• Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.
  • Lifeless Planet: Screnn zum Action Adventure.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.03.2014
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Preis Update 26.08.24

Über das Spiel

While seeking life on a distant planet, an astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian town. He suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon... Lifeless Planet is a third-person action-adventure that features an old-school sci-fi story and spectacular environments in the spirit of classic action-adventures.

After a hard landing on the planet, the astronaut discovers the planet that was reported to be rich with life is instead a barren wasteland. When he goes searching for his crew, he makes a more startling discovery: evidence that humans have already been to this planet years ago! When he comes upon a deserted Soviet-era Russian town, he struggles to make sense of his mission. Did his light-speed travel to the planet send him back in time? Or is this all some strange Cold War hoax?

Along the way, the astronaut meets a Russian woman, Aelita, who is somehow able to survive the hostile atmosphere of the planet. Through an unusual natural phenomenon, the her skin causes the soil to glow green under her feet. The player must use these glowing tracks as a guide across the planet past treacherous and deadly threats. Is she leading him to safety... or an untimely death?

Lifeless Planet was inspired by Cold War era science fiction stories, posing questions about humankind's desire for space travel. What if you journeyed across the galaxy to another planet, only to find humans had already been there? What kind of person would sign up for a one-way mission, leaving behind planet Earth and everyone they've ever known and love... to go in search of an Earth-like planet?

Equipped with a limited-use jet-pack and a mobile robotic arm, the player must use wits and skill to solve puzzles, unravel the mystery, and survive the Lifeless Planet!

Key Features:
  • Explore 20 unique and atmospheric environments on a vast and treacherous planet.
  • Follow a mysterious young woman as she guides you past dangerous terrain and deadly life-forms.
  • Investigate the startling discovery of an abandoned Russian town.
  • Experience an exciting and intriguing story through rich graphics and cinematic cut-scenes.


  • CPU: Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 or ATI equivalent
  • RAM: 1500 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP
  • HD: 350 MB available space
  • SFX: DX9.0c compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: English
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or faster
  • GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GT 640 or faster
  • RAM: 3000 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 350 MB available space
  • SFX: DX9.0c compatible
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: English

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

134 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 17:14
Ehrlich gesagt hätte ich dem Game einen seitlichen Daumen gegeben..
Es ist ein nettes kleines Indie Spiel mit einer Story die ebenfalls ok ist ..
Leider ist die in einigen Rezensionen positiv bewertete Atmosphäre bei mir gar nicht aufgekommen,
dafür ist die Grafik zu schwach und der Soundtrack zu belanglos bzw. der Planet viel zu langweilig designt (ist quasi ständig die gleiche bzw. ähnliche Landschaft mit wenig Abwechslung.. ) .Was mich aber am meisten enttäuscht hat war wie LEER der Planet ist, es gibt bis auf ein paar Rohstoffe nichts zu finden, man rennt sinnlos rum in den Bereichen wo es möglich ist und findet in der Regel : Nichts ...
Potenzial ist vorhanden aber es wurde viel verschenkt meiner Meinung nach ...
328 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 21:34
Das gute : Der soundtrack
Die Atmosphäre
Das schlechte : Alles andere

Das richtig schlechte : Der Preis. 20€?!??????????? für ein 7 Jahre altes Spiel mit einer kaputten engine und einer unsauberen Map wo man durch die map fallen kann? Ich kauf mir von den 20€ lieber ein Russisch Lernbuch damit ich die story vom game mitbekomme.
1365 Produkte im Account
1467 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 23:47
Das Spiel wächst mit der Zeit

Ein mysteriöses, atmosphärisches und zugleich ein Spiel das Laufe der Zeit neugierig macht. Am Anfang noch recht langweilig gehalten, alles so leer und ruhig. Lifeless Planet, der Titel passt zur Spielwelt und man sollte über das Leere hinwegsehen können. Der Soundtrack findet immer wieder gute Wege einen zu kriegen, schöne Lieder dabei. Das Spiel wächst mit der Zeit. Und ist bis zum Ende hin gut gemacht. Man sollte Plattformer mögen und paar kleine leichte Puzzles sind auch vorhanden. Mehrere Dinge können gefunden werden und erzählen auch die Geschichte. Spielzeit 4-5 Stunden, wenn man alles einsammelt. Nur die Steuerung und Kamera sind etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber das hat sich bei mir gelegt und wurde einfach akzeptiert :)
368 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 20:55
The dev really tried. And that's both the best and the worst thing you could say about this game.

On one hand: the story is ok-ish, the music is well-spaced and otherworldly good.

On the other hand: this game could have been an email! This is the first time since 2003 somebody tried to pass a clunky height map as level design. Lots of side paths, but not intentionally, it's simply not blocked off well enough. This game is Unity and it still manages to clip you through the ground sometimes. Myterious stuff happens in front of you and the main char simply walks on. Your colleagues get eaten by something and it's not even worth a mention. The gameplay is so drawn out you'll yearn for a fast-forward button. Boring running and annoying jumping passages comprise most of the game. Technically there's saving but it resets you to the last checkpoint WITHOUT RESETTING THE OBJECTS.

This game doesn't respect your time.
116 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 11:25
Very atmospheric game with nice graphics. It really lets you dive into an exciting extraterestrial exploration.
580 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 13:49

Lifeless Planet

Was ein wunderschönes Spiel und damit spreche ich nicht von der Grafik, falls das nicht offensichtlich war.
Ich bin echt erstaunt über die echt verdammt gute Geschichte die hier erzählt wird, hab damit echt null gerechnet.
Lediglich die Steuerung hat mich an manchen Stellen gestört, da sie nicht wirklich Präzise ist, zumindest mit Maus und Tastatur.
Wer sich auf die Atmosphäre und die teilweise langen Laufstrecken einlassen kann, wird hier ein wirkliches Schätzchen von einem Spiel finden.
284 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 00:17
Let's face it: not every triple-A game is bad, and not every indie game is good (although some people like to see it that way). I will not go easy on a game, just because it's an indie game, or because it was kickstarted. Lifeless Planet was kickstarted and is an indie game - and it costs $20 on Steam.

But let's start at the beginning. When I first started playing this game, I found it to be fairly interesting. Having crashed on a foreign planet, trying to survive and solving a mystery that you soon stumble upon - that sounds cool! The thing here is that the content consists of walking and jumping around for a good 90+ per cent of the time you play this. Not a bad thing on its own. The problem with Lifeless Planet is: it becomes boring very quickly. After the first 90-120 minutes, I had to force myself to continue playing and that is never a good thing to say about a game. Even after you receive the robotic arm tool, it is used only a few times that you can't speak of a new 'game mechanic' once it's introduced. Compare that to something like Q.U.B.E. (which is also a small indie game): in that game, every time a new mechanic is introduced, it is used frequently afterwards and embetted into the previous mechanics in a nice and logical way. In Lifeless Planet, you get the tool, but don't really use it all that much. Again, that is boring as all freaking toilet.

Oh my god does this game have some stupid achievements! Die doing this. Die doing that. Get killed in every possible way. Stay in one place for 15 f-ing minutes. Complete the game in under 4 hours. Play the game for more than 10 hours. What's fun about all of these? Getting killed - how's that fun? Rushing through your game - why would you want players to do that? Playing for more than 10 hours - why would anyone do that when there's so little interesting to do in this game? Devs, if you don't have any ideas of interesting achievements for your game, don't include achievements in your game. OK? Thank you.

Controls are fine and the graphics look OK enough, it also runs well enough. Given what's on offer here, I think this game would probably run perfectly on an APU system or even an Intel NUC. Requirements a 'moderate'.

Lifeless Planet, for me, is the prime example of a game overstaying its welcome. I mean, this is 5 to 6.5 hours long for a first playthrough. If this was a 2 hour experience like Journey for example, I'd say 'yes, this is good - play this'. But as it stands, it offers too little for both how long it is and how much it costs.

My recommendations for similar games: Q.U.B.E., Q.U.B.E. 2, Journey, Dawn, Master Reboot, Answer Knot
12289 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.15 22:57
Ein Spiel bei dem die Meinungen wahrscheinlich auseinander gehen.
Man strandet auf einem scheinbar verlassenen Planeten und begibt sich erst einmal auf die Suche nach der restlichen Crew. Man läuft und läuft oder springt mit dem Jetpack, bei manchen Sprungpassagen wird zusätzlicher Schub freigeschaltet der danach aber auch schon wieder deaktiviert wird. Zum Gameplay gehören auch noch Rätsel, die allerdings recht leicht zu lösen sind.
Das klingt jetzt alles nicht unbedingt nach einem empfehlenswerten Spiel, ich habe aber den großen Pluspunkt auch noch nicht genannt: die Atmosphäre! Das Spiel schafft es einfach sehr gut ein Gefühl des Alleinseins zu vermitteln. Audiovisuell hat es mich sehr angesprochen man sollte aber auf keinen Fall ein Technikbrett erwarten. Die Geschichte und deren Auflösung haben mir auch gefallen, eben diese Auflösung wird aber wohl nicht jeden glücklich machen.
58 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.14 01:26
Vorab: Ich liebe! Spiele mit Endzeit-Szenario und 'ich bin der einzige hier',

Deshalb und nach den Rezensionen habe ich mir die Vollversion von Lifeless Planet gekauft.
Die Musik und Atmosphäre waren wie beschrieben wirklich klasse, für das Gesamtpaket des Spiels kann ich aber leider nur einen Daumen-runter geben. Unabhängig davon wieviele Leute an diesem Spiel gearbeitet haben ist es einfach insgesamt zu wenig. Die Errungenschaft, dass Spiel in weniger als 4h durchzuspielen zeigt leider bereits ein großes Manko - es ist sehr kurz.
Auch wenn die Landschaften teilweise sehr groß und weitläufig erscheinen, sind sie grafisch und vom Aufbau her sehr monoton. Generell ist das Spiel absolut geradlinig. Sehr gut gelungen ist die Qualität der Dialoge und Monologe auch wenn an vielen Stellen wo man einen Aufschrei oder ein 'Was zur Hölle ist das?!' erwartet garnichts kommt.

Zum Ende hin überkam mich dann das Gefühl, dass die Story ihre 'Schlüssigkeit' immer mehr verliert und ein bisschen zu 'es fehlt noch was... wir denken uns schnell noch ein Highlight aus' verkommt.

Alles in allem kann ich einem Vorredner nur zustimmen: an sich ein gutes Spiel, mit tollen Ansätzen und Ideen aber nicht 20 Euro Wert - für 10 Euro wäre es akzeptabel.


- Atmosphäre
- Sprachqualität der Dialoge/Monologe
- grundlegende Story


- zu kurz
- zu offensichtlich geradlinig
- Dialoge/Monologe fehlen an wichten Stellen
- Qualität der Story nimmt zum Ende hin ab
- teilweise Flashbacks (seine Frau betreffend) die wie sinnlos eingeworfen wirken
- Rätsel/Puzzle sehr einfach
- kaum-keine Interaktionsmöglichkeit mit der Umgebung (Häuser, Gegenstände,...) möglich
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.14 10:55
Steamgamer.de: David Board ist der Name hinter Lifeless Planet. Nahezu im Alleingang hat er mit seiner Firma Stage 2 Studios dieses ambitionierte Projekt gestemmt. Nun haben wir uns endlich selbst auf Erkundungstour dieses verlassenen Himmelskörpers begeben können und berichten euch ausführlich in diesem Preview über die Beta-Version des Indie-Spiels. Wer möchte, kann das Projekt tatkräftig via Kickstarter unterstützen. In unserem Artikel erfahrt ihr, wieso dies eine lohnende Investition ist.

Da seid ihr 15 Jahre in einer Kryostase durch die halbe Galaxis gereist, weil man euch einen fruchtbaren, von Fauna überwucherten Planeten versprach und dann das: Nichts als trockene und staubige Wüste, soweit das Auge reicht. Die Landung auf diesem Planeten war fatal, denn eure Crewmitglieder sind verschwunden. Ihr macht euch also auf den Weg nach den kleinsten Lebenszeichen eurer Gefährten.

Doch es kommt noch schlimmer! Der Planet ist nicht bloß karg und trocken, er scheint zudem besiedelt zu sein von Wesen, die wir von der Erde sehr gut kennen – Menschen! Ihr findet zwar keinerlei Spuren von Leben, bis auf einen eurer Kameraden, der auf bizarre Weise vom Erdboden verschluckt wird, doch wimmelt es nur so von erdähnlichen Siedlungen und Konstruktionen. Ein ungutes „Planet-der-Affen-Gefühl“ macht sich allmählich breit und der Astronaut beginnt an der gesamten Mission zu zweifeln.

Doch plötzlich entdeckt ihr, nicht unweit einer Geisterstadt entlegen, einen Eingang zu einem unterirdischen Forschungskomplex. In der Dunkelheit werdet ihr zwar mit noch mehr Fragen konfrontiert, dennoch wird auch einiges klarer. Die Sowjets waren schon mal hier und hinterließen eine weibliche, menschenähnliche Gestalt deren grün-leuchtenden Fußspuren ihr nun folgt.

Ich war wie gefesselt von dieser toll inszenierten Story, die sich da Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt auf diesem kargen, trostlosen Planeten abspielt. Gerade als ich ein großes Artefakt fand, endete die Beta-Version von Lifeless Planet viel zu früh und entließ mich mit großer Vorfreude zurück auf die Erde.

Unsere gut zweieinhalb stündige Preview-Version war genau der richtige Appetizer für das komplette Abenteuer. David Board schreibt über sein Projekt, dass er die Story nicht nur über Audiologs und Schriftstücke erzählen möchte, sondern auch wort- und schriftlos seine Geschichte entfalten möchte. Tatsächlich liefert Lifeless Planet genau das. Zwar trägt der Protagonist ab und an wichtige Ereignisse in sein Logbuch ein, was zudem sensationell gut vertont wurde und ihr findet durchaus auch wichtige Notizen eurer russischen Vorgänger, doch der Großteil der Geschichte entfaltet sich durch das Gameplay. Selten habe ich ein Spiel gesehen, das so gut die Geschichte ingame transportiert wie Lifeless Planet. Geradezu nahtlos springt ihr von waghalsigen Erkundungstouren der felsigen Landschaft des leblosen Planeten in fantastisch geskriptete Situationen, die viel Atmosphäre versprühen.

Es gibt meiner Meinung nach nur wenige Spiele, die das so gut schaffen wie Lifeless Planet. Bemerkenswerter Weise ist Gone Home ein Beispiel, bei dem das genauso gut funktionierte. Es scheint sich also etwas abzuzeichnen in der Indie-Szene: Wie schaffe ich mit ganz wenigen Mitteln, ganz viel Atmosphäre und wecke Emotionen im Spieler? Ich kann es jedenfalls kaum erwarten, dieser skurrilen Geschichte weiter zu folgen und erwarte ein wahrlich grandioses Finale. Hoffentlich sind das keine zu hohen Erwartungen – kein Stress, David!

Wie es sich spielt

Ihr steuert den namenlosen Astronauten aus der Third-Person-Sicht, entweder mit PC-gewohnter WASD-Steuerung oder mittels Controller. In der Preview-Version war die Steuerung noch nicht allzu komplex, ging dafür aber auch gut von der Hand und war intuitiv. Ich war erstaunt, wie eine teilweise so große Spielwelt, doch so gut zu erkunden ist. Ihr lauft nämlich nicht über gesicherte Wanderpfade sondern erklimmt völlig unberührtes Terrain, meist in luftigen Höhen.

Euer treuer Begleiter ist dabei das Jetpack. Sprüngen könnt ihr einen kleinen Boost verpassen und damit doch noch den rettenden Felsvorsprung erreichen. Diesen Antrieb könnt ihr im weiteren Verlauf des Spiels auch noch upgraden und somit noch waghalsigere Sprünge vollführen. Und die machen wirklich Spaß. Wer unter Höhenangst leidet, sollte es sich zwei Mal überlegen, ob er diese Mission antritt. Das Gefühl für Höhe und Unsicherheit wird sehr gut über das Gameplay transportiert.

Ab und an müsst ihr nach neuen Sauerstoffquellen suchen, um euren Tank mit überlebenswichtigem Oxygen wieder aufzufüllen. Der Protagonist beginnt zu schnaufen und euer Bildschirm verfinstert sich allmählich, wenn der Stoff zur Neige geht. Doch ein HUD gibt es nicht und auch keine eingeblendete Sauerstoffanzeige. Mir schienen diese Abschnitte geskriptet zu sein, da ich auch immer prompt eine Quelle fand. Des Weiteren scheint sich der Tank nicht mit der Zeit zu leeren.

Ihr habt also keinen Zeitstress beim Ausführen eurer waghalsigen Sprünge durch unbekanntes Terrain. Denn das Erkunden der kluftigen Felsenschluchten bildet einen Großteil des Gameplays von Lifeless Planet. Den richtigen Weg zu finden kann manchmal anspruchsvoller sein, als so mancher glauben mag. Ich habe mich sogar einmal verirrt und bin ein gutes Stück wieder zurück gelaufen, nur um irgendwann durch Zufall festzustellen, dass ich diesen ganzen Weg schon einmal in die entgegengesetzte Richtung gemeistert habe.

Wenn ihr nicht gerade den richtigen Weg sucht oder über Gebirgsschluchten hüpft, löst ihr klassische Adventure-Rätsel. Manchmal müsst ihr den Strom für eine Seilbahn wieder ins System bringen, oder ihr öffnet etwas unsanft mittels Dynamitstangen Tore und Barrieren. Im späteren Verlauf erhaltet ihr noch einen Roboterarm, mit dem ihr etwa unbekannte Gesteine untersucht.

Ich hoffe noch einige Rätsel lösen zu können. Sie sollten eigentlich niemanden vor große Herausforderungen stellen, zumindest bis jetzt. Dies kommt aber vor allem der Pace und somit der Geschichte des Spiels zugute. Mir machte das Springen und Balancieren in luftigen Höhen jedenfalls sehr viel Spaß. In der finalen Version sollten unbedingt mehr dieser toll inszenierten Gameplay-Momente zu erleben sein.

Wie es aussieht und wie viel es zu bieten hat

Die Unity-Engine, mit der Lifeless Planet entstand, zählt nicht gerade zu den hübschesten Vertretern unter den Entwicklertools. Dennoch scheint David Board alles aus dieser Software heraus zu kitzeln. Besonders durch die von mir bereits gepriesene Inszenierung, dem Spiel von Licht und Schatten, dem Einsetzen des großartigen Soundtracks und der fantastischen Vertonung, kommt wahrlich viel Atmosphäre auf. Die öde und leblose Landschaft passt zum Konzept des Spiels und trägt somit ungemein zum Erlebnis bei.

Von technischer Seite gibt es auch nichts zu meckern. Das Spiel stürzte, obwohl es sich noch in der Beta-Phase befindet, nicht ein einziges Mal ab, sondern flutschte mit butterweichen Framerates jenseits der 60er-Marke nur so über meinen Full-HD-Monitor. Auch Glitches konnte ich während meiner Spielzeit keine ausmachen.

Dank Kyle Bosman von GameTrailers bin ich überhaupt erst aufmerksam geworden auf dieses ambitionierte Projekt. Wer weiß, wie spät ich erst von Lifeless Planet gehört hätte? Ich geb’s auch gerne zu, ich habe einen Faible für solche Geschichten: Planet der Affen (das Original), Moon, Sunshine, Solaris. Dass die Atmosphäre jener Werke nun auch in einem Videospiel eingefangen wurde und dieses dabei ganz ohne billige Schockmomente und ausufernde Kämpfe auskommt, macht die Sache nur noch interessanter. Es ist fast unvorstellbar für mich, dass nur ein einziger Mann dieses Spiel erschuf. Ich hoffe, dass Lifeless Planet über die gesamte Spielzeit so motivierend und fesselnd ist wie im ersten Drittel.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 06:55
Objective is simple, took me about 4 1/2 - 5 hours to complete the game. Would recommend if you are just looking to play a simple relaxed game.
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 23:34
I'm genuinely baffled that this game has any positive reviews. I'm writing my first review on the platform to recommend you skip this, even if it's heavily discounted.
941 Produkte im Account
265 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 03:02
It's not a good game, feels like a budget title that went the wrong way. It's slow and fairly boring.
335 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 00:39
Light platforming, light puzzle solving, heavy story and a lot of walking. But it's charming and well-made.
404 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 07:11
This game is the creation of just one developer, and as such it’s a success. The graphics look like they are from the late 1990s, but gameplay feels smooth and solid. It’s a neat little indie title, and what really ties it all together is the music and sound design. Some standard Unity engine problems here and there, but nothing too distracting. A good experience.
1156 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 08:23
The first 30 minutes are intriguing.

The other 2 hours are a tedious boring slog of a walking simulator with the platforming depth of an atari 2600 game, literally.

Walking sims work because usually the scenery is beautiful and the story is interesting all the way through.

This game fails miserably in every single department.

Walking around is as much fun as walking around on the moon, environments are barren, ugly, boring, tedious to walk through.

The reason I have 5.5 hours of time on Steam is because I played this game for almost 2 hours during it's development like 7 years ago. Today I restarted the game as it was now finished for a while.

The entire game took about 3 hours but that was with about 45 minutes of AFK in between for food where I left the game paused.

The story would be the only factor that could save this game and while it starts off interesting all momentum is lost around level 3 and the rest is just void. Text files explaining the story barely add anything to the world or story and often even repeat the same information multiple times over different info dumps without adding anything new.

I grew to hate the monotonous gameplay but I wanted to know if the ending was at least worth it, so I soldiered on.

The ending was so bad I literally laughed out loud. Actually laughed out loud how stupid everything about it was.

This game at max price should be no more than $3 - 4,- max. The fact they're asking $20,- is absolutely dispicable.

This game is an abomination with no redeeming qualities. Stay away.
73 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 16:13
At some point, the hopping from one deadly plant to the next gets more tedious, difficult and the whole game just frustrating. Stopped playing.
1915 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 13:58
A story full of secrets and places to discover, sadly it's quite linear and slow...

Lifeless Planet features an old-school sci-fi story and spectacular environments. At the start of the game has your scientist waking up on the surface of an unnamed planet. Dazed from the crash, and separated from your crew, you must not only find a way to survive, but also try to find out what happened to your team. While seeking life on this distant planet, our astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian town. He suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon... After that, so many questions, comes to you.

This initially open-looking world blocked us in with linear design and frequent dead-end paths, mocking our attempts at exploration. The story is revealed through visual clues in the main game and a small number of cutscenes, logs found throughout the game, and a voiceover narration. Everything sounds good, but you will end getting bored after few hours of playing, as you basically only jump, push and carry, with nothing more than a weak double jump, probably included to try and make up for stiff controls, and an awkward robotic arm difficult to use with any precision because it doesn't move as it should. The sloppy mechanics and the esoteric puzzles don't help neither.

The environments themselves are varied and distinct, from dusty and deserted settlements, to abandoned towers and foreign structures, to an eerie forest filled with lifeless trees, the sights and sounds of the planet are mesmerizing. Sadly, they offer little of interest outside of the straight-line path to the next platforming segment. Moreover, traversing areas takes a properly large amount of time, too. Making it feel like you're actually travelling the miles and miles you're being told you are but totally unnecessary in my humble opinion.

That said, Lifeless Planet's real problem is that it drags on far longer than it should, it’s a ~ 6 hour game, and while there are hidden collectibles, I would doubt there is significant replay value. So i barely would recommend the game to someone. There are plenty of better choices out there for the same price.

Thank you so much to my friend Thiago Duarte for this game.
He is always so kind with me <3
327 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 14:55
The game's story is an ok sci-fi story that I was eager to experience to the end. Were it not for the dull and boring gameplay. After like 30 min. you have experienced everything the game has to offer: Not very challenging puzzles, bad platforming with wonky controls and a lot of empty, barren landscape. The only thing that kept me going was the story, but I can't say how often I wished to reach the end. It was such a pain and way too long for what it had to offer.
It's a pity, as the setting, the atmosphere and the plot are really good. There's just too much boring, repetitive and sometimes frustrating 'gameplay' in the way to make it enjoyable.
137 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 19:07
Sorry this game is not fun

The story is good if a bit formulaic, the design provides a good atmosphere of a desolate empty planet. In fact it's too good, often you are just plodding through empty boring stretches of nothing. When you do come upon something of interest like abandoned buildings they are just set pieces without opportunity for further investigation. The jumping mechanics are kind of wonky and take a while to understand - inertia and friction are don't seem to make sense in the game. At one point you are on the surface at night, it took me several minutes to realize the spot light shining on me was supposed to be the moon.

I can forgive the technical glitches as they don't impact the game play very much, its just that overall the game play is kind of boring and not very fun.

Like I imagine roaming the surface of a desolate planet gets boring after awhile, they made the game a little too true to that
74 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 00:47
Even the gameplay and the design isn't anything groundbreaking, this game shows than intresting and well paced story can elavate your experience!
100 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 19:47
Disappointingly linear. So much of this is just following a literal line. Exploring off this line is rewarded only by death and boring low-poly areas. Couldn't they have hidden some easter eggs?

They introduce a few mechanisms, but they aren't really explored in depth. All of the obstacles are pretty easy to figure out and mostly involve more walking/jumping. The arm interface had potential, but it's never used for anything significant. The single puzzle was so jarringly out of place that I couldn't really enjoy it.

This could have been an interesting novella. However as a 4 hour game it's an utter slog.
2083 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 20:18
Nice little 3D platformer/walking simulator, with interesting sci-fi story. It's not the latest and greatest visuals, but the story is thrilling and leaves you an interesting twist in the end.

There's many ways to die on this planet, and there are also some interesting, yet not very difficult puzzles to solve. You can't really leave the main pathway, so the game forces you in the right direction.

The game can easily be completed in under 4 hours, first playthrough however will require more than that until you figure out the pathways and puzzles.

It's also relatively easy to obtain 100% achievements in just 2 playthroughs.

Would definitely recommend as it's relatively short, and you can easily finish this in one sitting. Probably worth to get it on when on sale price as you will find this one an interesting one.
74 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 20:44
Very atmospheric. A fairly simple game but the sense of (almost) solitude is very well done. It is reasonably challenging and I found it to be 8.7 hours well spent.
1191 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 16:19
Walking-sim / puzzle-platformer hybrid. If you're looking for action, you won't find it here. But if you want to wander large open spaces and solve some simple puzzles while picking up some scraps of story on the way, it can be an enjoyable & relaxing time.
Total size on my hard-drive: 900 MB (0.9 GB)

Achievement hunters will need at least 2 runs to get every achievement.

Linux port runs great on Radeon with the parameters
mesa_glthread=true gamemoderun %command%
832 Produkte im Account
227 Reviews
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81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 19:38
Lifeless Planet is a walking simulator and platformer in a sci-fi setting. I'm not sure if walking sims are better to be played yourself or is it better to watch other people play the game on youtube/twitch for the experience. Lifeless Planet is not for everyone and it wasn't for me. It is set in a sci-fi setting, which I normally love, but a lot of things didn't feel or look sci-fi much and the platforming wasn't that great. If you are a fan of walking sims, you might as well check this out.
736 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
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240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 22:44
Lifeless Planet is a game I feel pretty indifferent about. The story's concept is interesting but lacks a lot of body and depth. The levels are visually pleasing but are empty and straight-forward limiting the exploration aspect of the game.

Due to how much of Lifeless Planet centres around platforming my major issue was with the controls. The camera will attempt to force itself in the direction you are moving. While this isn't super noticeable when using a mouse and keyboard it became quite noticeable when using a controller. You cannot move while in the air using the jet-pack. When pressed up against something (eg. wall, cliff, ect.) the protagonist will fling themselves off of it when you jump. At no point in the game was this anything but a setback. When using the mobile robotic arm you should be able to expand it with RT on a controller but this did not work for me forcing me to use a keyboard and mouse for these segments.

The TL:DR of this is at the current price of $20 and due to poor controls I wouldn't recommend Lifeless Planet. The description and advertisements aren't misleading and Lifeless Planet is not a bad game by any means but the overall game feels quite shallow.

It took me about 4 hours to beat and I likely wouldn't replay it though I could see other people replaying it for the achievements. The game runs natively on Linux which I always appreciate.
320 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 10:01
The story is slightly interesting, and the platforming is occasionally satisfying, especially with the jetpack. More often, though it is tedious and clunky, and the character moves very slowly. $20 is an obscenely high asking price in my opinion.
438 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 18:59
Visuals, sound, environments - all nicely crafted to give you that lost, alone on an ancient now-dead planet. Story is interesting enough to keep you going forward - it has a Twilight Zone sense of mystery to it. Each new area is notable and different enough that I wanted to see what was over the next hill. Based on these factors, I would recommend picking this up for some relaxed, casual, somewhat unsettling gameplay.

This recommendation comes with a very large caveat: the game has many small but noticeable bugs. Falling through the world, collision issues, ability to explore out of bounds, actions that can break puzzle areas... many of these are annoying time-wasters. Even if they result in death, you can restart checkpoints which are forgiving. Some puzzle bugs require a full restart.

Some areas do feel overly long, and in retrospect come across more as unnecessary filler. These are mostly present in the latter half of the game where I would much rather have kept all the interesting discoveries moving at a swifter pace. I don't mind jumping around and interacting with infrequent sections, but when this is almost all you do, a lack of new environments or story elements can feel very dull. This is a 5 hour game in an 8 hour body.

Lifeless Planet is unique enough to recommend to gamers interested in casual, story-driven platformers with light puzzle elements. Assuming you can tolerate minor bugs here and there... I think it's worth it.
393 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 02:29
This is a walking simulator - no doubt about it. I have no problem with that, as walking simulators can be fun when the game world is dense packed with lore. The world in Lifeless Planet can be interesting, but is very large, generally bland, and uses a monotonous color palette of orange and brown. The environments do change, which is nice, but there isn't a particularly cohesive or engrossing plot to follow along the way. There are hidden logs, but they are sparse.

While it can be fun at times, this is unfortunately a bland and uninteresting experience throughout.
64 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 02:17
I played this game from start to finish. The plot is... fine, but pretty conventional. It starts out really intriguing, but as the mystery unfolds it gets lamer and lamer. The gameplay itself gets really repetitive after a bit, as all the challenges just rehash variants on what you've already done. And yeah, okay, so the graphics are very much reminiscent of Play Station 1, but I didn't mind that (I don't know what the budget was and I'm just here for a good time). What DOES bother me are the finicky camera movements that can cause visual glitches and even mess up your mobility at crucial points. I died many times at certain parts that could've been straightforward jumps if it weren't for that fact that the laws of physics seem to change depending on where your mouse has stationed the camera. As far as I can tell, the planet (although alien) still abides by Euclidean geometry, so I can only guess it's faulty programming.

This game is absolutely not worth the $20 going price, but if it's 90% off then maybe? It's a few hours of time to kill that could be spent on worse things.
2296 Produkte im Account
377 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 17:01

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Lifeless Planet is an adventure platformer blended with some minor puzzles and a fair amount of horror. Given that there is a heavy narrative focus in this game, I will do my best to avoid major spoilers. If you want to completely miss even minor spoilers, skip to the last paragraph for a summation of my review.

Lifeless Planet is a game about exploration. It’s a linear game, so you can’t explore a vast open world, but each chapter places you in a new environment, each with their own look and feel. You are an astronaut exploring a planet that supposedly can support life, but it appears barren upon arrival. There are some key discoveries you make which shape your understanding of the planet. None of this is groundbreaking for an adventure game, but it’s well done. The main issue that took away from the experience was the puzzle mechanics.

Lifeless Planet features some basic puzzles, but none of them are particularly engaging or challenging. Sometimes it can even be confusing what the puzzle is asking of you. I liked learning more about the planet, but puzzles kept getting in the way and slowing me down. It would have worked better if the puzzles were either removed or made more complex, but as it stands, they feel more like filler. They don’t completely ruin the flow of the game because many of them only take a minute or two, although the more confusing ones can grind the story to a halt.

The writing in Lifeless Planet is great. It has some minor flaws with regards to clarity and the number of topics touched upon in the game, but there aren’t any big low points in the story. Lifeless Planet seems to be going for an “interactive movie” type of vibe, and the developer pulled it off. Most of the story is told through things that you find while exploring, which fits perfectly with an uninhabited planet. Sometimes the narrator can hold your hand too much and spells out the story for you, but it only happens a handful of times.

It’s tough to comment on the content of the writing without spoilers, but the most prevalent theme in the game is how humans interact with their environment. The game draws a lot of parallels between how humanity negatively impacts Earth’s environment and the eponymous lifeless planet that you have arrived on. You explore this planet and try to determine how it got this way, given that all the data you have says that this planet should be teeming with life. The writing also dips into Cold War sci-fi, with an obvious USSR vs. USA rivalry. I won’t claim to be especially familiar with this sub-genre of sci-fi, but as a reader without much experience, I enjoyed the ideas that the game puts forward.

While Lifeless Planet is engaging from a writing perspective, the presentation is what really sells it. As the name implies, the planet is uninhabited. This has the potential to make exploration dull, but thanks to some beautiful set pieces, it becomes one of the best parts of the game. From a technical perspective, the graphics are mid-range and nothing special, but the art direction is fantastic. Some of my favorite moments in the game were simply entering a new area and seeing what this part of the planet is like. Each chapter has a unique setting that looks realistic and believable in the context of the planet. This is especially notable when many games that take place on fictional planets go too far with making everything crazy and weird. This grounded approach allows you to focus more on the story, while also appreciating the different backdrops.

Unfortunately, the game has some performance issues. Being a Unity game, it’s probably a case of the developer not being particularly experienced when it comes to optimization. The game world is expansive and loading screens are rare, so it makes sense that the game would have to sacrifice some performance to try and give a sense of immersion, but for players with older computers, it can get a little choppy during certain scenes.

Lifeless Planet also has solid sound design, even if it can get repetitive given how little activity there is in the game. Sound effects are high quality and the soundtrack is great, especially in the more horror-oriented sections of the game. The soundtrack complements the action perfectly. Tense, dangerous scenes have music that adds to the gravity of the situation, while exploration at night features ominous music that puts you on edge. I never felt like a track was out of place or jarring, even when the music sometimes drops out completely during more “normal” exploration sections.

Overall, I enjoyed Lifeless Planet despite its flaws. It isn’t the most thought provoking sci-fi story, but it’s still worth experiencing. As long as you don’t mind bland puzzles and decent 3D platforming, you should at least get something out of this game. If the game sounds a little too clunky for you, the developer is working on a sequel that will hopefully clear up many of the first game’s issues.


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535 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 04:30
So much walking.
113 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 19:32
Boring as hell
628 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 00:10
I thoroughly enjoyed this one. But wait to buy it on sale. It is not worth $20 but it is worth $5-$10.
223 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 05:25
you just walk
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 23:29
The gameplay is not interesting enough to make up for the linear story. The puzzles are obvious chores, not interesting challenges. The solution to every problem is always right in front of you. There's no need for creative thinking. Some of the sets are quite beautiful but the graphics are neither advanced enough nor stylized enough to make the world feel interesting overall.

I've played four more hours on a different account.
1281 Produkte im Account
1008 Reviews
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93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 19:24
Extremely linear walking simulator with terrible platforming elements. Lots of bugs and arbitrariness.

For example, I think I found a way to explore more of the map. I carefully go down the slope that isn't very steep. I go step by step. One step, alright, all good, second, third, all fine. Sixth step all good and I went half the way already. I take another step, like all before and suddenly my character dies for no reason.

I find a town. Can't go inside any building. Find a bottle of oxygen, but cannot replenish it because I'm close to full. Encounter another character but during the cut-scene I am suddenly our of the oxygen, and afterwards gotta go back to the bottle...

The story seems somewhat interesting, but it's not enough to carry the atrocious and linear gameplay.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 03:19
Great game story with emotional adventure.
310 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
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242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 01:38
i have to echo what beardo weirdo said in his review. what exactly is this game trying to be? not enough of the story elements are explored to a satisfactory level, and i'm left feeling there were a few red herrings and more than a few questions. but on top of that, the game is pretty buggy and unpolished. i spent most of the game feeling like i was playing something on the original xbox, not a cutting-edge computer adventure. i love me some walking simulators, and this idea & setting have promise, but i was left wanting more from the game than i got. i don't know if i can recommend it to walking sim fans OR sci-fi fans.
41 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 13:06
Very underrated game at first level you would be surprised by the shallow game play and graphics but as you go along the story will catch your interest like no other supported with Fantastic Atmosphere , great voice acting and good music ..... the gameplay isnt that ground breaking but the immersion in the Visuals and Audio with the story make it a meomorable game

If this was an AAA tilte with its story concept, it would be a global hit.

591 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 20:20
A bit quiet, but that's expected for an exploration game.
I had fun playing it, enjoyed the story, that's enough for me.
642 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 23:25
The story is fine. I like story driven games, so thought this would be enjoyable. Unfortunately, the movement mechanics are so bad it takes away from the game in the worst way. Nothing like getting stuck in the terrain at various places throughout the game to break immersion. Not to mention the time I fell through the map while running across the ground. The graphics are pretty meh, but that's not too big of a deal. Wouldn't play it again because the movement is so bad.
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 14:20
I'm a fan of the walking sims that I've played, namely the excellent Dear Esther, Firewatch and Valley, if you can regard that as a walking sim. What initially drew me into buying this game was the idea that (from the trailer) a newly found planet had remnants of past human existence which further fuelled my imagination into thinking this would possibly follow a conspiratorial sci-fi theme.

Unfortunately, not enough of this avenue was built upon and it quickly turned into a quite a dull trudge that really overstayed it's welcome. I think it was a great premise, but it lost it's way very quickly, and after finishing it, I don't fully understand what the main message was as another review mentioned. For me, it could have been shorter and focused more on quality over quantity as it was quite rough in places.

I hate to leave negative feedback and I do love to experience the smaller games that have more freedom to explore themes but for me overall it was just a bit of a missed opportunity. I only paid 5 pounds or something so I don't feel robbed but I do feel quite underwhelmed.
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 02:53
fun story, good puzzles, controls are a little wonky and sometimes cause you to die
382 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
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202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 09:20
This is a very confused game that doesn't really know what it wants to be. Are you a man trying to come to terms with the loss of his wife through the metaphor of the game? Is this a cautionary tale about environmental collapse or nuclear war? Is it a warning for humanity not to explore other worlds until we've sorted our own issues?

The game tries to be all of these and ends up less than any. The music is the best part and is excellent, but the story would have been so much better if it just picked one of its messages to focus on.
37 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 23:01
Do not play this game for the game mechanics - it's mostly walking around, simple platforming, and an occasional easy environmental puzzle. Do not play this game for the production values - it's old now and it's clear it didn't have much of a budget. Do play this game for the athmosphere, for the journey, for the mystery that unfolds as you discover this planet, for the haunting cellos that accompany you, and for my favourite part - the sense solitude, the wonder of being alone on an alien planet
612 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
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207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 19:57
An epic landscape of a game that Napoleon would have been proud of. It hits you with not quality, but sheer scale off landscape. Walking through a linear story with not too bad a soundtrack, but which ultimately gets repetitive and elongates something that could have been told in under 30 minutes. Games are about storytelling, and this story has it's moments, but not enough of them to make it actually fun if you hate parkour.
13 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 15:48
Yeah, so this game has depth.
The story gets into you, it digs into you and then you just stare at the miracles of everything that appears in front of you.
The game contains simple puzzles, which you solve right away and immediately find out how it goes next.
The environment is absolutely beautiful.
76 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 03:16
Lifeless Planet isn't exactly a bad game, but it is a supremely disappointing one. The basic premise is you're an astronaut who's just landed on a distant planet for the first time and after some initial wandering, come across a perfectly constructed Soviet village that's clearly been there for decades. The potential was immense, the follow-through was substandard. Gameplay is initially interesting third-person exploration, but soon falls into a rut of the same thing over and over again, made only slightly more interesting by a couple of suit upgrades, only one of which will ever get much usage. Beyond the initial reveal, the plot is thin and stretched further than it could really go by spacing out the audio logs and other found items which grant explanation of how the USSR go to this planet, and why their plans there failed. Every so often you get a bit of internal narration from the unnamed astronaut about why he took the mission and his life before leaving earth, but it's honestly not that interesting and at times takes lazy ways out of explaining his motivations. The game builds to its ending adequately, but only just. It's a shame, really; Lifeless Planet has the kernel of a good, possibly excellent, game in it, but never quite manages to put all the pieces together.
128 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 02:39
This game had an AWESOME premise, but ended up being really boring with tons of jumping puzzles. So many jumping puzzles.
170 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 14:10
Wow. I grab this game on the cheap at a Steam sale because it sounded perfect for some chill relaxation gaming after a stressful day. Solo exploration as a mysterious story unfolds; Ya, that is the stuff. Well, the story is a bit thin but I found the game play mechanics smooth. If you fail it isn't punitive setting your progress back. The graphics are great, and there is a real fun factor. Some describe this as a walking simulator but that is fine with me as long as there is interesting discoveries along the way.
I highly recommend this game if you are not in the mood for a blood fest shooter, or zombie masher. But want easy exploration, and easy to preform tasks just to chill, and kind of enjoy gaming without having to get all keyed up over it. Lastly, this game is Linux native and played flawlessly.
822 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 04:35
It's like a good science fiction short story.
A couple of good ideas, low budget.

Story takes you into interesting places, and the uncanny environments pull you in.

Game play is serviceable. Nothing groundbreaking, but the is actual gameplay. It's not a walking sim.
The only complaint I have is that it's a bit to long. Outstays it's welcome a bit.
209 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 06:14
I enjoyed the game, but I think it is just way too expensive.

The things I liked about Lifeless Planet are the level design and how it keeps your attention. The level design is well thought out and makes you able to solve problems without any instructions. The game is well able to keep your attention by the whole time giving more information about the planet you are discovering.

The main setback with Lifeless Planet is, that everything is just low budget clunky. The game has good level design, but the main mechanics don't feel beyond early development stage. The game looks like an early X360 game with some models looking from even before that. I think the puzzles add to variety of the game, but except of 1 they don't require any real effort and become repetitive at the end.

The length of the game is 4-5 hours and it's clunkiness adds charm, but I think even for the time it came out it would have been way too expensive. I was quite shocked to see, that later ports to different platforms are also still sold at the pricetag of 20 euro.

I would recommend getting this game in a sale or next week for free on the Epic Games Store.
194 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 02:55
This game is by no means groundbreaking but it is interesting and a nice chill 3-4 hour experience.

It features simple puzzles, platforming and a lot of walking.

It has a pretty interesting story with good visuals to go along with it. The graphics aren't amazing, but were pretty decent in 2014 and still do their job today.

Pick it up during a big sale if you want something fun and relatively relaxing to play, or pick it up for full price if you want to support the developer. I've played it through two times now and loved it each time.

P.S. If you are seeing this in 2020 the dev is coming out with another game Lifeless Moon later this year.
354 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 14:42
On the surface this game could be classed purely as a 3rd person walking simulator but it's much more than that.

Going into this game with this mindset, I was very surprised just how well designed the environments were, the atmosphere and general story which I won't say anything about as it's well put together and mentioning any detail would spoil it, but it all leads to creating a wonderful experience overall that maybe went on a bit too long but still enjoyed it from start to finish.

Add platforming mechanics and very simple puzzle solving (doesn't harm the game) to the mix and it leads to a game well worth buying.
199 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 19:14
Good attempt, but quite linear and easy to start seeing the designer's thought process after the first two levels. Game really lacks much of anything, environments are really quite unvaried, and music tends to get repetetive.

Voice acting and translation work is quite good.
105 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 08:43
The game is not much anything as in terms of gameplay or graphics. That's not the point of it, the point is the atmosphere. It's like walking to the peak of the mountain only for the beautiful journey, not the peak itself. I reccomend it
523 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 20:45
This is a hard one to review. Lifeless Planet has a decent story, excellent music and a great atmosphere that convinced me to play the game till the end. On the other hand, some parts are very boring, there are some cheap instant deaths and the platforming sections aren't fun at all. This would have been a better experience as a walking simulator imo.
683 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 10:24
Good game. Easy puzzles, some platforming sections are Ok. The only issues i had are the movement and lighting problems in Dark Areas.
79 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 02:19
This game literally has no ending. One hour of writing, one singular hour of extra effort for at least a voice over ending could have made all the difference in the world. I don't mind an ending that leaves what happened to the players imagination, but this is not that. This is literally no ending.
171 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 23:47
The Music is Captivating!

Once I started playing I couldn't stop. I took my time, enjoyed and explored at a leisurely pace; played right through to the end. Nine hours had passed by! The game had bewitched me, entranced me, drawn me in, and did not let me go!

A spectacular back story to the character you play is interwoven into the adventure seamlessly. Both aspects, main and interwoven backstory at times were strangely unsettling.

Often I'd find myself gazing at the vibrant alien landscapes, when suddenly exceptionally placed music would tug at me to move on. The relationship between the game-play and music is so extraordinary that at times you forget the music is there, but if it weren't, you'd noticeably miss it. That's not to be taken as negative, but a HUGE positive. They are integrated seamlessly, like two figure skaters effortlessly delivering a gold medal performance.

Lifeless Planet has absolutely no combat, so if such is a definite MUST in your gaming habits, STAY AWAY! But if words like, intriguing, breathlessly beautiful, and immensely enjoyable spark your interest, you'll find all of those in Lifeless Planet Premier Edition!

128 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 07:19
I feel really conflicted about this game. On one hand, as a fan of walking simulators, I had a rather pleasant experience. I enjoyed some of the environments, was pretty invested in the story, and had some fun time overall. However, there is a huge point that I found really disappointing. At first it seems that the game heavily implies exploration. It rewards you for exploring some unexpected paths along the main way in first 10-15 minutes of gameplay, but then... Nothing. A big pile of nothing. I love exploration, and I'm also totally fine with very linear games, but it's really odd when the game hints you at certain things that you will never see again in next 30 minutes or so. I looked everywhere trying to find hidden stuff, and it was never there. No logs, no minerals, no clues for whatever is going on there. Everything that you are supposed to find is always in the plain sight.
So if you are fine with stuff like this, the game is ok. But personally, I higly doubt that I'll play it again after finishig it.
137 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 01:19
Good short story. Its fun, decent looking, and its nice that its narrated. Its a good indie game. Most people probably would get the most of it during a sale due to its short completion time. There isn't a lot of replay value, especially if you do a lot of exploration during your first playthrough. But it is original and pretty well polished. I think there was only one section that got me slightly confused due to it not being super clear about whether I was on the right track or had accidentally skipped a part or missed a hint, but after some more time, it became clear that I was overthinking the problem and the solution was right in front of me. That does say that sometimes you can encounter some bugs. You can even find some unintentional shortcuts. Sometimes they are too easy and you miss out on seeing some of the things the artists created, so its definitely worth spending time exploring to make sure you've seen everything.
589 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 02:56
I loved playing this game, it had a very nice and compelling story with decent visuals, however I wish it wouldn't be this short. For full price I think this game is not worth 20 EUR, but if you can get it on sale under 10, then it might be alright.
615 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
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460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 02:33
The game is OK, again I hate the up and down thumbs for reviews.

The game itself is mostly a linear jump puzzle through an alien landscape. I am not a big fan of jump puzzles, and the controls on this are bad enough to make it frustrating.

The story is OK , nothing groundbreaking and you can guess most the plot early in game.

The additional story about the players spouse is trite and completely unneeded.

It is about a 6-7 hour play time. So at that, it is worth about 10$, so get it on sale.

Not a bad time waster on a lazy day, but it is a game with no lasting impression.
56 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.19 21:06
Boring story and pointless jump puzzles. I expected an interesting mystery, but the writing is awful. The gameplay is repetitive and hard to control. This is a waste of $20.
481 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
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305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.19 23:09
Could be a much better game had it more budget, but in a nutshell you have to make a million sometimes incredibly frustrating jumps following a patch of grass to uncover an ok story. The music pieces are nice though.

Logo for Lifeless Planet
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
74.01% 1626 571
Release:06.03.2014 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Stage 2 Studios Vertrieb: KISS Ltd. Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
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