• Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.
  • Farm Manager 2018: Screen zum Spiel Farm Manager 2018.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.04.2018
Zum Shop
Preis Update 13.09.23

Über das Spiel

Verwalte deine Farm im Farm Manager 2018! Um deinen Betrieb weiterzuentwickeln, musst du kostengünstig produzieren und teuer verkaufen. Steuere die Prozesse des Anbaus, wähle die entsprechenden Arbeiter und Maschinen, züchte Tiere und verarbeite die geernteten Erträge. Die verschiedenen Kameraansichten erlauben es dir, eine strategische Perspektive einzunehmen oder einfach die Welt durch die Augen deiner Arbeiter zu beobachten. Reagiere auf die Witterungsbedingungen und Jahreszeiten. Errichte ein Glashaus, um Erträge bereits im frühen Frühling zu verkaufen. Kaufe neue und gebrauchte Agrarmaschinen, um schneller zu ernten und die Erträge vor ihrem Haltbarkeitsdatum zu verkaufen. Optimiere die Kosten und stelle Saisonarbeiter für die Erntezeit an. Nimm Herausforderungen von den Nachbarn an, um zu beweisen, wer hier der beste Bauer in der Gegend ist.

Du möchtest nicht nur typischen Weizen anbauen? Vielleicht bevorzugst du ja Äpfel oder Gurken? Im Farm Manager 2018 erwarten dich 20 verschiedene Anbausorten, die sowohl manuell als auch maschinell bearbeitet werden lönnen. Jedes der Produkte hat sein eigenes Haltbarkeitsdatum. Bevor du die ersten Setzlinge pflanzt, musst du an die Bearbeitung des Bodens denken. Beobachte deine Pflanzen, wie sie aus grünen, kümmerlichen Keimlingen aufblühen, um letztendlich erntereif zu sein. Vergiss auch die Bewässerung bei Dürre nicht. Wenn du dich nicht richtig um die Pflanzen kümmerst, werden sie krank, verlieren an Qualität und sterben letztendlich ab.

Auf der Maschinenbörse kannst du neue oder gebrauchte Agrarmaschinen erwerben. Du hast rund 40 Maschinen zur Auswahl. Vergiss nicht, dass günstigere und gebrauchte Maschinen schneller kaputt gehen können. Vor allem, wenn sie von weniger erfahrenen Arbeitern gesteuert werden. Bevor du deine erste Maschine kaufst, baue eine Garage, damit du genügend Parkmöglichkeiten hast.

Eine echte Farm setzt sich nicht nur aus Anbaufeldern zusammen. Du hast über 40 Gebäude zur Auswahl, angefangen bei Gebäuden für Tiere bis hin zu Verarbeitungsbetrieben und Fabriken. Du hast eine überaus gute Ernte? Vielleicht solltest du dann in einen Verarbeitungsbetrieb investieren? Baue eine spezielle Fabrik, um all jenes zu verarbeiten, was du geerntet hast. Produziere Säfte und Tiefkühlkost. Du hast zu viel Schafs-, Kuh- oder Ziegenmilch produziert? Fang an, Käse oder Butter zu produzieren. Es sei denn, du möchtest dich auf die Fleischproduktion konzentrieren.

Pflanzen alleine sind dir nicht genug? Im Farm Manager 2018 kannst du ebenfalls Tiere züchten. Angefangen bei den kleinere, wie Bienen, Kaninchen oder Putter bis hin zu Ziegen und Kühen. Du musst dabei beachten, dass du entsprechendes Futter und qualifizierte Betreuer brauchst. Ziehe junge Tiere groß, bevor sie Eier oder Milch liefern. Bienen lieben Buchweizen und Raps, weswegen du unweit der Bienenstöcke auch solche Felder abstecken solltest. Wenn deine Tiere erkranken, musst du unbedingt einen Tierarzt rufen. Wenn du sie wiederum fortpflanzen möchtest, ist ein Anruf beim Inseminator vonnöten.

Stelle dich den wechselnden Witterungsbedinungen, wie Dürre oder Regen, und ernte die Erträge noch vor dem ersten Bodenfrost und dem ersten Schnee. Schaue Ausschau nach einem Regenbogen und beobachte die immer länger werdenden Schatten sowie die Farben, die sich je nach Jahreszeit ändern. Du kannst jederzeit in den Foto-Modus wechseln, um wunderschöne Aufnahmen deiner Farm im warmen Herbstlicht, bei eisiger Kälte oder während eines Unwetters zu machen.

Im Farm Manager 2018 gibt es gleich 3 verschiedene Spielmodi! Du kannst entweder eine Kampagne spielen, unter 15 Szenarien wählen oder im Freien Spiel einfach drauf los spielen. Die Kampagne führt dich durch die wichtigsten Aspekte des Spiels und lehrt dich, wie du deine Farm verwalten solltest. Die Szenarien wiederum stellen dich vor spezifische Herausforderungen und Situationen. Im Freien Spiel kannst du so spielen, wie du möchtest. Du hast elle Freiheiten, die von verschiedenen Aufgaben und Verträgen bereichert werden. Wähle deinen Lieblingsmodus und auf zur Arbeit!

Wenn dir eine Anbauart, eine Maschine oder ein Gebäude fehlt, dann kannst du es eigenständig erschaffen und auf einfache Art und Weise hinzufügen bzw. mit anderen teilen. Die veröffentlichten Musterelemente erlauben es dir, schneller ein Modell zu erschaffen. Die Parameter des Objekts kannst du in einem übersichtlichen Formular einstellen.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5-2400, AMD FX-8320
  • GFX: GTX 560 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch, Französisch, Spanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i7-2600K, AMD FX-8350
  • GFX: GTX 970 4GB, AMD R9 290 4GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch, Französisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 15:52
Sehr schönes Spiel zum Abschalten.
290 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
6284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 20:16

Herrlich Chillig

Für mich als Feierabendspieler ein wunderbares Spiel.
Anfangs hatte ich ein wenig zu kämpfen um zu verstehen wie was funktioniert, bin ja kein Bauer.
Mit der Zeit wird es jedoch immer einfacher, man versteht die Abläufe und die Zuweisungen der Betreuer.

Von mir eine absolute Kaufempfehlung, im Sale für 3,15€ gekauft. Das ich dafür soviel Spaß bekomme hätte ich nicht gedacht.

Falls jemand Fragen hat und wissen möchte wie schnell Geld verdient wird: Fragen!
29 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 21:13
Finde das Spiel sehr gelungen und für den Zeitvertreib echt nicht schlecht.
Grafik ist ganz nett
Spiel läuft stabil

Für den aktuellen Preis, sollte man sich es auf alle Fälle kaufen. Ich habe mir das Spiel samt DLC gleich geholt.
421 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 01:14
dont vote for it.... no updates since 2019 and it has more bugs like stars in the sky
9 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 10:42
Macht Spaß und ist perfekt, wenn man alle Aufgaben im Homeschooling erledigt hat, obwohl noch nicht 13:00 Uhr ist.
59 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 13:21
Sah eigentlich nach einem tollen Spiel aus.
Allerdings beginnt schon im Tutorial einige Bugs aktiv zu werden. Wenn nicht alles strickt nach Vorgabe ausgeführt wird, zählt die Aktion nicht, man kann den Tutorial-Punkt dann nicht erfolgreich beenden (Beispiel: Ich habe vorab Forschung betrieben und als es im Spiel eine Voraussetzung wurde, hat das Spiel die erfolgreiche Forschung nicht anerkannt). Ebenso kann eine Arbeit nicht unterbrochen oder aufgehoben werden (Beispiel: ich habe ein Feld zu groß angelegt. Wollte es löschen und neu begrenzen. Die angewiesenen Arbeiter blieben auf der Stelle stehen und konnten nicht ausgewählt, zu anderen Arbeiten verwiesen oder entlassen werden).
Das Tutorial an dieser Stelle ein drittes Mal anzufangen war für mich keine Option.
Vielleicht kommen hier ja noch Bugfixes, die diese beheben.

- Arbeiter Aufgaben unterbrechen / beenden lassen
- Arbeiter einer bereits begonnenen Aufgabe hinzufügen

Sicherlich könnte ich noch mehr finden, wenn ich weitergespielt hätte. Vorerst aber pausiert ... hoffentlich nicht für immer.
101 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 05:20
An sich hat das Spiel viel Potenzial und die Grafik ist nicht die schlechteste. Aber leider ist es doch sehr un durchdacht.

Wenn man auf einem Feld eine Aufgabe begonnen hat, kann man die Anzahl der Arbeiter nicht mehr ändern und bricht man die Aufgabe ab, um mehr Arbeiter zuzuweisen, kann man die Aufgabe nicht wieder beginnen. Ernte verfällt.

Die Senarioaufgaben sind strotzen doof. Soll ein Feld wässern,mit was stand nicht da, und habe die Bewässerung auf dem Feld angelegt, scheinbar sollte ich es von Hand wässern mit Arbeitern, denn die Mission ist nicht abgeschlossen.

Und so zieht es sich durch das ganze Spiel.

Liebe Publisher, wer Geld mit Spielen verdienen möchte, sollte wissen was man tut und das mit Liebe und Interesse zu Computergames. Game geht retoure.

307 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 22:13
Auch 2020 bleibt es unfertig. Sehr schade den da Konzept würde aufgehen.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 10:29
Eine sehr schlechte Umsetzung einer guten Idee. An der Programmierung haben sich offensichtlich zu viele Amateure beteiligt.
109 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 19:51
Mit Blick auf das Potenzial, dass hier verschenkt wurde, bin ich sehr enttäuscht.
Aber es kommt ja bald der Farm Manager 2020, da wird alles besser...!

Mein Fazit, Finger weg von allem was mit Farm Manager 20.... beginnt.

135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 15:47
- Viele Möglichkeiten einen Landwirtschaftsbetrieb aufzubauen und zu führen
- Die Möglichkeit eine KI zur Feldbewirtschaftung abzustellen
- Einstellung von einer unendlichen Anzahl von Angestellten
- sehr große Map, die nach und nach freigeschaltet werden kann

- Die Grafik ist nicht Stand der Dinge, passt auch nicht ins Jahr 2018, eher 2009, reicht aber für eine Wirtschaftssimulation völlig aus
- Es lassen sich nur Feldwege anstatt von Straßen bauen
- Die Preise schwanken enorm, was die Schwierigkeit herabstuft. Im Freies Spiel auf der höchsten Schwierigkeitsstufe ist das Spiel zu einfach. Dabei bezieht sich die Schwierigkeit nur auf die Haltbarkeit der Produkte, aber eben nicht auf die Preise
- Immer der gleiche Track. Aber zumindest kann der stumm geschaltet werden, sodass eigene Musik abgespielt werden kann

- Der Sound mit den Tiergeräuschen wird ab spätestens dem 3. Tierproduktionsgebäude einfach nur lästig und nicht auszuhalten
- Sehr viele Bugs. So werden viele Wege nicht gefunden. Irgendwann reagiert die KI nicht. Bei mir war das bei etwa 200 Angestellte soweit. Traktoren befinden sich irgendwann ausserhalb der Map und finden erst im Winter den Weg zurück. In der Zwichenzeit poppt immer das Fenster zur Reparatur auf.
- Die Performance ist unterirdisch. Ich habe eine Intel i7 der 6. Generation Quadcore mit 8 Threads und 4,2 GHz, eine Zotac GTX 980 Ti Extreme und 16GB Ram, und trotzdem benötigt das Spiel enorme Ressourcen. Allein zu Beginn des Spiels wird 50% der CPU und GPU Leistung benötigt. Im späteren Verlauf, wenn mehre Angestellte eingestellt sind und mehrere Betriebe gebaut sind und produzieren, explodiert die Leistung förmlich. Der Spielverlauf gleicht dann einer Diashow
- Zu geringe Auswahl an Maschinen, Anhängern und Co.
- Gebäude für Angestellte und Saisonarbeiter kann nicht erweitert werden.
- Tiere verschwinden einfach so, wenn es kalt wird, anstelle in den Stall zu gehen.
- Eine Kampagne ist praktisch nicht vorhanden. Die Kampagne ist ähnlich einem Tutorial
- Die Nebenaufgaben sind ein Witz und wiederholen sich permanent. Viele von den sind zudem erst im späteren Verlauf des Spiels machbar.
- Ein Kredit muss erforscht werden. Im späteren Spielverlauf braucht man den einfach nicht. Ich habe zumindest nie einen benötigt. Nach etwa 3 Jahren wird dann soviel im Jahr verdient, dass der unnötig wird. Daher nur zu Beginn des Spielverlaufs wäre er sinnvoll


Spielspaß: 7/10
Kampagne: 2/10
KI: 4/10
Sound: 3/10
Musik: 2/10
Grafik: 6/10
Performance: 1/10
Kaufempfehlung: 2/10
194 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.18 08:00
Ich hatte von Beginn an großen Spaß mit diesem Spiel. Die Kampagne spielt sich sehr angenehm aber leider auch unspektakulär. Um in rote Zahlen zu kommen und damit seinen alten Herrn zu enttäuschen ist so ziemlich unmöglich. Daher kann ich es insbesondere Einsteigern sehr empfehlen.

Ein wenig enttäuscht bin ich aber doch. Nach 9 Stunden Spielzeit war ich in der Kampagne bereits weit fortgeschritten. Leider lässt sich mein Autosave und mein eigener save nicht mehr laden. Der Spielstand wird in einer Endlosschleife geladen. Das ist sehr ärgerlich da ich nun von vorn beginnen musste. Ich kann ich daher nur empfehlen mehrere Spielstände anzulegen und sich nicht auf den Autosave zu verlassen. Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich mit diesem Problem nur eine Ausnahme darstelle.

Ich wollte mit der Viehzucht groß einsteigen aber änderte dann doch meine Meinung als ich die Erträge sah. Leider lohnt sich das züchten von Tieren oder der Verkauf von Tierprodukten im Vergleich zum konventionellen Anbau überhaupt nicht. Die Erdbeeren die man hier anfplanzen kann sind vergoldet. Nach zwei Jahren hatte ich mit drei großen Feldern über 800k und winkte gelangweilt sämtliche, aufkommende Kosten ab.

Es ist ein schönes Spiel und ein netter Zeitvertreib. Erfahrende Spieler werden hier keine großen Herausforderrungen finden. Tortzdem werden auch Profis Spaß darin finden ihre Farm so effektiv wie möglich zu gestalten.

Toll würde ich es finden, wenn die Tiere im Winter nicht verschwinden würden. Sie befinden sich weder auf dem Weideland - noch im Stall. Denn in diesen kann man rein spizeln. Für Spieler die sich gerade der Viehzucht widmen möchten ist das eine Spaßbremse. Die Farm wirkt über den Winter sprichwörtlich ausgestorben.

Darüber hinaus ist der Winter gerade für Spieler die sich dem konventionellen Anbau widmen eine lästige Sache. Der schnelle Zeitvorlauf genügt meiner Meinung nach hier nicht. Da man nicht viel unternehmen kann zieht sich die Zeit ins unerträgliche. Das ist sehr verbesserungswürdig.

Es fehlen auch automatisierte Aufgaben. Während man in der Viehzuch Mitarbeiter dem zugehörigen Stall zuweisen kann/muss, ist der An- und Abbau von Lebensmitteln händisch zu meistern. Im weiteren Spielverlauf artet das ganze in ein gewaltiges micro-management aus. Eine ziemlich miese Spaßbremse. Könntet ihr nicht ähnliche Optionen auf ein Feld übertragen? Eine Anzahl an Mitarbetiern zuweisen und die sollen sich darum kümmern.

Das Windkraftwerk. Leute, das Ding wirft viel zu viel Gewinn ab. Im Grunde kann man gleich zu Beginn die erneuerbaren Energien erforschen. Nach 7 Tagen steht dem Bau des Windkraftwerks nichts mehr im Wege. Auf der Schwierigkeitsstufe schwer kostet es zwar 60k aber eins wirft monatlich mind. 4,5k ab. In stürmischen Monaten bis zu 14k je Kraftwerk, Nach ein bis zwei Jahren schwimmt man im Geld. Und all das ohne Gebäude- und Mitarbeiterkosten. Das ist ein wenig zu einfach. Selbst für Einsteiger.

Trotz genannter Umstände werde ich es weiter spielen und hoffe auf einige Fehlerbehebungen. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist genau richtig. Daher gibts einen Daumen nach oben und würde mich über neue Inhalte sehr freuen!
223 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.18 17:41
Wir hatten das Glück den Beta Testern angehört zu haben und konnten uns schon einige Eindrücke vom Spiel verschaffen. Da in der Beta Version noch nicht alle Funktionen und Inhalte freigeschaltet waren, konnten wir leider noch nicht alles austesten.
Zum Spiel und unseren bisherigen Erfahrungen:

- sehr realistisches Manager Spiel
- großer Umfang, es gibt viel zu erledigen
- gute Grafik & Sound/ Musik
- Liebe zum Detail
- man braucht nicht lange um in das Spiel zu finden
- Jahreszeiten haben Auswirkungen auf die Ernte
- neben der Ernte gibt es auch noch viele weitere Manufakturen (Schlachthof, Mühle, Kühllager, Saftfabrik, Milchverarbeitung usw.)
- Mitarbeiter Management
- Aufgeschlossener Entwickler, der wirklich die Vorschläge der Spieler versucht umzusetzen
- Automatischer Verkauf von Waren und Ressourcen, da Waren Ablaufen können

- keine Reihenaufträge/ Aufgabenlisten für Mitarbeiter
- noch einige Übersetzungsfehler, aber keine dramatischen
- etwas undurchsichtige Personalkosten (Jemand mit mehr Erfahrung ist manchmal billiger als
jemand mit weniger)

Uns gefällt das Spiel jedoch sehr gut und wir können es jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen, der etwas mit der Thematik und Aufbauspielen anfangen kann. Jeder der den Landwirtschaft Simulator mag und das ganze mal aus der Manager/ Aufbaustrategie Sicht spielen möchte, der ist hier genau richtig!

Tipps für den Anfang:
Positioniert die Angestellten Häuser strategisch gut, die Mitarbeiter laufen immer wieder dorthin um Pausen zu machen. Dies Kostet immens Zeit, wenn Sie bis ins Hinterland rennen müssen. Am besten ihr platziert die Häuser der Angestellten in der Nähe der Parkplätze und der Ställe.
Moe liebt Windräder, er kauft Anfangs gerne gefühlte 2000 Stück. Die Windräder generieren ihre Einnahmen pro Monat und das regelmäßig. Dies ist nicht zu verachten! Bis ein Feld einmal fertig bestellt ist und bis dieses abgeerntet werden kann, ziehen im Spiel gerne mal Wochen bis Monate ins Land. Wenn ihr die Felder zu spät fertig bestellt habt (z.B. September) und die Winterzeit anfängt, bevor das Feld Erntereif ist, könnt ihr die ganze Ernte entsorgen und euren Einnahmen somit goodbye sagen! Hier sichern euch die Windkraftanlagen ab, selbst wenn ihr mal einen Fehler gemacht haben solltet.

Hier einmal unser Experiment in der Beta inkl. einiger Erklärungen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSkxIZuUbWc

Achtet auf die Haltbarkeit der Ressourcen, die ihr verkaufen wollt oder wenn ihr euch damit nicht befassen wollt, dann stellt den automatischen Verkauf an. Einige Lebensmittel haben einen schnellen Verfall, andere können längere Zeit eingelagert werden und es lohnt sich durchaus z.B. Honig etwas zu behalten und bei einem hohen Marktwert/ Preis zu verkaufen. Andere Ressourcen sollten auf Autotrade gestellt werden, wie z.B. Eier und Milch.
Setzt Vogelscheuchen auf eure Felder! Vergesst sie nicht, die Vögel sind sonst wirklich nervig. Genauso wie das Feld immer mit Pestiziden zu behandeln, um das Feld vor einem Befall vor Pilzen, Ungeziefer oder Unkraut zu schützen.
Zudem werft ab und an mal ein Auge auf eure Lagerkapazitäten. Ist ein Lager einmal komplett voll, so wartet der Traktor samt Anhänger und Ladung so lange davor, bis wieder Platz frei wird!

Wir freuen uns sehr auf die Vollversion und werden diese auch gleich austesten, was es alles Neues gibt und unsere Bewertung dann ergänzen!

Edit: Noch ein zusätzlicher Tipp! Noch besser als die Windräder ist der Schlachthof! Baut euch 3 Kuhställe, einen Schlachthof und ein Kühllager. Dann kauft ihr euch soviele Kühe bis die Ställe voll sind (18 Stk.) und lasst diese direkt in den Schlachthof wandern. Ist zwar nicht schön, aber so bekommt ihr jede Menge Geld. Man kann das ganze im späteren Spielverlauf zurückfahren, wenn man genug Geld hat.

Hier das Video dazu von der Vollversion:
2384 Produkte im Account
191 Reviews
10438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 22:08
For lovers of farming only, a very basic farm-manager game.

Management in overalls

Farm Manager 2018 scratches a niche which isn't scratched a lot by farming games. Sure, you can basically do all these things in Farming Simulator, the biggest game in virtual farming. That game is controlled from the various machines, boots on the ground. Some people prefer a management perspective, like a city builder. I love farming and farming games, and I have several thousands of hours in farming games, however due to an illness most games aren't an option anymore. Thankfully Farm Manager is!
This game is basically a modern version of SimFarm from the nineties. You start with a few workers, buildings and fields, and you decide what to do with these ingredients. You have access to a wide selection of crops, but anything will make profit, as long as you don't explode your monthly costs by spending too much right from the getgo. You start with handtools, of which I have no idea why. They even plough by hand, which is frankly ridiculous! It's either that, or investing in a tractor with implements. The natural step of using a horse or an ox is not an option in the game.
You can create fields with crops, grass, and orchards. All rectangular, because of AI simplification. There are seasons, but it doesn't really matter when you plant or harvest fields. Most crops require three months to grow, so technically you can prepare, sow and harvest fields two times a year. On the department of preparing, every spring the fields reset their values, and a level of fertilisation is deducted. When you fertilise a field it takes two years before it's gone. I'm not sure if the second year provides a lower yield, I assumed not, but it could be. Ploughing and cultivating increase yield, and ploughing destroys present cultivation. There is chance of weeds, insects and fungus to infest a field. You can prematurely spray fields, or spray when it happens. The yield doesn't lower rapidly, and the chemicals are not cheap, so spraying in advance isn't my choice. And lastly crops need water, through rain or by (mechanical) labour.
There are six types of animals. Cows, pigs, sheep/goats, poultry (chickens, ducks or turkeys), rabbits and honeybees. You can further produce goods via a butcher, or dairy products such as butter and cheese.
You can also refine seeds, mill grains into flower, and create fruit juices. Lastly you can build greenhouses, which are effectively fields that keep producing all year long.

When you are higher level you can assign managers to fields. A manager will take care of all the steps, as long as he/she has the required tools and manpower available. Manual labour such as picking strawberries require an army of workers for instance.
Workers assigned to a job, such as cows or a field manager, aren't available for other labour. This results in an unnatural large workforce.

Campaign and scenarios

The campaign functions as a tutorial of the game, however it is very poorly designed. The moment you get to buy a tractor, you are forced to buy the biggest parking available, which makes you practically broke. But okay fine, no big deal. What implement would seem logical to buy with a tractor? A plough? A cultivator? No, the game wants you to buy an orchard planter... An implement that you use once per field. And the whole campaign functions like this. You have to save several years of money to satisfy the requirements, which are meant to be a fluent tutorial introduction.
The scenarios are good by intent, however most can be beaten by getting loans.

The endgame is horrible

A sandbox game should be great just to see it 'happen' when you are 'finished' building. In this game you are plagued with sick animals, of which you are required to manually call the veterinarian. Besides that it is watching machines break down every other field, unless you manually perform many maintenance actions per machine.

Conclusion & further thoughts

It's a game for lovers of farming. I enjoyed it, but not because of the functionalities of the game. When dealing with manual labourers, i'd much rather play a game like Banished.
The machines don't have brands, which would enrich the game for many. However it's an affordable game, and licensing is expensive. I can also live with a wonky AI, as long as it works, which it mostly does. A few times I had to reload, not game breaking. And that's a good thing, because I remember how the games of this rebranded publisher were in the past. This game works and I enjoyed parts of it, enough to purchase Farm Manager 21. I will play that one somewhere next months, and I sincerely hope there is enough improvement over this one. I will put a link to my review here once it's finished.


More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers).
302 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 20:35
not a bad idea, but there's a game breaking bug with workers. as they can get stuck, I built a field, had them till it but decided it was to big so deleted it and the workers got stuck in the tilling animation. That meant i was down all my workers and couldn't fire them of move them, so couldn't run the farm.

Got this game in Jingle Jam 2021. Found mentions of staff bug from 2018 still not fixed.
11 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 12:22
good but so many Bug
30 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 16:16
Got the game because it's 90% off, and I was bored.

The gameplay felt like playing Cities: Skylines (visual, interface, movement), except you are macro and micromanaging farming+business operations and transactions. Pretty good concept, nice balance, great farming options, and looking at the farm upgrades - it looks like it has a well-thought progression that's worth the grind. EXCEPT - the game has bugs that are game-breaking; after straight 5 hours of really fun playing, I encountered the following, (1) first is a bug with the farmers get stuck inside their houses, and the field they are tending to get's stuck as well - the options to cancel action, delete, or clear the field are all greyed out, so it means I am stuck with a non-functioning field and several farmers. (2) 2nd is a farmer tending chickens suddenly unable to get out of the free range area, showing notice that the path is blocked, even though there is nothing blocking the gate. Loading to a previous save doesn't fix it either, as it seems the game is really flawed in design that it goes to the exact issue down the line. I really don't mind bugs, if they are just graphical, or any other silly things that happens here and there. But in this case, the issue is really game breaking. So this might be the reason why it's 90% off.
152 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 23:35
I tried to like this game...
It is honestly a buggy mess, already breaking during the early campaign missions. Simply not acknowledging that I have bought the stuff it asked me to, even though I have double the required amount in storage. Queue chickens dying.

I also must say this game has one of the worst cameras I've ever had to deal with, not only being awkward, but moving at the slightest movement of your mouse, making building and managing stuff extremely annoying.

It's also surprisingly hard to keep track of different things, e.g. what plants are about to spoil, as there is no clean switching between tabs.

Honestly, don't buy this, it's trash.
73 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 21:38
Played for a bit over an hour. Enjoyable management game. Not too hard to figure out the controls etc.

I was naturally curious and irrigated my first fields in the beginning of the campaign. Because I did this, I cannot water the field by hand. There for I cannot achieve the goal of watering the field. Now I cannot progress the campaign (even with a brand new field). So I think that's about where I stop.

Not recommended. Lots of minor bugs that make the somewhat slow-pace management game frustrating. I do really enjoy the economy of the game and playing material prices like the stock market.

Thanks to the Humble Bundle for showing me this game.
199 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 20:48
Not Fun
Not Recommended
Avoid this developer like the plague.

If you're a hummingbird that enjoys playing 'whackamole' 24/7 you might like this game.

Constant micromanagment and clicking from task to task because you end up running in at full speed otherwise soooooo boring. You never have enough money for housing and more/enough employees so the same 5 workers have to bounce from task to task over and over. Beginning campaign will eventually tell you to buy/build a $60000 wind turbine when you're lucky to be making $6000 in a year. Made it impossible to progress thru or past the tutorial beginning campaign.

There's no queue for tasks which is probably due to you having to sometimes 'interrupt' one task to go take care of a more important one like abandon plowing so you can harvest a different field - if you try to assign one worker to 5 different tasks it will take FOREVER.

You cannot resume an interrupted task - you have to start over (and it already takes so long to plow then cultivate then fertilize then plant even a small field or you just skip all that because you'll be busy having to put other stuff on hold while you spay your fields).

This 'game' is far more stressful and annoying than fun.
I thought I was buying a game for entertainment not a life lesson on how difficult it is to be a farmer and how impossible it is to succeed. OY!

Note: Beware of glitches. There are several annoying glitches that help ruin this game like suddenly can't select your field and watch your crops die or workers stuck in loop doing same task on same field over and over.
269 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 21:35
The tutorial is garbage. If you've already done the action it wanted, it doesn't count. So if you go too far ahead, you have to wait.
484 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 00:44
Absolute bugged game. Save crashes, random crashes, load crashes. Had to restart 5 times so far. Lack of automation for common tasks. Lands don't retain status from season to season. Lack of good AI for field managers. Hardcore lagging when larger farm size layout happens. Equipment degradation is not in line with real expectations.
Good idea for a game. Crap execution for actual.
345 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
1954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 06:14
it's 2027 in-game and climate change has yet to decimate my crops or completely destroy my topsoil. Very pleasant fantasy game.
2166 Produkte im Account
1201 Reviews
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538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 01:33
Stars received: 3.6/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.6] Controls & Training & Help
[0.4] Menu & Settings
[0.4] Sound & Music
[0.5] Graphics
[0.4] Game Design
[0.5] Game Story
[0.4] Game Content
[0.3] Completion time (level/game)?
[0.1] is it Enjoyable & Fun?
[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)
[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related
[0] BONUS point: Review for VR
[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: farming sim, feels raw and unpolished like for a mobile device

convenient controls are fine, but the menu locations to operate with the game process are not nicely arranged
game engine and graphics visual are outdated as would be 2021, frustrating game mechanics.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 07:11
This game has a lot of potential, it is an enjoyable game, before you know it you've invested over 60 hours into the game. I definitely recommend this game, but buy it on sale.
1286 Produkte im Account
451 Reviews
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 13:46
Changing review to FUN. If you have the time to figure out how the game works, and you will need time.

Not bad to buy on a sale.
214 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
8245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 14:23
What a great little game! I felt like a break for an hour or so from my usual games so i checked out steam store for bargains. I found this with 90% discount and bought the DLC bundle for £2.54. I mean, come on! For that price even if i just get a few hours distraction i cant really complain, right?. For the past 42 hours of my gaming time i havent even thought to play anything else and i'm still not!

Its far from perfect. Its UI is clunky and info windows lack any kind of sorting, and its laggy when you get larger scale and have quite a few AI managers. And the soundtrack is very limited and repetitive (disable the music and put your own on in the background). But boy is the gameplay fun! Vey engaging. I'm still working through the main campaign which slowly unlocks buildings and features as reward for completing milestones. That aspect alone is addictive. A lot of the fun is learning how each aspect works then setting it up and tweaking it, and then it allows you to move on to the next. Looking at the building list i still have a lot to unlock - a lot more to play through. its got me interested in buying the newly released 2021 version which i guess is the aim of discounting this version so heavily. Kind of like a not-quite-free demo, or teaser, for the new version.

I would have just about recommend it at full price. Its shortcomings can not be entirely dismissed. But so heavily discounted... yeah definitely go for it! You may be very pleasantly surprised.
120 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 19:10
I do not understand what the other reviews are complaining about....
Gameplay is good.
Yeah the tractors drive through your fields but build the roads in line with the garages and your sorted...
Game has not crashed once in almost 21 hours (which included a 10 hour session).
No unfinished missions or incomplete due to external factors (don't interrupt a process once you started).

All in all it is fun and addictive.
If you like SIM games, this one is up there for mind numbing, world forgetting, time killing, etc..
For the price, 4/5.
195 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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9700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 14:12
Has bugs, they abandoned the game to make a new one, doesn't seem good as they could have made the game better by just fixing the bugs.
80 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:59
Bugs with pathfinding. It's a nice game, pretty chill, but the bugs ruin the experience I am sitting here yelling at some damn AI because she dont want to drive the tractor and just sits in the middle of the road costing me money and harvests

Good graphics
good theme
chill game
bad pathfinding
not bug free.

devs use some bug spray on the pathfinding.

overall 6/10
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 01:25
so much bugs, it's hard to play and enjoy
181 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 18:49
I would like to know if the developer has actually played the original SimFarm by Maxis in 1993?
It was a simple game yet very fun game. I don't think it would be extremely difficult to program some of the SimFarm features in.
The graphics and some of the UI is very similar to SimFarm, but functionality of this game is missing so many things.

First off, why does it completely halts, or destroy field if you interupt worker? Can't you have it idle, and restart progress when needed? Queue in different work would be good too. Some more warning should be in place as to why a crop will start over if you decide to grow new crop. But halting worker should not be a good reason for crop field to be destroyed. In real life, you can simply switch workers. The game should represent as close to reality as you can have it.

There is no management of each single cow? Telling each age/gender/price.

36 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 14:09
You must try this game, it's addicting

Not bad for relieving stress after work
85 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 21:34
No, I did not actually play for 32 hours, or whatever the current playtime hours are. I tend to leave the game running while I do other things. While the fields are being tended and harvested, I am cleaning the house. I like games like this where I don't need to stay on top of things all the time.

I saw a lot of negative reviews say that the game was full of lag and crashed often. When I got the game it was on sale with the DLC for $3 so I took a chance. The game only lagged on me once, after spending 10 minutes buying vehicles and exiting the shop menu, the game did lag to the point where it was slower than 10 frames per second. I saved the game and reloaded. That fixed the issue. I learned not to spend too much time in the machine shop. That was the only instance of lag I have seen.

I think that the game is good in short doses. Most games can get boring after a while. I like the variety in animals and crops. I wish there was an option to grow organic crops and use organic pest control and herbicide options to create a more valuable crop to sell. I also don't like to raise pigs because they're only purpose is to be slaughtered. It would have been amazing if i could send the goats and sheep on grazing contracts to earn money and get milk and wool without having to feed them. What about PERMACULTURE? I don't think the team was thinking big enough, but for what it is, it is a good little farming manager.

And yes, I know that the new farm manager is just arround the corner.
13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 21:49
Although not a new game, I decided to give it a try. Initial start up is a bit challenging, but once you get the rules figured out, the game is very rewarding with a variety of challenges. So, you won the lottery and you want to start a farm ... Here's your chance. Ever want to build a successful vineyard with your own Merlot wine? How about experimenting with managing crops and come out with a winner? It's all possible.
146 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 12:41
Too much idle time, many mechanical issues, even in the tutorial! Confusing crop management: what are the seasons of a particular crop? The game does not communicate well with the player.
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 02:50
Keeps you busy...great graphics....love it.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
41522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 11:33
205 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 08:11
This farm manager game can really hook you up - there are plenty of different crops, animals and even productions buildings to give player massive variety of possible goods. There are some interesting mechanics like workers skill system, machines durability and field characteristics. One thing I did not like is that at least in the beginning there's a lot of waiting, especially in winter. As well, there are some occasional bugs in story mode and they can brake the game. So save often! But overall, it's nice management game for enthusiasts.
102 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 15:29
this game idea is great and its full of enjoyment but i dont know how or why i downloaded it again recently and it keeps crashing every 5 minutes !!

please help !!
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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7340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 05:44
game crashes so much... once you basically start building on new purchased land the game just lags so hard and the pointless notifications that pop up at the top middle of the screen letting you know whats happening when the game has automated systems like field managers, autotrade, and other things that make these notifications pointless at times and tends to slow the game down
35 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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5809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 15:22
Overall impressions after completing all achievements

I have completed all the achievements for the game except for 1 and will have that one completed within the next few days. Generally, I like the game and feel I got acceptable value out of it. I appreciate the dev team being very responsive and interacting with the community. With that being said, I would like to give some feedback for the dev team to think about.

Player activity within the game is very polar, even outside of the large deadzone during winter. If the player chooses to farm crops of any type, the game turns into a game of whack a mole with what I would consider excessive clicking. In order to plant any field crops, a minimum of 22 clicks is needed (click field, click task, click machine tab, click auto populate, click accept)(plow, cultivate, fertilize, seed). When playing livestock farms, the game is on the other end, where it is very boring for large stretches because livestock operations can be automated (I fully support auto insemination).

Livestock farming is simply better than crop farming. Livestock can be automated in all aspects except for getting the initial feed into the barn/silo, which is a good thing. Livestock products sell for more than crops and are produced continually over the course of the year. Crops on the other hand are intensive efforts from the player due to the number of clicks needed, sell for lower values and other than greenhouses, don't have a consistent, steady income stream. Even though some of the factories produce high value goods (frozen fruit), the expiration date on the harvested fruit in combination with the through put means that you have to either continually purchase fruit to keep the factory operating or can only supply them with greenhouse crops. The mill and seed factory produce such little value when compared to their livestock equivalents that raising grains is almost pointless.

My last major area to address is the equipment. Several of the reasons why growing crops in the field just feels like a chore is because of the equipment and associated mechanics. All the field tasks have to be performed manually and as field sizes increase, the time to perform the tasks becomes exceedingly long because the player can't buy larger equipment. A 100x100 field takes about a in game month to do all the operations. In most cases the equipment costs so much, even used, that the player can buy livestock feed for years before they recoup the cost of equipment to justify the self harvest over buying. Lastly, there is no reason to ever buy new equipment because the cost delta between a new machine and used machine is huge and a new machine only buys the player about a month worth of repair time, which is trivial due to how fast machines degrade.

For these reasons, once I complete the last achievement, I'll probably be setting the game aside until some major work is done to it. The performance needs to be worked on, the disparity between crops and livestock needs work and equipment needs updates to address degradation and scaling for larger fields.
215 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
3499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 22:48
This game is good, plain and simple. Its very casual so you can run it for hours while your people farm. I love the time it takes for a year, really doesnt seem rushed. Well made and alot of fun i would definately buy this gem and play it. It has a few bugs still but thier not game breaking(like sometimes a truck goes down the road at about fifty feet up). Anyway, good game and well worth the price, give it a shot and be a digital farmer.
94 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
14674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 17:25
very addicting but some what buggy
427 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
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9955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 03:12
FM 2018 - pass on this one
4/10 meh
Nothing to really engage the player IMHO. The UI is just so clunky and cumbersome to fumble through. I committed to completing the full Campaign and it was torture. Despite being promoted as full release by Devs, FM 2018 is just as buggy as it was in Early Access. It crashed to Desktop a handful of times during my Campaign hours. How many CTDs are acceptable in a Full Release? The answer you are looking for is ZERO, Thank You.

As the player progresses in the Campaign, and the Farm grows in size, the game begins to bog down, slower and slower into the 20 FPS range, and if focusing on buildings under construction, it could choke and stutter down to 1 FPS. (Incidentally, my Rig is a 5GHz 8700K - RTX 2080 Super - running M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD's -> Totally an issue with poor coding on the part of FM2018). I learned to avoid hovering over construction sites.

Trying to perform the simplest of tasks is so click intensive that it frankly takes the fun out of the game - a real pity. When choosing which workers to perform a task, like harvesting, it is not possible to simply go down a list selecting the workers. Each slot must be filled separately, as if different tasks were being chosen - really bad design.

The endless mini-games popping up are nothing but a nuisance. 'Carrier couldn't find employ 'X', so you must stop everything and track down that worker to deliver the package.' Seriously, this sometimes happens 2-3 times in a single month.

The in-game passage of time is excruciatingly slow, even on 3x speed. That is a big deal, because in Winter, their is very little if anything to do, and Cattle Barns and Greenhouses require very little attention. So, the player just sits watching paint dry essentially, as an in-game year can take a real-time hour to pass, and the Campaign covers decades - Ouch.

To my understanding, few if any bugs and performance issues were addressed by the Devs, as they are now more focused on promoting a reskinned version of this in Farm Manager 2021 due out soon. They are clearly not devoted to making FM 2018 more playable, and are abandoning it, to re-sell it as FM2021 'New & Improved' - I'll pass. Some Devs you come to follow and have confidence it, but you won't find that to be the case here.

Farm Manager 2018 is a tedious, mediocre game at best, and only consider it if you are seriously into the genre, and are able to pick it up on a massive discount. Your patience will be tested. I have always been a huge fan of the Sim games, and Banished is one of my all-time favorites. This is no Banished LOL. Best of luck - Cheers
816 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
7676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 15:48
Yes this game is full of bugs and glitches, the path finding is atrocious, it crashes, it takes ages to load, sometimes it doesn't load and yet I still highly recommend it.

If I had purchased this game on release I would have been very disappointed with it. However, knowing it had issues and seeing it at a decent discount I figured I'd give it a go. Despite all the problems reported the game is not broken, it can be 100% completed and is a lot of fun. It took me about 50 hours to finish the campaign and 70 hours to complete the 15 scenarios.

The campaign is interesting. You start with a small, rundown farm and are given objectives to slowly improve and grow your farm. It pretty much covers everything that is available in the game from growing crops and breading animals to production.

The scenarios are very varied and focus on a specific objective like produce a certain amount of products or breed a number of animals and range in time from a few hours to about 15 hours for the earn 10,000,000 cash. There are no time limits, the game is very relaxing and yet quite detailed with all the different aspects of farming life you can undertake.

Now you will encounter glitches but a simple save and reload will get the game back on track. Auto save worked fine in the campaign but for me would often crash the game in the scenarios. If this happens to you, turn off auto save but do manually save, it may still have the odd crash. There is not much you can do about the path finding, workers would rather walk to the main road rather than take a short cut along a path.

Overall I very much enjoyed playing Farm Manager and would recommend it to anyone that is a fan of management games or just wants a relaxing gaming experience growing a few vegetables.
267 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 16:31
In short, yes, even with my complaints, I enjoyed my playthrough.

I realize I am late to the reviewing of this game, now that the new one is a year out from being completed. However, I hope my review is still useful to some, or even the developers.

First, I did play this when it was released, but couldn't get into it. I think I just had too much on my plate at the time to really give it too much time, and the bugs were numerous. Now that I have played it again, the actual bugs are still there, but much less, and less game breaking.

However, there are still many things I find very annoying.

The interface. What plants keep growing over and over again, and which plants are a firework? It sprouts, and then it is done. This should be very obvious on the seeding screen, or the seed buying screen.

The pathfinding of the AI is extremely stupid. I have paved roads everywhere. However, even when there is a short, straight line to my greenhouse from the housing, they will walk all the way to the main road and back up.

I found in my playthrough that orchards are the way to go for real money. I can't imagine doing it any other way in the beginning. Place down a few orchards the first season, that is 25-50k for smaller fields each year. Other than that, just doing the greenhouses for year round growth. Why would you do this any other way, when that makes you the most money starting out?

Edit 1/19/2021: Now that I have put a lot more time into the game and at least completed the campaign, I can do a better job at this review.

THE AI ABSOLUTELY SUCKS! It bugged upped completely every season. You set someone as a plot manager, and it works the first planting. Then suddenly, there are 2 plows on the same field, over and over again. You end 1, then it does 2 cultivators, over and over again.

The pathing of the AI is still horrible, IMO. I have a field with 3 roads surrounding it. The trailer goes to the side with no road on it, and finds the nearest road to park on, which is about 3 buildings away. Sometimes it has no problem parking on the 3 roads it has available, sometimes it has a problem with it. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason.

I still want a lot more information on the plant seeds. How often does it grow? Is it like a tomato, good for the season, but multiple times? Or like a strawberry, good forever, multiple picks? Maybe it is a pumpkin.

The AI is horrible about auto choosing your vehicles. I had 15 tractors by the end of the campaign. They kept grabbing the same 4 tractors, and I could never get them renovated. Seriously, have condition be something it looks at.

I would like to be able to limit how many seeds my production makes. I couldn't find a way, but I will tell you, I do not need 20,000 wheat seeds.

The menus are a pain to click through. Go to production building, click on staff, click on one, level up his skill, no way to go back to the previous menu. Go to vehicle store, click on tractors, buy a tractor, choose garage. It takes you back to buy screen, but you have to choose tractor again.

Everything about this game feels mid-2005 to me. It does not seem like a 2017/2018 game.
82 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 04:06
Bugs, crashes, and more.

Basically the idea and the design of the game is quite enjoyable, but it is awfully coded into a unstable program.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 19:40
Idea - Great, if you like 'sim farm' like ekonomy game
Result - Poor
System Optimization - Poor, the computer was heating up like an oven and I still saw few frames per second
Bugs - a lot, really a lot
Game math and price balancing - poor
Game support after release - none

If the version 2021 is on the smae level - do not waste your money ...
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 04:47
If you enjoyed playing Sim Farm, then you should like this game. It is very similar in economy management of your resources, with some added features that Sim Farm did not have.
6 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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23373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 20:59
I really wanted to like this game. It has some great features.

Having said that, I can't recommend this game.

I can live with how time consuming it is to hire 100 employees with specialised skills and endurance, and how expensive it is to train them up. We're talking about $5mil for employees alone to manage 4x 100 hectare fields of strawberries and/or raspberries at once, not counting their salaries. I can live with how the stupid tractors with box trailers park on the opposite side of those picking the crops. I can even live with how tough the economy and starting money are at the beginning of each scenario - unless you cheat the money it takes several years to start making a decent profit - grind, grind, grind.

What I can't live with is the bugs that have been in the game since the beginning and have never been fixed. EG: If you finish a scenario and then to to main menu to select the next one, the game either crashes or the mouse doesn't work (dead give away is failure to load the objectives screen), and the biggest problem being employee has no route (that often happens when planting but not always, and that's after plowing, cultivating, and fertilising worked ok. The no route error can be fixed by saving, going to main menu, and reloading. But... (and this is a huge but) if you're working on other fields with plowing, cultivating, or fertilising when you go back to the main menu, it reloads with one of the jobs not done on every other field you're working on. EG: if you're fertilising another field, it may reload missing the plowing - which means all that time was wasted and you have to start over on that field.

I hadn't played this is a while and don't remember these bugs happening so often. But this time through, I couldn't finish any scenario without the route failure. On 1 scenario with 4x 100 hectre fields, 3 of the 4 errored while fertilising. That meant that either they sit unitl the 4th field is completely planted, or saving and going back to main menu, upon reloaded the 4th field was missing cultivation. You can't just cultivate when it's missing in this manner, you have to start over with plowing.

I see that a new version is slated for 1st quarter of 2021. Remains to be seen if it suffers from the same bugs. But if it does, I have very little faith that the devs will fix them.
41 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 20:19
I went into this with an open mind, but ultimately couldn't handle the random freezes, crashes, lack solid logic, etc. So disappointing. If you really want to try it, wait until it's on sale.
128 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
8086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 23:29
Many Hours of Farm Management Fun !!!
63 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 13:03
Garbage. COULD be a great farm management game. But it's simply not because it's loaded with bugs and the developers clearly don't care. I have read posts commenting on issues of performance, lack of explanation of functions and terms and things just plain not working and the devs either don't answer or respond with something generic like, we'll have to look into that, then never get back. If it were still being actively worked on I'd say sure, maybe they will fix it up but at this point, ain't gona happen. There's nothing like spending hours building up your farming infrastructure and preparing to go full on production only to find out the production facility is bugged and now you have tons of raw materials and nothing you can do with them. (Except sell outright - which you could have done in the first place had you known from the start that the factory doesn't work.)
25 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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3765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 02:16
I have no followers, no one will give a shit what I say about this game, but I say it is shit. The worst game I have ever tried to play, all the way back to pong. If I could , I would get a refund, but with steam, that will never happen. I have spent 32 hours , of my life, that I will never get back. I even paid for this game , I am such an idiot for even trying it.........
163 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 23:16
i like it as it is a nice simple farming game like farm ville on facebook but with no microtransactions if your someone how like a game to kill some time this is for you
89 Produkte im Account
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1374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 20:47
The game is not bad at all, but all the bugs ruin it.
At three different pcs, the game hangs every 5-10 seconds for 1-2 seconds. Even though there is no resource short.
The save games loading forever.
It feels like early BETA.
136 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
58046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 12:55
A wonderful farming simulator
89 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 17:47
This game is addicting in the beginning even with the bugs and weird mechanics.
I love the wine and beer DLC but it is kind of useless if you don't get more info on the specifics of each sort as, besides the price, there is not much to go by.

+ it's fun and a challenge to figure out
+ super sad dad quest line
+ I like most of the graphics (the hell is wrong with the onions?)
+ the training system is interesting and offers various buffs

- you can't water fields unless something grows there (dear god dare you waste water on something other than crops)
- build something too close to a tree? Well say goodbye to it.
- where the heck are the descriptions? (Like to brew beer you need a mill as you can't get malt otherwise)
- why can't I grow my own soy seeds??????????????????? I need my $ from that soy milk and I want to save more!
- the weather system is primitive, since there are no indicators for frost resistant crops, all die in late fall.
- no rent possibilities for the machines etc

- buy colza and produce colza seeds in the production facility = $ (then grow your seeds for more $$)
- f it all and produce only soymilk = get rich fast

87 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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2055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 07:20
If you like manager style games, this is still a fun one to consider purchasing if there is a deep sale going on. There is no further development acknowledged for this game and there are quite a few bugs and exploits. If you can get past that, there is some decent gameplay value.
103 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 08:43
addicted game, however still many glitch happen when the farm is getting larger
143 Produkte im Account
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 12:12
Brought the game, sort of knew about the bug but thought it might have been fixed or wouldn't be so much of a problem. Nope I was wrong, game is full of bugs. Got a refund. Quite amazed they are still allowed to sell it on here with such problems. Maybe the 2020 game will be better. Doubt it though!
112 Produkte im Account
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4282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 22:55
once your farm gets large it gets jittery. It can't handle you opening up a window to work your fields or another window. it has the farm equipment jumping around, losing paths to places right next door or running into the wall of the edge of the map. ... and this is on a Ryzen 5 3600 with 32 GB of ram and a RTX 2080 .... something is wrong with this programming once you get to large farms.
27 Produkte im Account
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3553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 01:18
never had a game this cheap be so laggy, you can not grow the farm to the max size because the game starts buggin out!
135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 03:19
I wanna binge this game so bad but after 26 hours hit a game breaking bug were your tractor and workers get stuck harvesting a field. Even if you reload your save or fire your workers they still are stuck. Many other reviews complain about this bug and others as well. Wont throw any more time into a broken game.
597 Produkte im Account
479 Reviews
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505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 18:22
I was really enjoying this until I got to the mission buy feed for the chickens its quite a way into the game mission 6 or 7 anyway it says buy 100 kg of Sunflower seeds and another feed I forget now 100 kg I bought both had it delivered to the farm the grain just sat in the warehouse or barn I could move it between the two but not into the silos and all of my chickens died because my worker didnt feed them even though I leveled him up to level 5 animal care.
I hope Farm Manager 2020 wont have this problem.
7 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 21:17
Game is good had some potencial but there is quite lots of bugs. Example your employs leave the machines sometimes were they want and you can not transfer it back to your garage after few minutes the machine tools are back in garage. Sometimes i saw the tractor fly around game map. Last days is game terrible cutting I dont know why but its terrible hope someone will fix it. after cutting the game just crush So not so bad but not so good. In game im missing my owm car and tool mechanic workshop and employes who will be fixing my my machines in big farms whit lot´s of machines and tools will be good to have it. and please in FM2020 add more buildings for production and more seeds for growing (missing some new plant´s )
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 05:32
Honestly this is the best farm management game that I have ever played and has near continuous potential for play even after completing the campaign and scenarios. I could play this game for days on end if I let myself but at the same time is not so memory intensive that I lose focus on what I am doing if I can't play for a few weeks.
There are so many ways to play and kinds of farms you can build. If you just want to raise animals you can, or you can just focus on orchards, grain crops, berries, veggies, even bee farming, or mix it up. You do have to watch just how ambitious you grow your farm though as larger fields either require a ton of field hands to work in a timely manner or specific and often expensive equipment to plow, cultivate, and harvest. Also, different crops require specific equipment to plant/maintain/harvest (example, orchards require a specific tractor and special equipment to maintain and harvest them mechanically). So it is very easy to overwhelm yourself financially and with workload early on if you are not careful in your planning. Even with the definite learning curve it is not too difficult but still has enough challenge to keep things interesting long term. In addition, if you get the expansion pack you can delve int the slightly more complex world of wine making, beer brewing, and making all that honey into mead, including growing the required crops and aging your product.
This has definitely become my favorite management game and I am for sure getting FM 2020 when it comes out.

Additional Tips:
1. Unless you have a pretty beefy computer, lower the graphics settings. It is a pretty rough game on your computer if you don't have a really good CPU and graphics card and while my current computer is more than capable of running it at max settings it will cause lag and most likely glitches on a less powerful machine.
2. Don't try to real time through the winter, you will be bored to death. Either invest in the greenhouses or just use the extra fast forward button (which is only available to use during winter anyway). If you do that then winter only lasts about 5-10 minutes at most.
3. This is a management game, if you are looking for fast paced adventure then this is not the game for you. If you enjoy strategy and multitasking then you probably will.
4. There is a very intense learning curve and you have to actually play more than a few hours (and preferably do the campaign first, it is essentially the tutorial) to figure out what works and what doesn't. It isn't just something you can complete in a few days and do everything.
126 Produkte im Account
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1776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 01:35
Quite buggy, which is frustrating. It was fun for the first few hours, but then really slows down and requires restarts for bugs. Its even worse that they went to create FM2020 instead of finishing this one.
14 Produkte im Account
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12051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 07:20
worked fine until steam installed update , then became unplayable . Steam no help at all resolving this problem
132 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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5692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 02:41
Sadly, a good game has been rendered unplayable by a timing bug that I reported months ago that has never been fixed. I just fired it up again to see, I let the game run for 30 days of calendar time (normal speed, but it goes wrong at all speeds) and in that time the days left before a crop (any crop) is ready to harvest reduced by just 16 days. This results in winter eventually arriving and ruining your crops (especially your orchards) before you can harvest them.
42 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 15:16
Hard No for this game. There are many other options that are way better and some even for a better price.
Cons: Extremely buggy. Couldn't get over 20 mins of playtime before something went wrong, forcing me to restart or quit altogether. We were promised patches and updates only to never recieve them. This caused me to exceed steam's refund policy date, so not even a refund was granted. The game developer then announced a sequel and preceded to ask everyone to vote in the steam awards...despite the entire (small) community of people pleading for them to fix this one, the first one.
Pros: ????????
91 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 07:06
It's an extremely addictive game, after 5 hours tonight I just gave up in the end - it's really hard to find a balance and you really have to figure out everything about anything to understand how to not start loosing money after a short while, but it's realy tempting to learn how to get a boost of casht that will allow unlocking more territory?

Things I need to understand: Do I need to plant flowers for the bees to produce lots of honey or different types of it?

What is most profitable, to slaughter animals or use milk for cheese and butter and ... milk? If slaughtering, what's the best amount to keep reproducing? If both slaughtering and making milk products, then how many animals do what?

What kind of crops are preferrable to a small, beginner farm?

One type of crop, or monocrops seem to be a bad idea, it just produces too much, and it pays badly.

I wonder with greenhouses, how to make them profitable.

I wonder how many workers I should invest in. How large a farm I should build at once and what kind of farm machinery is a must.

There's no wiki that satisfy these questions anywhere, so I come here to look for guides. Hopefully I will learn to master farming.
Logo for Farm Manager 2018
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
66.73% 688 343
Release:06.04.2018 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Cleversan Software Vertrieb: PlayWay S.A. Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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