• Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.
  • Nehrim: At Fate's Edge: Screen zum Spiel Nehrim: At Fate's Edge.


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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion needs to be owned on Steam and installed. Also Oblivion and Nehrim need to be installed on the same drive as your Steam installation.

  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.06.2010
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Preis Update 14.12.22

Über das Spiel

Nehrim: Am Rande des Schicksals ist eine Total-Conversion Mod für TES IV: Oblivion. Entdecke das namensgebende Land Nehrim mit dichten Wäldern und Steinwüsten, erkunde alte Grüfte und Höhlen, und erlebe ein ungewöhnliche, vielschichtige Storyline die sich abseits von Gut und Böse bewegt.

Wie groß ist die Spielwelt und wie wurde sie erstellt?
Das Land ist in etwa genau so groß wie die Spielwelt von Oblivion. Im Gegensatz zu dieser wurde die Landschaft in Nehrim jedoch komplett von Hand gebaut und ist dadurch wesentlich abwechslungsreicher als die eintönigen Wälder in Oblivion.

Wie lange wird mich das Spiel beschäftigen?
Im Gegensatz zu Oblivion steht in Nehrim die Hauptquest im Vordergrund, welche 35 Einzelquests umfasst. Unsere Hauptquest ist nicht nur ungleich intensiver als jene Oblivions, sondern auch länger. In Oblivion kann man sie in 10 Stunden durchspielen. Bei Nehrim ist das definitiv nicht möglich. Dazu kommen natürlich noch die Nebenquests, rund 30 an der Zahl.

Was ist der vielleicht tiefgreifendste Unterschied zu Oblivion?
Das Skillsystem. In Nehrim bekommt man durch Erfahrungspunkte einen Levelaufstieg. Erfahrungspunkte erhält man durch das Töten von Monstern und vor allem durch das Erfüllen von Quests. Somit ist eine größere Motivation gegeben, selbige zu spielen. Bei jedem Levelaufstieg erhält man Lernpunkte, die man bei Lehrern in Fertigkeiten investieren kann - genauso wie in der Gothic-Reihe.


  • CPU: Intel Core2Duo E7400 CPU
  • GFX: GeForce 9800 GTX
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • MISC: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion needs to be owned on Steam and installed. Also Oblivion and Nehrim need to be installed on the same drive as your Steam installation.
  • LANG: Deutsch
  • CPU: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 760
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • MISC: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion needs to be owned on Steam and installed. Also Oblivion and Nehrim need to be installed on the same drive as your Steam installation.
  • LANG: Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

162 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 16:40
Auch nach über einem Jahrzehnt ist Nehrim für mich immer noch das Spiel mit der besten Hauptstory überhaupt. Narathzul Arantheal war mein Kindheitsheld. Echt erstaunlich, was SureAI mit Nehrim geschaffen hat.
4 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 07:21
Grundsätzlich positiv, allerdings stürzt das Game sehr, sehr oft ab. Wenn Steam schon eine Total Conversion bereit stellt und SureAI das unterstützt, sollte SureAI auch bitte dafür sorgen, das eine Installation via Steam stabil läuft. Laut diversen Foren bin ich da auch nicht der einzige mit dem Problem, geschweige denn eine Ausnahme. Ich persönlich habe jetzt auch keine Lust auf Downsizing in der Grafik, Kantenglättung oder sonstiges. Dafür lade ich schließlich auf Steam- um eben nicht (!) alles selber in die Library zu kopieren, installieren, mit SKSE und was und was weiß ich noch für Mods zu arbeiten. Laden, installieren und laufen lassen- so (!) sollte das sein und nicht zig Abstürze in 10min. Versaut einem echt den Spaß und auffällig ist, das es sich bei gewissen Inhalten so dermaßen häuft. Wenn es läuft, dann ist Gameplay, Story und Atmosphäre zwar deutlich als älter 10 Jahre erkennbar, aber immer noch akzeptabel und würde Spaß machen,,, WENN(!) es denn mal stabil laufen würde.
Außerdem ist es mehr als ätzend, das mein Oblivion komplett von Nehrim überschrieben wird und ich es neu installieren muß, wenn ich statt Nehrim, mal wieder Oblivion zocken will. Aber das Game ist alt und man darf da auch nicht zuviel erwarten.
226 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 07:16
Nach knapp 20 Stunden kann ich schon mal ein erstes Fazit ziehen: Nehrim ist wirklich gelungen, eine großartige Total Conversion von durchweg hoher Qualität, insbesondere für ein Fan-Projekt. Ich habe in letzter Zeit zahlreiche Rollenspiele angefangen, von denen mich jedoch keines wirklich bei der Stange halten konnte. Bei Nehrim ist das anders, hier war ich ziemlich von Anfang an gefesselt. In Story, Spielwelt und Dungeons ist es Oblivion weit überlegen, in den Nebenquests mindestens ebenbürtig. Die deutsche Sprachausgabe ist professionell und lässt die deutsche Fassung von Oblivion noch schlechter erscheinen, als sie ohnehin schon ist, sofern das überhaupt möglich ist (An alle, die eine schlechte Bewertung geben, weil es keine englische Sprachausgabe gibt, auch wenn sie das hier vermutlich nicht lesen werden: Willkommen in der Welt von so ziemlich allen Einwohnern nicht-englischsprachiger Länder!).

Ja, es gibt technische Probleme und gelegentliche Freezes und Abstürze, wenngleich diese auch bei mir nicht so schlimm sind wie bei manchen anderen. Diese sind aber meines Erachtens vor allem der veralteten und fehlerdurchsetzten Engine von Oblivion geschuldet, und diese können die Entwickler nicht so einfach reparieren. Nehrim hat eine deutlich detailliertere Welt als Oblivion, und bringt die Engine ans Limit, aber es hat den Anschein als seien die Entwickler bemüht, die Probleme so gut wie möglich zu beheben und sogar entsprechende Oblivion-Mods zu integrieren.

NACHTRAG 1: Nach über 60 Stunden kann ich das oben gesagte nur bestätigen, die Qualität bleibt durchweg auf dem hohen Niveau. Und während es bei den Vorgängern Myar Aranath und Arktwend abseits der Hauptquests nicht allzu viel zu entdecken gab, ist Nehrims (riesige) Spielwelt vollgepackt mit Dungeons, Quests und liebevollen Details. Der Weltkarte nach zu urteilen habe ich bisher vielleicht etwas mehr als die Hälfte davon erkundet (es sei denn, der Süden wäre viel spärlicher gefüllt). Es wird fleißig weiter gepatcht und es steht zu hoffen, dass Abstürze und andere Probleme in Zukunft noch weiter verringert werden. Bis auf gelegentliche Abstürze und kleinere Bugs hier und da läuft es bei mir schon ziemlich rund, würde ich sagen. Auch die Performance wurde verbessert, so kommt es mir jedenfalls vor.

NACHTRAG 2: Nach 110 Stunden bin ich durch und muss sagen, dass es sich wirklich gelohnt hat. Die Hauptquest ist wirklich episch und eine der besten, die ich jemals in einem Rollenspiel gesehen habe. Bis zum Schluss gibt es immer noch eine Überraschung, noch eine Wendung mehr, und alles großartig inszeniert. Tatsächlich bietet die Hauptquest auch spielerische Abwechslung, da zeigt sich erst, was man aus der Oblivion-Engine eigentlich rausholen kann. Und auch abseits der Hauptquest gibt es viel zu entdecken und zu tun, wenn auch weniger als in Oblivion, was angesichts der viel umfangreicheren und besseren Hauptquest aber überhaupt kein Problem ist, ganz im Gegenteil - das ist eher noch ein zusätzlicher Bonus.

Fazit: Durch den starken Fokus auf die Hauptquest bietet sich als Vergleich eher die Gothic-Reihe als die Elder-Scrolls-Spiele an. Da ich selbst großer Fan der ersten beiden Gothics bin, habe ich lange auf ein Spiel gewartet, das mir ein ähnliches Gefühl vermittelt, und Nehrim tut das in jeder Hinsicht. Eigentlich ist es, was Gothic 3 hätte sein sollen, und durch die ähnliche Aufteilung der Spielwelt in Mittel-, Nord- und Südreich drängt sich mir dieser Vergleich geradezu auf. Bis auf die ebenfalls sehr schön gestaltete Landschaft und die Musik kommt Gothic 3 jedoch in keiner Hinsicht an Nehrim heran.
1104 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 14:36
Auch wenn schön und kostenlos mit Errungenschaften, aber die Abstürze / Freezes nerven! Ich hab schon vieles an/aus gestellt, nix hilft. Sry, aber da muss sich noch vieles ändern. Warum fällt denen das nicht beim Testen auf? Ich bin ja bei weitem nicht der einzige, bei dem das Spiel abstürzt. Kann ja niemals sein, dass das Spiel bei den Testern einwandfrei durchlief.

Aber gut, sie patchen sehr oft. Hoffen wir das Beste. Review wird bei besserung natürlich gelöscht oder angepasst.
380 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 23:22
So, nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten, ist es nun so weit.
Nehrim ist optimal Spielbar und läuft auf meinem System nun um einiges besser und stabiler als damals.

Habe noch nicht soo weit gespielt, aber es gibt schöne Änderungen, die mir wirklich gut gefallen.

Im Moment kommen täglich noch kleine Bugfixes die hier und da etwas anpassen und ändern.

Ich habe jetzt noch nicht so viel gespielt aber verfolge das alles doch recht aktiv.

Falls Oblivion vorhanden, kann ich dieses Schmuckstück nur ans Herz legen.
148 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 17:49
Leider läuft die Mod Version ,also die ohne Steam viel flüssieger ,und auch mit weniger abstürzen hatte gehofft das die Steam version ein Upgrade ist .
780 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 22:46
Bereits vor Jahren gespielt und ich kann es kaum erwarten nochmals in die Welt von Nehrim einzutauchen.

Top Rollenspiel mit hohen Anforderungen an die Geschichte. Das Skill-System wurde umgekrempelt, sodass es auch gameplaytechnisch ein wenig Abwechslung zu Oblivion bietet.

Fans von Oblivion werden hieran also sicher ihren Spaß haben, genauso wie Fans des allseits gefeierten Enderal, da mit Nehrim die Vorgeschichte dazu erzählt wird.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 18:13
GOTY 2010 für mich
209 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 16:43
Nehrim: Am Rande des Schicksals ist ein absolut geniales Rollenspiel. Es ist ein besserers Oblivion mit Erfahrungspunktesystem, besser und schöner Gestalteten Landschaften, feste Levelgebiete und bietet mehr Herausforderung.

Für das Abschließen von Quests und das Töten von Monstern bekommt man Erfahrungspunkte, welche widerrum für das Level-Up benötigt werden. Die Skills verbessert man mithilfe von Lehrpunkten, welche man bei einem Level-Up bekommt, diese dann bei Lehrern für den gewünschten Skill eingesetzt werden können. Aus technischer Sicht konnte leider das Verbessern der Skills durch Benutzung nicht abgestellt werden, dafür wurde dies aber deutlich verlangsamt.

Die Vertonung ist nur auf Deutsch Verfügbar, bietet dafür aber auch eine echt klasse Vertonung mit Professionellen Sychronsprechern.

Wir bekommen hier auch eine sehr gute Story geboten, und das Spiel bietet durchaus so um die 50-80 Stunden Spielzeit, je nach Spielweise.

Wer von Oblivion inzwischen genug hat oder nie so seins war, kann Nehrim auf jeden Fall mal antesten.

Durch die schwächen der Engine von Oblivion wird das Spiel auch auf modernen Gaming-Systemen auf jeden Fall ruckeln. Häufiges Speichern ist empfohlen.

Hinweis: Es ist nicht möglich, Oblivion und Nehrim gleichzeitig zu spielen. Es ist aber ein Switcher eingebaut, um jederzeit von Oblivion auf Nehrim switchen zu können und umgekehrt. Dies funktioniert allerdings nur mit der Steam-Fassung von Oblivion, Nehrim auf Steam ist nicht mit der Oblivion-Fassung auf DVD oder von GOG kompatibel.
325 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 10:30
A must play for any RPG Fan!

It takes everything that was great about Oblivion but improves upon it! The skill and level system is way better including tougher enemies without using the stupid level scaling of Oblivion. They took inspiration from great games like Gothic with their skill and teacher system and some levels have little riddles in them that feel like Portal.

Level design is also amazing, the cities and castles SureAI has built really shows that they are from europe and know what an actual medieval castle looks and feels like, goodbye to kitschy disney castles from Elder Scrolls!
Caves are way darker, forests feel much wilder and there are also new areas like a big icey realm and more oriental deserts and palm tree beaches which give the world a ton of variety!

The story is very well told and way better than the repetitive main questline of Oblivion while there are also awesome unique sidequests, sometimes with fun easter eggs.

Even though it is pretty old it feels timeless and I am having a blast playing it in 2022!
939 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
5076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 13:03

Enderal's lesser known older sibling

Nehrim is quite the curiosity. Developed by the extremely talented team of SureAI who, after finishing it, went onto producing one of the best RPGs of the decade, Enderal. While Enderal is basically as good as a game on the Creation Engine can get, Nehrim is bit more of a mixed bag as, unlike Enderal, there are things good ol' grandpa Oblivion does better, be it amount of unique encounters and interactions resulting in more believable, breathing and living world to systems completely absent from Nehrim like spellcrafting. The rest, however, Nehrim manages to do at least as competently or even better than Oblivion - amazingly crafted environments, interesting characters and, most importantly, amazing main storyline with SureAI's signature unexpected twists along with thought-provoking and ingenious ending (that perfectly transitions into Enderal's storyline). Whether you are simply a fan of Oblivion or Bethesda's other ES works or are coming over from Enderal, as long as you can deal with some technical shortcomings, you will have a great time.


+ Environment and level design that, in my opinion, outmatches Oblivion

+ Exploration is being encouraged and actively rewarded

+ Amazing main story line with even better ending worth waiting for

+ Most characters are really well written

+ Side quests, although few in number, are well designed

+ Length that is just right

+ Custom soundtrack that is fitting and great to listen to (although I wish there could have been more tracks)

+ Its completely free - you just need to own Oblivion


- At times horrid technical state - this is not a fault of SureAI but rather of Bethesda's Creation Engine that just decides to commit sudoku when it thinks there are too many physical objects in a certain area; nevertheless, this causes the game to run like utter cr*p so even though SureAI have implemented a way to raise the FPS to whatever value your heart desires, you will rarely see it above 60 and even that is an achievement. Once again - not a fault of the devs, but you should know, what you are going into - this runs considerably worse than vanilla Oblivion

- German voice acting only - just mentioning this for information - I am glad that the team providing a FREE experience of this caliber have managed to put in ANY voice acting whatsover and the German cast do a decent job

- Plentiful bugs and crashes - many of them have been ironed out by now as devs still update it from time to time, but you will still encounter more than your fair share of them playing the game

- The world does feel more desolate than Oblivion due to having too few NPCs unralated to any quests and those you encounter only having one dismissing line (likely due to devs' time constraints)
1461 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 21:41
Very good, it's nice to hav e more Oblivion engine goodness!
195 Produkte im Account
178 Reviews
8475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 21:09
Bethesda needs to hurry up and hire these guys already. Alternatively, if the SureAI boys are planning something for TESVI, I can't wait! 5/5 fates.
36 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 17:17
This game constantly crashes:/ but i love it, so i do recommend, but the bugs need a fix now.

I am now backing up the files to see if that helps.
349 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 01:59
This is one of those games that you really wish you had a neutral rating for because I'm not sure what to think of Nehrim after finishing it. I'm not even sure if I would say that I had a fun time despite the days i spent beating it.

The word I would use that's most accurate is lopsided. the games very 'stable' doing things i would have not thought possible in oblivion but also buggy beyond excuse (it is not an exaggeration to say at times i would not go 5 minuets without a crash just by walking down a road).
The characters are interesting but they have almost no interaction, the only except disappeared from the game for so long I almost forgot about them ( and even then there's only one non scripted thing i could talk to them about).
The world is very detailed but its clear it was not given equal attention with the middle realm receiving the meat of the content. an example of this is item sellers having completely different AI depending on the city your'e in. The north of the map is almost empty and the south looks detailed but the entire area felt rushed.
the main story was interesting but far outstayed it welcome, getting worse as it goes on. it could have ended around three times before it actually decided it was done.
you can buy points into a skill which is good to avoid grinding but i never had any money for them so i wound up just grinding anyway but for money instead of skills, i finished the game with around 50-60 learning points left unused.

The dungeons I think are the only part that doesn't have a downside, they are exceptionally made and every one is worth a trip, some our flat out masterful works of art and environmental story telling. BUUUT this is killed by the part that doesn't have an upside, the fast travel system which I am now going to rant upon like a petty child. Not only does it require a uncommon consumable but it also needs a spell that only let you go to certain places. this doesn't sound so bad on paper, one of those old school system with restrictions that everyone loves but in practice it just become tedious in a world this big. if you are adventuring far off the beaten path and need to sell your good or buy something then your out of luck unless you managed to find mark and recall. not only that but the entire story is harmed by this mechanic and the developers had to be aware of it. If you've payed the game you'll quickly notice that it LOVES to force teleport you to places, this is because they are aware of what a boring backtrack it would be to actual play the main quest without it. The story is designed to almost never have you go to far from a city without a forced teleport and as a result most of the map is unused by it, and with the small amount of side content you can expect from the mod means you'll have to force yourself to do so, putting all agency aside.

Rant done, I suppose i enjoyed my time with it in the end and if it wears on you play it if for the dungeons if nothing else. after all, you cant beat free
13 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 19:21
No English? I could not follow hearing another Language as a suprise to me but the subtitles did not help me to immerse into the game and I was so looking foward to playing this after Enderal too...
387 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 03:29
Thought Enderal absolutely blew Skyrim out of the water, so I had to give this a go, literally bought Oblivion just to play it. It seems decent enough, I've just finished the first main quest that lands you in one of the major cities, hasn't been able to grip me like Enderal had though. It also crashes very often, and from what I've read there doesn't seem to be a solution to it but I guess it's a necessary evil to experience this

I guess it doesn't help that I'm barely familiar with Oblivions' mechanics but I guess if you're also like me you might as well give it a shot

edit: I'm at about lvl 12 and the crashing is getting to an unreal rate, it really should be fixed
220 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 01:56
Amazing title. Had an Elder Scrolls itch and didn't want to replay Oblivion/Skyrim for the millionth time.
28 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 21:53
fun to play
169 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
9731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 19:58
If you like Oblivion, then you might like this. Balance is pretty weird and being in only German with English Subs is kinda hard to follow but if you watch enough anime or non English speaking shows/movies then you should be fine.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 09:04
Great game very unique RPG. I like the german language as it makes it seem like it is the language in the game.Nehrim's map is huge with multiple towns villages and cities to explore.Much less empty than Oblivion.Would highly recommend.
70 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 18:02

Oblivion but better!
325 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
3057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 21:18
Just like Enderal with Skyrim, Nehrim takes the assets of Oblivion and makes a much better game. This is a true RPG that requires thought, planning, exploration, reading, etc. This is HIGHLY recommended to anyone that loved the Gothic or Risen series.
This is not a mod. This is a full game that could have sold for just as much as Oblivion.
I hope this studio is able to continue their work and apply their talents to whatever Elder Scrolls 6 winds up being.

NOTE: It does tend to crash every 30 minutes or so. Just make a habit with the quick saves and you will be fine.
179 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
4123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 12:03
This game is better than Oblivion
91 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 20:06
The worst part about this game is that it crashes more than a tweaker in Portland. Other than that, I enjoy the story world and game play. I think this is better than Oblivion (I know: grave sin) but after this I will play the Skyrim one they made, too. Did I mention you can purchase a donkey? Feeling like Shrek already!
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 02:55
It is a great game. Keeps crashing or freezing. Very irritating!
214 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
2524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 08:07
Decent enough.
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 00:53
If you want to fix the constant crashing, just check Use ENBoost in the settings. This really should be enabled by default.
203 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
6952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 15:37
Very nice game:)
921 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
5820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 16:19
This game is an easy recommendation if you really like Oblivion, yet don't feel like playing through the same game for 69th time - Nehrim is unique enough to feel like it's own brand new thing. Nehrim's easy strengths are dungeons, new/improved game mechanics, and creative quest design, while things like open world exploration and story vary between stellar and kind of bland. You might be coming here after playing/learning about Enderal (or maybe even some other SureAI project from distant future), so be aware that there are two more games in the universe of Vyn - Myar Aranath and Arktwend, both are total conversions for Morrowind, if you're pedantic enough to care.

I still can't get over how bunch of krauts working essentially for free one-upped Bethesda in their own game.
100 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 22:37
old but still cool,
ppl also says runs ass on steam / i have had ZERO problems so far
will update later on
358 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 03:17
Seems great, but it crashes way too often and there are optimization issues for me on a modern machine.
Wish I had learned about this back when it originally came out.
227 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 05:47
I loved Oblivion, so finding this was was awesome - a very similar style, but in a whole new universe with new characters and stories. It's really obvious how much work went into this!
37 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 11:25
Wish it does not crash every 30 minutes. Apart from stability issues, the mod does a great job in enhancing the core oblivion mechanics. Player and world level up is similar to that of Morrowind and that by itself made this mod a lot more fun. Save often, it crashes a lot.
100 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 15:53
Great mod interesting story!
62 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 12:25
93h and i haven't even played half of my first playthrough.
Buggy as hell crahes a lot, i had to spend 6 hours in the little tutorial valley after shadow song since the soap quest had completely broken, but i got out with a bunch of cheats.
But even then, its good, very good. and so very enjoyable. Generally its a better oblivion with a story and lore of a completely different kind from elderscrolls.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 09:43
I want to be able to recommend this game - I enjoyed Enderal (another person trying this after playing Enderal, quelle surprise!) and what I was able to play was a good start. There was some initial instability, a crash here and there, but nothing out of the pale for a total conversion mod - until 5 hours in. The story just started to get going, and I was confronted with consistent crashing in a main quest, no matter what I tried: workarounds, setting tweaks, and loading different saves. Nothing but universal crashes.

If you've got Oblivion, you might as well give this a try. It's not like you're out anything more than a few hours of time if it's unstable, and what I saw was the start of a good game. The voice acting (subtitled German) was good, the writing was a bit shaky at times (likely a translation issue more than a writing issue) but solid enough, the music was quite good, and the combat was... well, it was Oblivion combat. It just seems like - even more than Oblivion - it doesn't play well with newer, higher-end PCs.
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 16:42
Fans of Oblivion will not be disappointed.
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 21:30
19 hours and still addictive.
1069 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
2988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 15:43
This mod is the peak of what Oblivion can become. If you can stand Oblivion (I had a lot of nostalgia helping out), you want to play this.
2372 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 02:33
I am a few quests into the game, and have enjoyed the experience so far and will be continuing my journey immediately after submitting this short review. I am at the part of the game when you receive the quest Under Siege. I have experienced some bugs and glitches up to this point as well as one crash in about 2-2.5 hours of play time but nothing that was too serious to prevent me from continuing the game as well as enjoying my time.

This game my be an Oblivion Mod but aside from controls and inventory, the game is completely different so far and in many good ways too. I love the story so far, the environments, the characters, weapons, items etc. If i knew German it would be even better as having to read text for all the characters conversations since I can't understand them is nowhere near as immersive, but given that it's a free mod I can't hold that against the developer.

Make no mistake, I am giving this mod/game two big thumbs up but I also wanted to suggest some changes to the current game even though I have no idea if the game is still being worked on and updated or not.

I believe the game should not hold your Oblivion game hostage as It seems you cannot play Oblivion while you have this mod installed, I don't know much about programming so I don't know how hard it would be to make this mod a standalone mod but if it's possible, I think the developer should consider this. The included tool to switch back and forth between Oblivion and Nehrim doesn't seem to work right or maybe at all, at least for me.....

Another problem is that you have to have Oblivion and Nehrim installed on the same drive as Steam , which shouldn't be the biggest problem for most people as it's a small download but I still think it's something that should be fixed if at all possible. I have multiple drives and I know that I'm not the only one so it would be nice to have the option of putting the game on other drives...

Other than that the game is amazing, especially for a free mod. I'm in awe at how much love was put into this game as it really shows even after only the first few hours. If this game was voiced in other languages besides German, I also think it would appeal to more people, but those that do turn away from the game just because it's only in German are seriously missing out on an amazing mod for a game we all know and love (Oblivion).

I honestly can't believe this game has been getting mixed reviews recently, it's a damn shame as there is no truth to 95 percent of the problems these trolls are reporting. Sure the game has bugs and may crash occasionally, but it's not bad at all. I'm getting 144 FPS on 4K HDR settings at Ultra and the game runs smooth and looks great and is fun as heck.

If you have any interest in games like Elder Scrolls Oblivion, give this game a shot as it truly is one of the biggest, most creative and amazing mods I have ever had the pleasure of playing and I can't wait to get back to it tonight right after this review is posted. I want to thank the developer for creating such an awesome mod and even more props for putting it on Steam with 100 achievements and more features to keep the community engaged. Bravo, as far as community-made mods go, I personally consider this one of the few masterpieces that I have played on Steam in my lifetime.
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 18:07
Highly recommended! Almost all of the reviews mention instability, I had already beaten Nehrim years ago before it came to steam. I was using a crappy $400 2014 laptop and it worked flawlessly. If the game crashes or isn't stable for you, I highly recommend going through the trouble to download it off of steam since that version seems to work way better. Play this game, if not only to have a ton more context for Enderal, which is a very direct sequel. Also! Hunt down and play Arktwend! It's a total conversion mod for Morrowind by the same developers and in the same world as Nehrim and Enderal but I think it's set thousands of years earlier. It's one of my favorite games of all time. It took me years to get into and beat Morrowind but I picked up Arktwend and beat it in a week.
50 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 16:13
At first I thought it would be hard to go backwards in terms of graphics (from Enderal/Skyrim to Nehrim/Oblivion) but the story grabs you and you'll be immersed instantly. I played after Enderal because I couldn't get enough of the Vyn universe. This was before the game was available on Steam and my second playthrough was the Steam version. Highly, highly recommend.
194 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
7295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 08:00
Nehrim is a total conversion mod for Oblivion, i.e. a new standalone game that was made in the Oblivion game engine. You can think of it as Gothic meets Oblivion. After installing the game, you will have to choose between playing Nehrim or Oblivion in the launcher for Nehrim. The selected game will be placed in the Oblivion directory, and the other one will be put in a backup directory. This means that while you are switched to Nehrim, you cannot play with Oblivion.

As a total conversion mod, you will play in a new world, with a much improved environment, and a totally independent lore. Not only the environment will be graphically much more detailed than vanilla Oblivion, it will have a much more organic structure. All the places / ruins blend in nicely, with a lot of handcrafted detail. Most dungeons will have their unique artifacts, making exploring them that much more rewarding. Also the biomes of the dungeons are more tailored than the ones in Oblivion. The world size will be on par with Oblivions world. However, due to the lack of quick travel (a design decision), it will feel more tedious. You can only teleport to unlocked towns, and eventually you will be able to place a teleport mark to which you can return. I tried to install a quick travel mod for it, but failed to make it work. Also, I tried to use a mod that increased the number of hotkeys. I failed to make that work too, so I had to play with the very basic default of 8 hotkey slots, limiting my experience considerably. Naturally I played this game with a keyboard and mouse.

The progression of the game is tailored differently from Oblivion. Here all the places will have enemies of a pre-set level, as opposed to the enemies autoleveled to the player level like in Oblivion. It means that some zones will be too hard if you wander into them. There is a spell that reveals the level of the enemies (can be cast even on the already dead bodies), that helps to decide whether the place was intended for your level or not. Some zones will be locked out till you reach the part of the main quest line that will unlock them. Somehow the combat felt more refined than vanilla Oblivion. The magic, melee and archery playstyles are all balanced, you can keep switching between them and be still effective. In fact I just kept switching between these three playstyles, just to keep things more varied. Unlike my experience with Oblivion’s puny destructive magic, here you will deal an expected amount of damage. Also the sword fight was a bit more involved, generally you couldn’t just spam the swings. While still clunky, it was more engaging than the one in Oblivion.

There is crafting in the game, but I found little use for it. Some late game weapons/armors can be forged only when you gather sufficient amount of a rare metal - thorium. By that time the weapons/armors will be probably subpar compared to your looted stuff from dungeons. The only reasonable upgrade for me was the Thorium based cold bow. While gathering plants for alchemy, you will run into two special plants. One will raise your carry capacity by 1 (Ice claw), the other will raise your luck attribute (Fire sparks). You should consume them as soon as you gathered them.

The leveling up process has changed too. The leveling up happens when you get enough experience. The major source of the experience will be killing enemies, but quests and other game aspects give small amounts of experience too. When you get enough experience to level up you will be prompted to use an inventory item. You will be able to level up 3 attributes at that point. The amount of points you gain will be based on how many levels you got since the last level up in the skills governed by that attribute. If you got no increases in the relevant skills you get only 1 attribute point. If you got at least 1 skill increase you get 2 attribute points. The maximum is 5 attribute points for 10 skill level ups based on that attribute. You can buy skill increases from trainers, but those won’t be included in the calculation. Also you should leave enough breathing room for your skills to get an opportunity to go above the default 1 attribute point increase.

The voice acting is german only. For the first few hours it felt strange, but after that I got accustomed to it, and it didn’t bother me. The voice actors are good, but the sound has a noticeable compressed quality. The game has excellent music, easily on par with the one in Oblivion. For some reason the frame rate dipped a lot of times. Also, during heavy fights with multiple AIs involved, it felt as if playing with a single digit framerate (despite the reported one in the device driver being larger than that).

The game has excellent save options. It autosaves around every 10 minutes, and also when passing through a door load screen. There are 3 layers of autosaves. You can quicksave whenever you want, and you can also save to a manual slot. Twice my most recent save has got corrupted, but I could continue from the previous save to that.

The game has a main questline, divided into chapters. You can follow that, or you can just explore the level appropriate parts of the map, leveling up by clearing dungeons. The place radar will show the nearby undiscovered locations in light brown, and the discovered ones in dark brown. Eventually, by following the main questline, you will reach the part where the credits roll. However the game doesn’t end there. In fact the last chapter of the main questline will be available only after the credits. Think of it as a DLC expansion, like Shivering Isles was to Oblivion. After completing this quest line too, you will be free to explore whatever content still remained in the game.

There is a side content, available when you can enter the Zerobilon. It is a tower defense minigame made in Oblivion engine. I only completed the tutorial level, and got a nice two handed sword for it. There are some side quests. Two of them has a fairly long quest chain. One is the bounty hunting questline, the other is the arena champion questline. A lot of fights will be team vs. team. A kind of personal victory for me was if I managed to keep some of my teammates alive till the victory. Unfortunately not all quests will have a quest marker - and I failed to complete some because of this.

The game has a huge amount of achievements. Just playing through the game will earn you a fair amount of golden achievement. Which is a sad thing, because that means that most players just abandoned this game along the way. At my playthrough time only 4.5% reached the credits, and only 3% finished last main quest. Generally finishing a game shouldn’t yield a golden achievement. It might be related to the length of the game, it took me 120 hours to reach that ending. But I did a lot of side exploration and side quests. In the end I have found 71 magic collectibles out of the 100. That more or less summarizes my effort put into exploring everything.

One problem with the game are the jumping puzzles. Sometimes you jump alright, sometimes you fail to initiate a jump. If this become too annoying, I just resorted to the console (the tilde char on the top left launches it), and issued the tcl command (toggle collision). It will make you fly. Once you reached your destination, issue tcl again, and normal navigation is resumed. It broke no scripts for me.

Now the ugly thing about the game : it will crash a lot. Sometimes you can play 1 hour+, and save your game just fine. Sometimes it will crash after 5 minutes. Also, right after installing it on my already modded Oblivion, it failed to start with error 53. I deleted Oblivion, reinstalled it from scratch, then reinstalled Nehrim too. Both were on the same drive as my Steam directory. Still the error 53 persisted. Luckily I have found a suggestion, where they claimed that copying Steam.exe into the Oblivion directory solves this problem. That indeed solved it for me.
160 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
4712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 20:30
I started this game a few months back, and I was instantly put off by the fact that there was no english voice-overs so I stupidly stopped playing.
I recently picked it back up again and I couldnt be happier with my choice to do so.

Interesting story
Huge open world
The lore is really well fleshed out and so far im seeing a lot of connections to Enderal (duh)
Memorable quests (even the quests you get from the bounty boards)

-The game crashes.. Alot (didnt bother me to much because the game always kicked me out instantly and it only takes about 1 second to boot the game back up, still had to be mentioned.) SAVE OFTEN. Even though it crashed many times I always wanted to turn the game back on and keep playing.
-Most NPC's walking around in the world have only one line of dialogue

This really isnt a con, more of a preference, but I do wish that the game had English voice-over. 20 hours in and I really dont even notice it anymore though.

Thank you so much for putting so much work into this game!
35 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 13:07
When i started playing Nehrim i just thought it would be oblivion with some changes but now i see that it is an entierly different game and that i will play this form maybe more than oblivion because of the new content.
a solid 9,5/10
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 02:28
I'm not done with the main quest, nor have I completed all of the side quests, but judging by the number of hours I've already put into this game in the last few weeks, I think it's safe to say that Nehrim is absolutely as great as I always knew it was. The moderately high reviews on Steam don't really do the game's positives justice. However, I must confess that there is one major flaw with this game, mostly having nothing to do with gameplay or story elements and more to do with the engine: Nehrim crashes to desktop — a lot. More frequently, I think, than is reasonable. I'm not sure if there are any fixes around that can compensate for this issue. Despite that flaw, I still love this game and always come back for more.
276 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 21:28
This is a lot of fun, gives us a hint of what Skyblivion might be like
63 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 12:50
Okay i finish this game.

9/10 because is unstable
1245 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 03:43
541 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
7575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 00:10
I love this game for its variety, complexity, similarity/difference with/from Oblivion (which I love), size (much larger than Enderal), and 1st personness (not a word). It sodes have stability issues (Windows 10 Home, GTX 1660 Ti, AMD 6-core CPU). It has crashed or locked up about a hundred times in about 60 hours of play.

It is harder than Oblivion but easier than Enderal on the easiest setting. Level 33 and no combat deaths so maybe too easy on that difficulty.
96 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 01:01
Sadly I can't get this mod to run. Every time I start it I get a steam error code 53, no matter how I start it. I try to launch oblivion through it, and I get the same thing. I try to start it in it's common file and I get application error 5:00000654524. I really wanna play this mod, and am quite sad that it won't even launch for me, I may just be pulling a big dumb here. but as far as I can tell. And please note that I do have steam, oblivion, and Nehrim all on the same drive.
343 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
6140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 21:25

Before I proceed to explain to you what the Order fights for, I would like to ask you something. Do you believe in fate?

Long time ago many civilizations, such as the Vikings and Ancient Greeks believied in the impact of fate in humankinds' existence. The first ones thought that every humans' life is planned beforehand by the gods, and the current of it is strictly related to fate. They even managed to meet with local seers, just to get to know what gods have planned for them.

Nehrims' story is strongly associated with the fate theme. We begin our journey in the Shadow Song Mine, a large cavern complex used previously as mine, but abandoned due to the trolls problem. We were invited to that location what had been said in the first cutscene. Soon after arriving our hero realises that that was a bad idea. Our task from that moment is to escape from such a dangerous place. In the end of complex, when we think that it is over, a mysterious mage named Merzul rescues us from the trolls and later says that the meeting was arranged but he did not know that cave was occupied by trolls. He tells us to join his Order, organization which focalizes talented and magically gifted beings and doesn't wait for our decision. From here, our fate will slowly began to fulfill.

At first, it is a must to say that Nehrim is a standalone game-mod. The SureAI have worked on it for 4 years (2006-2010) and saying that they have done a great job is not the word. Creating a living world similar in size to that made by a big game studio, with many handmade buildings, characters, features and a little usage of AI generating locations is a big advantage and an example for bigger fishes how to make games. The storyline is indeed longer than that presented in TES:IV on which engine Nehrim was made (SureAI creation needs a GOTY edition of Oblivion (on Steam, if you are willing to play Nehrim there) to run). For my Oblivion gameplay, completing all main quests and most of side missions took me about 40 hours. In Nehrim, I have spent 100 (still remember it is a mod made by a small studio?).
One hundred hours worth of a great gameplay and big, open world and its beauty. The map is divided into 3 districts (Northrealm, Midrealm, Southrealm), each one governed by its own rules (for example, in Midrealm it is forbidden to use magic (seriously, I have tried and that did not ended well), and in Southrealm to believe in other gods than the Creator). Other pros of Nehrim are surely fully voice-acted characters, a bunch of magic spells and weaponry, and lots of mini games and riddles to solve. Another thing to mention is a total overhaul of leveling system, similar to that presented in Gothic series (gaining experience to level up instead of leveling up several skill trees). That classical way has its good and bad sides, but I find it more suitable, as it prevents from level grinding. There are some cons though, but they are a pitty (for example, I find the arena in Oblivion more enjoyable, probably because it was like another great side story with an unexpected ending(if we previously made a hidden quest/found a hidden item) than that one presented in Nehrim). It is also good to mention that the soundtrack stands on a very good level and in some way brings memories from Oblivion.

To sum up, if you enjoyed Oblivion, Nehrim is then a must-play for you. With large open world, gripping storyline and loads of side quests, it certainly raised a crossbar in the way games should be done. Install, play, and if everything will work fine- you will not get disappointed!

28 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 07:43
Hell f*cking YES!! Admitting, that I have came to Nehrim after I finished Enderal 3 times (and still returning to it eventually, 'cause I can't escape from it's grasp after it consumed my soul). I was fascinated by the story as well as the characters, and wanted to know more about previuos historical events that led there. So I found the 'prequel', Nehrim. I'm still at the beginning, and what I can say so far, is, that the controls are a little bit different, but one can quickly get used to it. Plus, it has its issues because of the oblivon engine, but despite all this, the story is even more interesting right at the beginning, than most of AAA RPG-s out there. (Same for Enderal ofc.) But maybe I'm just biased :D Whatever. Conclusion - SureAI's storytelling is exceptional. And every bit of turn is frickin mindblowing. Period. Go play SureAi stuff!
46 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 04:21
I can't play this game due the translation file, i can't stand the sound of the German voice actors i have looked all over the net for a way to install the English patch but to no avail I can't figure out how to, i would love it they had the English version for this game if there is a way to get the English version for steam i would appreciate the assistance I won't play the game it's not worth the time or the annoyance.
611 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 22:05
This is a super ambitious game and they seem to have managed to bend the engine in a lot of interesting ways, there's no denying that it has taken a tremendous amount effort to realise this project and I like how exploration in most cases feel rewarding. However, I just can't recommend it, it crashes an awful lot and the whole game just overstays it's welcome. I can't fault folks for dropping the game just after a few hours into it, the intro is a massive slog, it almost killed it for me, actually a whole bunch of the main quests almost killed it for me. There are a few glimmers of well thought out quest design, but the majority feel needlessly padded out. Main quests like In the Underworld, Soul of the Sword and the one where they take away your ability to teleport to key locations (that one was especially grueling) just drag out, there are long segments where you simply travel on foot. It actually just feels like 90% of the game is spent on traveling from one place to another. To make things worse they had some not so ideal designs around fast traveling, making it feel incredibly restrictive.
191 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
9118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 03:07
A decent prequel to ENDERAL. Solid story line , with a steep learning curve. Despite its diverse world form blasted mountains to rangeland , forest and desert, the player will be confined for some time in a narrow start area while skills and effective armor and weapons are slowly built up if going a fighter route. Mage builds can be tougher, as this is an unforgiving land and you are often hit by multiple enemies. You will die. Many times over, as you reach for higher levels allowing you to explore more of the vast world. Cons, however. More crashes than an Indy 500 race and the issues appears to impact players no matter their platform. It is simply how it was formatted during development but frequent saves can get you past these frustrating freezeups and crashes to further your progress. A solid 7, out of 10.
3051 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 04:39
Alas I can recommend this from memory only as it will not work for me on Steam and I am not sure why. Lags too bad at character creation then crashes. However I do recommend this highly if you can get it to work on your system. When I played it before (on this very computer) I was treated to a unique world as well crafted as any from Bethesda with it's own feel and not just some clone made over it. This takes it beyond a total conversion mod and pushes it into a new game. When you are feeling like you want to play an Elder Scrolls game between releases, look at any of the total conversion mods this team has made and it will serve you better than any combination of mods you can find for the original game. It will keep you busy for a good number of hours and all you need is the original game, you can't beat that. I just wish it worked for me on Steam.
61 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 09:27
Gameplay was ok, had some fun in really clever dungeons, but I just couldn't bear the dialogues and story (overall theme was quite interesting, but it's clear that the devs were young back then - storyline is full of cliche and silly dialogues).

+There's the thing what others have already said - constant crashing and freezing. I tried to use some optimizers, but there was always something. Finally, I had to stop the game somewhere at the end of act 3 because I had a crash every time I reached a certain point. Probably I could overcome this, but I guess I was too tired to even try.

Enderal was just so much better in every aspect.
335 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 14:07
One of the better RPG experiences of late. They really nailed the progression side of RPG's more than 50 hours in and I'm still improving my character.
200 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 15:44
Excellent in every way and in every way superior to the original game.
452 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 20:51
This is a great game, I played it back when it first came out and I was a wee lad with a really bad computer that could run Oblivion, but on mostly low options. It blew my mind. And it still kinda does. The environments, locations, items, music, is all fantastic, as good if not better than Oblivion in some cases. Oblivion is my favorite game so I am bias, but this is a fantastic mod, that is a game in it's own right. Yes it has some stability issues, but to be honest base Oblivion does too, they're working with a broken engine. If you want a free game and already own Oblivion and want a great RPG download this, it's as simple as that.
254 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 08:48
3 application crashes in the first thirty minutes and, from reading other reviews and the discussion boards, this isn't unusual. A shame; I'm sure Nehrim would have been fun, if it actually worked. As others may have mentioned, be aware the development team are German, hence all the voiceover is in German. Not a problem for me, probably would be for others.
365 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 12:00
This game made the Elder Scrolls fun again. So far, the story is amazing. The details they put in are outstanding. I can't wait to finish and move onto Enderal.

I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long time.
135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 09:38
Best Oblivion mod ever made. I'd recommend anyone who already owns Oblivion to give this a playthrough. I don't mind the German voice acting, however some text in game is not yet translated so I sometimes found myself having to quickly type a building's name into Google translate so as to know where I was heading into.

I feel they did more *for free* with Bethesda's game engine than Bethesda themselves did. The world was immense, populated, filled with new places and dungeons to dive into with plenty of side quests, unique items, and stories to discover. The main quest was interesting and kept me engaged right up until the end with the constant turns and gut punches that your character endures. The ending was a bit bittersweet and left me *slightly* unsatisfied but such is the nature of the story and it's still one I'd do all over again.

Overall, I'd give Nehrim a 9/10. Give it a go, it's very different from Oblivion, but different in the best way. SureAI has done a great job with this and I can't believe I just now got around to playing it.

Now onto Enderal!
271 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
11368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 19:01
It's a masterpiece of my taste, with a slight downside by frequent crashes.
The game is simply too good for this old engine. ^^

Oh, I checked the box of having received this product for free, simply as it is free. XD
Except you need to own TES IV: Oblivion. ;)
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 21:50
Nehrim has a great storyline and a really detailed beatiful world. Defintely a real RPG gem.
3 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 15:58
This is a great game but players are better off downloading it from SureAI's website and installing it into your Oblivion directory as the version here has serious issues with lag and crashing which I found not to be present in the download from SureAI. I just don't recommend getting it from Steam.
641 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
2862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 16:16

An Epic World

Nehrim is huge. The world is huge. The dungeons are huge. Everything is full of detail. Even the story is huge. I found myself at 20hrs in the main campaign thinking I was almost finished, only to find out I was just at the end of the second Act. . This is for sure is no Oblivion, the game it converts. Also, much unlike Oblivion there are no lifeless dungeons. I used to hate exploring in the Elder Scroll games because in most dungeons there is nothing of substance there. In this game, if you find yourself in a big dungeon you are guaranteed a named boss with decent loot.

For its age, this game is visually stunning, even better than most modern games. You will be instantly immersed into the landscape. Expect grandeur around every corner! Like me, you might have a hard time going to your next objective. Countless times I was tempted to explore structures that were too appealing to pass up. For me, this seems like it will be an easy 200hr game. There just so much lore and content that hooks people like me.

For Enderal fans this is no Enderal. Although a prequel it plays much different. First of all, Enderal is a Romantic Fantasy Adventure were your decisions affect the outcome of the story. This game is more of a historical fantasy adventure, much like what you find in the Elderscrolls. There are no NPCs you bond with or moral choices you make. You just live out the story as you do in most traditional RPGs. This is not a bad thing, it's just a different style of narration. Enderal’s story is hard to compete with for most games. However, there is no lack in the story of this game. It does its job for setting the stage for Enderal.

As far as complaints, this game is a buggy mess. It freezes up or shuts down for me every few hours. To their credit, I know the developer is staying on top of this. They also do so out of their own free time. They have nothing to gain for working on this old fan made game and should be applauded. Also, expect to turn off the voice volume if you don't speak German. There are only subtitles in English and the voice can be distracting as you read. There will be no English dub, so that can be a big turn off for some. In addition, there are occasional words not translated. Furthermore, there is no fast travel. There is, but you need ingredients for spells that are expensive that allow you fast travel. This is annoying when it takes a lot of time traveling. I found myself using a cheat code to get around that. It might be cool that it takes you around an hour to walk from one end of the world to the other, but its no fun doing it more than once.

Apart from its weaknesses, this is a great game. Its full of the things that excite people who love lore and exploration. Not to mention, it redeems the Oblivion game. I think I spent only 20hrs total in Oblivion. There just was not much there. That is not the case with Nehrim. Be prepared to get lost in an epic world where there is just so much to see and do.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
70.85% 282 116
Release:12.06.2010 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: The Elder Scrolls
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