• Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.
  • Winkeltje: The Little Shop: Screen zum Spiel Winkeltje: The Little Shop.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.02.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 14.02.24

Über das Spiel

Run your own old-world fantasy shop in Winkeltje: The Little Shop! Build, decorate, craft, sell, and become the master of your own shop in this timeless management game.

As the shopkeeper of your very own shop, you are in charge of buying, selling, keeping stock of your inventory, and making a profit. Items can be bought from traders or delivered at a fee.

  • Buy low, sell high, and make sure to satisfy your customers’ demands.
  • A large variety of items: from bulk goods and resources to vegetables and other food, clothes, tools, and even alchemical elixirs!
  • Play at your own pace and open your shop when you feel ready for a day of trading.

Bring out your interior designing skills by freely placing furniture and displays.
Decorate your shop well to attract even more customers.

  • Tons of different furniture options, from tables and display shelves to counters and storage pallets and crafting stations.
  • Expertly place decorations to impress your customers and sell more!
  • Fine-tuned controls allow you to arrange the furniture with the greatest ease.

Expand your shop when you have amassed enough wealth. Be your own architect when building your fantasy shop.

  • Decide the shop’s floor plan and where to place doors, windows, or archways.
  • Increase the size of your store and make it more appealing, having all the items on sale.
  • Combine different wall and floor tiles to your heart’s desire.

Gather resources and decide which items to craft for the best profit margins.

  • Craft items at dedicated crafting stations, from tailor’s desk and forges to alchemy tables.
  • Gain experience to craft higher quality items (and sell them for more!).

Expand the store’s food stocks and grow delicious artichokes, cauliflowers, potatoes and other crops from your own vegetable garden.

  • Buy seeds, plant them, give them plenty of water (and love). Harvest the crops to sell in your store.
  • Be careful about your home-grown produce. If they aren’t cared for, they might wither and die.

Be prepared for customers’ needs to change with each new season. Random events can affect the supply and demand of goods and might give you an extra challenge (or a tidy profit if you play your cards right).


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: i5 6300U
  • GFX: Intel HD 520
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 bit)
  • HD: 512 MB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Niederländisch, Russisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: i5
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 770
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 512 MB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Niederländisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

199 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 07:45
Für den Preis ist das Spiel empfehlenswert, wenn man auf Shop-Management steht. Solche Indie Entwickler sollte man immer unterstützen: Keine Microtransactions, kein sonstiger Bullshit.

Allerdings wird mir das Spiel jetzt nach 10 Stunden zu repetitiv:

- Der Laden fühlt sich an wie in einem Vakuum, es existiert praktisch keine Welt, mit der man interagiert. Ab und zu gibt es Events, aber die sind leider sehr uninspiriert und machen immer das gleiche (gewisse Produkte werden mehr gekauft, mehr Leute kommen in den Laden)
- Die Kosten, den Laden zu erweitern, steigen mit jedem Feld, das man dem Laden hinzufügt. Irgendwann muss man wochenlang Geld sparen, um sich einen einzigen Raum mit 6 Feldern leisten zu können. Dafür ist das Spiel aber zu abwechslungsarm, als dass ich mir diese Zeit antun will...

Auch ist im Spielgefühl fast kein Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Spezialisierungen. Man hat 10 Produkte, die man nach und nach freischaltet, aber der Alchemist fühlt sich beispielsweise leider nicht wirklich anders an als der Schneider. Da wäre noch so viel mehr möglich, die Grundlagen sind da.

Da ich niemand bin, der gern oder gut dekoriert, bin ich nach 10 Stunden durch mit dem Spiel. Für diejenigen, die gerne alles mögliche dekorieren und sich stundenlang ausdenken wollen, wie ihr Laden genau aussieht, ist hier viel mehr Spielzeit drin.
201 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 09:43
Ich bin sehr begeistert von diesem Spiel. Es macht mega Spaß seinen Laden nach und nach zu erweitern.
Das mit den Steuern stört mich jetzt nicht sehr, da es ja auch einen ansporn geben muss. Es ist ja immer noch ein Spiel und nicht RL. Wenn man richtig wirtschaftet, klappt es gut mit dem vorhandenen Geld aus zukommen. Man braucht halt Geduld, um seinen Laden zu erweitern. Das mit den Spezialisierungen ist auch ganz gut gemacht. So kann man sich nach und nach auf ein Gebiet konzentrieren. Ich persönlich liebe dieses gemischte Verkaufen. Wie so ein alter Tante Emma Laden halt. Klarer Daumen nach oben! Das Spiel ist entspannend und macht Spaß.
Einziger kleiner Nachteil: Die Zeit vergeht wie im Flug beim spielen und es macht süchtig. ;-)
173 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 10:46
Ein ganz nettes Spiel aber mir ist es extrem sauer aufgestoßen das mir ständig die Steuern/ Miete nach jedes mal bezahlen erhöht wird! Ich meine ich habe mich 60 Tage lang nur hin und her gehangelt meine Schulden zu bezahlen .

Liebe Entwickler wird bei euch auch jeden Monat die Miete / Gas / Wasser / Strom erhöht ; 12 mal im Jahr ?????
530 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 20:42
☐ Fertig
☐ Weitere DLC, Erweiterungen geplant
☑Early access (Regelmäßige Updates)
☐ Early access (Seltene Updates)
☐ Early access (Tod)

☐ Besser als Reallife
☐ Wunderschön
☑ Gut
☐ Okay
☐ Schlecht

☐ Sehr gut
☐ Nichts Nennenswertes
☐ Schwammig
☐ Schlecht

☐ Ohrgasmus
☐ Sehr gut
☑ gut
☐ Nicht so schlecht
☐ Schlecht

☑ Kinder
☐ Jugendliche
☐ Erwachsene

☐ Einfach „W“ drücken
☑ Einfach
☐ Gehirn muss genutzt werden
☐ Einfach zu lernen / Schwer zu meistern
☐ Schwer

☐Nichts zum grinden
☐ Nur wenn dich Leaderboards und Ranks kümmern
☐ Ist nicht nötig um weit zu kommen
☑ Normaler Grind
☐viel Grind

☑ Keine Story
☐ Normal
☐ Gut
☐ Hin und wieder Cutscenes
☐ Es ersetzt dein Leben

☐ Unendlich und noch viel länger (Je nachdem ob man über die Story hinaus spielt.)
☐ Lang
☑ Normal
☐ Kurz
☐ Lang genug für eine Tasse Kaffee

☐ Es ist kostenlos!
☑ Dem Preis wert
☐ Wenn du etwas Geld übrig hast
☐ Zu teuer
☐ Kannst dein Geld auch gleich verbrennen

☐ : Bugs? Kann man das essen?
☑ Mini Bugs (normal keine aber manchmal kommt es schon vor.)
☐ Kann nervig werden
☐ Game breaking Bugs
☐ Ein Terrarium voller Bugs

☑ Einzelspieler
☐ Spiel hosten möglich
☐ Einer muss Hosten
☐ MMO (Server liegen immer bereit)
☐ Externe Serveranbieter müssen bezahlt werden.

Ein sehr schönes kleines Spiel.
Man baut seinen kleinen Mittelalterlichen Shop auf.
Das Spiel ist dabei aufgeteilt in einer Tag und eine Nacht Phase.
Der Tag ist Zeitlich beschränkt. In dieser Zeit kommen die Kunden und kaufen ein, was man vorher in die Regale gestellt hat.
Die Nacht ist zeitlich endlich, bis man die Ladentür aufmacht und den nächsten Tag einläutet.
Es gibt mehrere Herstellungskategorien die alle leicht verständlich sind.
Man ist nicht auf eine Kategorie gebunden und kann auch mischen, sich nur auf eine Festlegen oder später auch alle handhaben.
Anfangs sind die Schulden etwas nervig, die man alle paar Tage bezahlen muss, doch sind diese auch mal ganz abbezahlt.

Alles in allem kann ich euch das Game gerne ans Herz legen.
625 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 13:14
???? Folge uns & erhalte alle Spielempfehlungen auf einen Blick

Winkeltje: The Little Shop ist ein schön gestalteter Shopkeep Simulator, welcher mit seinem mittelalterlichen Fantasycharme überzeugt. Du kannst deinen eigenen Shop bauen, gestalten, dekorieren, bestücken und verwalten. Du kannst die Öffnung mit einem Klick auf die Ladentür selbst bestimmen, sobald du bereit bist. Wenn Kunden deinen Shop betreten, sehen sie sich zuerst das Sortiment in deinen Regalen an. Wenn ihnen ein Wunschartikel fehlt, kommen sie an den Tresen und zeigen ihren Wunsch an. Nun musst du handeln. Entweder du hast den gewünschten Artikel noch im Inventar und kannst diesen gleich verkaufen, oder du musst ihn schnell nachordern, was durch einen Klick auf den Tresen möglich ist. Neben der Bestellung über den Tresen kannst du auch direkt mit Händlern handeln. Diese besuchen dich nämlich über den Tag verteilt in deinem Shop und machen dir Angebote. Mal gute, mal Schlechte. Es ist jedoch gut durch eine (+ / -) Prozentanzeige angezeigt, ob sich ein Kauf lohnt oder ob das Produkt zu teuer ist. Es ist dir jedoch auch möglich, Artikel selbst herzustellen, z.B. kannst du in deinem Garten Kräuter anpflanzen und diese zu verschiedenen Elixieren zusammenbrauen. Durch vier verschiedene Werkbänke (Schmiede, Alchemietisch, Küche & Spinnrad) bleibt es dir überlassen, ob du deine Produkte fertig einkaufst, oder sie günstiger selbst herstellst. Dieser Aspekt der eigenen Herstellung macht Winkeltje zu etwas ganz besonderem. Obwohl sich das Spiel noch im Early-Access befindet, bietet es schon jetzt sehr viel Inhalt. Lediglich eine Mitarbeiter Funktion würde ich mir wünschen, um z.B. Mitarbeiter einzustellen, welche den Garten bewässern oder auch Regale befüllen. Ansonsten kann ich nur positiv über das Spiel reden und muss definitiv eine Kaufempfehlung für Winkeltje aussprechen!

Vollständige Review: SpieleVZ.de
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 09:50
Sehr schönes Spiel,tolle Grafik,angenehme Musik und macht Laune nach mehr.Ein Lob an die Macher dieses Spieles,weiter so.Wünsche mir mehr Fläche zum Ausbau des Ladens,sowie mehr Gegenstände zum platzieren der Gegenstände.Es macht einfach Spaß den Laden beim wachsen zu zuschauen.

236 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 17:40
Winkeltje: The Little Shop ist schönes kleine Simulator Spiel wo es darum geht ein kleinen Shop im Mittelalter zu führen, es ist schön Grafisch gestaltet die Spiele Musik ist auch recht entspannend und man hat in das Spiel recht viel zu tun es ist sein Kauf wert.
32 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 19:27
Negativ, es raubt einem Lebenszeit.
Positiv, es mach dabei Spaß!!!!
Für so ein kleines Spiel ist die Grafik echt gelungen. Das Gameplay funktioniert. Die Musik ist unaufdringlich.
Ich finde keine Mangel.
Für lang Spieler empfohlen.
317 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 16:23
Schönes Spiel, aber selbst auf höchstem Schwierigkeitsgrad noch zu leicht.
Nach 46h entspanntem spielen hab ich alle Errungenschaften.
Es war für den Preis ein tolles Erlebnis und kann es uneingeschränkt empfehlen.

Aber ich hoffe es wird noch etwas am Balancing geschraubt. Derzeit ist der eigene Anbau im Garten als auch die Produktion von Produkten daraus viel zu stark. Insgesamt ist es viel zu vorteilhaft sich nur auf eine Sparte von Produkten zu konzentrieren. Wenn ich nur diese anbiete wollen die Leute auch keine anderen Produkte haben und ich reduziere die Probleme mit dem Lager. Aber mehr Produktauswahl im Laden zu haben bietet fast nie einen Vorteil. Ja es gibt Events, aber die spielen nur bei anderen Spezialisierungen eine Rolle (als Schmied muss man Eisen immer zukaufen, wenn da ein Event kommt wo die Preise mal über 4000% steigen dann ist das wichtig). Als Landwirt kann ich auch durch den Winter hinweg ohne Nachteile meine Rohstoffe selbst anbauen. Die Samen erhält man immer wieder zurück, daher hat man nur verhältnismäßig geringe Investitionskosten. Ja ich finde es angenehm nicht immer neue Samen zu kaufen, aber es wäre wichtig hier das Gameplay zu erweitern. Will ich die komplette Ausbeute oder verzichte ich auf Rohstoffe und bekomme die Chance auf Samen.
Auch wäre es wichtig eine weitere Planungsebene hinzuzufügen. Derzeit bekommt man seine Sachen quasi sofort. Warum nicht unterschiedlich gepreiste Vertreter schicken und dann kommen die Waren erst nach einer bestimmten Anzahl an Tagen. Damit wäre weitere vorausschauende Planung wichtig, aber auch belohnend.

Ich gehe aber davon aus, dass die meisten erhöhten Planungsebenen nicht kommen werden, da das Ziel und der Charme des Spiels seine EInfachheit ist. Das ist auch ok, aber wie alle wissen, wenn einem ein Spiel gefallen hat, dann möchte man mehr davon und auch weitere Verbesserungen. Zudem kenne ich kein Spiel was dies ansonsten so angenehm geschafft hat.
287 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 13:07
Ein absolut geniales Spiel für diejenigen, die eine Einzelhandelssimulation suchen. Trotz des Early Access ist es voll funktionsfähig, tiefgründig und bietet Möglichkeiten, einen Teil der Waren selber zu produzieren oder zu craften. Das Leveln von Craftingfähigkeiten, das Leveln des Ladens, um weitere Waren und Möbel frei zu schalten, sowie das Leveln der Attraktivität, um weitere Kunden in das Geschäft zu locken, ist sehr übersichtlich gestaltet. Lasst euch von dem süßen Äußeren nicht täuschen, denn die Modi 'schwer' und 'sehr schwer' haben es in sich!
107 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 19:24
Great little game and definitely worth the asking price.

It's one of those games that look simple to the point where you ask yourself if they are even worth your time. But once you play it (at one of the high difficulty settings), you really want to beat it (and pay back the debt). It took me about 20 failed tries on the highest difficulty to finally beat it. After you've paid back the debt it is basically a sandbox and you can spend the extra 2 hours on the final Steam achievements.

If you're more into casual gameplay and hate challenges, the easy difficulties are more or less a walk in the park. That being said, whatever you're looking for, this game has the right level of difficulty for you.

10/10: Great addictive little game that's worth the money if you're into management games. Easy enough to get the hang of it and if you so choose hard enough to make you work for success!
156 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 14:21
Nice Game, feels well balanced, progress is steady but well paced.
Its not too hard to keep your shop afloat on the standard-difficulty setting, but the decision in what you invest is still meaningfull, since money for investment is scarce in a good way that forces a certain planing.

Events can shake up the prices for some of the goods quite a bit, so that having a solid amount of storage room allows to increase profits quite a bit if you go with the flow, making use of times when stuff is cheap.

For being early access its already more complete then some games that are sold as finished, haven't encountered any gamebreaking bugs.
147 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 18:11
Sehr entspanntes kleines Spiel für zwischendurch Marke: Nur noch 1 Tag und Schwupps sind 3 Stunden rum.
76 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 09:37
Ein sehr schönes Spiel. Man betreibt einen kleinen Laden und kann selbst entscheiden was man verkaufen möchte, ob man die Ware einkauft oder selbst herstellt, anpflanzt. Man muss die Preise im Auge behalten und abwägen ob sich der Einkauf beim Händler z.b. lohnt und wie viel Vorrat man benötigt etc. Auch gibt es verschiedene Events die sich auf Preise und Kaufverhalten der Kunden auswirken. Es ist auf der einen Seite einfach gehalten und nicht schwer zu verstehen was, wie zu tun ist, aber auch komplex in dem was alles zu berücksichtigen ist beim führen eines kleinen Lädchens.
Trotz Early Access habe ich noch keinen Bug entdecken können und es läuft flüssig.
Ich kann das Spiel empfehlen.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 11:20
bin durch Zufall auf dieses Spiel gestoßen. Meine Erwartungen waren am Anfang nicht sehr hoch. Geringer Preis, noch nie von gehört. Nach etwa 10 Stunden Spielzeit, muss ich ehrlich sagen, wow!
Ich bin jemand der eher gemütlich spielt und einen langsam wachsenden Schwierigkeitsgrad bevorzugt^^.
Mich entspannt das Spiel wahnsinnig. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
98 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 12:06
Ich habe das Spiel schon sehr lange und regelmäßig die neuen Updates angesehen. Wenn man Stress mag, ist dieses Spiel sehr empfehlenswert, denn unentwegt läuft man hin und her. Die Kunden sehen alle gleich aus. Soziale Interaktionen sind bislang nicht vorgesehen, dass macht das Spiel mit der Zeit uninteressant und langweilig. Statt sinnvoll zu investieren, muss man stets die anstehenden Schulden stunden (und diese steigern sich im Spielverlauf) und kommt aus dem Laden nicht raus. Es sei den, man bearbeitet ein Gartenbeet.
Kein Wunder, dass die Verkäuferin oft überarbeitet ist und dann wie in Zeitlupe durch das Bild huscht.
Und es gibt keinen Hinweis, wie die Gute sich entspannen kann :-) Dabei muss sie stets schuften. Die Anzeigen (Ziele) im rechten Bildrand sind viel zu groß und nehmen einem die Sicht auf die ausgelegten Waren. Okay , das Design ist schön gemacht, aber die eintönige musikalische Untermalung wird auf Dauer zum Stresstest. Sollte das Spiel wirklich so bleiben, würde ich es keinem empfehlen.
233 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 09:27
Ein durchaus schönes Spiel. Man baut seinen Laden auf, stellt Produkte her und schaltet durch Aufträge, die man erledigen muss oder durch das eigene Level neue Möglichkeiten frei, seine Sachen auszustellen oder den Laden zu verschönern. Ebenso schaltet man durch das Craften neue Dinge frei, die man dann craften kann. Produkte, die man selber baut, werden mit der Zeit qualitativ besser und man bekommt dafür dann mehr Geld.
Einziger Nachteil, den ich im Moment sehe: Die Fläche um den eigenen Laden aufzubauen ist zu klein. Man braucht schon einiges an Lagerfläche, einen Garten um Gemüse anzupflanzen, Platz für die Werkzeuge, um etwas zu bauen und dann eben die Verkaufsflächen. Aber ich denke, dass da noch was kommen wird, da das Spiel bisher ja noch in der Entwicklung ist.
Bugs habe ich bisher nur einen einzigen erlebt. Manchmal bekommt man keine Ernte, wenn man Gemüse anpflanzt und dann erntet. Aber damit kann man leben. Ansonsten habe ich keinerlei Bugs erlebt. Das spiel läuft flüssig und ich hatte bisher keinerlei Abstürze.
353 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.19 14:33
Tag 31, Sommer, Level 13, Attraktivität 8 - ein heißer Tag und erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass ein zufälliges Ereignis -den Wert meiner Waren gemindert hat. Ich habe aber mit ausreichend Lagerkapazität dafür gesorgt, dass ich genügend Waren im Angebot habe. Bevor ich meine Tore öffnen, habe ich noch einiges zu tun. Zuerst gehe ich hinaus in den Garten und bewässere meine Artischocken- und Kartoffelkübel. Dann gehe ich zu meinem Schneidertisch und mache ein paar schöne Kleider, die bisher sehr guten Absatz gefunden haben. Aber auch Hemden und Schuhe will ich noch machen - die Auswahl meines Angebotes sollte ja möglichst groß sein. Dann gehe ich zu meiner Schmiede - mache noch Äxte und Hammer - Eisen, das ich dazu benötige, habe ich genug eingekauft. Auch auf den Verkaufsmarkt will ich noch mal schauen, ob es Waren gibt, die ich gebrauchen kann und günstig angeboten werden. Wenn nicht warte ich auf den Händler und hoffe, dass er meine Waren dabei hat. Nachdem ich meinen Laden noch etwas erweitert habe, neue Ausstellungsgegenstände und Dekorationen gekauft habe, überprüfe ich noch mal meine Finanzsituation. Ich muss aufpassen, dass ich die Silberstücke zusammen habe, die mir in wenigen Tagen als Zinsen abgebucht werden. Es hilft nichts, ich öffne wieder meinen Laden - alle Regale habe ich eingeräumt - es wird erneut hektisch werden: Wenn der Kunde nicht seine Waren finden, muss ich sie entweder schnell noch auf den Tisch legen oder verliere an Attraktivität. Alle Wünsche kann man nicht erfüllen - aber ein schönes Gefühl wenn die Silberlinge in die eigene Tasche rollen.

Dies ist das, was ich bisher mit diesem Spiel erlebt habe. Mir gefällt es ausgesprochen gut, macht große Spaß und ist auch recht anspruchsvoll. Weiter so - ihr Spieleentwickler!!! Ich kann das Spiel uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
347 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 06:18
Kinda surprised I didn't really enjoy this one, i played the first few days and it really didn't hook me. The fundamental gameplay loop is very short: order items to sell, open shop, keep your shelves stocked, close shop, and repeat. The graphics are charming, and i had no bugs or errors, I just didn't find it very fun.
143 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 21:07
Wie is hier nou t winkeltje, gij of ik?!
365 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 07:45
If you looking for a cozy and relaxing medieval theme shop management with Dutch name that is difficult to pronounce, then Winkeltje could be the game that you are looking for. :P

Winkeltje is simple an enjoyable management game where you can create your very own shop from the ground up. You can buy goods to sell for a profit or crafting tons of many different goods on your own, from food, tools, clothing and potions, while you can also farming for ingredient or just sell those product directly in your shop as well.

Build the shop in anyway that you want or become the medieval mall to sell everything as if you want it to be, this little game just pack with many options and ways for you to play, while the management itself is not difficult nor tedious. I do enjoy Winkeltje since early access, this is one of the best shop management game that I have ever play. Simple and enjoyable. ♥
116 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 21:27
This game is quite shallow. You're trapped in the small box that is your shop, literally cannot walk out the door. You don't really interact with customers. You just fill their orders and refill stock and pay off debt. Over and over and over. Eventually you can expand your shop... and then back to filling orders and restocking and paying debt.

I don't see the appeal. I was hoping this would be like Shop Heroes, just modernized and expanded. Instead it's like Shop Heroes, just lacking a *bunch* of features and content. Also this game actually costs money.
91 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 13:50
I bought this game after watching Josh from Let's Game It Out play it (and turn it into a medieval Costco), there was something incredibly soft and soothing about the game and I've sank a lot of time into it. Next to Minecraft, it's one of my fave games to play, with lots of different levels, style. You can be serious, silly, chase achievements or create carnage.

Also, join the Discord, the team are incredible, the community is fun and friendly and it feels like a family.

After a tough day at work, I'll come home, put in headphones and revisit my shop. If this game were a drink it would be cocoa: warm and comforting.

If you want to truly relax playing a game (except when the traders mark up iron by +1000% because who can stay calm at that???) this is for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
142 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 15:31



Winkeltje The Little Shop เกมร้านสะดวกซื้อในยุคกลางเนรมิตให-
่งที่สามารถจะจัดหาให้ได้-< ไม่ว่าจะเป็นวัตถุดิบอาหาร หรือของตั้งต้นในการผลิตอย่าง แร่ ไม้ หนังสัตว์ สมุนไพร ฯลฯ พัฒนาความสามารถในการผลิตสินค้า และการตกแต่งร้านค้าเพื่อเพิ่มมูลค-

งตัวละคร-< แม้จะมีหัวข้อให้เลือกน้อยนักแต่นั-
ะไรให้มาก-< เพราะยังมีอีกหลายเรื่องให้คุณได้ไ-
วละครเสร็จแล้วต่างหากล่ะ-< โดยเกมจะมีความยากให้เลือกถึง 4 ระดับ ซึ่งความแตกต่างจะอยู่ที่ “ราคาต้นทุนที่รับซื้อ และค่างวดที่ต้องผ่อนในแต่ละอาทิตย-
”-< ถ้าหากชอบความสบาย ๆ ก็มีโหมดสร้างแบบอิสระที่ไม่มีค่าง-
ดผ่อนอีกด้วย-< แต่ถ้าหากชอบความท้าทาย แนะนำให้เลือกยากสุดไปเลย มันจะทำให้การเดินหมากในแต่ละวันนั-
นทุลักทุเลมาก-< แน่นอนการลงทุนมีความเสี่ยง โปรดศึกษาข้อมูลและวางแผนให้ละเอีย-

เมื่อสร้างตัวละครเสร็จ จึงจะเริ่มเปิดร้านค้าได้ และสามารถตั้งชื่อร้านค้าได้ตามใจช-
บ-< จากนั้นก็จะเป็นก้าวแรกของการเป็นเ-
้าแก่-< ระบบเกมไม่ซับซ้อน เริ่มจากเราจะมีพื้นที่ร้านเล็ก ๆ ก่อน จากนั้นซื้อชั้นวางของเพื่อวางสินค-
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้างกินเนื้อที่พอสมควร-< สิ่งที่คุณจะต้องทำลำดับต่อไปคือกา-
ขยายร้านนั่นเอง-< และใช่ ฟังดูแล้วมันง่าย แต่นั่นมันไม่จริง หากคุณได้ลองเล่นโหมดยากสุด คุณจะรู้ซึ้งถึงคำว่า ข้าวยากหมากแพง ถ้าคุณไปเจอเหตุการณ์และฤดูกาลในหั-

เหตุการณ์สุ่มของตัวเกม เป็นอีกหนึ่งเหตุผลที่หลีกเลี่ยงไม-
ได้เลยที่จะบอกว่า-< มันสามารถทำให้โอกาสเป็นวิกฤต หรือวิกฤตเป็นโอกาสได้ ยกตัวอย่างเช่น 5วันนี้สงครามได้เริ่มปะทุ สินค้าจำพวกแร่ และ อาวุธจะแพงขึ้น ราคาต้นทุนเหล็กจะแพงขึ้นมาก แต่ราคาขายก็จะแพงตาม หากคุณซื้อเหล็กตุนมาก่อนแล้ว คุณก็จะรวยได้ไม่ยาก หรือถ้าเป็นฤดูกาลอย่างฤดูหนาวจะเป-
นฤดูที่ต้องการไม้ฟืน-< และอาหารอย่างมาก ส่งผลให้ราคาไม้และวัตถุดิบมีราคาแ-
ง-< เป็นต้น และในแต่ละวันจะมีพ่อค้าเร่สุ่มเข้-

บากของตัวเกมได้-< และปฏิเสธไม่ได้เลยว่าระบบคราฟท์ไอ-
์ที่ทำให้ผู้เขียนเล่นยาว-< ๆ ได้ไม่รู้เบื่อ มันคือหนึ่งในตัวช่วยให้คุณรอดพ้นจ-
กวิกฤตได้อีกช่องทางหนึ่ง-< เพราะระบบเกมนี้คือไอเทมที่ผ่านการ-
ราฟท์จะขายได้แพงกว่าเสมอนั่นเอง-< แต่อย่าได้ชะล่าใจไป เพราะบางครั้งพ่อค้าเร่เข้ามาขายถู-
กว่าให้เราช้ำใจเล่นก็มีเช่นกัน-< ฉะนั้นอย่างที่บอก ทุกย่างก้าวทุกการตัดสินใจต้องคิดใ-
้รอบคอบจริง-< ๆ

ดยที่ยังมีกำไรเหลือ-< ๆ ในการอัพเกรดร้านค้าเพื่อดึงลูกค้า-
ข้ามาในร้านเยอะ-< ๆ เพราะยิ่งนานวันค่างวดมีแต่จะแพงขึ-
น-< ๆ และในแต่ละวันที่ผ่านไป มีอะไรให้ทำเยอะจริง ๆ เมื่อร้านค้าใหญ่ขึ้นก็ต้องดูแลมาก-
ึ้น-< ใช้เวลานานขึ้น มันจึงเป็นเกมดูดวิญญาณอีกเกมหนึ่ง-

คือ-< บักเติมของ โดยปกติเวลาสินค้าไม่ได้อยู่บนชั้น-
างก็จะมาถามที่แคชเชียร์-< และถ้าหากเราไปเติมของที่ชั้นวาง มันจะเดินไปหยิบเองโดยอัตโนมัติ แต่บางครั้งมันไม่เดิน มันติดบัก แต่ก็เป็นบักที่ยังยอมรับได้ “ก็ฉันเป็นลูกค้า ไปหยิบมาให้หน่อยเด๊ะ” ถ้าคิดอะไรทำนองนี้ก็พออนุโลมให้อย-

สรุปโดยรวม คุ้มค่าคุ้มราคาสำหรับคนที่ชอบแนวบ-
ิหาร-< ซึ่งส่วนตัวผู้เขียนชื่อชอบเกม ザ.コンビニ เกมร้านสะดวกซื้อเครื่อง PS1 เป็นทุนเดิมอยู่แล้ว เกมนี้จึงเป็นที่น่าพึงพอใจ และสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการเก็บ achievement ง่าย ๆ เกมนี้มีเพียง 12อย่างเท่านั้น และไม่ยากเท่าที่ควร เหมาะสำหรับมือใหม่หัดเก็บมาก คุ้มครับ คุ้มเน้น ๆ (ฮ่า ๆ ๆ)
243 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 01:42

The Medieval Supermarked Simulator I Never Knew I Wanted

The Short Version
Winkeltje: The Little Shop is good fun, and pretty much does what it says on the tin. The graphics are solid, and the soundtrack fits the gameplay well, although both can get a tad repetitive after a while. All in all, a solid game, and well worth the price. If you’re in the mood for a simple indie tycoon style game about running a quaint little medieval shop, then look no further.

First Impressions
Launching the game, you’re greeted with a nice looking menu, accompanied by some relaxing background music. Very chill. Jumping into the actual gameplay, you have a few difficulty options, as well as scenarios, which are just the size of the plot of land. I played on normal, but you can up the difficulty, or simply play on creative and let your inner interior designer out.

The tutorial is incredibly bare-bones, however the game is quite self-explanatory really. The tutorial takes the player through the basics, like movement and Camera controls, and buying and selling goods, however it doesn’t actually explain how these things are done, rather simply prompts the player to do them. For me this wasn’t a problem given the simplicity of the game overall, but I thought I’d mention it.

Once you get going, and you’re buying and selling, upgrading your shelving and restocking your goods, it’s oddly engrossing!

Graphics and Audio
I really liked the graphics, they fit the vibe of the game very well. The animations are generally very smooth, although there is no turning animation so spinning around on the spot looks a bit strange. The quality of items on display is visible at a glance by the coloured particles which subtly shimmer around them, and the lighting look good, fitting the overall aesthetic of the game nicely.

The audio is nice, although once you’ve heard the background music for a while it does get really repetitive. But the ambient sounds fit the game well, and the satisfying sound of items being sold is always nice to hear.

The Gameplay Loop
The gameplay loop is basically what you’d expect, with a few nice surprises thrown in for good measure. You have to keep an eye on stock and buy items cheaply so they can be sold for a profit. You can do this in 3 ways. First, you can buy items directly from your counter. Buying from the counter is usually the most expensive way, and the items are always of the ‘standard’ quality, but they are always in stock. Second, you can buy from the wondering traders who will stop by once per day, this is great as they will sell items of differing qualities, and often offer them much more cheaply, giving you a better profit margin! Finally, you can make your own items. This can be done using one of the in game skills, and is the best way to go. You’ll still need to acquire the materials, but you often end up with higher quality goods, and since materials are usually cheaper than the items that are made from them, the profit is higher.

Crafting is simple but rewarding and fun. You buy the materials using one of the above methods, and then use a workbench to make the items, levelling up as you go. The crafting benches available at the moment are the Forge for smithing, the Stove for cooking, the Tailoring station for making clothes, the Alchemy Station for brewing potions, as well as farming which takes place outside using planters. They are all good fun, but overall cooking and alchemy seem the most ‘fleshed out’ as you can use farming to gather your own supplies. It would be nice to see something similar implemented with smithing, such as the implementation of mining, as well as being able to farm silk and wool for making clothes.

But what are you actually selling you may ask? Broadly, items are broken down into the categories associated with the crafting skills mentioned above, you can also sell the materials themselves. When you specialise into a selling one item type, you’ll attract customers exclusively looking for those items, so no customers looking to buy hats will walk into your apothecary store. This is a great system, although the one gripe I had was that it makes the game biased towards running a specialist store, as running a general store leads to many more disappointed customers who get annoyed because you didn’t have that one item they were looking for. As there’s a limited number of items in each category at the moment, it’s much easier to keep a full stock of all the smithed items in the game, than it is to keep a full stock of everything!

Beyond that, you can decorate your store with cosmetic items to attract more customers and expand it to fit more produce on your shelves and stock in your storeroom, until you’ve got more money than the medieval Elon Musk.

Final Thoughts
I think this game is well worth the money, I’d even say it’s perhaps slightly under-priced. The gameplay can get a bit repetitive, but it is oddly addicting for what it is, and certainly kept my interest for a lot longer than I’d have expected. Winkeltje: The Little Shop has quaint written all over it, in fact, even when you quit the game, the menu text even tells you to have a wonderful day, which I feel sums up the overall ‘quaintness’ of the game quite nicely!
87 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 23:28
This reminds me of Recettear in a way, as well as some good parts of the Rune factory series.

For a person like myself that enjoys playing games that allow grinding or power-leveling, this is right up my alley. And it doesn't require you to go out into dungeons to fight monsters in order to get the more useful items to sell or craft.

What I wish I knew when I first started playing was, you can push the TAB button to open the menu, or there is a shiny circle thing in the middle of the screen near the bottom that does the same thing.

I don't know if it mentions on the store page, but items don't necessarily become obsolete once you can craft better, as the more you craft something, the higher chance you have of crafting a better quality version that sells for more! Now that I know some things, I'm going to start a brand new game to take what I learned and try my hand at Hard difficulty!

I thoroughly enjoyed this game so far, and I am going to buy it for my friends.
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 21:43
Big fan of stardew valley, harvest moon, rune factory, etc. I love how casual the game is. Everything in build/buy mode sells for 100% of the initial cost so you can change the layout frequently without feeling locked into anything. There's difficulty options at the start so you can play as casually/competitively as you want.

Definitely enjoying the specializations you can go into, I personally love the culinary track and farming.

Looking forward to new game play as the game is developed further!
145 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
5998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 05:40
Gone are the days when your customers would treat you like a proper peasant. They used to throw your money on the ground when they purchased an item. Your evenings consisted of running around your store picking up your earnings. Now, they take their items up to the register and pay for them like normal. I miss the days when you used to look down your aisles and see them covered in silver coins. Despite these updates, this is a very fun game. It has that ‘Just one more turn’ mentality.
264 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
5801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 00:36
Whenever I need a game to relax... I've been coming back to this little shop. There's something calming about the flow of the game. Once you pay off your debt, you can really just focus on the crafting and decorating. And the loop is satisfying. Updates and improvements come regularly, which makes it fun to go back to and see the well executed changes.

I have no real complaints aside from wishing for more shop customization. More decorative items. More ways to theme your shop (more floors, inner wall paints, maybe candles and lanterns to take advantage of the bloom and have the option to be open when it's dark, maybe split the crafting stations so that you have more things to place and could dedicate a room per crafting type).

My dream for this game is to have a second floor where your person can eat and sleep... but mainly you could decorate their little home. Maybe the better the stuff in their home, you get some buffs for the day. I could really see this game being able to go there. hehe

That being said, as it stands, the game is quite enjoyable. Even after playing 80 hours at this point, I keep coming back to it.
87 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 12:14
I have to admit, I'm quite addicted to this game at the moment. It's really good one to play if you are short on time - I've been playing it 30mins to 1 hour almost everyday during weekdays.

You get to run a shop and decorate it to attract more customers. I love how even your merchandise look good aesthetically - been having mad fun decorating my shop! I decided to specialise in tailoring and cooking, and I love how my shop turned out both visual & functionality perspective.

You also get to dress your shopkeeper up - when get to unlock more outfits as you go!


Highly recommended to those who love decorating & short on time :)
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 05:38

I really did not expect this game to be so addicting. Super simple game play but enough to keep you going forever. Lots of objectives and strategy, but at the same time it's one of the most relaxing games I've played. I like that you can choose your difficulty. Kudos to the creators, I love it.
220 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 13:10
I bought this game early on in the EA process and they've made a ton of improvements to it. It was pretty simple in the beginning, and there was a ton of feedback on how to improvement. I'm delighted to see how the developers have taken that feedback and incorporated it into the game to make it better.
66 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 10:54
Pretty simple and chill shop tycoon experience.


- Simple to learn, but has enough depth to it to stop you getting bored easily.

- Nice peaceful soundtrack, kind of like some of the older sims games.

- Graphics are fairly basic, but suit the game well.

- Random events throw a spanner into the works and some can force you to adapt in many ways. Like Wars for example makes things like iron and bread very expensive, which can be a good or bad thing for you. If you have a big stockpile of say iron, you'll make massive profits from iron being in very high demand, but if you don't have a lot you'll have to be careful with your money and perhaps sell something other then iron and iron tools to help supplement your income.

- Seasons: These kind of work like events, but last for much longer and affect prices of certain goods.


Lack of automation, you can't hire anyone to help you restock the shelves, which can get a bit tedious later on when your store gets big.
233 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 03:30
This game is the game of my dreams! For so long I've been searching for a cozy game where I could just make and sell things.


- Best shop management game that I've played.

- There's gardening, cooking and crafting.

- Haven't run into any bugs.

- Can work up to specialize your shop in a category or categories. So, if you don't want to make clothes and don't want to sell them? You have that option. You want to run a food market? You can.


I'm pretty much nitpicking here and all of these could just be a me problem ha ha

- Some things are not very intuitive. For example, for the longest time I didn't know I could just stand near the displays and hold down R to restock items in the vicinity.

- The build mode doesn't have tilting as far as I know and that makes it hard to see certain angles. It also takes a bit of getting used to.

- I want to store a lot of stuff on hand but maximum storage per unit is such a low capacity imo. I am struggling here to keep the aesthetics of my shop and stuffing in so many shelves.


307 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
3224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 01:16
If you found this game despite the unique name then there's a good chance that you like shop simulators. In that case then buy.

If you're still reading then you're on the fence.

There's crafting, growing, customization and skilling up. It's the best raw shop simulator that I've played and I'm kinda a fan of the genre.

If you're still reading then maybe you're worried about it being EA. I can say that the dev is helpful and active. There is plenty of content despite it being a fairly simple premise.

If you're still reading then you are too strapped for cash and maybe shouldn't be spending money on games. In that case just wishlist it until you find a better job. Pay your bills and stop buying games!
272 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 17:16
This game has filled a void in my heart. I've been struggling with a lot of stress in my life, and I needed something that could give me a safe haven.
This is a sandbox, and I would love for it to stay that way (if ever there is more narration, I would love sandbox to stay an option at least). It's simple: you choose what you want to sell in your shop, decide whether you specialise in selling meals, clothes, medicine, etc., and then you start crafting it, and then you can produce the ingredients to support your crafting... On easier difficulties gives me no anxiety, and I can just relax, let my mind wanter and look at a pretty store, having my own story in my mind.

113 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 06:18
A really fun game. 10/10 definitely recommend.

Read other longer reviews about this game if you want to know how it is.

For me, I found it's a great game without a super heavy grind behind it. The game lets you create your own little shop and that's about it. The game loop rewards you if you have a lot of items and stock of items, more customers will come. If you don't stock something for a day or two the demand decreases, however other demands start pouring in.

Resource management is the base of this game and that's what makes it fun. It's not a difficult management system, but it can get intricate with time.
77 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 20:38
i first tried selling apples and as much as the town folk loved my apples my heart was just not into it. one late night while waxing my apples i thought i would try throwing several ingredients into my cauldron. to my surprise i had created a potion that would make anyone who drank it fall in love. i spent the next several weeks combining plants with different effects. I now own the best and only potion shop in town and the people of my town could not be any more in love, healthy and beautiful.
39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 17:21
I am reviewing this from easy mode as I tried normal mode and couldn't keep up with paying the debt as well as trying to upgrade my shop. As of easy mode you can pay off your debt fast and then focus on the rest of the game. I enjoy the events it has like when it has days when you have customers that come till the end of the day and you have to keep up with the high demand of the customer. I do find that when they have a few days of bandits it can be a pain at first but when you get you apparel to a high level it really doesn't enough your shop at all. It is fun decorating your shop as you like and setting up your sale stands. It can be a pain having to go back and forward to the tables as you can only put one item on the selected area, it would be easier if you could stock pile. It so much better when you have all your craft tables so all you got to do is grow your plants and buy only a few things for crafting. This is the game for you if you enjoy casual gaming.
213 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
3603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 01:40
This game is so fun and well made. If you've ever been convinced to play one of those shitty Facebook shop games but hated every minutes of it because you were forced to invite people or pay to get access to features, this is the salve to heal your soul that you've been looking for. It's a wonderful shop simulator with a lot of room for growth and expansion.

It can be a bit grindy if you want to max out all of your levels, but that's completely unnecessary (I'm just like that). The devs for this game are super active and super kind. They have a discord server where you can post bug reports, suggestions, screenshots, and more. They respond super fast and, frankly, are a huge reason I want to leave this game a glowing review. The fact that I can expect continual progress from them and a willingness to work with their players is so heartening. The game is continuing to be added to and updated regularly with new features and bug fixes.

If you're design oriented, you'll also appreciate that all of the decorations, props, functional items - anything you buy in this game - you can sell back for the exact same price. This includes any money put into upgrades and so on. It makes it really easy to design your shop without wasting money on sellbacks (which can be heartbreaking if you decide you really don't like what you did with it).

I immediately started out playing Very Hard, since I have experience with this kind of game. It was tricky near the end of the the gamemode, before it turns into sandbox, but I managed to complete it on the first try, with some difficulty. It's very well balanced in terms of difficulty, and only becomes moreso as you learn the ins and outs of the game and improve at planning ahead and so on.

I look forward to where this game goes! It's already wonderful and will certainly only get better.
392 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 22:11

This game is SO MUCH BETTER. Almost entirely overhauled UI makes it feel leagues smoother than it did before, which was honestly the only thing really bugging me from before. Way less clicks to get what I need to, and everything feels a lot more polished. Great job, devs!
245 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 01:24
The game came a long way since i played it last time about a year ago. It's prettier & has a lot more things & actions to offer, like eg a garden. The navigation is still clunky but it's worth to be played nevertheless. It's a soothing but a quite fast game. If you are into commerce, don't want to deal too much with spreadsheets alone but prefer more hands on approach, then Winkeltje is very recommended.
220 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 21:35
Very fun in bursts gets old fast but is very nice to do when you just want to relax. The game has improved much since I bought it and I think it will continue to do so. These developers are worth supporting in my opinion.
36 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 04:16
Very fun game, similar to Shop Titans for mobile but without the micro-transactions. First time I played it, I spent 6 hours on it and I haven't even realized it. There are many different seasonal/situational events that that may affect the economy which makes it really interesting. You can play around with food, produce, equipment and tools. It may look simple at first but management is really important in the game and you can be punished if you get too greedy or do not pay attention.

Cant wait to try the higher difficulties and see how I fare.

8/10 for me
Things I wish could be improved:
One thing I discovered was that, after a long session, the game tends to lag, wish it wouldn't or else it would have been a 9/10 for me.
Wish you could hire workers for certain aspects of the game as well. whether it be for farming/restocking. either or but not both.
121 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 20:03
Its an easy game to learn that is both relaxing and entertaining. It got repetitive at the end when I was going for all achievements so I role-played a girl called Morrigan who ran a Tailor shop as a front for her back room alchemy, paying off the witch hunters each week.

All in all for the price it is well worth it and being an early access title also adds the chance of additional content in the future.

Thank you Sassybot I really did enjoy your game.
251 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
2381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 13:51
There's little else to say about the game other than it is a medieval shop simulation, with the assumption that you are a shopkeeper of a traditional RPG. If anyone has ever played Recettear, it is a game similar to that but far more focused on the shop than the story. How does it execute on that?

The design of the game is hit or miss, but the price is definitely worth it if you are looking for this kind of game and enjoyed either Recettear or some other game where you manage a shop.

Similar to its inspiration, the gameplay loop is that at the start of the day, you set up your shop. You stock shelves, build additions to your shop, buy items, craft items. You can rearrange at will, even to the point of selling things you buy, and with additions to your shop, you can sell for equal value. Having this level of freedom feels awesome, and there's a very good balance you have to strike between expansion, improving existing things, and paying your debts. I like how the game challenges you to keep up and understand its systems.

The customers also appear to respond to your store. They seem to gravitate to items toward the front more than anything, meaning there's strategy in where you put things and how you structure it. Having tables for displays and shelving for volume seemed to work well and it felt like my designs were making a difference in what was sold and how much profit I was making.

There are major problems with the game's systems, though. The first problem is that because of how crafting works, you are encouraged to specialize into one kind of good, meaning even though the game has a ton of things you can make or sell, if you're trying to make the most money you will want to grind on one type of good at a time. In the endgame, you can probably diversify but I haven't gotten near that point yet though.

This is also missing a couple of key features that Recettear had, and that is any kind of story or identity with your customers. There is also no bartering, and you cannot set prices.

With all of my complaints, why should you buy this game and why am I recommending it? Because the price for something like this is very much worth the presentation and flawed systems. It provides a that basic feeling of running a shop and going through the motions of a daily routine within while making small expansions, dealing with both highs and lows, and managing systems. Just don't expect to be wowed and I wouldn't expect to play this long as it does get monotonous because there's no large feeling of reward that I have felt thus far.
234 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 02:08
it is to simple, it feels like a game built for the phone, I expected it to be more complex.
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 17:39
Definitely shows potential but It's barely a thumbs up. Lacks depth in game mechanics. Gets repetitive after 2-3 hours yet very fun to play if you like grinding.

Biggest down for me was I specialized tailoring, unlocked everything. After that I dicided to go into alchemy. When I put basic potions on display all customers started to demand high level alchemy stuff probably because of my high appeal. I thought I would start with basic stuff then progress like I did with tailoring. Anyway maybe it's me...
23 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
5534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 15:44
laid back! build shelves, build storage, stock up, sell, farm, and craft. level your craftable items from uncommon to epic tier, this leveling with also unlock more items
344 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 15:07
Fun game, with a lot of heart!
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 21:54
This game takes me back to when games used to be a lot simpler (and not in a bad way) but have it has a true objective. The objective is to run a store and not add lots of systems on top of it. Truly addictive but also built in a way so you do take breaks! Highly recommend!
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 21:08
This game is the most authentic shopping simulator ever made! Those bastards always want that one product you dont have...
34 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 14:27
I can wholeheartedly recommend this game. If you like resource management games, this will be perfect for you. There are random events that can mean you're running around like a headless chicken trying to serve people and restock shelves, while others leave you with fewer customers and therefore less money.

I particularly like that you can get to the point that you can make a lot of the items yourself, instead of paying a trader for them. Simple controls, easy to understand and the relaxed mode is perfect for when you don't want to stress over paying back debts.
449 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 21:31
Nice relaxing shop game with pretty nice fitting graphics too and smooth gameplay for what it does.
I really love the pacing too, between days you have infinite time, then during a day you have to manage as customers come so it's really nice to play at the pace I want and take a lot of time to either understand something or design my shop when I feel like it.
I also find the decision to play everything from the shop keepers perspective quite interesting, and ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would.
It's basically what I was hoping to have gotten from Crossroads Inn minus the tavern bit.
I'm looking forward to seeing what else will be in store for this game.
93 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
2399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 03:09
So, I bought this game some time ago on sale. Tried it once or twice for really quick gaming sessions and wasn't really blown away with either. The game sat, in my library, collecting dust.
Just recently I made the time to circle back to some of these 'sale' purchases I made, and spent some time playing this.

I have to say, it's fun. The game itself is extremely simple, it's basically a resource management sim that focuses of course on running a middle ages style shop. After playing for a bit, I was surprised at the amount of freedom the game gives to create whatever style shop you want. It basically gives you the building blocks and you do whatever you want. So I played some more, and it drew me in.

The game focuses on 4 main trade goods which you craft in your shop; clothing (tailoring), cooking, tools/weapons (blacksmithing) and potions (alchemy). But you arent forced to actually sell any of them. You could make a shop that sells production resources, be a distributor that just orders goods and sells them, whatever you want. You can even focus and specialize in specific goods, or be a general store and carry everything.

The graphics are pretty decent, the animations are good, the styles and variance of shop 'building blocks' look good and fit together well to create really interesting shop spaces.

All-in-all the game is fun, simple and light. The biggest downside i've found is I feel like I want more depth, but then, this game so far isnt about that, it's about easy, quick, simple play, and it does give you that.

118 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 14:35
Fun Game, Very Relaxing And Entertaining
45 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 02:10
Time suuuuuuuuuuuuck but in a good way!
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 13:16
Great game. I keep coming back every once in a while. The constant updates help keep it fresh as well.
249 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 12:47
Really awesome game! The best shop sim i have played :) Can't recommend enough.
73 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 11:50
Fun, cute little game. It can be as relaxed or hectic as you want, regular updates that expand the game and adds features.
186 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
4993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 04:03
This game is so relaxing, yet really satisfying. I always feel happy when I play it and every update adds more wonderful content and improved quality of life updates. As an Early Access game, it has exceeded all of my expectations and I am excited to see all of the additional updates as they continue to develop the game.
290 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 22:15
A wonderful little game, well worth its price. The random events make for great challenges, without feeling like the game screws you over.
361 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 17:05
This game was on my wishlist for less then a week before I opted to not wait for a sale; something I rarely do. I can honestly say I don't regret my impatience. I read through dozens of reviews in the few days I had it on my wishlist and saw a lot of people saying it was unbalanced and impossible to make progress but I can confirm that is not true. This game is still in early access but already much more complete and carefully crafted then some full release games I've played. The Devs are working hard at added new content and are very responsive to community input. One of the biggest draws for me is the accessibility of the game. As a disabled gamer with limited motor function in my right hand it is amazing to have a game that can be played with a controller and even better the ability to turn on a click to move option making most of the game functions executable via the mouse alone. As for the gameplay; it's extremely relaxing and fun after you get the hang of it. I can easily get lost in it for hours without realizing how much time has passed. I've played this genre for years now and this game has to be one of my favorites!

93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 21:21
Winkeltje is one of the big things that has gotten me through Covid-19 pandemic. The devs are responsive and really dedicated to the game, which makes the experience of having your own tiny shop, with a solid gameplay loop really fun and rewarding. It's not stressful, and you can both redecorate as well as just... zone out and have your tiny farms or craft or whatever. It gives me the same feeling as looking at CottageCore inspiration pictures.

I'm really excited about what the future has to bring. <3
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 04:16
Great game, absolutely nails what it is trying to be. Two things I would ask for that would be nice:

1. The ability to hire a shop hand to help you restock shelves throughout the day that you would pay in a daily wage so I can focus on the front counter and crafting/farming/building/ordering

2. A more comprehensive financial ledger showing me daily, weekly, monthly and total sales of various products, as well as my debt remaining and income/expense reports

The two additions would take this from a great game to a perfect game, but for where it's at in its development cycle it is on the absolute right track. I think the addition of the shop hand and ledger is all that holds it back at the moment
72 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 21:06
My review is more me giving folks game tips than my opinion. The game is great, I do really like it! And I have played a lot of management simulator, sandbox type games because I really want the replayability to get my money's worth. This has the potential to be one of them, in my opinion, but you have to know HOW to play. A lot of the negative reviews I read were from people who did not know how to play this game. YES, I was in sales for a period of time in my life, so maybe that helps? Anyway, just understand that this review offers more tips than my opinion.

At 27 hours, my shopkeeper is level 30 and my shop is level 16. The higher your shop level, the more customers you have. The higher your shopkeeper's level, the more decor you unlock. Not all decor is unlocked per level. Some you purchase and some you finish objectives to unlock (seasonal decor).

You save/make a lot of money crafting everything yourself, same with the gardening. Buy a few seeds of each crop (2-3 will do) and keep up with your demands.

As far as crafting goes, there is cooking, blacksmithing, gardening, and tailoring. You learn how to make more as you get further in the game. You make better quality items the more you craft them.

Do not purchase decor until after you have paid off your loan. The period of time it takes to pay off your loan is like a tutorial. Use that time to focus on finding the balance between supply and demand and on growing a larger profit margin every week.

Buy from the traveling salesman as much as you can. He is cheaper than ordering from your desk. He will visit more than one time a day as demands rise.

In the menu to order goods, the red number next to items does not mean you will not make a profit. Mouse over the item you want to purchase and read what the tooltip says. Rarely have I seen a negative number in the profit margin, but it does happen during certain events.

I keep 3 of each item in my storage, crafted and raw resources alike. I put one of each item on the shelves for sale and restock them as needed throughout the day. I strongly recommend you do the same. Some things that are used in a lot of crafting I keep more of, especially when they go on sale.

Grow slowly, do not rush.

When you notice there are new things to craft, do not hesitate. Offer the new items right away.

There are events that happen in the game that will affect you. Be sure to read what these events are and make necessary adjustments.

Buying the large shelving units that hold 6 items is a wise investment. Switch up to the large shelves as soon as you can. Same with the storage pallets. As soon as you can, sell the small ones and replace them with big ones.

Once you find out the balance between supply and demand and learn what the events do, you will be golden!

I hope that you found this information helpful! Play on, Gamers!
145 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 18:05
It's like real life except I can actually be happy and successful here
319 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 18:37
This game is fun, but it seems to be tuned so as to make it almost impossible even on normal mode. The prices you can buy at are always ridiculously inflated (+200% or more) so it's impossible to get stock. And I'm talking over weeks. While the amount of 'loan' you have to pay back just gets higher and higher so you never have enough money to expand into any of the new areas. Unfortunately for me anyway, this isn't fun, it's frustrating. There's no feeling of progress, only scrambling to make payments. This makes me sad because there's fundamentally a fun game here.
294 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 10:49
A (currently) somewhat more shallow, slightly worse camera, and aesthetically more pleasing (not even considering the anime aesthetic, the 3d art was pretty bad) version of Recettear with THANK CHRIST no tacked on combat.
If the developer is reading this and is thinking about adding some sort of adventuring mechanic PLEASE do not add combat. Add sponsored parties that you pay or otherwise equip and they bring back random stuff, but PLEASE do not add combat, that is always terrible in this kind of game.
Back on topic, the game needs a bit of work (please increase the angle the camera can be moved and add an option to make walls always transparent), but shows promise. The developer seems to be very active on the forums so things look hopeful.
902 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 17:59
This game has come a far way since they first launched it into Early Access. You can see the care they give to this game - and the time and effort they provide to their players. They are constantly active on Discord and are making sure they listen to every complaint, comment and compliment.
If you think that isn't deserving enough of their support - then let me tell you that this is a good challenging shopkeeping management sim. Probably one of, if not, the best ones I've played so far.

Try it for yourself - and thanks for reading.
108 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 17:32
A fun game! Similar to Recettear, but instead of getting high value items from quests, you get them from crafting. Also, the sale price of items is automatically set, so you don't haggle with customers. You need to plan when and how much of each good you'll buy so that you can maximize profit and minimize wasted inventory space. Traders come into the store a few times a day with a random assortment of goods and prices, or you can order them on-demand (for a much higher price). Customers who buy from displays throw their money on the floor instead of coming to the register, which I found quite humorous once I figured it out. During the day, you'll be running around the store restocking shelves, collecting money, talking to traders, and selling to customers who can't find what they want on the shelves.

I couldn't get the tutorial to work properly, and sometimes the UI is not intuitive. For example, in order to allow the Appeal (decoration score) cap to increase, you must buy Wall upgrades, which was not at all clear to me until losing a game while wondering when it would increase. I also wish it was possible to see sales statistics: how much of each item did I sell in the past day? The game is great overall if you enjoy economic or management games with a little bit of medieval flare.
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 17:54
This is far from the deepest game in the world. You use a very simple setup to put together your store. Then you let people in to shop. Buy for less than you sell stuff for. Buy better furniture. Wash rinse repeat. It is fun.
920 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 13:41
Great game. Very fun, optional difficulty for ease, challenge and difficult. It also has great replay value.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 01:17
Honestly, I thought this game was garbage when I downloaded it a year ago (it was a free download then). I knew it had many flaws it needed to work through before it would be a great game. I just re-downloaded Winkeltje and I got to admit I cannot put it down. The game has been patched many times and you can tell. The controls are much better along with the story of the game. I would definitely recommend this to my friends that love creating little shops.
1137 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 02:00
Awesome and addicting game, didn't come across any issue at all, seems to be working well for being EA. recommended!
134 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 01:31
Great fun! I feel like I'm kinda just getting started after 4 hours, and I mean that in the good way :) it's a perfect little game for those of us who ever dreamed of being shopkeepers as a kid. It's charming, it has a cute soundtrack, and it really keeps you on your toes! I'm playing Normal mode, and I already nearly have gone bankrupt at one point, so stay sharp fellow shopkeepers ;o bankruptcy can creep up on you when you least expect it...

I will say, for some people this game might not be 'enough'. It's kind of basic in a way, but not to its detriment. I don't think it's a bad thing in this game's case. I think it's easy to pick up, and very hard to put down lol! Addicting gameplay loop :D thank you developers for this lovely game! Very cute, very fun, and very satisfying <3
202 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 22:13
cute little shop game to waste time on. good pacing, cute graphics and music, feels relaxing to play even when a deadline is coming up. only recently obtained the game, but as a shop keeping game enthusiast i think i'd recommend it to people looking for a game where you just want to stay in your shop all the time and sell stuff.
crafting is a thing, and the more you craft the better you get at it - higher levels mean better made items, and therefore more money.
takes strategy to balance income and inventory, but not so much so that it consumes every waking thought. market fluctuations influence your purchases from travelling merchants, and holidays cause items to sell for more. y'know, shop game stuff.

tl;dr: if you want to relax and listen to some peaceful music while people throw their money on the floor for your goods, try this game out.
97 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 21:23
This is the best spreadsheet simulator I have ever played. 10/10 stars.
133 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 17:31
Wonderful way to make hours fly by. Fantastic shop game.
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 21:39
a cute simple relaxing game.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 18:23
Love it!! Only thing is I wish there were more professions or more crafting options and more deco items
201 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 16:31
It's a real tough decision on whether to recommend or not recommend this game...

The games graphics are nice and the game play seems pretty well put together. Though I had issues with the difficulty of the game. At first it seems like it's going to be rather tough. The first 3 debt days I barely had any money to pay the debt and i was barely able to upgrade my shop between the debt days. However, once I created a forge and started making nails, the money took off. I completed the forth day owing about 102 dollars i believe but with a balance of 650 dollars. After that one i just couldn't find enough places to spend my money.

The debt system seems a little odd to me as well. For some reason you owe money even though you never took out a loan or anything of that sort. Then every week even with making payments on time you owe more money somehow. I know it's a gimmick to make the game a little harder, but I feel like you could implement this a lot better. Such as most games create a starting point where you almost have to take out a loan to get going. So slower returns to where you need to take out a loan or wait for long times to get money built up. This feels more realistic in a management game instead of an ever increasing debt for no reason that you can never pay off.

I decided to recommend the game though, because I have only played 1.6 hrs at this point and so maybe it gets more difficult down the road. Regardless of the difficulty if you just want a relaxing management game that doesn't tax you to make good use of you money this will definitely be for you.
537 Produkte im Account
534 Reviews
2847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 21:19
This game is so addicting. I've tried every possible layout and there is still so much I could do. I would like to use all 6 space shelving, but there just isn't enough room for 49, 6 slot storage shelves lol. All were missing is space expansion and achievements, and this game would be awesome!
Logo for Winkeltje: The Little Shop
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
93.52% 635 44
Release:19.02.2019 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Sassybot Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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