• Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.
  • Pine: Screen zum Spiel Pine.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 10.10.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 06.06.21

Über das Spiel

Eine Menschengeschichte
Pine ist eine Simulation des Genres Open-World-Action-Adventure. Albamar ist eine wunderschöne, lebendige Welt ... aber auch voller Kreaturen, die Menschen intelligenzmäßig weit überlegen sind. Hier übernimmst du die Rolle des jungen Mannes Hue, der sich mit Hilfe von Erkundung, Tauschhandel und Kampf durchsetzen muss.

Ihre Geschichte wird zu deiner
Während du nach einer neuen Heimat für deinen Stamm suchst, musst du dich auf die weitläufige Umwelt und die Ökologie von Albamar einlassen. Dazu musst du in sechs verschiedenen Biomen erkunden, tauschen, Gespräche führen, fertigen und kämpfen ... und das alles entweder als Verbündeter oder Feind verschiedenster Spezies, die dir nicht einfach so unter die Arme greifen werden.

Ein Kampf ums Überleben
Die Ereignisse in der offenen Spielwelt von Pine sind nicht unbedingt an deine Beteiligung geknüpft. Alle Organismen sind lebendig und werden ihr Überleben mit allen Mitteln zu sichern versuchen. Du kannst dich mit anderen Spezies anfreunden, an ihrer Seite kämpfen ... sie aber auch angreifen, ihre Nahrung stehlen oder sie zum Verlassen ihrer Heimat zwingen. All dies beeinflusst die Wanderung der Spezies im ökologischen Spektrum.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Quad Core 3.2 Ghz or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64-bit)
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Tested with 1080p and lower.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Quad Core 3.40 Ghz or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Tested with 1080p and lower.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 06:07
Zu aller erst: Spiel konnte nicht durchgespielt werden, da durch einen Bug das Spiel im ladebildschirm hängen bleibt.
Spiel ist eine sehr kleine Insel-Open-World
Das Kampfsystem ist relativ Langsam und quasi Standard, hat mir aber trotzdem ganz gut gefallen.
Gegner vielfalt eingetlich nicht vorhanden: Bis auf die bisher gesehen Völker (Krokodile,Füchse,Goblins,Elche, Vogelmenschen) habe ich nur eine einzige Aggressive Gegnerart gesehen!
Es gibt kein Geld im spiel, alles muss im spiel mit Gegenständen getauscht werden und hier fangen die probleme an die ich mit dem Spiel habe: Das Völkersystem. Du kannst beispielsweise nur mit anderen völkern tasuchen wenn du sie Freundlich gestimmt hast, Aber: Stimmst du Volk A freundlich werden alle anderen mehr und mehr mit dir verfeindet bis sie dich irgendwann einfach Angreifen. -Wie stimmt man ein Volk freundlich? - man spendet Gegenstände in dem entsprechenden Briefkasten des Volkes.
Und da kommt das nächste problem: Hast du nicht genug Gegenstände musst du sammeln gehen, ist aber immer noch zu verkraften da Gegenstände nach und nach wieder respawnen.
Nach dem ersten Tempel kamen dann mehrere Quests, wo du die Völker manipulieren musst. Beispielsweise musste ich einen Häuptling aus dem Krokodils-Stamm besiegen wodurch diese unnötig danach mit mir verfeindet waren.
Für eine andere Quest musste ich eine Nachricht Craften für dessen Crafting-Materialien ich wieder einen Stamm angreifen musste nur um kurze zeit Später, für eine Quest, für eben diesen Stamm, mein Ganzes inventar Spenden durfte nur um sie wieder Freundlich zu stimmen.
Meiner ansicht nach ist das ganze Völker System zu kurz gedacht und ist bisher mehr Schikane als eine Spielmechanik und haben mir eher den Spielspaß geraubt.
Naja macht euch selbst ein Bild von diesem Spiel villeicht wird das Völkersystem im Endgame besser aber wie gesagt es Lädt einfach nicht mehr.
77 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 16:06
Ich kann über die immer wieder verschwindenden Büsche und Gräser hinwegsehen. Ich werde nach fast 10 Stunden Spielzeit aber trotzdem nicht warm mit dem Spiel. Es gibt zu viel was mich stört und zu wenig was mich packt. Es kam nicht nur 1 mal vor, dass ich Pine genervt nach 1-2 Stunden Spielzeit wieder beendet habe und mich erst am nächsten Tag wieder dazu aufraffen konnte weiter zu spielen.

Es gibt so viel zu sammeln, aber kaum Platz im Inventar. Eine Truhe oder Kiste wo man die Gegenstände zwischenlagern könnte gibt es nicht. Ja, ich weiss dass das anscheinend so gewollt ist. Für mich aber ein klarer Minuspunkt. Ich will nicht mein Inventar leer lassen und für jede Quest oder jedes Item wieder von neuem die ganze Welt abklappern.

Sich mit den Völkern anzufreunden ist ja schön und gut. Aber wie viele andere Spieler hat es mich schon nach kurzer Zeit gestört, dass man durch den Rufzuwachs bei einem Volk, an Ruf bei den anderen Völker verliert. Auch das ist von den Entwicklern gewollt und soll den Spielspass fördern, weil man so ja ständig wieder Ruf farmen muss.

Ständig wird man angegriffen und muss weg laufen wenn man nicht kämpfen will oder noch kein gutes Equipment hat.

Die Quests und Rätsel sind teilweise auch überhaupt nicht klar und nur mit Zufall oder viel Geduld lösbar.

Ich habe aufgrund der Bewertungen nicht sehr viel erwartet, aber bin trotzdem sehr enttäuscht. Für mich der schlechteste Kauf den ich dieses Jahr getätigt habe.
286 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 10:54
After 13 updates still buggy and unpolished. Thought this is a good example of crowdfounding and support but after playing five hours and reading many discussion topics I see that it's still rough and unfinised. The developers seem to lost interest in this project because there aren't any updates or discussion answers since month.

The overall game is fine. I like the graphics, the atmosphere and the gameplay. Only the combat is a bit inresponsible. Sometimes the character don't hit when I press hit or hits make no damage on enemies. I didn't saw omething like a Souls Like stamina bar, so I think it's rough.

But my biggest problem is that assets pop in and out randomly. This seems to be a bigger problem since month but no reaction from developers.

Some players seem to have plottstopping glitches and bugs, these I didn't found so far.

As long as the developers do not get more active I don't recommand it.
295 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 10:40
Es ist zu Oberflächlich, ja es gibt Dorfentwicklung, dynamisches Rassenverhalten, alles sehr spannend nur. Wenn men durch die Welt läuft ohne von den Questverlauf erschlagen zu werden, sieht man schöne Orte, aber alles ohne Detais.

Wenn ich jetzt zum drittenmal die Schreiben musss.......

Die Story ist Schlecht, Orte nett, Story schlecht selbst ein Kind hätte mit der Rahmenvorlage der Speziestidee mehr erreicht als diese Leute.
175 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 19:47
Prolog (Kurzfassung) : der Protagonist hilft beim Aufbau seines Dorfes. Als er seinen Bruder zu einer anstehenden Zeremonie herholen möchte, entscheiden sie sich eine Höhle zu erkunden. Anschließend gehen sie gemeinsam zur Zeremonie, wo ein Unglück geschieht und mehrere Dorfmitglieder, unter anderem der Bruder des Protagonisten, sterben. Der Protagonist verlässt das Dorf, um die Welt zu erkunden.

Wenn man sich Zeit lässt, alles im Dorf erkundet und alle Dorfbewohner anquatscht und die Texte liest, sind schonmal satte 45-50 Minuten um - und das ist nur die Einführung!
Grafisch wirklich schön, ansprechend und mit Liebe gestaltet. Bis auf kleinere Grafikbugs (Schwert beim Sitzen im Boden steckend, Grabsteine schauen aus umgestürzten Bäumen heraus) bisher keine Probleme oder Auffälligkeiten auf höchster Spielstufe.

Gute Musik, die man auch gern anhört, passende Geräuschkulissen, ne Menge zu entdecken.

Bisher auf jeden Fall sehr empfehlenswert.


Nachdem ich nun etwa die Hälfte der Story fertig habe, ist auch nach mehreren Stunden alternativen Farmng und Crafting ein aufgetretener Fehler nicht aus eigenem Antrieb des Spiels behoben: eine Spezies wurde durch die Crocker und die Echsenviecher ausgelöscht. Das Hauptdorf, das die Spezies normalerweise immer wieder zurückerobern, existiert nicht mehr. Es ist einfach restlos an die Echsenviecher übergegangen. Somit komme ich in der Story nicht mehr voran und stecke seit etwa 4-5 Spielstunden fest. :/
Ansonsten weiter kleinere Grafikbugs, aber sonst nichts, was irgendwie störend ist.
222 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 20:16
Ein sehr schönes Spiel, geeignet für alle die Spaß am Abenteuer Genre haben.
Es gibt kleine Bugs, aber nichts dass das Spiel unspielbar macht, einige sind sogar ziemlich witzig.
Kurz gesagt, wenn ihr diese Art von Spielen mögt, dann solltet ihr Pine definitiv eine Chance geben und die Entwickler unterstützen. Ich würde mich sehr über ein weiteres Spiel dieser Art freuen.
50 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 21:26
An sich ist die Spielidee gut. Du sollst eine neue Heimat für deinen Stamm finden und dabei die verlorene Geschichte der Menschen aufdecken. Du freundst dich mit anderen Stämmen an, welche untereinander im Krieg sind. Die Siedlungsorte bleiben, aber die Anwohner werden beim Start eines neuen Spielstandes neu ausgelost, sodass man leichte Änderungen mit jedem Run hat. Außerdem finde ich die Gestaltung der Charaktere erfrischend anders. Ich finde es allerdings schade, dass der Fortschritt mit einem Dorf dahin ist, sobald man sich mit einer befeindeten Partei anfreundet, selbst wenn man dies aufgrund der Hauptstory machen muss. Ich wünschte es gäbe einen Punkt, ab dem sie einem dauerhaft vertrauen. Mann muss sehr viel Ressourcen grinden, um die schnell und ständig sinkenden Freundschaften aufrecht zu erhalten. Was mich am meisten stört ist, dass das Spiel immer noch komplett verbuggt ist. Texturen verschwinden einfach, Cutscenes laden nicht, sodass man stecken bleibt, manche Storylines werden geskippt, man kann sich in einigen Bereichen einsperren. Ich konnte das Spiel nicht weiterspielen, weil sich eine Cutscene der Hauptstory nicht auslöste, wodurch mir eine Tür in einem Dungeon verschlossen blieb. Im Supportbereich bleiben sehr viele, auch meine, Anfragen unbeantwortet. Bekannte Probleme wurden in den letzten Patches nicht behoben. Wen diese Dinge nicht stören oder Geduld für kommende Patches mitbringt, kann es sich gerne kaufen. Aber an sich sollte niemand Geld für ein Spiel ausgeben, das nicht spielbar ist.
170 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 18:57
Bescheuertes Spiel, wenn ein Spiel extrem auf kämpfen ausgelegt ist, hat aber so eine lahme total dämliche Steuerung bringt das absolut keinen Spaß, ausweichen klappt null, ebenso wie blocken, nicht weil man zu langsam ist, sondern das Spiel gar nicht reagiert, man kann eine aktion durchführen und dann muss man warten während der Gegner sehr schnell eins nach dem anderen macht. Einfach nur nervig, totale Zeitverschwendung das Spiel!
218 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 17:25
Ein etwas anderes Spiel als die anderen. Es hat ungenutztes Potential, aber das kommt wohl auch vor allem dadurch das der Entwickler jung ist und einfach das Geld irgendwann fehlte. Trotzdem ist das Spiel sehr rund geworden. Wenig bis gar keine Bugs, selten mal kleinere clipping Fehler mit der Umgebung/Kamera, aber nichts was das Spielgefühl zerstört. Die Story ist interessant und die Welt sehr schön.

Man sollte dem Spiel auf jeden Fall eine Chance geben. Aber es ist nichts für jeden.
266 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 15:19
Anfangs wollte ich mir Pine nicht kaufen. Ein Spiel, in dem die Bevölkerung aus Tieren besteht? Och nööö, is doch kindisch...trotzdem wollte ich dem Spiel eine Chance geben....gottseidank! Nach kurzer Zeit stellte ich fest, wie stimmig und normal sich das alles anfühlt, und vor allem, wie sympathisch, und nach recht kurzer Spielzeit wusste ich, dass ich eine absolute Perle vor mir habe. Wer sich von anfang an auf dieses Spiel wirklich einlässt, wird mit einem der liebenswertesten und schönsten Action Adventure belohnt. Diese wunderschöne und voller Liebe designte Spielwelt mit ihren knuddeligen und liebenswerten Bewohnern hat mich von der ersten Sekunde an völlig in ihren Bann gezogen. Das ganze spielt sich wie ein völlig reduziertes Rollenspiel mit einigen Rätseln und Geschicklichkeitseinlagen. Und das reicht völlig aus, um in diesem sehr bezaubernden Spiel genug an Tiefe und Gameplay zu erhalten. Es gibt vieles zu erkunden und zu erledigen, und wie mir die unterschiedlichen Arten der Bewohner dieser fantastischen Welt begegnen, hängt von unserem Beziehungsstatus ab, auf den ich selbst Einfluss nehme. Wer hier ausgeklügelte Kampfmechaniken erwartet oder einen komplexen Skillbaum oder ähnliches, ist hier falsch. Pine greift auf die allernötigsten Mechaniken und Optionen zurück, um seinen Helden durch diese traumhafte und auch gefährliche Welt zu führen. Für mich ein absoluter Pluspunkt in diesem Spiel. Pine ist sehr atmosphärisch, irgendwie recht schlicht im Gameplay, voller Oho- und Aha- Momenten, Pine ist einfach ein fantastisches Abenteuer. Momentan hat das Spiel mit sehr starken Textur popups zu kämpfen (Gras, Wolken, Schatten), und ich hoffe, dass die Entwickler es schaffen werden, diese zu beseitigen, denn sie sind doch sehr auffällig. Das wirkt sich für mich aber nicht auf meine Wertung aus, denn Pine ist für mich der beste Kauf seit langem. Wer es noch zu schätzen weiß, wenn man einem Spiel anmerkt, wieviel Liebe und Mühe von den Entwicklern hineingesteckt wurde, und entspannt eine wunderschöne und sehr atmosphärische Spielwelt in einem großen Abenteuer erleben möchte, wird mit Pine sehr glücklich sein.
395 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 14:24
das mit den Fraktionen klingt gut spielt sich aber echt schrecklich leider gíbt es auch eine menge bugs
spielspass kommt nur durch das rumwandern auf
3/10 muss man nicht gespielt haben
183 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 21:05

In Pine bist du auf der Suche nach einem neuen Lebensraum für dein Menschendorf. Dabei wirken sich deine Handlungen direkt auf das Spiel aus, da du selbst entscheidest, mit welchen Stämmen du eine Freundschaft aufbaust und mit welchen nicht. Dies macht auch das Handeln komplizierter, jedoch auch interessanter. Außergewöhnlich ist auch, dass man beim Handeln nicht mit Münzen zahlt, sondern Gegenstände tauscht, Die Open-World-Map lässt sich frei erkunden, um verschiedene Rohstoffe zu sammeln. Wem man dabei als Gegner begegnet, hängt ebenfalls davon ab, mit welchen Stämmen man verfeindet ist. Mit gesammelten Gegenständen lässt sich ganz unkompliziert im Inventar neue Ausrüstung etc. herstellen. Mir persönlich ist die Reaktionszeit in den Kämpfen (wenn ich beispielsweise ausweichen oder meinen Schild hochhalten möchte) etwas zu langsam. Alles in Einem ist Pine jedoch ein sehr liebevoll gestaltetes Adventure-Spiel.

Vollständige Review: SpieleVZ.de
1011 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 18:16
Sehr viele Bugs, von verschwundenen Menüs die einen zum Neustart zwingen, gelegentlich verschwinden die Rezepte die man herstellen kann und man muss neustarten um sie wieder zu bekommen. Und das schlimmste an der ganzen Sache ist das Kampfsystem. Hier hat man mit Technik keine Chance irgendetwas zu schaffen. Das Schild bringt rein gar nichts da man zwar rechtzeitig drückt aber es eigentlich gar nicht gezogen wird, das ausweichen funktioniert mit Glück in manchen Fällen, meistens aber nicht. Mit allem anderen hätte ich ja noch leben können. Aber das Kampfsystem ist derart schlecht, dass ich schauen werde ob ich das Game noch zurück geben kann.
30 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 13:11
Ich brauchte zwei Anläufe. Den ersten Anlauf hab ich voll versemmelt, war voll verwirrt, machte vieles falsch bei den Völkern oder es schlug vieles fehl, weil ich es komplizierter machte als es ist. Der zweite Anlauf war besser, alles von vorne aber diesmal mit wiki und manchmal auch YT Hilfe.
Wichtig ist sicher, so rasch als möglich das Inventar zu erweitern (also die Quest in der Höhle), sonst dreht man komplett durch. Danach sollte man sich das Jäger Schwert basteln, also Idee finden und Mats farmen, es lohnt sich wirklich, dann sind die Fights um einiges einfacher und es macht viel mehr Spass. Auch empfehlenswert ist die Gruft Stallungen als erstes zu machen (Verbünde dich voll mit dem nahgelegenem Dorf, dann kannst du die Gruft betreten), weil ab dort kann man auch die Tiere zähme, mitunter ein Reittier, was einem so vieles einfacher macht.
Empfehle das Spiel für alle Spieler die Geduld, Ausdauer, Puzzle-Instinkt besitzen, gerne craften, sammeln und eine nette Story verfolgen.
PS: Beim speichern ruhig auf verschiedene Slots speichern, weil es manchmal praktisch ist zurück zu gehen und es anders zu machen, wenn was schief läuft. Auch super mit abspeichern ist das Beagelit farmen, weil die so rar sind, einfach sammeln, abspeichern und dann wieder rein, wieder sammeln usw., sonst braucht man Tage bis man die gewünschte Anzahl hat.
102 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 14:21
macht sehr viel spaß
156 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 20:01
Pine is a amazing game. It is awesome to see 2 villages fight each other! ( Moose is best animal - Chickens are the worst ). There is a lot to explore in the map, lots of different puzzles and pickups. I would 10000% recommend Pine to everyone!
56 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 18:42
I found Pine to be a thoroughly enjoyable game. It has a look and feel reminiscent of Zelda games while still offering unique game play. That's especially impressive considering it was made by an extremely small team. I loved how this world was living and changing as the factions in the game competed for territory and resources, and it would be great to see that concept incorporated into other games and expanded upon. It's not that often I come across a game that I'm completely satisfied with while at the same time making me dream of how much more it could have been with a bigger team and budget.

I encountered a few minor technical issues, which were easily solved by loading the game with no great loss (thanks to frequent auto-saves). The dialogue could also use a bit of cleaning-up - at first, I thought that it was written with heavy thesaurus use to feel like this was an interesting way of speaking unique to this fantasy world, but when more modern slang appeared I began to think it was caused by translation. In terms of the game mechanics, I felt that the game would benefit from methods for sorting inventory, equipment, and crafting recipes.
105 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 15:07
---{ Gameplay }---

???? Unholy Enjoyment
???? Quite Good
???? You've mixed it up
✅ Meh could of been better
???? Gameplay = air, you know its there but you can't see it

---{ Audio + Soundtrack }---

✅ Am i dreaming cause this is too great
???? Very Good
???? Not bad at all
???? Not too bad but not too good either
???? Bad needs more work
???? Umm this is terrible
???? My ears have red stuff, send help

---{ Difficulty }---

???? Just press 'W' and you be fine
???? Easy enough
???? Easy to learn / Hard to master
✅ Big brain usage are starting to play a part
???? Quite challenging could make some rage
???? Doom music plays only the true gamer will overcome the game and the ones that are not worthy shall cry in torment

---{ Story }---

???? No game your breathtaking
???? I'm quite invested into the story, i might actually want some lore on top please
???? Average doesn't pull you in fully
???? Mostly nothing of note
✅ Very bad it makes me wanna watch paint dry other then this story
???? There is no story at all

(Sub rating)
???? It's kinda there from time to time but really isn't the main or sub focus of the game so forget about the story
???? There is no story at all

---{ Length to Finish }---

I never 100% the game. I normally finish the game and then do my game reviews but after maybe getting around 65% done with the game i gave up for more reason why i did, please look in the detailed comment notes of the review of all the let downs. For this score tho i looked it up so the length to finish could be a bit wrong rated.

???? What that was tiny (1 hour - under 1 hour)
✅ Short (2-5 hours)
???? Decent (6-15 hours)
???? Long (16-48 hours)
???? Super long (49-96)
???? Here's my keys, Philosophy, A freak like me, Just needs infinity.

---{ Price }---

???? Worth the set price
???? Only a small % off would do
✅ If the price is or lower then £9.40
???? Quite not worth the money but still wanna get it make sure its a big 75% sale or higher off other wise you've just wasted your cash on this

(Sub rateing)
???? It's free! so what you waiting for, everyone likes to get free stuff who wouldn't

---{ Bugs and Problems }---

???? Smooth just the way i like it
???? Minor bugs and problems but nothing too bad that ruins the game
✅ Ok now its getting to be quite problematic, find it hard to pretend its not happening
???? Wow getting to the point of un playable
???? Cyberpunked levels !

---{ Detailed Comment Notes }---

This game had big potential to be a great game but, in the end its very lacking with a lot of content inside this title, first off combat is pretty much rubbish like quite bit can be mashing the attack button and maybe 1-2 dodges but overall just mash the button and you can be fine there is only like 2 that skill at least is required to kill but like i said, lot of the time spamming the attack can go far in this game and sneekying doesn't do anything, enmmines can see you even if your in a great hiding spot or not moving. There doesn't seem to be any point of crouching, i really don't know why they even let you crouch when it seems to do nothing not even with the bow.

For someone who just started the game, once you leave the tutorial area they isn't really a starter area on the map that lets you chill and well get ready for the outer world around you, nope everywhere is trying to kill you so as soon as you get the freedom you are no longer safe anywhere on the map and you just get put there expecting to handle yourself with low gear only when you make your first neutral faction is when the world becomes a bit safer, idk why they didn't make the faction right outside of were you get put at in neutral before hand, so yeah quite bad game design.

Talking about the world being deadly, i have to say the map is kinda small if you take the time to go from one side to another like it really isn't that grand, it also doesn't help that they really tried to fit as much as they can on this small like map, It changes the theme way too fast as you travel so this game doesn't even give you a good explorer feel as they really did jam pack it rather then flesh these biomis out and areas.

I also had quite few problems with the game were i had to reload my saves cause either a object i can't pick up but need to pick up to progress or the game removed all items from the world, i went around for a whole hour to find nothing and decided the game has clearly stop respawning items.

The best thing in this game is the music tho, it really is the best part of the game its so well made and i kinda wish the rest of the game had the same care and love as the music did, if you can get past the grind to do these quests and how the game treats you as soon as your out of the tutorial area, it can be a ok game but it really isn't that good to keep you around, after trying to beat the game i felt like i couldn't groal anymore of it. It was fine while it lasted but did get old fast and well i got fed up of these quests and wanted to play more better games then this. It does seems a quite lot of people are the same as me after all only 6.1% of players who played the game have ever finished the game cording to the end game achievement for it.

---{ Overall Rating ? / 10 }---
???? 1
???? 2
✅ 3
???? 4
???? 5
???? 6
???? 7
???? 8
???? 9
???? 10
187 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 14:27
The game would be recommended if the environmental texture issues are fixed, too many textures clipping in and out in front of you. The world looks nice and seems fun to explore but the foliage clipping in and out makes it feel unfinished and can be immersion breaking.

That being said, if you like the concept and are interested in the game then it's probably worth a shot
474 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 14:57
The entire time I played this game, I kept asking myself one question; who is this game for?

This game could be a great introduction to action/adventure games for kids. Could be. It isn't. It isn't a great game for adults either unfortunately. It's pretty and the premise is interesting. The story and mechanics are simple.

Let's start with the big issues which sour the game experience:

It's very easy to get stuck in the environment. I frequently got stuck between rocks. Fun fact, if you get stuck between rocks in the falling animation, a 'rushing wind' sound will loop around because the game thinks you are falling to your death, presumedly.

Speaking of glitches: sometimes the camera just glitches out and refuses to move. And sometimes the character will just get stuck walking left, until you press the left key again. This was not an issue with my keyboard and mouse.

The inventory. It's not sortable. At all. There is no excuse for a game with an inventory to not have a way to sort it, if not automatically, then manually. The glossary, a feature which is there solely to help you, is also not sortable. It's not alphabetical either. This is such a simple oversight which makes a big impact on game experience, especially when so much of the game requires crafting. Sometimes I would boot up the game, and these menus had all reorganised themself! And not in any discernible order either.

The game (spoilers ahead):
The story and combat: what the hell is going on. The story wants you to be an innocent human just looking for a new home, but then also has you partake in one clan raiding and overtaking other clans as part of the story. It just doesn't work. The moment at the end where you spare a chief to prove you aren't dangerous, when you have already killed one clan elder and many other members as part of the story itself, made me roll my eyes. It wasn't well thought out at all. Combat is a big part of this game - it's clunky and bad - but the story itself can't make up its mind. At the end of the story, you are told to stay on your island and stay away from the mainland. But then you can continue playing the game after the story, whereby... you go back to the mainland to collect all those collectibles and trade with the clans that hate you. Instead of picking a direction, this game has tried to go in all of them, and it was a mistake.

You should probably give this one a miss.
92 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 16:07
I never played a Zelda game, but I imagine they are something like this. I enjoyed my time with Pine as it is a relaxing game - a beautiful environment, a great score, some light exploration and combat. Scratch beneath the surface and there is some depth here as well, as the world is systems driven and follows its own rules in a logical, sensible way (I wish I could say the same about our government). It took me about 30 hours to complete, and overall I was satisfied with my time with the game. If you want something to play with your kids, or just some chilled out fantasy story telling, I recommend Pine.
89 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 06:15
This is a game of Hue and his quest... I love this game it has a charm to it the music the atmosphere everything. a quick way to discribe this game is that its a Breath of the wilds mixed Dark souls game with FURRIES! i highly Recommend this game to all who are seeking for a fun story rich game then this is your game. =^^=
67 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 16:50
Quite disappointed with Pine. It looked like a fun game and it has an interesting premise, but the execution is lackluster.
+ Cute style
+ Interesting premise
+ Appealing factions system

- Slow & underdeveloped narrative
- Lots of running around just to collect materials (which for a while you don't have enough inventory space for)
- Too much dialogue and cutscenes in the beginning
-No hook, and the gameplay itself gets tedious and repetitive very quickly
- Combat feels bad

Mind you, I didn't play through the whole game because I value my time and it's mind-numbingly boring. Maybe this game is just for a younger target audience.
68 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 22:37
Ridiculous ... but I have 4 hrs tied up in it getting it to work.... have to use both keyboard and controller switching back and forth... might be me but I think it is the game.... not refundable now so am stuck with it.
470 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 17:30
This game is so frustrating. Everything about it is tedious and slow. It's beautiful, but extremely lacking in actual substance. It plays almost like a tech demo. I really wanted so badly to like it but I simply don't,
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 02:33
very poor looting system. you have to earn up trust from villages and give up the little loot you have to buy good crafting ideas from other villages and for crafting ideas you have to play hours of looting to barely build one of them. it just like no fun when you earn a trust from the village and the trust goes into hostility if you dont continue donating. disappointing game indeed
186 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 17:21
Me when I raid: Raiders die after barely making it into the village, even after using poisonous food
NPCs when they raid: The village is totally wiped out and the raiders didn't lose a single person

Combat is fucking terrible too.

This game is basically the perfect storm of being just good enough that you'll keep playing, while simultaneously being extremely annoying in every way to the point where you're not enjoying it and just want it to be over.
96 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 02:22
Disappointment. (This is my one and only review.)

Followed and supported this since their Kickstarter launch in 2016, which was well over 3 years prior to release.. Considering how long they spent, it's totally unpolished and plays like a beta version. Combat is clunky, elements of the world disappear and reappear, camera and controls are sloppy.

Over-promised, under-delivered; I do not recommend.
207 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 12:34
It's boring, controls in combat is clumsy, technical quality is below average with disappearing mobs, shimmering objects on the ground, etc. Developers bit off more than they could chew. Maybe I didn't get to the point where it becomes interesting and exciting, but so far it's not convincing. There are better games to spend your time.
137 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 17:55
Forget all the haters! This is a really fun and enjoyable game. As soon as you learn your way around the factions in the game its really fun and nicely made!
203 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 06:57
It's kind of okay if you are not in a hurry and just want to walk around and adventure a bit. However it is not Skyrim and you shouldn't expect that kind of depth. It looks nice and it has beautiful ambient atmospheric music. Will play this more to relax a bit than in an attempt to collect / finish everything. You probably need a year for that or so because this game is slow.
118 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 09:52
❤ Audience ❤
☑ Beginner
☑ Casual Gamer
☑ Normal Gamer
☐ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☑ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠
☑ Easy
☐ Average
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard
☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §
☐ Bugs destroy the game
☐ Lots of bugs
☑ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☐ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯
☐ There is none
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☑ Good
☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔
☐ Frustrating
☐ Sleepy
☐ Boring
☑ Fun
☑ Challenging

۞ Game time / Length ۞
☐ Really short (0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short (4 - 8 hours)
☑ Few hours (10 - 20 hours) [if you focus on the main story]
☑ Long (40-60 hours) [if you complete everything]
☐ Very Long (61-100 hours)
☐ Extremely Long (101+ hours)

$ Price / Quality $
☑ Full price
☐ Wait for Sale
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can
145 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 23:51
Really enjoyable and somewhat a hidden gem. Didn't think much of the game, but it was a nice relaxed gameplay and world exploration. Definitely worth buying on sale and chill.
29 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 17:02
Overall loved the game. While there were points that were frustrating and required some creative solutions, it was totally worth it to keep playing. The only part that I genuinely was disappointed with was the story line. It was a great story! I liked how as the game progressed you gained more parts of the story, but when I finished I felt like there were some significant gaps in the story. I was also a little disappointed that I couldn't become friendly with multiple tribes at the same time, and the lack of side quests was a let down. Overall, the beauty of the graphics, music that enhanced the experience, and what little story I did have, I loved and am quite hopeful there may be some updates to further the game - story, glitches, side quests, etc.
116 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 10:56
experienced quite a few bugs in the game but it has a nice story
48 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 16:42
This game is amazing with its colours and art; the animals are all cute in their own way. I personally like the Fexels as they are like the thieves guild to me and they are the cutest ????. I haven't finished the game all the way but i am excited to finish it. I originally got this game off Epic for free, but then wanted to pay the devs in some way so i just bought it again because I didn't know how to give money... I can't wait to see this game expand more. I also think that this game would benefit so much from modding. This could expand the game so much. Thank you so much Devs for this game!????❤????????????????????????
132 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 03:13
Game is great in concept and design, but the story is very dissatisfying, especially the ending. The ending undermines the entire game itself.
297 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 07:37
Pine is not a bad game. Pine is an ok game with good ideas and bad execution. Let me explain.

You start off as a rando human guy whose tribe ends up needing to look for a more stable home, so he sets out into the world to explore. You can wander wherever you like, picking up crafting materials and food and finding treasures, crafting recipes, and civilization. You quickly discover the island you're on has 5 main non-human tribes living on it, the moose, crocodiles, foxes, birds, and frog peoples (plus the neutral otter-weasel-raccoon-things). At first these tribes don't like each other and they don't like you, but you can increase your reputation by gifting them items. Certain items give better rep boosts than others, and once you achieve different reputation levels the members of that species no longer attack you on sight, and you unlock favorable benefits like being able to trade with them, upgrade their villages, or leading their villages on raids of other tribes to expand their territory. The main story quest takes you around the island to various vaults which serve as the big Zelda-ish dungeons of the game filled with puzzles where you get your big artifacts that unlock new abilities for your character.

Now all that sounds great! But the execution is absolutely botched in almost every facet. A normal player of this kind of game will want to become friendly with every tribe in the game, hoping to unlock quests with them and some such. Maybe they'll ignore the tribe they don't like or try to take out the one they like to hate. Unfortunately that's not how this game operates. See, when you give items to one tribe, multiple other tribes don't like that, and your reputation actually goes down with them while you attempt to build it up with another. So you basically can only be friendly with one tribe at a time, as the rep with other tribes plunges into hated territory. Every time you build rep you end up losing more in total. It feels TERRIBLE. Worse, there's never really any point to building reputation anyways. Outside of story quests where you have to be on favorable terms with a certain tribe for that specific moment, there's little benefits in allying with anyone. The story doesn't change based on which tribes you favor, and even worse than that - sometimes story events will destroy your gained reputation anyways with certain tribes! Favor the birds? Well there's no point in helping them conquer the north side of the map because the moment you leave, their villages fall to pieces. Crafted a bunch of efficiency plans to help them upgrade the town? The moment you start the next quest all those upgrades you spent your materials on vanish. Why even bother? Why have all the different tribes if you won't let the player choose their favorites or let them actually build up SOMETHING over the course of the game? There aren't even any faction specific sidequests. There's faction specific armor and weapon recipes, but they're of middling quality and vastly outclassed by the armor you get from exploration.

The main vaults are well crafted for the most part, both in mechanics and story. The dungeons and puzzles are the high point of the game, but even there problems arise. There's....how should I say...some very poor implementation of the level design in the game. Inside the dungeons is mostly fine, but the devs didn't seem to really test out the limits of the abilities they gave the main character. Certain puzzles can be trivialized simply by making jumps the devs clearly didn't think you would be able to make. Some puzzles can be bricked by jumping into a place you can't get back from, requiring a game load. If you've played Skyrim you probably know what I mean here, but they also didn't really calibrate your ability to climb the global terrain like mountain slopes while they clearly intended it to limit where you can move. One puzzle outdoors wanted you to climb up this mechanical tower that had timed electrified pads and switches to change the alignments and so on.....I simply bunny hopped my way up the cliff face next to the tower and jumped straight onto the top. That kind of thing abounds throughout the game, if it's not just buggy. One puzzle had a horse creature you needed trapped inside a stable and you had to solve a puzzle to open the gate. Well, I just jumped onto the horse and it was able to ride through the gate like it wasn't even there. You get trapped on or inside terrain CONSTANTLY too, and if you can't roll or spam jump your way out of it you have to save/load in place. There's some pretty massive texture pop in going on with the grass too, and it looks really really bad. Lots of characters look and feel floaty, like they aren't anchored to the ground. I will have to say though the character models themselves look great. Most of the animations look nice too.

Probably the worst part of the game is its combat, and unfortunately you have to do it a bunch. It's clunky beyond belief and you avoid it whenever possible. You have your choice of bow with decent aiming controls but arrows are a consumable you have to craft, or sword and shield. The sword has the slow heavy attack combo, the quick weak combo, and the medium speed.....medium combo. All have extremely poor hitboxes on the attacks and faulty swing tracking, leaving you swinging at air more than half the time, even when locked onto an enemy. The lock on is sketchy as well, often locking onto friendly units when you NEVER want to do that. Your character handles sluggishly roo - it's clunky to evade out of the middle of a combo, the evade is extremely short distance to begin with, and certain types of enemies have tracking attacks to begin with. Friendly fire is rampant (from both the foxes and frogs) despite the game trying to claim on loading screens that friendly fire shouldn't happen.

One thing that is massively absent from this type of game that I find unforgivable (an explore-gather-craftandtrade type affair) is a BANK. Your inventory starts way too small, although you can upgrade it to a good size. But you still lack a bank so you are constantly fighting your inventory the entire game. Players will naturally want to hoard the materials they're constantly picking up, but the game seems to want to punish you instead.

The music is very nice! High points are the peaceful type tracks while you roam the countryside and I quite enjoyed them.

In the end - they had a lot of good ideas, and they tried. You can definitely see how things could have been better if they had a larger budget and a bigger team to implement the things that didn't quite work out. Still you can definitely get enjoyment out of the game if you accept its limitations - just make sure you get it on sale for half price or less.
154 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 12:59
Great ai best I have ever battled against. They even fight each other and treaties between tribes are consistently changing. Would recommend. The only downside is that once the campaign is finished and you have collected the best gear you start to loose interest and only play it every now and then when you want to beat up any tribe you don't like that much well that's what I've found anyway. Currently I am trying to erase trades of any other tribe except the litter, I'm about half way through my conquest.
63 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 03:11
Buy it on sale. Fun but quick with a damn good soundtrack, (the ending does removes most replay value).
The tribe system is absolutely wretched though. The game fails to mention that no matter how well you invest in allying with or expanding the territory of a tribe, you will necessarily alienate basically all other tribes (making 80% of the map hostile anyways), the story missions force you to become at least neutral with all tribes (destroying your alliance if you even had one), and the late story missions make you hostile with all tribes while removing the possibility of re-allying. You also can't destroy a tribe to extinction, so the second you leave an area, the magically spawning NPCs will retake all the ground you gained. The tribe system is fine in theory, but it's application here is horribly flawed.
2189 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 23:15
Honestly, with 21 hours for 21 bucks, this is kind of a... not nearly as bad as a thumb down makes you think. It is quite a nice game, where you help villages grow alongside each other, and befriend the population. The downside is, that the befriending goes so slow, that you get completely bored with it, and instead just rush the main campaign. It is a good fun game, with nice puzzles, and exploration, and looks good, but I felt like I was forced to rush through it entirely, which is sad. Such a good game, it doesn't deserve to be rushed through.
620 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 01:06
I've only put a few hours in to the game, but at this point I also feel like I've seen what it has to offer.
I received this game as a gift from a friend after it sitting on my wishlist for a few months.

This feels like a great Early Access game that still needs some more time to bake, and after realizing that it wasn't in early access, I can't in good faith suggest this game.

The living world and warring tribes aspect seems interesting, but also feels like where most of the development focus went. With World of Warcraft OG Vanilla style quests of gathering items from the world that occasionally require you to kill a non-tribe monster, but otherwise not following the current trend of survival games where you can actually interact with the world around you, it feels very dated for what it is.

I could understand some of these systems for the actual gameplay being placeholders, but there's not enough depth in the traversal, combat, world interactions, or character development that will keep you coming back here. The story isn't the worst, but it's not compelling enough to push you through the issue with the rest of the gameplay.
764 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 04:59
I backed this on kickstarter so I was I had my hopes up for this one. It did take some time after the promised date but it wasn't an issue. It did have some grandiose promises and delivered on some but not all. The world is pretty interesting but what you do in that world is not overly exciting all the time. Its not a game you want to kill everything you see especially since most things can kill you quickly , Its a decent game but it really didn't do a good job of keeping you engaged. Like as been said a lot of the quests can be somewhat lackluster. Mechanics are ok but nothing great. Most of this is my opinion a backer on kickstarter . The world is amazing and the creatures are diverse and everything else is ok. I would say pick this up on a sale and try it out and see for your self. I hope this developer does a pine 2 with just a bit more improvements on this.
211 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
1376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 19:05
the characters are stupid and shallow, and the storyline isn't satisfying either. but the gameplay itself is alright, and the world is pretty. if you enjoy open-world easter-egg-hunts (exploring), you'll like this. wouldn't hurt to get it on sale tho.

oh, and it can be pretty buggy, but since it never saves your location, you can just save and reload when anything weird happens and it'll probably fix it.
1069 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 02:05
Though the scope of this game is smaller compared to others in the open world ARPG field, it's still an interesting game with a nice and decently sized map to explore. Story is short but the survival/trading part of the game should keep you busy, if that's your thing.
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 03:32
If you like getting lost in open fantasy worlds, you'll probably enjoy this game. The combat takes some getting used to-- though the game feels in some ways like Breath of the Wild it lacks BOTW's fluidity in movement and fighting which is a shame. Still, once you get used to the controls and gear up properly, you'll be able to get into some genuinely fun and challenging fights. This isn't a game where you'll get quickly overpowered (humans never reaching the top of the food chain is an important part of this game's lore), so if that may be a pro or con depending on how you like to play. If you like puzzles, you'll find plenty of those sprinkled throughout the world, and the main quest line is more engaging than I expected it to be! Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but it really checks the right boxes for me personally, and probably will for anyone else who loves to explore new worlds.
741 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 05:04
If you enjoy open world games, this will be right up your alley. It has an original game mechanic that causes the you choices make to have a direct and meaningful impact the world. It's not a super long game but long enough to be very enjoyable without getting monotonous. Over all a fun play.
71 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 16:06
It's amazing! The music is beautiful! I love the different biomes. The puzzles can get a little confusing mostly if you don't look everywhere. Honestly probably the most fun I've had with a game in so long. If you like good storyline and collecting things from the wild then this is for you!
76 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 23:58
Bought on the most recent sale, played for at least 5 hours straight. It's cute and rather easygoing, all things considered. It has some clipping issues and characters getting stuck on each other (most commonly the gator-trader on the beach having a fellow clan-mate walking at his back and a rock before turning around and walking off)

The combat is simple enough, nothing too special there. I personally always liked ranged combat so having that option is always great. I like that you need to balance your relations with the five clans to be able to avoid being attacked by anyone and to be able to trade with them.

Things I like most
gatherables have a hovering diamond over them to show if theyre 'full' or 'empty'
puzzles owo
huge map, lots of biomes and places to explore~

Things that could be improved (take note I'm ?not? super far into the game, only one vault in)
animations can sometimes be stiff or clippy
let the map have non-overworld markers (or ones you only see if you're within x distance of it overworld/on compass)
if you already know one of the crafting ideas, why have it show in the trade section of the clans? Is it an alternate recipe? If so have the noted so you have a reason to want to trade for it.
let items stack a bit more before taking another space in pouch. maybe anything at 10 can be stacked to 15 instead, etc.
NPC dialogue, there are snippets of worldbuilding in there but not quite enough to really make it seem lively. You only interact with the NPCs when you need to, rather than talking to them to see what they have to say.
More quests, which would tie in nicely with the NPC dialogue and clan relations.
Need to not be shoved off your mount when going to view the map/eat.

Things that are lacking
There are only four animal species. On the entire map. That's very sparse, especially when you consider the size of the map. There is a lot of room for a handful more beasties to hunt down.
The map is very big. Running anywhere takes a good while, and while this is both a good and a bad thing, the amount of gatherables in any given area makes it seem even bigger, especially when competing with the clan gatherers to get resources to boost your relationship with them. **having the mount makes this a bit less bothersome, but you can only have one tame at a time**

As I noted, I've not gotten super far into the game, so some of these things may be covered later on and I just havent reached them. However I am eager to play more, even with the ups and downs listed.
632 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:04
Great game, made by fellow Dutchies. Backed them as soon as i caught wind of this game on kickstarter and was not dissapointed!
182 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 17:29
I liked it and had a good time. Some cool riddles and overall a good progression system. And very nice ideas.

Also the game could be so much better. There are little things you should see instantly in a play test like a sort items function.
More side quests would be nice to interact with the world and the species to better get attached to them and care for the island and not only yourself.
111 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 10:56
I got fairly far in this game, and although it's not great, it was enjoyable enough to keep playing. But I admit to rage-quitting after spending over three hours on a ridiculously complicated and utterly non-intuitive puzzle, which is crucial to the overall questline... The 'Dune Observatory Vault'.

The damn thing has TWELVE floors of puzzles to solve, for a reward you need to progress in the game, which is irritating to say the least. But the real problem is that even after much internet searching, much 'walkthrough' watching/reading, forum reading, etc. I COULD NOT get past the 12th floor.

I've been playing console and PC games for almost 20 years, and I've never, ever been more frustrated than I was by this (insert swear words here) puzzle. After triple checking that I had done everything exactly right, the only conclusion was a glitch or bug, or something I missed on a lower level. But the weird way the game saves, didn't allow me to save after each consecutive floor, and start again without losing my progress.

Because the entire Observatory location is intensely annoying and takes much (much, much) too long to solve anyway, I felt zero motivation to restart the entire thing from the beginning.
Hence, after three hours of trying everything I could to solve it, following walk-throughs exactly, and still not progressing... Rage quitting time.

Turns out, I'm not alone. There are many, many people posting about Pine who had the same complaint about the same puzzle location. It's not the only one that's poorly designed and problematic, but it is by far the worst.

If you still want to play this game anyway, here are the pros and cons:

The pros are decent graphics, a semi-engaging storyline, a fairly good crafting/reward system.

The cons are really poorly thought-out, overly complicated puzzles that take up far too much unenjoyable game-play time. Other cons are badly unbalanced different NPC factions, not enough crucial resources (which are also poorly placed and constantly taken by NPCs), and a poorly configured, resource-dependent fast travel system,

I got this game during a Steam sale, and even at a lower price, I still feel ripped off.
32 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 23:52
Adorable game, fun gameplay, and engaging environment. I had a blast playing this game! Some of the puzzles are repetitive, but they're difficult enough for a dullard like me that they're still engaging. The story was a bit of shock, as it started out so pleasant and lovely and ended in such a - well - you'll have to play to see! Worth it for the gameplay, but take it slow. It's worth it. Not going to be exciting for those looking for combat - it's clunky at times - but if you want a cute, open-world game with a narrative that feels like it matters and your in game choices matters, then this is a great casual game to hang out with.
639 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 14:03
This game would have been 50% more fun with nothing more then a box at base to store your loot. Their is little point in doing anything other then rushing to complete the quest objectives. And grabbing the green orbs as quickly as possible to expand your carry load. The combat is cheesy and clunky. It always consists of waiting for the enemy to attack first and counter attacking. It is a calm expereance and the art work is great to look at. Get this game on sale.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 07:04
Picked up Pine when it first came out expecting a fun, open world experience. I can honestly say that it very much lives up to those expectations. Pine takes what similar games have to offer and brings it's own mechanics to the table alongside cute character design and beautiful landscapes. Absolutely worth the price if open world games are your thing.
193 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 08:41
Although the game itself isn't that bad, I didn't enjoy it at all. First of all, for me it was really really boring. The story progress is so slow that I just couldn't play for longer than twenty minutes at a time.
Another thing was the logic-like tasks that you have to do in almost every cave. Every time I had to do one of those I felt like the game wanted me to stop playing. And above that finishing those wasn't rewarding at all.

I don't say that the game is bad itself, I just think that a lot of stuff in it is badly executed.
If you don't mind these, for me, annoying tasks and slow progression, I think you will quite enjoy it.
261 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 13:45
Imagine if Breath of the Wild and Fable had am adorable fur baby. This is that baby.

A must have if you enjoy immersive exploration, adorable animals, great visuals and quite calming and relaxing music.

Combat can be somewhat janky at times.. But other than that, I recommend it to all RPG lovers :)
85 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 07:24
the crafting is very limited, you need to learn recipes through trade or finding it. and you unlock more recipes from trading. from what it looks the crafting system is pretty simple. if you trade with one race inside the game, your friendliness with other races go down as well

i feel that there isnt much to do, there isnt any building and its mostly just gathering materials. and you gather materials by just finding it on the ground randomly or from killing things. you cant really intentionally look for a tree and get x from tree.

it doesnt really do the crafting or gathering very well and there are other games that are way better. this game seems to be aimed at some kind of casual audience who are new to pc gaming in general. I am just disappointed for what this game provided to me
408 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 16:00
At first glance you might think that Pine is very rough around the edges, but beneath is a wonderful game with an interesting premise and a rewarding ending. Combat is pretty straight forward after you familiarise yourself with the movesets of yourself and your foes (which doesn't take a lot of time), and the bow isn't really a viable choice as you have to craft your arrows and it eats your stamina pretty quickly, while not doing great damage.

BUT, the game shines when it comes to exploration and puzzles. The story is nothing spectacular, but decent enough, but the quests feel rewarding and fun. The different inhabitants of the island are very well designed and all of them feel special. With with the overall dynamic of fighting for the supremacy on the island, you just forget about time. And the more time you invest, the more it grows on you.

So, yeah, Pine is a great game, definitely worth of a purchase.
1071 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
1801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 03:27
I liked almost everything about the game, but I'll say upfront that the combat is insanely frustrating. Your character is totally unresponsive during every single attack animation, and for a second or so afterwards. You can't start another attack, you can barely turn as enemies dance around and through you, you can't heal, you can't change what you're doing until that animation is done and you're back in idle. Enemies seem far more agile than you, and I constantly found myself clicking or pressing buttons to do things in combat only for my character to finish an animation and do nothing. I was constantly getting killed and having to reload. It wasn't until the very end of the game, with top-tier gear, that I started to feel like combat was bearable.

So that's a big caveat. But if you can deal with that, there's a lot to love about Pine. The world design is gorgeous and beautiful, and the only problem with it is there's no button to hide the UI to take pretty screenshots - I constantly wanted to, especially when the sunlight or moonlight hit the terrain in the right way. The character and creature designs are a nice balance of cartoony and detailed. The different armor you can craft looks really neat (too bad the tier system forces you you upgrade to a single top-tier set that looks a bit bland compared to the rest). Visually, this is a great game. The music is fitting too. Even the story, though simple, is slightly different to what you'd expect; it's not about conquering the island, it really isn't, and it shouldn't be. That would be the same boring kind of crap that's been done a million times, so I'm glad they went another way with the ending.

And the faction system is really interesting; the ways you're able to push different species out and make room for other ones, and manipulate conflicts by weakening or strengthening different villages, poisoning people, laying traps, and starting raids, is super fun to play around with. The only issue is that feedback isn't very strong, but that's the kind of thing I could imagine a sequel doing way better. The crafting and gathering system is simple enough that it isn't overwhelming; it's a bit grindy, but less so than other games I've played, and really most resource systems are grindy anyway.

It's too bad the cool toys involving the faction system only appear later in the game, and that factions become increasingly difficult to change your allegiance with over time; I wish you got more of those options from the start, and that it didn't become impossible difficult to rebuild your rep with a faction by the endgame, but it was still fun as it is.

Long story short, Pine has a lot of cool ideas, if - and it's a big if - you can get some of the most inexplicably self-sabotaging combat I've played in years. You can avoid melee combat if you're careful with traps, ranged weapons, and explosives, but there's no getting around the fact that melee sometimes just happens, and it's going to suck. I still enjoyed my time with it overall, once I built up a tolerance and avoidance mechanisms, and better gear, but I wish the combat were better, so I could recommend this more wholeheartedly and enthusiastically.
222 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 17:27
While this game is really nice looking and runs fine, The gameplay is on the side of babies first RPG.
Combat controls are quite bad with combat and platforming feeling unpolished and slow. Combat felt sluggish and very one sided with every enemy being able to deal attacks that knock you down but they are able to take multiple arrows to the face and keep running at you.
I never used the kick button and felt like a added feature with no reason. I only ever parried 2 times because raising my shield did not always correctly work.
The platforming was not made right or maybe it's just me, but I just did not have fun with it.
The factions are not interesting in the slightest or if they get better they do a horrid job with making you want to help a side. The never expanded or did anything. all the food and materials i donated just go back down as the population stayed the same. Npcs tend to do 2 things. walk around and take the world spawned items or fought enemy factions Which is also including allies they seem to have. What is the point of stating they have allies if their allies still attack me on sight?
They made this game look pleasing but the gameplay really has no substance. It's not good for the price it's asking and i would love a refund. Not Recommended.
205 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 18:02
- My reviews are always honest and open for further updates if necessary. They contain minor spoilers, only basic ones and stuff you wont miss anyways as its not related to story but to gameplay.

I didnt know this game existed until steam decided to recommend it because its similar to one of the games i played before, even tho after checking it out this only gave me vibes to fable because of the movement of the character i guess. Asking some friends about it, and noone knows this game, they never heard about it.

The good:

- Faction system, you can increase or decrease relations with the species and that affect the quests you do, you can break up and burn a village to enter it's temple by force or you can donate resources to increase the relation and economy of that tribe and village.

- Inventory and items dont get useless after a while like in many other rpgs, you will always need everything you grab either for eating and recovering energy/health, for crafting or donating to tribes.

- On early game, the gameplay is very fun, only on early game.

- Graphics reminds me of other games like breath of the wild, which i really like.

- The story is good on early game, but then drops very badly, then again gets fun and then gets boring, it goes in spikes.

- Dynamic economy between the tribes, with traders, collectors, and patrols on the roads, that get stronger as you advance in the main quest with upgraded settlements.

The Bad:

- Lack of enemy types, the same overused monster with electricity you will fight over and over again for materials.

- Crafting new gear and upgrading doesnt feel satisfying.

- You cant make a tribe go on war against another, its totally random and usually takes a lot of time for a tribe to get from neutral to enemy with another tribe.

- Boring puzzles, heck even skyrim had better puzzles and thats not the best example.

The Uggly:

- Extremely boring on midgame, most of your time is spent grinding and donating stuff to tribes, or fighting them. The more you unlock (Like when you gain the ability to upgrade settlements), the more you think that this game is not worth spending your time on.

- Lack of side content, only 2 sidequests, honestly, i know this is not skyrim, but gamers need content to play with.

- Mentioned the overgrinding but i will mention that part again, this game midgame mostly relies on farming mobs for materials to craft gear, for food, for stuff to donate, if not fight mobs then grab stuff from the ground.

- Gameplay gets boring after a few hours, repetitive attacks, the same strategy against the same enemies, like the crocodyles tribe hit like trucks, bullet sponges but very easy to dodge and punish/counter cuz they are slow.

- Overpriced for the content it have to offer, even on sales.

- Launched as a buggy mess, that was a glitchfest, they still didnt manage to fix all the bugs.

Personal score: 2.5/10.
Personal note: Unplayable on launch, repetitive gameplay, poor content, overpriced, looks completely unfinished.
438 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 05:03
Pine is a ridiculously fun and addicting exploration and puzzle game. The world is beautiful, and the puzzles and quests are generally pretty approachable as a casual player. Some of the combat can be difficult if you get ahead in quest progression but fall behind in finding and crafting better equipment. Definitely would recommend if looking for an imperfect adventure game more about exploration than following guided quests.

- fun art style
- beautiful world
- if you can see it, you can go there
- encourages exploring
- environment changes as you play, the same area may not be safe every time you go there
- approachable puzzles

- some bugs in quest progression still
- puzzles are quite short and easy if you're used to something like the Zelda franchise
- combat mechanics lack depth and can be frustrating
- interesting physics allows skipping or breaking some puzzles
83 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 19:22
Initially this game is really nice and pleasant to play, with an interesting trading system and very pleasant cartoon style graphics. It's really open world and your character can jump up hills and swim through water, there are no boundaries or invisible walls to your exploring. There are also lots of ingredients and recipes to find and an interesting combat system, you are far better to let the other factions do your fighting for you and just reap the rewards, especially in the beginning when your gear is low tier. The only levelling system in the game is levelling your gear from 1 star to 5 stars. I did miss being able to put points into stats and abilities. As I progressed in the game however I did struggle somewhat with some of the quests which bugged out on me a few times. Sometimes they would be fixed by a simple reload of a save and other times I’d have to revert back to previous saves and replay small chunks of the game. The dungeon puzzles were problematic for me causing huge levels of annoyance and stress especially as there isn’t much on this game on the internet.
I think this game is worth trying at a cheap price, I loved some aspects and some aspects not so much. But well done to the young fellas who made this. Better than I could do that's for sure! :D
257 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 03:39
Scratches that Zelda itch, for sure! If you're looking for a Zelda-like on PC, I highly recommend this.

Beautiful open world, compelling story, fun collectables & gear, and an impressive, dynamic political village system. Yes, it has its rough edges, but then you realize it was made by 7 young guys in Holland. Pretty impressive and frankly I would LOVE to see this game get more support, as the creativity & ingenuity is here and this team could do big things with more resources (ideally an even more big, beautiful, polished Pine 2!). BUY IT & Enjoy!
915 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
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89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 22:53
Nice world, atmosphere, and for the most part, game play. What kills it for me is the politics of the creature tribes. You have to have a high reputation with one in order to trade with it but donating to that one kills your relationship with many others. Feels like you can;t get ahead. Pouch also starts way too small for all the resources you collect. You can grow pouch size but it is annoying as hell. You will find yourself stocking craftables to craft an idea but then be out of pouch size and have to decide which one of your hard got resources you want to dump to pick up another. Lots of drop and pick up shuffling.
20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 21:01
Too many bugs and glitches for the game to be enjoyable.
Combat is clunky.
Movement is extremely restricted and makes you slide off of mountains where you shouldn't because there is flat groud.
Certain quests wont complete unless you for example reopen gates, [strike]but then after doing that the game crashes[/strike]
1318 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 20:24
Nice game full of lovely creatures and textures. Quests are simple but rewarding to do, the puzzles are easy as well. A very cute main char but would have liked to have a female option instead as I hate playing a boy.
317 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 03:44
Don't really want to give it a thumbs down but until Steam provides a better review system these are our options. It's not bad - though I did get hung up in the tutorial as many people seem to do and the devs still haven't addressed it - but this is really a game meant for little kids. Think WoW for tweens or the like. If I was 12 or so I'd probably love it. Removed and refunded.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 20:34
Can you have a look on the linux compatibility ? Once the loading done I only had glitches (horizontal purple lines) and some part of the inventory
541 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 13:00
Pine is a really good little gem, it might have passed under your radar but you should try it.
It's not a perfect game that's for sure but it has a really good essence.
The factions relationship mechanic is really fun and the story is quite interesting, it has a bit of mystery and you do have to work to uncover it. It doesn't have a fast pace but it also not a slow game it get's that right.

It does have some problems and the textures are not the greatest everywhere but the world get you and the design of it it varied enough so it's always interesting exploring it.
The UI could be a bit better but it gets the job done none the less.

Overall it's a great little gem of a game that deserves your attention, if you get it on a moderate discount you should really get it.
It's one of the games that you play today and the next one you will return and not forget it in the pile of your unplayed steam library.
577 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 19:54
I wish steam had a 'meh' rating because this game would have earned it. I can't recommend it because it is pretty buggy, the combat is poorly done and the story is deeply unsatisfying and even a bit disturbing (you could read it as making an argument for amoral behavior such as theft, murder, deceit, and even genocide - more so than your typical RPG).

Still much of the game play is fairly enjoyable. There is a pretty large world to explore with interesting scenery and items and clear ways in which to manipulate the world even if the effect is largely cosmetic. The puzzles are difficult but not impossible which is good because you will be hard pressed to find any kind of guide or walkthrough for them.

Since 'Meh' is not an option so I will say 'Not Recommended' due to the seriousness of the bugs (although they can be worked around if you are persistent). The bugs I encountered included the game locking up for a moment causing the view to spin wildly (bad for walking around tricky areas or completing platforming elements, really bad in combat), the NPC's all just freezing in place or not appearing at all (or being underground perhaps?) which was correctable by restarting the game. Two critical quests were blocked for me temporarily by bugs which nearly lead me to abandon the game but I did manage to reset the problem areas by restarting or returning to an earlier save and was able to finish the game in the end.

Without giving any spoilers I can say I found the end of the game to be exceptionally disappointing and felt there should have been either more content past that point to set it right or more options leading up to that moment to change the ending.

85 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
3618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 06:17
Great for Story, Completion, and Adventure. I like the idea, but the ending seemed a bit sad for me. I love the world and concept; maybe it was just the target audience, but it seemed like it had so much room for other stuff.

[spoiler]I didn't like how the destiny for the Humans was just to fizzle out and wither away in a cave. With the logistical challenges of a village that size, it's not feasible they'd have to be restricted to this one little tiny island. The game forces you to let one side conquer the world, which seems really unfair... I would have liked the ability to at least compete as equals against the other factions, populating the old vault ruins.[/spoiler]
277 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 22:12
Great concept, but horrible controls. Combat put me off completely.
52 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 02:33
Good idea, nice graphics, however the game play is a bit bugged. The controls are glitchy, I get stuck on stuff quite often and can't approach it items that I need to collect. I'll keep my eyes open was it grows but for now I don't see myself playing the game.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 23:19
This game is a mess... I run into bugs each time I play.
2504 Produkte im Account
217 Reviews
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 04:42
Pine is an amazing adventure game with a world and music reminiscent of a great rpg called Zelda.
However, this game is much more combining adventure, sandbox, crafting and breathtaking cinematic.

This game is very underrated, you must own.

374 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 19:21
Beautiful indie game with a few novel ideas that is unfortunately a bit rough around the edges. The wonderful landscapes start to feel very empty very soon, and the controls seem like they're always lagging a bit, which makes combat a less dynamic experience than it could be. The sub-par collision detection and controls really bring out the worst of the game in the recurring jump-puzzles that are boring at best, rage-inducing at their worst.
127 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 02:34
absolutely stunning and great AI
119 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 01:01
From what i understand, it was a very small company making this game. It has its bugs and the platforming is a bit tiresome after a while but the environment they have build with competing tribes of humanoid animals is fantastic. I have found myself greatly enjoying influencing the different tribes. The story is intreging, left for the player to discover. I highly recommend it, if not for gameplay. Then story and innovative system.
267 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 02:04
I really enjoyed this game! Great graphics and the AI/Group interactions were pretty cool. I thought the different group interactions were really neat and added a bit to the game. Kinda frustrating when you take over a village for an ally, upgrade it, leave for a bit and come back and it is lost. Would be kinda nice if factions could be eliminated, but I understand for game reasons why that would be a bad thing.
Biggest complaint I have is no inventory sorting!!!! You get bonuses if wearing all the same style equipment, but it is a pain to find the same style if you do not get that style all in order, and given there are like 7+ styles, it really sucks!! Really wish they would add a sorting into the game, but other than that, great game. Probably will play again at a later date.
61 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 08:28
This is a really good game. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game with a great concept, soundtrack, etc. etc.

However, it has some issues. Overall the game simply doesnt feel done. It feels like the dev's made this amazing idea, but when it came time to flesh it out they simply didnt fully deliver. Not to mention how difficult it is to figure out what the plans are with the game. It seems, however, like it is no longer being updated. There are bug patches, but no new features which is a shame. Lots of empty space on the map, plenty of bugs, its rough.

The rest of the game, the part that is there, is fantastic. Combat feels clunky at first but once you get the hang of it it becomes very fun. Enemies are challenging, puzzles are tough, map is gorgeous, and the ability to influence the other species is excellent. It's a good game at the end of the day. Give it a try.
120 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 06:25
I am in love with this game so far I am 17 hours in and I can't get enough! I want more! Its a fun RPG adventure game with plenty of crafting and some fairly challenging puzzles. I hope this gets a sequel, prequel or DLC! I just want to keep exploring and finding new things to craft. I hope I get a village to build and grow to help the humans thrive in this world of politics and survival.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 01:56
Seriously great game! If you loved BOTW, you'll love this one just as much.
I collected everything and grinded all the way to the end. The art style and mechanics were incredible! The ambient music really made me feel like I was part of the game.
Since this game was based on an Island that opens up huge possibilities for exploration away from it in future DLC's / Pine 2

The only criticism I have is that I was able to collect all the 5 star items before 4 stars, and there wasn't a reason to collect them after that.
I feel like there should have been a reset feature of sorts in some places where you could get stuck
I would have liked to unlock a secret item at the end, until I got there I didn't need what there was to offer
After the end game I would have liked to grind even more interacting with all tribes, but there wasn't much to offer so it sadly ended there
I wish there was more dialogue not only story wise but things like optional quests or just curious interactions with NPC's
Personally I love upgrading items, even though there were so many materials to find I feel like they could have been used in many more ways
8243 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 16:18


A beautiful place to explore but quests can be underwhelming and contain game breaking bugs.

First Impressions

My initial impressions of the game were very good. It looks and sounds great. The island is detailed and there are six biomes to discover. The music track is beautiful and there are several well composed tunes playing throughout the game.

There is an ongoing tutorial which eases you into the gameplay and the story seemed quite interesting to begin with.

There are numerous fetch quests. I didn’t mind these so much. It’s a beautiful place to roam.

Some of these quests are very frustrating, however. I don’t think I have played a game so frustrating for a while. The main issues are the factions. You can choose to befriend a tribe by donating goods to them. The more you donate, the more your reputation with them increases. Eventually, after providing enough, you become allies and then you can trade with them. This is only possible if you are allies.

When your reputation increases with one faction, it decreases with others you have met, usually to the point where they are enemies and will attack on site. Once your reputation gets this low it becomes tiresome to rebuild as you need to donate vast resources. If the quest dictates you must get an item from a certain faction then you will need to become allies with them so that you can trade. The mechanics of this becomes annoying.

Often the quests are bugged. Quests do not initialize or do not end properly. I am currently stuck in game because of a bug where the task was completed but the quest is still active. I have needed to load saves after being stuck in objects also.

Travelling around the island can also be irritating due to the map and marker system. Countless times I found myself heading in the wrong direction. Travel, check map, travel, check map. This game would benefit from having a small permanent map on screen so that you can see which way you are moving.

Combat is mediocre. You can attack with your sword, kick, dodge, block and shoot arrows using bows. It never feels like you are in complete control though and it feels unresponsive when attacking with your sword.

The camera is incredibly sensitive using the gamepad. You can turn the sensitivity down, but this effects the speed at which you move your bow and shoot arrows. Some puzzle elements require fast shooting, so it is impossible to have the camera on a low sensitivity.

This is a beautiful game with impressive music and great visuals. I could forgive the odd bug when you must reload a save. The save system is quite regular so this is not a problem, but there are still several game breaking bugs that exist and until these are fixed, unfortunately I cannot recommend this game.



Hue is a member of a tribe that for generations has lived on the cliff tops looking over Albamare. After an earthquake destroys their village Hue decides to explore the island and see if there is a more suitable place for them to relocate.

On his journey he will discover remnants of his ancestry and meet unusual creatures and established tribes he never knew existed.


The gameplay is split into exploration, trading, crafting, puzzling and fighting.


The island contains six biomes and is reasonably vast in area. There are also caves, loot chests and amphiscus orbs to find.

You can set markers on the map but once you set them, they are sometimes difficult to remove. When you try and remove them it just adds another.

There is a goals tab which shows your current quests and completed quests. Markers are set for these also but can be toggled on or off.

There is a map, but there is no key so sometimes it is confusing what the symbols represent until you learn their meaning.

Whilst travelling you can collect things from the ground indicated by a white circle. There is no chopping or harvesting. You simply pick these objects up.

Running uses energy which once depleted stops you from running at all. There is an energy bar which can be replenished with food. Whilst it is slightly annoying having to stop to eat food it doesn’t represent a particular problem.

You start off with a small pouch and you will struggle to collect enough resources. There is an early quest to find orbs in exchange for a larger pouch which I would recommend completing before anything else.



Once you find the trader in the village, you can swap items. There will be one trader in each village and each trader has different items. Different factions will have specialty items like armour or shields for you to barter.

During the trade the merchant will display a table of high priority items and a table of low priority items. There is a set of scales representing the trade and you need to balance the scales before the trade will be accepted. Donating high priority items will tip the scales in your favour quicker.


Ideas are concepts of items that you can create yourself. They are basically blueprints giving you better weapons, armour and more complex items used for advanced crafting. There is a crafting tab in the menu which shows all your ideas and how many resources are needed to craft these. Quite often you will need several different resources to craft an [i[idea[/i] and they could be located throughout the land.

You can get resources through nearby traders and this can be helpful if you can’t be bothered to travel.

Crafting is very simple and it is obvious what resources you need to craft that particular item. Sometimes you will need to craft the idea and then craft the item from the idea. Once crafted it will either appear in your inventory to use, your wardrobe for you to equip, or a secondary tab which is used to eat food, set traps and use special items.



During the story line you will be asked to find your way into three vaults. In these vaults will be puzzles and riddles you’ll need to solve to escape. I’ve only played one vault which entailed manipulating platforms by setting the correct symbols in order. To find the order you need to explore the environment.


You begin with a slingshot and a wooden sword. You can poke your sword; perform a charge attack by holding action and release; kick an opponent and dodge. Later you will be able to defend projectiles with a shield and use a bow and arrow.
You also have a basic set of armour initially. Weapons and armour can be upgraded through quests or obtaining ideas.

Each faction on the island has different attacking qualities. Some throw exploding projectiles or spit poisonous saliva at you. Others are stronger and quicker.

If you become allies with a faction, they will help you in fights if they are nearby. Otherwise you can set raid flares for them to arrive and raid the village.


Excellent music and sound effects. Characters do not speak but speech is mimicked by incoherent noises.


Beautiful graphics and a pleasure to explore.


PINE is a beautiful place to explore with excellent music and a relaxing ambience. It's such a shame that the quests are bugged because without the story quests there isn't anything to aim for.

Curator Info:

This game was received free through curator connect.
72 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 04:13
This game has massive potential. If you need to cure that Zelda itch then this game may scratch that, but it may have game aspects you are not familiar with.

Gameplay & quick-dive into the world of Pine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Tc29cEDlHQ

Your human tribe needs to find a new home in a world newly discovered by your species. This world is ruled by animal tribes you you must fall in line within it's circle of life.

Although the trading and political aspect of the game may not appeal to many it's not overly complicated. You give a certain species tribe stuff you have collected and they like you more.
It just doesn't seem to appeal to many of the adventure games players and that unfortunately includes myself.
It does leave you tons of options on how to play the story. So if you like to explore all aspects of how to go about your journey. This would be a game for you!

The crafting is simple enough and gathering is straight-forward. The combat requires more tact and timing rather than just hack and slash. Also knowing when not to fight and when running may save yourself a headache.

With all this said I didn't experience any technical issues with the game. It ran smoothly without error.

I would recommend the game for a player that likes adventure games like Zelda and also likes to explore the numerous ways you could about completing the journey.
2187 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
1585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 04:27

200 character summary

Pine is a great open world adventure game, You have to fight enemies, and gather resources to craft your gear and find a safe place for what remains of the human race amoung many dangerous species.

Story 9/10

The Story is set in an universe where many species have evolved into intelligent beings, Humans are not the top of the food chain, In fact they have been pushed to a dangerous cliff where they have been living for generations. Safe from all the evolved species but the cliffs have been falling apart for a while. You play as Hue, After an accident you fall off the cliffs and you meet one of the friendly species and your adventure begins. It is up to you to find a safe home for all that's left of humanity.

Characters 7/10

The Characters are good, but there are not many of them, Most are just generic NPCs, There are a bunch of people in your village but most of them lack a bit of personality, Hue and his brother are done nicely tho, I also love the camel riding species. None of the characters have voices, They just mumble a bit strange, It could have been done better.

Gameplay 9/10

There are 5 species that fight for control over the villages, They take over villages by themselfes but you can also help certain species, You can share technology, poison a village, or set them on the wrong track to weaken or strengthen them in battle, You can also place flares to let certain species spawn and take it over directly with your help. Villages have 3 states, A B and C, C is the weakest and an A village is the strongest, You have to take A to B to C and then the species will dissapear in that place or it will be taken over if you brought a species along. When you slowly befriend one species others will grow hostile towards you, It is like the classic GTA games.

The game is mostly gathering resources, fighting hostile species and travelling a lot. You need the resources to craft gear and items, Gear is mostly optional but you need to craft certain items for several quests. The game is pretty short for a game in the genre, There are only 2 side quests 1 which is a riddle game where you have to find a few secret spots and the other requires you to find a lot of collectables. The main story felt really short, I spent most of my time gathering and exploring.

The game starts in an amazing way, But it feels a bit incomplete in the middle and towards the end, Endgame there is literally nothing to do but find all orbs and chests that remain pretty much hidden, You will get a balloon that spots collectables around it, but you still need to deploy, wait and then take it down everywhere at least once to spot them all. which is going to take a very long time, You don't really get anything for it next to an achievement, It feels more like a chore sadly.

I do think the game itself is very nice, It is something you don't see alot on Steam, You can tame creatures, There are dozens of gear items, It is a great exploring game, I especially think the setting is amazing, The idea that animals evolved into intelligent creatures to battle for control over territory. I also love the small things, Like the 3D map, The fact that you can walk while showing the map, The free choice in which Vault you go first

Aesthetics 9/10

The graphics are very nice, It feels a bit cartoony, But there is a lot of detail, I like it a lot. The game is also suprisingly light with only 3GB of storage needed. The soundtrack enhances the game very nicely, but it is a bit short.

Performance 6/10

Performance is not the best sadly, I do not get a stable 60 FPS most of the time which is a bit dissapointing, I had some drops going even lower, But It was not at the point where the framerate or stutters just get annoying. Especially when loading areas it has a few stutters, the stutters then dissapear but the low framerates are always present.

Replayability 6/10

Replaying the game would result in the same outcome, You can choose which vault you will do first but other than that the game will be exactly the same, There are no more gamemodes, difficulity settings or anything. I would not recommend replaying the game after you finished it.


Ofcourse the performance needs to be adressed and It could greatly improve by adding content, It is obvious that the game is lacking in content after the first vault. I would love to see more missions in between, Even stuff to do end game, Maybe some random generated missions, or random encounters and maybe some minigames. I feel the big open world, all the species, backstory, resources, everything is a bit of a waste when the game feels incomplete.

Conclusion 8/10

Overal it is a great game with an amazing atmosphere. The performance is a bit of a bummer but it is certainly playable with decent framerates. I think it is an amazing idea, And a lot of things have been executed in a great way, But I feel the development and release was a bit rushed at a certain point.


Game Info

# of players Single Player only
Steam Cloud Save Working fine
Controller Support Yes, Xbox One Bluetooth Working
Achievements Hard to find all collectables
FPS on Ultra 1080P 40- 120 fps
Launch Command gamemoderun %command%
Installed Size 3.2GB
Issues Not the best performance

Operating System & Hardware

OS Arch Linux
Kernel 5.4.7
DE Gnome 3.34.2
CPU Intel I7-6800K Hexa Core @ 4.2 Ghz
GPU Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 (Nvidia 440.44 Drivers)
86 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.19 00:02
Very relaxing but needs some further developing... I do wish developers would stop publishing uncomplete games to fund the fixes. Hoping to try again next year.
Logo for Pine
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.28% 672 245
Release:10.10.2019 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Twirlbound Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop
2 Prisoner haben dieses Spiel schon
13 Steam-Errungenschaften
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