News Liste Sands of Aura

Explore Sands of Aura in 9 New Languages
Sands of Aura
03.02.24 00:30 Community Announcements

Hello Knights!

We're thrilled to announce that Sands of Aura is now available in German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, & Simplified Chinese.

Thank you for your patience as we worked diligently to bring support for these languages! The wait is finally over!

In addition to this extensive localization, our latest patch introduces quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes. A big shoutout to our amazing community for providing valuable feedback and helping us identify and address these issues. Your support helps make Sands of Aura the best version of itself.

Explore all the details in our latest patch notes below.

1.01.23 - Patch Notes

QOL Improvements

  • Reduced Maveths Earth Drain health lost per tentacle.
  • Reworked Bright Talisman, you should now have normal lantern light at all times and even brighter lantern light while holding the block.
  • Added SFX when proccing the dual wield haste effect.
  • Made improvements to where loot is dropped from enemies and chests.
  • Delayed the invulnerability period for the Spearman Ferrum when they do a jump attack so they can still take damage until they've fully jumped away.
  • Made adjustments to the Hashara Princess's behavior to reduce the chances that she jumps off of the boss arena.
  • Added ground indicators on players when the Hashara Elite is about to execute an aerial attack on them
  • Normalized damage and charge duration across all fighting styles for charge attacks so that charge attacks feel consistently powerful and effects that proc from charge attacks aren't more or less powerful for different fighting styles.
  • Added new VFX and SFX for charge attacks.
  • Improved players' hit reaction when being hit while blocking to give more feedback.
  • Added the ability to instantly turn toward the direction of input at the beginning of a dodge attack allowing actions like quickly dodging forward and attacking backward.
  • Added a delay to when the damage starts and reduced the knockback force for the Feral Ferrum whirlwind attack.
  • Re-worked dagger head effect to now increase damage done by DOT effects.
  • Enabled sprint toggle functionality. The player no longer needs to hold the sprint button to continue to sprint.
  • Updated the location of the storage chest by the Starspire Refuge forge so it better lines up with the upgraded forges.
  • Added option to disable camera shakes.
  • Added option to inverse the camera pitch controls.
  • Increased the size of the text for the large option and expanded the UI elements further to accommodate the change.
  • Added a time played to the save file to help tell which save is which. ( Old saves will start at 0:00 but any new time played will add to it).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various crash bugs and crash on exit bugs.
  • Fixed bug causing Battletrance effect to proc even when an attack is blocked.
  • Fixed bug causing VFX for frost block to remain on screen if your block was consumed by the Ferrum Sentinels Silence AOE.
  • Fixed bug causing heal to occur when exiting a menu if it was bound to the same key as the back button.
  • Fixed various environment traps and hazards that were dealing damage without making any sounds.
  • Fixed soft-lock that could occur at the Tupi's Grotto docks if the game closed mid-dialogue after defeating Ubaani.
  • Fixed a bug that would crash the game if the character was still spinning in the character creator when the game was launched.
  • Fixed a bug that had the top and bottom cursor navigation inverted for the world map when approaching the edge with the controller.
  • Fixed a bug that could crash the game if a key that could not be found was used for menu navigation and was trying to be accessed for the image.
  • Fixed a bug that would keep the extra notches of spellblade on the UI after the spell dancer talisman was removed.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when inspecting a quest that the player completed from time passing, there was not always text data for those conditions and now has a fail-safe.
  • Made an alteration to fade effects for story transitions to not pop the UI in and out for a split second.

We will continue to monitor your feedback and continue to work to make improvements to Sands of Aura. If you haven’t already, please join our Discord, follow us on our Socials, and please leave us a Review on Steam to let us know what you think!

Thank you for playing!
- Chashu Entertainment
Logo for Sands of Aura
Release:27.10.2023 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Chashu Entertainment Vertrieb: Freedom Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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