• The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.
  • The Outer Worlds: Screen zum Spiel The Outer Worlds.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.10.2019
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Preis Update 08.02.24
The Outer Worlds
  • Plattform: PC
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Preis Update

Über das Spiel

The Outer Worlds ist ein neues Science-Fiction-Einzelspielerrollenspiel aus der Egoperspektive, entwickelt von Obsidian Entertainment und Private Division.

In The Outer Worlds erwachen Sie auf einem verirrten Kolonistenschiff, das auf seinem Weg nach Halcyon war, der am weitesten von der Erde entfernten Kolonie am Rand der Galaxis, und finden sich mitten in einer gigantischen Verschwörung wieder, die zu seiner Vernichtung führen könnte. Während Sie die äußersten Gebiete des Weltraums erkunden und auf verschiedene, nach Macht strebende Fraktionen treffen, entscheiden Sie mit dem von Ihnen entwickelten Charakter über den Verlauf der spielergetriebenen Handlung. In der Gleichung der Firma für die Kolonie sind Sie die außerplanmäßige Variable.

  • Ein vom Spieler vorangetriebenes Rollenspiel mit großartiger Geschichte: In bester Obsidian-Tradition liegt es an Ihnen, wie Sie an The Outer Worlds herangehen. Ihre Entscheidungen beeinflussen nicht nur, wie sich die Geschichte entwickelt, sondern auch Ihren Charakter, die Geschichten Ihrer Begleiter und die Geschehnisse gegen Ende des Spiels.
  • Jeder hat seine Schwächen – und das ist gut so: Neu bei The Outer Worlds ist die Idee der Schwächen. Einen interessanten Helden machen seine Schwächen aus. Beim Spielen von The Outer Worlds verfolgt das Spiel Ihre Erlebnisse und erkennt, was Ihnen besonders schwer fällt. Sie werden wieder und wieder von Raptidons angegriffen? Wählen Sie die Schwäche „Raptiphobie“, um einen Nachteil im Kampf gegen diese wilden Kreaturen zu erhalten – im Ausgleich dazu erhalten Sie sofort einen zusätzlichen Charaktervorteil. Diese optionale Möglichkeit hilft Ihnen, Ihren Charakter optimal auf die Gefahren von Halcyon vorzubereiten.
  • Führen Sie Ihre Begleiter: Auf Ihrer Reise durch die entfernte Kolonie treffen Sie auf eine Reihe von Charakteren, die sich Ihrer Crew anschließen wollen. Diese Begleiter verfügen über einzigartige Fähigkeiten und haben allesamt eigene Missionen, Motivationen und Ideale. Es liegt an Ihnen, diesen Charakteren beim Erreichen ihrer Ziele zu helfen oder sie für Ihre Zwecke einzuspannen.
  • Erforschen Sie die Kolonie: Halcyon ist eine Kolonie am Rande der Galaxis, die von einem Konzernvorstand geführt wird. Dieser kontrolliert alles ... bis auf die Alien-Monster, die zurückgelassen wurden, als das Terraforming der beiden Planeten der Kolonie nicht ganz nach Plan verlief. Finden Sie Ihr Schiff, stellen Sie eine Crew zusammen und erforschen Sie die Einrichtungen, Raumstationen und andere interessante Orte in ganz Halcyon.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

282 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 11:18
If you like the fallout franchise, you will love this game as well! It is such a great experience and I enjoyed every bit of it! Can't wait for The Outer Worlds 2!
316 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 20:56
It's a ok'ish game. Key mechanics are weak in my eyes

- Dialogsystem is quite minimalistic in terms of camera angles and presentation
- Good lore, but way too much to read...
- Monarch was a visually boring and too lengthy location
- Loot system is horrible. There are around twenty standard weapons which only got stronger versions throughout the game. Yes there are science weapons, around equal amount of iconic additional weapons. But they were in my playthrough underwhelming and weak against my loadout I usded 75 percent of the game and the dlc's
- There is a huge selection of armor but as the weapons they will repeat and only change in color and in stats. After 30 percent you have seen most what the game will have to offer.

Sounds quite bad? Well, for me it was, if there weren't two things which entertained me at least enough to keep on going.
+ Pavati, SAM and ADA
+ dumb playstile

For me it's still one of my weakest RPG experiences the last few years. Yes, I even enjoyed Bound by Flame and The Technomancer more. They were actually good games in my eyes.

I give the game a 3/5.
1548 Produkte im Account
263 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 21:01
420 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 03:50
Eines der besten Rollenspiele die ich gespielt habe. Sehr gute Charaktere, interessante Geschichte und vielfältige Dialogoptionen. Für mich ein absolutes muss.
755 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
2097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 00:00
Stehe kurz vorm Ende des Spiels und bin nun mit den DLCs erstmal dran. Ein sehr schönes Spiel, mir sind keine Bugs oder jegliche andere Fehler aufgefallen. Sehr viel Aktion und Spannung sind auch am Start. Wer also eine Fallout 4 alternative sucht kann ich dieses Spiel nur zu Herzen legen :).

Edit: Habe nun das Spiel durchgespielt, zuerst beide DLCs nun das Hauptspiel. Einfach ein wunderschönes Spiel. :)
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 17:21
Wer Fallout mag, der mag auch das.
851 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 07:41
Bin nun 9 Stunden im Spiel gewesen aber noch nicht wirklich in der Story voran geschritten.
Es macht einfach zu viel Spaß die Gegend zu erkunden, Wege zu finden, dinge zu stehlen oder Dialoge sowie Nachrichten durchzulesen.

Der Humor ist klasse und alles fühlt sich stimmig an.
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 13:31
Eins der besten Singleplayer-RPG
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 10:17
I am writing as someone who doesn´t play games often, but I really liked Outer Words more than I thought I would.
Great points in this game are
- it is intuitiv and easy enough to play for people who just want to have fun, but if you want more challenge and realism, than there is an extra difficulty level for you.
- the story is great and makes me feel like I can really change something instead of just picking between basically the same options just with different factions, like a lot of games do.
- the story, world, guns and the people are awesome and have character.
- the storypacing is fast enough to keep me engaged and alternates with action so I won`t get bored.
- Most of the side quest are interesting and worth the time.
- the background stories that you can read in the terminals are great and make me hope that our societies never become greedy like that.
- the experience points are generous und you can become a badass and change the gameplay depending on how you develop your character.

The only thing I missed was more interactions with space like flying the spaceship yourself or flying in a space suite.
I recommend Outer Worlds and I am looking forward to Outer Words 2.
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 02:10
The story doesn't really exite me. It's slow and sometimes painfully unfunny. The storyarc overall semed borrowed. I've expected more from a obsidian game.
83 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 18:06
Ein sehr gutes Spiel, allerdings ist die Kampagne ein wenig kurz. Sonst ein super Spiel und macht definitiv Spaß.
232 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
4295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 14:11
Mischung aus SciFi, 50er Jahre und Steampunk. Tolle Story mit irrwitzigen Charakteren und Dialogen. Coole Waffen und Ausrüstung zum Upgraden. Das eigene Raumschiff dient jedoch nur als Transportmittel ohne dass man selbst sich irgendwo im All bewegt und dort etwas anstellen kann. Der Preis ist mit 60 Euro und 25 Euro für beide Expansions schon etwas happig für insgesamt 60-70 Stunden Spielspaß, aber eine absolute Kaufempfehlung im Sale.
163 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 12:40
Wer Fallout gespielt hat, wird sich hier in der Welt von Outer Worlds schnell zurecht finden und es zu lieben lernen. Grafisch kann sich das Spiel wirklich sehen lassen, doch vor allem Storytechnisch bietet dieses Spiel so Allerhand.
Man hat viele Entscheidungen zu treffen und die Quests bieten genug Abwechslung. Leider gibt es keine Deutsche Sprachausgabe, was der indentifizierung der Charaktere aber nicht schadet, da die englischen Sprecher allesamt großartig sind.
Das Spiel bietet keine offene Spielwelt, dennoch hat man die Möglichkeit viele verschiedene Arelae zu bereisen und zu erkunden. Auf seinen Entdeckerspaß kommt man daher allemal, hier ist wird viel geboten! Und es gibt wieder viel zu Looten, daher lohnt es sich , sich überall umzusehen.
Ich kann das Spiel jedem empfehlen, der auf Rollenspiele wie Fallout und Skyrim steht!
Wer sich einen kleinen Einblick in das Spiel gönnen möchte, kann sich gerne mal meine Pilotenfolge anschauen:


Viel Spaß beim zocken!
74 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 17:19
Mich hat das Spiel einfach nicht fesseln koennen.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 18:02
very glad to bought this worth every cent very good long story
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 20:27
Eine Mischung aus Fallout und Borderlands.
Macht Spaß und ist aber viel zu schnell Durch.
Habe alle Nebenmissionen die Verfügbar waren erledigt und trotzdem war ich schon nach 12 Std. durch.
542 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
1198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 07:15
The Outer Worlds - Monumentales Weltraum-RPG oder zahnloser Fallout-Abklatsch?

Halcyon, eine Kolonie der Menschen in den Weiten der Galaxis. Die Erde befindet sich in einem schlechten Zustand, die Ressourcen sind verbraucht und die Menschheit muss expandieren, um ihr Fortbestehen zu sichern. In diesem Szenario starten wir - als ein Kolonist des Raumschiffes Hope, das ausgesandt wurde, um die klügsten Köpfe der Erde nach Halcyon zu bringen. Ein fantastischer Plan, wenn die Hope nicht verloren gegangen und die Kolonisten siebzig Jahre lang im Kryoschlaf eingefroren gewesen wären. Glücklicherweise taut uns der verrückte Wissenschaftler Phineas Welles auf. Sein Plan: Alle Kolonisten der Hope aus dem Tiefschlaf erwecken und Halcyon vor dem drohenden Untergang durch Nahrumgsmittelknappheit, Korruption und Intrigen zu retten. Natürlich müssen wir für Welles zahlreiche Aufgaben erfüllen, um dies möglich zu machen.

Das ist der Anfang von The Outer Worlds - einem der interessantesten und besten Rollenspiele, die ich in vergangener Zeit gespielt habe. Dass hinter dem Spiel die Macher von Fallout New Vegas stecken, merkt man an jeder Ecke und Kante, denn auf unserem Weg durch die Galaxis werden wir mit Anleihen an das postapokalyptische Rollenspiel förmlich überhäuft. Sei es der Charaktereditor am Anfang des Spiels, die allumfassende Wild-West-Atmosphäre, oder das Kampfsystem - hier erinnert alles an Fallout New Vegas.

Ist The Outer Worlds deswegen nur ein Abklatsch? Mitnichten, denn die Story, die wir im Weltraum-RPG vorgesetzt bekommen, serviert ein frisches und unverbrauchtes Setting. Surreale Planeten, leuchtende Pilze, Asteroidenfelder am Himmel, groteske Kreaturen - trotz der vielen Verweise auf Fallout bietet The Outer Worlds eine eigenständige, lebendige und fantastische Science-Fiction-Welt, die über viele Stunden zu begeistern weiß.

Dies liegt vor allem an den ausgeklügelten Questreihen, die sich über mehrere Planeten strecken und spannend wie abwechslungsreich präsentiert werden. Neben den vielen Quests, die wir im Laufe des Spiels aufgetragen bekommen, schließen wir Bande mit verschiedenen Begleitern, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten und komplett eigene Geschichtsstränge bieten.

Natürlich ist The Outer Worlds im Kern ein First-Person-Rollenspiel-Shooter. Es gibt ein nicht allzu großes aber abwechslungsreiches Arsenal aus Scharfschützengewehren, Wissenschaftswaffen, Pistolen, Nahkampfwaffen und vielem mehr zu bestaunen, das mit einer sauberen, präzisen Steuerung und einem befriedigenden Trefferfeedback glänzt. Eine Funktion, nämlich das Verlangsamen der Zeit, wodurch es einfacher wird, Schwachstellen der Gegner zu treffen, erleichtert die Kämpfe ungemein und erinnert dabei an das V.A.T.S.-System aus Fallout. Auch unsere Begleiter haben eigene Spezialfähigkeiten, die durch kleine Zwischensequenzen präsentiert werden und taktische Vorteile im Kampf bieten.

Haben wir durch das Erledigen von Quests oder Töten von Gegnern genug EP gesammelt, steigen wir im Level auf und dürfen dabei ganz klassisch Werte wie Überredungskunst, Lügen, Technik, Medizin, Schwere Waffen usw. skillen. Dies bietet uns im Verlauf von The Outer Worlds viele neue Möglichkeiten in den zahlreichen Dialogen mit anderen Charakteren und beim alternativen Lösen der Quests. Oft ist es möglich, eine gefährliche Situation gewaltfrei zu lösen, indem wir die Feinde zur Kooperation überreden oder uns durch das Knacken von Schlössern neue Wege freimachen. Ebenso lassen sich die Begleiter skillen, was allerdings lediglich leichte Vorteile im Kampf bietet.

Unsere Waffen und Rüstungen looten wir in den zahlreichen Behältern, die in der gesamten Welt verstreut sind. An Werkbänken lassen sich diese reparieren und verbessern, sodass selbst Waffen, die man am Anfang des Spiels findet, zu gefährlichen Wummen ausgebaut werden können.

In vielen Reviews wird angeprangert, dass die Welten von The Outer Worlds viel zu klein seien. Und ja, klein sind sie. Die einzelnen Areale und Planeten bieten keine Open World und sind nicht miteinander verbunden. Doch gerade das fand ich sehr erfrischend, denn diese Gebiete und Planeten sind mit so viel Liebe zum Detail aufgezogen, dass es eine wahre Freude ist. Überall gibt es neue Quests, Absurditäten, Geschichten, Audiologs, Aufzeichnungen und viel mehr zu finden. Hier merkt man, wie viel Liebe zum Detail in The Outer Worlds steckt. Manchmal ist weniger mehr.

Die Grafik ist gut und setzt die Planeten Halcyons überzeugend in Szene. Lediglich das Aufploppen von Gegenständen sowie verwaschene Charaktertexturen fallen negativ auf. Ansonsten sind insbesondere die Explosionen, Schüsse von Waffen und die vielen unterschiedlichen Kreaturen, auf die man trifft, effektvoll und detailliert gestaltet.

The Outer Worlds macht in meinen Augen vieles richtig und wenig falsch. Wer sich nicht davon abschrecken lässt, keine Open World vor sich zu haben, bekommt einen liebevoll gemachten, durchdachten und fortlaufend spannenden SciFi-Rollenspiel-Shooter aufgetischt, der viele Elemente vergangener Rollenspiele gekonnt vereint. Die Melange, die dabei entsteht, hält einen kontinuierlichen Spannungsbogen aufrecht, der durch zahlreiche Haupt- und Nebenquests, glaubwürdige Nebencharaktere, tolle Begleiter und abwechslungsreiche Areale glänzt. Ich kann The Outer Worlds allen Rollenspiel-Fans bedenkenlos weiterempfehlen. Wir brauchen mehr solcher Spiele, in denen ehrliches Herzblut steckt.
80 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 13:15
War schön.
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 15:42
I like it. It looks nice, plays nice, runs very smoothly. It kind of gets somewhat repetitive over time. But the story is great and the characters as well as the entire setting is very funny.
361 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 19:33
Wer braucht eigentlich Cyberdings? Dieser Titel macht es um längen besser! Und der sounddreck bei besagtem titel ... In The Outer Worlds geht mir eine wohlige Geänsehaut im Titelbildschirm,

Ich mag die liebe zu den ganzen Geschichten die die einzelnen Charaktere im ganzen spiel haben , ich leibe diesen Fallout III Flair! und ich will ja niemand schlecht machen aber : Hier Machen Deine Entscheidungen auch einen unterschied in deinen Spielverlauf !
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 09:25
Die Story, das Shooter Gameplay und das Levelsystem sind klass. Hab 75 Stunden auf der Switch. Ich weiß, nicht die ideale Konsole. Habs mir nun auf dem Pc gegönnt und es ist noch besser.
98 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 05:30
A breath of fresh air in the RPG category.
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 08:06
Wer ein Fallout Fan ist, ist dieses Spiel ebenfalls ein muss!
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 20:47
Mit einem leichten Geschmack von Fallout, keine offene Welt. Relativ simpel und schnell zu Ende. Es gibt wenig zu entdecken. Die letzte Mission war ein Witz. Ich habe nicht mal gemerkt, dass das Spiel zu Ende ist. Ich würde eher abraten von dem Spiel. lg
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 17:43
Habe das Spiel gerade beendet. Es fing stark an, hat aber für mich spätestens nach Verlassen des Startplaneten immer stärker nachgelassen und war mir in den letzten Spielstunden eigentlich schon gleichgültig geworden. Der Endkampf war noch mal der letzte Versuch des Spiels wieder etwas Fahrt aufzunehmen, aber funktioniert hat es leider nicht. Auch das Schicksal der Kolonie inklusive dem Abspann und final betrachtet auch die ganze Geschichte wirkten dann doch irgendwie lieblos und uninteressant. Schade, ich hätte dieses Spiel gerne gemocht.

Nur zu empfehlen, wenn man gerade wirklich nichts besseres zu tun hat oder nach einem Spiel sucht, dass man mal eben auf einen Abend anspielen will, aber weiß, dass man es zeitlich nicht schafft es zu beenden - das macht bei The Outer Worlds gar nichts.
77 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 12:54
Hallo Liebe Leute
Nachdem ich The Outer Worlds Installiert hatte ,freute ich mich auf die Quests
Die Grafik war Wunderbar und die Mechaniken und Quests Funktionierten einwandfrei
Aber ich kann und will keine Kaufempfehlung geben da der Spielspass den Gegenwert von 30 Euro im SALE NICHT rechtfertigen.
Das Problem was eigentlich alles vernichtet war die Erkenntnis ,das mit Abschluss des Hauptquests das Spiel ein plötzliches Ende findet. Und das nach nicht einmal 11 Stunden Spielzeit .

Schade aber ich hätte mir mehr erwartet vor allem wenn man das Preis/ Leistungs Verhältnis betrachtet.

Also an jene denen das egal ist wünsche ich viel Spaß allen anderen empfehle ich die Finger davon zu lassen da die Story kaum tiefe aufweist. Dazu kommt noch das Abrupte Ende des Spiels bei Beendigung des Hauptquests .
Wieder mal in meinen Augen ein völliger Fehler über den auch keine tolle Grafik und Gutes Gameplay hinweg täuschen kann.
Nach einigen Überlegungen würde ich mal sagen Max 15 Euro für den Kurzen Spielspass wären mehr als angemessen .
468 Produkte im Account
249 Reviews
2696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 10:42

The Outer Worlds

???? Story

Willkommen in der Kolonie. Allerdings verläuft eure Ankunft nicht ganz so, wie ihr es euch vorgestellt habt. Ihr erwacht etwa 70 Jahre später als geplant aus eurem langen Schlaf und müsst auch noch feststellen, dass ihr der einzige Kolonist eures Schiffes der „Hope“ seid, der geweckt wurde.

Dies geschah durch die Hilfe eines Wissenschaftlers, welcher euch in das Spiel einweist und auch die ersten Aufträge für euch bereit hält. Im weiteren Spielverlauf lernt ihr das Planetensystem immer besser kennen und trefft auf verschiedene Fraktionen, deren Gunst ihr erringen könnt, wenn ihr denn wollt.

Auch Mitglieder für euer Team könnt ihr rekrutieren. Diese bringen dann natürlich weitere Nebenaufgaben mit sich, über welche ihr auch mehr über eure Gefolgsleute erfahrt. Generell gibt es viele Geschichten abseits der Hauptquests zu erleben und damit meine ich nicht nur die zahlreichen Nebenquests. Auch Tagebücher und Terminals können von euch oft untersucht werden und verraten euch mehr über die Welt in welcher ihr euch befindet und die Gesellschaft.

???? Gameplay

Das erkunden dieser Welten klappt dabei, dank einfacher Tastatur und Maussteuerung, sehr gut. Neben den üblichen bewegen, springen, ducken, feuern, interagieren, Waffe wechseln und nachladen, wie man es aus vielen Action-RPG´s kennt, gibt es hier noch ein paar Extra Tasten. Eine um den Inhalator zu nutzen und sich zu heilen, eine um seine Fähigkeit der verübergehenden Zeitverlangsamung zu nutzen, sowie Befehle für die Gefolgsleute, wenn man denn welche dabei hat. Wie gut die Controllersteuerung funktioniert habe ich aber nicht ausprobiert.

Jede einzelne Ecke zu erforschen wird dabei auch vom Spiel regelmäßig belohnt, indem man Texte findet, welche mehr Hintergrundinfos geben, neue besondere Orte auf der Karte vermerkt werden, oder man einfach nur Beute findet. Diese reicht von Munition über Ausrüstung bis hin zu Nahrung. Diese kann man nutzen um vorrübergehend verschiedene Boni zu erhalten und sich so das Überleben in der teilweise sehr rauen Umgebung zu erleichtern.

Neben dem Erkunden der Welt liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf den Aufträgen, von denen es, wie gesagt, sehr viele gibt. Meistens bestehen diese daraus irgendwo hin zu gehen und ein Objekt zu holen oder bestimmte Gegner umzunieten.

Letzteres geht via Fern- oder Nahkampf. Dabei stehen einem diverse Waffen zu Verfügung die auch über verschiedene Schadensarten verfügen, wie kinetisch oder Plasma und einige haben sogar spezielle Auswirkungen wie den Gegner zu schrumpfen. Zudem haben einige Gegner Schwächen gegen bestimmte Schadenarten. Allerdings muss man seine Ausrüstung auch regelmäßig reparieren, damit sie nicht kaputt geht. Gerade bei Waffen die man verbessert oder mit speziellen Modulen modifiziert hat ist dies sehr wichtig.

Durch das Töten von Gegnern oder Nutzen von Fähigkeiten wie Schlösserknacken oder Überzeugen erhält man Erfahrung, wie auch durch das Erfüllen der Aufträge. Hat man genug gesammelt steigt man ein Level auf und kann einige seiner 18 verschiedenen Fertigkeiten verbessern. Erreichen diese einen bestimmten Wert gibt es noch einmal Boni wie z.B. mehr Schaden bei Kopftreffern wenn man sein Können mit Langwaffen verbessert.

Zudem gibt es aller 2 Level einen Vorteil. Diesen kann man aus einer wachsenden Anzahl an Vorteilen auswählen und seinen Spielstil so weiter individualisieren. Zudem schlägt einem das Spiel ab und an Schwächen für den Charakter vor. Fällt man z.B. oft aus großer Höhe erhält der Charakter, wenn man die Schwäche akzeptiert, Höhenangst. Dies bringt zwar Mali mit sich, erlaubt aber auch einen Extra Vorteil.

Im Verlauf des Abenteuers erhält man dann auch ein Raumschiff, welches als Basis für die Crew dient, als Lager genutzt werden kann und es ist natürlich notwendig um zwischen den Planeten zu reisen. Dies geht immer dann, wenn man die Koordinaten der Landepunkte hat. Dies geschieht meist im Laufe von Missionen, sodass die Welt Stück für Stück größer wird.

Die Schattenseiten

Leider ist die Welt nicht so offen, wie sie zu Beginn vielleicht scheint. Ein Großteil der Gebäude ist versiegelt und es gibt keine Möglichkeit diese zu betreten. Zudem sind zwar alle Gebiete mehr oder weniger sinnvoll eingegrenzt, allerdings gibt es dennoch einige Stellen wo der Charakter theoretisch springen könnte, dann aber in der Luft von unsichtbaren Wänden ausgebremst wird.

Was auch negativ auffällt und die Immersion ziemlich stört, sind die immer gleichen Gespräche der NPC´s. Gleich in der ersten Stadt habe ich 8 mal in Folge dem selben Gespräch zweier NPC´s gelauscht. „Hey hast du heute schon deine Ration bekommen? - Ja 2 Dosen Saltuna.“ Das ist spätestens nach dem dritten mal weder spannend noch realistisch und warum stehen eigentlich alle Personen erst einmal auf, um mit einem zu sprechen?

Auch das die Gegner teilweise zerfetzt werden, obwohl man ihnen mit dem Jagdgewehr einen Kopfschuss verpasst, trägt nicht zur Immersion bei.

Was mich persönlich noch stört, ist, dass einem Munition hinterher geworfen wird, zumindest auf den normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad. Da es in dieser Gesellschaft ja an allen Ecken und Enden fehlt, hätte ich es besser gefunden, wenn Munition etwas knapper wäre und Nahkampfwaffen eine größere Bedeutung gehabt hätten.

Letztlich vergeudet das Spiel auch viel Potential. So gibt es keine Minispiele oder große Sammlungen. Gerade letzteres wäre so einfach gewesen durch die Wurfballkarten, welche man hin und wieder findet, aber vom Spiel einfach nur als zu verkaufender Schrott geführt werden. Dadurch gibt es für alle, die am erkunden und kämpfen kein Interesse haben kaum etwas zu tun. Auch die vielen besonderen Waffen und Rüstungen würden sich eigentlich für eine solche Sammlung anbieten. Auch dass man an seinem Raumschiff nichts verbessern kann ist Schade.

Nichts davon ist zwar wirklich gravierend, aber es stört das Gesamtbild.

???? Grafik

Die Optik wirkt relativ realitätsnah, man sieht The Outer Worlds aber schon noch deutlich an, dass es sich um ein Spiel handelt. Die Charaktere sind sehr unterschiedlich in ihrer Gestaltung, insbesondere bei den wichtigen Charakteren. Bei den Gegnermodellen wiederholen sich die Designs natürlich recht schnell. Hier bietet das Spiel eine Hand voll Kreaturen und Roboter sowie humanoide Gegner.

Etwas eintönig sind die immer sehr ähnlichen Frisuren, hier hätte ich mir mehr Vielfalt gewünscht. Dies fällt im übrigen bereits bei der Charaktererstellung auf, die zwar viele Optionen bietet, aber nicht so viele wie andere RPG´s oder MMORPG´s des letzten Jahrzehnts. Was dafür sehr vielfältig ist sind die Landschaften, welche von düsteren und verlassenen Raumstationen, über giftige Schwefelsümpfe bis hin zu grünenden Ebenen reicht.

???? Sound

Auch die Vertonung ist überaus gelungen. Die Synchronisation ist zwar nur auf Englisch, aber die meisten Charaktere sprechen gut verständlich. Zudem treffen eigentlich alle Sprecher ihre Charaktere, selbst bei unwichtigen Nebenfiguren. Leider hört man einige Sprecher gleich für mehrere Rollen.

Untermalt wird das ganze mit beeindruckender Musik und stets passenden Soundeffekten. Gerade in den etwas düstereren, leicht gruseligen Passagen kommt diese grandiose Untermalung perfekt zur Geltung.

❤︎ Fazit

Trotz kleinerer Mängel ein gelungenes Spiel. Für alle Freunde von Action-RPG´s sollte dieser Titel Pflicht sein und auch wer einfach nur eine gute Story erleben will kommt hier auf seine Kosten. Es ist sicherlich kein Meisterwerk, kann einen aber sehr gut unterhalten und wenn man die Nebenaufgaben angeht auch für einen sehr langen Zeitraum.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas mitteilen wollt schreibt in die Kommentare.

Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
183 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 09:15
Fallout trifft Borderlands. Das läuft. Wer ein Fan beider Serien ist, wird auch an diesem Titel seine Freude haben. Ich bin noch ziemlich am Anfang, daher keine Aussage zu Content, Länge, Story usw. aber es lässt sich vielversprechend an.
304 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 21:09
Awesome game, love it. Good black humor 10/10
373 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 12:45
Bin kein profesioneller Review schreiber.. daher sorry vorweg.

ich find dieses SPiel sehr interessant da es mir geschichtlich gefälltund weiterepunkte wie, weltall, unbekannte Heldenperson, seltsame freunde, multiple choice fragen die den spielverlauf verändern. Lauter dinge die mir einfach gefallen und für mich es daher zum spiel 2020 macht :)
1093 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
1270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 09:29
Qualität statt Quantität
Dieses Spiel könnte man einfach als Fallout im Weltraum bezeichnen.
Es ähnelt der Serie in einigen Punkten, aber macht auch viel anders (und/oder besser).
Weiterhin gibt es wieder endlich mal ein Spiel das lieber eine kleinere Welt baut diese aber umso detailreicher und liebevoller. Hier gibt es keine Open World mit 1000m², dafür aber schöne kleine Areale.
Statt tausende beliebige Quests und NPcs zu erzeugen gilt hier der Spruch Qualität statt Quantität.
Das Spiel kann in ca. 20 Stunden beendet werden.
ich hoffe das es in Zukunft mehr Spiele gibt die wieder kleiner aber dafür genauso gut werden wie dieses.
281 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 18:15
good game, but would not play a second time, i did everything as i wanted it to play out the first time story wise.
Companions are the best part of the game, do their quests, they are very fun and interesting.

maybe a second time with a higher difficulty, combat is not very challenging on normal.
Grafics are good, like the style.
Dialog is the bread and butter of the game and its good.
Buy it, if it is on sale, but even with full price you get a good experience out of it.
205 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 21:20
Ein durch und durch enttäuschendes Spiel.
Das Setting ist zunächst sehr interessant und spannend, ich konnte kaum erwarten hinter die Fassaden der finsteren Megacorps zu schauen und mit der Silberzunge selber die Macht an mich zu reißen. Und damit begann ich mich auf eine vielschichtige Handlung, mit vielen spannenden Dialogen zu freuen.
Zu früh gefreut, ich fand ein ehr generisches fast schon MMORPG artiges Spiel.
Einen Charakter auf Sprache zu spezialisieren und sich durch das Spiel zu reden ist hier unmöglich. Immer die selben 4 Gegner Horden durch die man sich durchkloppen muss. Sprache im Kampf nutzen? Sinnlos, von den duzenden Gegnern die auf einen einschlagen, ergibt sich mit Glück einer. Das Kampfsystem und Gunplay ist in Ordnung und Geschmacksache, langweilte mich aber nach den ersten Schießeren. Waffenvariation gibt es kaum. Klar, ich könnte schleichen, was ich auch anfangs getan habe, aber ständig von Busch zu Busch kriechen und damit Missionen endlos lange ziehen, ist weder fordernd noch spaßig. Die Hauptmission besteht gefühlt aus drei Quests die ich in gerade einmal 7! Stunden durchgespielt habe, ohne das zu beabsichtigen. Dialoge in denen ich meine Sprachskills nutzen konnte gab es kaum! Es wurde nichts aus diesem tollen Setting gemacht. Die groß versprochenen Entscheidungen die man zu treffen hat, gab es nicht. Der Höhepunkt dessen passierte in den ersten 20 Minuten, Strom nach hier oder nach da.
Das enttäuschendste Obsidian Game dass ich bis heute gespielt habe. Ich habe noch nie eine negative Kritik geschrieben und bin jedem Spiel aufgeschlossen, insbesondere welchen von einem meiner lieblings Entwicklern, aber von diesem Spiel kann ich von meiner Seite nur abraten. Ich bin selber entsetzt diese Zeilen hier zu schreiben.
259 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 11:56
Ich weiß gar nicht warum hier vergleiche gezogen werden zu Fallout(Vegas) zb. ich hab mich echt auf The Outer Worlds gefreut, aber in Fallout habe ich etliche Stunden versenkt,das hier hat für mich kaum
Wiederspielwert, dazu kommt keine Deutsche Sprachausgabe was es echt Ermüdend macht sich dauernd durch die Dialoge zu lesen und am ende klickt man einfach nur durch, dabei geht echt eine menge der Story verloren.Dazu kommt auch das Open World Feeling nicht so wirklich rüber kommt.

Fazit nach ca. 35 Stunden durch Deinstalliert willkommen auf dem Bibliotheksfriedhof. (Leider)
151 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 18:35
Kurzes Review:
+ gute Charaktere, lebendig und unterhaltsam, die Begleiter haben persönliche Tiefe und eine eigene Story/ Questline
+ Nette bunte Comic-Welt, könnte aus einem alten Perry Rhodan Roman gestiegen sein, open-world-light
+ Erkunden, questen und rumballern macht einfach Spaß!
+ cooles Setting
+ Interessante Story
+ upgraden von Ausrüstung und Waffen
+ Spielzeit, wenn man sich Zeit lässt und den DLC spielt: 40h +

- Grafik ist etwas altbacken und auf Dauer recht eintönig. Vieles wiederholt sich ständig.
- Nette Waffen und Equip, anfangs jedoch von den Stats etc. sehr undurchsichtig

- viel zu wenige Gegnertypen, auf Dauer wird es recht eintönig
- richtige Bossgegner fehlen
- KI ist dumm wie Brot
- Schwierigkeitsgrad ist schlecht einstellbar, weil vieles vom Equip, Level und den Begleitern abhängt. So ist das Spiel streckenweise auf dem zweit-schwierigsten Level viel zu einfach. Den schwierigsten Spielegrad kann man im Game aber nicht mehr wählen, sonst muss man ein neues Spiel beginnen. Man kann natürlich ohne Begleiter losziehen, verpasst dann aber viel von der Story...
- bei den Missionen gibt es viel zu wenige Gegner insgesamt. Zwei drei Gegner in einem Raum, das war's dann auch schon. Häufig einfach viel zu wenig fordernd.
- Kisten, Kisten, Kisten. Davon bekomme ich nachts schon Albträume...
Das Spiel verkommt immer wieder zu einem Aufheb- und Kisten-öffnen-Spiel. So kann man Spielzeit natürlich auch in die Länge ziehen...
Von den 40h Spielzeit, habe ich gefühlt 10 gebraucht, um Behälter zu öffnen...

Nettes Spiel für zwischendurch, kommt meiner Meinung nach aber nicht an die alten Fallout-Spiele ran.
Sollte man das Spiel kaufen? Auf jeden Fall. Es ist sehr unterhaltsam und macht Laune, auch wenn es seine Schwächen und auch ein paar Längen hat. Den DLC kann ich nicht wirklich empfehlen, da dieser etwas lieblos gestaltet ist, auch wenn die Grundstory in Ordnung geht. Spielt man ihn recht spät im Spiel, so wie ich, ist man definitiv overpowered, was dem Spielspaß sehr abträglich ist. Eine Skalierung der Gegner wäre da eine nette Sache...
88 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 13:23
Absolut tolle Atmosphäre mit gutem Humor und spitzen Dialogen. In die Story und Umgebung findet man sich schnell ein und es wird auch bis zum Schluss nicht langweilig. Map Aufbau ist sehr durchdacht und es gibt, soweit ich es gesehen hab, immer mehrere Lösungswege (leise & laut).

Der Umfang ist im Vergleich zu Fallout NW gering. Story mit Nebenmissionen und Umschauen, Terminals lesen, etc. ~30h. Um alles vom Spiel zu sehen sind allerdings mindestens 2 Spieldurchgänge nötig.
Preis ist für den Spielumfang hoch gegriffen. Ich habe es zum Glück im Angebot gekauft und bereue dies auch nicht.

Verbrauchsmaterialien (Stimpaks ausgenommen) kommen leider auf den Schwierigkeitsgrad Leicht - Schwer zu kurz, da man diese überhaupt nicht benötigt.

Waffen-Auswahl ist okay. Positiv ist zu bemerken, dass man mit jeder Waffenkategorie spielen kann ohne größere Nachteile zu haben. Waffen lassen sich durch Mods anpassen, diese sind in ausreichender Auswahl vorhanden.

Das Begleiter-System gefällt mir gut und ist unkompliziert. Begleiter mischen sich auch in die Dialoge ein was das ganze lebendiger wirken lässt.

Mit dem kompletten Setting lässt sich bestimmt noch viel machen. Ich bin gespannt was noch kommt.

It's not the best choice. It's Spacer's Choice. ;)
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 09:34
Wer Fallout (und ich spreche nicht von Fallout 76) liebt, der fühlt sich in The Outer Worlds direkt heimisch, viele Mechaniken funktionieren ähnlich, allerdings geht es oft nicht so sehr in die Tiefe (kein Housing, Tweaking von Waffen läuft aussschließlich über Mods). Ich persönlich finde dies aber nicht mal negativ denn so kann man sich auf die Storys von Outer Worlds konzentrieren, und hier bietet das Game wirklich viel: Neben der Hauptquest, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Nebenquests, Konzernaufträgen und Bitten von seinen Begleiter, den man nachgehen kann, meistens gepaart mit viel derben Humor.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 06:52
Das Spiel ist der Hammer! In der ersten Minute schon ins Setting und die Stimmung verliebt :D
41 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 17:56
Ich bin schwer begeistert von dem Game. Die Story hat Tiefgang und es macht Spaß alles zu entdecken und die Intrigen aufzudecken. Auch der Soundtrack ist mächtig gelungen!

Auch wenn es einige Negative Rezensionen gibt - man kann halt nicht alle Gamer gleich zufriedenstellen. Mir reichte das an RPG Tiefgang. Modding und ballern ist eben nicht jedermanns Sache. Ich schleiche gerne und das bietet dieses Game auch. Man kann einige Gegner auch umgehen ohne zu kämpfen.

Interessant sind auch die Begleiter Quests, obwohl man nicht zwingend alle Begleiter haben muss. Man kann ja sowieso nur 2 auswählen.

Ich bin jedenfalls schon mal auf Durchgang 2 gespannt bei dem ich ein paar Sachen anders handhaben werde.
117 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 12:49
Having nostalgiv Fallout: New Vegas Flashbacks. I'm in love
824 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 09:54
Unterhaltsam, wer die Fallout Reihe gespielt hat, wird gewisse Ähnlichkeiten erkennen.

Grafik ist gut, keine Abstürze, Waffen Handling, Skill System alles gut.
Quest sind teilweiße ganz witzig.

Das einzige was mich bisle stört ist, das es leider keine Deutsche Vertonung hat, da die untertitel manchmal zu schnell weg sind.

ansonsten, läuft mit konstanten 60 Fps (gelockt)

Windows 10 Home
I7 6700K
32 GB Ram
ZOTAC GeForce® GTX 1080 AMP Extreme
Samsung 970 Pro 1TB
498 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 08:58
Endlich auf STEAM!

Auch wenn ich den Deal mit epic nicht wirklich pralle fand, so muss ich doch sagen das The Outer Worlds echt gelungen ist.
Während man spielt merkt man an jedem Punkt des Spiels die nähe zu Fallout, nicht 100% kopiert aber sehr viele Ähnlichkeiten ohne das es frech geklaut wirkt !
Mir persönlich gefällt dieses Setting bis jetzt sogar besser als das von Fallout.
Richtig tolle Dialoge, gute Grafik und läuft stabil !
Ich würde objektive 80% / 100% vergeben, subjektiv 90% / 100% .
Die ca.15 Std. habe ich in einem Rutsch gezockt (was bei mir mittlerweile nicht mehr üblich ist) und werde nun gleich weiter machen!

Viel Spaß euch allen ^^

PS: Bin gespannt wie sich die einjährige Beta von MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries bei epic ausgewirkt hat, ist ja auch bald soweit!^^

1509 Produkte im Account
296 Reviews
1860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 09:05
The Outer Worlds is a fairly nice game by Obsidan. It is often compared I have seen to Fallout: New Vegas but honestly I think it stands pretty well on it's own enough to not be really that comparable. So far I am right at 16 hours into the game and I haven't gotten over half way through the campaign I am sure, even more so counting the DLC. Story wise it is fairly interesting. It isn't going to win a Hugo award for it's Science Fiction writing, but if it was a movie it wouldn't be getting a Razzie either. It is enjoyable enough and the companions are enjoyable enough to keep things lively.

The one downside to the game is that even after a year and a half since release the game is still buggy in a lot of places. I originally played the game for the first act once it came out on the Xbox PC Game Pass and a lot of the issues that I experienced back then I still noticed today regardless of my configuration. My specs are well enough over the required and most are in the recommended zone that I shouldn't have stuff like dialog freezes. Example of that is you go up to a NPC and you start a dialog with them and they look at you but it takes sometimes as long as 30 seconds for them to actually respond to you. It doesn't break the game, but it is very frustrating to just sit there watching the NPC stare at you for 10-30 seconds before speaking.

My rig can handle the game on Very High graphics settings at 1080p and usually will work fine but will occasionally have not just an FPS drop, but a total freeze for 5-20 seconds during combat. Doesn't always happen but usually does at the worst times. I set the settings down to medium and got the same results. I went through all the various suggestions on the forums and like many players continue to have the same issues.

All that said, I still am enjoying the game overall and it is one of those few games that I plan on finishing before getting back to other games that I tend to play. So once again the game, while not without faults, is worth picking up at least while on sale. I wouldn't pay full price for it but a decent discount I believe it is worth it warts and all..

I give the game a 6.5/10 overall. I would love to give it a 8/10 based on the overall story dialog choices, decent combat and such however those few bugs I mentioned take away a fair bit of my overall rating of the game. Still overall like I said I recommend the game on sale, however at full price I would say hold off for a sale as there are enough technical issues still after a year and a half that can be frustrating at times. One one final note, while I mentioned the bugs, I haven't had any CTD (crash to desktops) or lockups so the bugs are more of an annoyance than a game breaker at least from what I have seen so far.

On a final note, the game does what every good RPG player (or at least most of those that I know want) and throws in tons of loot hiding all over the place. Most of it is junk, and there is a burden mechanic however with enough of the perks unlocked and breaking down useless weapons and armor you quickly learn to overcome that issue. Also at first you will feel like the bits (the in game currency, such as bottle caps, credits, gold in other rpgs) is slow to come, but soon it starts getting easier to find and make, however even at my level 18 at the moment I still have to mostly spend it on ammo and lock picks (forget the in game name for them) so the economy is a bit rough but you will be doing most of your own repairs off of parts you breakdown from your gear. Just a little note for new players.
127 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 23:59
I went into this not knowing what really to expect, and my mind has been blown!
126 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 14:31
Disappointing. While the art style and the dialogue are amazing, this game feels half finished. It's still buggy. Combat is so lack luster, boring and just easy. Enemies are no challenge and there's the same four enemies on every single level. Worst of all, the game just doesn't feel finished, it just feels like one long fetch quest.
Very sad.
770 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
2946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 01:38
I really liked this game! I think the game is far too easy for the most part, even on Hard, save for some specific story points. Still, the story and this world were fascinating. I enjoyed poking around all the different corners of the world and pickpocketing things to sell later. The combat was fun too! The final act is a bit clumsy, though. I also wasn't a fan of the Murder DLC, but the Gorgon DLC was pretty good. But playing them both made the game feel waaaaay longer. They definitely aren't necessary, but if you like this game, you'll probably enjoy it. I never was able to finish a Fallout game, but I was able to easily finish this game!
43 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 14:59
lost interest quite quickly, honestly i dont know why though
411 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 14:27
Ever wanted to sneak attack a guy with a melee weapon, but instead of just taking critical damage and dying quietly, he explodes into all 6 pieces of Exodia? Then this game is for you
49 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 16:11
Great game, Obsidian never disappoints.
I wish it was harder though.
51 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 05:29
I really wanted to like this game (maybe because of the whole 'Fallout: New Vegas thing) but for one reason or another I could never really get into it. It's not a BAD game, just really average and I felt that way thought out the majority of my run. I went into it treating it as it's own game, not Fallout: New Vegas (Space Edition) but even than it came out short.

+ Graphics are very pretty and colorful (this can especially be seen in the 'hubs' of each planet)
+ Companions have unique backstories/quests
+ You can kill everyone
+ Some interesting side quests
+ Some of the dialogue choices are amazing

- No third person camera (what's the point of customizing your character if you can only see them in the inventory screen/free cam mode?)
- The story didn't personally keep my attention, almost to the point where I didn't care what happened
- The world felt 'empty'. I can't really figure out what I was that made it feel that way, there were enemies, npcs, etc. scattered around but it never felt like a real place
- If you loot a enemy, there's a chance you may not be able to take everything from them (clothes, weapon, etc.). I don't know why and this seemingly occurs at random

I'm really disappointed that I didn't enjoy this game. I'll always be grateful to Obsidian for their work on Fallout: New Vegas, its one of my favorite games. But they really dropped the ball on this one
67 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 01:04
Its gets reeeeeaaaally boring.
3122 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
14723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 22:35

Its not the best game, it's Spacer's Game!!!

Excellent corporate jingle and dystopia simulator that mixes satire and some light hearted humor into one of the bleakest universes imaginable. It also has an incredibly satisfying ending that shows what happens via slides regarding every major decision you make in the main game and both DLCs — and what becomes of all the people you impacted along the way.

There are many ways you can develop your character. With the expansions installed, my fav build I used involves using the respec machine once you have the points to spare, to make your Captain a 150/150 powerhouse in both leadership abilities. There will never be a skill check you can't pass this way, and you can change companions in the field.

Need to intimidate someone? Call the right companions. Need a high skill to pick a lock? Call the right companions. Their skill levels stack on top of yours.

And if you have any desire to 100% this, make sure to save often so you can go back and make different choices without having to start over. Then look up how you can speedrun the hardest difficulty very quickly and skip most of the game to get that last achievement to pop after you're done with everything else. I don't recommend doing the hardest difficulty as your main playthrough because every convenience is taken from you — making it far too much of a slog to explore every inch of every planet on foot without the benefit of fast travel.

It's definitely RPG first, FPS second. It's a story rich, dialog heavy, choices matter kind of game. You just happen to be holding a laser rifle.

♫ It's not the best choooicee..... It's Spacer Choice!! ♫

♫ Whoa whoa whoa~!!! .... It's Rizzo's :) ♫

♫ Better than Naaature....!! ♫

♫ Siiiiiimply the best! T&L!!!♫

♫ At C&P..... We know our Ceeeeeee's and Peeeeee's...!!!
268 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 00:11
I like where the old folks home was just a genocide
1863 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 15:07
Couldn't get into it. Tried, but just didn't care. It was like the game could not decide if it wanted to be Fallout in space, or a shitty Futurama episode written by the interns during a writer's strike.

RPG mechanics are nothing special either.

I really wanted to like this. But there's just not enough there. Nothing about it is terrible. It's not a buggy mess., The art style is on point.

But there is just not enough there. The Writing is just OK. Characters are not really fleshed out. From other players,. and reviews, you get about 40 hours out of a play-through, and the plot does not go anywhere all that interesting.

Lower your expectations,. buy on sale, and you might not regret you purchase, or time spent. But don't expect this to live up to the hype. Sadly, it is not the awesome, absorbing, quirky space-western RPG that was promised by all the hype.
253 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 21:19
The RPG elements are very weak. I really don't even feel like using perks at this point, because there are no perks that will actually change the way I play the game. There's no push to play in one style or another - you just go somewhere, shoot the bad things, talk to the person, rinse and repeat.
559 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 23:56
I think 20 hours are enough time to form ones opinion of a title. This game is pretty much like all the bad things from Fallout New Vegas and I do not understand the hype that surrounded this game. Then again, I also do consider Fallout New Vegas way overhyped.

There is no exploration in this game. Invisible Walls abound, making sure you have to stay in the areas and no location, which offers something to find, isn’t bound to a quest in some fashion, thus disincentivizing exploration entirely. Just like New Vegas.. This is a game where you are expected to turn your brain off and let the quest marker guide you.

Usually I would read every Mailing log and entry I could find in these games. Here? Those are boring and usually super mundane. Reading someone gripe about inane things like having to keep some animal cages locked doesn’t really add anything, other than stealing my time.

There is barely any environmental storytelling, as you might know from Fallout 3. Where you’d walk into a location and go “Huh? I wonder how that happened!”

And worst of all, you are expected to make big choices, like the fate of a colony with barely 10 sentences being exchanged. Worse, if you then make the choice you think its best, after you read some mails about how the corporation send killer robots to punish workers, you can’t even use that knowledge as justification.

This game is so full of needless jokes it undermines itself. The world is a caricature. Corporations that refuse to supply meds to workers, because apparently nobody told Obsidian how much cost is associated with training workers and they easily outweigh the cost of some meds to keep them healthy and productive. Its like Apple Iphone Production Plants with Suicide Prevention Nets dialed to 11 and used as a joke. “Haha, look how bad corporations are, get it? Get it? Haha!”

Obsidian, how about you stop treating people as if they are children? Do you really want to tell me you made a hybrid of Borderlands and Fallout to be aimed at small children that needed to be beaten over the head like this?

I am honestly just disappointed. I got the game because I thought it was a good Roleplaying game but the story sucks. The only interesting characters, where the Devs put some effort into are the companions, and everyone else is a bad stereotype.

If at least the combat would be fun.. But i am more than half way through the game, at this point (and i am probably not finishing it) and been to 4ish planets and its the same enemies everywhere. Robots, Apes, Raiders, Dogs and Bugs. Only the bugs will be new, the first 4 you will meet on the first starting planet.. And that is as good as it gets.

It is just not enough. This game is so worn out in its tropes, it even has the “cannibal family” storyline in it.

This game is just unoriginal and trite. I expected so much more and I am done forcing myself through this.
802 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 17:04

Save the Day. Or Not - It's Your Choice

Obsidian entertainment is always the right pick. Their storydriven games focusing on mystery, politics, often disptopia, games riddled with mix of fantasy and science fiction, generally things that can always grab my attention and The Outer Worlds is not an exception in this. The game is full of awe, wonderful and dreadful alike, and The Outer Worlds masters one of the most important ingredients that an RPG game can offer - possibility to have a choice with impact, an option to change the course of the game and see the results good or bad, either or neither.



Choice matters
Great story
Well-crafted environment
Skills and perks system
Good dialogue and even voice acting


Worse optimalization
Base game is really short
Overuse of combat

Overall 8.5/10

Start this game by exploring new worlds, meet and interract with well written characters, exploit future technology, alter the destiny of colonies and maybe even of the whole system. Live the story tailored by one of the best dev studios in the field and savour every moment as did I. Storydriven games based in sci-fi / fantasy universe are my favourite and I've enjoyed The Outer Worlds so I can recommend it with gracious score of 8,5/10. Even though the game is short and relies too much on combat for my taste, it still is thrilling and I would love to see more games like this in years to come.
183 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 21:55
Recommended, but with a caveat -- it was fun for a while, but eventually I got bored. There's not enough of a story here to get involved with, and I ended up not caring.

On the plus side, the graphics are fun, the game plays beautifully, and if you just want a basic wander-and shoot with a bit of dialogue, you might love this.
977 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
1768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 03:02
Okay, look. I was hyped. I was let down. I gave the game three fair shots. On the third shot, it clicked with me and I found myself really enjoying it. I even managed to complete it, which is more than most who complain can say. But all that really means is that I can make better complaints.

There's parts that fall really flat, yes. The first two companions you get have quests that tear their characterization to shreds rather than enhance them organically, The CORPORATION BAD message can get hamfisted. Some worlds feel like there could have been a lot more to them. THE CORPORATION BAD MESSAGE CAN GET HAMFISTED. HOLY CRAP PAVARTI AND VICAR MAX'S QUESTS WERE SUCH LET DOWNS I AM VERY UPSET ABOUT IT, ESPECIALLY WITH VICAR MAX HE WAS SUCH A GREAT AND COMPLEX CHARACTER AND HIS QUEST RUINED HIM. And the game doesn't quite reach the depth that New Vegas had (or length, but length isn't so much a negative for me, I got a life outside of gaming ya know). Granted, a lot of this felt less like incompetence to me and more like a lack of funds + some new devs learning the ropes.

BUT...the companions (despite strange choices with their quests) are all so charming, and several of them are complex characters in their own rights. Most of the areas are large and beautiful, feeling properly alien and strange. When the humor hits, it hits SO GOOD. There's lots of ways you can build your character through perks, flaws (a neat system with lots of potential), dialogue/speech checks, and general decision-making (granted, not nearly as much as New Vegas, but still a lot more than many of the AAA RPGs that are getting released cyberpunk what did you hear something?). The DLCs are both a lot of fun, especially Eridanos with its murder-mystery shenanigans. And big props to the voice actors, every single one did really well.

Essentially, it was an acquired taste. A taste that is very difficult to acquire if you went into it super-hyped and expecting the second coming of RPG heaven. While it isn't quite on that level, it turned out to be it's own weird brand of role-playing goodness. A solid 7/10, maybe the sequel will fix everything.

[strike]Also, let it be known that my ending slide was wrong, my character actually married Vicar Max (despite my issues with his quest, I still loved him dearly) and we adopted and raised SAM to be a good lad. Weird how they got that wrong but whatever.[/strike]
108 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 17:27
The Outer Worlds is a serviceable game with an interesting theme, but ultimately very dissapointing.
The premise is that you are a colonist that has been in cryostasis for many years and is now revived to decide the fate of a colony in the solar system of Halcyon that is ruled by the corporate government The Board which owns everything and everyone. So far the possibilities are endless, but as you are greeted by the character creation screen, the possibilities start to shrink rapidly.
The options to customize your character are incretibly small and also insignificant. You don't ever see your character, but even then the cusomization is weak and the stats hold nearly no significance, because as soon as you can level up, you can basicly overpower whatever you've chosen at the start (except for the low intelligence stat - there is a secret ending tied to it).
As soon as you are free to explore, you start realizing many things. For one the gameplay is not satisfying at all, the gunplay is pitiful and the movement is clumsy. The enemy variety is tiny. The builds are painfully streamlined - you can basicly choose from about 5 of them and the weapon system... oh god the weapon system. There are only a few weapons in the entire game which have 2 or 3 tiers that always replace the lower tier at a certain level. This process goes from level 1 to 30 (36 if you have Peril on Gorgon) and you cannot keep what you like, because you need to buy it again multiple times during your playthrough. You can also level them up, but honestly in most cases it's a waste of your money. The unique weapons are completely useless. Why even bother putting unique weapons into the game if they're worse than the base weapon and un-upgradable? And then it strikes you like a lightning bolt - this is not a fully realised open world game, but a game with tiny playgrounds to f*ck around on.

It's not an RPG open-world game, but a game with a dead and pointless excuse for an open-world and RPG elements. No matter how hard the marketing tried to sell it as such, this is not another classic from the creators of Fallout that builds on the mechanics of the originals. This is simply the truth and you have to be in harmony with that, if you don't want to be dissapointed. The dialogue is of course very good and the story is mostly interesting. Most characters are written very well and the main ones are at least above average - including the companions that aren't really unique per say, but at least pretty consistent and overall good. And I also don't want to leave out the environments, because they look gorgeous, but there is not really much of anything in them... They are great looking, but there isn't anything of real interest or great importance outside the main storyline. If this is what you want, I would recommend this product to you and you propably would be satisfied, but I sadly wasn't.

You know, Obsidian is an amazing studio. The grandfather of RPGs, Fallout, runs through their weins. They made one of, if not the best RPG of all time - Fallout New Vegas and if you showed me this nearly 10 years after Fallout NV came out, I would never have been able guess that this was made by mostly the same people. And I'm not talking about the setting, no no, the setting is perfectly fine, but the execution was just terrible. For context, the development of Fallout NV took 18 months and the development time of The Outer Worlds was 4,5 years - if you showed me these two games and asked me which one of them took longer to develop, the answer in my case would be obvious.
855 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 04:53
I find The Outer Worlds difficult to talk about as I struggle to think of any part of the game that particularly stuck with me. It’s not a bad product, everything here is competently made with no glaring design flaws, but there's also nothing in the game that's ever particularly fun. It's stuck in a pit of mediocrity, making it hardly worth your time, let alone your money. If you’re looking to get into RPG’s and want a gateway game, or are just desperately searching to scratch that FPS/RPG itch, The Outer Worlds might fulfill your needs, but overall I think the game is worth avoiding, as there are much better alternatives available.

Shooting & Looting

Gunplay performs according to standard expectations, but doesn’t do much to exceed them. Weapons are responsive, blasting enemies away certainly feels satisfying, but the fun didn’t last long due to a strong lack of variety. Most weapons operate identically. save whatever damage number they’ve been assigned, gunplay fails to evolve and feels the same from beginning to end, shooting the same dull shotguns and snipers you’ve seen in a thousand games before.

Enemy design suffers from a similar problem; most foes exhibit static behavior, charging towards you to deal damage, occasionally throwing an elemental foe that behaves exactly the same. I know shooters are rarely renowned for their tactical foes, but combined with the lack of variety on the player's end, every combat encounter ultimately turns into a battling of spamming lead and health packs until your foe falls, with little excitement to be had.

There's an attempt to spice up combat with your companions special abilities, but these fail to add much. Each companion has a two second cutscene you can trigger in combat to watch them do their special move, incredibly dull 2 second animations of your companion shooting their gun “a bit more.” You’re expected to spam these attacks to maximise damage, meaning in longer “tougher” fights, a sizable chunk of combat time is taken up by cutscenes, grinding gameplay to an absolute halt.

Even the RPG mechanics fail to save combat. Most of the skills and perks you unlock merely raise stats, increasing durability or damage; in my mind this is the most boring way to design an RPG. There are no exciting abilities to unlock or rewards from playing a certain way, your numbers simply grow bigger, and it's just not a satisfying milestone to achieve.

It's such a shame too, the game introduces this amazing concept with the flaw system, negative penalties introduced through gameplay to personalise your character, only to have every single one i experienced being a “phobia” that does nothing but reduce your damage in the presence of certain enemies. I rarely elected to take these flaws, as all they wound up doing was make fights take longer.

Exploring Halcyon

The Halcyon system itself serves as a decent world to explore, offering a few planets and space stations to jump between. The world on offer is interesting, taking a classic sci-fi theme, late stage capitalism, and perverting it to the extent of insanity. It fleshes out the world, watching communities barely survive as essential needs are commodified by “The Board,” but the game also manages to get a decent amount of laughs out of the concept using clever and misleading writing.

However I still found these locations to drag on after a while, a notable problem to me being the sheer lack of variety. Everywhere looks and feels the same, no location stood out in my mind as serving distinct visuals or storytelling, resulting in it all blending together. These boxy pre-made towns look good at first and represent the games theme, until I realised every town in the game looks like this, despite all the conflicting politics of these locations, they exhibit no unique personality, sharing an identical feel all throughout Halcyon.

Environments overall suffer from a similar lack of variety, albeit with some more positive offerings. Most open locations you explore usually consist of the same flora and fauna to fight with a handful of boxy towns scattered throughout. This does get boring after a while, despite the games constantly switching its colour palettes, yet there are still a couple standout locations. Groundbreaker being the central hub of the solar system and Byzantium’s society of rich fuccbois served as distinctive locations, even if they weren’t quite breakout stars. It’s a shame that the game's diversity is relegated to such small corners of the world.

I was also surprised by how little content was on offer. According to wikia, I missed 2 side quests and 5 tasks, yet finished everything else in around 20 hours. This would be acceptable to me if the game had more memorable moments, but the combination of forgettable quests with the shortened length makes me severely question the full priced value this game sells for.

Search for The Hope

The writing once again pales in comparison to other modern RPG’s, but still felt like the game's strongest point. The opening in Edgewater was a surprisingly strong introduction to the world, and had a good mix of characters. I never felt like the rest of the game lived up to this opening, due to a lackluster story hook and tedious side quests.

You spend a lot of time dealing with factions, a classic RPG trope that seems initially exciting, until I realised how shallow these groups were. Factions here have extremely one-dimensional views or personalities, and most conflicts presented by them usually have a unambiguously “best” resolution that takes away from the thought process, ambiguity or roleplaying behind decision making. Choices often felt static and meaningless, and while there is one specific variation I’m hugely impressed by, most of the time it felt like the options I chose all lead down identical paths.

Outer Worlds places you in charge of an independent ship in a cosmos of controlling corporations, making you feel like a space pirate as you jump from planet to planet disrupting these corporations' plans. And a captain is nothing without their crew, which the game places a huge emphasis on. Companions were overall the most consistently interesting part in Outer Worlds, even if they were never the most memorable. Unique personalities breathe life into your ship through their conversations, but ultimately these companions are very formulaic with their exposition, questline, loyalty pattern. There are no highlights in the cast for me, but Obsidian’s at least done a good job with diversity and representation in terms of their selection.

Being a space adventure, there's a large amount of humour on display. Humour is perhaps the most subjective part of writing, so while it might be for you, the jokes here fell very flat for me. While there were a couple standout subversions using the excellent dehumanising nature of capitalism, most of the time the game instead focuses on a weaker wacky aesthetic, trying to be in your face and random, which usually felt like an awkward exterior force shoving itself into the games narrative.

Outside of the main narrative, I encountered a fair amount of side quests, all of which were infuriatingly mundane. I kept waiting for a sidequest to hook me, but everything just felt so cliche. Interesting hooks like intruding on a creepy family dinner or being hired as an actor sound like fun side ventures, until they play out exactly as you’d expect and end with zero fanfare or twists. While the main quest has hiccups of its own, the side content is outright bland and forgettable


It pains me to be negative about this game that's been competently put together, but the main feeling that stuck with me after finishing this game was “boredom.” We’ve seen that Obsidian can do better than this, and I do hope they get a chance to improve this world with the sequel, but I probably won’t be playing it to find out.
608 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 07:22
Despite what people say overall, I think it is an enjoyable experience.

I don't believe it to be worth $60, but $40 is a fair price.
A lot of weapons repeat but the overall universe and lore is pretty great. Its a tragic comedy overall, yeah there are some funny things overall but its just grim.

I dont think it is the best game you could buy at $30 or $40 but for me, its up there. If you are looking for a Fallout type of game, I'd say this isn't it despite the marketing as 'Creators of Fallout New Vegas' etc etc.

For its current price of $20 while on sale, its very much worth it to experience it, just dont expect this amazing experience.
98 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 23:00
lil mini fallout
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 02:42
This game has a lot of content and I really do enjoy how much dialogue it has. It really gives the npc a breath of life and the fact that you can choose to do whatever you like makes this game even better. I really would recommend this game if you like reading and shooting.
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 11:07
Not worth that much money, buy only when on 40% + discount, tho i did not buy dlcs i finished game quickly with empty feeling :$
9 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 18:56
If anyone is buying this game thinking it's going to be like Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 3 cause Obsidian, be prepared to be extremely disappointed. There is only 48 hours of gameplay.... And that is with 100% completion. There is nowhere near enough different enemy types (there are only 4 different types of enemies) or weapons in the game, customization is also quite lacking. You also feel very restricted or trapped due to being locked onto planets, not a true open world game. Definitely not worth $60, only buy this game is it is on sale!
479 Produkte im Account
155 Reviews
1532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 22:56

It's not the right choice.... It's Spacer's Choice!


I am someone who never really got into the Fallout series, with my only experience being a few hours into New Vegas. One of my friends gifted me The Outer Worlds boasting that I would enjoy the experience.

I was a little skeptical at first as I didn't find myself very invested into Fallout, but what I discovered is a game that offers amazing storytelling with an expandable world with fantastic side quests. Obsidian Entertainment knew what they were doing when it came to crafting an immersive storytelling experience.

Pros and Cons

  • Interesting story that develops by your choices
  • Amazing combat with numerous weapons to use and companions to recruit
  • Dialogue options that will determine how your character interacts with others
  • Lots of skills to upgrade with many perks to choose from
  • Fantastic soundtrack, filled with catchy tunes to fit every planet you go to
  • Beautiful graphics represented well throughout the planets that you explore

  • Tactical Time Dilation skill felt unneeded
  • Limited ammo that requires management of how you use certain weapons

The Unknown Variable

The story starts out aboard this ship called The Hope, in the year 2285. On this ship hundreds of thousands of colonists were put into stasis to Halcyon. This trip was planned to be ten years of travel and a small crew of 24 people would keep an eye on them to maintain and pilot the ship. After nine years, the ship suffered a skip drive malfunction, rendering it incapable of faster than light travel with no way to fix it.

25 years later the ship was found by the Halcyon Holdings Corporate Board but since the colonists had spent a long time in stasis, they could not revive them safely. Thus the Board decided to hide the discovery of the ship to avoid public outcry to help them. However, a scientist named Phineas Welles worked for them and hated the fact that The Board left The Hope to die. He went abroad and was able to bring out one person, a nameless protagonist (you can name him or her) is then sent out to retrieve a few things to help save the colonists.
That is only scratching the surface of the story in The Outer Worlds. It’s packed to the brim-full of places for you to explore and things to do, the main story only has about a few missions to it. The game heavily wants you to do side questing and explore its world, there are a few planets that you can go on with their own side quests. Depending on what you do, will determine what you will see on the ending you will get.

Guns, skills, and perks oh my!

The Outer Worlds has some amazing combat with some satisfying weapons to use. You can find assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and plasma weapons to take out Marauders, Raptidons, and many more enemies. Weapons and armor will degrade over time and they will need to be repaired with weapon and armor parts at a workbench. If your engineering skill is at a certain level you can repair them without a workbench or have a vendor do it. You can also equip weapon mods that will give them state bonuses like dealing shock or acidic damage, a built-in scoop, or increased magazine size.

Then there are skill trees, the entire game revolves around this feature and if you want to do certain things, you will have to have that skill at a certain level. These can have a range of skills but they can also have dialogue options for you to choose from, each with their own unique responses.

Each skill will be put into sections, for example, dialog can have, persuade, lie, and intimidate. So when you level up, you can put some skill points into that skill and when that skill reaches level 50, you can put points into something like intimidating or persuade.

You can also get companions to assist you on your mission. They have their own special abilities but they manually follow one principle of dealing damage. They can have their own perks increasing their usefulness and have a say in some conversations. I enjoyed the fact that they can interact with each other which was a nice touch.

There are dialogue options for you to choose from when talking to people which can benefit you, depending on what choices you make. You will need to have certain dialogue skills at a certain level in order to make a specific choice though. So if you want to intimidate someone and it has the number 40 on it, you will need to at least have a skill level of 40 or higher to do that.

Next are perks, which give you benefits such as extra health, additional carrying capacity, or running speed. You can also acquire a flaw, debuffs that your characters can get, causing you to take increased damage or incur status effects. I recommend getting a few, as you can get some extra perk points by using them, you can be flawed, in a good way.
There are two issues I have with the gameplay which do not completely ruin the experience but are worth mentioning. First, I never found the Tactical Time Dilation skill to be of any use. This skill allows you to slow down time to get a better aim on the enemies, but this was something that was not really needed from my perspective and I never found a situation where I would benefit from using the skill.

Second, there are only three ammo types, light ammo for pistols and shotguns, heavy ammo for assault and sniper rifles, and energy ammo for plasma-based weapons. The shared grouping of ammo makes it difficult to use weapons in the same category as you will simply run out of ammo too quickly. This prevented me from using some of my favorite guns when I wanted to.

Graphics, Performance, and Soundtrack

The Outer Worlds is a beautiful game all around with every planet having something unique to explore. You will find yourself adventuring from thriving cities filled with wealthy residents to others that are dangerous wastelands littered with hostile creatures. The diversity of themes is impressive.
I played on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor 3.50, with16 GB of RAM. I experienced no issues while playing and sat at a smooth 60 FPS.

The orchestral soundtrack is something I really fell in love with. The use of industrial, tribal, and subtle ambiance is executed perfectly for each location building suspense, readying you for battle, and helping to immerse you into the setting.

Our Heroes Stamp out Dissonance is my personal favorite but there are many more songs that are good. The soundtrack is priced at 11.99 CDN and it’s one of the only ones I recommend picking up if you liked it.

Final Verdict

The Outer Worlds turned out to be a very fun experience and well worth checking out. With an amazing world to explore, tons of side quests, and a very unique and memorable story, The Outer Worlds really stands out as a fantastic open-world game. This sits as one of my favorites in this genre.

I, Phineas Welles would like for you to follow Life Needs a Little Sin for some good quality reviews

You will meet someone who works for Anime World Infinite for more reviews as well
613 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 20:33
Do you know the dish Mac&Cheese?
This game is like Mac&Cheese.

You eat Mac&Cheese because you can't think of what else to cook after work, and you are looking forward to visiting your favorite restaurant in the weekend.

You have friends over and want to cook for them, to make sure they will enjoy their food, you decide to cook Mac&Cheese. Surely nobody hates Mac&Cheese, right?

There will be times when you really crave the Mac&Cheese your grandma used to make. But you have to make do with the Mac&Cheese right in front of you.

Mac&Cheese is great food but deep inside you know its not the best dish you have ever had.

You do enjoy a good Mac&Cheese every now and then.
1470 Produkte im Account
345 Reviews
4409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 22:56
The Outer Worlds from Obsidian is VERY reminiscent of Fallout New Vegas, with a similar faction reputation system, similar quest system, lots of weapons and armors, lots of food and drugs for various enhancements, flaws and perks, but now with a new visual style all its own, with a bit more scifi background. While some of the corporate speak was a bit over-the-top, it also makes sense within the context of the new world. And some of the quest dialogue was quite sharp. All in all, TOW is one of the better Scifi RPGs in recent years.

The story starts with a bang... A guy snuck onto a cryo colony ship and revived one man, loaded him into an escape pod, and escaped before the authorities caught up with him. You are the guy he ejected. You woke up on the planet, with little more than your clothes, and radio contact. You have to find weapons, clothing, and survive, And you are free to make any decisions, even if it means turning in the guy who freed you. You will collect a ragtag crew of different capabilities, from gunslinger to martial artist, from robot to ex-priest, from geeky engineer to frontier survivalist. Take up to two companions with you on any excursions... or go alone.

Face down hostile creatures as small as a sprat to as large as a mega-mantiqueen or colossal primal, while wield variety of weapons from melee sticks to plasma swords to handguns to grenade launchers, and some exotic science weapons you have to really find. Even get a holographic shroud so you can sneak into areas you shouldn't. Protect yourself from the elements and fauna with some of the best armor humans can provide, from light stealth armor to elite combat armor. Each of the factions have their distinctively look.

Gain XP by finishing quests and killing enemies. Upgrade your skills and gain special abilities and perks. You can occasionally get a chance to pick a FLAW, which lets you trade some penalty in order to gain additional perks.

Your companion also level up and gain perks as well, albeit from a reduce list.

Resolve conflicts any way you like, including killing the participants, or negotiate or intimidate your way to peaceful resolutions. It's up to you.

The quests are your still kill x, find y, take it to z, sort of quests, but the world is vibrantly colored, and different ports nicely delineated, with many different destinations available. And your quests will likely take you across the system multiple times.

Furthermore, there are two DLCs with additional quest lines you can follow.

It is a must-play for for fans of Fallout 3, FNV, or 4.
317 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 14:31
With all pros and cons about this game you may read in other comments I must say...this game is boring. Itemisation is boring, it's like a loot shooter, but you won't find anything super unique, old same items with higher level, or new colors. Exploration is boring, you have seen one place, you have seen them all, this is a common problem that “semi open world” can suffer, it can become too generic, even special quest places feel that way. Character development is boring, it seems like something interesting in the first place, but it fails to present any depth as the game go one. Quests are super boring, go to place x, kill thing x, get item x. every single time. So at first glance, the game seems to show some promise, but after a few hours it's gonna become uninspiring and too generic.
650 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
4129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 09:02
The Fallout influence is obvious, but the setting feels more like Borderlands, all mega corporations and capitalist greed and there is a nice Firefly vibe as you assemble the crew for your ship. Game mechanics are maybe a bit predictable and uninspired but ultimately it's another well made and entertaining RPG from Obsidian.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 14:17
The videos and images make this game look and sound like an open world many choice video game, but really this game has not many choices and if you make the wrong choice the game will try to kill you. So the game makes you follow what it wants you to do with the game and it will kill you or make it impossible. I made one accidental choice my first time playing and I had to restart because I couldn't go anywhere without being instantly killed by the game. This game is no fun and I do not recommend this to anyone.
126 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 02:56
It's like they got the finest ingredients to bake a beautiful and delicious cake. But failed on the execution. Pacing is weird. Combat is dull (played on hard). Story was sleeper. I haven't done the dlc yet. But it's a worthy game if you get it on sale. I wanted to love it. But it's just ok. Which is fine at a discount.
125 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 08:51
Lot's of fun! Played this because I really enjoyed Fall Out New Vegas but Fall Out 4 wasn't my cup of tea. This game really scratched that itch for me, I enjoyed the characters, being able to play the game however I felt and really feeling like I was shaping my character and the world around me with my choices and interactions. I would definitely recommend this game to others.
241 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 12:20
Wide as a sea, deep as a kiddie's pool.

It has potentials, but wasted it.
525 Produkte im Account
285 Reviews
2185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 04:21
I am surprised and impressed by this game. Having read a lot of negative things written about the Outer Worlds. Some of them are true. Overall this game was a ton of fun. The combat A.I. isn't that great. The facial emotions on the A.I. and companion's faces are lack luster in general. The graphics are pretty good. The rings and planets are beautiful. I really liked the story and the ending. I will be playing this again. I skipped past the dlc stories. Even the dlc missions seem very interesting. The music in the game was pretty good. Sadly this game is not worth full price. The Outer Worlds is better too be had for : $25 and less for all editions. Looking forward too the next game in the series. If they ever decide what the hell they want to do in terms of story. Hopefully the next game has better facial animations. The next game really needs more places to go and see. Multiple galaxies. After finishing the dlc in the future, an extended review will be posted as well.
205 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
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1712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 08:04
This is THE definition of a -meh- game. It tries at so much, yet it excels at none of them

There is a lot on my mind about this one, but I`ll make a summary about its pros and cons just to make it tidy:

+Good characters, character design, voice acting, and everything else revolving around the characters .
+Decent story, yet overall shallow in details
+Good world building with lost of side lore to uncover via exploration
+Very fast loading times even without a SSD

-Short for its price (around 20 hours to finish the main campaign, which is really low for an open world RPG, even if you do almost all side quests like I did)
-Small maps, and overall small amount of maps (there are only 2 medium sized maps and the rest are smaller ones, and all of them combined are under 10 maps)
-No weapon variety (you have a pistol, revolver, assault rifle, shotgun and a chain gun/flamethrower. They are all copy-pasted throughout the game with just different elements and stats, but they do the same thing)
-Modifications are dumb. Most of them consist of making your gun do another type of element or increase weapon accuracy. But, all weapons are so accurate (100% to be exact), these buffs make no difference.
-Armors are also designed badly. You have a few variations - a light stealthy armor, medium tech armor or heavy duty armor. And they all have the same stats all around. I ended up using the same armor for most of the game just because the same armor is copy pasted throughout the game. At max level, wearing an armor with 80+ armor points, you will still find the same armor with less than 10 armor points you could loot from the first enemy you killed. What is the point of leveling then, if your guns and armor mostly stay the same?
-Weapon elements are pointless. You have shock (good vs machines), Plasma (good vs armor), Corrosion (guess) and the 4th type that I read about, but never found a gun that does that kind of damage. I don`t even know what its called, but I only have seen one enemy use that 4th element, but since enemies have a random chance of dropping their weapons, It never got into my hands to test it out.
-Story choices don`t really matter. You go from planet A to planet B, find a new faction, do stuff for them, find a second faction on the same planet, do stuff for them too, and then you have to choose who to ally yourself with and make the other one your enemy. its the same over and over again, even if you are given an illusion of choice.
-Graphics are very bad. I encountered a lot of texture problems, lighting problems etc. You will be going through a lot of wilderness, but you will mostly just be seeing rocks, static plants and copy pasted groups of animals (there are only 4 types of non-human enemies, so that is also a big downside).
-I got stuck in terrain a lot of times, and It did feel as like this game was not tested a lot, because most of these times I got stuck inside of hub areas.
-Music is almost non-existent, and the atmosphere is unnoticeable. Also, I kid you not, but I think they used a track from Borderlands 2 and copied it here. If you are a fan of B2, you will most likely find it weird to hear the same thing from another game here, without being an easter egg. Or it is similar to it. Way too similar.
-Bad difficulty options. Even playing on hard was a joke. I finished the game with over 15000 bullets left and over 200 health potions and 100 consumables left. No, I did not horde them, I used them frequently, but the game just gives you way too much to make it a challenge.
-There are no bosses. There are `bad guys`, but not a single boss fight. How can you make and RPG without a boss fight? What in the hell?

Overall, I cannot recommend this game. It had a strong start, good characters, world building, story progression, and then you start to realize that you are spending 90% of the time just exploring empty buildings and doing random side/faction/companions quests to make for and empty space between the main story quests.

Final conclusion: 6/10
Get it on -50% or bigger sale if you really want, but I would rather play an old game for the 10th time than this for the second. A large flop from the Obsidian team.

355 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
3132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 13:25
The Outer Worlds is a great game at doing what Obsidian wants to do at their core: deliver a thoughtful, character and world-driven experience with player utility to resolve conflicts in the way that they so choose. There is a reasonably good skill and perk system set up to support this, as well as faction reputations, NPC party members that engage with events occurring around them, and cohesive follow up to branching story outcomes.

It's clear that Obsidian was unable to appeal to the masses with older school interfaces as were found in Pillars of Eternity, so wanted to lean into their recent highlight when they were subcontracted to make Fallout: New Vegas, which very successfully married the more accessible features of Bethesda's first person engine to the stronger world building and story beats that Obsidian brings to the table. Unfortunately, these guys aren't so great at the shooty game mechanic stuff, so the combat feels disconnected and tacked on. The constant meaningless equipment and item churn ends up being a distraction from what makes the game shine, and the overall game experience suffers a bit for it.

Fortunately, Obsidian are strong game designers and otherwise scale everything so that you can enjoy the best of what they have to offer, rather than dragging you through endlessly long, repetitive dungeons or throwing daily quests at you in the hopes of dragging out the playtime of what is already a reasonably long game. Now that they and Bethesda are under the same corporate control, one can only hope that their focus and restraint can be reapplied to the Fallout series to pull it back from the jumbled mashup of the worst of mobile season pass grind and Minecraft build bloat that it has oozed into today. The satire of The Outer Worlds doesn't hit quite as hard as Fallout, but the strong character work and surprisingly laugh out loud humor fortunately makes this more than worth the time to play.
457 Produkte im Account
345 Reviews
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 17:53

⚖️ Grade = B. Worth a buy, if you enjoy freedom salvage item from planet to planet. However, if you're looking for action pack scene, it doesn't have


✔️ Variety of skill: Melee weapon, Ranged weapon, Hack, Lockpick, Medical, Leadership
✔️ Skill affect conversation & consequences
✔️ Optional to be Good or Evil
✔️ Salvage in the large open world
✔️ Inventory managements
✔️ Modify, repair weapon & armor in the Workbench
❌ Cinematic Cutscene
❌ Charming characters
❌ Exciting quests

???? Long version checklist ➜ Reveal
???? Disagree, Criticize, Insult ➜ Write here

A+ 5-6 Loving it & needed more No Wait - -
A 3-4 Proud to having it right now No Wait -
B 2 You'll be half satisfied Wait 10%~49% - -
C 1 Lack of interest Wait 50%~90% -
D 0 Not what you need Wait 100% - -


???? 2019: Game released PS4, Xbox and Microsoft Windows
???? 2020: Game released on Steam
???? 2021: Playtest for a few hours and uninstalled


???? Game world timeline: Year 2320
???? No 3rd person camera view
???? Start-up taking a dead person identity to own the property
???? 75% of the conversation choice is just rude & unpolite tone
???? Many explosive barrels placed around the battlefield
???? Community Rating: Very Positive


⚠️ Enemies are just very basic scripted behavior ➜ True
⚠️ This game just feels hollow ➜ Happen when played too many years for such genre
⚠️ Every planet has the exact same enemies & animals ➜ Who have 84 hours saying this...


???? High quality graphic
???? Beautiful & artistic environment
???? A lot of quests and dialogues
???? A lot of items to manage
???? Character head customization
???? Many type of languages available

Thanks for reading, please ???? to support because writing all this is not a easy task, then:
???? Browse more similar reviews and follow this Curator, or
???? Visit our group to understand what culture we are
121 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 15:09
Diet Fallout: New Vegas at full fat price.

To be fair it also rips off Bioshock and Borderlands, with a F.E.A.R. slowdown ability and a very strange squad tactical combat mechanic but it's kept me coming back for more.
84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 16:09
Its not Fallout:New Vegas
84 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 14:38
Overall a great game. Great characters, especially the companions. The story is not bad and the world/atmosphere is verybeautiful and interesting. Loved the sarcastic humors as well. Can't wait to try the dlcs!
195 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
2417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 04:46
It's basically Fallout in space mixed with Borderlands type artwork and humor.

They managed to improved on the companion system found in earlier RPG's like Fallout 3-4. It's totally viable to just run and have your companions kill everything. A very interesting game with many viable classes and ways to play.

I don't really have any negatives. I hope for a sequel.

Just buy the game.
197 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 19:02
I would call this a generic RPG, don't get me wrong it is done well. It has all the necessary mechanics and they are polished, mechanically this game is very good. However it lacks a certain spark, it lacks a soul if you will. While playing the game I was initially interested in the story, but I quickly became bored with it, I never felt attached to the characters, everything felt generic and not immersive. The side quests, armors and weapons feel bland and uninteresting, not once have I found an armor that I would call cool and nice looking... Same goes for the weapons.
I am really on the fence about this one, however I give this one a negative score, because I finished it half way and I am not planing to pick it up again.
164 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 10:07
I really hope Obsidian expands this universe with more games. I would love to see a AAA title for the outer worlds. This game is great, but you can pretty much complete everything in 50 hours. The polish and love Obsidian put in this game is really what make it shine though.
169 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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2761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 01:00
Not really sure what's up with this game. The world building idea of a corporate heavy galaxy is very interesting, yet I was bored. Guns and armor were bland. Characters were forgettable. Locations were pretty interesting, but no enough so to keep me playing. What kept me playing was the hope it would get better later in the game. Then the game ended. So I guess it never got better. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
501 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 20:57
Really surprised at how good this game was. Good dialogue, music, companions, and environments. Wasn't a terribly long game which was nice since you didn't have to devote 200 hours to it like you would Fallout. Hope to see a Outer Worlds 2 in the future
125 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 14:58
Feels like a mix between Fallout: NV and Borderlands 2. If you played those, you will know what vibe I am thinking of. Great game overall.
86 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 19:19
Good things:
» Fun game.
» Lot's of action.
» Combat Is Fun.
» Open World
» Great voice acting and characters.
» I enjoyed the story and side quests.
» The visuals are gorgeous

» Sometimes gets laggy
24 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
8807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 08:29
I really enjoyed this game. It's not as re-playable as New Vegas, but it is worth a few play-throughs. I liked the humor, and surprisingly, I loved the charm. The combat is good, I found the weapon selection to be very limited. The story is original, and the companions are some of the best in any game I've played. If you are looking for a lighthearted, easy-going game, you might like this, maybe. I'm just some random dude. My opinion shouldn't be worth much to you. I don't know what you like. Nobody will read this anyway, I have wasted my time writing this review. I've wasted yours too, if you've read this far.
117 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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5087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 23:18
Come on, Obsidian, you're better than this.

The game is good, but not what i expect form Obsidian. It's rushed, buggy, poorly optimized, empty, and unfinished. Every planet has the exact same enemies (even the animals? lol what?) and the quests are all largely the same. Barely any models for items and objects, few weapons, an awful leveling system, boring companions, **extremely** boring and buggy combat, healing is joke, a lack of customization and more. The UI is AWFUL. I would love to be able to open doors without being forced to reload, or be able to read text. No buy back in shops, how could you miss something so simple?

The bones are here, but it needs a lot of flesh.

7/10 - any other developer.
2/10 - based on what i expected from Obsidian.
413 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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3359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 02:42
While not inherently a bad game, The Outer Worlds is... exceedingly average.

The only area where I felt the game excelled was in it’s dialogue which I found more entertaining than most interactions in similar RPGs. Everything else was, as mentioned, average at best. Combat is basic and repetitive, with a lack of meaningful weapon upgrades, and a complete void of even the most basic throwable weapons like a grenade. The world is also surprisingly linear for an Open World game, with only a handful of notable places to visit, and in my opinion seemingly very little reason to explore too far from the main quest.

The game also falls short in the story, which seemed to be building into something quite interesting before suddenly ending quite abruptly.
49 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 00:31
Asthma Simulator 2019

Not a bad game, but it's extremely overpriced, for the little weapon variety and small amount of content it offers.

The character design is also pretty lackluster. Most of the female characters looks like the Adoring Fan from Oblivion.

Bought it on a 50% sale and I feel ripped off.
142 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 13:51
Fun adventure with loads of options on how to approach things, depending on your playstyle. The worldbuilding was great, with lots of tiny details that help immerse you hidden all over Halcyon, making the story one that grabbed me and made me really care about the characters I interacted with. And for those who care, the game looks good too. They found a nice balance between a cartoony and realistic look.
1691 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
3681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 23:50
No one is going to read this, so I'll make it quick. This is a solid game with good controls, very few bugs, a decent story with solid writing, and enough variety to stay interesting. I ended up buying the DLC. I like the game well enough to spend some added dough.
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 16:29
5/10 buy on sale only.
-The storyline goes downhill after act 1. Few sidequests, short dialogue, Act 3 felt very empty.
This feels like an extended DEMO, not a full game.
-Felt like loot and weapon variety had little to nothing, most guns are just V 2.0 or V 3.0 of the same gun.
-Companion skills don't actually pause the game, so it can get you killed, since you have to watch the animation every time while enemies shoot.
-Constant freezes, which only seem to freeze you, but not the bullets flying at you, making HARD game mode a masochistic loading screen.
-Armour did NOTHING on harder difficulty. Enemies will 2-3 shot you anyways,
-Most skills unlocked no alternative ways to finish quests or alter dialogue options after Act 1
-Most Perk points gave only simple statistics ( like +5 armour or +10% damage) and felt pointless.
-Every time you talk to an NPC you'd have to wait for textures to finish loading in. This varied from 5s to a whole minute and was constant.
-Important dialogue always felt like choosing between (Good option)(Neutral option)(Evil option) in every case.
-You'd think that the different planets and stations would be different and unique, but everything just looks generally the same.

-Beautiful voice acting,
-Very enjoyable atmosphere
472 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
1747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 16:41
The art style and the dialogue are what make The Outer Worlds interesting. Beyond that, it is a fairly run-of-the-mill first-person adventure game. It seems like a game you've played before but with a different theme. To that extent I might say it is unoriginal and maybe even a bit boring, but perhaps that is unfair given that I am quite enjoying playing it, but not that much. Mostly it just feels a bit shallow.

The missions are well scripted and the voice acting lifts things to another level, but the characters you meet all look a bit 'off the peg' if you know what I mean in terms of body proportions. The landscapes are quite pretty to look at, but the level of detail is not that fine and the areas you can explore are somewhat limited compared to a truly open-world game. It is very colourful and in fact the landscapes are a bit unconvincing in some ways, even though the unusual colours add to the impression of an alien environment. Unfortunately, it's so busy with colours and movement in the foliage that it is quite hard to notice things.

My biggest complaint about The Outer Worlds is probably something which could be directed at the genre rather than this game specifically. That is how it encourages you to search for loot all the time. I spend the majority of time in the game compulsively checking hidden corners for one of the bright yellow bins which contain all manner of useless junk. At least you can see when they've been opened. When rifling through the pockets of corpses, you're never quite sure if you've checked before, given the mounds of bodies lying around the place. There is actually a shortcut which enables you to sell all your junk with a single button press. This helps to whittle down the amount of luggage you have to haul slightly, but there are so many other things not classed as actual junk that the encumbrance limit is quickly reached. After that, you can only move at a slow stroll. The truth is, you don't actually need any of this stuff apart from armour, weapons and hacking tools. All the food, drink, medicines etc raise your stats slightly, but they generally have a short duration.

Before going into combat, you are supposed to eat an apple, drink a bottle of vodka, inject some stimulants and put on a special hat to improve your chances of not dying slightly. Given how easy the combat is and that it is usually over almost as soon as it has started, there's really no point unless you want to interrupt the flow because the modification of your stats is barely noticeable and it causes you to panic in combat having invested so much time preparing for the fight.

After a fight has begun, your companions have a habit of charging forward to engage the enemy in melee combat, which blocks your line of sight if you are using ranged weapons. I decided to set my companions' combat stance to 'passive' to stop them taking all my kills and blocking my weapons. This resulted in them standing with their back to the enemy and stopping them charging towards me to attack me in melee while I was able to pick them off with a pistol. I also found frequently that I could provoke combat by shooting enemies with my sniper rifle at long range. They would charge towards me right across the map, start fighting me and then inexplicably turn around and run away back where they came from (only with their health fully restored). I have seen this sort of thing before, but it was quite immersion breaking because it happened with regularity and caused combat to break off mid fight, even though the enemy had run probably half a mile to get there. It suggests that the range of sniper rifles is almost exactly the same as the maximum range for a particular mob's pre-defined movement radius.

I would like to compare The Outer Worlds with Bioshock because I think that was a similar game but the in-game items were much more useful and had a far more important impact, changing up the gameplay in interesting ways. There is a great variety of weapons and armour in The Outer Worlds, so many in fact that you probably won't even get time to use two thirds of them. That would be okay if the game had replay value or multiplayer, but it doesn't. In the Outer Worlds, your space-ship acts as your home, so you can stash loot there or anywhere else you care to, but it's easier to sell or break down your loot at vending machines and workbenches. The optional perk to Fast-Travel while encumbered is a blessing, but only serves to support the collecting/hoarding instinct of most players.

On the point about collecting useless junk, it's also exceptionally easy to steal in the game. You can be clanking around in a shop wearing a space-suit, then walk behind the counter and provided the shopkeeper doesn't turn round and ask you what you are doing, then you can just strip the shelves of merchandise. Similarly, you can have an interaction with a very sympathetic character who you decide to help out of a sense of charity, but without thinking, you then pilfer their few meager possessions to sell for a couple of bits at the nearest vending machine. On the one hand you feel like if the game doesn't stop you doing it then it's okay. On the other hand, you can soon find yourself role-playing an amoral, murderous bandit with no respect for other peoples' property and an uncontrollable urge to steal and to hoard. You could decide to role-play the whole thing as an all round good person, not just someone forced to make ethical choices in the set-piece dialogues, but I can't believe many people choose that path.

Philosophically, the game has some interesting concepts to wrestle with. It focuses on the unfortunate consequences of a corporate system which has become all encompassing and the struggle to overturn it. It makes for a thought-provoking story and I think that's the thing that stands out the most about the game and makes it worth playing. All I would say is, you might want to try playing it casually without worrying too much about getting the best armour and weapons or maximising your character's stats. Unfortunately, years of playing similar games makes the habit of endless looting difficult to kick, so you will need iron discipline to avoid just behaving like a rat in a maze.
387 Produkte im Account
266 Reviews
1500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 23:18
The Outer Worlds is a First Person Shooter featuring some Role Playing Game mechanics, which takes place in a sci fi/western setting, and was developed by Obsidian, who previously released games such as Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny. After being awoken from cryogenic sleep, your character will be sent on a quest to save the rest of the people on your colony ship from an Evil Corporation.

The Good

• The difficulty balance is mostly fine on hard. As an experienced FPS player, I died a lot more than I expected to during the first couple of hours, but this was just because the starting weapons are trash. Once I found my first assault rifle, the combat became more enjoyable.

• During combat you can slow time for a few seconds to help improve your aim at distant targets.

• Enemies include Human soldiers/bandits, robots, and a few types of alien wildlife.

• When talking to NPCs you have dialogue choices, and a few quests allow you to support different factions.

• Levelling up non combat skills such as persuade, intimidate and lie will unlock more dialogue options.

• Voice acting is good.

• Controls are fully rebindable, and aiming the guns feels good with mouse and keyboard.

• I didn’t have any problems with bugs, crashes, or framerate.

• It took me 25 hours to finish the story and most of the side quests.

The Bad

• Main story was generic and boring. Having never met the frozen colonists, I was never given a reason to care about saving them other than my own feeling of “its the right thing to do”. Meanwhile, the whole “evil corporation who only cares about profit” thing has been done many times in the last few years.

• None of the characters were interesting or memorable, including NPCs and the recruitable companions.

• You can have two companions in your party, but their AI is really dumb. They get knocked out very quickly during combat, even if you give them the best armour, because they’ll just stand out in the open instead of taking cover. I quickly realised that the only reason to bring them with me is that, for the few seconds the enemies were shooting my companions, they’re not shooting me.

• Enemy AI is also unreliable. There were several occasions where, after an extended fire fight in outdoor locations, I’d look around and see a couple more enemies just standing in their guard positions, close enough that they should have been alerted to the sounds of battle.

• Ammunition is divided into heavy, light and energy, which means multiple weapons share the same ammo pools. For example assault rifles, grenade launchers and sniper rifles all use heavy ammo, while pistols, shotguns and miniguns all use light.

The Recommendation

The Outer Worlds isn’t a bad game, its just really average, and feels disappointing compared to the quality of Obsidian’s previous games. The main thought that kept popping into my head while playing was “this is a less exciting version of Borderlands”. Wait for a deep sale.
303 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
2188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 08:09
- It's a relatively short game for it's price.
- The story is pretty political which pretty much meant intrigue in the plot lines.
- The characters are not that memorable. The companion quests are too short and the interactions you can have with them are very much limited. Romance options would have been great.
- The dialogues are fun, there are several choices that branch out to different plot lines.
- There is a level cap which limits you to a certain build.

All in all: For the price... It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice! (Get it on sale)
292 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 18:00
223 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 17:45
Played it through the microsoft store with gamepass and ran fine. Runs even better i feel less stutter for me so far and still a gorgeous game. Worth it if its on sale for sure but having beaten it its too short to be a 60 dollar game..
1310 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 17:19
Game runs smoothly and I'm happy this released at $30 (i always wait for sales anyway, the 1 year wait wasn't noticed). Running on a i7-7700k and GTX 1080, 1440p high settings, and still clocking 120+ FPS. Even the small amount of time I've had so far has been enjoyable, seems really promising.
148 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 17:15
Played this before on Game Pass but did not buy it at the time. Really glad I waited to buy it since it launched on steam on sale.
As for the game itself, the gun play and combat is a little stiff and janky but that is not the main selling point of the game. The character building offers a lot of customization which is great. The dialogue in the game is hilarious and the companion characters can be pretty interesting. Some are a little boring but I enjoyed most of their side stories. This game is basically a spiritual successor to Fallout New Vegas without the classic Bethesda bugs, I mean features. It is just in space.
290 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 16:39
Go to hell Epic, Steam is where good games like this belong.
664 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 15:08
The Outer Worlds takes place in a solar system-wide colony ruled by corporate feudalism and filled with dark humor. Everywhere you look there’s a satirical slogan or crazy-eyed mascot,
a worker being treated as hilariously disposable, and oppressive propaganda and policies keeping everybody in line. In some ways it’s nice that the story doesn’t put a face on the evil
corporate Board that rules over this isolated colony until around two thirds of the way through the roughly 30-hour campaign – and even when they do they’re not all that menacing. On one hand, The Outer Worlds feels aimless for a long time, but on the other, that means the quest to help a mad-ish scientist revive your fellow colonists from hibernation sort of fades
into the background as you casually wander into the middle of morally gray local conflicts and pick winners and losers.
The first-person-only combat is definitely more on the Fallout side of the spectrum, but it distinguishes itself with a faster pace and more emphasis on precision aim.
Where Fallout’s VATS does the work of targeting an enemy’s weak point for you, The Outer Worlds’ tightly limited time-slowing ability rewards your good aim.
Score a headshot and you’ll blind an enemy; target their legs to slow them; hit them in the arms to reduce their attacks; target them dead-center with a sniper rifle to go for an execution.
Meanwhile, the loot and weapon modding system lets you spend cash to level up a favourite gun and keep pace with your progress, and change the damage type to specialise when going up against different enemies.
There weren't as many of these as I expected – I got a lot of the same low-value sites and barrels as I expected and few that proved worthwhile beyond that – but it at least gave me hope I'd run across something more potent.
It’s not as explorable as one big open world but it still packs in a large portion of flexible quests and conflicts within its series of smaller ones. And the combat, character, and companion systems have enough new spins on existing ideas to make it feel like an homage with its own personality rather than a copy.
4380 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 14:41
Follow my curator page to being updated on new releases

The best RPG of 2019 from the developers of iconic Fallout: New Vegas is finally on the best PC platform ever.
Screw you Epic and thank you for beta-test, we've waited long enough to play this masterpiece.

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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
85.53% 11444 1936
Release:25.10.2019 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Obsidian Entertainment Vertrieb: Private Division Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop
1 Prisoner hat dieses Spiel schon
68 Steam-Errungenschaften
Kein Handbuch vorhanden
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