Conan Unconquered
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Über das Spiel

Conan Unconquered is a strategy game set in the barbaric world of Conan the Barbarian where you must build your stronghold and assemble an unconquerable army to survive the savage hordes of Hyboria. Wave after wave of increasingly more difficult enemies will rush at your gates and you will need to manage resources, research new technologies to advance your defenses, and recruit an ever-growing army if you are to save survive utter destruction.
You can choose to play the game entirely alone in single-player, but Conan Unconquered can also be enjoyed in full two-player co-op allowing for a truly unique, shared multiplayer experience. Players share a base, but both can freely construct new buildings and amass an army to reach their common goal.
Similar to games such as They Are Billions, the enemy hordes will keep coming at you and how long you can resist the invasion depends entirely on your ability to build your stronghold and lead your army. Gameplay is real-time, but you can also pause at any time to issue commands and start construction of new buildings. Battles will be bloody and savage with players having to deal with anything from fires raging through their stronghold to piles of corpses spreading death and disease.
The savage horde is at your gates. Will you fall or will you remain unconquered?
Battle wave after wave of increasingly more difficult enemies coming to destroy your stronghold, from lowly footmen to experienced elites and mighty siege weapons. Giant snakes and scorpions, spearmen, necromancers, and flying demons will arrive in vast numbers to see your home burn to the ground.
Manage resources such as food, gold, wood, and iron to fuel your expanding stronghold. Construct a variety of different buildings from housing to temples and military barracks. Build defensive walls around your stronghold and equip them with traps such as oil cauldrons to keep attackers at bay.
Play together online and build a shared stronghold while fending off the enemy hordes. Both players can build structures freely, and research upgrades, walls, and structures are all shared allowing for a truly unique and cooperative multiplayer experience.
Heroes are incredibly powerful units that can greatly influence the outcome of battles. These heroes, including Conan himself, possess special abilities and you can equip them with unique artifacts that you find as you explore the world.
You may start out with only a few foot soldiers, but before long you will have amassed an epic army of heavy cavalry, sorcerers, and more, ready at your command. Train units and keep them fed and paid to see their power grow and become truly unconquerable.
The world of Conan the Barbarian is one of blood, battle, and savagery. As your soldiers and those of your enemy die on the battlefield, their bodies will be left to rot and spread disease that can quickly turn the tide of war. Of course, a necromancer might be able to turn that to their advantage.
Randomly generated maps allow for infinite re-playability and each map holds vast opportunities for players that dare to explore beyond their stronghold. Discover ruins hiding great treasures, but beware: these are often protected by massive guardians that you need to bring down to claim your loot.
Build a temple and dedicate your stronghold to Mitra. Summon their massive avatar that towers above the battlefield and crushes your enemies in its footsteps.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 09:18
the rest ist utter bs:
- the worst thing of all is the female computervoice that comments every action with massive delay and sounds like it was taken from c&c 3 without any changes... a mainkiller of atmosphere
- the gamestyle has nothing to do with a startegic game like c&c, where you can conter every unit with another specialized unit. you can only choose between two units at start and the other 4 are pretty useless and take like forever to train. it´s more like one of this stupid zombie wave handygames
- no possibility to save a game, only autosaves at points that make no sense
- graphics from first smartphone generation
- no gameplay tutorial or proper description of the techtree
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1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 07:13
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 12:49
Kauft Conan Unconquered im Angebot für rund < 10 €.
Hiermit bekommt ihr mittlerweile ein rundes RTS - Tower Defense Spiel alla They are Billions das ihr sogar im Coop spielen könnt und dessen Bugs mittlerweile größtenteils behoben sind.
Bei dem von manchen Spielern bemängelten hohen Schwierigkeitsgrad und den verhältnismäßig hohen Kosten der Einheiten und Gebäudestrukturen lässt sich streiten aber ansonsten ist es ein sympathisches, rundes, schickes und vor allem spaßiges Strategie Spiel.
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 03:24
zu wahl stehen aber 10/25/endless letzteres schaltet man frei nach 25 gewonnen wellen
viele sehen das eher anch ein they a billions klon kann ich aber nur teils so unterschreiben
fange ma mit mein posetiven punkten an :
- KOOP mit ein kumpel zs eine base zu verteidigen einfach geil mit noch guten ping system dazu :)
- ordenliche gegner vielfalt : leicht- schwere infantrie, kavalerie , belagerungs waffen ,dämonen, skorpione,spinnen und helden
- gute forschungsbaum wie ich finde
- anpassbarer schwierigkeit
- 4 verschiedene helden die sich anders spielen und eigene akitv fähikeiten mit bringen
- sehr Fordernes aber faires gameplay was nach der zeit deutlich drückt
-Guter Rpg flair
negatives :
- aufgesetze story die eher als vereifachte missionen gelten da fehlt mir einfach der story tiefgang
- animationen könnten tick besser sein
- mehr helden hätte ich mir persöhlich gewünscht
Fazit : auch wen das ga´me noch fehler auf weist bzw wen man damit kein problem hat das man letztendlich nur ein modus mit ein klarem ziel hat Überlebe hat den hier ein game gefunden was ich persöhnlichen gutes game ich habe spass mit dem game und kanns jedem empfehlen der herausforderung sucht und auf eine story verzichten kann hoffe konnte euch helfen :)
4587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 20:41
‘Conan Unconquered’ is a real-time strategy game in which you have to survive waves of enemies. Your task is to build and strengthen your base and erect defenses in order to survive oncoming enemies that quickly grow stronger and approach faster with each wave. You must level up your hero, gather resources, and raise an army. This, however, sounds easier than it is.
The game comes with a campaign mode, a DLC campaign mode, and a challenge mode that allows you to generate individual maps and define your own number of waves including endless mode. For individual maps, you can adjust map density, resources, numbers, and types of monsters, select extra big maps, activate bonus effects, and mighty artifacts.
Each game starts rather simple. Most of the time you’re alone with your hero, a small amount of gold, and your keep. Your keep needs to remain protected at all times. If it falls, it’s game over.
You start by building hovels to add tribesman and increase your income. Hovels can later be upgraded to dwellings and manses. You also need to build cabals, farms, hunter shacks, lumber camps, quarries, and a marketplace. But the marketplace can only be constructed after research.
It’s the typical RTS setup. The huge tech tree contains 49 types of buildings, 20 research areas, and nine different types of warriors.
The trick is to build the right buildings at the right time, muster the discipline to collect enough gold to trigger research when required and at the same time increase the number of housing units to keep your income afloat.
‘Conan Unconquered’ is a difficult game. It’s easy to learn but hard to master. It requires many hours of gameplay to control the oncoming hordes and with each hour and each new wave, you learn a little more about how to survive. But learning to play this game is fun. It’s part of the experience and it’s enjoyable because you get better and better the longer you play.
Due to the nature of the game - endless waves of enemies attacking you - the game can be frustrating. But at the same time, I find the game very addictive and tried to survive over and over again.
However, not all players seem to find the same amount of enthusiasm. You can tell from the percentage of unlocked achievements that not too many players have played this game very long.
‘Conan Unconquered’ is the only game I know where collecting achievements actually changes the gameplay. Although the design of the achievements is primitive - ' Build 10 Houses’, ‘Build 20 Javelin Soldiers’, ‘Complete 25 waves’ - each achievement grants you a bonus in the game. The more achievements you collect the stronger your soldiers and buildings get. This is fascinating because it means that the longer you play the greater your chances of surviving.
Besides the constantly increasing speed of enemies' approaching and their growing strength, sand storms, diseases, magic creatures, like huge spiders and bats that can overrun your defenses, and burning walls, can make your life really hard.
And while it’s sufficient to defend your outpost with a single group of warriors up to around level 15, depending on your speed in taking possession of land, you will need several bands of defenders if you progress further. At some point, you’ll be attacked from six different directions at a time. And since the game requires you to constantly grow your base in order to produce enough food for your troops, defending it becomes very difficult above wave 25.
‘Conan Unconquered’ is no walk in the park. The game requires concentration, the will to learn, and a lot of micromanagement in order to become a master strategist. The game is not for everybody. It’s a game for strategist that enjoy the challenge. This also explains why the overall reception of the game remains below 80.
Personally, I recommend the game because it’s exciting and fun to test your limits. I also love the lore, that has been captured really well. As an old-time Conan fan, who read all of Robert E. Howards books as a teenager, I like the games setting and atmosphere very much. In my opinion, the game manages to bring the world of Conan to life very well.
- it’s fun!
- addictive
- five different playable heroes: Conan, Conan the King, Valeria, Kalanthes, and Belit
- excellent music reminiscent of the 1982 movie
- great atmosphere
- challenging
- collecting achievements makes you stronger. What a great idea!
- very good manual (that can be accessed at playtime)
- many settings for individual maps
- old school feeling
- allows to explore for resources
- keeps you brooding about alternative strategies between games
- co-op mode
- the story is told by six Dark Horse comics that are included in the game
- great representation of the lore
- Interesting game concept
- easy to learn, hard to master
- constantly puts players under pressure. Not a game for everyone.
- difficult (even on easy)
- hard to win
- takes time to learn the tech tree and how to grow your base best
- requires a lot of micromanagement
- only one landscape (a second in the DLC)
- annoying sand storms
- exhausting diseases
- fires
- economy is bound to many rules
- no achievements related to Belit
- DLC even harder than the main game
- flickering menu (strangely only the menu)
- comics can only be read from within the game
- gets boring after a certain amount of time (70 hours in my case)
1298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 11:58
Wer beide Genres sogar mag, dem wird dieses Spiel höchstwahrscheinlich sehr gefallen.
Wer zudem ein Conan Fan ist, der sollte sich dieses Spiel auf jeden Fall holen! ;)
Ich kann nicht bestätigen, dass das Spiel zu schwer ist. Ich weiss nicht ob es irgendwelche Patches gab, bevor ich mir das Spiel geholt habe, aber ich empfinde den normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad wirklich als normal spielbar, und wenn es zu hektisch wird kann man jederzeit in den Pausenmodus gehen und in Ruhe alle Befehle und Bauaufträge verteilen.
Das man durch die erspielten Achievments nicht nur einen schönen Steam Achievment bekommt, sondern auch noch wirklich einen Vorteil im Spiel, ist das Spiel gleich noch um einiges interessanter!
Der Coop Modus klingt sehr gut, konnte ich selber leider noch nicht testen.
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6225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 05:12
Kein indiv. Speichern möglich, die Schrift ist zu klein, meine Vermutung ist, dass das Spiel keine Produktion aus 2019 ist.
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.19 15:58
Es ist sehr anspruchsvoll und vergibt kaum Fehler. Die Gebäude- und Einheitenverwaltung ist anspruchsvoll, da man nicht wie bei einem standard RTS-Spiel einfach Gebäude und Einheiten auf Masse produziert.
Die Kritiken von einigen Leuten hier kann ich zum Teil nicht nachvollziehen, besonders wer noch nicht mal eine Stunde gespielt hat. Es dauert schon einige Zeit, bis man in die Mechanik eingestiegen ist und seine Strategie ausgefeilt hat. Und das geht bestimmt nicht in einer Stunde.
Ich kann das Spiel nur empfehlen, wer Zeit investieren will, um sich einzuarbeiten.
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154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.19 23:34
+ Setting
+ Sounds sind Ok
+ Keine Frame Einbrüche, läuft Stabil.
- Truppen wollen nur mit Roher Gewalt in die Türme ( 2-3 mal klicken weil davor stehen schöner ist)
- Die UI ist sehr unübersichtlich
- Um Einheiten aus einem Turm zu bekommen hätte ich gerne einen Button, (das hatte Age of Empires 2 vor 20 Jahren schon) so muss ich jede Einheit einzeln anklicken.
- Grafik mag Geschmackssache sein, ist aber jetzt nicht überragend.
- ein bisschen mehr Einführung wäre auch nicht verkehrt gewesen.
- Man ist zu nahe am geschehen, man sollte weiter rauszoomen können.
Es gibt noch mehr was unangenehm auffällt, aber ich mache hier mal einen Cut.
Ich bin nach der Ersten Mission schon nicht mehr gewillt weiter zu spielen weil mich doch sehr vieles stört. Der Preis von 30€ ist auch nicht gerechtfertigt, ich würde eher sagen 15€ wären es gewesen.
Der vergleich mit They are Billions ist gerechtfertigt, nur macht das so einiges besser.
Ich werde jetzt mal schauen was die nächsten Tage so gepatched wird, ansonsten leider Refund. Ich hatte mich drauf gefreut und wurde enttäuscht.
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.19 18:29
Ein netter Ansatz im Format von „They are Billions“ ….
Meines Erachtens bleibt es beim Ansatz denn
- die Animationen sehen etwas verkrampft oder gar veraltet aus
- grafisch ist es nicht mehr allzu zeitgemäß
- der Sound ist ein wenig monoton, die Qualität nicht sonderlich gut. Das schlägt sich auf die Atmosphäre nieder.
Am schlimmsten sind allerdings die Ruckler während eines Koop-Spiels.
Lachhaft hingegen sind die bereits angekündigten/ausgegrauten Stellen für die noch zu erwerbenden DLCs im Spiel, obgleich das Game noch nicht lange auf dem Markt ist.
Also kurz und knapp
NEEEEEEEEE danke Funcom.
Rückerstattung ist raus
1920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 02:10
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 08:13
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 20:38
Here you can see my Gameplay :
Conan Unconquered is a RTS + City Builder +Tower defense.
I have mix feelings with this game, the campaign is short and maybe there is a bit of lack of content on the game but you can play it in coop and also have multiplayer with custom maps.
And with the graphics and gameplay it's the same, the graphics looks nice but not great maybe it's because there is too much brown and I don't like that colour, and for the gameplay it's like any other RTS but sometimes the ia gets stuck in some place you want to move.
The best part is make walls improve and build extras arround that for hold the fort and survive the waves.
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 19:59
Taking from first map it is kinda nice game but I liked slower pace like in they are bilions.
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233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 02:06
5125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 17:19
Why should I play this & what should I expect?
It has Conan & his beloved <3. Decent graphics but not so well optimized I feel my system should get more fps.
Do you remember the (take & hold/defend missions) from games like Age of Empires, Star, Craft, War Craft, C&C and many others where you had to spend the remaining of the mission holding and defending an important point against waves of enemies of ever-increasing number? This is that but in the Conan world.
If the above sounds like your thing this game should be enjoyable for you. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.
There exist very few RTS defense games so don't be too picky. There are only 4 hero units and 1 race. It can become repetitive with the lack of choices but even so, there are many strategies to try. The game rather feels like a subsection of a much larger game than a game on its own and therefore I recommend only buying it on special. This doesn't make it bad it is just what it is and you need to be made aware.
If you enjoy turtling behind cover defending against waves of enemies in an RTS based on the Conan world then you not going to go wrong buying this. I can think of a million worse ways to spend a few $$ and a few hours.
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964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 13:31
On the good side, there does seem to be a story involved, but I haven't seen any signs of cut scenes, dialog, or the like. The graphics are pretty good, about what I would expect from a modern RTS. I like the grid points for laying out structures, although I wouldn't mind a bit more freedom in, say, rotating them for aesthetic reasons. Control is pretty point and click.
Now for the bad, and why I don't recommend this, except for those gluttons for punishment out there.
Even on easy difficulty, the number of enemies that spawn on each wave is ridiculously overpowered. The amount of income you get, compared to how much you pay out in upkeep for your army and for buildings, is pitiful. Waves of enemies come in ever 2 to 3 minutes, and can only be delayed for maybe a minute, so you don't have time to actually build up much in the way of defenses if you build an army, or an army if you build defenses, or either if you try to build infrastructure. Starting units (the swordsman and javelin) are more expensive than most buildings, and they only get more expensive from there.
In short, Unconquered suffers from the basic flaw of all tower defense games, which is, in reality, what this is: eventually, and in this case in short order, large enough numbers and tough enough enemies spawn to overrun your defenses, and there really isn't anything you can do. Once the enemies get in and start damaging buildings, you end up just playing catch-up, and you no longer have the chance to build up.
Perhaps if you could adjust the speed at which the waves spawn it would be a more interesting game. I certainly would enjoy it more if I had more of a chance of exploring and building, as apposed to rushing around to try and find just enough resources to try and survive the next wave.
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 21:47
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900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:20
758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 11:44
What it doesn't do well is a proper tutorial or explanation of much of anything, which is why i believe it has so many negative reviews. The first hour or two i spent playing were pure cancer. Where i had to pretty much figure out everything myself or go and watch youtube videos, which i refuse to do.
You guys should add a better tutorial, i think the store page does a good job telling everyone what the game is and those that don't like the tower defense/wave format well you only have yourself to blame.
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 13:01
I bought this game to play it with my friends, expecting to play the campaign together. Unfortunately campaign play is (at least right now) restricted to single player, so we could only play random maps. Still we got about 8h fun trying to survive 25 waves. In the end we are no high score hunters, so without a campaign to follow we were kinda finished with the game afterwards. On a side note: the stats screen felt severly lacking in feel and also had no detailed information, letting us somewhat down after 2h+ of playing.
For the single player part: I did not follow the single player campaign, that seems to be a tutorial anyway. The most interesting thing about it is, that you get access to a comic telling the story of the game while playing. A concept that does not really work in form of telling a story within the game, but is pretty cool otherwise. Unfortunately the comic viewer within the game had a terrible performance for me, so I can't really recommend the game for the comic.
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979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 03:52
Save your money until they fix the issues and start responding back to everyone. Its definitely not worth the money right now.
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48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 18:36
2119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 16:50
It is smart, and efficient, and painfully obvious, but entirely soulless when creating art -which good games should be synonymous with.
buy it on sale. show em you are willing to match their effort with dollars, then enjoy the game. its an interesting new take on an old type of game play, for sure
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1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 02:17
I've sent over an email to support and its been almost a week and still no response. Seriously almost every game crashes. I really hope the dev team starts listening to the comments and optimizes the game. wayyyy too many people are having issues with crashing for this game to cost any money. I dont mind there being issues with the game but if you aren't responding back to the people who support you thats a huge red flag. Anyways, hoping toward a better future.
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530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 12:53
I'm sorry that low-level developers like Funcom persuaded them to collaborate, and together they created a somewhat outdated game. Embroidered comics about Conan and a deep story thanks to Robert Howard are very cool. But releasing a game with Conan's overused assets from Age of Conan is not cool.
As for the gameplay, it's boring and tedious to see this monotony. Imagine a level from Starcraft2, where you are always attacked by zergs, and with each subsequent level just more zergs. Yes, that's all.
1412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 13:42
Structure build like C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
Resource variety and management like Rise of Nations
I will list the pros and cons of the game
-The co-op is only a customizable map, which kinda sucks.
-The Power and utility difference between the four heroes is unbalanced
-Steep learning curve in the beginning.
-Most trainable units are pointless considering you really only need ranged units.
-Expanding your base to new resource areas can be time consuming and a gamble if enemies spawn nearby
-Variety of enemy types and waves that spawn makes the constant defending fun and/or challenging
-Niche appeal to RTS players that like defending and survival
-Each of the four heroes has their own unique playstyle
Tips for new players
*Valeria is the most versatile and has the highest dps of all the heroes. I played 90% of the missions with her and I recommend you try her for venturing out for crates, guardians and defending your base.
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939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 17:43
The Co op is why I bought the game though and on the rare occasion that I get connected with my buddy, it is really good fun.
The problem is the hit and miss nature of getting connected.
Player 1 hosts the lobby.
Player 2 joins lobby though either an invite or the lobby screen. Player two cannot join because player two is already in the lobby. But player 2 is not. Keep trying and eventually get connected to the same lobby only for it to crash half the time.
Get past all that and 20 mins later you are sat in the same lobby together. Ready up...
Game unreadies
Not ready
Not Ready
In the unlikely event you both manage to get ready at the same time Player 1 can hit Battle and if the planets are aligned load the game and then Player 2 enters the game.
If the stars are aligned and you are in credit with Crom you'll get a game. More likely it will crash with your defeat before you even lay a building.
3583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 01:28
It reminds me a lot of the old classic stronghold - build up your economy, build a castle and let waves and waves of enemies crumble at your walls!
There's just something fascinating about building up your little desert encampment and developing it into a massive fortress only to watch it get burned down in the end anyways (at least if you're playing on infinite mode!)
- Damn those battering rams, melting your walls like butter :P
And there's a coop mode too? awesome!
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423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 15:10
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2091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 17:34
Yes, the trailers make it look nice. Petroglyph has made RTS Games before, but judging by this game... Either they had no money or they didn't give a crap.
If you like perpetually upgrading, finishing a stage and then starting from scratch all over again this is the game for you.
3576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 04:36
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 14:08
2614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 01:29
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191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 17:01
Don´t recomend the game to anybody this way with this gameplay.
There are 4 characters ingame and they all got 1000 hp, Conan as a melle char should have at least twice more hp as the Caster characters. What were devs thinking, anyways its FUNCON... Hard to believe they were the creators of Anarchy Online, a game ive played for years and years. This Conan franchise is a shame for this company. Shame on you FUNCOM. Never gonna buy Funcom games again.
PS: KING Conan character is the worst char in this game, who would guess...
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 02:19
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92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 15:11
2507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 13:04
your city is under endless siege from the forces of Hyboria.
You must gather and manage resources, build up your army, and research new technologies
to survive wave after wave of assault from the savage hordes, and remain unconquered.
excellent graphics
excellent gameplay and effects
excellent sound and music
excellent story
Campaign and skirmish with lots of action
Game is great in co-op
I love RTS with skirmish
worth money and time
I highly recommend this game !
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371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 20:34
10122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 17:38
It has a SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN with 5+5 missions.
A CUSTOM MAP mode in which the difficulty can be adjusted in more ways (terrain, amount of resources, monsters, etc.).
There is also a COOP mode, which makes this game very unique.
The only problem is that it looks like, there won't be more updates. However the game has some little bugs, missing functions and there would be many options to add new contents.
Despite these it definitely worth a try.
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.19 14:16
By Crom, Conan Unconquered by Petroglyph Games is not a walk in the park. You definitely have to use your brain, pick exactly your priority buildings, your important battles and the most beneficial chokepoints in the map. It took me 4 restarts to complete the second map and that’s saying a lot. Even with the luxury of Pausing the game to give out orders and think things through, CU is not an easy game.
Although CU borrows the main city-defense premise of ‘They are Billions’, it also uses hero-creeping from Warcraft 3, where your main hero explores the map to kill monsters and their nests and to level-up. I also liked the feats system that awards you with permanent bonuses at certain milestones; for example, if you recruit X units throughout all matches (regardless if they are single, co-op, wins or loses), those units will have a bonus fixed on them for all future matches, like attack bonuses or extra HPs. This gives an overall sense of progression, even if you completely get destroyed in a map. Brilliant idea.
My main gripe is that there’s no real campaign structure, just a literal handful of five maps that gradually introduces concepts and elements of the game. Even worse, some genius at marketing & finance locked one of the three heroes behind an extra paywall. There’s no shop for cosmetics or anything, it’s just that one of the three playable hero characters, needs you to fork over more bucks. That’s after having paid for a full-priced game! That’s unacceptable and it grinds my gears.The co-op mode sounds interesting, but I need a friend playing the game for that, don’t I? I have a few more concerns, like the fire mechanic that destroys everything too fast and the AI that just can’t deal with things burning around frantic units.
UPDATE: So, a month or two after my first experience, Petroglyph updated the game and addressed many of my concerns. The pay-to-play hero is free to play, there’s an additional hero, a new group of maps and many tech issues resolved, like the AI fighting fire, etc. At its current state, it’s much easier to recommend CU to city-defense fans.
Petroglyph Games
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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