• Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.
  • Uragun: Screen zum Spiel Uragun.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.03.2023
Zum Shop
Preis Update 21.09.23

Über das Spiel

Du schlüpfst in die Rolle einer charmanten Mech-Einheit, die in einer von korrumpierter KI überfluteten Welt erwacht ist. Wähle deinen Weg und deine Belohnungen, mit denen du neue Fähigkeiten erforschst, deinen Mech und seine Waffen umbaust und stärker wirst. Und ja, du kannst auch mit dem Aussehen deines Mechs spielen!

Die Suche nach deinem verschollenen Freund und Piloten führt dich an viele spektakuläre Orte, an denen sichtbar wird, wie der Aufstand der KI die Welt, die wir kannten, verändert hat. Jede Schlacht findet in einem spezifischen Gebiet dieser schönen, verwüsteten Welt statt. Deine Mission führt dich an Orte wie ein verlassenes Barcelona, ein völlig industrialisiertes Nairobi, das überwucherte und futuristische Hongkong oder in verborgene Minen, die sich in den verschneiten Berghängen Nordamerikas verbergen.

Wir haben unsere handgemachte Herangehensweise ans Leveldesign mit einem Zufallssystem kombiniert. Die Art der Feinde, ihre Anzahl, Reihenfolge und ihr Timing werden mit jedem Durchspielen desselben Levels anders sein. So müssen die Spieler die Kampfsysteme meistern lernen und auf neue Situationen reagieren, statt das Spiel auswendig zu lernen. Du wirst immer bedrohlicheren Herausforderungen begegnen, die deine Kampffähigkeiten auf den Prüfstand stellen. Aber du wirst auch die Chance haben, dein Arsenal aufzurüsten und anzupassen.

Bei jedem Durchspielen musst du jede Regionskarte durchlaufen. Die Belohnungen (meist 2), die zu finden sind, werden bei der Wahl des weiteren Weges relevant. Diese Karten (und die dazugehörigen Belohnungen) sind nach jedem Tod und Neustart andere.

Im Laufe des Spiels schaltest du neue Waffen frei – von Flinten und Maschinengewehren über Plasmabumerangs bis hin zu Raketenwerfern. Jede Waffe ist für andere Situationen und Feinde optimiert: Manche sind bei großen feindlichen Schwärmen verheerend, und andere sind besser für stark gepanzerte Gegner geeignet. Du kannst sie paarweise aktivieren und herumexperimentieren, um eine passende Kombination für jede Gelegenheit zu finden.

Während eines Durchlaufs kann deine Mech-Einheit auf unterschiedliche Arten verbessert werden. Erweiterungskassetten bringen neue Fähigkeiten, verbessern Werte oder optimieren deine speziellen HEAT-Angriffe. Sie können für noch stärkere Wirkung weiter verbessert werden. Zusätzlich können mit Waffen-Mods die Waffen mit entsprechenden Plätzen um spezielle Effekte erweitert werden. Experimentiere mit ihren Wirkungen auf allen Waffentypen und kombiniere sie zu deiner bevorzugten Variante. Mehrere Waffen-Mods desselben Typs können geschichtet werden, um die Intensität ihrer Effekte zu verstärken.

Ist der Mech einmal besiegt, wird er auf der Orbitalstation neu gedruckt, die als Hauptquartier dient. Modifikationen für Waffen und andere Vorteile sind dann verloren. Allerdings bleiben die gesammelten Infos erhalten und sind nützlich für den dauerhaften Erwerb von Verbesserungen aus dem Forschungsbaum. Diese Verbesserungen erhöhen deine Überlebenschancen, Angriffsfähigkeiten oder bieten dir nette Extras für den Durchlauf in Form von Erweiterungskassetten. Allerdings können nicht alle gleichzeitig ausgerüstet werden, weil deine Speicherkapazität begrenzt ist. Du wirst weise wählen müssen, welche Erweiterungskassetten zu deinem Spielstil und deiner Strategie passen. Zum Glück kann auch die Speicherkapazität erhöht werden, wodurch du später mehr Erweiterungskassetten schichten kannst.

  • Individualisierbarer Mech-Roguelite mit tollem Wiederspielwert und Mod-Unterstützung
  • Schießen, Steuerung und Gameplay auf höchstem Niveau
  • Charmante Story um einen Mech auf der Suche nach seinem Piloten und Freund
  • Tödliche, befriedigende Kombos dank des Systems mit Umbauten und Erweiterungskassetten
  • Handgemachte Level für intensive und dicht getaktete Herausforderungen


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel 7th gen i5 or AMD Ryzen 1700
  • GFX: Nvidia Geforce GTX1050ti
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Win10 20H2
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Any
  • DX: Version 12
  • INET:
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Chinesisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Türkisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel 10th gen i7 or AMD Ryzen 3600
  • GFX: Nvidia Geforce RTX2060
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Win10 20H2
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Any
  • DX: Version 12
  • INET:
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Chinesisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Türkisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1054 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 20:51
Bietet mit +25 Level und einigen dutzend Collectables bereits einiges an Inhalt, dennoch etwas kurz - weil es Spaß macht. Das Gameplay ist angenehm schnell. Die Waffen, je eine an beiden Armen, können aufgerüstet werden. Es gibt Catridges, welche passive Fähigkeiten darstellen und wie bei den Waffen kombiniert werden können. Die GFX ist bereits ansehnlich und die SFX ist spitze.

Wenn viele Gegner angreifen und es so richtig schön rummst (Explosionen sind hier elementar), gibt es vereinzelt FPS Einbrüche, die kurz und leichter Natur sind.
Ansonsten läuft URAGUN bereits sehr Rund. Meine Wünsche: mehr Level, etwas mehr Content, mehr Bosse, Secret Areas und ein happen mehr Story. Damit würde URAGUN ein extrem guter Top Down Shooter.
679 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.23 12:21
5 hours of metaprogression grinding and I still can't reliably beat the first boss, and even if I do it will be with so little health as to essentially end the run. Like most roguelites, the core game-play is decent but the whole experience would have been better if they just made a proper game instead of ramping the difficulty and throwing in a bunch of RNG in an attempt to create artificial replayability. Coming back to this after a week I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. It was fun for an evening but offers absolutly nothing to make me want to do it all again. Put it on the pile with Airheart, Risk of Rain, Robo Quest... I really should stop getting these 'games'.
661 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.23 23:19
Mech based + rogueLITE + twin stick shooter + SOME bullet hell.

Fairly unique formula that pulls twin stick mechanics from games like NexMachina, Helldivers, etc.

However, 100% of this game is recycled design aspects from arguably better games across the aformentioned genres.

Here's what I'd recommed more if interested in this type of game:
Starward Rogue
Rogue Star Rescue (included tower defense mechanics too)
Doomsday Hunters
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.23 10:49
I wanted to recommend this game, but frankly forcing the roguelite elements into it was the worst idea I could have imagined. Just this mechanic alone feels so extremely out of place, as to ruin the entire experience. It feels like there is no progress at all; no meaningful rewards or progression, no 'builds' you can set up, and the 'powerups' you actually receive are not only exceptionally sparse, but also don't feel rewarding at all. At no point during the hour and a half 'run' (The entire game start to finish) did I actually feel more powerful than with my starting equipment. Not to mention that on the *normal* difficulty, dying once is game over. Start from the first mission again. Doesn't matter if you're in the final boss fight after an hour of slogging through drawn out waves of mind numbing encounters, with no distinction between them except that they basically become nigh impossible, and surviving feels like it relies on dumb luck rather than skill. Taking even one hit in the first area of the game, might as well be getting a permanent scar, that you probably never get to recover from. For a game that expects you to survive for over an hour of constant bullet super-hell, it sure doesn't give you many resources. I've seen one health pickup in a run of an hour and a half, making it through the entire game using the 'invincible' difficulty. It was still incredibly difficult, but mostly because I there is no down time, and I felt like I was simply repeating the same encounter three hundred times.

Just go back to how it was before. Mission based, with customisation options between missions. It felt very promising and fun before. I unlocked weapons and mods that I could experiment with, and didn't have the depressing pressure of having to complete the entire game without dying to actually complete the game. Unless you are more hardcore than Dark Souls, don't play this game in it's current state. Don't know why Rouglite was added, because it's clear that none of this game was designed to fit that sort of experience.

Make it rewarding again, rather than feeling like you hate fun.

I feel like this is a very harsh review, but I cannot forget how good, and how much potential Uragun had, and how bitterly disappointing this entire change of genre is. I have a lot of respect for any developers trying to make a good game, and there is a fantastic foundation here. The core gameplay (specifically the movement and shooting) is extremely smooth and satisfying. But fundamentally changing the entire gameplay loop during early-access feels awful. If this was the game I knew it was going to be, I would not ever buy or play it.

Bring back the old Uragun. Short sequences of high octane combat, with meaningful, and more frequent rewards and powerups. Maybe a sense of actual progress would be good too, like more permanent unlocks and checkpoints. Unlocking weapons at guaranteed milestones, instead of this weird random chance system that currently exists. Story progression would also be great, as currently it's just a few lines of dialog that doesn't add much to the experience at all. Though it had my curiosity, as it hints at a potentially great story.

I'm going to stop now, thanks for reading this utter chaos of a review. I hope the best for the developers, and honestly hope they turn away from Roguelite mechanics.
2543 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.23 04:09
It's no Nex Machina, but it's good and does the job. (7.5/10)
5685 Produkte im Account
206 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.23 03:55
Goddamn, this is so boring. It plays and looks fine with no issues, except for the issue that it's just really REALLY dull visually and gameplay wise.

Nothing *bad* exactly, just really really not good.
Combat has nothing going for it, power ups barely change weapons and runs... Just mediocre as fuck.

0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 02:18
Kind of a bummer, I really want to like it but it just falls flat. Upgrades feel few and far between and even when you do get them, don't feel meaningful at all. Also it's weird that they don't just give you numbers for upgrades. They'll say something increases firing rate or decreases cooldown, but not how much and it's never been enough where I really felt a difference in power whether it's from a new weapon/upgrade or the progression system.
236 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 13:48
After 9 hours & 100%ing (though that's nothing impressive) my conclusion of Uragun is this.

Urgun is bland, there's nothing that stands out, the weapons are bland, the power-ups are bland, the enemies are bland & the bosses are bland.
The game itself is OK and that's about it.
There's nothing inherently bad about the game but there's nothing good about it either.

I will say this, the game runs smoothly, no stuttering at all.

If you want a roguelike that you can play with your brain switched off then Uragun is the game for you.
0 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.23 23:52
Fun, but short.

Uragun started as a top-down shooter, in which you aquire various upgrades and may replay earlier missions for a better ranking in a score-attack fashion. Trouble was that it was extremely short. Now, it got rebuild as a rogue-lite, with the big benefit being that if you die, your mission progress resets. And thus turning a game which you *will* beat in two hours into a game you *might* beat in two hours, but it will take multiple attempts, thus prolonging the game.

The gameplay is pretty good. Guns, enemies, game logic, everything feels great, with the exception of the feedback when you get hit or an enemy is about to hit you. That's hardly noticable. A lot of times you're encourage to charge over or into enemies, so what's a hit on you and what's in an invulnerability frame is anyone's guess. But you're trying to not get hit anyway, so it's not the biggest dealbreaker.

Thing is though, making the game roguish has had not really a big effect on gameplay, if you're a good player. You're playing through the one content the game has to offer with a couple of less options. However, if you're not that good and tend to die often, the game will now force you to play the same early content over and over again and also with more or less the same arsenal, as the few weapons unlock rather slow and late. To clarify, yes, levels aren't procedually generated, they are hand-crafted and while good, there are so few that you will play the same ones over and over. Making the game feel like a demo.

So, if you want to be cynical, it's an exercise in taking a year or so desperatly trying to hide you don't have enough content, instead of actually making more content, even if it means gatekeeping the content you have from the players.
Then again, what's there is genuinely fun, so, I don't wanna be too cynical. In terms of gameplay, I whole-heartedly recommend the game. In terms of content, I urge caution. So, wait for a ~5€ sale.
400 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 13:28
As of writing this review I've completed the missions that were available and, least for m'self, I already had a lot of fun with it.

The mechanics feel solid, the enemy variety is wicked, not to mention the the humor got a few laughs out of me! The performance for me was also steady as well to boot, so I'm for sure looking forward to what else is coming for this game!
157 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 13:21
Played this at Pax east 2022 and immmediately bought it. The devs said the combat loop is inspired by doom and nex machhina and i can really see it here and while it is not as deep as doom eternal title it has a really fun combat and upgrade system that gives you a good sense of progression throughout the game. I like it its really fun and not overly stressful
115 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 11:27
Early access game that has about 3 hours of content(unless you like to try and get higher ratings). Seems solid so far and very satisfying when blowing up enemies. Decent variation on enemies so far but would love to see more. Boss battle was fun and decently challenging, can't wait to see what they add. The upgrades for weapons are fairly generic right now and would like to see more unique mods for weapons. Curious to see what other weapons they add, I feel like with weapon mods they could add a lot of depth to the game and overall feeling of unique customization. The OST is decent and makes you feel like you're in a futuristic mech shooter but would love to get more. These types of games are great because of their soundtracks and would think adding a soundtrack for each of the different regions would add a lot for the immersion. Lots of little details in the game that make it feel like the devs put a lot of thought into the gameplay design. For instance, the dash ability recharges after a few seconds, which was hard to track at first, but they include a sound queue and the lights on the mech itself become visible when charged. Looking forward to more content and will suggest this to anyone that enjoys mech games and/or fun shooters.

EDIT: Will update review as more content comes in!
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 10:44
The gameplay is fucking awesome! It is defibrylator worth it!
573 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 10:22
A really fun and hectic top down shooter! I was surprised how smooth the movement and gameplay is.
Loved the gunplay and how switching around your guns can affect the way you play & deal with hordes.
I'd really love to see a rogue-lite mode where you find different weapons with different buff/attributes and what not.
would def. recommend
290 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 09:35
Nice top-down shooter with a lot of explosions! If you love the genre, it's a must play for you.
Waiting for the full release now!
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 15:19
The game is actually super fun. currently their are only a handful of missions because of its early access which makes it hard to get a full read on the game. combat is fun and definitely gets are harder as u progress here are some points of what i think so far.

1. weapons are unique and definitely have a lot of mod combinations to find so far and are fun to find what you like best.
2. they have interesting upgrades with mods.
1. The upgrades for the weapons are lacklustre. 2 unlock able slots for mods.
2. they don't hit hard enough towards the later half of the early access enemies.
3. very limited selection of weapons and a few don't even feel that fun to use.
4. rocket launcher is way to powerful. 2 shots the tougher enemies in the later half of the EA. legit solo runs it.

The Mecha
1. Mecha has decent health from the start and can withstand nearly everything without to much worry.
2. The dash is way too powerful early on especially if u get the reflect and recharge duration mods for it.
3. love the art work and how the Mecha moves for the environment.
1. The health bar is way to strong for the game ATM. No enemies get you close to lower unless u stand still and let them hit you.
2. the Mecha doesn't leave any environment impact at all. like it walks over snow and ice and grass/sand no foot print. no slight ground shake/sound effect.
3. No upgrade path for the mecha at all except the mods so far. which get locked out at 5 slots.
4. the mecha has no customisation path like colours or different legs or or arms or movement options, like tracks. crab legs. hover base. ect
5. the mecha gets stuck on a lot of the terrain and glides of walls and edges and gets you frozen in place for a second.

1. The mods are a very interesting take on the game and would be super cool if their was a synergy affect with certain mods on weapons.
2. love the way they unlocked from missions.
1. Very limited selection of mods for the mech and weapons atm. (which I understand is because of EA)
2. mods are very repetitive. Damage. Size increase of Projectile. ads a flame trail. increases range. etc
3. way to weak and strong to be the main upgrade/points of weapons.

I like the game a lot and cant wait to see where it goes in the future and to see what it is like once it is finished.
Possible suggestions for the game?
1. weapon upgrade paths. like use the tokens you find on missions to upgrade weapons or path unlocks to add more mods. like a weapon tech tree that unlocks small damage boosts. or fire rate. or SOP ( size of projectile) or maybe other items or synergy affects with mods or other weapons.
2. Customisation for the mech. Would love to be able to change the colour of the mech or the lights on it. Change the types of legs you have. Say you find some tank treads. they maybe make you slower but add more health, or change your dash to that of a stun charge.
2.1 different body's for the mech like a larger chassis for more hp. or abilities to ad or unlock.
different arms that change the location your holding the weapons.
3. tech tree for the mech itself. it starts with way to much hp and its super op atm. (probably bound to change) would be cool if u could spec the tokens into more hp for the mech. or armour so u take less damage. more move speed maybe.
3.1 maybe some upgrades that ad reverse affects like give bonus damage. but you have less hp etc.
4. more weapon options and looks. like the shotgun is very disappointing when fully modded. doesn't feel fun just feels slow and clunky.
5. more unique enemy models and types.
6. more interesting overlay. like the ability to see damage numbers or see max hp. or slight details on the sides like your seeing from the mech's point of view in a way. it seems as your playing Rn. its more like a drone being controlled from space rather then a combat mech meant to help.

Sorry if it seems a lot. just thought i could maybe point out some possible idea's or suggestions for the future.
regards a friendly Gamer (:
19 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 12:41
URAGUN is Forgettable Fun - Early Access Review (Spoiler-Free)

If you’d rather experience my thoughts as a short video review, click here: https://youtu.be/-ZFuIF4tOno

Uragun is—despite its futuristic setting—a decidedly old-school top-down shooter (or shoot-em-up, or “shmup,” or whatever you wanna call it), in which you take control of a blue mech and mow down endless waves of red corruption from the city skylines of dystopian Hong Kong to the snowy forests of Washington state.

GAMEPLAY – Combat (4/5) | Non-Combat (N/A) | U.I. (3/5) | Playability (3/5)

As with most shmups, Uragun’s gameplay emphasizes fast-twitch reflexes, so get ready to ura-run for your life against a dozen or so enemy types ranging from small and speedy to big and beefy. The same alliterative adjectives could be applied to your weaponry—the shotgun and mini-gun are both good at cleaning up close-range enemies in a hurry, while you’ll probably want to pair each with either the slower, long-range rocket launcher or the even slower, even longer-range rail gun. Each weapon here feels pretty balanced, is fun to use, and is even more fun to upgrade. That’s right, as you progress through each level—none of which will last you more than five or so minutes—you’ll stumble upon little Sonic-style rings, or “intel,” that you’ll collect and then use to upgrade each weapon’s range, rate-of-fire, damage, etc. Personally, I would have appreciated a bit more inventiveness, here, as I can’t say I haven’t already seen these guns and modifications in a hundred other shooters. Luckily, guns aren’t your only means of attack, as Uragun features a “heat” resource that’s linked to both special attacks and heals. Now, unless you’ve got DDR fingers, you’re probably going to be taking a lotta hits, here, and they hurt—as a consequence, I found myself disincentivized from using heat attacks because when I did, I’d run out of heat (surprise!) and inevitably die for a subsequent lack of heals. Thankfully, Uragun gives you a few lives per level, and I consequently managed to see the end of Early Access without ever facing a game over screen—well, unless you count the hard crash I endured.

This leads me to Uragun’s playability. Despite the game’s intuitive controls and snappy load times, I did encounter a crash and the occasional lag spike, so consider me neutral (3/5) here until further notice. Not the case for Uragun’s combat, which is fast, fluid, and fun, worthy of a soft four with room to improve. There’s virtually nothing here in the way of non-combat, however, short of some little collectibles scattered about the map that unlock hand drawn memories. I'll save our discussion on U.I. for later, so let’s move on to Content.

CONTENT – World (3/5) | Objectives (3/5) | Bosses (3/5) | Puzzles (N/A) | Value (3/5)

When it comes to World (level and environmental design), Uragun, fittingly, takes you all over the globe. However, the overall effect of this ends up feeling a tad hollow, as each region is essentially just a reskin of the others—the North Cascades play like Barcelona with a foot of snow, for example, and Hong Kong is really just Barcelona on rooftops. To fix this feeling, I’d love to see the devs add some environmental interactivity—let me shoot a snow-capped mountain to bury enemies in an avalanche, or obscure enemy movement with a sandstorm, you know? Just... just go crazy!

Ditto all this for the game’s objectives—we’ll need to see more variety added throughout Early Access; as is, you'll always be either outlasting a horde meter, blowing up a radio tower, defending an area, or fighting a boss. On that note, Uragun currently only features two boss types: a mech mimic that introduces new skills for you to capture; and a gigantic burrowing centipede snake boi. I think I fought some combination of each about five times before my three hours in Early Access came to a close. At $15, I can’t call Uragun a steal, so here’s to hoping the devs keep piling new content atop their solid gameplay foundation.

STORY – Plot, Characters, Dialogue (N/A)

While they’re at it, why not show the story some love? Because at the moment, Uragun’s plot is aggressively simple: find your pilot (not that you'll see anything of narrative consequence unfold in Early Access). This premise makes for a fine segue into mecha murder and little else, so I'm going to leave each micrometric here unscored until Uragun’s scrawny skeleton of a story gets some more meat on its steel bones.

STYLE – Art (4/5) | Music (3/5) | Sound (4/5)

Finally, a few words on style. Uragun is a bright and borderline beautiful game, sporting a vibrant color palate that really makes enemy projectiles pop off the page, something critical to any bullet hell. Your attacks generally sport solid audio-visual feedback, too, anchored by above-average sound design. For example, early on, I kept combing the user interface for a stamina meter so I could time my dodges. Then I looked and listened a little closer: *insert clip of my mech flashing lights and beeping when it can dodge again* Replacing traditional menus and icons with these in-game “diegetic” elements can make for more immersive gameplay. Personally, I’d love to see the devs double-down on this: why take player focus away from the fight to check a health bar in the top left every five seconds when your mech’s lights could instead gradually change from solid green to yellow to orange to flashing red?


In conclusion, Uragun is currently a fun if forgettable little shooter with room to grow. While it’ll need to flesh out a number of elements before becoming a standout experience, I can currently recommend it to fans of the genre. After averaging up our micrometrics, Uragun earns a subject-to-change MEGA score of 3.27/5.

Until next time this is Scope, and thanks for reading!
432 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 12:41

A Classic Top-Down Mech Shooter

VIDEO REVIEW https://youtu.be/u_t82cb1u5A

Uragun is a bit lacking in content right now, but its combat is smooth and satisfying, it runs great, and the sky's the limit on what they can add. Check out my video review for all of my thoughts!
Logo for Uragun
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
72.73% 64 24
Release:30.03.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Kool2Play Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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