• Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.
  • Velvet Assassin: Screen zum Spiel Velvet Assassin.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2009
Zum Shop
Preis Update 24.06.24

Über das Spiel

Velvet Assassin ist das erste Stealth-Action-Spiel im 2. Weltkriegs-Szenario. Während der 2. Weltkrieg vor den Toren eines einsamen Lazaretts weiter geht, tobt er auch im Kopf von Violette Summers. Im Koma durchlebt die britische Geheimagentin noch einmal sowohl die heimlichen als auch die monströsen Greueltaten, die sie während ihrer Sabotagemissionen gegen das Naziregime gesehen hat.

Inspiriert von Violette Szabo, einer echten Heldin des 2. Weltkriegs, zeigt Velvet Assassin die schrecklichen Abgründe des Krieges, über die niemals offen gesprochen wird. Aus der Verfolgerperspektive schleichen Sie sich an Feinde und ziehen den Sicherungsstift aus den Granaten. Infiltrieren Sie deutsche Gefangenen-Lager und hindern Sie Ihre eigenen Leute am Reden. Stehlen Sie sich von Schatten zu Schatten, um Ihre nichts ahnenden Feinde mit einem perfekt gezielten Schuss zu erledigen. Erleben Sie durch Violettes Fieberträume, was sie erlebt hat. Sehen Sie die Schauplätze an denen sie war. Und töten Sie diejenigen, die sie getötet hat.

  • Heimliche Mordanschläge – Üben Sie mehr als 50 verschiedene brutale Manöver aus, um den feindlichen Soldaten eine raschen und unauffälligen Tod zu bescheren oder verwenden Sie andere Mittel, um Violettes Gegner platt zu machen.
  • Dynamische Beleuchtung und Schattenoptik – Begeben Sie sich in die Dunkelheit von Nazi-Europa und vermeiden Sie die lästigen Scheinwerfer der deutschen Wärter, die versuchen, Ihrem Schattenleben ein Ende zu bereiten.
  • Stilisierte Umgebungen - Erkunden Sie surreale Welten, die nach wirklichen Stätten des Zweiten Weltkrieges gestaltet wurden.
  • Einzigartige Perspektive - Erleben Sie den unvorstellbaren Horror des Krieges in Violettes Fieberträumen. Begeben Sie sich in den Morphiummodus, wo Violette erst klar wird, dass sie ihre Pläne ändern muß, um sich einen Vorteil gegenüber ihren Gegnern zu verschaffen.


  • CPU: Singlecore CPU mit 3GHZ
  • GFX: Pixel Shader 3 Grafikkarte mit 256 MB VRAM (Geforce 6800 oder ATI X1600)
  • RAM: 512MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista
  • HD: 5GB frei
  • SFX: Stereo Sound
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch
  • CPU: Dual core CPU mit 2Ghz
  • GFX: Geforce7900gt oder ATI X1900 xt
  • RAM: 1GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista
  • HD: 5GB frei
  • SFX: 5.1 Surround Sound
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

449 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.19 09:58
Grafisch sieht Velvet Assassin noch recht gut aus, ist aber natürlich auch schon ein paar Jahre alt. Das macht aber nix, denn das Spiel ist relativ schwer, da die Aktionen, Soldaten heimlich auszuschalten zeitlich sehr genau abgestimmt werden muss, um nicht entdeckt zu werden und dadurch einer kleinen Truppe von Soldaten gegenüber zu stehen.

Zum Spiel selber : Als britische Agentin ist es Deine Aufgabe hinter die feindlichen Linien zu stoßen und am Anfang den deutschen Vormarsch in Frankreich zu sabotieren. Im weiteren Spiel gelangst du aber noch zu anderen Orten, wie zum Beispiel Deutschland / Hamburg oder Polen / Warschau

Die Atmosphäre ist ziemlich bedrückend, teilweise wirkt sie im späteren Verlauf sogar depressiv, wie finde, da der 2. Weltkrieg selten von dieser Seite dargestellt wurde.

Im Laufe des Spiels werden die Möglichkeiten aus dem dunklen heraus zu agieren immer seltener, sodaß der Frustmoment hier enorm ansteigen kann, da die Speicherpunkte auch recht rar gesät sind. Hier stellt sich dann oftmals die Frage, nimmst Du lieber die Luger mit 21 Schuß und kannst Dich problemlos verteidigen, oder wählst du die schallgedämpfte M1911, allerdings nur mit 7 Schuß.....

Sicherlich kein Spaziergang für Shooterfreunde, aber für diejenigen, die eine echte Herausforderung a`la Splinter Cell suchen, eine echte Empfehlung.
551 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.15 21:26
Ein Spiel, in dem Nazis auch mal Nazis heißen, Naziverbrechen begehen und nazimäßig Kaninchen umbringen.
Das Beste: Ihr könnt sie dafür mit dem Dolch erstechen, in die Luft jagen oder mit den wenigen Schusswaffen um die Ecke bringen, die das Spiel euch zur Hand gibt.
Warnung: Es handelt sich dennoch nicht um einen Shooter, wer Wolfenstein erwartet, ist hier falsch. Ihr müsst schleichen.
Die Geschichte wird eher episodenhaft erzählt, die Atmosphäre ist stimmig und düster.
Wem die grazile Agentin zu langsam schleicht, der findet einen netten Guide im Communityhub, mit dem sich das Spielgeschehen etwas flotter gestalten lässt.
Fazit: Im Angebot auf jeden Fall den Kauf wert.
155 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.14 00:36
Ich habe das Spiel durchgespielt und blicke mit gemischten Gefühlen darauf zurück. Zuerst einmal ist zu sagen, dass die gesamte Handlung mit etwa fünf Stunden Spielzeit nicht lange unterhält. Die Gesamte Spielumgebung ist extrem linear gestaltet, und auch wenn sammelbare Objekte vorhanden sind, so motivieren diese kaum zu einem erneuten durchspielen. Die Entwickler haben vieles versucht, aber nur weniges davon wirklich gut umsetzen können. Dennoch wurde in dieses Werk eindeutig mehr Herzblut investiert als in die meisten aktuellen Spiele von hochrangigen Entwicklern. Das Verhalten der KI ist simpel, aber funktional, auch wenn die virtuellen Nazis die Angewohnheit haben, bei einer Suche nach der jungen Protagonistin immer GENAU in deren Richtung zu zielen, als wüssten sie die exakte Position, wollen den Spieler aber ärgern. So kam es mir jedenfalls vor. Das Spiel ist EINDEUTIG auf das Schleichen ausgerichtet, denn Schießereien sind ziemlicher Mist. Für mich als Fan von Stealth-Spielen (fast) jeder Art war das kein Problem. Optional kann man sich natürlich auch eine Spritze Morphium ins Bein rammen. Dann friert die Zeit ein, die Kleider der Agentin werden durch ein dünnes Leibchen ersetzt und man kann einen Nazi, der einem besonders unsympathisch ist, mit einem Messer bekannt machen, ohne auf Gegenwehr zu stoßen. Dummerweise kommt die Zeit sofort danach wieder ihrer Pflicht nach, und wenn der Nazi Kammeraden hatte, schießen die dann deinen hübschen Arsch über den Haufen. Natürlich wollten die Entwickler dramatisch sein, deshalb schießt man sich durch den gesamten letzten Levelschlauch mit Sturmgewehr und ohne jede Heimlichkeit. Habe ich schon erwähnt, dass die Waffenmechanik einfach nur grässlich ist? Man könnte diese Liste beliebig fortführen, aber nun will ich zum Ende sagen, warum ich es dennoch als lohnend erachte: Dieses Spiel schafft es, die junge, hübsche Protagonistin noch unsympathischer zu machen als die Nazis. Im Ernst jetzt, man steuert eine drogensüchtige Psychopathin mit einem Messer durch die Gegend. Während man Briefe findet, in der die Nazis an ihre Frauen schreiben, wie sehr sie die Heimat vermissen und den Frieden wünschen, sieht die Agentin bei jedem Mord so aus, als hätte sie in diesem Moment gerade den Orgasmus ihres Lebens. Während man durch Bunker, Kanäle, und andere enge Gänge schleicht und mordet, wird diese Frau immer suspekter. Man fragt sich: Ist sie überhaupt eine Agentin? Vor jeder Mission hat sie aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen alle Ausrüstung bis auf ihr Messer verloren. Sie spricht mit niemandem, tötet jeden, der ihren Weg kreuzt. Sie könnte genauso gut eine entlaufene Irre sein, die zur richtigen Zeit am falschen Ort auf Menschen stößt, auf der Suche nach mehr Morphium. Ich habe das Spiel für 70 Cent erworben, und für diesen Preis ist es durchaus keine Qual, es mal zu spielen. Mehr Geld würde ich aber nicht dafür ausgeben. Es ist eindeutig kein schlechtes Spiel. Man kann sich für mehr Geld WESENTLICH schlechter unterhalten lassen. Hat sich einer von euch schon mal die Hand gebraten? Die Pfanne und der Herd sind teuer...
408 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.14 14:08
Wenn man sich die meisten Reviews hier durchliest könnte man meinen die Leute haben das Game nie gespielt.
Furchtbar unnötig verdrehte Steuerung, schlechte Kameraführung (wurde nach Jahren das erste mal wieder motion sick) und grauenhaftes Gameplay. Die KI der Gegner ist ein Glücksfall, manchmal sehen sie einen (auch durch Wände) und manchmal nicht (auch wenn man direkt an ihnen vorbei läuft). Das stealth Gameplay ist von vor 20 Jahren und WEIT hinter dem ersten Splinter cell. Trotzdem muss man dem Game sein Flair anrechnen denn das Setting ist ziemlich Cool. Wenn ihr wirklich jede andere Stealth Alternative schon durchgespielt habt holt euch Velvet Assassin beim nächsten Sale, ansonsten Finger weg!
91 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 04:16
Aged, Unplayable in 2022.
375 Produkte im Account
262 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 17:00
Steam version doesn't work.
65 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 22:20
Not optimized
96 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 15:47
I remember playing this master piece when it came out on xbox 360 back in 2009! and I tell you what, this game still holds its value in 2021!!!
236 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 22:54
dont buy it
wont launch(physX problem)
1251 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 20:23
Velvet Assassin is a stealth action game. You play as a beautiful British spy called Violette. This is a stealth game, so most of the time you are going to be sneaking around and while sneaking you are going to stare at Violette's ass. If you like to spend %80 of your time staring at an ass while playing a game then buy it immidiately, if not read the rest of the review. The stealth mechanics are very basic. When you hide in shadow, the character starts to glow to let you know that enemies can't see you. This visual cue is very important especially in open areas where shadows are scarce. You can hide in some closets and change into SS Officer's uniform to fool your enemies. The changing your clothes mechanic is cool but it has one major flaw. You can't perform a stealth kill when you wear a uniform. Also, even if you are crouching behind an enemy if you get too close the enemy immidiately turns around and knows that you are a spy. You have a silenced pistol to take out enemies from afar but the ammo is very scarce so you have use it only when it is necessary. The game also has a morphine mechanic. When you use a morphine the time freezes and you have a limited window to move to a safe place or kill an enemy. It is really cool to use it and saves you from most of the tough situations. Stealth killing animations are nice. There isn't much variety to them but at least it isn't one animation repeated. You have collectibles to find and secret missions to complete. When you do these, you gain XP. When you gather enough XP you can upgrade Violette. You can upgrade how much morphine you can carry, your sneaking speed or your HP. The graphics look decent for it's time. The gameplay is fine for the most part but while playing I realized that some parts are easier when you go guns blazing. In some levels the game gives you a shotgun. Considering that this is a stealth game I thought that I can use that shotgun as a last resort but it isn't the case. The game doesn't reward you for playing stealthily. You don't gain XP or upgrade points. In one part of the game, I was struggling to get past enemies. After retrying many times I said f*ck it and started play it like an action game. Then I realized it more easy when you just stand behind a corner and wait for enemies to come to you. In this aspect the game is flawed. The game should encourage the stealth and reward the player for playing stealthily. It is an unpolished game, but I had fun while playing it. If you like stealth games and badass female protagonist you can give Velvet Assassin a try. Just don't expect too much, and you won't be disappointed.
1449 Produkte im Account
1276 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 20:38
The graphics and setting were very nice but to be honest this game needs a good bit more polish. The stealth needs completely thrown out because this is terrible, many mechanics are buggy at best, and some aspects of the game just feel rushed and far too limited.
197 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 00:19
Two hours were enough.
Linear stealth game with an unforgiving checkpoint system.
Getting spotted means you have to replay 10-15 minute sections of the game.
Rarely given a way to defend yourself, nor can you escape due to small levels and bad visibility system.
Game is complete trial-and-error until you find the one way the developers intended you to use.
That way involves waiting for 3-minute conversations to finish.

Generally feels unpolished gameplay-wise.
Graphics and setting are cool though.
A real shame, wish there was a quick save (or hell ANY save) mod, but could not find one.
846 Produkte im Account
248 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 20:34
Velvet Assassin has a great secret agent in ww2 setting, strong briefings and cutscenes, interesting chatter between German soldiers and some memorable and dark moments. The stealth gameplay is okay, but is missing a stealthbar. The AI is working and predictable for the most part, but is broken at times. Especially when the enemy sees you hiding behind crates or when the enemy immediately knows your location after finding a dead body.
Overall, I'd recommend Velvet Assassin to stealth fans and to those players who want to see the story. It isn't the most polished game, but I still liked it for what it is.

How to disable motion blur:
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 22:17
good game
81 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 20:06
This game will not run under windows 10
237 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 14:29
I have had this on my wishlist since the beginning of time and have finally brought it for the cheap price of 39 pennies.
I'm going to make this short and sweet, Is it a good game? Yeah sure, if not a bit repetitive. Is it a good WW2 game? Yes, not many games have the balls to show a dead kid.
Should you purchase this game for the asking price? well it tends to be 90% off every two weeks so for that price yes you should purchase it.

This review felt neither short or sweet.
1069 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 05:29
It's a great stealth game!
4777 Produkte im Account
2351 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 21:14

British spy, morphine addict, and lingerie model Violette Szabo stabs her way across the German country side in a drug fueled haze. Controls and gameplay offer limited functionality even for the age.
504 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 11:13
The good stuff: I love the premise of this game, and the graphics and sound work are not bad.
The bad stuff: oh dear lord, the gameplay! This game has one trick, which is the sneak up behind an enemy and perform a silent kill with cool animation. And that is it, for the entire game. There are some very poor attempts at environmental kills, but no alternative paths, no creative gameplay options.
But for me, this game performs a cardinal game design sin, which is placing a long NPC dialogue immediately after a save checkpoint. Every time you die after that checkpoint, you HAVE to listen to the same 3 minutes of dialogue over and over again. And this game commits this sin repeatedly throughout.
I grinded my way through this game out of sheer bloody mindedness. I don't recommend anyone else does the same.
13 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 22:37
Really fun badass female solo game. There are some outdated mechanics and clunky controls but you totally get more than you pay for.
258 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 11:29
I rarely enjoy stealth games, but I have to say that I did enjoy this even with its flaws. In this game you play as an assassin, and the plot isn't really interesting, they just tell you what is your target and then the game begins.

The game is more of a pure stealth game, and with few shooting segments at the end of some missions. When you play the game you don't have enough ammo to shoot half of the enemies.

Even with the easy difficulty, you will most likely die the moment you get caught. Just a few shots from the enemies and you will die. Whenever I fail or die, I try again. Thankfully the game has a lot of checkpoints and you won't backtrack a lot.

One of the issues is that in order to level up you have to find collectibles throughout the missions. When you level up you can choose to level up either your health/defense, sneaking speed, or the duration of the special ability. I definitely recommend leveling up stamina until it is full. Leveling up the special ability's duration is almost useless because it won't last long either way.

It has other flaws, but the biggest flaw of the game is that at the final mission there is a huge difficulty spike especially right at the last moment before the ending.

The enemies will speak the language of their country, and subtitles are provided. The voice acting is quite good for most of the characters.

I did have issue running the game at the beginning, I found a discussion that recommended an older version of PhysX to run the game, and it ran after I installed it.

I recommend the game since it is cheap especially if you like stealth games. I wouldn't recommend it for more than $20.
406 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 16:45
We reviewed this game on our podcast: Garbage Game Night, where we try out poorly reviewed games and give them a second chance, either trying to find something the critics missed or enjoy them because they are so bad…

This game was bad, but not so bad it was enjoyable. Overall it just lacks the depth and polish from better espionage games. The setting of WW2 is unique, but overall it was handled in a distasteful way. Sure, most games need a 'slow-mo' bullet-time equivalent, but the choice to put her in lingerie during them was a bit crude and didn't add to anything. The combat is not engaging, and the close-quarters sneaking is not reliable enough, and does not offer enough options to sabotage/take-down opponents to make it enjoyable. It's worth a look because it's so unique and perhaps it will inspire you to look into the real life account of WW2 spy Violette Szabo.

If you're interested in an in-depth look into the background of the game and our reactions to our first playthrough, you can check out our podcast on Velvet Assassin
129 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 10:04
absolutely fantastic game. stealth,smart tactics you will need all your great skills a spy operative. this game is just brilliant. wish there was a velvet assassin two.
400 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 00:50
Didn't work, buggy as hell. Do not buy.
510 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 08:22
I played this game on 2021 and bro it was the best game I played for a long time no SJW shit no bullshit just good game play and fact what happened on that time they can show more but they shown 85% of what happened on that time In WAR I am really happy my grandfather use to tell me the story about what happened on 2nd world war and some of the story form this game match's with what I heard from my grandfather really happy with the game and must play if you want to know abut history and know about World WAR 2
27 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 10:49
Great game! Challenging but rewarding if you’re patient! Only downside is that to run this game you need to download another extension physx driver installer found elsewhere.. still fun nonetheless especially if you like difficult stealth games set in ww2 era!
224 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 12:29
Unless you love bad stealth games, you will love this.
A bad guy sees a dead body in the middle of the street and your half-way across the road, guess were he going along with 3 other people who sudden know there a dead body?
Towards you while acting like your not there, and then gets shock when your there... trying to hide.

10 out of 10 would quit again.
623 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 10:38
Played this game in 2020. The graphics is out-of-date but it's not bad.
The game worth every pennies for its price tag for $1.99.

I am able to enjoy the stealth gameplay with some small tweaks these files
Velvet Assassinaiodifficulty.cfg
Velvet Assassinaioenemyclasses*
152 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 18:45
This game causes my Window 10 NVIDIA based very high end computer to lock up at start. I tried the fix suggested in Steam help to upgrade Gforce drivers but no help. Buy this at the risk this will also happen to you. I refund so many games so often now days, so many are so bad, that I have warning messages from Steam support they may soon refuse my refund requests. Since this broken game cost me only $1.99 I will consider I just threw it away so a refund request to Steam does not count more against me. I have deleted this game and will consider this game trash on my computer. With so many modern games being so bad and the older ones more often not running I am beginning to consider Steam no better than marketing thieves.
531 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 02:10
No I don't recommend this game, the first two levels are pretty straight forward however going through 12 missions through the same reptitive formula of watching nazi soldiers patrols while holding down the CTRL key is not fun at all. Plus the shooting in this game sucks, half of the time the bullets miss or go right through the enemy.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 06:54
I would recommend this game if you want a historical stealth game that showcases the true horrors of WW2. But I stress, you must have the kind of patience it takes to deal with the frustrating ways in which some stealth games don't work well. The game does a fantastic job of conveying mood and atmosphere (even an atmosphere as dark and evil as the Nazi-occupied parts of Europe in the 1940s). That's really where this game shines. Even the protagonist of the story serves to convey said horrors, as coping with them is her primary inner conflict. While the short segments that occur throughout the game where she's in a lingerie outfit are obvious fan service (player service?) because they are wholly unnecessary, Violette Summer is a pretty cool character otherwise (if not a little overly apathetic-sounding at times).

Again, the game succeeds in the same way a WW2 movie does, in that it leaves you feeling like you understand just a little bit better what it felt like to be there in the middle of so much blatant evil going on. That said, I do warn that the game will make sure you understand the poorer parts of its gameplay before the end, because most of the end of the game opts to throw the bad parts of gameplay at you, rather than the slower and more methodical stealth that encompasses most of the game. As an example, it feels awful when you're forced to rely on the gunplay, because the guns just feel wildly inaccurate, ammo is scarce, and Violette has a very small healthpool. I suspect this is to encourage stealth over the rambo approach, which is good. However, later on the game betrays this stance, many times leaving you with little to no stealth options.

Velvet Assassin is not a bad game. For much of the game, I felt like it would have been about a 7/10. As I got to the last few levels, it started feeling more like 6/10, purely due to the mechanics being stressed in ways they shouldn't be, as I said above. So overall i'd give it a 6.5/10. If you like stealth games and want one in a WW2 setting with a very sexy protagonist, then you might really like Velvet Assassin.
444 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 02:29
Requiem for Das Booty
660 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 13:10
what a waste of time lol. game just ends abruptly without an ending. not even worth a euro
599 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 14:20

Good fun once you get it working, but the ending isn't for everyone

A great little stealth game often left by the wayside due to:

# Developers went broke and game is no longer supported
# Bad reviews (mostly saying it's a glitchy game)
# Some work is needed to get the game running properly

While most of this is true, I can tell you one thing that isn't true. Glitches. I had none.

Most of my problems involving this game stem from trying to get it setup and running, but once it was running I had no problems with the gameplay. The nuts and bolts of it is, I sometimes like to record some footage to make gifs from, and I think alt-tabbing is a bad thing once you get the game working - it may have caused the game to speed up unnaturally - a fault that I've fixed (thanks to the forums on the web) by restarting my PC. Just to keep you informed, I ran the game on windows 10 after following some advice on reverting my nVidia physX version.

For anyone that has experience playing stealth games, Velvet Assassin is like slipping into your favourite chair, it'll come naturally. Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed... they're all good foundations to prepare you for this. Line of sight, using shadows and lights to your advantage, sounds of footsteps, sounds of gunshots, the sound of your decoy whistle, enemy behaviour. It all blends seamlessly together.

And I was quite surprised by how well it played given what I'd read about it beforehand. There was a notable drop in performance while I had some recording going, but not enough to make it unplayable. The game is set during World War 2, and while it is a terrible period, and some individuals are nothing short of monsters, there is a chilling normality to it as well. If you take the time to stop and listen in to the soldiers as they talk between themselves, you come to realise most of them are just struggling to survive as well. It's rather entertaining when one starts begging for morphine, or another mentions the Ivans smoke dried cow dung when they run out of cigarettes.

Violette is portrayed beautifully, and Melinda Cohen does an amazing job as a voice actor. My only criticism of the character is the crouch camera is kind of useless for a good screenshot of Violette, as is being hidden (thanks to a purple outline). Some of the combat music and musical cues are good too - marching, relentless, heavy, threatening.

Like most other stealth games though, unavoidable combat always seems to find its way in, and VA is no exception. While you may start the game with three fundamental stats to put points in as you play, bear in mind the Morphine ability is taken away in the later levels, for reasons that will become apparent later in the game. So this special ability, while fun to begin with, can't be heavily relied upon to avoid combat. And so you will find yourself using the shotgun, sniper rifle and other small arms on a regular basis.

It's a very basic game. Movement is limited to standing, crouching or crawling, stealth kills are only possible from up close behind foes, and there is weapon draw, weapon cycling, and weapon reloading. Morphine functions as a special ability allowing you to stop time for a moment and get close for an easy assassination. There is also gas masks that, once acquired, can be taken on and off, but once on, it is impossible to whistle lure. There are also some very basic crates and ladders for climbing and jumping up and down.

In hindsight, I think some of the errors where people say they've been spotted through cover, is simply that they were not as behind cover as they thought. I was spotted on one occasion, but in truth, I was behind the border between two boxes, and Violette did not have the 'purple outline' which signifies invisible to line of sight. There was a tiny gap between the two boxes. Other instances I was spotted are mostly for similar reasons, either not having the purple glow, or having a tiny bit of her body protruding around a corner. Some shadows, such as dappled shadows from trees where some light gets through, can also create a flickering purple glow effect. If you look closely you'll see the invisibility is flickering on and off very fast.

There may not be achievements of any kind, but it's worth noting that at the end of each mission you are rated based on your performance, from Novice to Agent, Soldier, Assassin. There is some replay value in this regard, as well as two difficulties.

Hopefully the fact that I got it to run on windows 10, and finished all 12 missions, helps others to see it isn't as bad as everyone says it is. Between Melinda's superb voice acting, the often witty dialogue of the enemy soldiers, and the variety of methods Violette employs to kill the enemy, it's got a lot going for it. I'm glad I played it.
25 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 09:33
I can understand the negative reviews considering the game hasn't been updated to run properly on modern PCs, and the linearity and repetitativeness of the gameplay. The game is playable with some tweaking.

It looks very nice. It has a very rich and vibrant color pallette. The locations look more like scenes with beatifully arranged lights and shadows. The textures are crispy and reflective. The main character design is unique and memorable. Visual design is probably the game's strongest feature. Complementary to it, the cutscenes are done in an artful and cinematic way with beautiful musical score. I especially loved the ending scene and the music in the credits roll.

Voice acting is great. There isn't much of it here, but the voiced characters work most if not all of the time.

The gameplay does feel a little repetitive, and I can see how for some people it may get old pretty fast. The protagonist has only a few means to deal with enemies, and there's little variation or choice in terms of how to go through the game. Specifically there's no non-violent route; every single enemy must be killed. It wasn't such a big issue to me though.

In 2020 - when so many rushed, unfinished and broken games are being released - this game is competently made and polished. It's just lacking certain desirable features.
105 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 05:21
This game was rubbished when it first came out! The thing was you could not run around and kill quickly like most other games. This is a mostly a total stealth game, shoot your way through the game and get 'Rookie' status. For real stealth fans try to get through on Assassin level. Besides the extremely difficult stealth there is a great story (based on real life events). I thought the graphics were very good for a 2009 game. I feel very sad for the guys who made this great game. The reviewers who are mostly 'run & gun' players killed this great game. The Thief series which has always been the bench mark for stealth games should now welcome in from the shadows Velvet Assassin.
355 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 04:44
This masterpiece is too good for the price, and still looks fine for a 2009 game
363 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 04:08

Quick Cut

Hello swordbrothers and swordsisters, I'm Dramedy, your local swordsman and here's a quick review, or Quick Cut as I like to call it for this shadow crawling journey called Velvet Assassin.

Inhale. Exhale.

It's not good. Despite the alluring main character and the drug infused, hypnotic, eyebrow raising story - the gameplay is beyond problematic. The stealth system is broken, the mechanics are awkward to wield, and most importantly, how dare they not give this woman a fitting blade for her assassinations?

That may be the greatest sin of all. All she carried around with her was a Baby Sword (a knife) and a highly inaccurate pistol.

Give this one a wide berth. Enjoy instead the pleasant imagery of Violette Summer and imagine her stabbing Nazi necks in respect to her and the WWII historical figure she's based upon.
270 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 21:47
One of the best stealth games out there.
A sh1tload of athmosphere.
This, thief 1/2 and the saboteur are the topnotch -games
if you like the stealth-genre.

strongly recommended
1958 Produkte im Account
626 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.19 08:06
It's a huge disappointment, that's for damn sure.
I would recommend buying the Hitman instead.
There's a lot of bugs and repetitive mechanics.
The overall design and assassinations are great.
But the gameplay is just boring and feels slow.
Even the Splinter Cell is a much better choice.
Velvet Assassin gets a simple negative review.
195 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.16 18:30
I really don't understand why this game doesn't have more positive reviews. It is a great game for what it is, awfully cheap as well. I strongly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys stealth games, and especially to those who enjoy games set somewhere in history.
71 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.14 06:42
Don't Buy This Rip Off! I Have Windows 7 Ult. It just Won't Load! No Matter If I Try Previous Versions Of Windows Or Stand On My Head! Just Won't Load Looks Like A Great Game Had Looked Forward To Playing It, But No Go!
526 Produkte im Account
344 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.14 16:40
Have you ever thought of yourself as a cold blooded killer focused on your mission to eradicate the Nazi scourge infecting 1940’s France? Then this is the game for you

This game is a great third person action/stealth game with a fairly good combat system. The game is full of tense moments and tight confined spaces. You can approach almost every situation by either gunning down everything that breathes (you will die quickly) or you can sneak around in the shadows and strike decisively and killing indiscriminately before fading away leaving the remaining Nazi’s to wonder who you will butcher next. Also with the addition of Morphine mode you become indestructible and storm through everyone that stands in your way.

The story, based rather loosely on real life events, is sparse but enjoyable, not everything has to be massively in depth but here is enough going on to keep you interested and playing. It’s pretty standard for a world war two spy setting, your job is to defeat bag guys and gain intel. It does take place in retrospective, you see what’s going to happen but it’s the getting there that’s interesting. The characters themselves though are rather two dimensional to be honest, it’s hard to pin down why but I didn’t feel particularly connected to Violette, even when the story develops.

Pick this game up and enjoy the ride, especially if it’s on sale. The game has not aged amazingly and there were several glitches, none of which game breaking. However I had a good time with it right up to the end before the final mission changed everything. So as with a lot of games from this era I would recommend playing it but don’t feel the need to finish it.

Have fun ^_^
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
57.06% 663 499
Release:01.07.2009 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Replay Studios Vertrieb: TopWare Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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