Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
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Über das Spiel

Vor fünf Jahren hat Carl Johnson es geschafft, den Problemen von Los Santos zu entkommen - einer Stadt im Staat San Andreas, die in Bandenkriegen, Drogen und Korruption zu versinken droht. Einer Stadt, in der Filmstars und Millionäre so gut es geht versuchen, den Dealern und Straßengangs aus dem Weg zu gehen.
Doch jetzt - wir schreiben die frühen 90er - muss Carl zurück und sich seiner Vergangenheit stellen. Seine Mutter wurde ermordet, seine Familie ist auseinander gebrochen und seine alten Freunde sind drauf und dran, auf direktem Weg ins Verderben zu schlittern.
Doch kaum zurück in seiner alten Heimat, hängen ihm einige korrupte Cops einen Mord an. CJ muss weg... auf eine Reise, die ihn durch ganz San Andreas führt, um seine Familie zu retten und die Straßen unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen.
- CPU: 1000 MHZ
- GFX: 64 MB, DirectX 9 kompatibel, Geforce 3 und besser
- RAM: 256 MB
- HD: 3.6 GB
- SFX: DirectX 9 Stereo Sound
- CPU: Pentium 4, Athlon XP
- GFX: 128 MB, DirectX 9 kompatibel, Geforce 4 und besser
- RAM: 384 MB
- HD: 4.7 GB
- SFX: DirectX 9 Surround Sound
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 10:13
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524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 18:11
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643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 14:49
+11 Punkte weil Nostalgie. +11 Seiten von allen Cheats die es gibt auf Papier gedruckt.
Es gibt jede Menge Missionen und Dinge zu tun, also empfehle ich dieses Spiel zu kaufen.
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 16:13
dieses Meisterwerk hat die Open-World von Actionspielen geprägt und Maßstäbe für die heutigen Spiele gesetzt.
Es war damals seiner Zeit voraus und ist bis heute noch ein sehenswertes Spiel.
+spannende und tolle Geschichte
+coole Musik (Ingame Radio)
+Viele Aufgaben (Langzeitunterhaltung Garantie)
+Viele Sachen zu Entdecken (Minispiele, Easter Eggs etc.)
+guter Modding-Support
-Grafik (aufgrund des Alters)
-Steuerung: Wer am Computer mit einem Controller spielen möchte, der wird evtl. auf Probleme stoßen
-Stabilität/ Funktionalität: Das Spiel kann manchmal auf modernen Systemen zu Problemen führen, welche man mit Mods umgehen kann
-Deutsche Steam-Nutzer haben leider eine CUT Version (abhängig von Sprachausgabe des Benutzers)
Fazit: Diesen Open-World-Titel sollte jeder einmal gespielt haben und daher gebe ich hier eine klare Kaufempfehlung!
2160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 14:51
Zurück ins Gangster Leben
Hinweis: Auf das Review klicken, wenn ihr die besten Ansicht haben wollt
Wir schrieben das Jahr 2004 bzw 2005 (je nachdem, auf welchem Gerät man gezockt hat) und wir waren gehyped und das nur von einem Spiel, welches nun auch auf den Markt kommen sollte. GTA San Andreas versprach die ganze Zeit vieles und man hat seine Versprechungen gehalten. Nach GTA 3 und GTA Vice City kam nun das Spiel was viele Millionen Menschen erwartet haben. Und es wurde auch wieder ein Erfolg. Noch Heute kann ich ohne zu zwinkern dieses Game empfehlen ohne mich weit aus dem Fenster lehnen zu müssen. Warum kann ich das? Ja das liegt vielleicht daran, das man damals wieder etwas geschaffen hat, was bis Heute ein sehr gutes Spiel ist. Natürlich ist die Grafik mittlerweile gealtert und auch vielleicht Physik und der Sound. Aber Story und die Sprecher macht kaum ein Spiel so schnell nach. Aber mehr dazu unten.
Neuerungen zu vorigen Games:
- geduckt bewegen
- über Zäune oder Wände klettern
- schwimmen und tauchen
- Fähigkeiten können verbessert werden
- man kann verhungern
- Aussehen kann man beeinflussen
- bei Immoblilien gibt es nun Bonuswaffen durch Bonusmissionen (nur bei 3 Gebäuden)
Wir spielen CJ (Carl Johnson) der nach 5 Jahren an der Ostküste (Liberty City) wieder zurück nach Los Santos (Staat San Andreas) zurück kommt. Seine Mutter, die gute Seele der Grove Street Family, wurde umgebracht und nun steht die Beerdigung an. Wie soll es schon anders kommen, direkt nach unserer Ankunft wird uns von korrupten Cops ein Mord angehängt.
Ohne zu viel zu verraten, ist die eigentliche Story die Gang wieder ihre alte Größe wieder zu geben und das zusammen mit CJ´s Bruder Sweet und den anderen Gangmitgliedern. Damit beginnt eine wilde Tour durch Los Santos, San Fierro und Las Venturas. Das alles gesammelt in einer Ladung voll mit Action, Verrat, Rache, Humor, Gang Kriegen, Liebe und Sex (Ja den Sex eher mit dem Hot Coffee Mod...).
╔═══►⠀⠀2001/2002 Grand Theft Auto III
╠════►⠀⠀2002/2003 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
╠═════►⠀⠀2004/2005 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (wir befinden uns hier)
╠══════►⠀⠀2008 Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition (AddOn erweitert)
╚═══════►⠀⠀2013/2014/2015 Grand Theft Auto V
- + riesige Spielwelt
- + verschiedene abwechslungsreiche Missionen
- + spannende und stimmige Story
- + actionreiches Ballern und rumfahren
- + Sprachausgabe ist der Hammer (wenn auch nicht in Deutsch)
- + bombastischer Soundtrack
- + gute Soundeffekte
- + reichlich Waffen (30+) und Fahrzeuge (180+)
- + gute Steuerung
- + light RPG, essen Mampfen, Fitnessstudio besuchen usw...
- + viele ... sehr viele Nebenaufgaben
- + Schwierigkeitsgrad ist noch einsteigerfreundlich
- + man kann endlich Schwimmen
- + viele Boni und Geheimnisse usw...
- + sehr guter Humor und Insider Gags
- + damals eine wahre Grafikpracht
- - Rockstar und ihre Einstellung, Games anders zu Dubben obwohl sie wahrscheinlich Milliarden schon verdient haben
- - Autos explodieren alle... das wäre in real ziemlich übel...
- - KI etwas dumm besonders beim Fahren
- - schon damals verwaschene Texturen und andere grafische Mängel wie Clipping
- - fehlender Realismus (Physik usw.)
- - geschnittene Version (es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, doch ungeschnitten zu spielen, da sich das Spiel an die Sprache des Betriebssystem anpasst. 1. Windows auf Englisch stellen. 2. Blood Patch nutzen.)
Damals ein wahres Prachtexemplar als Spiel und für viele das wohl beste GTA auf dem Markt und auch für mich ist es besser als GTA 4 oder GTA 5 auch wenn diese neuer sind, hat man mit San Andreas damals eigentlich schon ein Spiel heraus gebracht das kaum zu toppen ist. Natürlich könnte man manche Mängel einstellen oder mal Kritik am Game entgegenwirken aber Rockstar ist wie ihr Name so schön sagt ein Rockender Stern der einfach das Geld ohne viel Arbeit verdient. Daher wird sich da an dieser Praktik auch nichts ändern. Keine Frage die GTA Spiele sind alle ziemlich gut, aber als Unternehmen, welches Schier unendliche Möglichkeiten hat, könnte mittlerweile auch mal etwas ändern. Gutes Beispiel wären mehrsprachiges Erlebnis, denn Untertitel lesen, bei Fremdwörtern die man nicht kennt, ist schon recht nervig. Aber hier sind wir ja beim Fazit von San Andreas, dieses macht kaum etwas falsch, auch wenn manche Grafikfehler noch immer zu finden sind, ob wohl das Game nun ziemlich alt schon ist...
Wir hatten damals eine ziemlich hohe Erwartung an das Game und die wurde auch erfüllt. Die Story umfasst circa 40-50 Std Spielzeit und das Spiel entführt uns in eine tolle Umgebung mit einer knalligen Story und jeder Menge Spaß. Ich lehne mich mal aus dem Fenster und meine es ist mit eines der besten Games, welches je auf den Markt gekommen ist.
Lasst eine Bewertung da, bei negativen, doch bitte auch ein Kommentar, was euch nicht gefallen hat. Wenn euch meine Reviews zusagen dann bitte hier abonieren das würde mich sehr freuen und gerne meiner Gruppe beitreten.
1658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 22:08
Nicht Empfohlen
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 17:23
The Steam version got so much censorship, it is unbelievable
The steam version includes censores for example:
Pedastrians wont drop money
You cant hit someone who is on the ground
When using a X-Input controller, you wont see the buttons you need to press. Instead you see the joystick button inputs
18 music tracks got removed due to the licenses for the tracks expired
Cars will be always full of dirt
Just to name a few
I don't say its a bad game, but I says that you need to downgrade it to enjoy
Nicht Empfohlen
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 11:26
Dies ist die schlechteste variante des Spiels, die ich bisher gespielt habe, ich weiß nicht ob die Probleme auf Bug zurückgehen oder ob die änderungen Absicht sind (Jugendschutz und so ein Unsinn, der bei diesem Spiel ohnehin zu spät kommt ;).
Fakt ist jedenfals, dass es im unterschied zu den, sonst von mit gespielten Versionen einige massive Probleme giebt:
- Getötete Personen droppen kein Geld
- Man erhält manchmal Polizeisterne für morde, bei denen überhaupt kein Polizist in der Nähe war
- Der Wasserstrahl des Feuerwehrautos hat so gut wie keine Reichweite, was die entsprechende Mission massivst erschwert.
- In Nahkämpfen ist es nicht möglich Gegner zu treten, die am Boden Liegen, man muss jedes mal warten bis sie wieder aufstehen, somit sind Faustkämpfe, insbesondere gegen bewaffnete Gegner fast unmöglich.
Dies sind die Bugs die mir bisher besonders unangenehm aufgefallen sind und die das Spiel insgesamt weit weniger Spaßig machen als es normalerweise ist.
Nicht Empfohlen
4578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 16:17
1779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 20:17
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3360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 10:54
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 13:04
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10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 12:30
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Nicht Empfohlen
3456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 08:36
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2619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 18:13
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2598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 06:44
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2673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 23:43
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Nicht Empfohlen
563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 21:45
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965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 21:00
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57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 01:10
you are still able to get keys off of Amazon and G2A. it's more of a clusterfuck that people have to buy keys from resellers, but it's an option
now, just so this doesn't get flagged as spam, i will add a small review:
San Andreas is, without a doubt, a certified hood classic. from well written and likeable characters all the way to graphics that are (depending on your opinion of course) timeless
Nicht Empfohlen
2120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 06:57
14979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 18:14
- Players: Single player
- Genre: Third-person action/adventure
- Plot: A guy raised in the ghetto returns to his hometown and tries to reclaim his own and his family's honor.
- Replayability: Pretty big game with many side missions. I replay it every 1-2 years.
- Other: CJ is probably the best protagonist of all games I've ever played.
What I really like:
- Characters (CJ, Toreno, Catalina, Ryder, ...), humor
- You are free to do a lot of things on a really big map.
- Story
What I don't like:
- While almost all characters are brilliant, there are a few (e.g. Maccer) who are annoying.
- I'd love to see more melee fights in this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 11:50
- FPS Bugs
- Player can't swim in this steam version
- Some missions are impossible to complete in this version
- Other game breaking issues that rockstar ignores still to this days.
GTA SA is one of my favorite games. It changed the way we see roleplaying in video games, and it kept his charm to this day, aged like wine. The music is one of the most amazing soundtracks in VG history, who could tought we could have such a masterpiece after GTA VC (Already a really good game). This is a must have, and for every millenial: A part of our lives.
But rockstar did shit with this steam version, unless you spend hours fixing some minor bugs and installing one hundred sht in ur pc, u'll be unable to play. It's such a poor port, shame.
Nicht Empfohlen
8090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 19:26
9909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 20:17
1678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 19:29
Ah shit, here we go again.
2108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 20:14
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
☑️ Hard
???? Dark Souls
If the average todays video game consumer tried this game they would have a very hard time w it, first of all there is no autosaves so when you die on a mission you will have to return to the marker and rebuy your guns if you don't have a save before. a second reason to why this would be challenging is because your health does not regen automatically, you have to buy food or save the game to regain health and you can die very quick if you don't take cover in fights.
???? MS Paint
☑️ Bad
???? Meh
☑️ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
If it came out today i would put it on bad because it's nothing special graphically in todays standards and even for it's time they were not that insane, that's why i chose to put good and bad.
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
☑️ Beautiful
????This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
☑️ Epic story
☑️ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
???? Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
☑️ Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
????Ride of your life
(I put both of em because it depends on the player)
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
????If you wait a few months/years
☑️ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
Now i would put infinitley replayable if it wasn't for the few annoying ass missions.
???? No
???? Wait for sale
???? Yes
☑️ Hell Yeah
979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 05:12
Since this game came out I've replayed it about as much as I've rewatched The Office, which is a lot. Here's my feelings now that I have it here.
P.S. I don't really understand what the illiterate guy is saying about patches, but the game has worked fine on every machine/configuration since it came out.
+ The best GTA game, including clones. Vice City holds up better mechanically even though it's technically less developed, but it's much smaller (in many ways), while Saints Row 3 is better in every way except for immersion/storytelling (that the small world size is related to) which matters a lot.
+ Huge world with a lot of (can't strictly call it fun, but) interesting content. Good level design, wide range of environments, getting around isn't too long or short but just enough to feel realistic. It's impressive how they condensed the essence of LA, San Francisco and Las Vegas into the areas that define them while still feeling like full cities.
+ Fantastic radio stations, both the music selection (for varied tastes too) and talk shows/commercials, but you can also add your own playlist. I genuinely sometimes play WCTR for myself IRL, without playing the game.
+ Wide shop selections, deep cosmetic customization in general. And that's just for CJ, not including a good weapon selection, car customization, and how much (unchangeable) real estate you can get.
+ Cheats can accelerate/ease/skip every single mission in the game. You will hate some missions, which ones varies by person.
+ Goes on reasonable discounts relatively often. If you want a good and long plot, it's still top tier.
+ Tons of memorable characters and quotes, and not just in the story. Talk show guests, commercials, billboards, company names, things pedestrians say...
+ Many minigames, and they're not bad either. Arcade games, pool, varied gambling, basketball...
- No cloud saves, which would be the main reason to buy it.
- The picture is too wide even with widescreen options, and there's no windowed option to run it in 4:3.
- Clothes shopping takes too long, mainly due to long repeating animations, but also inefficient menus (with no mouse control).
- A lot of missions are not fun mechanically. Maybe most of them. But most of them are also not a pain in the ass, it's not painful to push through for the story.
- Passable driving, but it sucks hard for racing, and you're forced to race too much for my taste.
- Seemingly janky physics on modern machines. A little buggier, more falling through the world, sometimes cars vibrate which can make cutscenes funny in a distracting way.
- No achievements, which would normally be completely irrelevant to me, but this is a game I actually did bother to 100% once, and I'd like to have one 100% save. I was that invested in the story/world by the end. But not being able to display that, combined with no cloud saving, and completing it now would feel like a waste of time.
- Sometimes cars may not save properly. It only happened to me when saving multiple cars in one garage.
- Catalina is incredibly annoying.
? Immersive/not immersive at the same time. Quality writing and voice acting are far more satirical than they seemed when I was a kid. Still good, but it's hard to take anything seriously. And yet somehow, even though it's unrealistic and intentionally over the top, the world/plot still immerses me. They pay attention to so many details (like set building, animated gestures, innuendos/references everywhere), which are impactful even though the graphics are outdated. And you're CJ for so long, doing so much non-filler stuff in the world, you sort of settle in.
? Just passable shooting, but at least the overall game difficulty is pretty well crafted for the intended experience.
? Vehicle shooting is rigid and imprecise. It was a new option at the time so it's excusable, and it's still kinda usable, but it does feel lackluster.
? The gym is a pain in the ass, but the stats feel earned when you're done, and it actually simulates the effects of working out. At first your hands/arms actually hurt IRL, then you get used to it and it stops hurting, then you become efficient at doing it quickly and properly.
Nicht Empfohlen
3110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 09:51
However, the Steam version is disastrous. It's absolutely appalling. Really awful. There are less features than the original release with tons and tons of problems; crashes, framerate issues, sensitivity issues, gamebreaking bugs, softlocks etc.
In order to play the game properly, you have to downgrade it, which lets you mod it (because you normally can't), and install tons of mods and patches. With those, the game is still as brilliant as it was a decade ago, but without them... definitely not.
Rockstar, please fix.
(If you really want to play the Steam version; you can learn how to downgrade easily by searching on the internet, then install an ASI loader and install Silent Patch.
Below are some game-improving mods:
-Modloader -helps you mod the game-
-Remastered GUI
-Project 2DFX
-13AG+Wesser Widescreen Fixes
-SkyGFX -if you want PS2 or mobile visuals-
-GInput -for controller support, not necessary-)
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 14:40
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953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 15:16
To fix crashes and you not being able to move your mouse: change the compatability to Windows 98 (or generally any windows after 95 and before XP)
if you don't know how, find the game in your files (easier way would be right clicking the game in your library and going to properties, then local game files) then simply right click on the .exe file and click properties, then go to compatability and change the setting to Windows XP or whatever.
Also immediately after installing you're gonna wanna change the controls, expecially the vehicle controls, especially if you don't have a numpad, plus, the numpad keys for up and down are inverted! hooray! Just changed to something you can live with.
BONUS: have patience with the missions, they can get annoying.
2416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 11:19
First Rundown
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a 2004 action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games. As the seventh title in the GTA series, it expands the franchise concept to include three cities and the countryside between them. The gameplay likewise develops, packing in some explosive set pieces and amazing action-movie-like thrills while maintaining that same remarkably fun and freedom of the series.
It’s 1992 in the state of San Andreas, a huge island containing three cities: Los Santos, which is based roughly on Los Angeles and consists of a mixture of ritzy downtown areas and the gangland ghettos of South Central, San Fierro, based on San Francisco, reproducing the real city's hilly terrain and ever-present fog and Las Venturas, which is a great take on Las Vegas, complete with a strip full of casinos and the surrounding desert.
As in the previous games, most of your progress is accomplished by completing missions for a variety of characters. These quests match the same pattern to the missions you've seen in previous games in the series. Mostly you'll drive people around and kill individuals, but, as you proceed through the game, the objectives and gameplay get crazier and more diverse.
In Deep
◼️ Writing The plot, in keeping with the franchise, is still brutal, the characters are ruthless, and the moral of the story is that there isn't really a moral. If you love crime dramas, action films, and gangsta rap, the storyline here is strong and offer up plenty of twists, turns, and exciting situations. It develops as a large selection of mixed and completely independent plot threads that together tell an effective story. A huge difference from Liberty or Vice City’s plot, CJ will eventually need to get the heck out of Los Santos. He winds up in the country outside the city, where he'll encounter many more great characters and officially embark on his quest to put right what's gone wrong. In the end, it develops in the likeness of a road trip tale, representing the journey that CJ is on, an allegory that reminds us the destination is rarely as important as the experience of getting there. ◼️ Characters and dialogues Rockstar's trademark comedy style is heavy, ranging from the juvenile to the very explicit. Character developing is weak, the supporting characters don't evolve or develop, it’s a large cast of colourful and memorable characters, stereotypes of real people, made upon the likeness of the ones seen on television and movies. Vastly different from one another, they do a great job at keeping things interesting.Gameplay
◼️ How it plays and nice features
There's a definite feeling of character progression in this game in the likeness of an RPG. Driving, shooting, cycling, swimming, motorcycling and flying, every mode of transport and every type of weaponry has an affiliated skill which progresses as you exercise it. For example, when mastering the pistols or the machine guns players will gain the ability to dual-wield guns. There are even scales for body characteristics like fat, muscle and sex appeal, influenced by what and how much you eat; your work in the gym, what you wear, your haircut and your tattoos. CJ’s customization is more than just presentational; the stats affect whether you can attract girlfriends, people's responses to you and how much damage you withstand. Like in Vice City, you can buy properties; most of them are used as save points and some provide an income once you've established a business there. These special locations often require you to complete a series of missions, offering yet another avenue to pursue.
Now let’s talk about driving cars, motorbikes and bicycles, the most beloved feature of the franchise. You'll instantly be able to tell the difference between San Andreas and Liberty/Vice City's automobiles. Each vehicle in the game has unique suspension, weight, and speed limit. You'll be able to pimp out the rides with a huge assortment of mods, like upgrading the front and rear bumpers, tires, upholstery, and more. These modifications do more than just make your car look better: they also raise your respect level with fellow gang members and increase your sex appeal stat with the ladies.
◼️ Overall difficulty
The variety of the 100-plus missions never fails to delight. The wanted level is again represented by stars, but are harder to get rid of, and even civilians will react angrily if you bump their cars. As a result, you can't afford to be too carefree while cruising the streets.
◼️ Art Design
San Andreas offers a whole new world of largeness. Each of the three cities is vast in its own right and the intervening space between them is packed with content to explore. After the first hours, you're introduced to a world of hicks, country music, tractors and remote, winding roads. The map's major designations are separated by countryside, desert, mountains, and a dozen smaller towns in-between. The climate is dynamic and differs quite drastically from area to area. Weather patterns behave just as they do in real life too and the radio will even mention weather breakups and inform players when they can expect to see alterations to their environment.
◼️ Music and effects
The legendary radio stations are back with a vast selection to choose from. Rockstar's cultural references are spot-on: Guns 'N Roses, Ah-Ah, Public Enemy, Primal Scream, Stone Temple Pilots, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and Boyz II Men make up a rather extensive eleven-station presentation.
◼️ Voice acting
A stellar cast that includes Samuel L. Jackson and Chris Penn as Officers Tenpenny and Polaski, James Woods as Mike Toreno, Peter Fonda as a hippie/conspiracy theorist, Ice-T as a rapper named Madd Dogg and Charlie Murphy as a pimp named Jizzy, the talent available here is top-notch and rapper Young Malay is perfect in his role as CJ too.
◼️ Replayability
The core’s game allows the player to ditch and pick up the storyline at will. The world can operate outside of the storyline because there's always something going on, there is always something to do. Even staying in the background, enjoying colour, life and atmosphere is entertaining. After almost twenty years the game still manages to be enjoyable, and not only for nostalgia.
◼️ Game length
Around 40 hours for the main missions, add 20 more for sidequests and minigames.
Bugs and Issues
◼️ I played the “vanilla” version, the unmodded base game that Steam offers. It’s a poor pc port with a lot of issues like framerate drops and crashes. It happens frequently at startup or between cutscenes (I had to restart the last mission five times for this problem).
◼️ Rockstar, in this version, has removed a lot of songs from the original radio playlist, as they have lost the rights to use them after so many years.
GTA: San Andreas is, after almost twenty years, still insanely fun to play. Its strength is in the different gameplay elements that make it a powerful package that does not disappoint, regardless of how you decide to play it. With its rich story, incredible dialogue, terrific voice acting and remarkably fun and varied gameplay, it’s a breathtaking trip that shouldn't be missed.
2933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 16:13
My first every GTA game was GTA 4, I grew up with it and fell in love with the GTA franchise playing Liberty City Stories and GTA 5 as well as many others. But over the years I always heard one name pop up frequently being dubbed as 'The Best' GTA game. I figured it was just overrated or something despite never even playing it. Well with some cash to spend and the steam winter sale up I thought it wouldn't hurt to pick up San Andreas and finally see what all the fuss is about. Let’s just say I'm glad I did, I'm glad I did indeed.
GTA San Andreas follows the story of Carl Johnson, or CJ for short and his return to San Andreas for the funeral of his mother. A lot of the characters are disrespectful towards Carl because he left for Liberty City when his brother died, when his family needed him the most. CJ wants nothing but to earn back this respect and love and does this through missions and what not. I loved the story in this game, and I won't spoil it for anybody here but in typical GTA fashion you work your way up the mobster food chain till you are top dog. You start off working with your homies and putting in the effort for the family name in the hood trying to restore it to its former glory. From there you work your way up working for major players like the cartel and triad working up to your goal. The missions in this game are some of the best I've played in any GTA game. They're action packed, filled with hilarious dialogue and never failed to impress me or keep me entertained. They normally took me about one try to do whilst others took a good few. Of course, some missions seem downright insane or unfair but those are few and far in between, I never found myself raging at this game as much as I have other GTA games with their missions. Some missions are downright wacky with one involving me stealing rap lyrics from a mansion and another made me sneak into a military base and steal a jetpack which I could then use at my leisure. And of course, these missions are all accompanied by super funny characters and their dialogue as mentioned earlier. This includes the infamous meme 'Big Smokes Order'. One cutscene at the end of the game involved a character jerking off over Margaret Thatcher! It's this kind of comedy and wackiness that kept me invested in GTA San Andreas and only wanting more.
The mechanics in this game, while some hold up others don't. My main issue came with dying or failing a mission. Upon dying or failing you'd be forced to go all the way back to the mission marker and re watching the cutscene and doing the same things again! That is after re stocking on ammo of course. The lack of auto-save system in the game definitely made me less reckless during a mission as I knew I'd be made to do it all again and buy more ammo and amour which can be difficult in San Andreas as you don't get money after EVERY mission, only a few. I found an easy workaround for this though by just simply saving before every mission. That way if I failed then I could go right back to when I had those weapons and what not. Other things like shooting feel super solid and I really enjoyed the physics of the limbs in this game and the way they popped off if I hit a headshot. There are other mechanics in the game which I really enjoyed too! For example, you can now upgrade you’re driving skill, bike skill, SMG skill and everything above and in between. This is really cool as it'll do things like include the handling of a car, make you less likely to fall off a bike and at some point, you can even dual wield SMGs once you get that level high enough. It really is a fun system and encourages you to play, fight, go to the gym to improve stamina and much more. There are so many other systems and mechanics in the game that I'd like to cover but would take too long to in this review, but don't let all these systems phase you, they're very simple and won’t have a major impact if you don't bother upgrading them.
The graphics in this game look outdated to put it nicely. Even on the highest settings at 1080p the game won't blow you away, but it does look nice from time to time. if you keep up with my reviews, you'll know I'm a sucker for that early 2000s graphics style when 480p was at its peak as we transitioned into the 720p era of games and San Andreas definitely hits that spot for me and I love its style. But to any Fortnite kid that saw this they would tell you it looks old and probably wouldn't be as willing to play it as they would the new spiderman game at 4k on their PS5. But if your anything like myself and don't mind bad graphics and can easily immerse yourself in a game world then this will be no problem for you at all!
I normally don't talk about the music in the game but how can I not with this one! I spent most my time cruising round the hood with 90s gangster rap like ice cube, snoop dog, Eazy-E, NWA and much more blasting into my headphones. Not only did this music find a home on my playlist but it also helped throw me into the world of San Andreas and make me feel like a real gangster giving purpose to the game world I inhabit.
Speaking of the world San Andreas has a vast open world to explore. They crammed 3 major cities into this game never seen before in any other GTA title, not to mention an entire countryside! The sheer scale of this world amazes me, and I enjoyed exploring its many detailed areas and living the gangster life B) In all seriousness though it's a pleasure to just drive around and explore and enjoy the scenery.
Side Note: if you’re scared that San Andreas only contains missions your dead wrong! Not only does the game has many extra activities for you to do like pimping, gambling, taxi driver and more but the game has a huge madding community which only adds more and more replay-ability, stuff to experience and things to see and do.
Side Note 2: For anyone who likes collectables, there are plenty in this game!
Pros: So much to do, huge detailed open world to explore, great graphics, awesome system for improving skill, lots of replay-ability, epic soundtrack, handles well, holds up well, amazing story, hilarious characters, fun missions.
Cons: The flying takes ages to get used to, game may be a bit dated visually depending on some people’s standard, the AI can be a bit stupid.
To conclude, GTA San Andreas has been dubbed the best GTA game by many, I believe it deserves this title. San Andreas offers a brilliant story, vast open world, fun characters and so many fun systems. For the time, this game is so advanced and despite the way it has aged, I still more than recommend playing this masterpiece of a game because it truly is a must own/must play no matter who you are. I would not be lying if I said I already plan on replaying it at some point and messing around with more mods and just generally causing chaos in this brilliant world! I recommend anyone and everyone get this game it really is a blast to playthrough.
10/10 Neppy review
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 16:37
Steam version is the worst version out there and I strongly recommend you either downgrade it manually to version 1.01 (or similar) and add some patches that will improve your textures, resolution, fix bugs etc or just crack it from somewhere. There are many tutorials on Youtube for this. You'll especially want to do this if you want ultrawide support. They've also removed many songs from the radio due to licences expiring so if you want those songs back, you'll have to go back to those older versions.
1425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 16:57
That said the game's optimization sucks. The retail version already sucked on pc, but the steam version is a whole other shit show.
- The first time you try to open the game, it will most likely crash.
- You have to go to the task manager like a Karen to be able to use the mouse.
- The mouse sensitivity setting will reset itself each time you open the game.
- Missing features/ textures/ music.
- Higher resolutions does not work properly, so everything looks squished and dummy thicc.
- You have to open the frame lock in order to swim, use fire estinguisher and complete some missions but the frame lock cannot even stabilize 25 fps.
- Some missions are straight up broken and you have to come up with 300 iq Rick Sanchez moves to progress further in the game.
I wish Rockstar gave a crap about their PC ports, but the only thing they care about is to sell you shark cash cards. Thanks Rockstar.
It is still a good game though
2246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 10:28
Truly, I am impressed with this masterpiece. There's nothing wrong with buying this game, it's totally worth the price and run on every potato PCs out there. After many years, many days, many minutes, many seconds, I finally got the chance to buy the official copy of the game and decided to finish the game with my larger hands!
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 12:46
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☑ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
3145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 21:44
Interesting story line with a lot of twists
Game play is classic for GTA games which is good
Great setting and realistic atmosphere.
Awesome game in general. I really enjoy it!
2231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 17:38
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 02:17
-The history is f*cking amazing
-The map is very huge
-You can go in diferents ambients; Country, town, forest, hoods, etc.
-You can visit 3 diferent cities and take a look around (Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas)
-You have many other activities to do; Races, shoot, steal, fly
-You can full customize CJ with many diferents clothes
-You can even tatto full body CJ
-Variety of hair cuts
-You can get stronger on the gym and learn new punch moves
-You can full customize your car to races
-Many weapons you can get better with it
-Very good graphics
-You can play it in any kind of computer
-Many cheats to use
-You can f*ck a wh*re and kill to get back your money
-Frames bugs
-You neeed to play in 30fps to don't have bugs
-You need to patch it to v1.0
-Big smoke
-Ryder saying that you don't know how to drive
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 20:12
Now there is a problem with the mouse in game, here is a fix, keep in mind that you need to do this everytime you launch the game...
To use the mouse in the game, do the following:
1. Launch the game, open up Task manager(Ctrl+Shift+Esc
2.Find the gta san andreas application, right click on it, press ''see details''
3.Go to ''set affinity'' then only have ''CPU 1'' ticked.
4.Enjoy :3
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 20:12
2434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 11:28
If you're one of those people that don't want to follow a straightforward path and just race toward completion, there are so many side things to do aswell.Racing,tons of customization,unlockables, stats that constantly improve as you progress or just mess around, properties to be purchased ,side ''missions'' such as the vigilante or paramedic, just to name a few.How the game unfolds over time is the strongest suit here in my opinion, and the number of missions will keep you busy for a very long time.
When you do eventually complete the game however, you can shoot for 100% completion which will additionaly take more time.I won't get into the details of the story here, you'll just have to see for yourself but what I can say for sure is the game is so ahead of its time in terms of the sheer amount of content.Staying true to the GTA spirit, the game contains tons of satire and many times doesn't take itself too seriously, which just adds to the incredible atmosphere.
Now, this game does also have an unofficial multiplayer which was a huge part of my childhood(and admittedly drained an hour too many of my life but still no regrets) and unlike the multiplayer of upcoming games, it has tons of customizations, variety and stuff to mess around with.
To just sum everything up, this game has all the characteristics of a great game:amazing story, fluid development, side missions, tons of customizations, amazing music, comedic aspects etc.
Now, at the end of the review I'll mention the negative stuff aswell which, we all know that there is no game ever made without any flaws.The ''school''missions, i.e driving and flying school ones are a huge pain in the ass, especially the driving one.The tasks are unreasonably hard some of them, and it will feel frustrating at first.The AI can be very hit and miss at times, and many missions will be ruined due to some RNG events taking place.All in all, the positives far outnumber the negatives, and if you haven't played this game before and are tired of GTA 5 for example, I'd suggest you pick this game up before GTA 6 drops, as it is a ton of fun.
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 20:45
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
5991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 15:44
-IMO the map is 10x better than even V's, you can leave LA and go to San Francisco or Las Vegas
-There is a neighborhood takeover system allowing you to actually fight other gangs for territory
-The RPG elements are dope, you have independent skills for everything from each individual weapon to motorcycle, and bicycle riding skills- not to mention the more apparent ones like strength, fat, stamina... and ofc sex appeal lol
-There are soooo many activities to take part in outside of scripted story events, play pool, basketball, gamble in casinos until you accrue debt and literally have mobsters hunt you down for the money- it genuinely makes GTA V's singleplayer look hollow
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 23:54
Land of the heinous, gangbangers, and cold heat
In Los Santos, neighbors get no sleep
Beefing with anybody competing, even police
Four deep in a green rag with gold feet
Blast with the flag on the strap, that's OG
Stay in shape, hit the gym, lift the weights
Get super cut or big and buff, nice and straight
You got stats, respect, weapon skill
Stamina, muscle, fat, and sex appeal
You get clothes from Bincos and Pro Laps
Sub Urban, ZIP, Victim, and D. Sachs
Watch your back when you in rival hoods
They'll test just to guess if your survivals good (Survivals good)
Ducking shells at the Cluckin' Bell
Jump out busting, gunning 'til they tuck their tail
It seem like I'm on impossible missions (Impossible missions)
Twisted predicaments hostile positions (Hostile positions)
Tenpenny and Pulaski harass me
Cop cars been on our ass the last past week
'Cause the 'Dreas for the gangsters, homeboy
Hands is the language for the 'bangers, homeboy
And it's dangerous, homeboy
Get your brains blow for how you do your fingers, homeboy
Heat cocked, we poppin' hot ones
Dump them out, bend the block, shake before the cops come
Listen for sirens, they don't got none
Back another lap, catch a straggler with a shotgun
Hittin' them up what that Grove Street like
In a dirty sling shot and old Levi's
6705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 07:56
Full Health,armor and 250,000$ : HESOYAM
Infinite Health : BAGUVIX
Weapon Set 1 : LXGIWYL
Weapon Set 3 : UZUMYMW
All weapons are Hitman Level : PROFESSIONALKILLER
Infinite Ammo : FULLCLIP
Inifinite Oxygen : CVWKXAM
Lower Wanted Level : TURNDOWNTHEHEAT
Raise Wanted Level : TURNUPTHEHEAT
6 Star Wanted Level : BRINGITON
Never Wanted : AEZAKMI [Last letter is an i ]
Max Stamina : VKYPQCF
Max Respect : WORSHIPME
Falcon Punch : IAVENJQ [First letter is an i ]
Tank : AIWPRTON [2nd letter is an i ]
Hydra Jet : JUMPJET
Give Parachute : AIYPWZQP [2nd letter is an i ]
Adrenaline Mode : ANOSEONGLASS
Super Jump : KANGAROO
Super Bunny Hop : CJPHONEHOME
Minumum fat and muscle : KVGYZQK
Maximum Fat : BTCDBCB
Maximum Sex Appeal : HELLOLADIES
Never Hungry : AEDUWNV
Vechile Cheats
Bloodring Banger : OLDSPEEDDEMON
Hotring Racer 1 : VROCKPOCKEY
Hotring Racer 2 : VPJTQWV
Hunter : OHDUDE
Monster Truck : MONSTERMASH
Rancher : JQNTDMH
Rhino : AIWPRTON [2nd letter is an i ]
Trashmaster : TRUEGRIME
Vortex : KGGGDKP
Other Vechile Cheats
Vehicle Of Death : JCNRUAD
Blow up all vehicles : CPKTNWT
Improved Handling : STICKLIKEGLUE
Full Weapon Aiming While Driving : OUIQDMW [3rd letter is an i ]
Pink Traffic : LLQPFBN
Black Traffic : IOWDLAC [1st letter is an i ]
Traffic is expensive vehicles : EVERYONEISRICH
Traffic Is Cheap Vehicles : EVERYONE IS POOR
Traffic is Country Vehicles : FVTMNBZ
Taxis have Nitrous : VKYPQCF
All Vehicles Have Nitrous : SPEEDFREAK
Vehicles Float Away When Hit : BUBBLECARS
Aggresive Drivers : YLTEICZ [5th letter is an i ]
Traffic Lights Stay GREEN : ZEIIVG [3rd and 4th letters are both an i ]
Gang Cheats
Pedestrians Riot : AJLOJYQY
Pedestrians Have Weapons : FOOOXFT
Pedestrians Attack You : BAGOWPG
Pedestrians Attack You With Guns : BGLUAWML
No Pedestrians and Reduced Traffic : GHOSTTOWN
Gang Controls The Streets : BIFBUZZ
Gang Members Everywhere : ONLYHOMIESALLOWED
Recruit Anyone [9mm Pistol] : SJMAHPE
Theme Cheats
Funhouse Theme : CRAZYTOWN
Ninja Theme : NINJATOWN
Kinky Theme : BEKKNQV
HillBilly Theme : BMTPWHR
Weather / Time Cheats
Speed up Game Clock : YSOHNUL
Fast Motion : SPEEDITUP
Slow Motion : SLOWITDOWN
Cloudy 2 : AUIFRVQS
Sandstorm : CWJXUOC
Orange Sky : OFVIAC
Always Midnight : NIGHTPROWLER
3735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 23:29
It has so many activities apart from the main missions to keep you entertained. The PC port is really bad to be honest with the frame rate capped at less than 30 FPS and missing resolution options if you have a wide monitor, but there are a lot of patches on the guides section that fix these issues so you don't have to worry about that.
I consider this game a masterpiece no doubt, totally worth playing.
6865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 00:11
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 21:58
10 bucks is worth the price, if you get it on sale consider it a bargain. It will always be a fun game to play, only dead people are indifferent towards GTA San Andreas.
Nicht Empfohlen
4653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 23:37
Rockstar North
Rockstar Games
Engine:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos