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  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screen aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screen aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screen aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Erste Bilder aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Erste Bilder aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screenshot aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screen aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screen aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Screen aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Erste Bilder aus Painkiller: Resurrection
  • Painkiller: Resurrection: Erste Bilder aus Painkiller: Resurrection


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2009
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Preis Update 05.05.24

Über das Spiel

William "Wild Bill" Shermann, seines Zeichens Ex-CIA-Agent und Spezialist für heikle Fälle bei der "Black Ops" Spezialeinheit, hat ein Problem: Bei seinem letzten Job hat er nicht nur den Drogenbaron eliminiert, dem der Auftrag galt, sondern auch viele unschuldige Zivilisten - und versehentlich sich selbst. Im Vorhof des Fegefeuers angekommen, weckt seine Erscheinung das Interesse von Himmel und Hölle in ihrem ewigen Wettstreit um die Seelen der Menschen. Doch nichts ist so wie es scheint...
...löse das Geheimnis und entscheide die Schlacht um die Zwischenwelt in PK: Resurrection!


  • CPU: 2,2 GHz Dual Core
  • GFX: 256 MB
  • RAM: 1,5 GB
  • Software: XP/Vista/7
  • HD:
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c
  • INET:
  • CPU: 2,6 Dual Core
  • GFX: 512 MB GF 8800 GTX / Radeon 4850
  • RAM: 3 GB
  • Software: XP/Vista/7
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  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

991 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 23:49

Der Anfang vom Ende statt eine Wiederbelebung

Nach dem gelungenen Original Painkiller ( Review der Black Edition ) und der ordentlichen Fortsetzung Painkiller Overdose folgte mit Painkiller: Resurrection genau das Gegenteil von dem, was der Titel andeutet.

Resurrection folgt einem neuen Protagonisten, dem Auftragskiller Bill Sherman, der auf die Beseitigung Krimineller spezialisiert war. Der sitzt nun wie sein »Vorgänger« Daniel Garner aus dem Original-Painkiller im Fegefeuer fest, nachdem einer seiner Bombenanschläge auf einen Drogenbaron schief ging und nicht nur den, sondern auch Bill selbst sowie Unschuldige mit in den Tod gerissen hat. Kurzum: Die Hölle freut sich auf seine Seele. Klar, dass Bill verhindern will, in Good-ol‘-Luzis Folterkammer zu landen – und eine entsprechende Chance wird ihm auch kurzerhand eröffnet.

Die Handlung wird – ähnlich wie bei Max Payne – mit Comic-Sequenzen erzählt und verfügt über drei mögliche Enden, die allerdings lediglich vom gewählten Schwierigkeitsgrad abhängig sind. Insgesamt aber sowieso eine Story zum Vergessen.

Grundlegende Spielmechanik, Spielgefühl und Gunplay stammen 1:1 aus Painkiller ( Review der Black Edition mit Details zum Gameplay ), für das Resurrection ursprünglich als Mod geplant war. Alles, was zur bekannten Grundlage hier nun neu hinzukam, kann man als misslungen bezeichnen.

Die nur 7 Levels sind zwar hier deutlich größer, aber auch sehr verzweigt und erfordern Backtracking. Klingt erst mal gar nicht übel, führt aber zu viel unnötigem, doofen Rumgelatsche und regelmäßiger Planlosigkeit, da man oft nicht weiß, wo es weitergeht – was dem Spielfluss natürlich keinen Gefallen erweist. Obendrein verträgt sich dieses Konzept nicht besonders mit der verwendeten Technik und auch das grundlegende Level-Design ist unterdurchschnittlich. Wenn alles halbwegs reibungslos läuft (was es in der Regel nicht tut), kann man mit einer Spielzeit von ca. 45 Minuten pro Level rechnen. Nach unten abgerundet wir das Ganze mit diversen Balance-Problemen und regelmäßigem Munitionsmangel – ja, Munitionsmangel in einem Oldschool-Shooter …

Apropos Munition: Das Waffensortiment wurde praktisch unverändert aus dem Original übernommen und um lediglich einen weiteren Schießprügel erweitert, »Mr.Molotov«, der brennende Pflöcke und Gaskaniste (?) verschießt.

Resurrection benutzt zwar die PainEngine 2.0 und hat damit in der Theorie ein Technik-Update im Vergleich zum Original erhalten, in der Praxis bekommt man davon aber wenig mit und ärgert sich viel mehr über die inhaltlichen Neuerungen und den Versuch eines höheren Detail-Grades, für welche die Technik schlicht nicht geeignet ist – was zu Bugs, Glitches (inklusive vieler unverschuldeter Tode) und Performance-Problemen führt. So hatte Resurrection anno 2009 vielleicht mit die längsten Ladezeiten aller am Markt erhältlichen Titel, sodass sich sogar einige Käufer in den Foren beschwerten, weil sie dachten, das Spiel hätte sich auf dem Lade-Screen aufgehängt.

Neuerungen und spielerische Pseudo-Freiheit, um die niemand gebeten hatte, an anderer Stelle dann wieder zu wenig Neues (Waffen, Gegner), gewürzt mit einer ordentlichen Portion Bugs (das Spiel läuft bis heute nicht rund) und regelmäßiger Planlosigkeit, was als nächstes zu tun ist. Alles in Allem der wohl schlechteste Part des gesamten Franchise, trotz in der Theorie vielleicht gut gemeinter Ansätze. Kann man tatsächlich nicht mal eingefleischten Fans empfehlen. Insgesamt ein »typisches JoWood-Produkt«, das in der Deutschen Version obendrein noch geschnitten ist. Finger weg!

[QUOTE]Zu meiner Gruppen- und Kuratoren-Seite rund um Classic-, Retro- und Oldschool-Shooter
          Skid's-< FPS Corner[/QUOTE]
133 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
4008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.17 18:01
German: Painkiller Resurrection ist ein Spiel das ich früher ohne Steam gespielt habe, jetzt habe ich mir es bei steam geholt. Ich finde egal ob Bugs im Spiel sind ist es doch ein sehr guter Painkiller. Die 6 Levels gehen 40 min minimal und maximal 1 stunde 30 min auser level 5 geht nur 5 min. Die Levels sind schön groß und lang ein neuer Feind ist auch dabei ein Golem und Steam Exclusive Tower of Power Map ist für Deathmatch die Map. Die Monsteranzahl ist ok. Ich bin ja schließlich ein Painkiller Fan.

English: Painkiller Resurrection is a game that I used to play without Steam, now I have it at steam fetched. I do not care if bugs are in the game is it nevertheless a very good Painkiller. The 6 levels go 40 min minimum and maximum 1 hour 30 min auser level 5 goes only 5 min. The levels are nice big and long a new enemy is also doing a golem and steam Exclusive Tower of Power Map is the map for Deathmatch. The monster number is ok. I'm finally a painkiller fan.
255 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.15 19:38
551 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
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323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.15 12:04
Das ist echter Schrott! Trotz einer Story ist das der schlechteste Teil der Reihe. Zahlreiche Bugs und Abstürze scheinen normal zu sein. Zudem sind die 6 Level absolut schlecht gestaltet wurden. Man hat Probleme den richtigen Weg zu finden und irrt sinnlos umher, da die Level etwas offener sind, außerdem bleiben die Gegner auch mal gerne an Gegenständen hängen. Da kann auch die billige Story nicht mehr viel retten, denn bei Painkiller ist die Story nun mal eher unwichtiger, wenn der Rest nicht funktioniert. Auch gab es eins, zwei komische Hüpfeinlagen die absolut nicht funktioniert haben, denn der Painkiller ist halt nicht Lara Croft und ungefähr so sportlich, wie ein Stein. Das Spiel macht absolut keinen Spaß und ich habe mich frustriert von Level zu Level gearbeitet, da ich dachte, es wird im späteren Verlauf noch besser. Nein, wird es nicht! Außerdem ist die deutsche Version auch noch geschnitten und das Blut komisch eingefärbt wurden. Aber das Spiel ist so oder so einfach nur schlecht, also ist es um die Zensur nicht Schade drum.
80 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 10:19
Bugs, bugs, bugs.
386 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 17:05
I know one guy that actually likes this game. We co oped it and its ok?
1238 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
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435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 13:02
While the game has few good things like huge levels and some cool spooky athmosphere it has also a lot of problems that cannot be ignored, like lots of bugs, boring and repetitive gameplay, long loading times, and confusing checkpoints and pathfinding... The new weapon is also pretty lame too, not the best Painkiller in the series for sure.
151 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
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582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 11:31
This heap of trash should not belong in the Painkiller series. It has long tedious levels, boring gameplay, awful enemy placement and it's wide open environments. Stay away from this one!
1434 Produkte im Account
1149 Reviews
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132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 17:27
This series is ok but this particular entry feels rushed. Everything looks lazy, map design is terrible, and this pile of junk crashed a dozen times in 2 hours. Hard pass!
445 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 06:47
Really wanted to finish all of the games, but man, is this one a stinker. Maps with awful monster spawns and with no real direction or design. That combined with the regular crashes and awful load times makes for a great time. You owe it to yourself to skip this one.
944 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 12:52
Pick Painkiller, make it boring, with stupidly long and large levels, and get it to beta quality. That is Resurrection. Don't bother, it's trash.
343 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 20:29
Feels like a fan made mod, bad level design, ugly new enemies, story not engaging, bad voice acting, too many enemies in very small spaces. Didn't feel like playing more than I did, not a good quality product.
134 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 07:28
The map layout of every level is so big, you'll wander aimlessly as if you yourself are in purgatory coincidentally where the game takes place. The compass does not show you where you go, only what living demons still remain alive, but it was expected from the other previous games have shown. It sucks how you need to play the game on the hardest difficulty to get the true ending since this game is a one stop kind of thing, play it once and only once, it is no fun the second time around unless you remember where to go this time. That and corrupted saves/fatal errors from time to time, you can lose your progress in this hell. Not going to go through that again.
926 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 12:41
This might be a strong contender for the worst fan made mod-turned official product in all of gaming!

Amazingly lazy level design that doesn't deserve to be affiliated with the painkiller franchise in any fashion.
Not a single level of this train wreck was even remotely well made, overall aligning more like a first project in the painkiller map editor than something you'd have to pay ACTUAL REAL MONEY to suffer through. This long dredge of empty open spaces connected together by cheap tunnel sections paired with intentionally cheaply placed enemy spawns soured every second of my time with this turd.

Performance is completely unacceptable even for 2009, Let alone 2020, loading takes around 35-40 seconds on saves and level loads on an M.2 NVME Drive (WOW.)

A LOT of the physics set-pieces have massive issues or will break, including a bridge on the third level that will literally kill you, the developer clearly aware of this, places a very pace-breaking teleporter that beams you across.

Enemy spawns feel unruly, and often enemies would sneak up on me with no spawn audio played, and the game throws insane amounts of cheap foes at you in-between the VERY sparse checkpoints.

Oh yeah, and two of the bosses literally despawned while i was fighting them... What a Quality product.

0/10 - This is what hell must be like.
1609 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 11:21
Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error Fatal Error
42 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 14:31
The levels are too long and seem to never end. The enemies spawn in stuck inside walls. It throws fatal errors frequently. Do not recommend play a different Painkiller. I only own this because I bought the whole collection on sale. BAD GAME IS BAD.
139 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 20:30
I purchased all of the painkiller games so i'm going down the line playing them in order. I loved black and overdose. The stories weren't all that amazing but they were fun.

Now I'm on Resurrection. I think I'm more interested in the story in this one then i was in black and OD. BUT the level design is horrible. The maps are huge and you can tell assets were just thrown together to make walls and paths. There's no clear direction and the compass only works about 20% of the time so you just wonder around until you find some random enemies to kill and hope you go the right way.

I will finish the game because im dumb and have to finish it to move to the next.
decent story, everything else is garbage.
59 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 15:02

Exaggeration and all caps aside, this game f**king sucks! Right from starting the game, I hated this game. The loading time was atrocious, and the gameplay was not fun. Yes, they took a formula that was fine in the original game, and somehow made it boring. They didn't even bother to change the weapons from the original game! I would've been fine with reskins! Not only that, but it's confusing when it comes to where to go. Unless you're THAT naive, or you want to complete your Painkiller collection for some reason, avoid this game at all costs!

If nothing else, I now have my first negative Steam review.
335 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 11:26
I can't believe this game. This is a really low entry, beyond acceptable. I can only say that the battle music is metal again, it's not awesome nor bad. And maybe map number 4 is acceptable in architecture and maybe map 6. And the best thing really are the cutscenes comic-style graphics. Those are really enjoyable and I find the voice acting and the storytelling are really good in this one. But those are the only good things I can name.

The rest of the game is literally atrocious. The game's full of bugs, broken. Crashes when you load a game. Enemies glitch out and they even don't bother to attack you most of times. The maps are really big but that sadly doesn't equal that they're any good.

Lots of enemies per map but in an uncomfortable pacing makes the gameplay really boring. The attemp of making big open world maps doesn't really work. I appreciate the intention but it really isn't well executed.... It's the first time I decide to write a negative review. I really think people need to know to avoid playing this one.

I try to really be not that harsh on games, specially when I loved the previous games. Painkiller Black (and BooH expansion) are amazing and perfect games. I finished both of them on Nightmare and Trauma, and I'm looking for to replay again to unlock all the cards. Even Painkiller Overdose which is under the level of quality of Black, it's really good. Despite some bugs and really hardcore and unbearable diffilculty in Trauma and Nightmare on some levels, I really enjoyed most part of Overdose. Finished all levels on Nightmare and unlocked all the cards. Even replayed on Trauma but I regretted in the end because it was ridicusly hard and unfair. But overall good entry. But Resurrection doesn't deserve any good. I really can't say I had fun during any part of the game. The gameplay is that broken. Avoid this please. Enjoy the previous games not this one. I will continue to catch on the next games and see what they offer....

Finished Resurrection on Nightmare difficulty, unlocking 3/6 cards. I found the gold requiriment and soul challanges really boring. I tried to collect the souls but some of them are unreacheable. Some maps lasts like 1 full hour of gameplay really boring. Also this is the first game I don't feel motivated to unlock all cards nor replay in Trauma difficulty. It's really that bad and this is coming from a person that likes to 100% videogames. Not with this one, this doesn't deserve. I rather play some shitty NES games like AVGN instead of replaying this.

Painkiller Resurrection. Solid 3/10. Never ever playing this again.
605 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
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270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 01:24
Its shit
1948 Produkte im Account
1544 Reviews
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 20:03
bugs, glitches, bad level designs, many times you don't even know where to go to trigger another spawn point for enemies and this is frustrating, bad pace and bad painkiller
280 Produkte im Account
279 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 14:05
This one is an interresting look at Painkiller, but it still is kind of a bad game.

+ Levels are huge, in some you have huge freedom to explore.
+ 1 new weapon.
+ Fantastic soundtrack.

- Lots of glitches.
- Huge levels have really crappy save system, it's actually a challenge to find checkpoint places.
- Sometimes level design is ultra crappy. (those long vertical stairs in first level)

Overall this one ain't that bad.

272 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.17 19:39
I like very much Painkiller series but this part is bad, tons of bugs and bad map desing. I'm spending more time to find the way, where to go than fighting with enemies, also in The Town map after it loads, i'm spawning out of map and my character dies so i can't progress. At the end i can say that this game is bad optimized, fps goes under 60 often on GTX1060 and i5 3570 3.4Ghz processor + 8GB ram, i'm really dissapointed how they made bad this game.
547 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.14 04:48
What's that? You say you like bugs? Glitches good too? Excellent, have we got a game for you!

We've got save game corruption bugs, falling through the map bugs, enemy AI bugs, checkpoint bugs, scripting bugs! We've even managed to add bugs to the process of selecting a tarot card!

Yessir, if you enjoy being kicked out of a game and back to your steam library every nearly ten to fifteen minutes, have we got a game for you right here. What's that I hear? Overdose was buggy, you say? Well yes, Overdose was a buggy, slightly unfinished seeming product, glad you noticed. We've managed to more than triple the bugs in that as well as reduce overall stability!

Remember back in the good old days of playing through Painkiller: Overdose when you'd randomly morph into demon mode and it'd boot ya to your desktop? ENJOY THAT EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU MORPH THIS GO-ROUND, FRIENDO!

And the level design is unintutive, what with checkpoints that fail to load, enemies spawning on top of each other, on top of you, and on top of a void outside the map! We've got necessary progression points hidden in corners you'd NEVER think to look here, boy howdy!

What's that you say? This isn't enough for you? Try a heaping helping of FIRST PERSON PLATFORMING! Yes, the bane of all gamers' existance, the reason nobody liked Xen, good ol' FPS platforming is back, this time in a painkiller game! Nothing goes together like mustard and chocolate cake quite like having to jump up a large spiral staircase very high up with nothing to meet you when you inevitably fail like a fifteen minute load time.

A 15 minute load time that, mind you, will fail to load almost each and every time, simply freezing you on a load screen.

BUT IF YOU'RE STILL NOT IMPRESSED, REMEMBER: Your save games can and will become corrupted for virtually no reason, oftentimes making the game fail to launch and booting you out to your desktop before you even get a chance to see past the main menu!

All in all, if you don't spend enough time not playing games and not looking at your steam library, highly recommended.

Easily the best rebooting your videogame upwards of twice every 30 minutes simulator on the market today.
4042 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
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635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.14 16:42
As good the first two (actually three) Painkillers were, this one is as bad. It gives the real What-How-Who-Why? feeling.

The level design of the first (weird) and the last level (open-wide overbright depressing). Sorry but that’s all!

Only 6 levels, but don’t think it will be a short fun thingy, not at all! I nearly played it as much time as the whole Black Edition! Why? Beacuse five of the levels are sooooooo big that there is enough space for a mediocre RPG’s whole storytaking. But they are not just big but you don’t even have a clue where to go! The compass that always helped in the previous games are mostly not working (as it seems they only function near a checkpoint), or it just shows a near health item (really, it happened to me!).
So the gameplay is: You wander aimlessly in big wide areas or ridiculously hard maze-alikes, sometimes triggering enemy spawns, fight them then toddle further without any clue what to do. The enemy spawns are randomly placed, no chance to find them all. On one of these enormous levels to earn a card you have to kill all mobs, of course i missed a quarter of them. Sometimes you find a checkpoint and you are happy thinking you have found ’The Route’, but soon realize there are more checkpoints when accidentally backtracked because of no directions given and a shortway (again thinking this is ’The Route’) just lead you back there.
Have to mention here that even if it’s a fan made product (like the mighty Overdose), the several clipping and stucking problems, incomplete areas with missing parts and walk-out-the-map-and-die things are still not acceptable!
The new enemies are ugly, some really amorphous, and extremly unbalanced. Most of them are boring easy and some are. . . ehhh: One time i walked into an open area and i’ve been presented with a new chaingun enemy, not one but like twenty. Guess who died . . . 30 times in rapid succession, until i was able to retract somehow with my remaining 4 HP and hide behind a wagon. It took me 20 minutes to clear the area by picking them one by one and of course it costed me again like 30 deaths as the guys use perfect aimbot hitscans.
Older Painkillers were famous of that the enemies were in context with the design of the levels and areas they appeared on. In here absolutely nothing. Everything seems randomly thrown into.
For the record i was able to earn only one card (first level). Yes, I’m a pretty mediocre player but seeing how far i was to reach other cards’ requirements i say that’s a joke.
Here comes the best part: SUICIDAL ENEMIES. Let’s say this is a very unique feature of this product, as i never saw this behavior in other FPSs. It must be connected somehow with the messed up checkpoint system that sometimes (not even rarely) when you approach a new area you see a bunch of puffs meaning the mobs just vaporized themselves. Even better one of the minibosses (or boss? not sure :P) did this to me, really! I was wandered around half-crying in some Gobi Desert size crater when i found a hundred meters high door like wall. I was sure a boss is behind it, but could not open it. Hardened by the hours of playing this game I was a pro at this moment and i knew i have to find some randomly dropped checkpoints to trigger the opening. So i staggered away to hunt for the little red saviours. Periodically checked back and after a while (an hour or so), hurray! it was open. Run through it with readied heavy weaponry but i was only greeted by a big puff and a cutscene began. After it was done i gathered the fair amount of ammunitions around and started shooting at the poor enviroment to lessen my frustration.
The protagonist is an idiot for sure. As someone (J.Johnson) in an another review pointed out he (the ’hero’) „calls himself a 'world class killer' blows himself up because he can't read a bus schedule”.
The plot itself is chaotic, the conversations tells nothing besides the antipathy between the protagonist and the bosses (but there is no why). Normally i would not care but the big pile of other problems just strengthen this as well. BTW I know i did not see the real ending (again i ’only’??!! played at normal) but i have no intention to play this mess again.

2/10 - Total mess. A wandering for hours FPS.

(Sorry for my English!)
Logo for Painkiller: Resurrection
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils negativ
27.66% 52 136
Release:27.10.2009 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Homegrown Games Vertrieb: JoWooD Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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