Remnant: From the Ashes
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Über das Spiel

Die Welt wurde von einem uralten Übel aus einer anderen Dimension ins Chaos gestürzt. Die Menschen kämpfen ums Überleben, aber sie verfügen über eine Technologie, mit der sie Portale zu alternativen Welten öffnen können. Sie reisen durch diese Portale, um das Geheimnis über die Herkunft des Bösen zu enthüllen. Dabei müssen sie Ressourcen sammeln, ums Überleben kämpfen und Fuß fassen, damit die Menschheit mit dem Wiederaufbau beginnen kann ...
Entdecke dynamisch generierte Welten, die sich mit jeder Spielsession verändern und dabei neue Karten, Gegnerkämpfe, Quests und Ereignisse kreieren. Jede der vier einzigartigen Welten des Spiels ist voll von ungeheuerlichen Bewohnern und Umgebungen, die ständig neue Herausforderungen bieten. Du wirst lernen müssen, dich anzupassen ... oder bei dem Versuch sterben.
Besiege taffe Gegner und epische Bosse in schwierigen Umgebungen, um Erfahrung, wertvolle Beute und Verbesserungsmaterialien zu erhalten, mit denen du ein Arsenal an Waffen, Rüstungen und Modifikationen aufbauen kannst, um jeden Kampf auf viele verschiedene Arten anzugehen.
Die Invasion anderer Welten, um die Saat zu vernichten ist gefährlich und das Überleben ist nicht sicher. Verbünde dich mit zwei anderen Spielern, um deine Überlebenschancen zu verbessern. Teamwork ist notwendig, um die schwierigsten Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und die großartigsten Belohnungen freizuschalten.
Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel
DLC Remnant: From the Ashes - Swamps of Corsus | 27.04.2020 | 9,99€ |
- CPU: Intel Core i3-7350K (4.20 GHz) or better
- GFX: AMD Radeon RX 470
- Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch,Spanisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 (3.70 GHz) or better
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
- Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch,Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 08:04
Die Welt ist interessant mit unterschiedlichen Regionen gestaltet. Der Charakter konnte durch verschiedene Waffen, Rüstung und Fertigkeiten angepasst werden.
Leider muss man sich die Fertigkeiten erst freischalten durch verschiedenste Aufgaben. Somit hat man nicht gleich von Beginn an ein guten Überblick für die Planung des Charakters.
1502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 13:07
Müsst ihr wissen...
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 13:05
Alles in allem: Sehr empfehlenswert.
3955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 10:10
Ein gelungenes Spiel mit einer guten Zeit an Unterhaltung und hohem Wiederspielwert!
Man erkundet 4 (5 mit dlc) schöne, abwechslungsreiche und zufallsgenerierte Welten und hat beim Bestreiten seiner Widersacher auf seinen Ausdauerbalken, seine Munition und seine Gesundheit zu achten. Dabei hat man die Auswahl aus einer Nahkampfwaffe, einer Primärwaffe und einer Sekundärwaffe. Diese können aber zu jeder Zeit gewechselt werden. Die Gegner auf die man trifft sind vielfältig, gelungen und passen zu dem Areal. Es gibt pro Areal 3 Bosse. Einen ungefähr bei der Hälfte, einen Optionalen und einen am Ende. Diese haben schöne Mechaniken, sind auch abwechslungsreich und keine Kopien. Die Bosse sind jeweils eine Mischung aus einer bestimmten Auswahl die sich auch jedes Mal ändern kann. Man muss also um alles gesehen und bekämpft zu haben, ein Areal mehrfach durchspielen. Das geht alternativ zum Storymodus über den Abenteuermodus. Das ist zwar nur Optional, aber eine große Stärke vom Spiel und eine Möglichkeit die Spieler bei Laune zu halten.
Loot gibt es auf verschiedene Wege zu erlangen. Mal beim Erkunden von einer Karte zum Aufheben, mal als Belohnung von einer Sidequest oder durch das Besiegen von einem Boss. Manche Bosse bieten einem die Möglichkeit diesen unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen zu erlegen. Dadurch ändert sich der Loot und man hat eine zusätzliche Herausforderung. Guter Loot besteht aus Waffen, Rüstungen, Schmuck und Mods. Diese ändern sich dann mit jedem Durchgang. Normaler Loot sind Schrott (Währung), Munition, Heilung und diverse zeitlich begrenzte Items. Durch den Versuch alle Waffen Rüstungen und Mods zu erlangen entsteht ein unglaublich hoher Grindfaktor, der aber aufgrund der Zufallsgeneration nicht langweilig wird. Mit jedem Durchlauf wird man ja auch stärker und es geht schneller und schneller.
Es gibt eine sehr schöne und abwechslungsreiche Auswahl an Waffen, die sich wirklich alle gut spielen lassen. hier ist für jeden was dabei. Sei es eine Sniperrifle für den Hitman, eine Shotgun für den Rambo oder die Tommygun für den Mafiaboss in einem :D. Es gibt noch sehr viele andere Waffen, die sich überhaupt nicht in Kategorien packen lassen, jedoch müssen diese Waffen erstmal gefunden werden. Zusätzlich kann man auch verschiedene Mods auf seine Waffe packen die noch viel mehr Abwechslung mit sich bringen. Wer hier nichts passenden für seinen Playstyle findet, dem kann nicht geholfen werden... Rüstungen und Schmuckstücke können entweder gekauft, gefunden oder als Belohnung für eine Quest ausgehändigt werden. Rüstungsteile geben Setbonis welche mal mehr und mal weniger Impact auf den eigenen Spielstil haben, können aber auch kombiniert werden. Selbst nach 65 Spielstunden habe ich noch nicht alles gefunden oder freigeschaltet. Dennoch werde ich irgendwann mal weiter grinden :)
Es gibt hier nicht wie in anderen Spielen eine klassische Verteilung von Punkten auf Leben, Ausdauer oder sonstiges... Wenn ihr einen Level Up erreicht, bekommt ihr einen Punkt (man kann Punkte auch auf der Karte finden). Diesen Punkt könnt ihr in eine Art Permanentbonus wie z.B. mehr Leben oder schneller Laufen investieren. Das Ganze ist bis zu zwanzig mal pro Trait möglich. Manche Traits habt ihr von Anfang an, manche müsst ihr freischalten. Vieles schaltet ihr aber unbewusst einfach durchs spielen frei. Das geht m. E. relativ zügig und es lässt sich auch mit einem Item im Lategame wieder neu verteilen.
Eine sehr große Stärke des Spiels! Im Drop on / drop off System kann man bei anderen Spielen einsteigen oder andere nehmen am eigenen Spiel teil. Natürlich kann man das auch ausschalten wenn man möchte, aber es macht wie ich finde, einen großen Teil an der sehr positiven Spielerfahrung aus. Hier können die verschiedenen Waffen, Mods und Traits nochmal abgestimmt werden um seine Stärke als Team zu maximieren. Bis zu zwei Mitstreiter können einem zur Seite stehen. Die Ingame Kommunikation ist dabei wie bei Dark Souls oder Ähnlichen Titeln auf das Minimum reduziert. Gestiken und Chatrad sind aber ausreichend. Viele haben das Game durch und kommen zum Grinden in die Gruppe. Dementsprechend bleiben viele dann auch eine Zeit lang drin. Wie das heutzutage aussieht weiß ich nicht. Es ist schon eine Weile her dass ich mal rein geschaut habe und auch da war schon nicht mehr so eine Aktivität wie zu Anfangszeiten. Aber auch wenn nichts geht, ist es auch Solo eine schöne Erfahrung.
Das Game bekommt eine dicke Empfehlung von mir! Durch die üppige Auswahl an Waffen, Mods und Rüstungen lassen sich viele Kombinationen ausprobieren und man kann heute als Minionmaster seine eigene kleine Armee aufs Schlachtfeld schicken und morgen einfach alles als Melee-Berserker klein hauen. Die vielen Kombination bieten grenzenlose Möglichkeiten. DIe zufallsgenerierten Areale und die sich permanent abwechselnden Bosse bieten einen hohen Wiederspielwert und es wird durch den Drang alles haben zu wollen auch nicht so schnell Langweilig. Der Coopmodus ist gelungen und setzt nochmal eine Schippe Spaßfaktor oben drauf.
5208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 15:55
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
✅ Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
✅ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
✅ Good
???? Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
✅ Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
???? Free
???? Underpriced
✅ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
✅ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
????Short (2 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
✅ Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
✅ The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
✅ If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
???? No
✅ Wait for sale
✅ Yes
2282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 15:51
Das Spiel macht super Spaß und ist definitiv empfehlenswert, wenn Ihr eine Herausforderung sucht, denn leicht ist das Spiel definitiv nicht. Doch wenn du mal irgendwo nicht weiterkommen solltest, kannst du den Schwierigkeitsgrad auch runterschrauben.
1616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 22:52
☐ Man vergisst die Wirklichkeit
☐ Wunderbar
☑ Gut
☐ Schlecht
☐ Undertale
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Sehr gut
☑ Gut
☐ Es ist nur Gameplay
☐ Fallout 76
☐ Eine Wand anschauen macht mehr Spaß
☐ Einfach Nein.
☐ Ohrgasmus
☑ Sehr gut
☐ Gut
☐ Nicht so schlecht
☐ Schlecht
☐ Vergewaltigung der Ohren
☐ Kinder
☑ Teens
☑ Erwachsene
☐ Menschen
---{PC Anforderungen}---
☐ Schau ob du paint.exe starten kannst
☐ Kartoffel
☐ Anständig
☑ Schnell
☐ Sonic's PC
☐ Frag die NASA ob sie einen PC für dich über haben
☐ Einfach ‚A‘ drücken
☐ Leicht
☑ Normal
☐ Leicht zu lernen / Schwierig anzuwenden
☐ Schwierig
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nichts zu grinden
☐ Nur wenn dir leaderboards/ranks wichtig sind
☑ Nicht entscheidend
☐ Durchschnittliches grind level
☐ Zu viel zu grinden
☐ Du wirst ein zweites Leben zum grinden brauchen
---{Spiel dauer}---
☐ Lang genug für eine Tasse Kaffee
☐ Kurz
☑ Durchschnittlich
☐ Lang
☐ Zwischen infinity und beyond
☐ Kostenlos, Yeeey!
☑ Seinen Preis wert
☐ Wenn du grade Geld übrig hast
☐ Warte auf einen Sale
☐ Du könntest dein Geld auch verbrennen
☐ Nie davon gehört
☑ Wenig Bugs
☐ Können nervig sein
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ Das Spiel ist ein Bug
☐ Ich lösche meine Festplatte damit ich sie nochmal erleben kann!
☐ Gut gemacht
☑ Klischee
☐ Wtf die macht nicht mal Sinn
☐ Twilight Niveau
☐ Keine Story
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 12:40
Zum teil wie man einen Boss legt bekommt man andere Skills oder Ausrüstungen. Motivation ist sehr hoch es noch nach der Story weiter zu spielen.
Nicht Empfohlen
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 19:48
Bis auf den ersten Boss, die nächsten 5 alles Gankbosse die keinerlei Spaß machen. Und zwar weil das die billigste Form von Schwierigkeit in solchen Spielen ist. Einfach 1000 Gegner mit reinklatschen und fertig ist die Scheiße.
Ein ganz gediegenes Leck mich an die Entwickler.
3399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 20:34
3921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 11:08
While normal and hard are like a walk though a park, nightmare is a visit at the dentist for a 3 hour drilling and apocalypse is like having a man flu.
Overall great, some crashes some bugs.
Hopefully they will add some multiplayer things, like chatting on pc and the possibillity to rejoin a survival mode match after a disconnect / crash
Nicht Empfohlen
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 13:44
An sich macht das Spiel ziemlich Spass, wäre da nicht die triste und detailarme Spielwelt(nein, es ist nicht der Apocalypse geschuldet, sondern der Lieblosigkeit der Welt), die kaum vorhandene Story und die dermaßen 0815 Charaktere.
Animationen, Wuchtigkeit und Kämpfe sind klasse.
Man macht im Prinzip nichts anderes, als in die Semi Open World zu reisen, ein paar Gegner umzulegen, die erhaltenen Ressourcen in Waffen- und Rüstungsupgrades zu stecken nur im das Ganze zu wiederholen.
Keine Abwechslung, keine großartigen Klassenunterschiede und keine Gespräche die zumindest ein bisschen Flair vermitteln.
Wenn man auf sowas steht, gerne zugreifen.
Für mich ist das Ganze so gar nichts.
5278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 14:42
+ Bester Souls-Like COOP den ich kenne
+ Schönes Gunplay (Obwohl man als Souls Fan anderes vermutet)
+ Abenteuer-Modus bringt großen Spaß
+ Viele coole und teilweise spaßige Secrets
+ mittlere-gute Lore
- Großteil der Lore befindet sich fast gänzlich hinter Textwänden, Sogar in Souls bekommt man mehr Story mit ohne diese Texte zu Lesen.
- Da es Random Maps sind werden Leute die nur einen Run machen die coolsten verpassen. Ich habe das Gefühl die weniger spaßigen Events werden eher generiert (Kampagnen-Modus) - 10 Runs und oftmals Wiederholungen drin -
5186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 16:46
Forderndes Gameplay (4 Schwierigkeitsgrade), sehr angenehmes Gunplay, einige Features von den Souls Spielen entliehen.
Kampagne mit 4 Welten, Abenteuermodus in dem einzelne Welten zufällig generiert werden können, Hardcore Modus und ein Rouge Like Survival Modus (Corvus DLC).
Sowohl solo als auch im Koop ein klasse Shooter.
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 15:35
+ das Kampfsystem ist spaßig
+ die Umsetzung der (End-)Gegner ist ein Augenschmauß
+ der Koop-Modus gibt dem Spiel einen interaktiven Mehrwert
+ auch ohne klare Vorgaben kommt man irgendwie immer da an, wo man soll
Ich würde empfehlen, auf eine Rabatt-Aktion zu warten, da der volle Kaufpreis - für das, was man bekommt - dann doch zu hoch angesetzt ist.
2745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 12:37
3369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 20:25
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 05:18
Das ist das perfekte Spiel für Dich und deine Jungs und Mädels, wenn du
A) Soullikes Games
B) Kein Problem mit dem Sterben
C) Unfair Spielfeatures hast
D) Keine originelle Story suchst.
Aber schön der Reihe nach.
Ich kann das Spiel jeden empfehlen, der gerne mit seinen Leuten zusammen zockt. Gerne levelt, Perks Sammelt und sich bei bestimmten Gegner die Zähne ausbeißt. Natürlich ballert und und ab und zu bisschen mit seiner Waffe in den Nahkampf geht. Es ist pure Unterhaltung, aber keine Meisterliche.
Dabei bedient sich das Spiel einen hohen Schwierigkeit Grad, um das Spiel künstlich in die Länge zu ziehen. Es gibt 4 Welten. Wovon wenn man einer von der schnellen Sorte ist, man nur drei machen muss, aber aus Fairness halber gesagt. Es ist besser alle Weltenzu spielen. Und diese Welten werden schwerer, Was schön ist, die Welten sind immer anders aufgebaut, wenn man ein Abenteuer oder Kampagne startet. Ich hatte aber nach dem ersten Durchspiel keine Lust mehr weiter zu spielen, daher kann ich das nicht bestätigen. Warum ich keine Lust hatte, dazu komm ich später. Durch den Absurden Schwierigkeitsgrad, kann man aber was entgegen bringen. Und das hat oft nichts mit Skill zu tun. Besondern wenn ihr im Sumpf ward, ist Glück und Grind eurer bester Freund.
Denn nun kommen wir zu den tollen Feature des Spiels.
Ihr bekommt Level. Juhuu dadurch bekommt man die Möglichkeit eine seiner Fähigkeiten zu steitern. Was am Anfang cool klingt, wird später eurer verderben sein :D. Ihr könnt eure Waffen und Rüstungen mit Mats die ihr beim sammeln und töten findet leveln. Yeah... Auch das wird eurer verderben später. Denn die frisch generierten Welten, richten sich an euren super tollen level / Equip. Das ist ja auf der einen Seite OK. bringt aber nichts. Wenn man sich abquälen oder erstmal wie ein Ochse grinden muss um in der neuen Welt erstmal ein oder / zwei Angriffe zu überleben ohne.
a) keine Munition mehr zu haben, weil die Waffen zu schwach sind
b) garnicht mehr fähig ist weiter zu spielen und man die Karte resetten muss um wieder es zu versuchen.
Zwar wird die Welt nicht noch schwerer nur weil man levelt, seine Perks maxxen tut oder sein Equip verbessert, nee das tut es nicht, die wird auf der Zeit dann einfacher, aber die Welt danach um so gnadenloser. Und das hat gerade unser kleines Team fast, das Genick im Spiel gebrochen. Wirklich ich hab schon echt viele Spiele in mein Leben gespielt, aber wir hatten entweder ein Problem oder das Spiel ein Problem mit uns :D
Als wir in die dritte Welt an kam haben wir kein Fuß mehr fassen können. Mit mühe und Not, kamen wir in Stunden des grinden langsam voran, aber wir sind alles Veterane des zockens. Darksouls, kein Problem für uns. Nier Automata kein Problem für uns. Auch andere Spiele wie Dead Cells, wo ich schon drei Boss Souls hatte, waren für mich zwar ne fette Herausforderung, aber keine Tortur der Spieldesigner.
Wir haben aufgegeben, vielleicht lag es daran, das wir den Quest Item für die letzte Welt schon hatten, man weiß es nicht, Es war auf jeden Fall eine Dämpfer, von dem wirklich vorher Jipee was für ein cooles Spiel. In der Letzten Welt, wiederrum, fühlte sich das Spiel wieder normal schwer an. Gegner brauchten keine komplette Munition beider Waffen ;) und man durfte auch wieder bissle in den Nahkampf gehen.
Trotzdem blieb es bei dem komischen Schwierigkeitsgrad. Denn während es für den einen normal schwer war, wurde es ein Parkour des Wahnsinns für den anderen. Die hatte ne Rüstung aus Papier. Egal wie sehr sie sich gelevelt haben, ja sogar fast auf Max hatten sie es, sie durften nicht getroffen werden. Denn dann war es oft sein verderben gewesen. Und wenn sie dot´s hatten, naja konnte er sich hinlegen. Während sie normal bei Schaden bei den anderen verursachte, ging im Schnitt nen viertel der Energie im Sekunden Takt down. Schaden machen war total normal, schaden bekommen unnormal. Das gute, die Bosse haben in der Kampangne einen festen Wert, egal wie stark man in die Welt geht, oder die Schwierigkeit ein Problem mit der Berechnung, die Welt Bosse, haben alle einen festen Wert, nicht aber.... die zwischen Bosse, die können schon einen frustieren.
Aber nicht desto trotz, haben wir mit viel lachen, wut Ausbrüchen und Whine mit Weißbrot das Spiel zu ende gebracht.
Es ist ein tolles Co-Op Spiel und ich kann es jeden empfehlen, denn wie ich erfahren habe, scheinen viele nicht das Problem mit dem absurden Schwierigkeit grad gehabt zu haben, keine Ahnung was schief gelaufen ist, aber das ist nicht die Regel gewesen. Normal skaliert die Schwierigkeit, normal und ja das Spiel ist nicht einfach, aber nicht schwerer wie die Souls oder andere Co-Op Games mit hohen Schwierigkeit Graden. Aber selbst wenn, die Story ist Banal und nichts originelles. Selbst wenn man am Anfang schnell alles weg drückt nur um zocken zu können. Kann die Story in einen Absatz wieder nach lesen. Wenige Dialoge, muss man sich im Spiel rein ziehen, nicht vieles entscheidet dein Handeln, oder ändern wirklich dein Spielverlauf. Einige Entscheidungen, geben dir andere Waffen, oder anders Möglichkeiten, die es dann verhindert, das du bestimmte Sachen bekommst. So wollen die Entwickler die Spieler dazu verleiten, das Spiel noch mal zu spielen. Die Sammler und die Perfektionisten unter uns, wird es vielleicht auch tun.
Mir ist es egal gewesen, ich wollte lieber jetzt die Rezession schreiben und mich ein neues Projekt widmen. Vielleicht später, noch mal, wenn wir Lust auf das Spiel haben und wir es erneut versuchen wollen.
Technisch kann ich nichts viel Sagen, ich hatte keine Aussetzer und keine Abstürze gehabt. Die Grafik ist jetzt keine Augenweide und ist zweck dienlich, dennoch nicht billig und nach quick and dirty Manier zusammen geschustert. Die Welten sind optisch stark unterschiedlich, spielerisch alle extrem gleich. Generell das Spiel ist von der ersten Minuten bis zur letzten extrem generisch. Ich finde es nicht schlecht. waren NES Spiele demnach generell generisch. Trotzdem kann generisch gut sein. Ist es auch in diesen Fall. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, gab es keine Rätseln. Es wird einen auf nichts hingewiesen. Da muss die Community ran, finde ich persönlich auch sehr gut. Aber schade, dass man nicht an alle gedacht hatte. Der Sound ist ausreichend bis gut. Die Übersetzung wurde nicht mit Google gemacht und die Vertonung war ordentlich gewesen.
Grafik: 3
Sound: 3
Gameplay: 3
Technik: 3
Komplett: 3
Das ist auch meine persönliche Meinung, das Spiel hat mich nach dem Abschluss der Endsequenz mich nur Zufrieden gestellt. Ich war Froh, es zu ende gespielt zu haben und war auch nicht traurig das ich fertig wurde. Auch störte mich nicht, das ich nicht alle Waffen / Perks und Rüstungen im Spiel gefunden habe. Denn man spielte oftmals nur mit seinen wenig gelevelten Waffen und noch mal stunden langes grinden um die neue vielleicht bessere Waffen zu leveln hatten wir auch keine Lust mehr. Das gleiche gilt auch für die Rüstungen. Am Ende benötigt man Absurd seltene Materialen. Die mal eben nicht von Gegner droppen :D. Ist ja nicht schlimm, wir hatten es durch. Der Endboss, hatte sehr viel spass gemacht und ich muss persönlich sagen, Jedes alte Castlevania hatte ein besseres Ende, als Remnant gehabt.
Die stärke des Spiels liegt im zusammen spielen, und das solltet ihr auch tun. Das hat uns sehr viel spass gemacht und wir haben uns eigentlich auch nie langweilig gefühlt, nur genervt, ja ein wenig frustierend, kann man auch sagen. Trotzdem ein gutes coop Spiel. Mit schwächen, aber trotzdem noch Empfehlenswert.
1243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 03:23
Schwierigkeitsgrade sind ebenfalls genau abgestimmt und verlangen einiges von dir wenn man das Spiel auf schwer stellt :)
3174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 11:44
Und Nightmare empfehl ich wirklich nur für die Leute die spaß dran haben immer wieder geoneshotted zu werden von normalen Mobs von Bössen ganz zu schweigen.
Nightmare war wirklich wie der Name schon sagt ein Alptraum aber das Gefühl das Spiel auf der schwersten Stufe durchzuspielen hat mich an Dark Souls erinnert.
10/10 would never play again
1904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 19:33
In Sachen Loot und Story, verhält es sich ähnlich wie sein vermeindlich großer Bruder. Von besiegten Feinden erhält man ausschließlich Munition und Metalle, verliert diese allerdings nicht nach dem Ableben. Neue Ausrüstung findet man meistens nur an gut versteckten Orten, erhält sie für das Abschließen von besonderen Aufgaben oder kann sie nach einem erfolgreichen Bosskampf beim Schmied bzw. Händlern erwerben. Seine Handlung erzählt Remnant immer wieder mal in kleineren Zwischensequenzen und mittels ausschweifenden Dialogoptionen, bleibt im Großen und Ganzen dabei aber meist vage und geheimnisvoll.
Zwar kann man es durchaus gut alleine spielen, so richtig Spass allerdings macht es erst wenn man sich mindestens mit einem Freund zusammen tut und gemeinsam der Saat die Wurzeln stutzt. ;)
7233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 12:32
This game is similar to the mechanics of Dark Souls, only here we are in the apocalyptic future) Definitely not boring, I want more laurel, the consequences of the choice, not just everything in the script) well, for 1 time all the armor and weapons do not collect, so play with other players are profitable) waiting for the second part.
1006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 05:18
Unlike Dark Souls, which seemed to try to actively discourage coop, this game actually recommends and promotes it, hence why I like this game and despise Dark Souls. Without coop, I would have never picked this game up; I would have found it a found it such a difficult, discouraging slog that I would have quit the game in under 2 hours and never took it up again (much as I did Dark Souls). As it has coop, it is less of grind. Yes, there are challenges that can wipe your team, regardless, but good teamwork can overcome most challenges, eventually. This makes the game a gritty challenge rather than a nigh impossible proposition. I have read reviews of players claiming to have soloed the game. They must be God's gifts to gaming, as that's a feat I'll never be able to honestly claim. (I've attempted; I've failed enough to know, for me it's impossible.)
The game does have its weaknesses. There are still the occasional bugs. Melee isn't really much of a viable combat option. Character and equipment customization seems very limited.
Despite that, as one of the more difficult, if not most difficult, coop games around, it is quite enjoyable.
3636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 23:14
Remnant has fun, fast gunplay with a fairly large variety of guns. But on top of that it has so many armor sets, trinkets, and mods to go along with them that you have an impressive amount of build variety once you have a decent bit of gear.
The replayability is impressively high for me. The game has so many events that can be generated for every world with several bosses. And on top of that many of the bosses have multiple ways of doing the fight. Changing how can reward different loot and sometimes a very different fight.
The multiplayer is fairly seamless with pretty good netcode as well. I don't remember any disconnects. On that note the game also ran perfectly for me as well.
I had tons of fun with this game and I have no doubt my hours played will go up even after this review.
Easily a 6/7
2165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 11:34
The atmosphere is nice, and having the multiple regions help keep things different. And as much as people complain RNG is fair (mostly) in the way that yes you have to work for gear but its not usually such a long grind that the rewards end up not being worth it.
The game does lack a tad bit in enemy diversity in comparison to other games, which admittedly can become a bit boring/tedious, but I believe that helps new or returning players get into the groove of the game without raging. And if you choose the game is too easy, you can always change the difficulty on the fly, which is pretty cool in a game such as this.
Armor/weapons/accessory options have a great amount of diversity, allowing for many different types of builds. Most will admittedly look up builds for harder difficulties, but honestly that is no fun. With such diversity you can create many types of builds and have fun experimenting. Many of the weapons (mainly boss weapons, similar to souls games) have different mods as well that brings more diversity into the game, ranging from ammo changes, aura usage, and even minion summoning. With all the diversity almost anyone can find/make a build suitable for an enjoyable experience.
Finally, and probably a big positive for most, is the multiplayer option. You can have a total of 2 other players run and gun with you at any point in time, with this difficulty will scale evenly with the number of players in lobby, which also scales experience and most importantly loot. Now, unlike many games Remnant does NOT follow the same loot rewarding as most games, when one person picks up loot everyone in the lobby also obtains said loot. that includes equipment, currency, and important items such as quest items. (ammo is not shared unfortunately but they do have accessory that allows it).
That should about cover it, if you would like more detail, or someone to run this enjoyable game with, hit me up :)
Have fun, and sorry for the long review XD
3293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 17:13
Here's what the game suffers from; lighting and overall grim colors, it's like there's an apocalyptic re-shade mod applied on the entire game, it even drowns out the colorful and flashy spells/magic that are in the game, (I understand that the game is set in the aftermath of human extinction and the apocalypse, but still, everything has almost the same color pallet). The art style is like a mix between TF2 and Fortnite and Overwatch, I'm not very fond of those games to begin with. Voice acting during dialogue is alright, but your character's combat dialogue and after-combat dialogue are very repetitive and almost cheesy due to the voice actors effort put into the lines. You'll hear the 3 most common phrases before, during and after every combat encounter, so be prepared to hear the same lines over and over again from your character, (Thankfully the settings are pretty well-made and in-depth so you can turn off voices and subtitles). Guns mostly outperform melee weapons, there is almost no reason to use melee when guns are much superior in almost every encounter. Maybe I haven't played through the game enough but it feels like there isn't much content in the game or much to explore once you beaten it.
Overall, good game, I recommend to buy it on sale but still, a great game.
9911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 07:31
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 19:21
With this skills points, you upgrade your skills, you can loot some box's in the map during your gameplay to try to find some metal parts, ammo, level points, when enemy dies, they drop also some loot items, the game is strange and good, i liked.
970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 04:27
Finished the base game in under 20 hours and that was with me running around and exploring every level.
Highly recommend buying this game on sale.
Nicht Empfohlen
1247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 02:08
1757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 03:17
- Coop gameplay: we really had to synchronize our attacks, and defend each other
- Guns: awesome and fun guns that feel really good to use, and very good looking
- Special Abilities: each gun has a power (that is replaceable) with cooldown, they are really fun and necessary to beating the game
- Gameplay: It feels super smooth while you are fighting ranged, thats most of the game
- Aesthetics: very nice graphics and enemy designs
- Enemy melee attacks can be a little bit cheaty, it seems that the players melee hitbox is too big
- The story, as it is told, is boring: too many characters that actually say nothing, and have little to non personality
- Not much armor options
Probably the lore is pretty nice, but the story would have benefited from having less characters, giving them more depth and personality. I feel like they wanted to go with the feeling of a populated shelter (Ward 13), but as the characters in there feel so stiff, it ends up having no life.
An idea could have been to have very few interesting characters as aids in battle for the players (the sellers, armorers, etc), and then all rescued people are protected inside a more secure area of Ward 13. You cannot access them for their safety or something like that, but you know they are there, depending on you.
Anyway, great game and I would buy a Remnant 2 or anything like this from these developers!!
3337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 12:14
3878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 04:42
Harder difficulty action RPG, clearly inspired by Souls-like games.
Played on Nightmare difficulty with a buddy, had our balls handed to us frequently-- yet all the boss encounters are fun to face! (except for the base game final boss, due to the weakpoint bug)
1844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 01:49
Again, you DO NOT need an Epic account to play this game online.
4324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 16:15
A challenging shooter game that is made fun with friends. The story is meh but it is not necessary.
Only down side i had with the game was fighting shroud 6 times in a row. Otherwise enjoyable game, with some decent gun-play and enough content to keep you busy.
Pick it up in a sale to make it really worth while.
6982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 08:42
I play this game on apocalypse, I love the grind, I love how hard apocalypse mode is and the challenge it presents,I'm nearly at 100 hours now and I cant get enough. It's very rewarding to beat a boss, its fun to farm scrap and buy what you need for the future. It's nice that there are so many random encounters and items that keep you coming back to see what the next adventure will have or the way the story will progress.
I dont know how far into the game I am, but I really love it and i'm glad I never listened to the people who talked down on the game. I'm having so much fun. I understand this game type isnt for everyone, but if you like games that challenge you to be perfect in your execution of things, you will honestly love this.
I never played darksouls but i have a friend that loves that franchise and states that this is more fun than that, becuase its like darksouls but with guns and friends. that sounds pretty cool to me :)
25366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 05:25
Remnant: From the Ashes is a rogue-like, souls like 3rd person shooter with melee combat that is easy to learn and very hard to master. As a rogue-like the areas are randomly generated and the bosses and events you get will be random each time you go through the game. You progress through the area killing enemies and looking for new gear or npcs until you make it to a boss. Killing the boss rewards you with a crafting item that can be used to make a boss weapon or powerful weapon mod. Some bosses can be killed in different ways for a different reward. There is even a ds1 reference where you can cut the tail off the dragon to get a flaming sword. If you don't cut his tail off you get a flamethrower instead. Since you won't get every boss or event in 1 run and some bosses require multiple kills to get all the stuff you will need to run through the game several times or use adventure mode which is an alternative to the campaign. It allows you to farm certain ares for bosses or events. Some weapons or armor sets can only be gotten during certain events such as a armor set that gives life regen that requires you to complete a siege mode event which is basically a horde mode. The same is true of the chicago typewriter which requires you to keep 2 npcs alive during a siege event. If you're successful they'll give you a key to a room with the gun. Due to the areas and everything in them being randomly generated there is an rng aspect to the game. Don't worry though if you're not getting what you want as there is a safety net where a boss or event is guaranteed to spawn after a certain number of tries. Even with this though it takes months of playing to reach max level and get every piece of gear in the game.
Weapon mods are the abilities you get such as a fireball or healing aoe. They charge by shooting enemies or hitting them with melee and there are a lot of different ones. There are some armor pieces and rings that will charge them over time as well. All armor pieces are part of a set bonus so you can mix and match for different bonuses or use multiple pieces of the same set for a stronger bonus. Some rings and amulets will work with certain guns, melee weapons, mods or armor set bonuses so you can create a pretty detailed build. As you play you will unlock traits that are permanent passive abilities. There are 50 traits total and each have a max rank of 20. The max level with the dlc is 1000. As with weapons, armor or trinkets some traits are very well hidden and some can only be gotten in co-op or by completing certain challenges or puzzles. There are no restrictions in level or gear score when joining others and you never get scaled down which does make it possible for a high level character to join a low level and steamroll the enemies in their game.
There are 4 difficulties and the higher ones give increased xp and rewards. Once you finish with campaign and adventure mode you can try your hand at survival or hardcore for powerful account wide items that are given to all existing characters and any new ones you make. Be warned though that these modes are very punishing but the rewards match the difficulty. Hardcore characters only get 1 life so death is permanent and it can only be played solo or with friends and there is a bug that randomly kills your character instantly in a certain area that still hasn't been fixed since launch. This won't matter on softcore characters but will end a hardcore run. Survival is a special mode where you start at level 1 with nothing but a pistol and you run through randomly generated areas like rifts in Diablo 3 and each area has increased difficulty the higher you go. You collect weapons, armor and xp as you complete areas. The idea is to kill as many bosses as you can in a single run since it resets if you die. Rewards will be given after a certain number of total boss kills so you can obtain them over multiple runs. There is also an achievement for killing 10 bosses in 1 survival run and one for killing a world boss solo without taking any damage although you don't have to do that one in survival.
Overall the game runs great. The soundtrack is amazing although you may have to turn down the sound effects to hear it. Combat is smooth and runs flawlessly. Whether attacking with melee, shooting guns or using weapon mods it is seamless in solo which brings me to my next point, co-op. I love playing with other people in games. I love getting a high level character with a great build and joining others to help and the game has a drop in, drop out style of co-op making it easy to join matches (when it works). Sadly the co-op experience is less then par for an otherwise amazing and unforgettable game. Most of the matches you join will lag. It doesn't matter how good your pc or internet connection is. The fact is the game has bad servers and the connection scales entirely off the host. This means that when you join people there is a high chance you will get everything from hits not registering. delayed item usage and even teleporting enemies. It makes the game unplayable in many cases unless the host has a good connection. I never lag when playing solo though or when people join me. The game has an icon marker and emote system for communication. It's helpful but limited to pointing out where to go and gesturing hi. The game's built in voice chat is really unstable and the voice of you or the other person will cut out a lot no matter how good the connection of either of you is. It's better to just use steam group voice chat or discord.
Despite these issues I love the game and highly recommend it.
8481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 15:41
1555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 20:34
There's 4 worlds to go to, each with a few dungeons randomly selected from a reservoir of dungeons. That's where the NG+ comes in - get different dungeons, get different bosses, receive different loot. For this style of game, I think gameplay is most important, and Remnant knocks it out of the park.
Most of the lore and story are given through journals and notes, and ideally a bigger budget game would allow more NPCs and story interactions. I suppose its an action game, not an RPG, so it doesn't need those things per se. But I think it would be an improvement.
Every time I sit down to play, I just think of how fun it is. Once I got out of the early game (where you need to grind for a bit to get some better equipment), Remnant has been excellent. Definitely recommended, and keep an eye out for a sequel.
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735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 22:09
TL;DR game was over just when it started to get interesting. 10hours of content for 40€ is absurd. Yeah I know it's designed to be a NG+ type of game, but it's just not interesting enough to warrant that.
1914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 08:30
I dont like these types of difficulty sliders. the game is great on normal, but hard just doesnt feel harder, its just punishes mistakes more and you fight the bosses longer.
Please stop giving the illusion of difficulty as shoot your limited supply of ammo at this boss that just has more hp. instead of hp, why not make the attack patterns different, we have to memorize an attack pattern to defeat them anyway, why not make the bosses less predictable. After this swipe -> we expect poke -/> What>> anotehr swipe??? -> and NOW HE POKES? change up the algrorithm. please not bullet sponge.
This game does not work on bullet sponge because you have only a set number of bullets for ALL your guns. they share bullets (unless you use a consumable that gives you ammo refill)
I love this game, i love its style, i hate the difficulty slider.
4817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 06:50
4372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 01:09
The boss fights are amazing. Each has it's own mechanic, random for each play through, multiple ways to kill the boss and get different loot.
Always on edge, looking for ammo, loot, paced well and item upgrades are not hard but not easy to max, it does require some farming.
The shooting is dead on, it is an excellent shooter.
I am quite disappointed it is over :( I want more, and can't wait for this dev to make a new game, I'm all over it!
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 12:13
These are my ramblings about this game here I got randomly on sale.
Decent 'souls-like' (not really) adventure game. Fun to play, easy to get into, with intuitive controls, made with care and thought to be honest.
Pretty decent bosses and an absolute blast with friends.
The world is a bit drab, and the design is pretty basic, with little to no depth to the characters and the story. Enemy design is more than alright, and the overall feel of the game quickly keeps changing from adventure style to more cosmic to even an exploration style, and even boss rush at times.
My recommendation is getting it on a sale with a couple of friends and then completing the campaign together.
Nicht Empfohlen
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 19:59
18190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 15:55
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 18:45
9288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 03:04
The obvious comparison for this game is a souls-like series and whereas yes it follows the same formula, I do appreciate this game for the myriad of things they went out of their way to try. This game is procedurally generated with a lot of similar landscape on subsequent runs of the same areas. This game differs from dark souls in the way that enemies don't have scripted ambushes in certain places. You don't lose any items or experience on death which is a refreshing change from the typical DS clone. This game certainly feels a lot easier than a souls game though the beginning to mid game will be challenging, especially if you can't manage to dodge or take cover efficiently, or make a sturdy enough build.
You will level up a few basic traits and unlock weapons slowly by defeating bosses or locating side missions of sorts by just exploring the map. There are multiple modes such as the main campaign, adventure mode and just a survival mode. Each one will pit you against the same types of enemies and mostly the same bosses. The adventure mode is a set story you have to follow to complete in order to unlock more areas, and certain items can only be acquired through the story. In this mode you can wander off and explore a lot of areas to earn more experience and new equipment. Anything that you don't find in the campaign mode you can always try to find in adventure more. Adventure mode lets re-roll the selected area for equipment that you may have missed on campaign, without the constraints of having to do the whole campaign all over again.
Speaking of equipment, there is quite a decent selection. Along with guns you will find new armor sets as well as mods. Mods act like a sort of power that is charged over time or by just shooting enemies. You have a main firearm and a side firearm, and both can have an equipped mod. Some weapons come pre-equipped with a unique mod that you can't remove from that particular weapon. All armor has a set bonus which encourages thought into a particular build you want to run for maximum efficiency. You get a necklace and two ring slots which also play a major roll in how you want to 'build' your character. Recently they updated the game to balance out a lot of the more OP stuff, but you will most definitely find that some combinations will absolutely blow others out of the water. For those that find joy in constructing your own unique build, this just might tickle your fancy.
Then there are traits. I feel like a lot of the desire to grind comes from the trait points. Traits are bonuses that you unlock and then level up individually with leveling points. Some increase melee damage, some increase ranged defense, and others boost crit damage and so on. There are a LOT of traits in this game, around 60. They allow more build flexibility, especially when they make up for a lot of the general weaknesses your builds will have. With the grind for equipment and experience, this game offers a lot of replayability.
What may turn a lot of people off is a lot of the enemy design. There are 5 areas in the game with highly varied enemies and bosses. However, once you fight a lot of those enemies and bosses, you'll quickly get tired of them. This game packs a very solid 30-50 hours depending on how much you explore for the first time, but that quickly loses its magic when you are dipping into an area for the 5th or 6th time looking for a certain boss or event spawn. Fortunately enemies will scale with your level which provides a constant challenge, but once you beat the campaign 2 times I would highly suggest playing on hard mode, especially since it provides a reward for unlocking cosmetics that you cannot unlock on normal difficulty.
Speaking of scaling, oh boy do enemies scale in damage and health pools in multiplayer. Unfortunately, connectivity in multiplayer can be finicky, especially when playing with pugs. For me personally, dodging times need to be times a whole second sooner depending on who I am playing with. Since enemies hit a lot harder, this feels like a massive bummer since multiplayer is incredibly fun with the right people. With the build variety in this game, you can easily assemble a balanced team with compensation for your teammate in several areas. You also get exp and damage bonuses from the teamwork trait while remaining a short distance from your team, which felt like an innovative way to implement teamwork.
Overall I have played this game on and off for a good while and it always manages to suck me in, despite fighting most of the bosses over 10 times. This is a perfect casual shooter for people wanting to scratch the rpg itch. I felt like a sequel to this game could easily garner a lot of attention if they expanded on the assets they have now. Chronos: before the ashes felt like a waste of time when they easily could have reworked a better system for a follow up. Either way I look forward to future releases from gunfire games.
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 11:08
4198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 04:09
Nicht Empfohlen
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 01:07
But the most important bit of why I don't recommend this game is how powerfully uninspired it feels. Everything is alright and nothing shines. The level design is remarkably bland. The art and worlds all feel derivative. And the writing could be replaced with squiggles and it wouldn't have changed my experience.
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 23:26
6032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 16:40
It is running smooth and solid. I only encountered very minor bugs:
- a small pathfinding glitches of the AI if it can't reach you. happens very rarely
- stuttering sound bug, strangely caused by videocard driver settings (?). If I have my browser open in the background and e.g. there is an ad running a video, I will have sound bugs. If I close my browser, the sound bugs are gone. Can be a bit annoying at times but seems to be avoidable.
A small heads-up: If you play a lot more than your coop partners, save your higher level materials and resist the temptation to upgrade your gear. If you don't keep your gear score close to the gear score of your friends, enemy scaling can become awkward, rendering you overpowered and your friends underpowered. However, gaps in trait level seem to be more forgiving, so if you want to continue playing with your main character while your coop friend are offline, just stick to adventures and farm materials / unlock items but just don't upgrade your stuff past a certain gear level that you and your freinds agreed on.
1635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 03:05
There is a heavy emphasis on replay value with this game. The campaign only took me about 10 hours to finish, but you can't unlock everything in a single playthrough. Nearly the entire game is randomized including the maps you get, the equipment you loot, and the bosses you fight. The unique world bosses all even have multiple ways to kill them, giving different rewards depending on how you tackle them.
There's even support for multiple difficulties, hardcore characters, (with special rewards for all your characters) and a full on roguelike Survival Mode, for those looking for such challenges.
1988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 21:53
Imagine a simple shooter but better
Yes there is a storyline, shops and crafting but what makes it enjoyable is that the items, maps and enemies are randomized on each playthrough. Even the bosses appear in a somewhat randomized way. it's very unlikely to have the same experience say in two different runs in a row.
it's simple, shoot, dodge, take cover, heal, and buff and even make summons to help you. Gun handling feel ok but not too special. Nothing is bad it's not to the levels of what a AAA game like Doom. The multiplayer adds a lot to the replayability and fun factor. Drop-in drop-out coop makes it easy to join games.
The challenge
The standard enemy variation make encounters feel unique a lot of the time. They all behave differently depending on the type. They will take cover and will attack in groups to take you down while others will run and take cover. They even have multiple attacks so that you will not feel too comfortable around them. Boss fights are more engaging, dealing with enemies in a arena type map and dealing with boss powers. The game can be a grind after you finished the campaign but the levels are fun to redo. The game has 4 difficulty levels and 2 game modes (3 with the DLC).
Most of the loot gathered from enemies are crafting materials for weapon upgrades. So I won't categorize this as a loot shooter. Other types of loot consist of accessories and weapons but they appears very sparingly in some maps or after bosses. After some events your will be awarded traits use the to boost your character like increase damage or speed just to name a few.
Graphics and Audio
The 3 biomes or worlds look all very unique and very nice. For example, in the city the layout appears like in an urban area you can see a mix of towering buildings mixed with smaller ones. They are connected by streets or passages that leads into abandoned offices, sewers, etc. There is a foreboding theme of weird and end of times look and feel. Weapons and character armor are portrayed very nicely and feel in the right place in this world.
The Music does an ok job. A bit forgettable but works in this game. Sound effects are nice but can become repetitive after a while.
As for other negatives, a big one I found is the loot system is not engaging. After you get the weapons you want to upgrade will will spend most of your time upgrading it instead of experimenting with other ones. Getting a new weapon was never exciting because my main one was way more powerful.
In the end
I played for a lot more than I tough I would. It reminds me of Dark Souls mixed with Fallout. If you like these games I suggest you take a look at Remnant: From the Ashes
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 16:25
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 13:51
I'm in love with the genre.
The game constantly introduces new environments and enemies to keep everything fresh. Like every 30 minutes, we meet a completely new set of enemies with high contrast to any other enemies from before. Playing it co-op with a friend right now, it's pretty fun! Combat reminds me a little of borderlands with many hoards of enemies and stuff going everywhere, but the dodge-roll mechanics make everything very fun and dynamic.
Just got this game. It’s amazing and a lot of fun!
4541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 09:59
Overall one of the best games i played in recent years with my friends.
Even after we finished the game twice there are so many things yet to be seen because of the random quests system. We are still playing this game months and months after we bought it!
The studio behind this game invested alot in it (and still keeps it up) and it shows.
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 17:02
For those unfamiliar with this game and are wondering what its all about, it's basically Dark Souls meets Warframe. The main style of game play is that of a third-person over-the-shoulder shooter with dodge rolling and fragile constitution. The world maps are randomly generated throughout each play through with a few consistent events to coincided with the predetermined plot line ever player will experience. This allows for pretty decent replayability and keeps things fresh when playing in another player's game world.
Generally, the game feels good to play and its fun. When the pieces fit together, it can be pretty thrilling and exciting to play. There's nothing quite like surviving an onslaught of enemies rushing you from all angles while you scrap by with what little remaining ammo you have and are masterfully avoiding damage. It's also fun to search the world for hidden secrets, maybe there's so cool piece of armor or weapon tucked away in that zone if you look hard enough for it. The game also feels really good to play with friends and that alone may be worth the price of admission.
I do take some issues with the game though, primarily how unpolished it can be at times. I'd say the biggest offender, something that many other games have also failed, is how they implemented the random level generation. It's particularly offensive in Remnant because you WILL get pretty bad Deja-vu at times. I've walked into pieces of a dungeon that have the exact same layout as a dungeon I just completed 20 minutes earlier, other times I've done dungeons that just seemed like a reversed version of another one i completed already. I've found important items in the exact same spots in the exact same generated room. Beyond the randomly generated rooms, there are also random bosses interspersed throughout each player's game world and these are always just bigger versions of other enemies you've already been fighting. It's things like this that just feel incredible lazy from the developers, it's passable enough to make the game a game, but its no where near the level of detail that you'd expect from a game who is clearly pulling inspiration from Dark Souls.
In addition, there are also a few quality of life improvements and poor design choices that I'm surprised the developers have somehow overlooked. Stuff like enemies aggroing onto you from the moment you stand up from the checkpoint crystals. Sound design is pretty bad at times, it sounds like enemies are right behind you but nothing ever shows up. You can be following the sound a monster's growls and never seem to find it because it sounds really close when in reality its not. Likewise, monsters will actually run up on you from behind but you won't hear them. This can be pretty detrimental in a game that is focusing its difficulty on how aware you are of your surroundings and how quickly you and avoid damage. There doesn't appear to be a way to view maps of zones you've already visited without actually teleporting there. Load times in the game are pretty horrendous. The menus aren't particularly use friendly, my friends and I had no idea that you could upgrade Armor because the menu kind of obscures that fact. Interacting with NPCs are pretty clunky, sometimes the dialogue doesn't activate if the NPC was in the middle of an animation when you go to talk to them. More than one person can not talk to an NPC at a time so you all have to take turns upgrading equipment. There are quests in this game but seemingly nowhere you can view your active quests from and this could be indicative of that menu problem if this option actually does exist somewhere.
You see what I'm getting at? It's riddled with small issues that could be fixed and then there are also things they should have anticipated would cause problems down the line if they invested too much time into it. For a game to truly take the design philosophies of Dark Souls to heart they would really need to focus on the quality of the experience. Bloodborne tackled Random Level generation and the dungeons felt unique and different, rarely did you immediately notice that you were playing through some of the same chunk of rooms unless you had been playing the hell out of the chalice dungeons. There were completely unique bosses in the chalice dungeons that weren't in the core game either. And everything else in those games feels solid and intentional. Remnant just feels like its trying to sell itself as a third-person shooter souls-like without promising the same quality.
In summary, I do think this game is worth the time to play with friends because its otherwise really fun. I'd recommend possibly waiting for a sale first, and I hope that the developers of this game will continue to improve the game to the quality standard it needs to be held to.
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891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 08:12
I will play until I finish the story and then maybe my mind will change.
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 18:18
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1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 23:05
4699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 01:34
Short version:
Gameplay is enjoyable
Bosses are fun
Builds are varied enough
Story is complete nonsense
Facial animation is a horror show
Voice acting is okay
Game is good
The game itself feels like a mix of several other games. It's a bit like warframe in that you get a primary weapon, secondary weapon and melee weapon. Instead of the skills warframes get you can slot a single mod per weapon. It has some of borderlands crazy weapons as well. Crossbows that shoot 5 bolts at a time, a pistol that shoots exploding orbs, or a the ricochet rifle that shoots energy disks that bounce everywhere. The game doesn't have many weapons though (about 15-20 of each type) but still has some strange options, that combined with armor that gives bonus stats and the rings and amulets that can give pretty powerful effects as well the game does have a decent build variety. The weapon mods can range from normal things like grenade launcher and flamethrower addons to full on magic spells.
The gameplay also has a bit of dark souls like mechanics. There are large bosses that you need to learn the fight mechanics/attacks and apply dodging correctly to win. The atmosphere is fairly dark and dismal in a souls-ish fashion. Though it has rogue like elements too. The game only generates so many dungeons in your campaign, and it's not enough to have every boss. So the bosses you'll see in a play through are somewhat random. In addition to that, some bosses (and a few events) have multiple ways to win resulting in a different reward which can then be turned into a weapon/mod. This randomness is to encourage replay, which is a game design I usually find tedious and boring, again it somehow works here.
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 20:17
+ combat, action, music, killing frnds, replayability to farm more.
+ boss battles are fun and rewarding(by loot and feel), certain bosses can make you weep.
- lately been crashing and certain glitches in boss fight or horde dungeons can leave you crying for hours.
story is short, but there are DLC to extend the story (need to buy it)
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918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 01:18
i had trouble understanding what this game was about for the biggest time.
the RPG elements are pretty poor and some times it has this MP element where some people can join you (if you want to) - i was willing to compare the vibes with Destiny but in a slower pace.
lore wise: i got it because there was supposed to be a lovecraftian vibe on it, but frankly, there little to no lovecraftian context to it.
there is a context of what is real and what is not to the very very base of the lore but it's not really lovecraft.
also the lore itself is quite obscure and there could be so much more to it that is currently missing. there is very poor story telling at all in this game,
the game can be challenging and there is a nice combination of skills and weapons and you get to be more and more proficient with the tiny bit of RPG context you get - but not too much since in general the level of items you have is quite limited and the level of customization is limited to adding a mod to your gun (if it has a modifier slot) and the rest if just upgrading your objects and nothing else.
as i said... it's ok but i wouldn't lose my mind over it. i would not pay a full price for this.
get it on a special offer
1680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 07:40
The major difference with Dark Souls is that it is much less punishing since you never lose any experience when you die and that's a huge difference because it means you won't be punished for pushing forward if you fail.
The more you play, the more you will be getting ahead, collecting new items and weapons and scraps to upgrade your gear.
This game respects your time even if you're too reckless or not patient enough to play it safe and that makes it a fun experience for players who may be frustrated with more punishing mechanics (but if that sounds too casual you can always ramp up the difficulty or play the rogue like mode that was introduced with the DLC).
The game also rewards you for exploring the environment (quick tip, if something can be broken then you should definitely treat it as a barrel in a CRPG and break it).
Speaking of which, the game also relies on procedural generation and that adds a lot of replay value. It is meant to be played more than once and alternatively you can even run adventures without re-rolling your campaign.
It is 3rd person only but I've found that it can induce motion sickness in which case I would suggest disabling motion blur and using the FOV slider (that is somewhere deep in the options menu).
The game relies on autosaves so backing up your saves after every session in case the autosave gets corrupted is a good idea. FYI saves are located in this folder: Users[your windows name]AppDataLocalRemnantSaved
I didn't care much for the dialogues in the opening area and that didn't make for a great first impression but the lore is also presented with notes and texts (and that is a lot more subtle it even left me wanting for more background and lore). I find reading about this stuff a lot more enjoyable than listening to some NPCs reciting some corny exposition that comes across as a bit cheesy (and puts your character in the shoes of the formulaic chosen one).
I hit a wall with the first boss I met (Enchanter Shroud). Most of the time I'd say it can pay off to keep at it but in that instance I restarted and I'm glad I did. That particular boss was difficult for me because at this point I hadn't had a chance to invest in Stamina and Health and I felt overwhelmed and badly needed to adapt to different tactics (getting targeted by mobs while being shot at and targeted by area attacks was a lot). When I restarted I got a different boss and he turned out to be a pushover (at least for my playing style). Different bosses add to replay value to the game as you can imagine.
I'm not a co-op player. I get enough interaction with people in real life and that's not how I like to play. In solo mode you can't rely on team mates to revive you and you can't count on them to distract enemies either.
Some players say that the game can't be soloed. My reflexes are not what they used to be but on normal difficulty I'm doing ok and more importantly I'm having fun. Some bosses go down without any hassle while others take some real work but I like the fact that the game keeps me on my toes without making me complacent or making me feel like I'm wasting my time.
It's another difference with most Souls like games. It's a lot more relaxed and you know that the more you play, the more you increase your character's traits and the more you experience a sense of growth and progression.
One thing that can be misleading right at the start is when the game asks you to pick up a class. It does seem like a huge choice but in truth the difference is rather superficial. The gear other classes get can be acquired at the very beginning of the game and it's only the starting points that differ a bit. They also get different weapon mods (special magic like abilities) but you can purchase them as well. The only significant difference is the starting trait (I would recommend Ex Cultist for the only reason that the Spirit Trait improves the use of mods and that's probably a lot more useful in order to use special abilities more often). You can still get the traits from the other classes but that may take much longer.
I didn't comment on the music and the visuals. There is a really strong atmosphere and the sounds really help with that. The creature design keeps reminding me of creatures from the Cthulhu Mythos and that's definitely a plus. The game is Lovecraftian in many ways and I won't get into spoiler territory but if you're at all familiar with the Dreamlands in Lovecraft's writing you will probably enjoy the lore the game has to offer.
All in all it's a game that I would heartily recommend to players who like the idea of a challenging third person shooter with a great atmosphere especially if they don't have the patience (or the time) for more punishing mechanics.
Nicht Empfohlen
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 13:30
The good:
+Gunplay feels great
+Sound design is satisfying
+Most enemies are fun to kill
The bad:
-The levels are linear and completely interchangable. Walking is slow and there's absolutely nothing of interest to see or find.
-Loot is poorly distributed. After 11 hours of gameplay, I've only found two primary weapons, both of which were single shot sniper guns. I haven't found a single piece of armor aside from the starting gear.
-Half the bosses are just special enemies from the previous area with one or two extra moves. Almost all of them spam you with enemies that spawn behind you.
-There's very little build depth. At the point where I'm at after 11 hours, I haven't made a single interesting decision in what to use. You find gear so slowly that you barely even have to choose what to equip.
-You find exactly the same loot in every area. Scrap, iron and a single ring. Sometimes you find a skill point on the ground, but that's it.
-Upgrades are completely one-dimensional. You only increase the damage/armor of your gear and nothing else. Traits are exactly the same and only increase the strength of the bonus they grant.
There's nothing in this game that makes me want to play more. It's so monotonous. I bought it at half price and regret it.
2580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 12:00
Remnant: From the Ashes an amazing game that have the mechanism of farming if you like this kinda of stuff and also has the taste of two games which are (The Division) and (Dark Souls) a perfect mixture of both
تقدر تلعبها لحالك 100% بدون مشاكل وبإمكانك تلعب مع ناس في عوالمهم الخاصة فيها وهذي ميزة حلوة نفس نظام لعبة ماينكرافت بحيث لو ختمت اللعبة وجيت تسوي لعبة جديدة بجيك عالم مختلف تماماً بوحوش ما قابلتهم قبل والقير حقك يبقى معك
You can play it solo 100% with no problem and you can also play with others in their special world and this feature is amazing that you get a different seed each time you re-roll your world after you finish the campaign, so you get new bosses, new events, and new items that you never saw in your first run and you also keep your gear through out the re-rolls
Subject 2923 و بانتظار الإضافة الجديدة
I am also waiting for the new DLC Subject 2923
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405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 09:18
Bosses are bland and annoying.
Level design is lackluster, lots of pointless areas and dead-ends padding them out.
The shooting is solid, not amazing but probably the best thing in the game.
The visual design is dull, nothing stood out and I felt like I'd seen everything before.
Maybe this game is fun co-op but if you want to play by yourself then don't waste your time or money.
2001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 17:48
The gameplay is satisfying, the world is atmospheric, and the story, while not anything overly complex or deep, was intriguing enough to keep me interested to the end. Remnant is one of the few games where I knew I’d enjoy it based on what few minutes of gameplay I saw, and I was not disappointed in the slightest.
• • • •
If you’re coming into this game expecting a mind-blowing story, I’d say lower your expectations a bit. It’s not bad, but it’s also not that deep. You won’t care for the NPCs because your only real interaction with them all is buying necessities or upgrading your weapons/armor. They come across as merchants more than anything else. The backstory behind Ward 13 and all that took place was pretty interesting, and it was fun unlocking more levels to read what lead to destruction. It reminded me a bit of fallout, going through an abandoned bunker and reading through the computer logs to try and piece together what happened to it and its inhabitants. The root mother’s story was also intriguing, however, beyond the journal and the original conversation you have with her it’s not developed further and that was a little disappointing. But nothing was more disappointing than your meeting with [spoiler]Ford[/spoiler]. This could be because you’re following in his footsteps and come across a few of his journals that contain his observations and adventures. The game hypes him up to be one of the most interesting characters, and yet, unfortunately, this was probably the most exciting part about him because when you finally come face to face the entire thing was extremely anti-climactic. [spoiler]You meet, he’s worn down and in a cave. Gives a small spill about how maybe you could be the one to save them, gives you a key, and sends you on your way.[/spoiler] Honestly, I wouldn’t have complained if he died, or if we had to battle to free him. Also, to whom it may concern, your choices don’t seem to have much of an impact on what NPCs say unless you’re trying to pick a fight.
• • • •
The selling point for me was gameplay, as it more than makes up for the story’s faults. The pacing is incredible, the dungeons aren’t so short they’re forgettable or too long they’re boring. You have a decent enough breather between bosses to test out new weapons and mods before you have to face another, and they were all amazing visually and fun to fight despite the challenge. You won’t be approaching each boss the same way, I found that once you learned the moves and timing, they weren’t so bad. Not easy, but also not frustrating. The only boss that gave me a hard time were the butterflies, but it’s hard to blame them when I kept rolling off the edge. Constantly. When they were almost dead.
Also, no two playthroughs are the same as RNG determines what bosses you’ll fight and what dungeons you come across. So, there’s a decent amount of replayability as you try to discover and unlock everything.
The co-op was smooth and satisfying. We only ran into two bugs, one was visual, the other was audio but neither were game-breaking. The visual bug was that my partner had “waiting for all players” stuck on his screen until he reconnected. The audio bug, I assume an enemy got stuck underneath a dock, so we heard him doing his battle cries, we simply walked away, however, and moved on. My biggest concern was that co-op would trivialize some of the boss fights, that you’d blast through them without breaking a sweat and complete the game in 5 hours. However, this was not the case. We had our fair share of struggles, and both agree that the butterfly fight is bullshit. Fun, and very challenging, but bullshit. I’ll say the only thing that might bother some people is that you cannot speak to a merchant at the same time as your partner, so while one of you are upgrading your guns and armor the other will have to go restock on ammo boxes, hearts, mods, whatever else you may need and just learn how to rotate them with each other so you’re not awkwardly standing in line waiting your turn.
Remnant is amazing and despite my nitpicking, I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. I’d recommend it to honestly anyone, even people who disliked dark souls or dislike hard games in general. Once you learn the patterns and get the hang of it, it’s pretty addicting and very rewarding. Full price or on sale this game is worth every penny, and you don’t need a buddy to enjoy it I just think they’ll add to the fun.
14384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 02:58
Remnant: From the Ashes was good, if not great, at launch. Sense then it has seen great improvements and a DLC that expanded an area seen in the game and as of the time that this was written, an other DLC soon to launch.
6379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 23:00
As a side note, you may have seen some drama in the reviews originating from this review:
Apparently one of the developers went rouge on some stupid power trip. But it looks like the publishers (and/or other devs?) tried to make things right. Even the original victim said not to boycott the game because of it.
Btw to any devs reading this, methinks a public apology from our tragic friend would go a long way in restoring your image.
2803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 06:47
( ) Eargasm
( ) Amazing
(X) Good
( ) Decent
( ) Not too bad
( ) Bad
( ) Earrape
( ) Everyone
( ) Kids
(X) Teens
(X) Adults
( ) Dark souls
( ) Hard
(X) Easy to learn / Hard to master
( ) Easy
( ) Mindless head banging keyboard to win
( ) Grind is everything you do
( ) Grindy
(X) Every MMO ever type of grindy
( ) Bareable
( ) Is necessary to progress
( ) Isnt necessary to progress
( ) No grind
---{Game Time}---
( ) Endless
( ) Addictive
(X) Long
( ) Average
( ) Short
( ) Long enough for a cup of tea
( ) Masterpiece
( ) Beautiful
(X) Good
( ) Decent
( ) OK
( ) Bad
( ) Awful
( ) Made on paint
---{PC Requirements}---
( ) Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
(X) High
( ) Medium
( ) Low
( ) Ultra low
( ) Game boy advance
( ) Daytime New York
(X) Always some people around
( ) Hard to find people
( ) Few people still alive
( ) You are the only person alive
(X) No issues
( ) Minor lag every few hours
( ) Can get laggy sometimes
( ) 1.99$ Servers
( ) Unplayable
(X) Never had any
( ) Minor bugs
( ) Few bugs
( ) Can get annoying
( ) Ruining the game
( ) The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
( ) Just buy it
(X) Worth the price
( ) Wait for sale
( ) Maybe if u have some spare money left
( ) Not recommended
( ) You can have more fun burning that money instead
( ) Free
---{Worth playing?}---
(X) Yes
( ) No
Nicht Empfohlen
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 17:24
1766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 03:31
Bored in quarantine. This is the best time to buy the game. DLC is coming out on the 28th.
I played six hours in one sitting and had a blast. Quick Pros and Cons so far.
- Graphics, setting, atmosphere.
- Randomly generated settings encourages multiple playthroughs because you don't see every boss, weapon, armor set, dungeon, mods and more during your first run.
- Sound design is creepy and provides a constant feeling of unease.
- Combat is fluid, intense and skill-based.
- Varied enemy types keep repetition at a minimum.
- Challenging encounters, especially during the many boss fights.
- Decent Loot.
- Survival mode is fun for a few hours.
- Coop with two friends!
Cons: New Cons Added 5/4/20
- Several bosses have cheap tactics and attacks that seem impossible to dodge and a few spawn annoying enemies to increase the difficulty.
- Resources are too scarce so It takes way too long to upgrade your armor and resources during the end game, making the game more repetitive than it needs to be.
- The post apocalyptic world is interesting but the story is tame and the dialogue outer-worldly characters speak is confusing and not as interesting as the overall design of everything you traverse through. Story is convoluted with a rushed ending.
- Online matchmaking servers I believe are P2P, so if you're not the host the experience is hampered by poor connection quality. This is made worse due to the fact you can't see the host's ping before joining their match.
- Characters you interact with have no development and the stupid betch mechanic that sells you mods annoys the piss out of me. Every time you walk by her she scoffs at you, whats her deal?
- Irrationally obscure puzzles to find and unlock armor sets/legendary weapons.
- Upgrades to weapons come slow at first and most of the time you will be sticking to the same two weapons.
- Fun solo but definitely should be played with friend for the best experience.
- Slow start.
- Odd collisions with the environment.
- Survival mode is fun for a few hours but the lack of progression or any meaningful gain besides cosmetics shortens the replay value.
Thirty Hour Score. 7.75/10: If you're bored this will provide plenty of hours of entertainment. It borrows heavily from many games but feels unique all on its own. I don't regret purchasing the game and the added DLC is okay at best.
4708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 19:49
6642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 06:07
3 players co-op is nice and works well.
World and lore not so much, feels bland sometimes. Gameplay is the game best feature.
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 22:06
Sum up
- +Lots of customization for weapons, being able to equip mods for them.
- +Good level design, both in aesthetics and layout as mazes to be explored.
- +Special weapons are fun to use and each of them can make a difference in battle.
- +Replayability factor with different bosses appearing during subsequent playthroughs and decisions to make.
- -Not the best story for a game of this genre.
- -It can be somehow confusing at first, not knowing where to go or what to do.
- -Normal enemies can at times feel like a chore to dispatch more than a challenge.
- -Endgame is a letdown and anti-climactic. The game decides to end out of nowhere.
- -Some parts of the game are rushed, lacking the time needed to be fully developed or explore.
Remnant from the Ashes is a souls-like game that follows the traditional rules of its peers but with some extra twist. While other games focus more on builds via stats, Remnant pays more attention to equipment and perks. Taking on a new perspective for these types of games, it's level design it marvelous but cut short due to rushed areas and it adds a little bit more to the replayability of these games by introducing new bosses that can only appear on said sub-sequent playthroughs.
The gameplay is that of a souls-like game but rather than depending on blocking or melee combat is more centered towards guns. Most of the combat can be done or initiated at a distance but even so enemies are still a menace. This is thanks to the levels being designed as mazes in some instances or open areas with ambushes in another. It is easy to lose oneself among the details of the world and so enemies can lunge at the player from where they less expect them.
The weapons are well designed, nothing too special about the most common ones except for the satisfaction of shooting them (you can feel the punch they pack) but the special weapons and mods are where the game shines in its gameplay. Each weapon can be configured to do something special, whenever that will be to launch a poison gas that tracks enemies, allow you to see enemies through walls, or create pools that regenerate health. With most weapons being compatible with all mods, the player can have huge control over their style and how to approach situations.
In my playthrough, I decided to stick with a Submachine gun that could do fire damage with a mod that enables a flamethrower. A shotgun for when combat goes to close with poison gas and a scythe that can suck the life out of enemies and restored it to me. The armor set I use gave me a bonus in damage the closer I was to enemies. This on paper sounds pretty good and when in action is even better, there are a good amount of combinations to explore and pull out in the game.
As for enemies and bosses, the general design was something that I enjoyed but the menace, the danger factor could have used more work. Some enemies are just a chore in which you keep dispatching them effortlessly during your run while others can be very dangerous from the get-go. This awkward spike in difficulty that holds the game from being consistent in its challenges presented to the player in the long run.
In the same way, bosses can sometimes be either too easy or sadistic. I appreciate it when something is hard, but it can be difficult to get a grasp on the game when it behaves like a roller-coaster. A game is supposed to get harder the more the player progresses through it, introducing new challenges and mechanics to keep it fresh.
The story is one of the weakest aspects of the game. It does explain something to some degree but lacks the charm to make it interesting as well as the occult to make the player wonder about the story of the world. There is also not a lot of important figures in it, even those that stay in the spotlight are quickly removed or just an attraction in areas as the player passes through.
It does hold a lot of promise for a sequel in this department, but it needs to be worked out better. A world is built to keep people entertained and invested in it, and this is something that I didn't notice the game putting too much attention into it. There is no pull, nothing to make you go ahead and investigate or let your imagination run wild. Just a world inflicted by something and you are trying to get rid of that something, to save the world.
One of the things I disliked about the game a lot, is that it has some very pretty areas. Fill with a lot of elements, good layouts and interesting areas to explore. The problem is that said areas come too late into the game, the first ones are okay but nothing special about. By the time you become invested into that mysterious lair, you are already done with it, and I felt that Remnant would have benefit more from lairs with a tone of the paranormal and fantasy mashed up together. The swamp area and the forest area are unique and fantastic on most points, nearly perfect. But the cities leave a lot to be desired, is not that is bad but there is a lot of inconsistency.
The final bits of the game are extremely rushed, they are over before you realize it and it makes you desire for more. You are left with a bittersweet moment of abrupt endings. However, at the very least the game makes up by introducing new bosses in the next playthroughs and the possibility to choose different options.
What Makes It Special
What makes this game special among other soul-like games is that it gives a lot of attention to weapons and perks. That the game doesn't embrace the build rule but more like the sum of its different elements individually. There are builds, but you don't follow a straight line in stats like most other games of this genre. It offers a lot in terms of trying out what works best for you and there is always a promising new weapon on the corner. Making you excited to see what else can the game come out with.
Remnant from the Ashes is a game that is hard for me to either recommend or not recommend. If you are a big fan of souls-like go for it! On the other hand, if you aren't exactly into the genre, you might want to think about it. Inconsistency is the word I would use to describe this game. It gets some things spectacularly well and other things are…a mess in some cases. For a sale, it can be a good buy. It is a good game, which is why I give it a thumbs up despite my harsh judgment of it, it's just that it gets to hold back a lot at the same time.
It meets the expectations but fails to stand out and be something more. If a sequel is ever released with its weakness being addressed, it could match the best games in this genre. More paranormal and fantasy worlds over ruined cities and plain desserts could make it more interesting.
945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 21:08
4970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 04:26
I got to mention that crowded minion in Boss fight feels like the game was designed to be played in co-op, yeah maybe the purpose was that the minion would drop ammo for you but it's really annoying if you play solo as a matter of fact the boss wasn't that hard, the minion does. my only downside is that the city level is kinda repetitive compared to the rest and i felt like earth has more gears than any other world also how the H3LL the enemy could melee through the wall?. oh and the biggest downside is the campaign final boss is kinda lazy.
if you gonna play this game solo it's still fun, play with friends or join random people it's FUNtastic just make sure you play it on hard, Darksouls with gun 8/10.
Considering Gunfire Games is the developer of Darksiders 3 and if they gonna make Darksiders 4 with Remnant style combat as Stryfe as main character who use gun, i think it would be great.
Gunfire Games
Perfect World Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos