Wishlist und beim nächsten Sale gönnen!
124 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 06:01
Dieses Spiel ist in einer Herstellung ,Aufbau,Sammler und Jäger Simulation angesiedelt.Die Besiedelung durch europäische Einwanderer kennt jeder !
Es beginnt als Häuptling von nur noch ganz wenigen Natives ,die als erstes nur überleben müssen .
Also Holz sammeln für Bögen,Pfeilen und Herstellen von Gütern !
Als Stammes Oberhaupt musst du dich um deine Leute kümmern...also raus in die Natur.
Dein Land ist bereits besiedelt von europäischen Leuten die so einiges brauchbares im Gepäck von Übersee haben.
Ran an den Speck.Wie du es anstellst ist dir überlassen.Du musst nicht zwingend die armen Leute über den Haufen schießen.Am Anfang sowieso nicht, da man mit Holzpfeilen beginnt und mit denen man sowieso nicht so viel anstellen kann.
Hasen jagen ist da einfacher !
Je besser das Dorf ausgestattet ist ,um so höher steigt dein Ansehen.Von überall kommen Natives zu deinem Dorf,natürlich verlierst du auch welche die du auf Jagt oder zum Plündern schickst.
Je weiter du dich vom Dorf entfernst um so reicher wird das Land..so ist es mir aufgefallen,Die ersten Büffel tauchen auf und die ersten ....hört...!!Gefängnisse.
Und was macht man als Mann der was auf sich hält...richtig ..seine Leute befreien !Es ist deine Aufgabe dein Land zurück zu Erobern,das Gebiet wird immer wieder von Eindringlingen heimgesucht,zerstöre Camps und loote sie.Es ist fast unmöglich überall zu sein die Grenzen verschieben sich unaufhörlich.Vergrößere dein Dorf und lass deine Indianer das für dich tun !
Das ist ein Early Access Spiel mit sehr viel Potenzial.
Ich denke das das Geld angemessen ist.
Mal sehen ob ich noch irgendwann was dazuschreibe...könnte ich mir vorstellen.Ich verlinke mal ein Video das man den ersten Eindruck so mitbekommt !
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 08:54
great game, but not so good as red dead redmption 2
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 07:45
sehr gut nur deutsch müsste es geben ......
132 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 03:26
What a bad game. sneak doesn't work, you can have all the stealth you can get be in tall grass and they can see you from a mile away and your companions/warriors are pointless they are gathering/collecting to craft and they will just walk into an enemy camp 1 after another and start shooting with there bow even though its 10 to 1 and they can't take on 1 alone
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 17:26
Based off reat events as far as my knowledge. I'm Ottawa from Manitoulin Island. From the stories I've heard, this is pretty accurate.
125 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 19:11
This Land Is My Land is a good survival experience with a lot of horse riding in between. I enjoy the gameplay, but sometimes that darn horse's directional movement with a kb+m is a little rough. It's fun to recruit more individuals to the cause and, overall, there is a lot going on in this game.
135 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 23:58
A very challenging game. Doing well here is an accomplishment worthy of praise. Not for the faint of heart... but if you immerse yourself in the incredibly rich and detailed story, staying true to your tribe and your spirit guide you will do well!
159 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 08:33
Lovely Dev team and a great game all together. Stay safe and remain strong
185 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 03:37
One-of-a-kind game. As someone who's fascinated with ancestral peoples of all kinds, whether it be the Wendat, Ainu, or Sami, it is great to see a game focused on the perspective of a native, nature based culture. Now, this game is certainly fantasy, so do not get your panties in a bunch about historical accuracy, then you'll be able to see this for the labor of love that it is.

It has some rough edges; the music is awful and doesn't fit, some of the controls need some refining, etc. However, if you have any interest related to the subject matter, you'll enjoy this game. The survival mechanics are challenging and enjoyable and they create a fun learning curve that keeps a certain edge in the game.

I hope that this game spurs more interest in similar subject matters so that we can either see a sequel or other similar games pop up in the future.
223 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 08:09
This game is great at showing what it's like to be Native American; it's unbalanced, unfair and you're constantly losing your stuff to white people.

Problem is it's not intentionally so, this game is simply not done yet, it's clear from the beginning with a terrible on boarding and general user experience. Awful animations that pulls you out of the otherwise rather immersive graphics. Bugs will steal your stuff, a random encounter can go wrong put your gear on the other side of the map in a fort. Stealth is OP but again when you get discovered sneaking it doesn't feel like you failed but rather you didn't have the needed input to know how close you where to discovery.

Micro-managing your tribes is not that fun, your people will do nothing you haven't told them which doesn't feel like the nature of tribal people. They should trade and gather by themselves.

There's no emotionally catching storytelling, no use of Native American rich folklore and all characters you meet is named after a backer or random lulz...It feels like the game designer is still writing ideas for core game play, feature creeping and no one is concerned with polishing the game to a stage where it's enjoyable for the user.

Sometimes less is more, if they'd just focus on making hunting enjoyable, being in camp with my tribe or shooting my bow. One thing at a time, they might get there eventually...but as of now I can't recommend this game and it's sad because the concept is great, just not harnessed that well
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 02:05
Pretty fun game. Love the crafting and combat. Just getting started, so far so great!
184 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 20:58
Some bugs crawling around but still fun and addictive gameplay. Mechanics are there, just needs some honing. Rolling around is fun and all but actually jumping or being able to vault over objects would be nice.
273 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 15:51
Very good concept and very fun, but needs a lot more polishing, and could use some more content.
Hopefully the devs will have time in the future to figure these things out after the war. Wishing them all the best and that they and their families are safe.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 02:25
I like the level of difficulty in having to survive, along with trying to recover your own lands back from settlers
25 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
26410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 01:16
Great Game, would be better if you could at least CO-OP, but really good
179 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
2858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 10:17
Word of Warning - There is no end-game, there is no way to 'win'.

In this game's current state, you cannot control all territory, you cannot defeat 'the enemy' outright. Instead, you are caught in a never ending loop of enemy settlements appearing in your controlled territory (without warning) and at a rate that far exceeds your ability to reinforce any lost manpower.

Player townships and the territory they are located in (which are not able to be liberated or destroyed) are the spawn points for the enemies continued and never ending sprawl. The number of these settlements can range from 1 to 3+ in a randomly generated open world through each play-through. I will say this though, the immersive environments of each reactive open world is the best feature of this title.

So, much like American History has taught us, this game plays out the colonization of Native America in a brutal and never ending onslaught of bloodshed and slavery.

I'll correct my earlier statement: There is an end-game - as Chief of a Native American tribe, you lose.
144 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 07:55
Is it a stealth game? Yea, go through every camp at night slitting throats till the map is a ghost town. Super fun!

Is it an action game? Yea, go through every camp shooting up the place, maybe do some sniping! Super fun!

Is it a strategy game? Yea, lead your warriors to every camp on the warpath of the century! Super fun!

Will it crash every so often erasing everything you've worked so hard for because the game has only one save slot per campaign and no autosave feature? Yea, super fun!
797 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 03:40
I have been rather hopeful about this game through its development, but I truly cannot recommend it as a purchase.

It is an interesting concept- running a native resistance against the encroachment of settler influence in their area, but it sadly falls short in one major aspect: Drive.

There are bugs, sure. There are lots of 'sneaky kill' features too. But the sad truth of the game is it's basically just a sandbox no matter how you play it... The gameplay has no sense of urgency, no stakes raising, no... no reason to plunge your face into yet another camp full of nondescript baddies with weird social names. More loot? Sure. But the loot's basically all the same, and you can't carry most of it. To expand your territory? Well, yes, but if you're just trying to keep pace with the settlers you can spend three quarters of your time staring into space and still manage that.

Stop the train? Well, at least that's a big fight at the base camps, but that can be mostly alleviated with cover and range. And then... it's just a delay for time, which you don't need.

All in all, if you didn't have to run across the whole map this game would have very little substance or time to it- and as you can see by my played hours I -really- wanted to delve into this and find a good game in it. But I've come to the conclusion that there just... isn't one there. There's just a bunch of hp bars waiting to get clicked down with gun or bow, or stealthed up to and clicked on if that's more your speed.

I hope this game improves and becomes something to be played rather than endured, but for now, it is the latter.
781 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 06:47
I died of thirst in the pouring rain.

I starved to death while the women repeated food preparation animations and the well armed men gathered more wood after I ordered them to get meat..

So I ordered them to use horses after which they stood kind of half inside the horse and stayed frozen there..

I bled to death in less than 7 seconds while attempting to bandage my only injury, a small puncture on my hand..

My 2 bands of level 5 warriors, 8 men armed with rifles and pistols that failed repeatedly to respond to Attack and Return Fire commands, were all killed in less than a minute by 2 level 2 enemies with makeshift clubs..

I am the chief of an indigenous tribe that has no idea what is just over the hill in any direction..

I am from the group of people who invented fish hooks but I have to shoot fish circling at my feet with a bow or gun when they could easily be scooped up by hand..

This list of features is by no means exhaustive. My 10 hours in the game might be my last, barring a serious overhaul of feature accessibility. So why recommend it? Because this game is mightily ambitious. It does a lot that reveals itself over time. Like many survival games, it seems bare-boned at first but really opens up upon exploration and discovery. The game world and player's character are very well made, animations for him are smooth and efficient. Horse riding is fun and easy. The game shines best as a third person exploration and craft-em-up with light combat mechanics. But the game limits what can be achieved playing this way, so that tribe management via menus and UI is immediately necessary for your own survival. While you are learning how to do this, you will die in a wide variety of ridiculously ironic ways.

There is an embarrassment of wealth in UI options for player control of the tribe. There are often multiple ways to go about performing the same action. After 10 hours I was still learning the UI and menu navigation, a trial and error process that became the game-play itself. You will be managing much more from the menus than you will from your presence and interactions in the world. It's rather like a board game or card collector where the 3D world was an afterthought. Combat feels tacked on and paper thin. I could easily head-shot a whole outpost of armed men with the game's starter bow and small pointy sticks, but my 8 seasoned warriors with shotguns and rifles fight like fish in a barrel, a school of confused minnows milling about and bumping into each other. In such a state they are easily picked off in a matter of a minute or two. But friendly AI can be repaired and I hope it will be.

Overall, what is an extremely ambitious (and much needed imo) run at World Management from the perspective of Native Americans during colonial expansion, ultimately falters under the weight of its own complexity and clunky user interface. Yes, I died of thirst in the pouring rain. But it was my own stupid fault for not seeing the rain bucket by the tepee entrance in time. And when I did after that, I over drank and received de-buffs. The game punishes you for not knowing anything at all, while requiring that you do, and not teaching you much along the way. I imagine it could take upwards of 20 hours to achieve a stable tribe and to get a comprehensive handle on the interface. It can be done as it is. The game works. But the investment prior to the fun is not balanced well enough for the price tag.

This is Game-Labs first swing at it, and while this release is not quite a home-run, they have a Grande Slam in them, I just know it. This game, if nothing else, is proof that they can do it. I will follow and watch and wait while they work, and wonder what they may do now. My wallet will always be open for such lofty and worthy endeavors.

Big things have small beginnings, but pick it up half off.

429 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 17:39
Want to like this game, great idea. Low polish and jank are a bit much for me at 30$.
594 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 12:33
I wont lie. This needs more time in the oven, there are a decent amount of quite bad bugs and there is nowhere near enough polish for the price. The game core gameplay and the concept are great but for this price point BUYER BEWARE. If you can look past the lack of tutorials and information and the aforementioned bugs and polish then the game offers something you wont really get out of anything else I can think of.

I hope they continue to work on it because its a great idea and the core gameplay is great I feel like they jsut need the funds to be able to continue to work on the project.
241 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 02:00
It is a great concept but poor execution right now. Unfortunately due to bugs, it was a chore to even play 2 hours. Poor optimization. Essential mechanics such as tribe management was impossible if every time I added an order or gather option, the AI would freeze and there would be no way to fix it. Which in turn, made the game impossible to play.

Has potential to be a unique fun game. Only if they set aside time to fix the core issues/bugs rather than adding content.
39 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 17:27
So, after playing the game for a couple of hours, and i've only had it since the major train update arrived, i can say now whats the deal with this new western proposal. i've been playing games since i can remember for 30 years and i allways thought if someday some company would create a game where my interactions have a direct or indirect consequence on the world with full liberty ... not scripted. many games try to do it only to fall short of promisses. other aspect is the multiplicity of ways you can solve a problem...settlers are expanding fast? just cut their food, wood and construction materials supply, sabotage their train, or destroy some forts; and you can do this by poisoning, booby trapps, stealh killing or just rampaging with your warriors...all of this without the game babysitting you and giving you direct markers for the missions ( you will have to interrogate enemys to get the markers). the game is not perfect, and it needs polishing and further development for basic things that should be there from the start, like leap over walls, proning and the fight could be better. with that said its clearly one of the best gaming experiences i've EVER had in gaming. and it gets me sad how less of coverage this game had, and the majority of the bad reviews i see are about some micro part of the game, when its macro is a gem.
160 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 23:57
Great Game. I only purchased after the latest update. I wanted to make sure the devs had not abandoned this game.
253 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 17:19
Game uses slots for save games, meaning you have one save for a particular campaign. Had the game crash randomly while loading a save and now the file's corrupted. No back-up like in other games, meaning you don't lose a bit of progress but the entire playthrough. Ridiculous in this day and age.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 04:50
very repetitive and disappointing.
71 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 04:32
Has some bugs and a few weird mechanics but all in all a very fun game. Very enjoyable, love it!
91 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 23:14
Its fun All Around Recommend
25 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 03:56
I did find this game really enjoyable! yea its bugy its early access anyone remember minecraft when it first came out it was like 12$ and it was sandbox with only 24 blocks to pick from. Thats basicly where this game is at right now; are they asking a little to much 40$ for the game another 40$ for dlc? yea but some people like me dont mind investing into a indie game its not the next minecraft but the devs are still here and they are still working hard the games not done just try and remember that before getting all whiny.
282 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 11:20
This Land is My Land is fantastic, but it's not a game for everyone. It's a small game made by a tiny team, but they did an incredible job so far considering what their goals are and their limited resources. This Land is My Land reminds me a lot of Kenshi on many aspects. It's not clear everytime how some mechanics or systems work, it's sometimes rough around the edges, even janky or clunky perhaps.

Yet, i can only praise the game for it's uniqueness considering how rare games on native are, but also because the style of the game fits perfectly the theme and the context. You are a native chief, and your goal is simple: Survive as the europeans settlers colonise your land, gather tribes and build a united force in the hope of kicking these pesky invaders out of your homeland. This means not only you will have to get your hand dirty by yourself as a warrior, but also that you will have to plan your tribe economy and ensure that you use your assets wisely. So the game is both an action game but also a strategy one, as you have to manage your settlements, warriors and your economy. If you are into this kind of hybrid games a la Kenshi, then you probably will greatly enjoy This Land is My Land despite some basic execution here and here.

I strongly suggest to play with Realistic damages. It gives a whole new layer of possibilities, as wounds can now get infected, cause bleeding, punctures, not only for you but also the enemies. It means harassing settlements and patrols is a viable options as the enemies won't have infinite healing and will bleed to death if hurt without proper supplies. It also makes ambushing, dealing damages and retreating quickly before taking damage back a viable playstyle and option in the long term.

You are a native facing a powerful opponent that outnumber and outgun you, and as more time pass, the more ferocious it is. Be smart, don't look for direct confrontation and use asymetrical warfare. Enemy might adapt to your tactics, so shake them up. The game implements a system that makes the settlers change behaviour depending on your actions. For example: Raiding settlement only at night will makes so that the AI will raise patrols at night or will keep its citizens awake as they are expecting to be attacked.

Gunplay is very basic and doesn't have a great weight to it, so the satisfaction mainly come from planning something and watching your plan folder before your eyes. This game isn't about rushing through gunfire and having quick, fun and decisive victories. It's about patience, it's a slow grind and a slow push to victory. Prepare to face backlash too and don't be afraid, losing is part of the game. You can't always win, but you can ensure that for every step you take backward you can win ten more afterward. It's better to let the ennemy have a phyrric victory rather than having a decisive one, so get the hell out it if needed.

It's a game that his more complex than what seems to be. Albeit some systems definitely are less developped or well fleshed out, i can only respect what the devs are aiming for. It's still in early access and alpha (it shows), but i'm very positive about the future of the game if the devs stick around. They have a discord and are overall very active, so i'm not too worried about this.
1608 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 22:46
I wanted to love this game, but I could barely play a half hour before calling it quits. I barely got to see any of it because of the bugs and how poorly it runs. It's perpetually chugging and dropping large amounts of frames, even in empty areas. I tried dropping the resolution to 1080p medium settings, still runs exactly the same.

If a dev reads this, I hope this gets ironed out. I would love to buy it again in a more stable state. I will check back once it's out of early access.
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 21:11
So far i am really enjoying this game. You can set the difficulty and realism in the settings when you begin the game which i really like. Like you set whether or not you want to have realistic injuries and if you have to eat and drink and stay warm. You can set a realistic night time which makes it dark dark out like real life forcing you to craft and use a torch or campfire of some sort to see anything. Two thumbs up !!
168 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
3308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 08:22
Highly under-rated, great stealth game, if the devs keep doing right by this game, there is no reason why it shouldn't be as enjoyable as Red Dead or any other open world survival, rpg. yes the ui does need a lot of work and there are things seriously missing but it is progressing. I have waited long to see if it really is going somewhere and it certainly is, gotta be able get horse to follow and so and so on, but its extremely fun for where it is so it can only get better
83 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 19:48
love the game so far, there is big potential for this game
the crafting trading and camp mechanics need some improvement and with how u communicate with people . but overall a great game
280 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 12:00
First of all, I purchased this game because of twitter.

Developers have a right to make games about whoever, whenever, and whatever they want. That's part of the beauty of creativity. Just because someone is a certain skin color does not preclude them from making a contribution or great piece of work.

That said, I do have some thoughts on the actual game itself.

1) this game needs coop. Badly. The friendly AI is terrible and the enemy AI is pretty good. They will flank, take cover, and press you. Meanwhile your friendly AI just runs in and gets executed immediately.

2) this game needs coop.

3) this game needs coop.

4) this game needs coop.

5) not a fan of the camera angle. It's like slightly off over the shoulder. Just center it. Please? Switching between left and right is pretty useless and the camera angle is uncomfortable.

With those gripes aside. And the fact that THIS GAME NEEDS COOP, it's a very fun, simple game at this point. Graphics are good. Optimization is good. And the core gameplay is fun and challenging.

But in summary, this game needs coop.
218 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 16:33
I bought this game shortly after it hit Early Access and enjoyed it specifically for its core concept and theme.
After putting in enough hours and experiencing numerous changes and quality of life updates that did improve the overall gameplay, it still feels somewhat hollow and still suffers from some of the same frustrating issues that were present when it first hit Early Access. I won't list them all, as most are probably personal gripes. Instead, I'll focus on two major issues(IMO) that cripple the fun factor and keep this game from earning a recommendation from me.

Issue one is the janky inventory system and build order list in the camps. Setting collection or build limits for items don't seem to matter, as your warriors will continue to collect/build things even after you've hit your quota. I can understand a few items over the limit, but it get ridiculous when you hit 600+ over the limit you set for one item while other items sit at 0. Additionally, items likes bows will seemingly vanish from the camp inventory. Both of these issues are exceptionally frustrating when they happen with War Bows and Heavy Arrows, as both items take a fair amount of advanced components to make.

Issue two is the absolute terrible AI. It's passable for the enemy, but at times it can be extremely exploitable and downright silly. I literally took out an entire camp of 7 enemies by simply hiding in tall grass and stabbed them one after the other as they lined up to 'investigate' the previous body left just outside my hiding spot. The AI for your camp Warriors is absolutely terrible. They will cluster together and get in each other's way for any attack or move commands you give them. Toggling the open fire command feels pointless, as their ability to detect enemies seems limited to a few feet from them. They will also block each other's shots and refuse to use cover in firefights, opting to stand in a cluster fuck out in the open and get picked off from a distance without responding to attacks.

There are numerous other smaller issues like clipping, horrible nav-meshing on some surfaces, hovering trees and bushes, resources appearing inside mountains and rocks, player appearing at the top of a tree on fast travel, and etc., but these can be over-looked as (most of the time) they're not game-breaking. However, the two issues I've listed have been present since the Early Access launch and have whittled down my enthusiasm and interest to continue playing.
233 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 05:40
Can see the potential here for a great game... the context is also a hugely unexplored area in gaming terms. It is good to see the perspective of the native american acknowledged but it's clearly a game and not history. I'll keep an eye on the updates and come back for more... thumbs up so far.
90 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 21:11
I'm disappointed, this game has no flavour at all, it doesn't look like the pictures and the videos.
all the quests and missions will display as a window in the middle of the screen and pauses the game, there's no voiced-guide, font of writings is bad, quality of audio and characters voices is also bad, there's literally no story. I give this game 0 out of 10.
i thought i'll play a story as a tribal chief and will protect my people and get villages under my protection and stuff like that, i thought there'll be story and more in-story conversations, missions and quests. But this game is almost dead, zero flavor. Very big disappointment.

Very very very unreasonable price, the game is not worth it, trust me.
338 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 03:46
Absolutely wonderful what little time I got to play it. I have a disease that won't allow me to do much on the computer anymore so I had to give it up. However, I can't say enough about the game with what I experienced so far. Please keep working on this game... love the single player but multiplayer interaction at the same time! This is a wonderful idea for a game. Respect!
15 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 23:51
IT'SFUN and i was not able to post a like without writing something
84 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 13:37
This game can be fun but it is plagued by glitches that really frustrate you and takes away from the immersion. You will clear out a town of enemies just to get to the last guy and he turns to face you when you pull up and take aim with your repeater and even though you have plenty of ammo loaded, either nothing happens or you just hear click click click and he blows you away with one shot from a .38. Also, the AI gets off some pretty remarkable shots from 1/2 mile away! The game is just challenging enough but i like to limit myself with just using bows and going stealth as much as possible. I bought this game a year ago (about) and it has come alooooong way since then and i am curious to see where they take it.
31 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 11:45
This is a very immersive game. A nice game to play to escape all the zerg games out their these days. The AI's are very good. Hunting is a blast. it is actually very challenging to go and hunt. I really like the blend of how the devs incorporated realalistic aspects yet kept it simple but challenging all at the same time. It is a very fun and chill game to play. Albeit as you get better at the game you can turn the difficulty up, then it really gets interesting. This land is My Land is one of the coolest games I have come across in a long time.
60 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 22:46
Definitely early access for sure. I just didnt realize how bad it truly was. A lot of things are massively misspelled throughout the game which i get but still. The movement is clunky and not natural and the camera doesn't follow when turning. Then there is the generality of doing things within the game. The instructions are god awful. At least circle what you are supposed to look for on the map with the extremely cluttered menu. the no controls tutorial really makes it hard too. This game has a long way to go and currently i dont recommend it but, maybe i'll come back later. Love the concept for the most part though.
49 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 01:25
Fun game! Keeps you occupied, although theres still a lot of room for improvement! Like I think the voice acting could be re-done, and the firing could be a little bit more smooth, as well as the horse riding, it seems kinda hard to control a horse. Also a creative mode or sandbox mode would be cool to mess with as well.
79 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
20100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 21:04
Still key binding issues. i put up with it for 355 hours of gameplay.
i play left handed with I J K L as my WASD. I cant easily reach TAB to open the menu. I need to use M or some other regular key. But, if i set M as my menu key, and I am in the horse naming menu, and i type an M in my horses name, my menu pops up. want to open up your inventory and search for Meat? oops, nope, you cant do that. ANYTIME you press M will close whatever screen you're in and open your main menu. big update. none of it fun to play. fix the keybind limitations at least jeez.
48 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 21:34
i wanted this game to be good. i held off on buying it for so long. finally pulled the trigger. and now i really wish i didnt.

the dialogue is laughable. absolutely terrible. the worst voice acting ive ever heard. The dialogue doesnt even match the actual response of the npc.

the carrying capacity is an absolute joke. you seriously cannot loot. you can carry a bow and a few arrows and thats literally it.

combat is atrocious. every single part.

the terrain is practically impossible to traverse.

theres sooo many glitches. i dont even know where to start listing.

please, do yourself a favor, and im not the type to say this, but dont buy it. dont waste your money or time.
135 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 21:00
Was enjoying the game even the little bugs and glitches, but after about 35% completion i was unable to use melee or grab correctly so effectively ruined the game and im unable to continue.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 14:34
after playing about 20 hrs i thought i was playing the the same thing over and over again, make friends with that camp, expand, shoot that guy over there. The same thing unless im missing something, its the same thing over and over
672 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 05:27
As a native I don't understand why a small eastern european development team creates a better native game than north america ever has, in the history of ever.

But that aside, this is a really good game so far for me. It's extremely difficult and punishing when you fail but the reward always seems worth it.

It's a 4x/Stealth Action hybrid game. Sort of like Far Cry crossed with Mount and Blade in an American frontier setting of undisclosed fictional location and time. The enemies have hilarious accents that make you question why the rest of the game is so polished when they're hilariously bad and out of place to the setting.

It's a bit like playing Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl when you come across an enemy camp.

There's some rough areas to the game, but it runs well, it looks good, and it's a fresh take on perspective and genre. With some more polish and a more defined storyline or quest arcs, this could become a truly great gem.
686 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 00:53
This game is a complete disaster. Let me go into why:

Immersion: The game, while single player, connects you to 'social' which involves being forced into a chat room in the corner of your screen. You can turn this off, but you will still be subject to the other wonderful 'Social' features, such as cowboys being named xxxShADoWSlaYeRxxxx or other nonsense.

Inventory Management: It's a huge chore. There are many different items in the world, and it's not clear which you need. If you try to pick up everything you will spend the game transporting items back and forth. Even once you do figure this out (I still haven't fully), the UI is immensely awkward for trying to manage it all, even with just 4-5 camps. I can only imagine how bad this will get once I have 100 camps and 1000 warriors to manage. There are buttons to create orders and gather orders, but gather orders run out and need to be set again and again, and normal orders don't let you specify the number of assigned warriors, so typically it's always only 1. The rest will sit in the camp and do nothing.

Mechanics: Most of the mechanics are not explained at all. I figured out that you get more XP and generate less threat from subduing rather than killing. What this means isn't clear though. Sometimes I notice I'm told a warrior has been arrested after shooting a cowboy. Was this something I caused? Who knows.

Upgrade: You need special skins to upgrade camps. This involves hours of trying to find a boar so you have the pelts to upgrade. I'm currently trying to upgrade the camp I have near the boar's territory so NPCs can get the skins for me and gave up after 2 hours. I used huge numbers of bait items and managed to lure about 20 bears, 80 wolves and 30 stags, but only 5 boars. So I'm still short on skins. The camp looks like a bloodbath.

Inventory Management again: No really what the f*** do I do with groceries? The wiki is completely useless. And why do I need to slowly transport them back and forth by myself? Can't they just be picked up 'offscreen' and be put into a global pool, instead of each camp having it's own finnicky inventory?

Horses and Carts: I've only stolen a horse once. That was enough to realise that my own horse was left behind with no way to fetch it afterwards other than running all the way back. After that I decided to just let NPCs go grab horses themselves.

Weapons: Bows shoot more like automatic weapons, there is no draw back and release. This means you can pump out arrows into headshots very easily, making guns obsolete (at least in the early game), as there isn't much ammo around for them regardless.

Repetition: I'm only 5 hours in and raiding camps is already getting old. You can also attack wagons, and usually they stuck on a piece of scenery so that's pretty easy. You don't really get anything from it though. Apparently it stops cities expanding, but I've yet to see that in action.

Inventory Management yet again: If you want guns for your warriors, you have to drag them back to base 3-4 at a time from looted bodies. They won't come to the camp you're at and just pick them up for you. Imagine equipping dozens or hundreds of warriors out this way.

Conclusion: Stay far, far away from this trainwreck.

273 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 14:37
You can quickly see how flawed the late-mid game attack system is. To level up your warriors you need groceries. To have farms produce groceries you need to keep enemies populating them. To keep enemies populating them you need to not expand. The game is trying to get you to keep your warriors weak and expand or have strong warriors with a strong enemy. Also getting more warriors works in a similar way. Want more warriors? You can't buy them or get them consistently unless you carefully allow enemies to continue occupying their prisons. Again disincentivizing taking back your land so you can become stronger first. Either you can build up your own guys and make them stronger or take the map yourself. You can't have both.

Maybe make money more useful? Let me buy groceries or mercenaries or other stuff preventing me from growing? Heck maybe even allow my guys to populate resources like farms and wood camps.
68 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 20:29
Still needs work, but very promising. A little pricey for Early Access Hopeful there will be continued improvements. Definitely a challenge and very frustrating at times. 7/10
54 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 23:41
I've been gaming for 27+ years, not saying the game isn't worth playing but it's the same thing over and over!
I can single handed wipe out a fort alone with no weaponry but a knife, the AI is horrible! 10 feet in front of them and no alert this is under no cover, the goals in the game all lead back to the same damn thing, kill or intimidate the AI. Absolutely not worth the cost! this game is like a $19.99 deal. There is reason why it's not a big game. Cause it SUCKS!
158 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 08:37
My character started this game angry. Probably because the crappy name he received in life. This bloodlust carried my character though out the game.

I started by going to a settlement. Only to be greeted with little Far Cry symbols. For this transgression, every settler was killed and robbed, and their settlement was left standing,,,, as a monument for their sins.

I met other fellow Indians who didn't like what I had done and wouldn't join me. Every Indian was killed and robbed and their settlement was left standing,,,, as a monument for their sins.

I came across traders who didn't like my reputation and sold me garbage. Every trader was killed and robbed and their settlement was left standing,,,, as a monument for their sins.

Finally, or so I had thought. I had reached the end of my blood soaked adventure, but it was only then, at that moment I had realized ,,,I had fucked up. This land is now my monument for my sins.
131 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
13607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 05:30
Very fun game, takes a bit to get the hang of it but once u do, its fun. The Devs need to allow regular people to give input on the forum.
206 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 17:38
The game's pretty wonky, but functional. Nothing ever works perfectly, but everything works 'enough'. It's certainly something I've spent some time in and enjoyed, but it's obviously pretty half-done since it's early access.

Only reason this review is negative is for the price tag. This game is not worth £35 in its current state, at all. I would have expected that to be the release price, not the early access price.
141 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 17:04
This Game has amazing atmosphere and depth that draws me in. A race against impending doom of genocide and land acquisition. I mostly scout raid solo but can also form warparties once my villages are set and warriors are leveled up. I can go gentile on the paleface and re-educate them (stun arrows are amazing) or go slaughter. I build up villages and set them to gather, craft and patrol for me to disrupt enemy supply lines. Time raids for when most are sleeping and drunk, pick off singles when they walk away to pee, add gunpowder to fires, bait wildlife to come in and act as diversions, use traps, poison food. Enemy reacts to my play style so I change my routine. if I stay in the shadows and wipe out a fort then no one knows I was there, it's easy mode and the area returns to nature. If I mess up then the the next attempt at the area is 10x harder, they are on alert and have adapted to my attack style. It's been a ton of fun to play so far and doesn't feel like I am stuck in a drug fueled cartoon like a few other games.
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 15:13
Love the immersion, defending against the white invaders.
it has big potential, so go for it an support the development.
since i love native american culture and history. TLIML is all that i was missing in RDR.

+ gameplay
+ lore
+ moderate reasonable grinding
+ warpaints

- performance
- horse steering
- camps could be more detailed
- Warparty NPC's need more variety. they all look the same. give em the same warpaint option as main avatar
- Warparty NPC's should be upgradeable
- too much ressources. i guess that changes with the difficutly?
- no warcrys yet
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 10:02
Very interesting RPG/Survival/FPS fusion concept, a little light in a few areas, but the makings of a really memorable game if these are addressed.
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 00:07
Looks good but bugs and mechanics are horrible.
461 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 04:32
fken AI is broken i keep trying to raid a camp and they can see me a mile away in thick brush when I'm squatting down. They have total 100% accuracy when I'm running away in a zig-zag and hit me for 1/4th my health when they're only level 2 and i have have health upgrades, my Indian war band won't shoot back, when i set them too. Along with the enemy Ai when they're riding wagons get stuck on rocks and mounds and unable to get them down so i can take it back to my camp to disassemble. i keep trying and trying to get back on and keep on playing but the only thing is, no matter what difficulty or settings i choose in the selection part of the game I can bairly make any progress because the AI wont allow me to do anything. also they don't go to sleep in most camps so its a fire fight all the time instead of a stealth game if you wanted to play that way. Shotguns don't have accuracy about 50% of the time along with repeaters that have 10 shots I used one to try and kill a guy on a horse and it killed his horse and did no damage to him and i died after finally burning down a camp the had seen me from a mile away so there was no stealth and completely screwed me over, and the Indian war band did nothing to help me, not even shield me from a bullet even though I was standing right behind on of them it just fazed right though and killed me.

Also Big Logs/Cut Trees faze through rocks lol :p

All in all i give it an 8/10 for return ability making me want to come back and play for the experience

I give it a 4/10 for game play performance and too many game breaking glitches/bugs and I'm pretty sure it came out a year ago and they still haven't got their Sh*t Together on this game
53 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 11:08
This game is alright but not really worth £30
139 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
23501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 17:23
This game is a combo of Sniper Elite 4, mount and blade war band, and Risk. This is an absolute recommend to buy. This game is essentially a race against time. There a very few bugs, in my 268 hrs i have had 1 crash and 1 glitch that was annoying. The controls are intuitive and functional. What i have found disappointing is the lack of external you-tube videos which are all out of date that don't show current game aspects of player creation.
That said the player creation is truly unique with names impacting your starting stats for you and your horse, which change on the 1st of the month (if you use the same name over again it will come with the same starting stats, provided you pick the same animal again). There are no videos saying how to win this game.

Your goal is to drive the whiteman from your lands but the logistical how to is missing from any guides.... so i will give you the answer here. Target population centers and the logistical network. The game starts you in 1 village vs 2-4 towns. I have had the greatest success going straight for the enemy towns and knocking them out as quickly as possible, but you should not knock out the last town as a new one will pop up somewhere else. To win you will need 100% coverage of all lands with a strong village, and getting there will take about 48 hrs at a minimum to get to that point. You don't win by going out and doing all the killing yourself, you must command your tribe to do it. That said the game i won, I only killed 2 people... which were accidents. If you don't kill people but drug them and have your way with them in the woods, you will have good Karma. Good Karma gets you lots of manpower quickly vs killing every enemy. The enemy will get paranoid with better situational awareness and start hunting your villages if you have bad karma.

Key to winning is developing your chief skills, things like improving your tribe abilities will be what you need to expand and take the map. Putting all your skill points in to combat skills will ultimately be fruitless as each skill you picks makes the next more costly.

The enemy has different types of places which have logistical importance. Farms make food which serves as a driver of population growth and food serves a healing potion. Taking note of the food types your enemy is using will tell you if there is a farm in the area. Wood Camps give the enemy more construction material to build there towns, forts, farms, and wagons. No wood and they grow slower. Forts and bivouacs secure areas, and depending on the type can be a real tough nut to crack. Camps can hunt local animals. The enemy is populated like this 20-30 towns, 15-20 forts, Farms 15-20, Wood Camps 10-15, Camps 3-10, Patrols 5. If you don't get the enemy down to 1 town at the start of the game they will be able to out grow you when they have 30% of the map.

You can play flawlessly and still lose if you don't control the expansion by targeted strikes, not every location needs an attack by you, you can order your braves to attack, and this is recommended for the small population locations. You should go after the tough nuts which would slaughter your braves like forts and towns.

Bottom line I recommend you look at the reviews from players that have long and short amounts of playtime. The negative votes for this game have very little amounts of time because this game is tough. Getting dropped in combat gives the enemy more time to expand while you recover and that in itself is a game lose, you can try after that point but the effects are cumulative and will tilt you towards getting overrun. The save function for this game is only in an IRONMAN mode, no free for all save scumming here. If you are a casual gamer then again this game may not be for you. This game puts you up to your eyeballs running an insurgency and if you want to try that without going to Afghanistan then this is your game.
230 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 10:51
Highly recommend if you like civ sims/RPGs/total war/ mount and blade. Descriptions first, tips later.

I have never played a game quite like this. It does a good job of capturing some of the best elements of so many games I enjoy.

You start off, it's an RPG. You can easily do most of the game content just you the player. Gaining items, skill points, leveling things and exploring. The game generates quests which reward you with skill points and world conditions. There's a reputation system which affects how the world works around you.

Items can be crafted, some can be improved with recipes found/learned/bought. Resources can be collected, or farmed by your settlements. Which brings me to the next points.

City builder. You start off with a small tribal encampment, which with materials can be upgraded to accommodate a larger group size. It's serves as a place to save, quick travel to, and store loot. It however has many more function such as gathering resources, crafting orders you set, sending out patrols, taking horses for you, or creating war parties. Which brings us to the next point.

Empire/civ builder.

With a skewed positive reputation, you can covert neutral tribes to your side, allowing you to take over their settlement and warrior braves. With a level two settlement you can use resources to send out settlers of your own to make more new encampments in a radius to your current ones. So this gives you two ways to expand your control around the rather large map. As you expand you have to choose wether to be aggressive or tactically non-lethal, affecting your reputation and the dynamic AI's behavior. Aggression will be met with aggression.

When you build up a war party the game starts to feel like mount and blade. You can use commands to control your small army and position and command. Mount and dismount. You choose their armaments and consumables.

Game stuff and tips

Guns are great, but bows are also really awesome and cheap to acquire. Ammo must be found or traded for. There are several different bows and arrows, war bows are the most lethal and hunters bows with stun arrows are the best for non-lethal takedown. Shotguns at close range are great 1-taps that can clear a whole base in a matter of a few minutes.

Always burn down enemy settlements unless you want them to recapture land. The easiest way the enemy returns to reconquered lands is by sending a patrol to set up shop at an existing settlement.

Build up settlements in such a way that a production center is surrounded by outpost settlements so that you can have centers for patrols to pass through. Don't leave your braves getting ganked in the woods by a drifting caravan or enemy patrol.

The AI has so many tricks up it's sleeve. They will get better whenever they mortality wound you the player. Their parties will becoy veteran after beating you, or their settlement you assaulted will gain a improvement level. Making them harder to beat. When under a lot of aggression they can call in outside assistance from further inland (off-map) with highly kitted defensive or offensive parties to target your settlements. Say you start sacking the post routes, they will conduct investigations and you will learn about it via letters you find. They will eventually target settlements you send the loot to, and learn your name and start targeting you. When backed in a corner on their last remaining strongholds they will call in the calvary to blitzkrieg you, and try and take the pressure off their defensive. Ultimately, if you wipe out all the towns (the source of their expansion) they will send in a huge resettlement group with several partys for clearing and guarding.

The dynamic AI kicks ass.

Other things of note

The graphics aren't next gen. But they are pretty good. Game runs pretty smoothly, and never really crashed for me. In huge pitched battles running my horse in circles I noticed fps drop. But those don't happen often.

There's an online social aspect which serves more as a help guide via the persistent chat but also has global trading amongst real players. There's no co-op or conventional multiplayer, but there's essentially postage service and trade amoungst everyone's own dank river valley.

Overall I found this game to be different, enjoyable and exciting at times. There's a lot of exploration and combat, with a good mix of strategy and resource management.
212 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 14:23
I dont recommend at this point of time - as much needs to be improved

My view after an hour of game play:
1. I am too annoyed with the game mechanics
2. The voice acting is completely terrible - its like mimicking batman or so
3. The aiming system is really messed up. I cant hit a person if the white dot is not on him.. i mean what was that!!
3.1 The damage multiplier of guns needs to be updated too, it took 6 bullets at about 30 ft away to kill a horse
4. Why cant you jump? - its the most basic requirement of running through jungle or in an Open world
5. Why Cant i open a map to find the directions?
6. Health issues due to falling down:
I go over a rock and lose half my health because I fell 4 feet - Cant jump up after this
7. There is sort of lag in the game play - its not smooth. If in a fight with multiple enemies, I am not able to execute quick maneuvers or start to run immediately - there seems to be some lag
8. Until the white dot is placed on the enemy, the next action cant be performed
9. Drifting through the Menu tabs is also laggy and not smooth

These are my observations for this game in this brief period. Just cant get immersed into it at this stage.
522 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 02:16
The game is a neat idea and frankly something that is probably very needed in the world, but it needs a lot of polish before it justifies this price point. At the stage of development that this is at, 10 or 15 dollars would be a more appropriate price tag.
325 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
30344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 19:34
Graphics are extremely well developed. Game play is straight forward. I would like some small details to be included such as hitch my pony to wagon instead of tracking it down or having to jump to another location to get it back.
124 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 03:09
As a Native American I find this game to be absolutely charming. The only attempt to make a real Native American RPG was that horrible Assassin's Creed game.

This is a simulation at its core, which I love. You are a Chief of a splintered tribe and must fend off against the ever growing industry and armies of the colonizers.

Your start position in randomized along with the enemy every time, there are interesting RPG skills and mechanics. You manage and operate your entire tribe along with leading war parties of tribesmen to raid and kill the palefaces. No scalping which is a bit dissapointing but theres always hope for that in a future update

the graphics are very nice, not quite next gen but easily compares to most AAA titles. I've ran into zero bugs during my playthrough but ive read there are some.

The enemy AI is not smart but it also isnt downright dumb either. I can see the Dev's are focusing on this heavily. The stealth mechanics rely heavily on the AI doing semi intelligent things otherwise you would just stealth kill steamroll everything.

As you die the game punishes you by making enemies having increased perception and accuracy. Overall for an EA game right now its very playable.

The combat feels really good. A mix between action combat/gun realism gives off a wonderful sense of immersion in the battles. Sound design is excellent along with the dynamic music system which is a nice touch on the ambient noise to have Native drums and flutes in the backdrop of the soundscape.
73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 04:40
Maybe after a few more updates. Only been a few hours and im just bored and annoyed with the mechanics and the voice acting is complete crap. the aiming system is a joke and why cant you jump? I go over a rock and lose half my health bc i fell 4 feet. Just cant get immersed into it at this stage. The idea is great but the execution at this stage is not something I wish i paid for. Again at this point in time. Hopefully after another update or two...or four.
132 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 16:51
This is not a bad game, and there is a lot of good things in this game, it is in early release, but it seem empty. The character is is boring, which takes away from wanting to build him up.
213 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 03:38
While the idea of the game is quite original and it can be quite fun in the beginning some of the core concepts really need revising. The entire purpose of the game is to lead a Native insurgency against white invaders but the AI itself seems quite docile. I mean you can order a war party of 8 men to attack a fort and they simply stare the enemy in the eye, no matter how well equipped they may be. There's also an insane amount of micro managing just to get your troops to do some form of basic function. The AI pathing for gathering resources or attacking enemies is also quite bugged, as I've watched one warrior get stuck on a single tree for over one in game day. It has lots of potential, and the content updates really help redeem the game, but at it's core the game is still flawed. It's fun and with time i really hope it can maximize it's potential.
748 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 23:27
I tried to love this game but the mechanics are too broken. First.... full stamina bar and try to sprint and after 3 steps character is exhausted and cant move fast anymore. Second... craft and bow and arrows, ok fine no prob. I fire 3 arrows and the Fing bow breaks!! Shot the enemy dead in the face 3 times and hes only at about 70% health now. Sooo lets repair the bow..... Im in the middle of a forest, TREES EVERYWHERE and guess what, no wood to harvest. FAIL im done.... refunded.
141 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 04:52
Overall a very good game. Though I do think some things should be changed like when the horse falls down a pebble and get hurt... Love the concept of the game and you should definitely try it if you like Native with nature and open world games. If you dont like this game, it's probably because you havent played for a while or havent done much to discover the perks of this game! :)
91 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 04:16
Very exciting milking this game 10% into takeover

Pretty graphics
Exciting gameplay
Lots of exploring
Tough on normal

Just the game to play when you want to be alone in a game

10/10 would highly suggest buying the game on sale or not
155 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 15:18


15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 21:33
Simply put, get this game.

This is a fantastic creative undertaking that provides the player an opportunity to live and explore the pristine wilderness of the continental U.S., while also providing the mechanics and combat options to satisfy a plethora of gaming styles.
395 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 03:37
good game as is you can have some decent fun runnin around settin up camps ambushing enemies and just exploring the really great looking world.
Game is constantly getting updated so no worries there they got good plans for the future of this game.
I also love that your name gives u starting stats its funny just to type in random crap to see what you get.
id like to see squaw's that,d be neat does seem like these are more war camps but thats the thing the women would be there these are a nomadic people they kinda take the family to war.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 05:19
Great game and look forward to how it will develop as content is added. So much fun playing it. Would recommend.
113 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 09:57
This is an excellent game, detailed graphics for those with hardware to appreciate it, beautiful scenery and you as a single player are the one that carves your own destiny in taking control of multiple tribes and crafting for your self and your tribe and also getting them to craft for you for weapons, blueprints, food gathering etc. No mission creation of any kind but its not a scripted game. Id compare it to skyrim in that it continues to spawn quests for you to achieve to get social points you can use to level up . Its early access so it may have some bugs but i only struck one where I couldnt access my horse inventory, so i restarted and it was gone.
Gameplay 5/5
Graphics 5/5
Crafting 5/5
Hunting 4/5
Skill levels 3/5
Three initial skill levels, it could have more.
It could have an additional mode without european settlement as well without the addition of european settlement and have the tribes bonding together/fighting each other with spies and treaties and alliances with out over powered weapons like guns and rifles and it then becomes more of a game of skill in the native indian genre and at the same time educating you indirectly on indian culture and community. Hardware wise you will need a minimum of at least a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.8Ghz or AMD equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 950 or AMD equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 12 GB available space

So i would give it 88% /100 Well worth the money or wait for a steam sale if you want.
53 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 08:34
It's a great premise with a lot of promise but the early access element makes it a bit disappointing, for instance all the enemies have the same voice, like it's a 1995 game. Equally the physics of riding is not quite right. They made a huge map but annoying weight constrictions mean you spend a lot of time moving at a snails pace. I would recommend it, but perhaps but it when it's release ready.
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 22:40
Still early and lacking content. But the world is beyond breath taking. The mechanics are smooth. A few bugs here and there nothing major just a glitch through a rock type stuff. The combat! OMG dudes and dudettes! It is unreal! I've never been a stealthy player and in this it is nail biting and edge of the seat trying to take out the enemies 1 by 1 without alerting the camp!
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 06:23
Completely overwhelming at first but once you put some time into figuring out whats going on its truly an amazing game. Nothing else even close to it that i have seen or played
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 01:24
i love this game and supported it since the beginning, but as many others have said it does need a little toning down on how fast the settlers develepe. i dont think bosses should be a focus on adding maybe 1 here and there but mainly focus on enhancing the AI like making your warriors a little better at not dying so quickly. the concept of this game is awesome. would be great if we could edit our save files to just test thing out in the game and mess around with different things. i like how they added in some perk options with picking a name that definitely helps. also should be a fast way to be able to get Skill Points even if it takes a little bit to get to that point..i 10000% recommend this game. also would be cool if you can put walls around your camps (i have not fully upgraded a camp yet but almost there) just some ideas
80 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 11:35
Started off great but the devs are adding content that have no immersive reason to be in this setting (Dentist and a fucking Ninja??) without first addressing the tons of bugs and messy features. Dont waste your time or money.
172 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 05:20
Not ready for public consumption. Has a lot of good ideas and some **really** rough edges but the game is quite far from a state where it should be an early access title.
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 20:21
I would recommend this game, the only problem with it is the AI bosses and settlers have auto aim and hit almost every single shot on you, even with a shotgun past it's range.
787 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
3726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 20:16
This game won't hold your hand. Don't come looking for an easy game where you are a Native American Rambo, gunning down settlers and shrugging off bullets. You're a bag of meat fighting other bags of meat. Be stealthy, get behind them, shank em in the back. Get a small band of warriors to attack at night and mess some stuff up. Realizing you're joining a losing fight from the start, and while things look grim, you are the only hope.

It's the weight of the world on one Chief's shoulders.
180 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 19:49
I cannot see how anyone could possibly recommend this game in this state;

- Movement (primarily the animations) feels clunky. This includes the horse/vehicle movement controls.

- There are many, arguably minor, bugs and glitches in the game that do affect your character and world in a negative way.

These issues are beyond the excuse of ”oh don’t worry, the game is in early access.”
727 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 05:29
its a cool idea, but kinda needs a bit more work.

The Ai & such is a little lackluster tho. It's essentially Red dead ez mode.

In a few more months i'll come back & check it out again.
591 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 04:43
Im gonna be honest, you will either love this game or hate this game in its current state. What do I mean by this you may ask? Well its not very polished and its not as deep as it can become. There is a ton of content currently which can make it work it for many people but, there is also the fact that it can be buggy, un-optimized, and overall a grindyish game that may turn people away. In my 18 current hours I have had my share of extremely interesting gameplay moments and extremely frustrating moments and I will go into some detail below.

What have I enjoyed from the game? Well its an open book for whatever you want to do. Want to roleplay as a native american in the pre modern era? You can do that. Want to be a bloodthursty savage? You can do that as well but one of the best things I have found in this game is there is a nice balance to everything. You kill a bunch of settlers? A bunch more arrive and begin to hunt you down to take care of the threat. I myself didnt realize this on my first playthru to get into the game. I got myself into a deathloop and have restarted due to not taking care of my border properly and overall being too aggressive. You can play the game either very aggresively or somewhat passively in the area. You can build up your clan/group/whatever however you want which is another great thing. The devs are also pretty involved and are updating, fixing, and keeping in contact which is something I like. Overall I have enjoyed the game and continue to enjoy it.

Another great thing about the game would easily be the dynamic-ness of the playthrough. Like with the balance comes the settlers and such. You leave them alone and bam they built a fort or a town or whatever. They just grow and grow and grow. You have to balance whatever you plan on doing to make sure you dont overkill or something of that nature. You need balance to be able to build your people.

Now onto some negatives. Well the biggest downfall of this game can be summed up for some in its grindy nature. I myself dont mind it but this is not an extremely just pick it up and go title and what I mean by that is you have to build up your people. Have to manage your people, manage their orders, manage the battles, manage your borders, and keep whitey away from your people. Other things I have not liked to far is easily the horse and its animations, movement, and health. You go down a path and the horse gets damaged, you look the wrong way your horse gets damaged, and the riding of the horse is very sloppy. Hopefully that will get fixed in time.

Overall I really enjoyed my time. I got frustrated at times but I also had some moments that you can truly describe as amazing. This game isnt for everyone but for me there is not many native american simulator games out there and really there are none that are this game. If you really are into native history and the era this game is perfect for you even if it has a few issues. Overall I would say this game is worth it, but if the bugs worry you just wait. This game will be around and you can get it down the road when it eventually releases.
208 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
11463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 19:42
Quite possible that this is the best Early Access title I have ever seen!
I am having a ball.
The game mechanics take ALOT of getting used to, and it can be very frustrating in the early playthroughs while you learn the ropes.
BUT...once you learn the ropes and start getting some wins under your belt, it is a unique combination of 1st or 3rd Person shooter/crafter with tactical and strategic management for your resistance movement.
Micro-managers will be in their element here. You can control who lives where, what they hunt and/or gather, if they roam or stay home, if they attack or settle elsewhere, etc...in fact, doing so will be essential if you are to have any hope of equality, let alone victory. This game is tough to master, but gives you the most rewarding unscripted and organic moments I have ever seen in a game.
You must however, dance with the capricious god of procedural generation in regards to the game world.
(btw...that game world is MASSIVE, with different biomes and flora and fauna distribution.)
I am confident that this game, when fully released, will be a contender for the G.G.O.A.T. in it's genre!
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 06:11
I would not recommend to buy the game at this time. It has too many game breaking bugs, social tab does not connect sometimes and Bug fixing takes for ever! maybe ill come back in a few month and play it when most Bugs got fixed! Its a fun game but as i said it has too many bad bugs!
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 18:05
This game is still being built!? You are saying that a game this FUN is going to keep getting better!? Dope... that is just dope.
56 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
7536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 13:06
I have played for 100 hours and restarted a few times as i learned the best ways to play, Game is vary hard but when You get more use to the game play it gets more and more fun. and with the burn the building update, it has even gotten better. I find myself only playing this game lately, even thu i have many great fun games. I would highly recommend the game. There are a few things i would love to see in game but they are still working on it so may still happen. Big one is i would like away to lead a large group of horses, back to a camp.
120 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 06:17
I bought the game after their big update this May after hearing about it for quite some time now. It's fun when it works, muskets are always fun and ambushing settlements and caravans with you war party of other natives is also very fun

Whats not very fun are the bugs. Given that its currently in early access, this should be expected but it feels bad that I have to restart my campaign because of bugs like items disappearing from my inventory but still follow my character as floating guns, crashes and performance dips, and alot of the features not working as intended (war parties, attacking enemy groups, patrols to name a few)

I do like the game, I think it has potential and even has a nice charm to it even now. But you'll have to give it some time. I think we should support the devs who've been working hard through the current situation but also acknowledge that the game has a long way to go. Will change the rating once things improve but thats where I'm at with it right now.
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 18:48
TBH its pretty boring once you get over how pretty it looks. Gameplay is too slow, never really tells you what to do in the way of objectives. The enemy expands incredibly quickly whilst you, well dont. The grunts of the enemy get annoying when you attack them, finding half the equipment you need to upgrade your camps is like a needle in a haystack. Travel for ages on your horse which is great that you can now have a `bond` so you can dump your loot etc. but then if you leave your horse for instance while you hijack a wagon and take it back to your camp. its another 10 minute hike to get your horse back. just too many annoying things in the game that dont make me want to play it.
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
11497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 13:17
This game was described to me once as GTA meets Cowboys and Indians. Hell of a lot of fun. Sometimes very challenging. Gorgeous imagery, large game world. So much to do and unfortunately I have so little time.

This game has an immersion factor while stalking that is satisfying when done well. A good portion of the game is fantastic and the community is so involved most of what would be my gripes the development team is aware and working through. Also since the game is in active development by a relatively small team, the responsiveness is also amazing.

So I read a bunch of the most recent reviews currently, and have to say this much.... IF you don't like being involved in helping identify bugs or issues with any game, NEVER buy early access. However, this game is much, much more than most early access games I have played.

55 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
44649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 05:13
Great game, open world meets strategy. 2 thumbs up.
61 Produkte im Account
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 01:40
It would be a pretty decent game if they fixed the issues. Also, it's kinda dumb that their idea of a tutorial is linking you to someone's youtube channel. Why not take the goddamn time to create your own IN THE GAME
70 Produkte im Account
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2681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 06:19
Like many who watched the YouTube videos and read the description of this game, I was excited to buy This Land Is My Land and play the role of a tribal war chief trying to save his lands against an onslaught of foreign settlers. Unfortunately, the game as it currently stands is very unpolished and left me wishing I had waited longer to try it out. This game currently suffers from a wide range of issues, from the major (such as over-aggressive wildlife that runs as fast as horses and will chase you to the end of the world) to the minor (such as awkward English localization).

- Horse control in this game is poorly tuned and will have you regularly swinging back and forth trying to head in the right direction
- Falling damage is too sensitive to where your horse can lose 1/4 of its health just from stepping off a rock.
- This game is also missing many quality-of-life features that I consider standard for third-person games, such as run/walk lock (you currently have to hold Shift to go faster).
- Lastly, one feature of the Founders Edition of this game is to allow the buyer to name a character in this game. Unfortunately this leads to several immersion-breaking situations where, while you're clearing out an enemy camp, you will be informed that you've intimidated an enemy character with a name like BigPimpDaddy69420. It was funny at first but now the dumb custom names have gotten tiring.

I see a ton of potential in this game, but I just can't recommend buying it right now.


Update: I put in a serious attempt over the weekend to get past my initial negative reaction. The core game loop is in the game and actually quite fun if you can work past the numerous bugs and quirks of the game. I still don't recommend buying the game right now unless you're willing to deal with the unpolished nature of the current Early Access game.
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 06:24
For an early stage game with a small team, this game is absolutely amazing. Bought it and immediately burned 12 hours in it without realizing. The game is easy enough to get the hang of but hard enough to keep you on your toes. It has it's fair share of bugs but they're easily outweighed by the fun you can have in this game. Massive map with enough in it to keep you constantly busy. Can't wait to see what the team has planned as the game progresses.
494 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
7337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 03:23
I personally love this game. I like a western setting (like RDR2) and I like sneaking up on enemies. There are many aspects in this game (lots to learn). Be prepared to make quite a few mistakes when starting the game for the first time. There is a tutorial to help you get started, but after that you decide how you want to play. You can play agressively, killing all enemies. You can lay low slowly expanding your land. You can also try to go for the peacefull solution by neutralizing enemies without killing them (called intimidate in-game). The goal is to reach 100% ownership of the map[spoiler], but apparently it does not end there[/spoiler].

The game offers excellent replayability. Even though the map is the same each playthrough (took me about 4 games to figure this out due to its size). All locations are randomized each time. This means the location where you start, where your enemies start and where camps and wildlife are located.

It is not multiplayer but allows some interaction with other players through an in-game chat system and the ability to trade with other players. You can also send items to other players (or yourself) by using the in-game mail system. This way you can also move items between different saves (called resistances in the game).

Since it is still in development mechanics and gameplay can still change. There is however and excellent discord behind the game and developers do listen to feedback and implement improvements as they get suggested (and it is feasible of course). A great community backs the game up in case you might get stuck, there are loads of tutorials and gameplay videos to be found. And the game gets streamed regularly on Twitch as well (at time of writing this review). So there should be plenty of material to quickly help you get started.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 22:39
Played for 55 hours so far and love this game. Cannot wait for it to be totally finished.
85 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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1532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 16:32
To be honest, this game lost my interest over time.

I like the camp expansion aspect.. but to what end?

Something which bothers me are the NPCs.. for instance...
the stealth kills... everyone of interest is just going on daily strolls, in a predictable fashion..
not alarmed even in the slightest at that 8 people from their camp were killed and left out in the open...
Tomorrows a new day for another pointless stroll I guess..

I had some fun gun action. Even in those the NPCs were predictable and you could extinguish 20 men all the same way.

Anyways, couldn't make me believe it... and at that price..? sheesh

29 Produkte im Account
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1770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 02:39
Requires pc/console controller support and the ability to lock-on enemies.
Until then, will not play further due to the frustration of the player control mechanisms.
1014 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
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1592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 02:59
Well this game sucks so far, you spawn into the world and are told to make a bow, then make a arrow.
Then find wood to make more arrows, struggle for about 30 - 45 min to find wood and then learn how the objective system works. Get told to have your warrior gather flax, and boom warrior are dead. Restart and repeat, ask in chat and learn that your dumb ass warriors will walk far away into enemy camps and get them selves killed. Then restart and restart untill you got a better spawn and do the objective except this time arm your warriors with bows and arrows first. Then get killed by a boar and lose over 200 skill points because running away is not a thing in this game. Yeah great experience so far.
94 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 22:04
One of a kind story line. This Land Is My Land is an open world RPG with crafting, base building, army management, hunting/fishing, looting, a reputation system & much more. It is VERY in depth when it comes to expanding your territory, upgrading camps & raising armies. A lot of micro management is required to successfully progress through the map. The map is massive, yet it can feel repetitive with few points of interest. No voice acting minus limited scripting when interrogating enemies. There is an emphasis on intimidating enemies & making them retreat rather than killing everything in sight. You get a discount at Trade Posts if you peacefully defeat enemies using the stealth & interrogation mechanics. Prices are raised if you kill too often. I don't understand the logic there. If settlers are invading my land & killing my people, why am I punished for fighting back with force? It won't have too much of an impact on your play through, but it's something to keep in mind. Gameplay is single player only, but players can trade with each other via a Social Trade Hub. The game is wildly impressive coming from such a small developer. The graphics are AAA quality & provide stunning cinematic moments & scenery. Overall, it's a good game, but the gameplay get's repetitive rapidly. Constantly interrogating enemies, hearing the same 1-4 scripting lines over & over again. Traveling 100's of meters across the map to raid an enemy camp just to find out there's only two enemies there, & they're both asleep. Some aspects of the game I fear will eventually make me lose interest and not play it to completion. I LOVE historical games, & this game is truly one of a kind. But brace yourselves for the bugs, glitches & head scratchers that come with Early Access titles. Overall, I highly recommend the game. If you understand how Early Access works, & if you're a fan of historical titles, I urge you to buy it. Just remember to do yourself a favor & look up a guide before calling it quits, because there is A LOT to learn before you can master all components of the game.
179 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 01:53
gameplay is actually terrible, the screenshots do not match the store photos/videos, would rather buy a codehatch game or a family feed to my self
100 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 14:18
The great:
Beautiful Graphics, Huge Map, Lots of Community support and Dev Support

The just okay:
Karma system seems heavily weighted toward bad karma, minor bugs, a little bit of trial and error is required to figure out game mechanics.

The disclaimer:
It's still early access, so they're still working out a lot of kinks and fine tuning everything, with plenty of Dev support on steam and on the Discord.

All in all, for what it is, it's a solid game with an amazing concept that still has a long trail ahead of it.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
23661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 13:01
Most awesome game ever ! I'm 50 yrs old and i can honestly say this is the one game I've been waiting for all my life ! Been putting in insanely stupid hours on this thing . I highly recommend checking this one out...... Enjoy :D
318 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 05:44
Make sure you pick your starting name carefully as it impacts your stats and can fuck over your whole early game getting stuck at -20 weight you cant carry anything other than your first weapon and maybe 5 arrows

just adding this on the end use the name Lynan for stupidly op stats
+145 hp
+stun with stone skill
+25 weight
+2 warriors
+205 stamina
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 02:31
Needs a bit more work for $40... Runs great, looks beautiful, but unless you look through forums and more forums online in a 2nd monitor, theres no way to know what to do, the menus are hard to know whats actually going on, and they tell you to gather wood, i see trees, and sticks all over the ground but you can only gather wood from wood from 3ft trees far from camp with no direction of where they are...
130 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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2939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 00:39
I was so excited for this game. I've never bought an EA game this expensive before, but I really wanted this game. Unfortunately, it wasn't all that good. I had lots of fun in eearly stage of game, but man is late game brutal. If the enemy gets more land then you, its over, you're done. There's no way to recover in this game. I was at 20% to 30% and they got up to 70% in a flash of an eye. Even tho i was doing expansion prevention missions and everything. There's too many flaws with this game for me to go through but to name a few annoying ones. The enemy stills expands while you're doing prevention missions. They just send people for more gold like the day after you complete the mission so they're almost useless. Also so many times i just find out about the prevention mission and it fails a few minutes later. You can't do anything but those missions because they get done so quick. My tribe has no idea how to loot. I put them near animals like boars and wolves but they only get a few pelts and then nothing. Even tho they have bows and arrows and i upgraded tribe gathering loot amount TWICE already. Doesn't make any sense. I've even had trouble with the tribe not being able to get any wood. WOOD. its legit everywhere and anywhere. Also it's so hard to use your tribe to attack because as soon as they die you lose what they have on them. It;s already hard to make high quality guns and then they die with them and you can barely attack anymore. There's more i could get into but I think i've said enough. Basically there is SOOO much work to do before the game becomes possible to beat and You need to know the game inside and out and make no mistakes AT ALL because one death and the enemy is wayyyy ahead of you already. I started a new game i was at 14% and them 10%. I died once because of a pack of 3 wolves that i can't out run (Early game only had a wooden bow and 5 arrows) and next thing i know they're at 20%. Absolutely ridiculous. Way too tough right now in my opinion.
84 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 19:29
Thus far it's a really good game once you get yourself started in the world it becomes a lot more fun. Try not to die for your first days in game and it will make playing it a lot more fun, due to just losing everything. It's got a lot of fun management features, and the amount of weapons are great, just avoid open combat until you can upgrade yourself haha. would say is a must play to anybody into survival and management games.
40 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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3261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 04:18
So much potential. really smooth maneuverability in world. But it lacks pace...

I found smoking the pipe to be the only redeeming game play feature so far. 2 hrs. 2 hrs.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.37% 1573 514
Release:20.11.2019 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Game-Labs Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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