• House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.
  • House Flipper - Garden DLC: Screen zum Spiel House Flipper - Garden DLC.


Du musst angemeldet sein
Dieser DLC benötigt das Hauptspiel
House Flipper
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.05.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 17.05.23

Über das Spiel

Hast du immer davon geträumt, Gärtner zu werden? Dank Garden Flipper DLC jetzt es ist möglich!
Bevor du jedoch deinen ersten Baum pflanzt, musst du dein Grundstück vorbereiten - entferne Müllund Schutt.
Schneide das Gras, schneide ungewollte Bäume aus und pflanze deine eigenen,
zieheUnkräuter und führe verschlungene Pfade durch bunte Blumenbeete.
Entdecke ganz neue Aufträgeund innovative Mechaniken, die wir in Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Gärtnern entworfenhaben!
Vertiefe dich Schritt für Schritt in Pflanzenwelt.
Verwandle verlassenen Gärten in kleinenMeisterstücken, lass sie in deinen Händen aufblühen. Und wenn du bereit bist, deinen eigenenGarten schaffen...

In Garden Flipper entscheidest du, was mit deinem Grundstück passieren wird!
Magst duMagst du weitläufigen Gärten des Schlosses Versailles oder bevorzugst du minimalistischen Stilder Zen-Gärten?
Begrenzt dich nicht! Lässt du deinen Garten Eifersucht unter deinen Nachbarnwecken, lässt Käufer dafür kämpfen!
Und wenn du möchtest, erholst du dich in deinem eigenen Heiligtum der Ruhe, das deine Sinne beruhigt und dir die Energie gibst,
neue Ideen in dennächsten Häusern umzusetzen. Neu DLC betrifft nicht nur Pflanzen.
Wir haben über ein paar tausende Artikel vorbereitet, mit denen du deinen perfekten Garten variieren kannst.

  • 7 neue Aufträge
  • 4 neue Käufer
  • 4 Häuser
  • mehr als 30 neue Objekte
  • Gartenmöbel
  • mehr als 50 Pflanzen (Bäume, Sträucher, Blumen)
  • 5 neue Mechaniken


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 3,20GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 3,2 GHz
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 560 / AMD R7-260X
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64-bit) or newer
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-8400 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

79 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 22:21
Der Garten-Zusatzinhalt für House Flipper spielt sich etwas anders als das Hauptspiel und erweitert daher das Spiel sehr. Dieses Mal lassen wir das eigentliche Haus ganz in Ruhe und widmen uns um den Garten drumherum.

In den Missionen (ich sehe aktuell 18) wird der Garten in verschiedene Parzellen eingeteilt und in dieser abgesteckten Fläche müssen wir Aufgaben erledigen. Wir trimmen also den Rasen, brennen später ganze Flächen nieder, müssen Bäume fällen, oder mit dem Schlauch den Dreck wegspülen. Am Ende gibt es auch noch einen Benzin-Rasenmäher.

Wenn die Vorarbeit erledigt ist, müssen wir Bodenplatten verlegen, Kies und Sand verteilen oder rollen neuen Rasen aus. Dabei gibt es wieder einige Bodenvarianten zur Auswahl, und natürlich verbessern wir auch unsere Fähigkeiten, um z.B. schneller Rasen verlegen zu können oder breiter mähen zu können. Beim Kies, Holz, Sand usw. gibt es auch verschiedene Formen.

In manchen Teilstücken der Parzelle müssen dann auch Gartenmöbel, Fackeln, Dekorationen, Schaukeln oder auch nur Pflänzchen hingesetzt werden. Bei großen Gegenständen wie einer Kletterlandschaft müssen wir wieder wie im Hauptspiel bei Badewannen, die einzelnen Bauschritte ausführen. Zudem gibt es Wasserspiele und Teiche, bei denen man vorher noch den Boden ausheben muss, und schließlich Wasser befüllen muss, was Abwechselung bringt.

Ein großer Arbeitszweig besteht auch aus dem Pflanzen von Büschen, Sträuchern und Bäumen. Dort setzen wir die Pflanze an die richtige Stelle, buddeln ein Loch aus, setzen sie hinein, geben wieder Erde drumherum und bewässern schließlich. Alles in allem bietet der Content wirklich sehr viel Abwechselung und einige neue Spielmechaniken.

Neben den Missionen können wir auch wieder die Häuser im freien Modus kaufen, aufhübschen und wieder verkaufen, oder eben selbst darin wohnen. Dort hat man dann sehr viele Gegenstände und Variationen um seiner Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen.

Ich empfehle den Garten-Content auf jeden Fall, es macht Spaß, sich im Garten mit neuen Möglichkeiten auszutoben, allerdings ist der Preis von 12,50€ etwas überteuert, finde ich, denn das Hauptspiel kostet nur wenig mehr. Dennoch lohnt es sich sehr und man hat eine gute Mischung aus neuen Geräten / Spielmechaniken, vorgegebenen Aufgaben, Kreativität und tolle Gegenstände.
70 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 13:56
Sehr schlechtes DLC.
Animationen oft sinnlos, viele Bugs (Überwachsen des Pools und von Steinflächen), nervige Aufträge, Rechtschreibfehler, für das Geld seeeehr wenig Inhalt.
298 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 08:49
Ich habe mir das DLC gerade gekauft, da es reduziert war (8€) .
Leider wirkt es wie eine Beta Version und nicht wie ein fertiges DLC.
Wäre es eine Early Access Version würde ich es durchaus behalten, um ihm eine Chance zu geben. Aber so? Nein, danke.
Es ist nicht anständig übersetzt. Einige Übersetzungen machen keinen Sinn. Umlaute sind in irgendwelchen Schriftzeichen dargestellt.
Nicht das ich der Englischen Sprache nicht mächtig bin, aber bei einer Übersetzung kann man erwarten, dass es auch anständig ist. Mal ein Tippfehler oder Programmierfehler - okay. Aber das ganze Spiel ist damit übersäht. Sorry, nope.

Werde es definitiv nochmal zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ausprobieren, aber so hat es bereits keinen Spaß gemacht. Habe nur zwei Aufträge erledigt und war genervt. Sorry, dass kann man und sollte man besser machen!
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 08:37
Wenn du House Flipper liebst, gefällt dir dieses DLC auch! Ist für mich das Geld wert.
145 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 12:18
Eine nette Ergänzung, 5€ wäre ein angemessenerer Preis. Die Gartenwetbewerbe sind eher stumpfsinnig, hauptsache die wiese ist gemäht und im vorgarten gibt es ein oder zwei Sträucher - schon steigt der Hauswert um 30%... Hier besteht noch verbesserungsbedarf. Ebenfalls ist es am Anfang SEHR mühsam den Rasen zu trimmen, dies wird zum Glück nach dem Skillen besser und geht auch schneller....

Dieses DLC ist zum Vollpreis von 12,50€ nicht zu empfehlen, ist aber für jeden Fan der mehr als nur die Inneneinrichtung gestalten möchte ein muss.
86 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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Verfasst: 29.04.22 13:39
The first time I played House Flipper I chose a garden task - it put me off playing literally for months. The finicky way tasks have to be completed actually hurts my hands using the mouse - absolutely frustrating and joy-killing. Now playing it months later, it has improved a bit, but as people have pointed out, why make what should be simple tasks so irritating and annoying. It does not add challenge because you do not feel joy during or after completing garden jobs, They take much longer than they should. Simplify them and make the challenge in the design rather than the use of the tools. The focus should be on using the right tool for the right job and completing the design to the customer's satisfaction, not on mouse cursor alignment.
389 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
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Verfasst: 26.04.22 09:27
Pretty clunky... Rolling the grass is one of the more unnecessarily confusing things in this game. You buy a roll. You place it down. You don't roll it forward, no. You for some reason roll it backward. And so after you spend a bunch of money trying to figure that out, you've now found yourself stuck between a bush and a fence. Because whilst you're rolling backwards and can't see where you're going, you have no collision with other garden items.
820 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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Verfasst: 24.04.22 02:00
If you want a DLC for House Flipper, then I can not recommend this one. The idea of customizing the garden is cool. The new items you get are awesome, but If you are planning on cleaning up, mowing the grass, planting flowers, or building structures then it feels bad. the things I mentioned are a huge part of the DLC and it feels so clunky to do.

For example when planting a bush you have to dig a hole, then put the bush in the hole, then you cover it, then water the bush, it feels ok if you are planting 1 bush. If you are planting multiple bushes you can not dig 2 holes after each other since after digging one hole, then you get forcefully removed the shovel, then have to wait 3-5 seconds waiting just to take the shovel out again to continue digging. Some bushes or plants have weird hitboxes were watering the plant needs to be almost pixel perfect and adds on to the annoyance that are this DLC.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 03:32
I really don't understand the negative reviews here. I will admit, I did put off buying this at first because of the negative reviews, but eventually I decided I should try it for myself...and I'm glad I did. This is exactly what I thought it would be. I mean, yeah, you have to work up to the lawn mower, but it literally takes maybe two jobs and then you unlock it. I feel like that's not a big deal.

And yes, I had to use my brain a little bit to figure out how to use the new tools - but it was no more work than the tools for the houses. You just figure it out and move on. One thing I will say that is a bit annoying is the lawn mower functionality. I don't know why we can't move the lawn mower around with the mouse like we can with the weed eater (that would be the only gripe I have because, for real, why can't we?) but you just use the arrow keys and eventually you get used to it.

Decorating the lawn is so easy and it's actually become my favorite part. It's just as simple as decorating the house so I really don't know what other people are doing to warrant the negative reviews. It adds a lot to the game and the garden challenges are really fun. It gives the game a new twist. I don't regret buying this at all.
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 08:24
I don't see why everyone is crying about:
-no square gravel (There is option for this, just choose it when you buy the gravel)
-no lawnmower (It's LITERALLY given on the second job you do, so just use it)
-too expensive (idk buy it on sale? also have you ever seen prices for equivalent pack on let's say: sims?)
-trees are hard to plant, must use shovel :( (just stfu, how else would you plant a tree??? teleport it into ground??)

With this pack you get good stuff, you get to clean all your gardens and actually make very pretty ones if you so choose to.
There is LOTS of items (flowers, trees, outdoor furniture/structure, stuff for vegetable garden, ponds, and more..)
To me this is totally worth the full price, it gives you so much more to do in your game, as nearly every house has outdoors area and now you can spend hours decorating them.
664 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 14:05
+It adds more objects than I can count, mostly related to gardens
+Lots of new missions you can do
+New houses to buy
+New gardening tools and mechanics

-The same thing everybody already mentioned - the mowing and grass spreading can get stuck over small objects you have no control over.

All in all, the dlc adds a lot more depth to the main game. I rarely ever run into issues aside from the one I mentioned, but (for me) it was a very rare occurance, and barely made an impact on my game.
467 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 23:22
It´s buggy as hell. I recommend buying it on sale.
I love my new pet....Mr. Mole xD
69 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 01:37
This DLC has gotten some harsh reviews and some of them have some valid points however for people who enjoy playing this game for what it is which is making houses look beautiful then you will love this DLC. It adds a lot of furniture and decorative items which can turn all gardens into beautiful havens which is the final touch on the house. The only thing I wish for this DLC is that the clients don't react to the garden, there's no reason to do the garden other than wanting to make it look better, there's no real gameplay attached to it. Other than that, this DLC is really enjoyable and it finishes every house off perfectly.
169 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 20:21
The Garden DLC provides a whole new set of tools, new furniture and 14 new jobs. In my opinion, it is an essential addition for anyone who enjoys the base game and is planning on putting a lot of time into playing it.

The garden competitions are a nice gimmick and provide a way of making extra cash but you’re more likely to have fun just playing it by eye and doing what you like.

My only real gripe with the DLC is that it doesn’t affect the buyers at all, I think it could have added a real incentive to try out each garden style if the buyers had their own preferences but I also appreciate that this allows players the freedom to do what they want, as we all know the most important part of this DLC is the ability to mow grass.

(Yes, I did initially buy this DLC just to mow grass and I have no regrets. This is the person House Flipper has turned me into.)

Ultimately a really good addition to the game, and I fully recommend it. Have fun making the perfect garden!

(Or by making goofy stuff like this!)
79 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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Verfasst: 02.01.22 19:51
As a perfectionist I bought the DLC because I wanted to be able to cut the grass. I personally don't care about the gardening I just want to mow my dang lawn. Preferably with out spending $15 additional dollars(More than I paid for the base game, which was $10 on sale) The devs need to make mowing your lawn available in the base game!
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 17:23
Beware of this DLC. It's not like the original game and if you try to refund it after purchase, even if you quit it before job #2, Steam will calculate the hours you have played the original game and refuse the refund (because it will show as played more than 2hrs).
31 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 12:34
Building gardens makes renovated houses more attractive to customers and bring more profits.
My favorite garden is British garden.
65 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 00:37
i don't know why the dlc has so many negative reviews. i think you should be aware what you're getting and i think this one should be bought on sale, but it's still a good dlc with a lot of cool content. you no longer have to ignore the overgrown grass and you get tons of cute items to work with. i think my biggest wish is for the house buyers to comment on what you do since otherwise the work is just for your own satisfaction
188 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 16:42
What kind of half assed DLC is this? It's nice and pleasant for what little you can really do. You limit SO much. The amount of houses that isn't involved with this DLC have over grown yards and you can't even use a mower to fix it. This is suppose to be a satisfying game and you aren't even allowing that. Not even in the NEWEST DLC. If you want a good update to the game, then do it properly. Stop limiting us to what we can use.
193 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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Verfasst: 01.11.21 20:12
Lots of shockingly bad implementation and items that don't fit together. There's a quarter-circle garden bed that can't have any of the other quarters of the circle attached because it's a weird shape that can't be flipped or mirrored. And you have to search through the most ridiculous categorizing to even get there.

Some other ridiculous things you'll have to deal with off the top of my head:

You can't plant mature trees - only cut them down
All the garden beds are tiny and ugly
The pavement doesn't fit snuggly against any of the beds, the way they sized everything wasn't done with other objects in mind
There's a shed that can't be put up against a wall so it just sits awkwardly in the middle of a spot, taking up space for no reason
Mowing takes forever because the range of the brush cutter is so small but the weeds are going to block you from cutting anyways
Painting gravel/ whatever walkways looks awful because there's no snap and you just end up with awful edges

I'm on my way to figure out a way to delete this from my game, hopefully it won't ruin my save.
367 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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Verfasst: 24.10.21 23:41
Feels very half assed and should just be part of the base game since that is too low on content.
464 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
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Verfasst: 24.10.21 13:33
To sum up my thoughts on the DLC it still seems unfinished, i struggle so hard to get things to line up or look natural, fences don't have working gates there no sort of decking and pool/ponds are really hit and miss as to if they are going to work. i want to like it but it just doesn't come off as polished enough to use
71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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Verfasst: 24.10.21 05:18
This DLC is completely detached from the rest of the game. The mechanics are awful. It is frustrating laying turf, digging holes, and placing stones. Half of the furniture doesn't fit under the gazebos!
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 17:32
i like it
252 Produkte im Account
362 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 11:24

Game type Expansion Pack
Story ★★★☆☆
Graphic ★★★★☆
Fun ★★★☆☆
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆
Play time ★★★☆☆
98 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 14:54
personally i find the game and ideal quite nice, but the mechanics were just horrible. rolling grass on a lawn and for it to not fit or finding the correct size was absolute pain. i would of gave this a great review if they could honestly just fix that. not worth it to me in my opinion.
36 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 07:13
The External can finally compare to the Internal!! 5 STAR!
2 Produkte im Account
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 20:54
it is over priced for what it is, it only gives 5 houses and a lot of plants and stuff that just seems useless, it gives you a lot more money for taking place in garden competition but it should be a lot more stuff in it.
50 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 16:53
I get why this pack got mixed reviews- HOWEVER - man it sure is fun to get rid of all that high grass when you flip a house. I got this pack on sale, and I personally love it.

Here's what I think needs to be fixed though;

Buyer feedback - when I get rid of weeds or mow the lawn, I expect the buyers to react somehow; the same way they react when the house gets cleaned.

Buyer feedback - personalized: would be awesome to have personalized feedback per buyer - one may love English gardens, another is all about modern, etc.

More garden quests - preferably combined with house flipping.
11 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 18:40
very relaxing
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 20:57
I love House Flipper but I feel this garden dlc falls short.
It doesn't add much to the base game really.
Laying of paving of slabs is annoying, trying to match up each individual slab is pretty frustrating.
529 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 22:49
I would give this DLC a neutral option if I could.

On the one hand, it does open up a lot of new things you can do with properties in the game to make the landscape look nice.

On the other though, a lot of theses things feel like they should have been included in the base game for free, like the ability to basic things like mow lawns and other things that are very basic.

Would I say it's worth $14.99? Yes and no, it feels like it should be $10 cheaper based on the fact that a lot of these things should have been in the base game. But I would say it's worth it at the very least to make properties exteriors not look terrible.
250 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 16:20
I'm not sure why there are so many negative reviews on this DLC. I find it quite satisfying and easy to do landscaping. I very much enjoy the mechanics, and I find mowing the grass to be very satisfying. If I were to critique anything, I'd like the pre-placement of pools and ponds to be more precise.
53 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 21:26
I think this was my the best dlc wchith i ever buy :D
220 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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Verfasst: 28.04.21 20:10
My feelings on the Garden DLC are incredibly mixed. The ability to mow lawns and plant trees is nice, rather than having to ignore the ugly outside of whatever house you're working on. From an aesthetic standpoint, the DLC is amazing, but from a mechanical standpoint I have several issues with it.

The new email jobs started out pretty cool. I enjoyed seeing some well-established gardens and getting a feel for what I could do with the outside of my own houses. The further I got into the jobs, however, the more issues I ran into. Laying turf precisely between stone pathways and around trees was needlessly difficult, having to find the exact size roll, or several. and approach obstacles from all angles. If the mower can clip through most solid objects, why can't the grass be laid through immovable bushes and trees? Mowing every blade of grass on jobs was difficult, especially due to the way the jobs handled their different numbered zones - you could have three things designated as 'lawn', several numbered areas that wanted you to plant bushes, and the 'garden' you were missing 2% of grass on could be divided across half a dozen points of the property. On some of the later jobs I ran into some annoying bugs as well. On at least five different garden jobs, I became unable to place objects or interact with anything after laying turf until I returned to the office and went back to the job. On the job where you had to clear a landfill and build an outdoor gym, I ran into some invisible trash that wasn't on the minimap, and had to search for ten minutes until accidentally pointing at it and having a visible outline. Then, while trying to lay a few concrete slabs by the entrance, the stone in my hands rapidly ascended into the sky, at one point below my feet, carrying me to the height limit of the map. I had to reload the game for it to stop happening.

The jobs were generally tedious and underpaying for the effort involved, but they did a good job of showing what you could build yourself. The problem is, I found working on gardens of my own houses to be incredibly lengthy and unrewarding. Having to lay small sections of stone at the exact right distance to interlink and create paths was obnoxious. I have no idea why stone and gravel didn't function the same as carpets and tiles indoors. Fences should've been a 'click and drag to the desired length' rather than having to carefully place every short section so they aligned properly. Some objects could be placed on the deck of a pool, but others couldn't. The front face of a gazebo or tool shed wasn't obvious before assembly, and neither could be placed near the outside of a yard without the camera being stuck on the other side of a fence and not letting you click the pieces to assemble them. Planting was needlessly tedious, making you put away the shovel after each dig, despite having half a dozen holes within reach that needed to be dug.

I found the entire experience of gardening to be incredibly frustrating, which is a shame considering I enjoy gardening IRL and feel it would've been a great addition here if it had been handled a bit better. The experience just seemed wholly detached from the rest of the game. I'm not sure any of the potential buyers actually care what's on the outside of your house. Modern outdoor furniture didn't seem to appeal to the buyers who'd enjoy the same indoors, nor did the large family seem to care that they had a grill and a couple picnic tables on the back porch.

The ultimate payoff comes from entering into a garden competition, boosting the value of the house by up to 50%. While that seemed good in theory, having the furniture and stylistic choices outdoors have little to no bearing on the buyer made it so there was no incentive whatsoever to design intricate, appealing gardens. Instead, I stumbled into the right vague design to make a crop garden that scored five stars across the board, and put that outside every house I sold. Even the buyer who wanted a doomsday bunker stocked with weapons and devoid of furniture and a bathroom was willing to pay 50% more for a property after I haphazardly spammed fruit trees, carrots, scarecrows, compost bins, and outdoor lamps around all sides of the above-ground garage. Even the house with a snowy yard was able to get a passable result without planting anything, simply putting unplanted apple trees, compost bins, and scarecrows around for a 25% boost.

The only appeal of this DLC is for aesthetic immersion, making the outside of your meticulously planned houses look a little nicer. Mechanically, the Garden DLC seems completely detached from the rest of the game, and simply equals free money for putting in five or ten minutes of effort outside every house.
55 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 07:27
i made a soccer stadium, a waterpark, a gnome holding cell, planet fitness, put the good (not evil) gnomes all around my house, and this was done all in my backyard. 10/10 dlc
173 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.04.21 00:15
I wanted to really like this DLC, I love making gardens in other building games, but this garden DLC is poorly made. The mowing is tedious and annoying, the plants are too symmetrical, even rotating the plants still makes all the plants look too similar, and regular. Other games have better placement of plants to make them look more natural, these act like 3D stock images of flowers that you can rotate. The tiles are even worse. Putting tiles down the same way should always make them look even, but there is sometimes small lines or uneven patterns that make the paths look extremely rough. You also can't place tiles in small cracks like in front of a garage door if you're building the tiles from some of the fences. They don't line up correctly and its just very small things that make this whole DLC very bad. Its too symmetrical in some ways, but then not symmetrical enough in others
332 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 26.03.21 17:13
overpriced DLC
51 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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Verfasst: 20.03.21 18:51
its really good adds a TON of new content to the game, just like people were asking maybe not worth 15 dollars on the top but on sale its good.
140 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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Verfasst: 14.03.21 15:37
I want to like this, especially since I paid so much for this DLC, but I cannot.

Mowing the grass is either tedious or insanely frustrating, depending on which tool you use.

The weedeater cuts strangely, which causes you to have to walk with your view angled more downward than makes sense or you wont cut the grass down all the way.

The real frustration comes with the lawn mower though. You have to use so many controls to use it, and they are not intuitive so its insanely frustrating. You steer with the left stick, but only side to side, and its not inverted like it should be, and like it is when you mow irl. And then you also have to move forward by holding the right bumper. So thats two buttons. But THEN you also have to hold the A button to actually cut the grass. Not to mention you cant move it backward at all. No thank you...

Suggestion: Make the mower blades a toggle, and invert the mower steering. Even better, just let us move the mower forward and backward with the left stick and left to right with the right stick, like it is with the player movement. I really dont understand why you would change it in such a confusing way.
30 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 14:05
I love this DLC, but MAKE SURE YOU GET THE LAWN MOWER. At first it seems like the only way to mow the lawn is with a weed whacker type thing, which is really really really annoying to mow a whole lawn with. One of the early jobs that pops up will ask you to mow their lawn -- that's where you get the lawn mower.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 04:48
I cant figure out how i get the tools if someone could help me
58 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 29.01.21 10:12

Mowing the grass in this game is the most annoying.
You cant see where you walk because you have to look down at the grass to mow it.

Even if you get ALL the upgrades it still sucks..

Give us a normal grassmower where you can walk more easily in straight lines because this DOES NOT WORK
its just frustrating honestly.
19 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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Verfasst: 29.01.21 02:50
This is at best, mediocre. I was on the fence with this DLC, as I had read previous comments about it. It is just that-- Garden DLC.

However, planting trees is more tedious in my opinion then it really ought to be. When playing the DLC and planting numerous shrubs and trees, I just can't help but think why this wasn't included in the base game to begin with. Every house you're given has overgrown grass, and just meh landscaping. This honestly should've been a free update for house flipper.

Keep expectations at a minimum and you might just find this more enjoyable than I did.
52 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 22:01
This DLC is great. Used to be very annoying with the Weed Wacker Being the only way to mow grass, but the devs listened to the community and added in a Lawn-Mower. Overall a great addition, however I would say it's a shame this wasn't simply included in the base game, as there is no way to actually tend to the lawns or anything like that without this DLC
327 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 09.01.21 18:57
This is pretty alright. I like that it has extra houses to buy. But I don't really like the garden contests, and the gardening activities aren't as fun.
124 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 19:28
Great addition, also on a 6~ish year old gaming pc that can hardly run any new game on high graphics, this dlc worked great, no lag or stuttering whatsoever. If you're a fan of landscaping or just a completionist and want a smooth lawn to go with that house you worked so hard on, this is the dlc to get!
89 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 25.12.20 20:45
This DLC brings a fairly large amount of outdoor content, letting you make the outside of a house look as good as the inside - perhaps even moreso. However, what upsets me so much with this DLC is how I feel it does and simultaneously does not impact the game as a whole.

The most glaring and talked about bit that I've noticed is that a fair chunk of plots have an absolutely overgrown yard space in the base game. This would be fine, and is relaxing to clear, but doing so is outright impossible without owning this DLC, and such basic lawn care feels like it would be a given to have just in the main game - ugly outside can really mar enjoying a well made interior overall. This DLC's achievements are also included for free in the base game, and as such might make this feel like an obligation purchase for anyone who wants to 100% House Flipper's Steam 'cheevo rating - making enjoyment of it even worse in the long run.

Even when you do get this $15.00 add-on to the game, a player might notice some upsetting tidbits throughout. What qualifies for one garden type or another can feel vague at points, and the competition's results can feel negligible when your relatively high score only scarcely impacts the price. None of the clients in either the base game or Apocalypse add-on have any input to provide or preferences to be had whatsoever, further increasing the feeling of disconnect between the game itself and what you're bothering to do with the outside. Most work to be done with paving and terrain maintenance is rather clunky, with graphics not lining up between pieces of the same cobblestone path or the ability to properly border the base house layouts just not being possible with your given limitations.

It bears saying that most of the content here is in fact worth a try. You can make some truly beautiful works with what's here given enough time, and it can feel accomplishing to actually do so. The problems I have lie almost entirely on the DLC's impact on the gameplay itself and issues with how that's tackled.

If you desperately enjoy working with outside layouts, then this might make you happy, but I just can't recommend this at all unless it's worked over to polish up a fair bit more on the game interactivity side. As it is, I only felt obliged to grab it to mow the base game's poorly kept grass and maybe put in a few shrubs.
1217 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 17:00
Held off on buying this for a while because of the reviews but I really enjoy it and recommend it if it's on sale (it's not worth it at full price)

It adds a lot of new options, variety and jobs to the game, I agree that some of it (namely planting things) can be tedious at times, upgrades help and it's still an enjoyable experience.
I like the grass cutting personally and have only ever had an issue with it on one job, performance is great and no bugs yet.
205 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 13.12.20 19:18
I want to love this DLC, and for the most part I do like it. However, the grass mowing mechanics are so frustrating I can't recommend anyone buy this. If you do buy this DLC as-is, I would strongly suggest that you not bother mowing the lawn at any house you buy with this DLC. Instead of mowing the grass, cover the entire lot in sand. Then, if you want grass, lay turf sod over your sand. The grass you lay this way isn't actually considered 'cut' by the game, but it's relatively short and it's a consistent length, so you'll still get the clean lawn look when you're done laying it.

I will update this review if the grass mowing mechanics are fixed in a future update.

So, how does grass mowing work in this DLC?
First off, it's not done with a lawn mower. It's done with something more like a portable hand-held grass cutter. Skill points will not allow you to upgrade this to a regular lawn mower, but they will increase the diameter of the circle of grass your little hand-held grass cutter will cut.

To cut the grass, you pull out your tiny grass trimmer, hold down left click, and walk around in your garden. Unfortunately, you have to be looking down while you do this, because your grass trimmer does not have especially good range. (If only your fully upgraded grass cutter had the powers of your mop from the main game!)

Inevitably, you will miss a few tiny specks of grass here and there - and unlike the way the main game handles tiny specks of dirt missed when you clean the windows (where the game declares the window cleaned when you have a certain percentage of dirt removed and makes any leftover specks vanish), you will have to go and hunt those tiny specks down if you want to get a fully mowed lawn.

This is not especially easy to do, because you're hunting for tiny spots of contrasting grass textures in a sea of other grass textures. It is possible to cut the grass to a lower height without the game actually treating the grass as cut, so you won't necessarily have conveniently conspicuous tall patches of grass sticking up to aid your search. And if you made the mistake of trying to look up as much as possible while cutting the grass to maintain your spatial orientation, chances are high that you will end up with huge swaths of grass that's been cut to a lower height but isn't considered by the game to have been cut.

Can you just ignore these bits of untrimmed/partially trimmed grass?
Absolutely. But if you enjoy looking at a nice, clean digital lawn, those specks of untrimmed grass textures do tend to add up to make your lawn look messy. And since the vast majority of the game makes it very easy to be a 100% completionist, the grass mowing part sticks out like a sore thumb.
472 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 21:38
Bought it on sale for 6CAD (5USD) and that is the correct price for this I feel.

You're mostly going to get new tools and decorations out of it. There's new properties and jobs included, but the jobs are mostly just Okay thanks to things like planting and spreading gravel being a bit annoying, feeling more time-consuming than peaceful. Also none of the jobs combine outside work with inside work, which I feel is a missed opportunity for interesting jobs.

Also people in the reviews who don't like the mowing are blowing things out of proportion IMO. While clunky, you can increase its speed and unlock the ability to straighten it out, and cut grass % isn't hard to keep track of with the map. Sometimes you do need to take out the weed cutter to get little bits of grass that are too close to walls for the mower to get to.
218 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 12:55
I think this is a great addition to house flipper and is perfect if you like to go that extra mile. I think the buyers should have more of an opinion about what their gardens look like when they buy a house but winning the garden competitions can really boost your income. Overall really good in my opinion.
388 Produkte im Account
216 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 11:56
I enjoy gardening, so this was a nice addition that I was eagerly awaiting. I really didn't experience the bugs that others are reporting, and I like the tedious work that comes with it, so that aspect of the game sits well with me. If you think this DLC is tedious, then try doing it in real life.

Many people today just want everything easy. Well, then you should have thought about that long before you got this game. I like using my brain, and in my old age, keeping fit also includes your brain.

???????? ????????????????????????,
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84 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 09:35
I'm only making this review to mention that the mowing is actually really simple and I don't understand why it's such a point of contention in the reviews.

I don't know if they revamped it due to criticisms about whatever it was like before, but whatever it was then it's literally so easy to use now. If you hold Shift, you can make unrealistically sharp 90 degree turns with WASD and adjust the speed of the mower with the scroll wheel. You can literally mow down an entire lawn in like a minute or two.
101 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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Verfasst: 31.10.20 11:02
This DLC lags so hard, especially after grass mowing. Also grass cutter is so lame and I can't even upgrade it
23 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 07.10.20 20:47
I love this game, but this DLC in particular I don't recommend unless you really really want it and your computer can handle it. It is a big DLC with many new things and as expected the FPS goes down. It definitely has more content than the other DLCs, hence the pricing being so close to the base game.
It does enable you to make the lawns look a lot better than they are with the base game. And the new furniture and plants are lovely! However, fair warning on the lawnmower. It takes quite a while to get used to it. DO NOT try and be perfect, if you miss a spot use the trimmer. Trust me, you’ll be spending more minutes on the lawn and only become further frustrated. I was incredibly surprised when I first ran the game and brought out the mower the FPS dropped dramatically. But that went away when I exit the game and came back to it later. So there may be issues if your running the game with certain computers.
If you have the patience and computer power, I would recommend this DLC to you.
34 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 18.08.20 04:58
Its cool and all, but with each dlc downloaded the game gets more laggy with each install. Also I would like to have the ability to turn off dlc's
452 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 11:09
I'm super happy with the additional items and the outdoor structures and furniture. I even like the zen-ness of planting my new plants. I'd buy it again, but I'd wait for a better sale. Because mowing the lawn sucks as much in this game as it did when it was a chore when I was a kid. And don't get me started on the crazy crayon that is laying down gravel. Don't envision smooth lines and perfect shapes. Just be happy there's gravel instead of dirt.
362 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 14.08.20 19:37
The base game is fun, if lacking in decor options but this DLC is a nightmare.

As many people have stated the mowing function is tedious and frustrating. The mower is difficult to control and to be honest doesn't mow a path that much wider then the weed eater. I tend to ignore the stupid thing altogether and do it all by hand to save time and frustration (though not much). The digging function is annoying; click and hold for one scoop of dirt then rinse and repeat until you want to throw the stupid shovel. Getting stone pathways to lay in some semblance of attractive is difficult and extremely time consuming. Getting fences and scrub rows to line up in the space you want without awkward gapes is near impossible. Placement of large items such as pools or ponds is extremely difficult and you can't see how it will look in the ground until you've placed on top of the ground, dug the hole and filled in around it. If you're not happy with the placement (because you have no real preview of the placement), you have to sell it and start over for square one.

Now that I've laid out SOME of the things that I find the most irritating I'll just say save your money and sanity and skip this DLC. Especially if your OCD, it will make you want to pull your hair out!
77 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.08.20 23:32
I have such high admiration for what the essence of this game is and how much I enjoy the base game itself. I bought this expansion with high hopes for improving the overall quality of my house flipping enjoyment only to realize that the shear number of items this DLC attempts to add will never make up for the decrease in functionality and ease that many of the laborious tasks of the base game managed to balance so well. Mowing the lawn will, to this day, be my least favorite activity in this entire game. My greatest request for this expansion will always be to split up the experience tree that it adds into more sections simply to allow me to spend just enough time mowing the lawn to never have to mow the lawn again. My hope is that any amount of increased range for the trimmer could be added or that I can control the aiming of the mower with my mouse.

This may have turned into a heated vent session about the quirks of the DLC but I just hope that the overall message is clear. The functional activities performed in a house flip should not be secondary to the decorations I can attempt to place on my barren wasteland of a yard if I am already having a tough enough time mowing and spreading grass as it is.
243 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 27.07.20 09:07
This is flat out the buggiest piece of junk I've ever bought. The base game works fine and I've had no problems with it, but any attempt to use any of the features in the garden just result in an increasing heap of graphical glitches to the point where it's like I'm on some bizarre arms and lawmovers themed LSD trip.

There are huge lawns. You mow them. This is an issue because the game can't cope with you doing that, and increasingly looses track of everything, Mission progress, the changes you've made to the terrain, the number of arms you have, you know, important things. Don't get this.
223 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 09:20
This DLC was on my wishlist for ages, I was put off buying it because of the reviews, they was mixed.

So i assumed it was rubbish. Then i eventually bought it and i really like it.

It's a great addition to the game and worth the money.

From now on, If i can afford it and want it, then the reviews can F**k O**

Happy Flipping
450 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 17:32
The Garden Flipper DLC allows you to finally do something about those messy neglected lawns, which is GREAT, but I feel like basic lawn care should be included with the base game. Curb appeal is a major part of selling a house! No one wants to buy a rodent/pest paradise. (Except Dolan Trusk, he would buy a roach motel!) I was also hoping for roofing and siding tools, as these aspects are important to outdoor aesthetics, but alas.

That said, this add-on adds quite a bit to the outside renovation and makes for a good purchase. Flowers, shrubbery, trees, pergolas, lawn/patio furniture, toys and playground equipment, lighting, water aspects, grills, fire pits, etc. I find the gardening DLC allows for much more creative license.

One bug (so far): my ax often does not work. If I quit and reload, that sometimes fixes it.
151 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:44
it sounds like a fun addition to house flipper at first. but its actually a giant pain. youll be mowing the grass for sooo long and it gets incredibly boring. not to mention you always get stuck at 99% cut grass and its now a wild goose chase trying to find that one little shrub in the corner you missed. not to mention the lawnmower is extremely clunky. its not even fun to build your garden, you have to constantly dig and water all of the plants you place. and all of it jsut takes so lo9ng and it doesnt offer the same feeling you get when your acctually flipping the actual houses. all youll be doing is picking up garbage and wasting your time placing down new grass and trying to get every last peice of grass in the yard. and dont get me started on trying to build a pathway. it WOULD be much more fun if you could jsut skip all of the lawnmowing. if there was an option to just have the whole thing mowed in an instant it would be so much better. and while it *IS* fun decorating a little backyard and planting flowers and when you acctually get to put down lawn chairs and pools and such, the sheer amount of grass and garbage you need to get rid of completely ruins it. just stick with house flipper.
170 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 11.06.20 13:45
dude why are the moles so fkn big damn near scared the shit outta me

its fine i guess
mowing kind of a pain in the ass and i think its a big expensive for what it is
im still playin it tho so who am i to say
128 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 22.05.20 03:31
Way too expensive for what it is.

Also, Grand Theft Auto V runs better on my PC (92.5 FPS average at full settings), compared to this game running 46.6 FPS average at medium settings...
189 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 00:39
110 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 15:51
I waited for quite some time to buy this dlc, wanted to let the devs work the kinks out that so many people were complaining about. So with the HGTV dlc added, this pack went on sale and I decided it's been long enough and I purchased it along with the hgtv. I have to say, it's really fun. I probably don't play it like most people, at least not right off the bat. At first, I like to troll and make the houses just w/e so I get paid, throwing gravel down sloppily and planting where ever lol. But I can see myself taking it a bit more serious and trying to make things nice as I go. This pack is pretty fun and I recommend it for sure.
148 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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Verfasst: 07.05.20 19:58
I feel like this DLC is a clunky mess when it doesn't need to be. For instance, I will be mowing the lawn and the mower will be completely blocked...by a flower. A damn daisy is powerful enough to stop the spinning blades and force me to use the magic 'Remove' tool in order to continue. And there are so many of these damn flowers- frankly, I'd rather do battle with the cockroaches.

It's not a BAD DLC by any means, but it's just clunky. It does add stuff to the game, okay, but can they at least try to optimize it? Preferably before the army of flowers destroy my lawnmower?
156 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 23:57
just got it so goanna have some joy. However I got new idea for the future DLC guys how about FARM FLIPPER
another DLC where we could actually take old abandoned Farm with its lands across just like in this DLC and turn it into
great one or even start from zero and build entire new complex lots of buildings and of course decorate the land across
With big respect to the team of Devs and fans of this game
thank you for reading this post. Best good luck and stay safe.
109 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 16:37
This is a fun addition to the House Flipper game, although currently the houses included are not accessible. Once they get that bug worked out though I can recommend this game.
The gardens and included items are fun and interesting. I spend probably more time in a garden than I do in the homes.
185 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 13:01
This is a decent expansion in my personal opinion, not for full price though.
Don't get me wrong, it certainly adds plenty content and game play features; but I think this should be $9-10(AUD) at most.

Even though it gets many negative reviews, I do recommend this pack; but on sale.
151 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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Verfasst: 20.04.20 17:56
I really do like this dlc, but I feel like it has some issues (bugs that need fixing). My game was able to run on high perfectly fine, but when this dlc was installed, is slowed my game down dramatically. I will re install this dlc when they fix it, but if not I will get a refund for it.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 19:24
If you like making stuff and going outdoors this is for sure for you at first i didn't want but then i had a look at it on Youtube.

Things that are GREAT about Garden Flipper:
1. You get new items added to your house flipper game witch is amazing if you want to make your dream house.
2. You get to make your own Garden and make it look amazing.
4. You can grow your own food if you put the game in a setting.

Things that are TRASH about Garden Flipper:
1. It makes your game lag a LOT.
2. You have to unlock most of the Garden tools.
3. It can sometimes make your game crash.
4. You only start off with a hose

There you go hope they are helpful!
407 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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Verfasst: 03.04.20 15:21
Garden Flipper might sound like a fun addition to House Flipper, but it's not.
I'm not sure where to start with the list of issues I have with this DLC, so let's start with the positives,
I love that you're now able to edit the yard to your liking, I personally made a Japanese garden in the backyard of my office. You can make a nice driveway that matches the colourscheme of your house, add a swimming pool, an outdoor cinema and so much more. But as you might have guessed there are some issues, which is why my review is negative. Let's start with the additional tasks, it's good that they added more tasks with this DLC, tasks which of course involve gardening. But it's just really bland when compared to renovating the house.
Most tasks are just you collecting trash, mowing some grass, removing weeds and planting a couple of apple trees or some shit, but usually the gameplay narrows down to you running around and finding that last piece of weed somewhere that's preventing you from 100% the task. It's just a wild goose chase trying to find that one shrub of grass that you missed with your brush cutter/lawnmower or that one plastic bag stuck in a bush or that one freaking weed. It's not fun, it's frustrating because the yard might look perfect but still there is one plastic bag somewhere.
Originally this DLC had only the brush cutter, so mowing lawn was just a huge pain in the ass. Now that there is a lawnmower, it's faster and easier... Right? Wrong.
The lawnmower is a lot clunkier to maneuver than I expected, it gets stuck into invisible walls, it can't fit spaces you'd expect it to fit, it's not precise with it's cutting, you'll just end up cutting huge open yards a bit with the lawnmower and then it's brush cutter time again. Honestly, sprinting and wailing around with the brush cutter ends up being nearly as efficient at removing grass as the lawnmower it self.
Okay so we get it, removing plants is a pain in the ass but how about adding them? Is that also a pain in the ass? Yup.
Turf roll has some really weird controls to it, actually they're the exact same as with the lawnmower, except you can only go in one direction, you can't back up if you accidentally add turf to an area you weren't supposed to.
Also instead of paying for the amount of grass you use, you need to select width of your roll and pay for the entire roll upfront, even if you use only like 1m of that roll.
Also this gets stuck in invisible walls, complains about the surface it's been placed on and even sometimes refuses to unroll upfront. And if you're careless like me, you can accidentally glitch yourself stuck between two bushes that can't be moved, sold, cut or removed.
Actually there are a lot of instances in which the tools you're supposed to use just refuse to work. Sometimes your axe will make the swing animation but no matter how well you aim, it just won't do even a scratch to the tree you're trying to cut down. Your shovel not digging any dirt, just doing the animation and cutting it right before you manage to dig up dirt with it, sometimes you can't even equip your shovel.
Speaking of digging, all trees, bushes, ponds and what not, have to be dug out and then be covered with soil. So?
Well it turns out that you need to dig with your shovel just as long with the same animation regardless of whether you're digging for a swimming pool or a cherry tree. And the animation for covering with soil is the same for every object and plant in the game, then you water them. It just feels so unpolished and unnatural.
Construction has also been simplified, you're no longer making small delicate installation like in the base game, instead you're putting together massive pieces of wood without any screws to build a swing. Also a lot of objects that I expected to have a build montage don't actually have it at all. Swimming pools don't need plumbing, you're just planting them like trees and then filling them with water. Patios are prebuilt and just added like pieces of furniture to your yard.
Oh and once you're done with the tasks, you won't be doing any gardening ever again. When ever you renovate a house, you're so satisfied with the end result of your houses interior that you can't even bother thinking about the yard, it doesn't add any value to your house unless you enter a gardening competition which in turn reduces your creative freedom over the yard, since it has to be a specific type of garden to have value in the competition.
More often than not, you might cut the grass to make your house look a bit more presentable, but rarely are you going to be doing anything else in the yard once your house is done. Just sell it and move on.

The DLC is boring, bland, glitchy and buggy, lacks polish and is just not worth your money for costing nearly as much as the base game. Get House Flipper, but skip this DLC, you won't really be losing anything.

(Edit note: Just fixed a few typos in my review)
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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Verfasst: 23.03.20 22:14
+ a lot of new items, nice variety of plants
- unpleasant game mechanics for tools (especially for lawnmower)
- overall unfinished feel, which make the game frustrating

The DLC is overpriced at this point, do not recommend
14 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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Verfasst: 17.03.20 13:39
lawn mowing needs to be different takes too long and strains your fingers using keyboard and mouse. should be able to put anything anywhere you want to. just not fun
79 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 17.02.20 01:01
Game is addicting.. Some aspects of the game are tedious and get repetitive. Overall, would recommend for the satisfying aspect.
62 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 10.02.20 17:28
My only complaint is, can we have a lawnmower? Sure the weedwacker is fun for small areas. If you have a larger area, like when flipping houses, trimming the lawn is ridiculously tedious. But something like a lawnmower that can do straight lines, in a similar manor as putting down new sod, would be super handy. I have spent almost an hour trimming the grass at the starter home, and to be honest, I'm super frustrated with it and still have to finish it!
6 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 09.02.20 14:14
I need a freaking lawn mower! It takes forever to cut the lawns with this weed wacker. The porches and patios don't show up on the map. Ever since I got this extension I haven't had any other jobs but garden. It's frustrating. Other than that it's nice to be able to fix up the outside of the house to match the inside work done.
386 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 03.02.20 03:22
I'm torn on whether or not to recommend this DLC. Personally I like it for the most part. It has a lot of great outdoor features and mechanics. I Love the mowing. I prefer the weed-eater to the actual mower and here's why. The mower is keyboard controlled, for me at least, this is a HUGE pain in the arse. I'm not that coordinated. I would be SO much easier if I could just turn the mower with the movement of my mouse. And I do agree with the rest that this DLC is overpriced. So many color choices for plants and types of plants and/or flowers could have been added. I LOVE colors, the more the happier I am. Just look at colors of paint or cloth samples. You would be shocked at the world of colors you could include. I hope that Some of these thoughts send little sparks someplace.

I bought this just hours after getting house flipper after being able to get a little extra money outta my husband this week. I've been playing for 11 hours since I got it. So I do Love the game. Just think some things could be a little better. :)
830 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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Verfasst: 28.01.20 04:30
This DLC isn't really as fun as the main game. A lot of aspects are just tedious. The grass cutting and weed pulling aren't much fun at all. This DLC might be worth it on sale.
282 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 02.01.20 12:12
Thanks to a developer comment I have no more complaints! :)
You get the lawnmower at the third job or something, so you take a lot less time to trim the grass.

The DLC adds a few nice things that me and my wife already tried out.
Mayyyybe get it on a sale, but since House Flipper is our favourite game at the moment, we got it anyway and we're happy about it.
39 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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Verfasst: 29.12.19 08:35
I almost didnt get this expansion because of the negative reviews but i did and i enjoy it. It is just as slow as the rest of the game, so if you enjoy the game you should enjoy this. While I do think its overpriced its really nice to be able to change the outsides now. Some of the reviews said that its tedious to mow with a weed whacker, which it is, but by the second or third commision you get the lawn mower so you dont have to use it anymore. Altogether tho I enjoy it.
It should have an update tho to include more objects and plants. Especially hangables since there are so few.
245 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 15.12.19 15:45
I understand that people need to make money for all the work they have done, even more when more people are included. But this DLC is over priced. 15 dollars, just 5 dollars short on a full indie game that has more to offer than this. Yes it is something new that includes a new perk tree and items, but should of been 5 dollars or even 7.99 if they want to make profit.

What to expect: You will get new jobs that will be tabbed with the DLC flower. They are about removing weeds, cutting grass, planting shrubs and flowers, ect. Pretty much it...

What you'll remember on the DLC: The long long wait of cutting someones grass.

I do coding and work on computers. I know what it means to work weeks, months, even years on a project and want to see profit on my hard work. However, if it is lackluster or full of bugs, I can't expect to get paid what I wanted to for the time I put in. This DLC had the creators put in a lot of time into it, but the result isn't anything worth wild. If you do get this DLC either wait for it to drop price or just wait for the other DLC's they are working on.
18 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 11.12.19 04:40
Please do not bother getting this dlc.
It is like torture in the slow and painful kind.
You very slowly cut grass and it never improves. It makes you feel like you are wasting your life.
Imagine having to cut small amounts of grass in a large plot of land. Wasting at least over 20+ minutes just cutting grass.
Annoying mole hills that pop up like a troll. You remove the wrong one. Another pops up instantly.
I like to imagine whac-a-mole but with zero satisfaction.
Very tedious and not satisfying.
71 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 07.12.19 10:32
I was worried when I saw the negative reviews calling this DLC boring, but I found laying sod to be really satisfying. You started inside by cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor, what did you expect?

Overall very fun and long awaited. I was so happy to get rid of that overgrown heap on my front yard!
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Release:16.05.2019 Genre: Builders Entwickler: Empyrean Vertrieb: Frozen District Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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