• Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.
  • Jessika: Screen zum Spiel Jessika.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.08.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 28.07.23

Über das Spiel

Liebe Jessika,

ich habe so viele Fragen... so viele Fragen, die mich seither verfolgen. Ich weiß, dass wir in der Vergangenheit viele Meinungsverschiedenheiten hatten. Und sicher muss ich zugeben, dass ich nicht der beste Vater war...jeder hat seine Fehler und seine Last zu tragen.

Wie auch immer, das Wichtigste ist, aus seinen Fehlern zu lernen. Doch leider ist es für eine Wiedergutmachung zu spät – es ist zu spät, um mich zu entschuldigen. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, das schreckliche Unrecht, das ich getan habe, wiedergutzumachen – weil du getan hast, was du getan hast. Aus welchem Grund auch immer. In meinem Kopf dreht sich alles nur noch um diese eine Frage: WARUM? War das dein letzter Ausweg? Wenn du nur mit mir geredet hättest, dann hätten wir sicher einen Ausweg gefunden...irgendwie.

Ich kann dir nicht verübeln, dass du so lange geschwiegen und dich komplett zurückgezogen hast. Ich kann nur mir selbst Vorwürfe machen. Egal, was andere sagen werden, für meinen Seelenfrieden möchte ich - nein, muss ich herausfinden, was passiert ist und was dich zu diesem Schritt veranlasst hat.
Ich habe Profis engagiert, die Licht ins Dunkel bringen können, die Nachforschungen anstellen und womöglich auch mehr über deine Beweggründe herausfinden. Und vielleicht, aber nur vielleicht, können sie mein Gewissen erleichtern. Zumindest für den Augenblick.

In Liebe

Was ist dein Job?
In diesem Full-Motion-Video-Mystery-Abenteuer bist du Teil einer Gruppe, die sich auf die Aufarbeitung digitaler Fußabdrücke von Verstorbenen spezialisiert hat - alles im Auftrag der Angehörigen. Was auf den ersten Blick ein Job wie jeder andere zu sein scheint, entwickelt sich schnell zu einem dunklen Drama voller Drehungen und Wendungen.
Alles, was du für deine Arbeit brauchst, ist dein Laptop und einige grundlegende Hintergrundinformationen über das "Opfer" – in diesem Fall: Jessika. Verschaffe dir Zugriff auf ihre Datenbank und durchforste mit Hilfe diverser Suchbegriffe Dateien wie Videoclips, Audiodateien, Notizen und Nachrichtenartikeln nach Hinweisen. Teile die gewonnen Erkenntnisse mit deinem Klienten und deinen Kollegen, um noch tiefer in Jessikas Leben einzutauchen. Nutze deinen analytischen Verstand, kombiniere die gewonnen Fakten und enthülle Jessikas wahre Geschichte.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • GFX: GeForce 8800 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/10 64-Bit
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

285 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 05:14
SPOILER: Dieser Text enthält Spoiler, wenn sie sich nicht spoilern lassen wollen, lesen sie bitte NICHT weiter.

An sich ist die Spielmechanik ganz gut gemacht, es macht auch spaß, auch wenn es auf Dauer sehr eintönig ist.

Die Schauspielerischen Leistungen sind durchwachsen, teilweise gut umgesetzt, teilweise nicht gut bzw sehr unglaubhaft, allerdings für so ein Spiel vollkommen ausreichend und gut gemacht.

Der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach mit 12,49€ zu teuer für ca 5 Stunden Spielzeit, also unbedingt auf den Sale warten.

Die Story ist Anfangs ganz ok, aber was mich wirklich stört ist das Ende, ich verstehe es einfach nicht.. Möglicherweise bin ich einfach zu doof dazu, aber ich verstehe es nicht.. was genau passiert ist..
Ich bin mir nicht einmal sicher ob das Spiel radikale Gewalt gegen andere Gruppen verherrlichen will oder nicht, da ich das Ende nicht verstehe.. Ich gehe nicht davon aus und denke dass es nur darauf aufmerksam machen will, aber Safe sicher bin ich mir da trotzdem nicht..
41 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 15:46
Ein Spiel mit sehr großem Potential. Leider wird das Potential nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft, da - so ging es mir zumindest - man manchmal nicht genau weiß, nach was man noch suchen soll. An sich hatte ich mit diesem Spiel allerdings schöne 2 Stunden! :D
275 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 19:37

Was für eine heftige Geschichte!!! Was sich erst als Suche nach dem Grund für einen Selbstmord tarnt, wird zur Jagd nach Jessikas Vergangenheit: Ihre Kindheit und Jugend, die große Liebe und der Absturz in eine kriminelle Gruppe, die sich später als rassistische Gruppierung entpuppt. Mit Hilfe von Schlagwörtern sucht man sich seinen Weg durch Jessikas Daten und findet hunderte von Videobotschaften die einen das fürchten lehren. Ein schwieriges Thema aber immer aktuell!
81 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 11:01
Zunächst eine kleine aber wichtige Warnung: Wer hier eine lustig-freudige Abenteuerstory erwartet, sollte sich definitiv vor dem Kauf mal den Trailer ansehen. Das Spiel ist definitiv nichts für emotional instabile oder depressive Menschen. Es lässt sich am besten als spielbarer Thriller beschreiben, würde ich sagen.

Jetzt zum Review...

Jessika ist ein kleines, sehr liebevoll designtes, Rätselspiel mit gut ausgearbeiteter Story und auch erstaunlich hohem Wiederspielwert. Wer Spaß daran hat, in die Rolle eines Ermittlers zu schlüpfen und einen spannenden Fall aufzuklären, sollte dem Spiel auf jeden Fall eine Chance geben.

(Etwas) Länger:
Für jemanden wie mich, der normalerweise eher in den kompetitiven Segmenten der Branche unterwegs ist, war “Jessika” eine neue und durchaus spannende Erfahrung.
Der Einstieg läuft, trotz Abwesenheit eines Tutorials im eigentlichen Sinne, sehr intuitiv und man erfasst schnell die Zentrale Aufgabe des Spiels - Hinweise finden. Diese gibt man in eine Konsole ein, um so neue Hinweisquellen “zu entschlüsseln” und in der Story voranzuschreiten. Diese “Hinweisquellen” sind hauptsächlich kleine Videofetzen (Aufgenommen, nicht animiert), in denen “Jessika” über sich erzählt.
Besonders am Anfang ist das eine äußerst kurzweilige Tätigkeit, weil die Hinweise schnell gefunden sind und man in kurzer Zeit viele neue spannende Storyzweige freischaltet. Für den späteren Spielverlauf würde ich euch aber unbedingt eine eigene Organisationslösung für die Hinweise empfehlen, da es durchaus Schwierigkeiten bereiten kann, den Überblick über alle aktuellen Hinweise und “Baustellen” in der Story zu behalten. Das im Spiel eingebaute Notizbuch eignet sich dafür zum Beispiel ziemlich gut.
Auch der Soundtrack (ja, den gibt es...und die Suche danach lohnt sich) des Spiels ist meiner Meinung nach sehr gut gelungen.
Alles in allem hatte und habe ich viel Spaß mit diesem Spiel (zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt bin ich bei etwa 70%, würde ich schätzen) und kann es voll und ganz jedem empfehlen, der Spaß an Rätseln und Detektivspielen hat.
357 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 21:59
Ein nette detektivische Geschichte mit neuem Layout. Man verfolgt ein online Tagebuch von Jessika, das noch aktuelle Brisanz nicht nur für den Vater aufweist.
318 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 16:10
Super spannend und fesselnd. Kaufempfehlung
171 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 23:28
Alles in allem ein grundsolides Spiel der etwas anderen Sorte.
Hier wird eine Atmosphäre aufgebaut die ich so aus einem Spiel nicht kenne, sondern eher aus Filmen.
Hier werden sensible Themen ins Gesicht gedrückt, mit denen sich viele Leute nicht gerne auseinander setzen.
Und man sieht wie und wodurch sich ein Mensch ändern kann.

Klare Empfehlung von mir für Leute die gerne mal Detektiv spielen wollen und empfänglich sind für Gefühle anderer.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 00:39
Intensives Spiel mit guter Schauspielerin, großer Spieltiefe und unerwarteten Wendungen!
Auch die Idee des Spiels ist originell und der Inhalt brisanter als gedacht.
Wenn jemand eher detektivische Spiele mag, genau das Richtige!

Eine leichte Schwäche trat einmal bei der Reihenfolge auf.
Und leider habe ich das Ende nicht komplett verstanden.
Beides kann ich aber nicht beschreiben ohne zu spoilern:

Ich konnte im Chat Glabisch Fragen zum Stipendium stellen, obwohl ich dazu noch keine Angaben im Spiel hatte.

Jessika lebt - und ihr Vater steckt sicher mit ihr unter einer Decke.
Aber warum werde ich umgebracht? BIn ich der Stiefbruder? Würde ich das bei den Schilderungen zu Heinrich und den Angaben zu Mutter und Ex-Mann nicht schon bemerkt haben? Hätte ich sie nicht wiedererkannt?
Oder war ich ein Linker? Nach den emails aber scheinbar nicht sonderlich exponiert.
Und wer hat mich umgebracht? Jessika? Der Vater? Ihre Freunde?
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 15:10
Schöne Spielidee. Interessant vor allem, wenn man mehr mit dem Kopf und weniger mit der Hand spielen möchte.
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 19:13
Jeder hat doch diese gewissen Stalker Allüren. Die Nachrichten einer anderen Person lesen, private Chatverläufe mitkriegen und das Geheimste aufdecken. Wer das toll findet, ist in Jessika gut bedient. Und wer besonders gut rätseln und kombinieren kann, frustriert hier nicht sehr schnell. Mit Logik kommt man hier immer weiter.
Mit insgesamt 6 Stunden Spielzeit hat die Story mich hier total umgehauen. Denn es geht nicht einfach um das Thema Datenabfrage, Datenklau, Daten-generell-aufdecken - es geht hier um viel mehr. Und nach dem Spiel sitzt man erstmal eine ganze Weile vor dem Monitor und hat nachzudenken.

Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 14:12
Ich bin positiv überrascht. Der Preis ist vielleicht etwas hoch, die Story an sich aber sehr gut.
181 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 17:37
Ich habe mir erst die Demo geladen und wahr danach davon überzeugt das es mir Spaß machen wird , heute im Livestream habe ich es dann mit meiner Community zusammen gezockt und wir wahren alle geflasht von dem Game , es ist eine wahre Perle was die Jungs und Mädels dort geschafft haben.
407 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 19:33
Das Spiel ist nicht dazu gedacht gute Laune zu bereiten.
Das Spiel ist nicht dafür gedacht Spaß zu haben.
Das Spiel wirbelt einen hin und her und hoch und runter.
Ein Wechselbad der Gefühle. Zart und Hart. Mitleid und Wut...

Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen ohne zu Spoilern.

Von mir einen Daumen hoch für das Konzept, das Gameplay und die Message. I love it!
864 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 04:24
I kept thinking I had a handle on where Jessika was going with it’s story but it kept surprising me. I won’t spoil it’s twists or highlights except to say I was very happy with it from a plot standpoint. The acting was top notch from the actress who played Jessika. She had to do it all: happy; sad; angry; hurt; etc. There were some plot points that I felt were unresolved. Maybe I was just reading too much into something the developers never meant to be deep but I think there was more that could have been explored for certain subplots such as who you are and Jessika’s time spent with her track coach. I have played FMV games like this before, if you’re familiar with games like “Her Story” then you’ll feel at home. You watch videos and try to figure out keywords to search for to unlock more videos. It’s certainly a game I enjoyed having a pen and paper around for. Where this diverges from what I was used to was that during all of this you receive emails and have chat conversations with the client and your coworkers. These conversations are required but provide more clues. The conversations also added some much need comic relief at times but there were other times where I didn’t like any of my dialogue responses because it didn’t match what I wanted to say. More responses from the standpoint of someone who is less of a people person would have been nice. I found that the keyword system worked fairly well and I was able to guess all but a couple without much difficulty. The game allows you to favourite videos and I suggest using that to favourite locked videos so you can find them easier. There are times where the game will have distractions while watching a video and while they added atmosphere to the game sometimes it was annoying as things would pop up blocking what I was typing and I would have to bring the Terminal again to continue. The game also had a gap of about 1-2 seconds after searching for a keyword where it won’t accept any key presses. This was a little annoying because I had a huge list I had compiled and didn’t want to wait. Some of the videos had a lot lower of a voice than others but it wasn’t a huge deal.

I played Jessika on Linux. It never crashed on me and I didn’t notice any bugs or glitches. You can save the game at any time but there is only one save slot. There are no graphics options but considering that the game is an FMV this is to be expected. You can adjust subtitles; language; ambience; keyboard noises and audio volume. The game ran fantastic and the interface was well done in terms of resembling an actual operating system. Alt-tab didn’t work.

Game Engine: Unity
Graphics API: OpenGL
Disk Space Used: 880 MB

GPU Usage: 0-67 %
VRAM Usage: 952-1043 MB
CPU Usage: 12-28 %
RAM Usage: 3.1-3.4 GB
Frame Rate: 138-144 FPS

Overall this was a very solid game. Despite some little quirks the game play was fun; the story was engaging and the production values were great. I finished the initial game in about 3 hours but you can keep playing to find more video files and that took me to 4 hours and 10 minutes in total to do. I paid $16.37 CAD for Jessika and it was more than worth that.

My score: 8.5/10

My System:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 580 8GB Gaming X | Mesa 21.2.6 | Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB | Linux Mint 20.3 | Mate 1.26.0 | Kernel 5.4.0-100-generic | AOC G2460P 1920*1080 @ 144hz
570 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 20:34
I wasn't really a fan how everything seemed so fake in the story.
The game touches on really important topics,
but somehow manages to make it seem unrealistic with the acting.
I don't really recommend this game, but if you like games like Her Story and Telling Lies,
this is close enough and will keep you busy for a few hours.
500 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 02:14
I am a big fan of FMV games and at the end of the day I do not regret playing this game. However, I believe this game has some problems with it's story telling. There are too much twists used which actually spoils integrity of the story and turns the experience into a disturbing one rather than spicing it a bit. Also, the ending did not make much sense to me.

[spoiler] I mean why did Jessika choose me as her victim? She is a racist okay but I do not get why she buys a hacker's service herself pretending to be her father and then tells her story to the hacker just before she kills him. Weird actually, which makes me think maybe I missed some important parts in the story. [/spoiler]
1112 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 23:43
Its obviously a her story clone and while. for me personally, its not as good as the afore mentioned, it was decent enough all the same. I thought the interface was great (considerably better than Telling Lies which is another Her Story clone), the story was quite interesting and the acting very good.

Unfortunately though while there is both English and German audio it seems they only recorded video where the actress was speaking German. So if your listening to the English audio then it doesn't line up with the video and that breaks the immersion some what.

Speaking of audio; some of the speaking is quite low, I had to turn up my volume considerably in order to hear it. Also there is some sound and visual effects the play from time to time for dramatic effect and can't be disabled or volume controlled and bare in mind what I just mentioned about having to turn up the volume so as you can imagine they are quite annoying. There is a thread in the forums where there developer tries to argue their case but in my opinion they are a big negative.

Overall though its still worth a look if you enjoyed Her Story or Telling lies.
823 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 20:31
i recommend it but with some caveats....
(others have written good reviews , so do read them if you want more info).
I'd have to say that the Super Race , anti migrant, neo nazi themes bothered me .
I came to dislike this young woman but yes, its true that she was rather swept into it as a result of unfortunate situations.
Her acting is good , the gameplay interesting . I never play music in games so can't comment .
5363 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 22:53
A detective story in which you must dig through various files on your laptop to identify the reasons for Jessika's suicide. If you’re willing to look past the interface issues, you'll find yourself engaged in a relatable life story about racism.

You might believe this is just another game with full motion video that allows you to browse through a person's life. And you'd be completely correct. FMV is alive and does provide a truly enjoyable experience when combined with strong gameplay; in other words, when you are not simply watching a movie. “Jessika” is a nice example of the genre, with both positive and negative aspects.


You work for an organization that assists relatives in finding closure following the death of a loved one. Your mission is to break into any password-protected electronic gadget. Don't worry, your coworkers are available to assist you with often unhelpful advice. Chem is the group's leader; Chad is an unlikable internet troll who I want to smack in the face; and Zoe is a nice girl with whom you can flirt. One of the mechanics that pushes the plot forward is communicating with them and the clients via a messenger. Every new hint that is uncovered and clearly marked with a flashing speech bubble must be reported. The email button is also available, but it's usually used as a distraction when you get spam or some other message in the inbox.

The entire game is played on an interactive laptop with boxes that can be freely moved about. While the blurry background gives the impression of being in front of a real laptop, I would have loved a larger desktop. You now have this waste of space around the laptop, with moving cars and people continuously screaming for my attention. It doesn't feel natural to watch a laptop screen on your computer screen.


The decryption tool is the key tool at your disposal, but it doesn't allow you to do any actual decrypting. All you have to do is type in a search tag, and the computer will handle the rest. The majority of files may be accessed quickly by typing a single word, but some are encrypted and require multiple tags. It's simple because once you find the correct tags, files instantly unlock. It is not necessary to remember the used tags because the game records everything that produces results. It sounds useful until you realize that the selected tag is moved to the top of the list, while the others are pushed down. This leaves you with another meaningless part of the screen that takes up valuable space because there's no option to filter or sort the tags.

An event happens once you unlock enough documents, and the following tier of documents becomes accessible. There's no way of knowing which of the previously closed files is now open. This means you'll have to re-enter the tags and search for the files. To avoid this, save all locked files to your favorites folder. The favorites folder, on the other hand, is difficult to navigate and not user-friendly due to the program's tiny screen, which cannot be expanded.

The majority of the files are short video clips, but there are also text and graphic files present. At this point, I should warn you that the video's native language is German. You can change to English audio, but the words don't match the lips, so it looks odd. As a result, you'll have to rely on subtitles that aren't particularly helpful. Well, they aren’t actual subtitles. Instead, you have a box on the right side that works similar to a voice-to-text program. But the biggest issue occurs when you try to watch different parts of the clip. Since the text writes itself according to the audio, jumping all over the video leaves you with a wall of text that’s filled with typos and makes no sense due to strange translation. Let’s not even mention how many clips are out of synch or not completely translated.


But even with all the bad stuff about the interface, the mystery is still interesting. Because video clips contain a word that’s clearly meant to be used as a tag, I never felt I was hunting for some obscure word that would progress the story. When you explore deeper and start receiving anonymous messages, things get even more interesting. Or someone starts messing with you laptop when you stumble upon a revealing fact.

????/????Pros and Cons:

  • Interesting story
  • Interaction with colleagues

  • Small gameplay screen
  • Subtitles don’t work properly
  • Some tags can be difficult to find

????Make or Miss:

Rating: Make ????
Reviewed by: Sosich
199 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 16:19
Jessika is deceptively effective at drawing you into the story and making you feel like you're uncovering the truth. Over the course of almost 5 hours I felt just about every emotion possible regarding Jessika's life, choices, and personality. The story unfolds as you find keywords that unlock encrypted video, image, and txt files. Revelations about who Jessika was feel paced well enough that you never feel too frustrated trying to come up with new keywords. Hats off to the Actor, who felt real enough to really sell the performance. It was interesting to piece together the non-linear timeline by her tone as well as her surroundings.

The thing I want to stress with this review is that you need to be aware that there is very sensitive subject matter involved, and the developer has not done an adequate job of preparing you for the themes explored. I do not consider myself sensitive to most things, but this game was very good at disarming me and then hitting me in the gut.

CW - Suicide - Racial Slurs - Substance Abuse - Abuse in General - Hate Crimes

I did have some technical issues with the UI, often the caption was cut off on the right side, and if you view a video in full screen, sometimes you miss an option to send it to one of your co-workers.
513 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 08:40
Thumbs up as well done acting makes up for a confusing, overall poorly designed ending. This is not the place to discuss politics, but the developers' comments are very one-sided, typical of this era.
1185 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 14:39
This game was in an interesting format, the acting was very good, the discovery was nice, but the ending comes before you've even watched all the videos (not sure if it's triggered by something you watch or if it's time/number of videos you've watched) and you can't go back and watch the ones you missed. The premise is interesting but the ending is just too contrived and there are aspects that are somewhat incomprehensible. I don't plan on playing this again to see what I missed, but I won't give it a thumbs down because I did enjoy what I played up til those final bits.
450 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 03:04
This game... it's amazing. The acting of the lead is really good.

I will however warn that this game is not for everyone. It contains content that will be triggering for multiple different traumas (including suicide, sexual assault, and racial hate speech). If you are able to withstand those, it's worth playing. The gameplay is interesting, the story is deep and powerful.

It's one of those games where you play it fairly quickly (about 3 hours for me) and then spend the rest of the day looking for something that will engage you as much.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 04:04
This game was fun to play and had a great message. I stayed up all night to finish it.
3288 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 20:24
I usually really like fmv games, but I did not like this game. The setup of the game is you're given access to potentially very private, sensitive information but decide to work on it at what appears to be an internet cafe? That sort of irresponsibility makes it hard to suspend my disbelief. You should be working in a secure facility on a computer with no internet access, or on a secure server with no external access. For a low budget option, even having a separate offline laptop to work on would be an improvement. Given what your job supposedly is, they are not nearly concerned enough about security to be believable.

Second, your coworkers seem like the most annoying people you could have as coworkers. I really, really wanted an option to block them so they would stop trying to socialize and sending me food pictures for no reason when I was trying to work.

The way the game is set up doesn't work very well. You search for key words and view video clips to try and work out what happened, however you are blocked in what clips you can view. You're not able to figure things out on your own by searching through all the videos, like in for example Her Story, because you don't have access to all the videos. I also managed to get stuck, I was pretty sure I knew what was happening but so many of the videos were blocked I was never able to confirm what I suspected was going on. I suspect, though I don't know this for sure, that to progress I may have had to download a file from a ridiculously sketchy email, but even though it's just in a game I couldn't bring myself to do it. Just as a general rule to everyone: never, ever, ever, open a file in an email from someone you don't know for any reason. Frankly be careful about opening any files at all, even from people you know. Either way, I seemed to reach the limits of the videos I was able to view, and got tired of being locked out of all the videos and tired of trying to find ones that weren't locked, I couldn't seem to make any real progress.

The acting was good as was the user interface, but the limitation on which videos you can view, along with your coworkers and implausible setup just made the game annoying. This is the first fmv game I've played that I dislike.
482 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 07:57
Interesting, though the delivery is kind of meta for my tastes. Very relevant message
211 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 08:59
Really immersive. I stayed up til 2am to finish it, lol. Would highly recommend if you like games like Simulacra, Her Story, and A Normal Lost Phone
130 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 10:03
This game is a bold and controversial approach to many important topics and really hits the zeitgeist. Jessika is not a “feelgood” game. It is more like a starting point for many discussions and I really felt emotionally caught, especially when the actress freaked out during some of the videos.

Jessika is something on it’s own, quoting many other games I enjoyed in the past, but with a twist, which I do not want to spoil. It is a great three hour emotional roller-coaster ride. By far this is no triple-A production, but it is worth money and time.
543 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 03:49
This is a pretty obvious ripoff of Her Story, but not as well-polished. The written english translation is pretty wonky with lots of typos and the dubbed voice over is pretty badly done. The acting isn't very well done, either, in my opinion...the actress seems to pause in strange spots, but I will admit that this could be due to a language difference. The story overall is ok...but not fleshed out very well. The ending is awful and confusing. I really liked the game format of Her Story, so I finished this game, but in the end it is just a poorly done imitation. I did like that there were more than just videos you can search for, such as news clippings and images, and I liked chatting with other people in the hacker group you are part of, but I think overall there needs to be some serious refining to make this game worth the price
17197 Produkte im Account
1207 Reviews
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 20:59
Full motion video investigation game. Type random words in to find video files, watch enough of them to progress the story. Quite interesting and It gets a bit heavy near the end in an unexpected way.
837 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 13:50
After finishing the game i'm not sure what to think of it. It's definitely not for everyone. The gameplay is kinda sparse and looking for the last few tags is kinda tedious. The Actress is surprisingly good and the english translation is fine (i understand english and german). I bought the game without knowing about its plot and when it got political i feared it would turn into liberal SJW garbage (but it didn't). I didn't like the ending much (could be me) but i don't regret the time/money spend on this game.
1003 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 18:22
After playing the demo yesterday, I bought the game today and completed it. I can't rave about it enough! Never have I felt so immersed in a game. Definitely brought about a sense of urgency and rage, and motivated me to uncover the truth! Playing again to try to unlock all achievements. I highly recommend getting this!
358 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 11:32
Her Story meets Orwell in this FMV investigation game. A clean and responsive interface facilitates searching for videos in a database and chatting with characters about your findings. While I had a few questions after the ending, the ramp up to this point was really smooth and dove into some serious topics to a degree that surprised me for this genre of game. The performance by the main actress is also strong, something that is crucial for this kind of experience. Kudos to the team for pulling this off!

Fans of Sam Barlow's work or the Orwell series should definitely not pass this one up.
13651 Produkte im Account
438 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 19:51


There’s always more to it, right? You scratch the surface but the deeper you dig in, you realize that some truths were better left alone in eternal obscurity. The FMV (full motion video) adventure subgenre has a rich history that traces all the way back to the early 1980s. It grew in popularity alongside PC gaming until it suddenly stopped being in the spotlight as 3D assets became the new “gold standard”. The only reference I shall make to Her Story in my review of Jessika, is to simply highlight the importance of the former in breathing new life into contemporary FMV titles. Here is where any comparison comes to an abrupt ending.

You’re gonna play something entirely unique at least as far as Jessika’s narrative is concerned. The experience holds well on its own without requiring labels of “spiritual successor” to anything else. It’s the Steam debut for TriTrie Games, while the game’s being published by Assemble Entertainment. With both teams based in Germany, they managed to offer a “slice” of the current issues pestering their homeland, in a manner which shall prove relevant to foreigners as well. More than meets the eye so consider it food for thought.


As a self-described “found-footage novella”, Jessika opted for an open-ended approach to its storyline while also relying heavily on player intuition instead of the more conventional “spoon-feeding “ method in regards to its narrative elements. What you discover and how you connect the dots, are choices which are left to your own discretion. That could be the keyword trigger for our story. Being discreet is a self-imposed limitation which doesn’t cancel out the type of services being provided by the protagonist’s most recent employer. We’re getting ahead of ourselves though. The hero or heroine you shall roleplay, is also as ambiguous and player-determined as several other elements. For all intents and purposes you shall interpret yourself here. A faceless name tag, a nickname drop into the Internet ocean.


Apparently we live in an age in which there’s a real concern over the digital traces left by our recently departed, loved ones. Well, families deserve closure and the fat cat tech corporations or “certain agencies” definitely won’t provide the Average Joe or Mom ‘n’ Pop with answers pertaining to one’s private data. All those files, the digital footprints left behind by any of us, we’re talking about a kind of privacy breach that’s on the very edge of legality here. Moral debate aside, you’re a talented hacker and the company which hired you is interested in data retrieval from servers you don’t have initial access towards. Decryption is a fringe interest of mine, yet fear not, it’s considerably “diluted” in Jessika. In other words, it won’t leave you scratching your head in frustration.

By no means is the journey smooth or predictable though, nevermind the eventual destination. Decrypting takes time yet a few of those files are easier to access than their majority. A client delivers the barebones details which act more as clues in these circumstances. Before you’ll be assembling the puzzle, you need to discover the pieces. “One thing lead to another” is the perfect description for the creative process required here. You will decrypt images and video clips which contain the next keywords you’ll need to focus on. It obviously isn’t too straightforward, since the challenge revolves around being able to advance your “case file” without needing clues from a certain point onwards. You will begin to understand Jessika eventually. Perhaps you should have found another line of work, but it’s too late to turn back now.


Another Unity project, not that you’ll have any reasons to scoff at Spartan looks or eye candy since the recorded footage makes up the bulk of the visual assets. At least we’re done with VHS filters and can finally move into the 21st century...by being a coffee shop-bound hipster working on a laptop? Up for debate once again and regardless of that, the way in which the files are being presented, is quite convincible. Jessika ran in my native resolution without any scaling or frame rate issues. It goes without saying that this game isn’t going to stress out even low-spec systems. So by playing this on an actual, non-gaming laptop in brightly lit café, you’ll really pass that extra mile of simulation.



The soundtrack’s nothing special and limited too, by just a handful of songs conveniently placed in one of your personal folders within that laptop. They’re an electronic subgenre of sorts, I just opted to listen to my own playlist instead. Now, the main attraction to FMV tales is represented by those clips which usually contain skilled acting. I’m pleased to say that the lead actress did a more than adequate job, which is why you should keep the original voice acting in German, instead of the relatively subpar English dubbing. I was more ticked off by the desynchronization between lip movement and the dubs, but feel free to experiment. My own German level isn’t advanced enough to dispense with the subtitles, in fact I use those in all my games regardless of their original language. I guess I just like reading and expanding my vocabulary. No shame in using subs, no matter how well you’ve acquainted yourself with a foreign tongue.


There are 175 files you can discover within Jessika, two-thirds of which are short clips recorded by the titular character as she composed her vlog / diary. You can reach the game’s conclusion with as little as half of those discovered files, provided you find the “right ones”. Easier said than done, I suggest you do a thorough sweep and act as professionally as you can while you’re at it. In your chat messages with either clients or your fellow hackers, you can choose between several types of replies ranging from curt to bootlicking. Too bad that you’re not allowed to type as freely as with the decryption tool. On the laptop you will find several pre-installed apps which allow interaction between players and various NPCs. You also can’t remove or add any other programs, so it’s a closed environment. “Invisible walls”. A weird little fascination, but I enjoy the in-game spam emails far more than their real life counterparts. Who knows when you’ll spot an extra clue there, so keep your eyes on the prize.


Imagination and alertness will only get you so far though. A complex puzzle still needs the right pieces falling into their intended place. When your luck finally runs out, use your wits to further decrypt along Jessika’s increasingly darker thoughts and actions. It’s difficult to estimate how soon you’ll crack the final code, I probably spent more than an hour for the last entries and that occurred after I had already finished the storyline. What I do know for certain is that in spite of no replay value, it was still a memorable experience which is going to further create interest for a subgenre that refused to go gently into the night.


Strong Points

+ Original storyline.
+ Complex gameplay.
+ Steam Achievements.

Weak Points

- No Steam Trading Cards yet.
- No replay value.

Rating 80/100

This article was submitted for Imperial Reviews through the generous contribution of the game’s publisher. Following my Curator Page, will help me keep publishing new reviews as soon as I can. I appreciate your support!
5889 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 12:23

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

Oh, this is a rough story, no matter how you look at it. FMV game about a German girl named Jessica, whose life we can see through the history of her activities on the Internet. And this life appears before us in a very ambiguous form, I would even say that in a very provocative form. The themes raised by the creators of the game are extremely controversial, so it looks especially funny that after the game they can get aggressive discontent from different parties. It all depends solely on the viewing angle - someone will probably accuse them of recruiting personnel for ultra-right organizations and popularizing this movement, while someone, on the contrary, will say about the deliberate demonization of the ideas of patriotism, the promotion of extreme left ideas, etc. The truth, it seems to me, lies somewhere in the middle, and the game speaks first of all about the need for dialogue with each other. This is where everything usually begins or ends if the dialogue cannot be established. Already on this are Jessica's problems with her family, with the environment, with her inner reflection, and the further, the more difficult it is to communicate with someone other than a narrow circle, which does not always lead you on the right path. I will not hide that many of the things that the girl says are very difficult even to perceive physically, therefore the game requires a certain resilience in understanding the problems of society. The actress, playing the main role, coped with her task in a very believable, sometimes even frighteningly believable. A tough, sometimes even brutal, but fair and necessary gaming experience.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 00:47
i enjoy fmv games, but i do not enjoy [spoiler]watching someone spout hate speech and gleefully give detailed descriptions of racially-motivated violence[/spoiler]. i normally would keep quiet if i didn't personally enjoy something, because i respect that a lot of time and effort went into creating this game, but playing it was a very unpleasant experience for me, and i'm not sure what i was supposed to take away from it. also, there were some moments that resembled jumpscares enough to make me feel very on edge while playing, so if that's something that you are sensitive to, proceed with caution.
174 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 21:49
Jessika is a game with a wonderful premise, exploring the downfall of someone and their ideologies. There's a lot that can be used from that point alone, especially with some good strides in player choice. Unfortunately, the game squanders this by creating a story much larger than what can fit its short run-time. Things get rushed and cut out, leaving fans confused and disturbed rather than intrigued. On top of all that, the voice work and English subtitles are poorly done, slapping a layer of unfinished polish to the title. While the most die-hard FMV fans may get something out of Jessika, others will likely walk away confused and regretful of their time spent.

Score: 2/5

If you want to read the rest of this review and more like it, check out https://thenerdstash.com/jessika-review-down-the-rabbit-hole" target="_blank">The Nerd Stash. Thank you to Tritrie Games and Assemble Entertainment for providing a review copy.
588 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 04:00
Jessika is mature FMV game that certainly does not shy away from sensitive themes, ultimately culminating in a compelling narrative, covering heavy topics that simply demand undivided attention and induce a shock factor. Admittedly, due to the graphic content of this game, it is not for everyone. However, for those who are curious and are not easily discouraged at the discussion of such topics, Jessika delivers a memorable experience which I highly recommend.

+ Simple and familiar in-game interface.
+ Exceptional, convoluted, and unpredictable story.
+ Palpable and explicit coverage of sensitive yet pressing topics[spoiler](abuse/race/suicide/etc)[/spoiler]
+ Striking actress, delivering the story with credibility and emotion.
+ Ability to chat with other characters over text with differing dialogue options.

- Players have to continuously click on the captions for every video to see the English translation.
- Glitchy/static special effects were too repetitive and aggravating, commonly minimising the screen, completely halting what I was doing.
- The ending leaves mixed feelings and left many questions unanswered
Nitpick Some of the German to English translations can use some tweaks. A select few sections (minor flyers) were left completely untranslated and some scenes made little sense with a very jumbled English sentence structure.

Note: Understandably, as a native English speaker I have most likely picked up on more slight language issues than others. However, the game is still completely playable in English and the issues mentioned above are rather inconsequential and did not impact my overall experience.


Story (Spoiler Free)

Little can be said when examining the story of Jessika, without discussing major spoilers. To keep the premise of the story hidden and thus to preserve the impact of the game, I will be purposefully ambiguous.

The protagonist works for an organisation that provides a decryption service, to uncover the digital footprint of deceased individuals, with the goal of finding out answers for their loved ones who have been left behind. Thus, we are employed by Mr Glabisch to uncover the reasonings and last moments of his daughter, Jessika, before her untimely suicide.


The entire game (2-4 hours) is spent exploring a laptop, watching videos, and searching for files by typing keywords. The files are colour coded according to complexity and some folders can only be unlocked once other keywords/documents have been uncovered, thus safeguarding the many twists of the story until pivotal moments. Slowly, we begin to discover more about the client until it all starts to make sense and can be properly interpreted.
There is a clear, unmistakable influence from games such as Her Story and the creators have brilliantly used this basis for the development of Jessika, whilst managing to steer away from a clear copy and paste, producing a genuinely anomalous experience.

I found the gameplay itself and file searching to be relatively straightforward and was able to complete the story without ever feeling at a loss at what to do next. Players must also share important findings with colleagues or the client (Jessika's father) which further advances the story. Some of these interactions were helpful at lightening the dismal mood and was a pleasant temporary distraction. Although there are different dialogue options to choose from, it does not impact the story but does aid player immersion.


Towards the conclusion, the in-game laptop screen begins to flicker and play shrill sounds at repeated intervals which became tiresome, fast. I believe the intended response is supposed to evoke feelings of uneasiness within players, but it had the polar opposite reaction in myself and was my biggest criticism throughout the playthrough.

Graphics & Sound

Being an FMV game, footage is as expected. Jessika's recordings are reminiscent of a sub-standard webcam which makes sense in this scenario. The laptop interface is nothing truly intricate but succeeds in creating a user-friendly experience.


I played in German audio with English subtitles and despite the slight issues mentioned above (particularly having to constantly turn on the captions) it was well executed. The vocal agony heard through Jessika's videos was almost tangible, despite being in a foreign language which I understand little of. This demonstrates the strong delivery of the actress which deserves an accolade.


[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-9400 2.9 GHz
GeForce RTX 2060 6GB
1920x1080 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]


The magnitude of the story behind this title may be difficult for some people to appreciate in this form and it is honestly not something for the weak-hearted. Despite some unanswered questions and annoyances in flickering effects, Jessika is an accomplished and meritorious game that will appeal to fans of FMV titles such as Her Story and those looking for a more mature, forthright experience.

Rating 8/10

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]If you're looking for more quality reviews like this, follow our curator page, Devils in the Detail.
143 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 22:26
This game is a hard hitting mature FMV game. There's not much I can say without spoiling the content, but needless to say this could be triggering for many people. It plays in a similar style to Her Story.

There are more than a few spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in the subtitles (i played in German with English subs) which i'm sure will be addressed in updates. A considered and sensitive approach to some very difficult material - I did not guess the plot until about 2/3rds through, by which time I was dreading searching for more.

Challenging content but an important story, with some jumpy bits. Took me around 3 hours to complete and it was relatively straightforward. I'm thinking about it now, so I would say it's worth the price.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
72.81% 83 31
Release:25.08.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Tritrie Games Vertrieb: Assemble Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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