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Über das Spiel

Erkunde und verteidige eine der beliebtesten Städte aus Dungeons & Dragons, während sie aus der Asche der Zerstörung empor steigt. Dieses umfassende MMORPG führt Dich auf der Suche nach vergessenen Geheimnissen und verlorenen Schätzen auf belagerte Stadtmauern und durch unterirdische Gänge.
Einhundert Jahre sind vergangen seit die Zauberpest die magischen und mystischen Länder Faerûns für immer veränderte. Mächtige Reiche sind gefallen und große Städte wurden gestürzt, sodass nur von Monstern heimgesuchte Ruinen und um den Wiederaufbau kämpfende Überlebende zurückblieben.
Die Stadt Neverwinter, das Juwel des Nordens, schien von den Göttern gesegnet zu sein. Während der Rest der Schwertküste von diesem Ereignis verwüstet wurde, blieb Neverwinter größtenteils unversehrt. Dies war jedoch nur eine Gnadenfrist vor dem unausweichlichen Verderben. Etwa 75 Jahre später ließ ein Vulkanausbruch einen Regen aus Feuer, Asche und geschmolzener Wut auf die Stadt nieder und vernichtete alles, was ihm im Weg stand.
Heute hat Neverwinter viel seines alten Glanzes wiederhergestellt. Lord Neverember von Waterdeep hat die Stadt unter seinen Schutz gestellt und einen Aufruf an alle Abenteurer und Helden des wilden Nordens gerichtet, Neverwinter wieder aufzubauen, in der Hoffnung, eines Tages Anspruch auf den Thron und die Krone zu erheben. Aber böse Kräfte schmieden an dunklen Orten der Welt einen Komplott, um alles und jeden zu unterdrücken...
Neverwinter Wiedergeburt
Erkunde und verteidige eine der beliebtesten Städte aus Dungeons & Dragons, während sie aus der Asche der Zerstörung empor steigt. Dieses Action-RPG führt Dich in einer umfassenden MMO-Welt auf der Suche nach vergessenen Geheimnissen und verlorenen Schätzen auf belagerte Stadtmauern und durch unterirdische Gänge.
Herausfordernd, komplex, klassisch
Epische Geschichten, Action-Gameplay und klassisches Rollenspiel erwarten jene Helden, die mutig genug sind, die fantastische Welt von Toril und die Ruinen von Neverwinter zu betreten.
Erschaffe Dein Abenteuer
Leicht zu handhabende Schöpfungs-Tools geben den Spielern jede Menge Möglichkeiten, der Kampagne der Forgotten Realms ihre eigenen Geschichten hinzuzufügen. Kreiere fesselnde Quests und erschaffe herausfordernde Level! Teile Deine Kreationen in-game mit der ganzen Welt. Werde Teil des bestehenden Dungeons & Dragons Universums... Und baue anschließend ein Neues.
Erschließe Deinen Pfad zum Ruhm
Begegne hinterhältigen Gegnern und entdecke gefährliche Gebiete. Arbeite mit anderen strategisch zusammen, um gegen Albträume, Dämonen, Monster und legendäre Bestien zu bestehen.
Neues D&D, geliebtes D&D
Neverwinter ist eine echte Dungeons & Dragons Erfahrung, der mit der dynamischen Cryptic-Engine Leben eingehaucht wird. Im klassischen Setting der Forgotten Realms werden die Spieler eine der beliebtesten Städte aus Dungeons & Dragons erkunden und verteidigen, wenn sie aus der Asche der Zerstörung empor steigt.
Addons zum Spiel
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Neverwinter: Uprising | 13.08.2019 | ka |
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Neverwinter: Undermountain | 23.04.2019 | ka |
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Neverwinter: The Heart of Fire | 13.12.2018 | ka |
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Neverwinter: Ravenloft | 26.06.2018 | ka |
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Neverwinter: Lost City of Omu | 27.02.2018 | ka |
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Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation | 25.07.2017 | ka |
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Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy | 21.02.2017 | ka |
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Neverwinter: Storm King’s Thunder | 18.10.2016 | ka |
- CPU: Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz (or equivalent AMD CPU)
- GFX: NVidia GeForce 6600, ATI/AMD Radeon X1300, or Intel G965 Express (Direct3D Hardware Feature Level 10)
- Software: Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10
- HD: 23 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX 10 compatible sound chip or onboard audio capability with the latest sound drivers
- DX: Version 10
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
- CPU: Core i5-2xxx Quad Core or better
- GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 4xx, ATI/AMD Radeon HD 5xxx, or Intel HD Graphics 4xxx (Direct3D Hardware Feature Level 11.0) or better
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 23 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX 10 compatible sound chip or onboard audio capability with the latest sound drivers
- DX: Version 10
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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117160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 13:57
Ich zeige hier ein wenig auf das viele nicht wissen.
Ignoriert einfach hier Internet trolle oder dergleichen.
Dies richtet sich an alle , die sich einiges erwarten.
Nach einer etwas längeren Spielzeit, über 3 Monate, Investierung an Echtgeld von ca.500 Euro
in den Ingameshop um Nützliches für das Game zu erstehen (keine Kosmetischen Dinge)
um im Endgame mithalten zu können (ein muss) und im Endeffekt nichts oder sehr wenig erreicht habe
da der ewige Kauf an Div. Gegenständen kein Ende nimmt, da man für jede Steigerung des Charakters
oder Stärke des Charakters Echtgeld ausgeben muss.
Drops hingegen gibt es in diesem Game KEINE . Dungeonkisten , die man mittels Schlüsseln öffnen kann, aber die man ja auch irgendwie Kaufen muss. Normale Drops von Gegnern gibt es hier gar nicht bis auf ein paar Kupferstücke (10, 20 ,30 Kupferstücke) oder eine Perle etc....zum aufwerten von
Veredelbare Rüstungsitems, die wohlgemerkt alle paar Monate Obsolet werden und das ganze Spiel fängt von vorne an.....
Sprich Gewinnsteigerung zum Kauf von neuen Kredenzien im Cashshop)
Grafik: Altbacken bis Beschissen
Events: Verarschend unnötig, Zeitaufwendig unbrauchbar
ZU kaufen gibt es (fast alles) aber insbesonders genau dinge die Wichtig sind und ansonsten nirgends Droppen
um echt voranzukommen , ja genau das muss man sich Kaufen , sonst habt ihr keine Chance auf einen Dungeonrun
seit zu Schwach, macht kein Dmg, keine Heilung etc.......
Ich kann hier schlecht jedes Detail aufzeigen, aber alles und jedes um voranzukommen , um stärker zu werden etwas zu erreichen müsst ihr euch kaufen ..mittels Schlüsseln aus dem Ingameshop .
Mit diesen Schlüsseln könnt ihr dann diese Kisten öffnen die zu Tausenden von den Gegnern Droppen, um diese zu öffnen um Dinge zu erhalten ,wie Mounts , Gefährten, Aufwertungssteine für Equip und Waffen , wobei man hier eine Chance von 0,10 prozent zu 100 prozent hat, das man benötigt, also nach meiner Rechnung .Kauf euch viele , viele Schlüsseln ums teure Echtgeld , um daqnach eine Dropchance von 0.10 prozent zu haben,,
Fazit also von 1000 Schlüsseln 1 Drop = 10 SCHLÜSSELN KOSTEN 10 Euro (Pay to Win)
Beispiel: Nach Kauf und Ingame Tag für Tag ( ich spreche hier von geschätzten 200 - 300 Schlüsseln)
hatte ich noch nie, aber NOCH ZU KEINER ZEIT einen Epischen Drop von den angebotenen Kisten die
von den Gegenern zu Tausenden droppen, ausser Crapdrop.
Geschichte oder Lore:
Verwirrend, aus dem Kontent gerissen , Uninteressant etc..
zu viele Kurzvideos vor beginn eines JEDEN Bosskampf... Ätzend
Hat man das Endgame nach viel Geld und Zeit erreicht, gibt es nur mehr Dungeons und sehr sehr viele Wiederholungsquest (fast nur) die mit der Zeit einfach Ätzend sind.
Als Damagedealer sehr sehr lange Wartezeit auf Invites zu den Dungeons.
Bugs und nochmals Bugs in Dungeons, Serverkicks
Spieler die den Dungeon nicht meistern können , die Bossmechaniken nicht verstehen oder nicht Beherrschen an Hand von mangelten Equip. Das heißt Wipes und nochmal Wipes bis zum abwinken und dann schließlich und endlich den Wartezeit Zeitraubenden Dungeon aufzugeben.
Altbacken, unwirklich, in Zeiten wie 2022 obsolet.
Unzureichende Mechaniken, zu hohe Abklingzeiten vs Gobaler Cooldown fast keine Auswahl , Vorgegeben
nicht durchdacht das meiste unbrauchbar, wenig Dmg, kein Nennenswerter Dot, hakelige Animationen etc etc....
Cryptic Games , Altbackend Pay to Win
10526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 20:55
Nicht Empfohlen
3560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 18:14
Naja... neuen Charakter erstellt und dann bis heute gezockt und meinen Charakter bis auf Level 36 gebracht... tja... Jetzt komme ich ein paar Stunden später nochmal online und tada... ein Update. Denk mir nichts dabei und lass es gewähren. Komme ins Spiel und denke mich trifft der Schlag.
ALLE meine Missionen weg und ich bin Level 20... ich fragte also was hier vor sich gehe und werde aufgeklärt, dass das nun das neue MAXIMAL-Level ist und ich somit im Grunde durch mit dem Spiel bin xD
Keine Quests mehr offen, nahezu alle bis dato existierenden Map- bzw Levelabschnitte verschwunden und ich bin dann erst mal ne Weile ziellos durch die Hauptstadt geirrt ... völlig irritiert und dachte halt bis zuletzt das sei ein schlechter und strunzdummer Scherz.
Dann noch ne Kiste voller epischem Stuff und zich anderer Items geschenkt bekommen und damit dann letztlich lachend aus dem Spiel gegangen und damit wirds jetzt denke ich auch wieder gelöscht, weil ich seh da keinen Sinn mehr zu spielen. Was will ich denn da noch wenn ich im Grunde fertig mit allem bin - klar nicht allem, aber was auch immer da noch wartet, das kanns echt nicht wert sein und interessiert mich auch nicht. Werden wohl ausschließlich so sich wiederholende Grinding-Dungeons sein o.ä. Nonsense...
Wie gesagt: Maximale Stufe, epische Ausrüstung geschenkt, alle Missionen die ich (offen) hatte weg und damit halt auch absolut kein Anreiz mehr weiter zu machen oder Nerv mich mit dem was da jetzt für ein Scheiß zusammenprogrammiert wurde auseinander zu setzen :D
Also in meinen Augen ein ganz klares Downgrade bzw. das Spiel abgeschossen... ich verstehe diesen Witz ja nach wie vor nicht, aber ich verstehe durchaus, dass er auf meine Kosten gegangen ist. Ich bezweifle aber ernsthaft, dass die Entwickler damit groß was zu lachen haben, weil ich denke damit hat man nicht nur mir vor den Kopf gestoßen. Zumal Geld reingesteckt habe ich ja auch nicht. Ein Glück das ich Free2Play grundsätzlich wörtlich nehme und die Pay4Progess oder Pay2Win Aspekte klar verachte und ignoriere.
Ist das jetzt so ne Art von joa, wir machen das Spiel jetzt demnächst dicht und ihr könnt jetzt nochmal die Sau rauslassen? Nee ernsthaft... ich raffs nicht... warum? Was soll der Schwachsinn?
Naja... im Endeffekt hatte ich ohnehin keine Lust mehr auf dieses extrem statische Kampfsystem, das mangelhafte und ineffektive Skill-, Level und Ausrüstungssystem, die lächerlich einfachen Bossfights, miesen Belohnungen und das sehr magere Lootkonzept.
Die Grafik ist ja sehr hübsch, ebenso das Design der Maps, NPCs, Gegner... auch die Quests sind... ich meine waren sehr abwechlungsreich und teils auch sehr interessant und ich fand es auch witzig mich durch Wände etc. durchzuglitchen um außerhalb der Maps rumzulatschen. Aber insgesamt... naja... eine Menge nutzlose Mechaniken und Funktionen... zich Währungen und in meinen Augen nutzlose Features und Krempel. Vieles auch sehr unklar wenn man jetzt kein absoluter Nerd im Spiel ist, sodass ich an sich so oder so, wohl nicht mehr viel Freude an diesem Spiel gehabt hätte... aber das ist jetzt trotzdem ein Schock gewesen... das muss ich erst mal noch verdauen. Einfach nur bekloppt...
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25061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 20:19
Bis zum letzten Mount und Companion Update problemlos ohne Geldeinsatz spielbar, sogar der end content (sofern man das so nennen darf) war ohne Echgeld problemlos machbar.
Sehr schade, habe es immer gerne gespielt, sogar nach dem umstrittenen Klassenupdate (Mod15?) hat es mir spaß gemacht.
Aber ein Tipp von mir:
Wenn ihr das spiel noch schneller kaputt machen wollt verkauft es einfach an Gameforge oder Aeria xD
13028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 08:43
Wünsche mir mehr Ähnlicher spiele. Seher gut..
13493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 11:26
das Spiel gefällt mir überraschend gut.
Es ist ohne Geld möglich zu spielen.
Die Grafik ist super und auch die Kämpfe mit animierten Bewegungen und Voidzonen sind gut gemacht.
Ein Endgame ist definitiv vorhanden! Für Neueinsteiger aber erstmal undurchsichtig, da die alten Quests lvl 60 und 70 heute lvl 80 max. einen nicht so recht wissen lassen was man nun machen soll.
Probleme: 1) Schlechter Chat ingame sogar ausgeblendet nur mit F2 sichtbar und sehr schwierig zu bedienen aus dem Spiel heraus. Deswegen spielen die meisten das Endgame mit Headset. Schade.
2) Die Drachen für die Endgame Tagesquests sind schon beim landen angreifbar so das die Nahkämpfer oft nicht mal zum Schlag kommen und 20 minuten auf den nächsten bzw, dann wieder nicht dran kommen usw. super super super super ärgerlich. (Tipp: Die Map verlassen oder ausloggen dann landet man beim zurück kommen in einer anderen Instanz der Map und man muss keine 20 Minuten mehr warten)
3) Es gibt je Map verschiedene Instanzierungen was es den Spielern ermöglicht über verschiedene Instanzen derselben Map Seltene Gegner abzufarmen. In anderen Spielen nennt sich das Serverhopping.
In Summe trotzdem ein sehr gutes Spiel, bin im Endgame habe schon 120 Stunden gespielt. Werde sicher weiter spielen. Und bin von den Mechaniken der Grafik und dem Spielspaß begeistert.
Also definitiv Daumen hoch!!!
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1737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 20:42
Der erste Boss in der ersten Instanz ist gut von der Schwierigkeit her. Danach wird es aber nur noch todeslangweilig einfach.
Außerdem skalieren die Gegnermengen oder -stärken nicht, wenn man mit einer Gruppe ein Dungeon betritt.
Ich habe mit 4 Freunden immer zusammen gespielt und dem Game bereits 4 Zockerabende Zeit gegeben, vielleicht gut zu werden. Jetzt sind wir cirka Level 30 und es ist immer noch boooring.
Sehr Schade, das Game hat Potential. Ich hätte gerne sogar Geld ausgegeben für das Spiel, sah aber nie den Sinn irgendwann Schönes oder Sinnvolles Ingame zu kaufen.
Positives: Das Crafting ist gut gemacht. Die Grafik ist recht schön.
1684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 20:47
Warum? Darum:
Europäisch angehauchtes Fantasysetting in einer nicht zu bunten und dennoch sehr stimmigen Spielwelt, deutsche Sprachausgabe (die Sprecher haben einen tollen Job abgeliefert!), übersichtliche Menüs, ein unkompliziertes und direktes Action-Kampfsystem, wuchtiger Sound (wenn man einen Bassbooster hat) und tolle Soundeffekte, schöne und nicht zu langatmig erzählte Quests, eine übersichtliche Reisefunktion, wunderschön gestaltete Gegenden. Man ist nie überfordert, bekommt nie zu viele Quests auf einmal und weiß immer, wo man als nächstes hin muss. Der rote Faden geht nie verloren. Die Grafik ist nicht Highend, aber wenn man auf 4K spielt sieht es auch heute noch glänzend aus. Die Steuerung ist eingängig, wenn man seine Tasten vernünftig belegt. Die Komfortfunktionen sind ein Traum (man bekommt z.B. angezeigt, wann wichtige Gegner respawnen und das ganz ohne installieren von Drittanbieter-Addons. Konnte bis zum erscheinen eines Elite-Mobs gemütlich Kaffee trinken und essen. Bekommt kaum ein anderes MMO mal auf die Reihe.)
Lags kann ich momentan keine feststellen. Solange das eigene Internet lagfrei läuft und der Rechner gut genug ist, sollte auch Neverwinter null Probleme bereiten. (Internetleitung sollte jeder mal überprüfen, der in Online-Spielen Lags hat. Das liegt nicht immer an den Servern. Wenn bei Steamdownloads z.B. auch Aussetzer zu erkennen sind, kann auch kein MMO flüssig laufen! Ich hatte z.B. zu viele Geräte per Steckerleiste an einer Steckdose. Dadurch bekam der Router zu wenig Strom ab und es entstanden Lags!)
Die Free2play-Systeme fallen nicht unangenehm auf. Man kann sie einfach ignorieren und kommt dennoch super durch die Story. Ab und zu bekommt man sogar Dinge aus dem Echtgeldshop, wie z.B. einen VIP-Rang für 30 Tage, geschenkt. Eine tolle Reise, für die ich immer wieder gern meine Freitzeit verschwende.
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89389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 19:36
Reason: they have no problem nerfing a characterclass in one patch over 70%. I play since 25 years mmorpgs, and i never had such a nerf. No other char got any degree, only the healer.
Now the healer heals lesser then any potion and healingstone.
Yes the game was to easy, and yes the healingpower was a bit to high.
But nerfing only one charclass, when tanks still takes nearly no damage in most inis, means that the healerslot in groups is now a wasted slot. With one more damagedealer instead of healer you are better advised.
8 month playing , time and money are wasted.
2818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 14:05
ich würde es auf jeden fall jedem empfehlen der interesse and MMORPGs und D&D hat :3
29044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 22:26
❤ Audience ❤
☑ Beginner
☑ Casual Gamer
☑ Normal Gamer
☑ Expert
☼ Graphics ☼
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☑ Fantastic
♬ Music ♬
☐ Bad
☑ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☠ Difficulty ☠
☐ Easy
☐ Average
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard
§ Bugs §
☐ Bugs destroy the game
☐ Lots of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑ Nothing encountered
☯ Story ☯
☐ There is none
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☑ Good
☐ Fantastic
⚔ Gameplay ⚔
☐ Frustrating
☐ Sleepy
☐ Boring
☑ Fun
☑ Challenging
۞ Game time / Length ۞
☐ Short (0 - 20 min)
☐ Average (20 - 40 min)
☐ Long (around 1 hour)
☑ Hell (24/7)
$ Price / Quality $
☑ Free
☐ Wait for Sale
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can
☐ Worth it
4734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 10:05
Game itself has changed since I played it few years ago. I didn't liked the change, it feels too linear and hardcore (enemies swarm you and it's challenging for no reason). P2W is there but I stopped playing because I felt too bored. I suggest to try it and see if this kind of difficulty is for you.
Debian 10, Nvidia proprietary drivers, Proton 6x
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78501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 10:23
Such games usually get bigger and more complex with each update, but here, quite the opposite is true - the updates remove parts of the content or features. And while other games try to lure players in by the new MOD releases, here the releases are clearly designed to chase people away.
I have to admit, the developers have a knack for identifying the best and the worst aspects of the game. Unfortunately, this knowledge is mostly used to remove the good parts from the game.
A little warning against having too high expectations when putting your money to the game. If the bought item happens to suffer from one of the many bugs in the game, the only action customer support is able to offer are comforting words that it might be eventually fixed... someday. But the game is updated with new bugs at least once a week and half-life of bugs counts in years, so really, do not have your hopes up – and maybe have some laughs at the bugged or broken content?
The bright side is, the technical department closely watches the dwindling population and adjust the server capacity accordingly, so you can never complain for a lack of lag.
If you believe the forum, the QA spends a lot of time by checking all those updates, however, somehow this does not include a check if the update does what it claims it does, or if it by any chance does prevent the whole population from playing…
All in all, if you try it in a group of five friends, you can have some good time despite all the efforts of the development company. Just do not take it too seriously, do not trust the tooltips, and do not panic if things do not work.
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4392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 01:42
Nicht Empfohlen
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 23:43
Nicht Empfohlen
7326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 09:22
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79839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 20:11
The unique gameplay NWO had (+amazing GWF/barbarian experience) before 2019, was carefully crafted by talented artists and so much fun that one could, back then, even tolerate toxic cash grab mechanics (that everybody criticizes now) and recommend the game. Not anymore.
Cryptic/PWE made an incredibly unfortunate hire of a lead designer (who gutted features, gameplay and mechanics that were created with love to detail), only to shift dev attention on cosmetics. Most of the player base were forced to leave, being presented with the reality that they can spend their time better in other MMOs or doing any other activity, instead of grinding a now subpar and generic gameplay loop.
I've read that the lead designer finally left, but even if he was fired, frankly he was allowed so much time to incompetently shatter the core of the game instead of polishing the rough diamond (pun not intended) it was, that there is almost nothing left and I have doubt there is legitimate interest at PWE to preserve and improve longevity of NWO. I don't think a new lead designer will be allowed to reintroduce cut features and gameplay that made the game actually stand out.
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20327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 23:46
I loved this game once, and my hours do not reflect how much I played it since I would sometimes launch the client without steam.
If I were to pick one, the final nail was reworking the companions and runes for the 4th time.
If you're thinking of playing this game, just don't. There are so many much better games out there that are worth your time.
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44816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 03:22
I stayed and played this much because I genuinely *love* the combat mechanics, and the fact it is D&D themed.
However, with every new mod it is becoming increasingly more pay to win.
Despite this, I kept on the grind hoping that with effort I might be able to have the items and the damage that paying players have, which is a delusion.
Even from the get-go, the classes are unbalanced in power and usefulness, giving players a better or worse position from the start, and even if you're not power gaming and going for best dps class - casual play is made infuriating with the sheer amount of bugs and lags, which are simply not being resolved.
I will definitely miss this game, but the injustice of it makes it worth quitting.
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40511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 15:15
I've played for over 600 hours and genuinely enjoyed the game for quite a while.
I'm a huge DnD fan and really loved how this game handled the DnD setting.
I had an endgame character
This game will lure you in. It will woo you with fun complex combat and nice visuals. It'll tug at your love for DnD lore and world building and high fantasy. Just for those things- I can stand with some mistakes.
However, what I will NOT stand for is the studio that makes Neverwinter not giving a damn about the player base, and their disgusting trend of forcing a pay to win play style on all players and enjoyment in pushing everyone back to square one to fill their pockets. They DO NOT care what you think. I have seen the entire stat system reworked TWICE despite the overwelming amount of the player base not wanting it to change and being happy with the system. But it was changed anyway because too many people had good characters. They asked our opinions to pretend they cared - but they knew they would change it anyways. I went from endgame perfect stats - to being killed in the starting areas. All my hard work and the grinding of many others was thrown down the drain - UNLESS I coughed up enough real cash to buy my power back in some new form they can just take away and will as they've clearly shown.
Neverwinter doesn't want you to succeed. It wants you to do well enough to be motivated to grind just so it can take it all away and turn you into a whale.
This game exists to taunt players and hold their characters ransom until they satisfy their own greed - which as I've seen many times can't be sated.
You'll have a good time at the start. It'll wow you and invest you until it can pull enough wool over your eyes for you to actually see what it really is - a predatory money sink.
You can't truly be the best - until you can buy it.
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115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 13:51
I'm frankly annoyed by the angle they've chosen to take this game. I would have appreciated if we at least had an option to play it via experience points, with the old zones like Blacklake district. But in it's current state it is not a game i find enjoyable and it's unlikely that i will be returning to it anytime soon.
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333632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 16:46
New players might not know this, but the game used to have a lot of great features that were removed, including a Foundry where you could use the toolkit of the Neverwinter devs to create your own quests (!!!). There were also a lot of great dungeons that are now just... gone, or re-used as recycled maps for normal quests.
What remains now is a game that has become a pay-to-win nightmare that stripped away every ounce of the heart and soul that made it great to begin with. I wish I could recommend it, but it wouldn't be fair to new players to give it a positive review just because I wish it was what it used to be. It's an empty shell of the game that it was 8 years ago, and it makes me very sad.
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114570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 07:36
But over time that has kept changing and the Item level goal posts of what was needed to partake in this games content and to not be a walkover for mobs has just gone beyond ludicrous and every time it seemed like I was starting to feel stronger, it was then rendered completely moot over and over again with either nerfs or jacking up the barriers of participation. Before the Demogorgon revamp debacle, the trials queue was the last major source of casual AD income and enjoyment, but now that is gone, and so is any and all remaining fun for me in this game or means of progression that will not feel completely meager.
I used to love this game but now It's just an exercise in masochism to even think about trying to get anywhere in this game anymore.
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105382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 23:31
Eat a giant bag of phallus replacements, Cryptic and ARC both.
2539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 20:03
I only have 3 small critiques. First, at times, the amount of information on screen can and will be overwhelming, but also, this is a MMORPG based on DnD, so don't be surprised. And it's not all the time; it's really only when you unlock a certain feature, so the game has to explain it quickly. My other critique is the amount of repeatable quests. If you like to grind, then this is perfect for you. However, if you're like me where you just accept every single quest without question, then it can be quite annoying. Some have cooldown times, which makes them much more tolerable, but others are just nonstop repeatable. So the moment you complete the quest, you can accept it again immediately. I'm sort of a completionist, so I'll re-accept the quest because I hate seeing the quest symbols on my map, but then I have 20+ repeatable quests littering my journal. I wish that all repeatable quests had a longer cooldown, or the option to disable certain ones entirely, so I wouldn't see them on my map or even above the quest-giver's head. My last, very small critique is I wish double-clicking on gemstones in my inventory, like black pearls and amethysts, would automatically convert them into refinement points, just like how double-clicking on equipment would automatically equip it. Unless I haven't played enough or haven't been paying attention, gemstones can only be used as refinement points, so why do I have to right-click, convert, and then confirm it on each of the 10 different gem types I have in my inventory?
I realize now I said more negative critiques than positive things, but I swear this is a really fun game with some pretty addictive gameplay and it's a great way to kill time, whether it be 15 minutes or a couple hours!
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50766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 17:27
The game was great at the start. Really great. Then they started nerfing and buffing in order to sell the ftm. Still, if you can enjoy it for free go ahead. But they dont deserve yuor money.
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10432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 01:01
There are cheaper games some are even free to play without being pay to win, go pick one.
9738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 12:10
1- why there is no option to have this game monthly payment to get full game experience, I am Aware of the VIP yet but doesn't seems to me like the other games subscription. ( any positive opinions are welcome from experience players in such regard )
2- Class Role system for the dungeons seems to be off. Class roles ( Tank, Healer and Damage Dealer )are hard to play with it in the Dungeons. I mean mobs seems randomly attacking you with no logic behind it. what I am trying to say is I didnt enjoy how the pattern or design of dungeons in this game. I am not sure maybe it is hard to master your class role when you doing the dungeons or it is hard to follow how the AI monster behaves towards the players. I dont want to say the dungeons system for Neverwinter is bad, no it is like any other games yet it is off, I am sure something wrong about it. (I am having hard time getting into a dungeons even as Tank Role, the queue are almost never, I may have better experience in the future or if I do it more?)
3- To many equipment currencies and Enchanting currencies! yes it is F2P or many says F2W but still why confusing the people with many currencies. I am aware of the main ones Zenn and the AD but the other Currencies to buy equipment and upgrade in the game is like too many. why not just use one special currency for those pvp equipment and the gold for AH, NPC shops and upgrade Equipment? I understand there are many Currencies based on the lore of the game ( I think ) but still it is too much. It is annoying, I have to google those currency to make sure which one is important.
Other than those things I mentioned, the game is fun and really well designed for F2P. Is it unique? no but it has it on world to remember, this is Neverwinter. The main question, is it recommend to play or to try it? 100% yes!
17526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 06:15
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8629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 05:30
Now, unless you can devote a lot of hours (and money) into this game, you will feel like you are gaining very little. Pay some $$$. In other words, it is a PAY2WIN only!!
The devs have ruined this game by locking everything behind paywalls. This game is Abysmal! If you don't posses the self-control to resist spending $$$ then steer well clear of this one, unless of course, you happen to be rich.
Also noteworthy - you absolutely feel cheated out of your hard work. Now imagine this. You had devoted many hours into this game, hundreds or thousands even, and then out comes a module update and you have so much taken away. For example, skill unlocks that you had earned may now be removed. Some in which you may have to grind for a very long time to get those back. Or you pay $$$ for something and then have it nerfed = extremely bad.
Yer, the developers gave up on this game. This game feels obsolete but they will try to milk you for everything you got.
Yer, GFY!!
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2316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 08:01
And even if you endure this forced content you won't even reach the power level of those who pays for their items with real money.
It is one of the most P2W MMOs I've ever played. Stay away from this game.
443553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 10:02
Don't like that I have been trying to write a game guide (never done one before) and they seem to have altered the game in a large way - with no real warning time. Notes now wasted methinks :-(
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1175392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 22:34
READ THEIR TERMS OF SERVICE and if you go to their forums at read their Forum Rules section also. Ask them questions about any terms you don't know what they mean. However, consider also that after I sent multiple emails with questions to clarify their terms of service I did not get any response ever.
I would prefer not to provide either a Yes or a No recommendation along with this review but seeing as that is a condition I choose No.
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748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 06:00
52164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 23:22
the other complaint I read is that you can't play this game with friends, and I guess everyone plays different but I have never found this to be the case. I put so many hundreds of hours into this game even before moving from XBOX to pc here, and in all that time, and even to this day, I'm still not part of any guild simply because I don't feel like it. friends rarely play until I got them into it recently, and I spent all (minus maybe 50 hours total) of my current time solo.
the game is certainly accessible in it's current state to new players, but in the upcoming bard update it will make even the end game more accessible and clearly explained.
this game is fun for the role-playing potential, the casual experience and a really great introduction for new people to MMO's. the systems in it are no where nearly as complicated as a traditional MMO, but still share the same traits and teach skills that are translatable. this truly is an entrance to MMO's as a genre.
genuinely try the game, because the reviews don't do it justice.
there are issues, I won't pretend there aren't, but I just don't feel they affect the new players as much as the old time vets like me.
13239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 06:04
Scope is small, itemization is bloated, it falls into most of the traps that you might worry about for a free to play game, but it managed to be serviceable despite itself. Not amazing, but good enough if you are really into Forgotten Realms and don't mind a limited action combat system that makes most encounters feel the same and the feel of a game that clearly doesn't have much help from its publisher.
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66257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 01:10
Either you grind till your hands bleed for 10 years or you spend a couple grand. There is no love in this game, it wants to milk you out dry and then throw you away. You get banned for
writing the word fck, ridicilous. Opening lootboxes in this games can be compared to an benzo addiction. Pop another benzo or open another box whats the difference. The only difference is you know what you get when you take benzos and from boxes only dissapointmentand after 2k boxes no legendary mount. I would say its safer to take any drug than to play this game. I was a fool to start this game with an gambling/drug addiction. This game could kill people after they have spend all their money on virtual crap and then kill themselves afterwards when their high is gone and they realize what big mistake they have done. Gambling danger needs more recognition in games. Neverwinter is the definition of human greed.
10487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 20:39
I play this game because I enjoy the campaign. I go through the dialogue and everything because I play this game to chill. Some people take it seriously, maximizing their character builds to do raids or pvp. I just like having cool companions and trying new builds/abilities with the different races.
14453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 21:54
Going to take this chance to add some pro and con
Easy to get in to
Lots of quest's and story
Able to farm Astral diamonds in game
Races don't matter much any more since update
Rather helpful community for the most part
Can be P2W
Some of the cool races are locked
Buying Zen with AD is a long process due to the number of people buying.
Can get REALLY tough if not prepared
Can get boring if playing solo
PVP queue can take time to get in
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1545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 01:00
-fun fighting mechanics
-companion system + pets
-game currency conversion
-takes too much time to get enough currency for exchange
-low EXP gain
-boring questing
-play only with friends to have fun. Otherwise, dont even try this game.
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10739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 04:46
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269436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 00:38
22978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 06:28
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1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 05:19
Don't waste your time or money on this game. Everyone that spends a ton of money to get top gear finds out it becomes useless on their next update so they can milk more $$$ from you.
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14654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 00:58
Look at what they've given the community: Five or six of the BASE classes are missing, let alone the myriad number of classes 4th edition introduced, many of which were amazing. A cluster of zones, each basically the exact same in design. Rush through, do quests, next zones. That's it. That's leveling in NWO.
The game is a bad joke at this point, and i'm not laughing.
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360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 06:06
I returned recently (prior to the combat change patch) as I wanted a chance to play through some of the newer expansions. I ponied up $80 for the hideously overpriced Moon Elf pack just so I could settle in with a character I wanted to play. Lots of fun to be had, with a nice even challenge up to level 60 or so. And then they unleashed the combat patch.
The game is completely unplayable now. You are unable to quest even in zones 5+ levels lower than you as you will die to practically every pull unless you have spent hundreds of more dollars on premium items. It is one of the worst updates I have seen in 21 years of playing mmos.
Until they roll the patch back (which I assume will not happen) or they rebalence the game, STAY AWAY. Crytpic need to have the D&D license stripped from them by HASBRO and consigned to the gutter.
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461746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 00:45
If you want to put in time, effort and money, and have them taken from you, literally, experimenting in combat changes, power system, feats in every new mod, this game is for you.
Endless bugfest and nerfs. Bugwinter, Nerferwinter.
If you want to reach endgame, just snap your fingers like Thanos, otherwise open up your wallets or play for years. ( Still you're not going to reach endgame just by simply playing the game for years. )
Overall, i do not recommend this game but i have been a part of it since 2013 ( its release ). I love tormenting myself.
This game provides a fine levelling experience and gaming, up to level 80. To enjoy the game once you hit level 80, you need to be near endgame, or already have friends willing to help you out.
This game has some beautiful areas to explore or chill.
Content creators are keeping this game alive.
Devs are struggling to create a positive game experience in my opinion, but that has been happening since 2013...
Conslusion : you can always play the game, it's your decision. There are better games out there.
If i was a new player to just start playing this game, knowing everything that i know now, i would choose something else.
Hope it was somewhat helpful.
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227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 23:30
I’ve been playing Neverwinter for seven years, and knowingly hurt myself for giving this game a chance. Many times have I repeated that mistake. I wish I could say that the good aspects somehow sublimely illuminate over the bad, but that’d be unfair towards the God and Heaven.
Shan’t speak lies, now.
Speaking about Neverwinter in any context, one has to wonder what the purpose of it is…
And this is the question that makes me to deeply sense apathy, and thus instigate a horrid need in me where I’d have to utter my great-great-great-grandma’s borderline shamanic nonsense, and to conclude the battle against this devil by spitting three times in a true Slavic fashion.
Since I cannot do that directly, because smart as they are they’ve made only one solitary server in United States for the entire world, what I can do is offer the most down to earth review you will find here.
This game taught me a lot about psychology and in a way it reflects the modern world filled with corrupt politics. In what way? Well, that way where politicians, or in this case the team behind this game, will make an abundance of claims or false promises for the future, and then leave things to rot for the next four years as they tax you constantly and limit your options for enjoyment.
Much like any authoritarian government, they do not really address the issues of the people and would rather completely destroy whatever they’ve made.
You will quickly learn that having a ton of things broken is the default state of the game, casually accepted by everyone, and any initiative to change things for the better will or might be taken with a lingering scorn or “my class is the best” vitriol. Barely functioning items are taken at the face value and >praise the Lord< for that, as it happened on an accident!
But, it is also casually accepted that if things are >Working as Intended< there is a good chance that it wasn’t intended. Makes sense? And you will find that soon, just after two years, since it depends on what the current political agenda of the team behind this game is promoting at the time.
The psychological parts are likely the best part, as the game’s action reflects the reality. You want to escape?
Touche, we live in a world where people will gladly accept a tyrannical ruler as long as they have some freedom to go with things, as half-assed as those might be. And this is rather evident in this game.
Players are so easily swayed by false promises and signs of >good will< that they can easily forget the past and readily open their wallets.
Streamers, users who are promoting, CM, marketing team in general, are basically working as you might expect from a game of this caliber: Fraudulency. The team behind says “It is time to tease” upon which the CM reveals a bit of information, a Q/A might arise, and then they “talk” about what might come next down the line. By the end of it, and for comparison, it takes them more effort to go through one Q/A video than it would take the effort in fixing all the broken powers, items & graphical bugs. And all they do is sit!
The players are ones to equally blame for the continuity of this game’s zombified state. Some of the players are just not accustomed to negativity, which is why it is easier for them to turn a blind eye and forget all about the issues. I, myself, have done this many times for the sake of my friends, and because after some point you forget all about this game’s idiotic schemes and simply want to spend some time with the friends, right?
Turns out, no. No matter what you do, it will eventually be for nothing as this game does not reward the longtime players and continually drives older players away, whilst the new ones are coming and praising the product since they've spent a few bucks.
The amount of broken things in the game is the highest I’ve ever seen in the video game industry! I think we might see the end of days rather than a few easy fixes of powers and items. I have played a lot of videogames, and by a lot I mean tens of thousands of videogames. Neverwinter is just insanely bad. So insanely bad!
The way things break in this game points out that it is done on purpose and it doesn’t take much effort to realize this.
There is no way that the code works in such a manner that fixing a decimal in some specific power makes the item in a completely separate game part getting broken post update. It is something you’d expect only with fraudulent car mechanics or utility repair customer service when they fix one thing, and break three. That way they always have a job and something to do. And if something goes the bad way, they can always blame the “higher-ups” while they enjoy a fat salary and all the health benefits that the company goes out of its way to provide.
Notably, they do manage to fix one power, yet some three items and a companion that have nothing to do with said power get broken completely in a way that is borderline comical, as if it came out of a parody sketch. As some powers become useless, others “accidentally” become so superior to anything else that it completely breaks the game when a ton of people get an unfair advantage.
And these things tend to stay for a VERY long time, even after the horde of Lawful Good players swarm the forums to initiate the holy crusade against the broken item. Leaving such players blue, the items stay often remain unchanged, and thus become the new meta for the future reference. Can you even imagine that for a moment – a broken item becomes the meta for a year or two upon which the new content is made later on because everyone is using it!You can't make that up.
There is no sense of urgency, unless it would directly hit company's wallets.
It is completely safe to say that by playing this game you are effectively going to be a loser, but if you are trying to conduct a social experiment in understanding the gullibility of people of all age groups (7 to 77), it is a perfect game for you! Welcome! It might be the only place where you can actually condone a free psychological analysis in realizing where is the breaking point boundary for willful human degradation before they say “no” to the sheer amount of bullshit thrown in their face.
Just remember that it takes at least a year for you to do something meaningful, and take the entirety of leveling up campaign as a necessary tutorial as well as boon collection that’s behind a weekly limit. You can purchase completing campaigns, and thus unlock it per character.
Earning AD in the game is basically selling whatever you can on AH (for which there is always a 10% cut), or using enchanting stones as a form of alternative trade.
If you are not repelled by an awful and extremely repetitive grind, then by the end of upgrading your character fully you will find yourself having to play in a completely new way because the core mechanics of the game changed without prior notice. Haha!
By the time you actually manage to do something meaningful, it will be worthless.
It happened before and it will happen again. If you get angry or sad, too bad! You’re just stupid for having any emotions to begin with. Nobody cares, and the only way for you to actually do something meaningful is to completely leave the game. This task, however, becomes increasingly more difficult as you spend time and effort to get along with the people or build your characters. You get attached to it, like the middle aged women get attached to soap operas that have 1500 episodes and only end until someone finally understands that the main guy is his own mother.
Eventually, you end up playing this game against the Developers because you have to deal with the insane amount of mindbogglingly idiotic mistakes that prove only one thing: they do not care at all.
If they did, they’d at least take 20 minutes of their daily routine and talk to the players on the forums.
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3735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 14:37
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13468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 04:11
Tbh at this point, if you want a meatier game play DDO or even ESO. You'll have a better time with either.
TFW coming back to see how bondings are and seeing 'hurrrr durrrr i'll give you AD' hurrrrr
Cryptic studios, fix your s***
and then eat a d***
a Beta player
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16235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 17:36
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328437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 08:04
The most disappointing thing was realizing how much time I wasted playing this game trying to stay maxed update after update of the developers wrecking character mechanics and gear. Stay away, stay far away.
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34854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 00:49
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2493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 00:02
This will be the second time. Don't get me wrong - I DO want and expect the game to be a challenge, making the game-play rewarding for the player as the character progresses. No one expects to be punished by playing, however. A level 20 character facing a level 20 mob should not die because his skill and potion cool-downs took too long.
The administrators of this game will quickly learn that mine is not an isolated opinion. This used to be a good game that was a true pleasure to play. Now it is a game that used to be good but is now a disappointment.
I don't usually write reviews. In this case I felt compelled.
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18440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 02:45
It is pay-to-win, it requires many hours of game play (will not get you far because you will have to spend $$ to advance), the story line (meh), customer service (what? oh you haven't spent a dime... uh we really don't care about you. Next in line), and developers (do not listen to the community).
So to sum up, it is C R A P.
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102672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 20:47
It does seem as though the only person that cared while developing this game was the person that added the Exit button.
Customer service is less than a joke, and would be better handled by a single 2 year old child.
The developers, producers, and all else involved in the game just tend to throw empty promises/words/phrases/BS at you while gladly taking your money. On the bright side: if you do enjoy throwing cash away for no solid reason, then this might be the game for you!
(Sure, you can f2p instead of p2w, but that, too is a shitty experience; I'm just not trying to write a dissertation on the game.)
All in all, this is kind of a worthless game that devolves as time goes on. I wholeheartedly recommend you invest your life elsewhere.
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941520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 21:10
There is nothing left in this game.. don't waste your time.
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121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 22:51
I googled and saw I wasn't the only one, been a issue for some people for many many years. so as much as I'd love to give it the benefit of the doubt, that's not something other mmo's do and the fact it's mandatory when some people have asked for turning it off (and even people who aren't bothered by it think it's a PITA) just makes me have to give a thumbs down.
if it doesn't bother you tho the games worth a try. but I have to talk from my perspective here.
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 13:03
If you are a RPG Freak like me just enjoy another long time with this great game.
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183085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 06:05
So yeah, this is a late review. Maybe the game is better now, I wouldn't know. I don't want to invest time in a character, only to have the rug pulled out from under me. My trust in this developer is gone.
1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 18:12
- Deep character customization (big points for people who loves cosmetic). Basically every gear / fashion items that you get, you can convert it to your library and dye it the way you like. Also have plenty of mount, you can equip anything without affecting your stats, and it also have a vanity pet, and combat pet.
- Good combat system. Actions are smooth, and high end dungeons are pretty challenging and actually needs practice to master
- Active events. There's ALWAYS an ongoing event and even some of them are pretty rewarding with just a little effort
- Game has a future. This is pretty important because the devs are constantly improving the game and expanding mods and planning future mods / features
- No bots
- Not P2W (Pay to Win). Honestly I've only spent like 50$ in the last 12 months and already have a pretty high end toon with almost all maxed. Just need to be active and do dailies, spend your cash wisely, and knows market price :)
- You can actually buy ZEN (currency bought with cash) with in-game currency. So there is not a single thing you can't buy in the game even if you are a free player
- Good graphic considering it's a 2013 MMO release
- Good selection of classes to play (total of 8 classes, and each has 2 advanced classes to choose from)
- Some really old bugs are not fixed
- PvP is kinda dead. But good news that the devs notice and trying to improve it by giving better season rewards and balancing classes (pvp will be tweaked more in upcoming mods)
- Few active skills. There are plenty of skills but you can only equip 3 skills and around 4 items shortcut, not like old MMOs that could have like 2 rows of active skills and items that you can spam
- Does not have a big player base compared with top MMOs (but it does have a stable player base)
- Every person gears are almost the same for end game because there are best in slot items
- Every person stats are almost the same because status have a cap (no unique build). This also impacts to, almost everyone use the same enchantments, hence making other kind of enchantments worth much less / unwanted
This game is still active and it's not too late if you start now, there are a lot of new players too. And I believe it will still be really worth to try even in 2021!
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 01:33
Developed by Cryptic Studios, the MMORPG adaptation of Neverwinter is the only Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG set in a classic and popular D&D campaign to date. It uses the 4th edition of D&D modified to suit an MMORPG setting. That said, the time period the game takes place is more or less around 1490 DR. But if you are a serious role-playing gamer, Neverwinter [Online] does not exactly follow or incorporate what are in the novels and campaign books, there are many overlaps as far as timelines are concerned. Enjoy the game for what it is because it is already a miracle WotC allowed a classic campaign setting to be an MMORPG.
As for the game itself, the graphics and designs are great. It is playable on laptops and on mobile Internet, and the quest lines are well written, be sure to read every text! The big question though is: does it feel like a D&D game? Yes and no. No, because it is an MMORPG, there will always be limitations and there are no DMs. Yes, if you are a fan of the novels, then it is very D&D. The character classes and options are familiar and the rules are similar. One can even imagine playing TSR's classic D&D games but in 3D game mode.
Personally, I wished WotC chose to create a Forgotten Realms MMORPG instead of concentrating on Neverwinter. There are many stories to be told in FR outside of the city of Neverwinter and with the way Cryptic Studios developed this game, I definitely want to see and experience the rest of the universe of Forgotten Realms. But guess what? Some of the very popular cities and settings are also in the game where players can do quests and imagine themselves living in the world of Forgotten Realms.
10631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 07:25
113536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 08:52
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667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 20:47
29101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 05:01
2834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 18:17
13546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 18:00
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1495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 01:17
3991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 16:23
1973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 09:44
2536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 14:18
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boy
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☑ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
☑ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Hackers in CSGO/TF2 == Bugs in this game
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
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1919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 00:22
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687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 03:03
It's just too outdated and poorly optimized for 2020 systems. Multiple crashes and launcher problems, which I'm not wasting my time trying to fix.
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840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 20:57
The items in the Auction House with AD that had power ran into the millions which gives two choices grind repetitive daily's again and again till you quit out of boredom or get your wallet out. I'm happy with throwing a bit of cash at a game I enjoy but their is a limit!!
5678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 06:01
16542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 03:33
Pros: Was once a good game. The class rebalance was not terrible, made it more new player friendly.
Cons: Needs to be entirely rebalanced and reworked, too many bugs, massive grind (timers) to complete content.
1349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 18:50
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2275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 15:04
At high levels you hit a paywall/grindwall where you have to spend probably half a year just grinding to gear yourself up in order to be something close to competitive with paying players. And that's the end game here - simple MMORPG grind, nothing close to Dungeons & Dragons where you're on a real adventure... here you repeat the same things every day until you go crazy.
TL;DR: Unless you have a time machine to go back to 2013 to play it, don't bother, the game is currently really bad and doesn't feel like a Forgotten Realms game AT ALL.
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61269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 02:20
That is...if you have friends to play with, and don't plan on trying to keep up with veteran players like. Ever. Unless you're a wallet warrior, but even then, GOOD LUCK.
Trying to do a dungeon crawl as a lower level, or even just someone who um...actually wants to *enjoy* a dungeon crawl is a MISERABLE experience. Most players just run through the entire map and don't kill a single mob except the bosses. Talk about boring. What's even the point?
They also got rid of low level pvp due to a lack of players because of the horrible pay to win aspect of it. Understandable, but once people reach level 80...if they attempt the long-awaited pvp mode, they get SLAUGHTERED. It's not even fun. I have a hard time with it even as a veteran with high tiered weapon enhancements.
Weapon and armour enhancements are really the Big Ticket Items in Neverwinter. They're what you strive for. And you're either paying real money for them or probably not getting them - at least the high level ones. They cost MILLIONS of astral diamonds (the premium currency) on the auction hall, and are pretty much the only way to enjoy end game content. That's a lot of real money, because there really aren't many ways to earn astral diamonds without whipping out your wallet.
Honestly, this game isn't worth getting invested in anymore. The community is toxic and unhelpful. To enjoy endgame you have to fork up at least $100. And even then, you probably still won't have too much fun, because the levelling slog once you get to 70 is just awful.
3902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 13:43
5213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 16:45
Don't bother with gear till you hit 60 though. Just explore the game and make the most of it!
20230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 04:45
10208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 00:49
overall it's bretty good and I've leveled two characters to max. i can't really get into most MMOs but Neverwinter is an exception to that rule
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223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 12:12
And controller support should'nt be too difficult for you to add know.. you've already done it for consoles...using big picture mode to barely have half the controls is also annoying.
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 18:28
I like the story so far, I like the graphic style very much despite is kinda dated), aswell this D&D universe, and also the fact that there are still active players
So, why I did not continued playing more? Basically because of the combat. Besides the fact that I think it has very few skills for a game like this, I find it too easy. Honestly, that's what made me lose the interest, althought I know that I have not played it enough to extract all its juice, but...
Notwithstanding this, I consider this a very good option if you like MMORPG and you can overlook all what I said before about fighting, because the other parts of the game are pretty engaging.
7.4 / 10
=^._.^= ∫
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13672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 13:12
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497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 23:05
Cryptic Studios
Perfect World Entertainment
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos