News Liste Conan Unconquered

Conan Unconquered Game Update (Patch Notes for 03.06.2019)
Conan Unconquered
04.06.19 01:46 Community Announcements
Greetings everyone! We’ve made some more changes, hopefully addressing some of your concerns, details below:



  • Time between waves has now been extended on Easy Mode.
  • Player Unit damage to enemies set to +20% (was +50%) on Easy Mode.
  • When playing in easy mode score modifier appropriate set to their difficulty level.



  • In Co-Op, houses will no longer split Thrall resources. Instead, both players get the FULL amount from any house build by either player.
  • Dwelling wood build cost reduced from 8 to 2.
  • Manse stone cost reduced from 10 to 2.
  • When choosing targets, Kalanthes should now properly prioritize in the following order: Attack > Heal > Fires. Manual targeting will always override this.
  • Players will now correctly receive a wave completion bonus to score after wave 40 in Infinite Mode.


  • Repaired missing wave tracker icon in top center after resuming a saved game.
  • Chest randomization is now stored properly within the challenge system. Now, all players will have the same chest location and contents.
  • Fire Javelin enemies will now cap at 8 for the final wave (if they spawn) on the solo 10-Wave custom game.
  • Further improvements have been made to autonomous behavior around fires. Player units will more aggressively attack fires when nearby.
  • Fixed crash on Intel video hardware that would cause a crash on very high settings.

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Release:29.05.2019 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Petroglyph Games Vertrieb: Funcom Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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